Multiple scattering by random configurations of circular cylinders: Reflection, transmission, and effective interface conditions P. A. Martina) Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401-1887 (Received 16 August 2010; revised 20 December 2010; accepted 4 January 2011) In a previous paper, Linton and Martin [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117, 3413–3423 (2005)] obtained two formulas for the effective wavenumber in a dilute random array of circular scatterers. They emerged from a study of the problem of the reflection of a plane wave at oblique incidence to a half-space containing the scatterers. Here, their study is extended to obtain formulas for the reflection and transmission coefficients and to investigate the average fields near the boundary of the C 2011 Acoustical Society of America. half-space. Comparisons with previous work are made. V [DOI: 10.1121/1.3546098] PACS number(s): 43.20.Fn, 43.20.Bi, 43.20.Hq [AMJD] In recent years, there has been a revival of interest in methods for estimating the effective wavenumber for propagation through random composites. In this paper, twodimensional acoustic problems are considered, with the Helmholtz equation, (r2 þ k2)u ¼ 0, outside circular cylinders. Inside each cylinder, there is another Helmholtz equation, ðr2 þ k02 Þu0 ¼ 0, with transmission conditions connecting u and u0 across the circular boundaries. It is assumed that every circle has radius a. To analyze multiple scattering1 by random configurations of scatterers, the theory given by Linton and Martin2 is developed further; their paper and formulas taken from it will be identified by LM below. In LM, formulas for the effective wavenumber, K, were derived. These formulas take the form 2 2 K ¼ k þ n0 d1 þ n20 d2 ; (1) where n0 is the number of cylinders per unit area; the area fraction occupied by the scatterers, / : n0pa2, is assumed to be small. Explicit formulas for d1 and d2 were given in LM. They were obtained using the Lax quasicrystalline approximation (QCA), they compare favorably with experiments,3,4 they have been confirmed by an independent method that is valid for weak scattering5 (see Sec. VIII), and they have been used to estimate the dynamic effective mass density of random composites.6 The LM formulas are accurate to second order in /. They require the solution of a scattering problem for one scatterer; this scalar (transmission) problem is discussed briefly in Sec. II. The basic problem considered in LM consists of circular scatterers distributed randomly in the (right) half-plane x > 0 with a plane wave incident obliquely from the (left) a) Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129 (4), April 2011 half-plane x < 0. The goal of LM was to estimate the effective wavenumber, K, within the right half-plane. No information on the reflected and transmitted wavefields was given. Here, we show that these wavefields can be determined by extending the analysis in LM. There is a specularly reflected plane wave. The (average) reflection coefficient is found to be R ¼ n0 ði=k2 Þf ðp 2hin Þ þ Oðn20 Þ; (2) where hin is the angle of incidence and f(h) is the far-field pattern for scattering by one cylinder. An explicit expression for the Oðn20 Þ contribution is also obtained, see Eq. (42). The average field transmitted to the right half-plane has a more complicated form. For example, at normal incidence, it is found to be eiKx þ n0 pa2 A1 eiKx eikx þ Oðn20 Þ; (3) where an explicit formula for A1 is obtained, see Eq. (52). To verify these results, comparisons with the independent weak-scattering results in Ref. 5 are made, and agreement is found. In Sec. IX, the behavior of the fields across x ¼ 0 is examined. It is found that the fields themselves are continuous but the slopes are discontinuous. An estimate for the slope discontinuity is derived. This is then used to estimate the effective density of the right half-plane. II. LINTON–MARTIN (LM) FORMULATION The LM approach (described in Sec. IV of LM2) starts with an exact multiple-scattering method for an arbitrary deterministic arrangement of N identical circular scatterers. The total field outside the cylinders, u, is written as LM(47), u ¼ uin þ N X 1 X Ajn Zn Hn ðkrj Þ einhj ; (4) j¼1 n¼1 0001-4966/2011/129(4)/1685/11/$30.00 C 2011 Acoustical Society of America V 1685 Author's complimentary copy I. INTRODUCTION Pages: 1685–1695 for rj > a, j ¼ 1, 2, …, N, where (rj, hj) are the polar coordinates centered at rj ¼ (xj, yj), the center of the jth cylinder. The incident field is