An Adaptive Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Array Element Using Photonic Controls Randy L. Haupt Applied Research Laboratory Penn State University PO Box 40 State College, PA 16804 814-865-7299 x210 Abstract This paper shows how certain photoconductive materials can be used to design an adaptive array element with a center frequency of 2 GHz. The resonant frequency of the patch gradually shifts to a lower frequency as the conductivity off its gap filled with photonic material increases. The resulting increase in the reflection coefficient at the center frequency and decrease in gain acts as a continuous amplitude weight. This approach offers continuous variation of the conductive portions of the patch rather than an "on" or "off' approach offered by the switches. Varying the amplitude of the elements allows dynamic control over the array sidelobe levels. power of the array. It requires constraints on the hardware phase shifters, amplitude weights, or number of adaptive elements, so the desired signal is not nulled in the main beam. This approach has been implemented in a phase-only algorithm [4] and amplitude and phase adaptive nulling using a genetic algorithm [5]. The goal is to minimize the total output power while at the same time minimizing the perturbations to the main beam. Limiting the amount of controls by using a subset of all the elements or least significant bits of the weights prevents the algorithm from placing a null in the main beam and reducing the desired signal strength. TABLE OF CONTENTS This paper explores the use of photoconductive materials in the design of microstrip patch antennas for adaptive arrays. Making part of a patch antenna from photoconductive material allows the tuning of that element via an optical signal and hence controlling the reception of that signal at the element. Normally, the adaptive weights are digital amplitude and/or phase weights or the weights are applied in software if a digital beamformer is used. A patch design is optimized for control at 2 GHz. The patch consists of a rectangular perfect electric conductor (PEC) separated from a thin rectangular PEC section by a thin rectangular piece of silicon (see Figure 1). Five of these patches are placed in a linear array to demonstrate sidelobe control. Sidelobes are reduced through altering the conductivity of the small strip of silicon placed in the patch. 1. INTRODUCTION......................1 2. PATCH DESIGN......................1 ARRAY DESIGN...................... 3 ANTENNA 3. 4. CONCLUSIONS......................5 REFERENCES .....................5 BIOGRAPHY .....................6 1. INTRODUCTION Adaptive antennas have found use in many wireless applications. An adaptive antenna has the ability to change its antenna pattern in order to enhance reception of a desired signal while minimizing undesired signals. The antenna patterns are manipulated by controlling the amplitude and/or phase of the signals received at each element in the array. Various antenna configurations and adaptive algorithms are outlined in the literature [1]. 2. PATCH DESIGN A simple pin-fed rectangular microstrip patch serves as the Hardware requirements for an adaptive antenna can be quite expensive. The most elegant signal processing algorithms require a receiver at each element with an associated calibration scheme. These approaches are derivatives of the Applebaum adaptive loop [2] and the least mean square (LMS) algorithm [3]. Signals from the elements are used to form a covariance matrix from which the adaptive weights are derived. Another approach minimizes the total output starting point for this adaptive element. The majority of the patch is made from a PEC with a small portion made from photonic material with variable conductivity. There are several different types of materials whose conductivity can be changed using an electrical signal. Conductive electroactive polymers, such as polypyrroles and polyanilines, have a conductivity that is proportional to an 1 1-4244-1488-1/08/$25.00 C 2008 IEEE. IEEEAC paper paper# 1 184, Version 3, Updated 15 Nov 2007 1 coordinate system is centered on the patch. The pin-feed is located at x = 7.6 mm. applied electric potential. Conducting polymeric materials have controllable conductivity at microwave frequencies [6]. A small dc potential applied across a poly(aniline)silver-polymer electrolyte composite changes its conductivity. These materials have been incorporated into a Salisbury screen to