Broadband Focusing Using Aperture-Coupled Microstrip Patch Antenna Arrays Payam Nayeri, Atef Z. Elsherbeni, and Randy L. Haupt EECS, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 Abstract—A new design for a broadband focused planar array using aperture-coupled stacked patches is presented. The array has a Dolph-Tschebyscheff amplitude taper. Mutual coupling is compensated by using the active scattering matrix. A 4×4 focused planar array antenna having a bandwidth of 26.5% is demonstrated. Index Terms—Antenna arrays, broadband, focused array, microstrip antenna, mutual coupling. I. INTRODUCTION Focused antennas concentrate the radiated power at a point in the near field [1]. These antennas have numerous applications in remote (non-contact) sensing, radar, medicine, and imaging systems, and therefore have received a great deal of attention over the years [2, 3]. While many different types of antennas, such as reflectors, lenses, and arrays, can be focused; arrays have the highest degree of design freedom, and thus have received the most attention. In addition, phase and amplitude control at the elements allows for a movable focal point through electrical signals rather than mechanical movement. Many applications of focused antennas requires a wide bandwidth, and while microstrip arrays are typically considered to be the favorite choice, the bandwidth of these arrays is usually quite narrow [2, 3]. In this work we present a new design for broadband focused arrays using a stacked patch aperture coupled configuration. A two-dimensional DolphTschebyscheff amplitude taper lowers the side-lobe levels. Mutual coupling compensation based on the active scattering matrix is implemented to ensure that the desired phase and amplitude taper is realized. Moreover, the importance of mutual coupling compensation in small focused array antennas is delineated by studying the near electric fields of the array for compensated and uncompensated excitations. A 4×4 focused planar array with a 26.5% bandwidth, achieving good focusing properties is demonstrated. II. DESIGN OF THE BROADBAND FOCUSED MICROSTRIP PATCH ARRAY Microstrip antenna technology has been the most rapidly developing topic in the antenna field in the last few decades [4]. Owing to their low cost, low mass, low profile, and conformability, microstrip patch antennas have found numerous applications in high-performance microwave systems over the years. While the classical microstrip antenna is inherently narrowband, many broadband techniques have been developed over the years to overcome this primary barrier. Amongst these techniques, the aperture coupled stacked patch configuration [5], not only yields a wide bandwidth, but it also provides the advantage of isolating spurious feed radiation through the use of common ground plane. This feature is particularly desirable for microstrip patch arrays, and thus selected here. The array is designed for X-band operation. The isolated element patch model in Ansys HFSS [6] is depicted in Fig. 1 (a). The dimensions of the top and bottom patch are 6.5×3.5 mm2, and 8.6×5.4 mm2, respectively. The dielectric substrates used for this design are 62 mils Rogers 5880, and 120 mils Rogers 6002, for the top and bottom layers, respectively. The slot has a length of 6.5 mm. Microwave power is coupled through this slot to the stacked patch antenna, by a microstrip transmission line. The E- and H-plane patterns at 10 GHz, obtained by Ansys HFSS, are given in Fig. 1 (b). The far-field gain of the isolated array element is 7.14 dBi at 10 GHz. z x y (a) (b) Fig. 1. The aperture coupled stacked patch: (a) 3D model in Ansys HFSS, (b) isolated element pattern at 10 GHz (dashed is E-plane, solid is H-plane). In the next stage, we construct a 4×4 planar antenna array with an element spacing of 20 mm. The model of the array in Ansys HFSS is given in Fig. 2. To focus the radiated power of the antenna, the radiated waves from all elements of the array should add up in phase at the desired focusing point. The array is placed along the xy-plane; thus at a focusing distance F along the z-direction, the required phase shift for each element is obtained using ϕ n = 2π f c 2 2 2 F + x′n + y ′n , (1) where f is the center frequency. We select a focal distance of 80 mm, and assign a Dolph-Tschebyscheff amplitude taper to the elements in order to achieve low side-lobe levels in the near field of the antenna. It should be noted that in this setup, each element of the array is excited with a microstrip port. The input reflection coefficient for 4 elements on one quarter of the array (marked with a dashed square in Fig. 2) are given in Fig. 3, where it can be seen that this microstrip antenna array is matched over a 26.5% frequency band. z 4 x 2 y phase of each element is provided through time delay microstrip lines, and therefore are inherently adjusted at all frequencies. More discussion on the feed network for this array will be presented at the time of the conference. Fabrication and test of the prototype is also in progress. 