Near-Field Characteristics of Focused Transmitarray Antennas Payam Nayeri *, Atef Z. Elsherbeni*, Randy L. Haupt*, and Fan Yang† * Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401, USA Email:,, † Electronic Engineering Department Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 100084 Email: Abstract — Near-field focusing characteristics of transmitarray antennas are investigated. The design procedure is summarized and a Ku-band focused transmitarray antenna is presented where the elements are aperture-coupled patches interconnected with stripline delays. The focusing performance of the transmitarray is compared with classic far-field designs. It is shown that a near-field focused reflectarray can be a good candidate for applications requiring high microwave power. Index Terms — Array, aperture coupled, focused antenna, microstrip, transmitarray. I. INTRODUCTION Array lens antennas, also known as transmitarrays, combine many of the favorable features of optical lens and array antennas, and create a low profile and low mass design with high radiation efficiency and diversified radiation performance [1]. Similar to the lens antenna [2, 3], the elements of a transmitarray produce specific phase shifts that, when properly tuned, create a directive beam in the desired direction. Conventionally transmitarray antennas are designed for farfield operation. However, numerous applications such as remote sensing, wireless power transfer, medicine, and imaging systems, require antennas that focus the microwave power to a point in the near-field of the antenna. Electromagnetic power can be focused into a small spot in the near field by focusing the antenna radiation [4, 5]. In the case of a transmitarray, the elements can produce any desired value of phase shift. As such, to design a focused transmitarray, one only needs to determine the phase distribution that can focus the radiated power of the array to the desired point. In comparison with classic antenna arrays that require a complex feed network, which is usually quite lossy for large arrays, the spatial feed system of the transmitarray, combined with the individual phase control capability of its elements, provides a myriad of design capabilities. The aim of our work here is to study the performance of focused transmitarray antennas. We present the basic procedure to design focused transmitarray antennas, and study the feasibility of such designs through case study of a Ku-band transmitarray. The focusing characteristics of the transmitarray are also compared to a classic case designed for far-field operation. We show that a focused transmitarray can be a good candidate for applications requiring high microwave power. II. PHASE DISTRIBUTION OF FOCUSED TRANSMITARRAY The phase distribution on the aperture of classic array lens antennas is designed to compensate for the spatial delay from the feed antenna, and generate a highly directional beam in the desired direction in the far-field zone of the antenna. For focused antennas however, the phase distribution is different. To focus the radiated power of the antenna array, the radiated waves from all elements of the array should add up in phase at the desired focusing point. Consider a transmitarray antenna where the transmitting aperture is placed on the xy-plane, centered at the center of the coordinate system. To focus the beam of the antenna array at a distance F along the z-direction, the focusing phase for each element is obtained using ϕ m , n = kd mn + 2π f F 2 + x′m2 + y ′n2 . c (1) Here, x’m and y’n are the coordinates of the elements of the array, f is the design frequency, k is the wavenumber, dmn is the Euclidian distance from the feed phase center to the center of each element, and c is the speed of light. Note that the total phase shift for each element of the focused transmitarray is the sum of the spatial delay and the focusing phase. As an example, here we compare the phase distribution on the aperture of a trasnmitarray designed for far-field operation, and a focused transmitarray. Both transmitarrays have a circular aperture with a diameter of 275 mm, and are designed to operate at 14.25 GHz. The phase center of the feed antenna is placed at x = 0, y = 0, z = -275 mm. The unit-cell size is 10.6×10.6 mm2. The transmitarray designed for far-field operation produces a directive beam in the broadside direction. The focused transmitarray is designed to focus the microwave power at x = 0, y = 0, z = 275 mm. The required phase shift on the apertures of both antennas is given in Fig. 1. Note that only one phase wrap is observed with the far-field design, however the focused transmitarray shows multiple phasse wraps. now be designed using these elem ments, where the required phase distribution on the aperture, Fig. 1 (b), is achieved by selecting the length of the sttripline accordingly. The transmitarray antenna has 468 elem ments. The 3D model of the antenna is given in Fig. 4. (a) (b) Fig. 1. Phase distribution on the aperture of transsmitarray antennas designed for: (a) far-field operation, (b) near-field ffocusing. III. DESIGN OF A KU-BAND FOCU USED TRANSMITARRAY ANTENNA The required phase distribution on the apeerture of focused transmitarray antennas was outlined in the pprevious section. However, for a practical design, a key consideration is designing an element that can achieve the deesired phase shift with good transmission properties. While ddifferent types of elements have been developed over the years, a popular design is the aperture coupled microstrip patch propposed in [6]. For our design we select the same element developped in [7], which are aperture coupled rectangular patch elemeents with a phase delay stripline. The element consists of four llayers of Taconic RF-60A (İr = 6.15) substrates and has a total thickness of 120 mil. The element is designed for Ku-band opeeration and has a unit-cell size of 10.6×10.6 mm2. A 3D imagee of this element in Ansys HFSS [8] is given in Fig. 2. (a) (b) Fig. 3. (a) Reflection and transmission magnitude of the element. (b) Transmission phase of the element in deegrees. (a) (b) Fig. 4. 