alter the radar cross section of large surfaces [7]. Organic photoconductors have been used in photocopying for many years [8]. They were not used in circuit design due to the low conductivity. Recent advances in increasing the conductivity of organic photoconductors have become popular for use in plastic circuits [9]. Sheets of single wall carbon nanotubes have been designed to exhibit photoconductivity. They are not yet practical to use in circuits though [10]. Probably the most common type of variable conductive material is silicon. Silicon has a relative permittivity of £r = 11.7 and an electrical conductivity that varies from an insulator to a good conductor, depending upon the intensity of the optical source or the biasing current. Silicon is used in the manufacture of many different types of electronic devices, as well as photo voltaic cells. It has been used to reconfigure dipole antennas [11] as well as electromagnetic bandgap surfaces [12]. Other applications include a reconfigurable Fresnel-zone plate antenna [13] and a reconfigurable reflectarray [14]. A graph of the amplitude of the return loss is shown in Figure 2 for the following conductivities: 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 S/m. At 2 GHz, there is a distinct resonance when the silicon has no conductivity. As the conductivity increases, the resonance at 2 GHz transitions to a new resonance near 1.78 GHz. As a result, the s1l at 2 GHz increases from zero to 0.9. The amount of power delivered to the patch at 2 GHz reduces as the conductivity increases. Consequently, the photoconductive silicon acts as an amplitude control to that element. This amplitude control could be useful in receive array applications. Figure 3 shows the return loss as a function of conductivity at 2 GHz. Since the conductivity is directly related to the intensity of the optical source, then increasing the optical intensity decreases the signal at the patch. In effect, this configuration is an optically controlled attenuator built into the patch element. CST Microwave Studio [15] performs the simulations in this paper. It uses the finite integration technique (FIT) with the perfect boundary approximation and a multilevel subgridding scheme. The time domain approach covered a frequency band from 1.7 to 2.3 GHz. The microstrip patch model is shown in Figure 1. It consists of a main rectangular patch made from a PEC that is 58.7 x 39.4 mm. The substrate is a slab of optically transparent fused quartz with Er = 3.78 backed by a PEC groundplane. The substrate is 88.7x69.4mm and is 3 mm thick. To the right of the patch is a thin strip of silicon (G) 58.7x2mm with Er = 11.7 . To the right of the silicon is another thin strip of PEC (F) 58.7x 4.2 mm. An optical source illuminates the bottom of the small rectangular sliver of silicon from below. A laser or LED beneath the groundplane can illuminate the silicon through small holes in the groundplane or by making the groundplane from a transparent conductor, such as indium tin oxide [16]. Increasing the optical source intensity increases the silicon conductivity, thus promoting the flow of current from the main patch to the small rectangle. Enlarging the patch lowers the resonant frequency. 0 in 7.6 mm I Figure 1. Diagram of the adaptive patch. 1(} 0,41I- 000)SAIIn . The dimensions for the patch and the location of the feed point were found using the numerical optimization algorithm in CST Microwave Studio. The optimization was initially done assuming the silicon has zero conductivity. The patch was designed to be resonant at 2 GHz. The length of the main patch and the location of the feed point along the x-axis were optimized to minimize at 2 GHz. The L75 1 .8 1.85 L9 1 .95 fteqtwncy (GHz) 2 205 21 Figure 2. Plots of the magnitude of s1l for silicon conductivities of 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 S/m. |s11i 2 if z (8 t 2. Su22 3.69 O.6 IH9 2A46 1-at 123 U1. g1 W614 OA9 a ( a........ _= 200 4001 600 conldLiclvlitv (SAin) Soo 100) !M Figure 3. Plot of the magnitude of s11 versus conductivity at 2 GHz. A three dimensional view of the antenna pattern is shown in Figure 4. The peak gain is 5.22 or 7.22 dB. Orthogonal cuts of the element pattern are shown in Figure 5. The gain and pattern are typical of a rectangular microstrip patch. Figure 4 Plot of the linear antenna gain at 2 GHz when v= 0 . The peak gain is 5.22. l 0 1'""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""' The first attempt at an adaptive patch did not have the small PEC to the right of the silicon strip. This configuration did not allow a large change in s 1 with a small change in conductivity, because the resonance did not move far from 2 GHz. + The signal strength received by an element is a function of the element gain and the s1l. Consequently the received signal is proportional to the gain times the power not reflected by the element mismatch. Figure 6 is a plot of the gain times the portion of power not reflected (1-_s2). Significant attenuation is possible with modest increases in silicon conductivity. 0 -80 ,40 60 SO Figure 5. Graphs of the element gain patterns (dB) for 0=0 and 0=90'. 3. ANTENNA ARRAY DESIGN The next step places these adaptive elements in a small array. A five element linear array of the photoconductive patches is shown in Figure 7. The spacing between elements is 75 mm or 0.51Z. If the silicon insets all have a conductivity of zero, then the array is uniform with a far field pattern shown in Figure 8. This quiescent pattern has a gain of 12.81 dB and a relative peak sidelobe level of 13.84 dB. ... The element patterns of the uniform array are shown in Figure 9. The average gain of these patterns at boresight is 6.14 dB. This average gain is over 1 dB less than the isolated element pattern. Mutual coupling also flattens the gain patterns and adds a ripple due to the finite length of the 2 20 40 60 conductivity (S/ii) 80) lot Figure 6. Plot of the magnitude of s1l times patch gain versus conductivity at 2 GHz. array. 3 Illuminating the silicon at each element with a different optical intensity produces a conductivity taper across the array. Increasing the conductivity of the silicon in a patch decreases the product of the patch gain times the power delivered to the patch. Thus, the conductivity taper induces an amplitude taper. An array pattern with equal sidelobes results when the conductivity has values of [16 5 0 5 16] S/m. The corresponding antenna pattern is shown in Figure 10. It has a gain of 10.4 dB and a peak relative sidelobe level 23.6 dB below the main beam. The element patterns have different gain patterns (Figure 11) than those of the uniform array. The gain of the elements with the silicon illuminated goes down as predicted. The general element pattern shape also changes slightly due to the change in coupling. I ,4n I I5V I.... I qiall LSflt 10ii qddsepI --. . Figure 7. A five element linear array of photoconductive patches. 4 OL I --80 (60 40 20 0 20 O (degrL4s) 40 60 80 Figure 10. The quiescent pattern is the dashed line and has all the conductivities set to 0. The adapted pattern is the solid line and has the silicon conductivities set to [16 5 0 5 16] S/m. -W -20 I 10 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 4( 60 SO Figure 8. Far field pattern of a five element uniform array. 10 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'0 = ~~~~~~0 (d e,. Xes N 60t 0 0 -80 -|6)0 -40 -20 0 n (dege s) 20 40 60 Figure 9. The element patterns of the quiescent numbers correspond to the elements in Figure 7. 40 20 0 20 4 Figure 11. The element patterns of the array that has the silicon conductivities set to [16 5 0 5 16] S/m. The numbers correspond to the elements in Figure 7. A linear conductivity taper of [16 8 0 8 16] S/m reduces the inner sidelobes even farther. The resulting antenna pattern in Figure 12 has a gain of 10.14 dB and a first sidelobe level of 24 dB below the peak of the main beam. The 10 -15t 60 .. so 80 array. The 4 1lfRE,1 corresponding element patterns appear in Figure 13. The increased conductivity at elements 2 and 4 reduced their gains. Altering the conductivity at certain elements changes the array pattern. It would be possible to switch the pattern between uniform with high gain and low sidelobe with lower gain depending upon the interference present. It would also be possible to use an adaptive algorithm to adjust the conductivity of the patches to reject interference entering certain sidelobes. Figure 14 demonstrates the effects on the array pattern of varying the conductivity at element 2 from 0 to 500 S/m while keeping the conductivity at the other elements at 0 S/m. Sidelobes and nulls are changed, but the gain remains relatively unchanged. The minimum of s1l of element 2 moves to below 1.8 GHz when its conductivity is 500 S/m. The minimum of s1l of elements 1, 3, and 4 occur at about 1.98 GHz, while The minimum of s1l of elements 5 stays at 2.0 GHz. 15 5 0 -1 5 -0 60 40 20 o I 0 SIMu. X (J 010 451.5 ss X Fl !,4, This work was sponsored by Army CECOM under contract N00024-02-D-6604 DO-295. 