3 2000 1 Fig. 2. 3D model of the microstrip array in Ansys HFSS. |Ex| (V/m) 0 -20 1000 |S11| |S | -30 22 500 0 |S | 33 -40 |S44| 9 10 11 Frequency (GHz) = (I + S ) −1 Vdesired , (2) which ensures that a proper excitation is assigned to each port. Here I is the identity matrix, S is the scattering matrix obtained by full-wave simulation, and Vdesired is the uncompensated amplitude and phase of the array element excitations [7]. z-axis (mm) An important consideration in antenna arrays is the effect of mutual coupling on the performance of the array [7]. In general for large arrays that don’t require exact patterns, this is less of an issue and typically mutual coupling effects are only included in the pattern computation. However when low sidelobes are required, or when the array is small, such as this case, mutual coupling effects must be compensated. Mutual coupling only changes the element excitation, not the shape of the current distribution on the element; thus one only has to determine the correct incident signal voltage vector (V+) to the array. To compensate for the mutual coupling in our design, the incident voltage vector is determined using + 150 Fig. 4. The magnitude of electric field along the focal line at 10 GHz. 12 Fig. 3. Input reflection coefficient magnitude of the array elements. V uncompensated compensated 50 100 z-axis (mm) 0 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 -50 -10 -20 0 50 y-axis (mm) z-axis (mm) dB -10 1500 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 -30 -50 100 0 -100 0 50 y-axis (mm) (a) (b) Fig. 5. The focused electric fields at 10 GHz in the yz-plane: (a) normalized |Ex| in dB, (b) phase of Ex in degrees. IV. CONCLUSIONS We present a new design for broadband focused planar array antennas. A stacked configuration of aperture coupled patches are used for the elements in order to achieve wide bandwidth, and a 4×4 array with 26.5% bandwidth is demonstrated. The importance of mutual coupling compensation in focused arrays is also investigated, and it is shown that by proper element excitation, the radiated nearfield power of the antenna can be increased. ACKNOWLEDGMENT III. FOCUSING PROPERTIES OF THE ANTENNA ARRAY In the previous section, detailed information on the construction of the focused array was presented. Here we study the focusing features of this design. As discussed earlier, mutual coupling compensation has a large impact on the performance of small arrays. To demonstrate the importance of this, we show the magnitude of the electric field along the zaxis in Fig. 4, for both uncompensated and compensated excitation. It can be seen that a notable improvement in peak near electric field magnitude is achieved, which is essentially analogues to the improvement in peak gain for far-field arrays when mutual coupling is compensated. The amplitude and phase of the electric field (Ex) in the yzplane are also given in Fig. 5, where it can be seen that the focal point is exactly located at z = 80 mm as desired. Note that the peak magnitude of the electric field is closer to the aperture of the array, however the location of the focal point is observed in the phase plot. Similar observations were made at other frequencies across the band, indicating wideband focusing characteristics for the array. It is important to note that in the corporate feed network of the array, the excitation The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Ansys Inc. and Intel Corporation to Colorado School of Mines. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] J. W. Sherman, “Properties of focused aperture in the Fresnel region,” IRE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 399–408, Jul. 1962. M. Bogosanovic and A. G.Williamson, “Microstrip antenna array with a beam focused in the near-field zone for application in noncontact microwave industrial inspection,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 2186–2195, Dec. 2007. K. D. Stephan, J. B. Mead, D. M. pozar, L. Wang, and J. A. 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