3D model of the transmitarray in Ansys HFSS: (a) complete model of the array, (b) zoomed view. Fig. 2. 3D model of the transmitarray antenna elem ment. In this element, the U-shaped striplinne receives the microwave power from the aperture coupled receiving patch, and delivers it to the transmitting patch. The tootal length of the stripline is L, which is used to adjust the transsmission phase of the element. Magnitudes of the transmissioon and reflection coefficient, and phase of the transmission coeefficient at 14.25 GHz are given in Fig. 3. It can be seen tthat this element achieves a phase tuning range of about 5500 degrees, with a good transmission magnitude. Note that in the results presented here, material losses are not includeed in the analysis. However, studies showed that the total elem ment loss is less than 1 dB when material losses are consideredd [7]. The focused transmitarray system describedd in section II can IV. FOCUSING CHARAC CTERISTICS OF TRANSMITARRAY ANTENNAS The basic steps in designing focu used transmitarray antennas were outlined in the previous secctions. Here we study the focusing characteristics of these an ntennas, and also compare them with classic far-field designs. Different classic analysis approaches are available to obtaain the far-field radiation performance of antenna arrays [9]], and they typically show good agreement when compared to measured results. However accurate studies of the antenna near-field characteristics typically requires a full-wave anallysis method. Here we use the commercial electromagnetic sofftware Ansys HFSS for this study. Electromagnetic modeling of o large antenna array such as transmitarrays is computationally y challenging. In particular for space-fed arrays, modeling the volume between the primary feed and the aperture significantly increases the size of the solution domain. To effectively model the antennas in HFSS, we use the finite element boundary integral (FEBI) method. With this approach, one bounding box is defined around the feed antenna, and a second box is defined around the array. The exterior for both these boundaries are defined as HFSS-IE domains, and the interaction between them is computed iteratively. Moreover, to further reduce the size of the problem, the feed antenna simulation is solved separately and linked to the array simulation problem. The 3D models of these two simulations are given in Fig. 5. Note that in order to evaluate the near-fields in the plane of interest, in the array model, two additional boxes are defined in the xz and yz planes. The feed is an A-INFO LB-62-15 pyramidal horn antenna, where its phase center is set to be at x = 0, y = 0, z = 275 mm in the linked simulations. The electric fields in the xz-plane of the focused transmitarray antenna are shown in Fig. 7, where it can be seen that the antenna is focusing the electromagnetic power at the desired point. Similar observations were made for different focal points by adjusting the phase of the transmitarray elements according to (1). (a) (b) Fig. 7. Electric fields in the xz-plane of the focused transmitarray at 14.25 GHz: (a) magnitude of Ex in V/m. (b) phase of Ex in radians. V. CONCLUSIONGS Focused transmitarray antennas are investigated in this study. The basic design procedure is outlined, and a Ku-band focused transmitarray antenna is studied. It is shown that focused transmitarrays are a suitable choice for applications requiring high power focused microwave energy. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (a) (b) Fig. 5. Setup of the simulation models in Ansys HFSS: (a) feed antenna, (b) transmitarray. The electric fields in the xz-plane of the transmitarray antenna designed for far-field operation are given in Fig. 6. Similar results were observed in the yz-plane and are not shown for brevity. Note that the parallel lines in the phase plot clearly indicate that a plane wave is being formed, and this antenna has a directive beam in the broadside direction. However, the magnitude plot indicates that radiated power is not focused in the near-zone of the antenna, thus this design will not yield a good performance for near-field applications. The authors acknowledge the generous contributions of Ansys Inc. and Intel Corp. to Colorado School of Mines. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] (a) (b) Fig. 6. Electric fields in the xz-plane of the transmitarray designed for far-field operation at 14.25 GHz: (a) magnitude of Ex in V/m. (b) phase of Ex in radians. [9] A. Yu, F. Yang, A. Z. Elsherbeni, and J. 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