Signal Distortion in Multibeam Broadband Active Transmit Arrays with Time Domain Beamsteering Randy L. Haupt and Manoja Weiss Ball Aerospace Westminster, CO, USA Abstract—An 8 beam planar phased array can transmit 8 signals in 8 different directions. The array is assumed to have 8 corporate feeds. The signal transmitted by a beam consists of the desired signal that is coherently combined from all the elements plus small amounts from the other 7 signals. These other signals distort the desired signal. This paper shows examples of these distortions. I. outputs from the appropriate TDUs are combined and sent to the corresponding elements to be transmitted. Each element is assumed to have a cosθ element pattern. The normalized far field pattern with the 8 beams labelled is shown by the u-v plot at 10 GHz in Figure 2. INTRODUCTION One of the advantages of a phased array antenna in a communications system is the ability to generate multiple beams [1]. Each of the beams can transmit different signals at different carrier frequencies. If the array is broadband, then either the signals and/or the difference between the highest and lowest carrier frequencies are large. Signals between the beams may interfere with each other much like intersymbol interference (ISI). The signal in one main beam may be contaminated through signals in the sidelobes and/or main beam of the other beams. Making the beams orthogonal is not a practical solution. Figure 1. Diagram of a corporate fed multibeam array. Intermodulation products generated by power amplifiers in an active phased array radiate unintended beams when phase shifters are used to scan [2] [3] [4] [5]. Using time delay units instead of phase shifters avoids any frequency squint in the main beams. This paper shows the signal distortion resulting from the interactions between the multiple beams. The broadband planar array has 8 beams transmitting 8 different signals at the same carrier frequencies. The binary phase shift keying (BPSK) signals in the far field main beam show significant distortion from the intended transmitted signals. III. BROADBAND MULTIBEAM ARRAY MODEL Assume that a 10x10 element multibeam communications array transmits 8 different signals in 8 directions. The array scans a 45 degree cone over a frequency range of 8 to 12 GHz. It has a square grid with an element spacing of 1.46 cm. The BPSK signals have a data rate of 300 bps. Figure 1 is a diagram of the feed network for the 100 element planar array. There are 8 signals for the 8 beams. Each beam is split 100 different ways and sent to a total of 800 time delay units (TDUs) that steer the beams. Next, the 978-1-4673-0462-7/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE Figure 2. Array pattern in u-v space at f=10 GHz. IV. SIGNAL DISTORTION EXAMPLE An example of the BPSK signal transmitted by this array on a 10 GHz carrier is shown in Figure 3. The eight signals receive an appropriate time delay for each of the 100 elements in the array. The 8 time delayed signals are combined prior to the element. Examples of the signals at 6 of the 100 elements are shown in Figure 4. Combining the 8 signals that have different bit streams results in a composite signal that has a time varying amplitude envelope with an amplitude as high as 8 if they all add in phase. GHz, but each signal could have a different carrier frequency over a wide bandwidth. Also, this example assumed that the BPSK signals were not orthogonal. Figure 3. Example of a BPSK signal. Figure 5. Far field signals in each beam. Figure 4. Signal at elements 1, 11, 22, 33, 44, and 55. REFERENCES The composite signals at each element radiate to form 8 different beams. Figure 5 shows the signal radiated in the far field by each of the 8 beams. These signals are distorted representations of the desired transmit signals. The amplitude distortion results from sidelobe and main beam interference from the other beams, as well as interference between the different signals. This distortion does not include intermodulation products generated by nonlinearities in the power amplifiers or channel distortion. The dynamic range of the signals at each element determines the dynamic range of the power amplifiers. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] IV. CONCLUSIONS The beams of a multibeam array are in general not orthogonal, so they may interact in such a way as to cause an amplitude modulation on a constant envelope BPSK signal. The example presented used the same carrier frequency at 10 A. Jacomb-Hood and E. Lier, "Multibeam active phased arrays for communications satellites," IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol.1, no.4, pp.40-47, Dec 2000. W.A. Sandrin, “Spatial distribution of intermodulation products in active phased array antennas,” IEEE AP-S Trans. 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