11 \ 11 --|| REFERENCES [1] R.A. Monzingo and T.W. Miller, Introduction to Adaptive Arrays, Raleigh, NC: SciTech Publishing, Inc., 2003. 1 . %n, '1. \.\.. -20 0 20 0 (d1eeL) 40 ......................................... 0 rr.................... XY" -40 20 much. Also, optimization would produce a lower maximum sidelobe level. Adding more elements to the array would reduce the effects of errors and allow lower sidelobe levels. Extensions to planar arrays are also possible. X A\ 'd X ., j,.'S.\ -60 0 Optimizing the conductivity taper would make it more efficient, so the main beam gain would not be reduced so h, M \ 1so =20 This paper shows how to control the signal strength received by a patch antenna by altering the conductivity of part of the patch. Photoconductive elements can be used to place an amplitude taper on a linear array to lower the sidelobe level. This paper demonstrated the photoconductive element concept through computer modeling. The relative peak relative sidelobe level of a five element array was lowered by about ten dB through a linear conductivity taper. S->b-b \ i; 40 ...... 4. CONCLUSIONS 0 20 0 (:degJeg) .>^s^xt.--ss, 4-0 S6i0 ............. Figure 14. The array patterns associated with varying the conductivity at element 2 from 0 to 500 S/m. - t.1 01H MI O Figure 12. The quiescent pattern is the dashed line and has all the conductivities set to 0. The adapted pattern is the solid line and has the silicon conductivities set to [16 8 0 8 16] S/m. 1Ol Xfm 60 [2] S.P. Applebaum, "Adaptive arrays," Syracuse University Research Corporation Report SPL TR 66-1, Aug 1966. 80 Figure 13. The element patterns of the array that has the silicon conductivities set to [16 8 0 8 16] S/m. The numbers correspond to the elements in Figure 7. [3] B. Widrow, et al., "Adaptive antenna systems," IEEE Proc., Vol. 55, No. 12, Dec 1967, pp. 2143-2159. 5 ,,,,,,,, [4] C. A. Baird and G. G. Rassweiler, "Adaptive sidelobe nulling using digitally controlled phase-shifters," IEEE AP Trans., Vol 24, No. 5, pp. 638-649, Sep 76. BIOGRAPHY Randy Haupt is an IEEE Fellow and Head Department of Computational Electromagnetics and Senior Scientist at the Penn State Applied Rwsearch Laboratory. He has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan, MS in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University, MS in Engineering Management from Western New England College, and BS in Electrical Engineering from the USAF Academy. He was Professor and Department Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Utah State University from 1999-2003. He was a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the USAF Academy and Professor and Chair of Electrical Engineering at the University of Nevada Reno. In 1997, he retired as a Lt. Col. in the USAF. Dr. Haupt was a project engineer for the OTH-B radar and a research antenna engineer for Rome Air Development Center. He was the Federal Engineer of the Year in 1993 and is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, URSI Commission B, and Electromagnetics Academy. He served on the board of directors for the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society and is on the IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society Administrative Committee. He has many journal articles, conference publications, and book chapters on antennas, radar cross section and numerical methods and is co-author of the book Practical Genetic Algorithms, 2 ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2004 and Genetic Algorithms in Electromagnetics, John Wiley & Sons, 2007. He has eight patents in antenna technology. [5] R.L. Haupt and H.L. Southall, "Experimental adaptive nulling with a genetic algorithm," Microwave Journal, vol. 42, no. 1, Jan 99, pp. 78-89. [6] P.V. Wright,, "Progress in smart microwave materials and structures," Smart Mater. Struct. Jun 2000, 9, (3), pp. 273-279. [7] B. Chambers, "Surfaces with adaptive radar reflection coefficients," Smart Mater. Struct., Oct 1997, 6, (5), pp. 521-529. [8] S. Forrest, P. Burrows, and M. Thompson, "The dawn of organic electronics," IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 37, No. 8, Aug 2000, pp. 29-34. [9] S.K. Moore, "Just one word plastics," IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 39, No. 9, Sep 2002, pp. 55-59. [10] S. Lu and B. 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