taken as a plane wave at oblique incidence, LM(24), so that uin ¼ eiðaxþbyÞ with a ¼ k cos hin ; b ¼ k sin hin : (6) with Dn ¼ ðq0 =qÞHn0 ðkaÞJn ðk0 aÞ ðk0 =kÞHn ðkaÞJn0 ðk0 aÞ: (7) Here, k0 is the interior wavenumber, q0 is the interior density, and q is the exterior density. The interface conditions are LM(50), u ¼ u0 1 @u 1 @u0 ¼ q @r q0 @r and 1 X Zn ¼ 4if ð0Þ; d2 ¼ 4pib2 1 1 X X Zm Zn dmn ðkbÞ; (14) n¼1 m¼1 where b is the “hole radius” introduced in the conditional averaging to prevent cylinders overlapping, the function dn(x) is defined by LM(73), dn ðxÞ ¼ Jn0 ðxÞHn0 ðxÞ þ ½1 ðn=xÞ2 Jn ðxÞHn ðxÞ; (15) and Jn is a Bessel function. Equation (13) is the well-known Foldy–Lax estimate. The second-order contribution, Eq. (14), is approximated further in LM by taking the limit kb ! 0; the result is LM(7), a formula that is reminiscent of the Lloyd–Berry formula for analogous three-dimensional problems.7,8 Concerning the dependence of Fn on n0, the analysis in Sec. IV C of LM shows that Fn ¼ F þ n0 qn þ Oðn20 Þ; on r ¼ a; (13) n¼1 (5) The coefficients Ajn are to be found, Hn Hnð1Þ is a Hankel function and Zn, which characterizes scattering by one isolated cylinder, is given by LM(49), Zn ¼ ðRe Dn Þ=Dn ¼ Zn d1 ¼ 4i (8) qn ¼ Q~ þ pb2 F 1 X (16) Zm dmn ðkbÞ; (17) m¼1 where u0 is the field inside the cylinder; these are appropriate for a fluid cylinder surrounded by a different fluid, so that u is the pressure. The far-field pattern, f, is given by LM(53) as 1 X Zn einh ¼ Z0 2 n¼1 1 X Zn cos nh: (9) III. DEPENDENCE ON ‘ n¼1 In LM, an exact linear system is derived for Ajn . Then, ensemble averages are taken, followed by letting N ! 1 and imposition of the Lax QCA. (All the cylinders are in the right half-plane, x > 0.) The key quantity is hAjn ij , the average of Ajn conditional on there being a cylinder at rj. It is expressed as LM(56), hAjn ij n ibyj ¼i e Un ðxj Þ; Un ðxÞ ¼ Fn einu eikx xj > 0: Cn ð‘Þ ¼ ð‘ 1 2n0 X Zn einhin Cn ð‘Þ; a n¼1 Un ðtÞeiat dt þ for x > ‘; and b ¼ K sin u ¼ k sin hin : (19) This relation was not used in LM. As the main results in LM do not depend on ‘, we shall assume that a continuity argument can be used to assert that Eq. (11) should hold for all ‘ > 0, leading to a useful simplification. So, setting ‘ ¼ 0 in Eq. (18) gives (11) 1 ¼ 1 2in0 X Fn Zn einðhin uÞ : aðk aÞ n¼1 (20) This equation will be used in Sec. IV to obtain information on Fn. (12) The coefficients Fn were then shown to solve an infinite homogeneous system of linear algebraic equations, LM(71). Analysis of this system led to formulas for d1 and d2 in Eq. (1), LM(77) and LM(80), respectively, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 4, April 2011 iFn einu iðkaÞ‘ e : ka (18) (10) where the length ‘ is not (and need not be) specified; later, we shall take ‘ ¼ 0 (see Sec. III). The quantities K and u are defined by LM(31), 1686 1 ¼ B ¼ 0 Then, in order to avoid possible difficulties near the “interface” at x ¼ 0, Linton and Martin assumed that Un could be written as LM(58), k ¼ K cos u On p. 3419 of LM, it is shown that B ¼ 1, IV. INFERENCES FROM K Given the LM formula for K, Eq. (1) with Eqs. (13) and (14), estimates for u and k can be obtained. To begin, rewrite Eq. (1) as P. A. Martin: Scattering by random arrays of cylinders Author's complimentary copy f ðhÞ ¼ where F and Q~ are n0-independent constants. The values of these two constants were not determined; this will be done in Sec. IV. ðK=kÞ2 ¼ 1 þ /j1 þ /2 j2 ; (21) where f 0 (0) ¼ 0 has been used [see Eq. (9)] and the function K is defined by where / ¼ pa2n0, and pðkaÞ2 ¼ 4i f ð0Þ pðkaÞ2 and j2 ¼ d2 (22) ðpka2 Þ2 are dimensionless. Ignoring terms that are O(/3) as / ! 0, Eq. (21) gives K=k ¼ 1 þ 12 /j1 þ 18 /2 ð4j2 j21 Þ. Put C ¼ cos hin, S ¼ sin hin, and T ¼ tan hin. To solve Eq. (12)2, (K/k)sin u ¼ S, for u, write 2 u ¼ hin þ /p1 þ / p2 : (23) Then 2 2 S ¼ ðK=kÞ S cosð/p1 þ / p2 Þ þ C sinð/p1 þ / p2 Þ 1 2 2 2 ¼ ðK=kÞ S 1 / p1 þ Cð/p1 þ / p2 Þ 2 1 ¼ S þ /ðSk1 þ 2Cp1 Þ 2 1 2 þ / ½Sð4j2 j21 Þ þ 4Cp1 j1 þ 8Cp2 4Sp21 : 8 Hence, 1 p1 ¼ Tj1 2 and 1 p2 ¼ T½ð3 þ T 2 Þj21 4j2 : (24) 8 Next, calculate k ¼ K cos u, using Eqs. (23) and (24), 1 1 k=k ¼ C þ /j1 C1 þ /2 ð4j2 C1 j21 C3 Þ: 2 8 This approximation is used in Eq. (20). Thus, 2in0 4i j1 j2 : ¼ 1þ/ aðk aÞ pðkaÞ2 j1 4C2 j1 Zm Zn dmn ðkbÞ eind ; (29) n¼1 m¼1 so that Kð0Þ ¼ j2 [see Eqs. (14) and (22)]. (Note that limkb!0 KðdÞ can be expressed as an integral, similar to that for Kð0Þ as in Sec. IV C of LM.) Substituting Eqs. (26) and (28) in Eq. (20) gives j1 j2 j2 1þ/ Qþ 1 ¼ F 1 þ / 4C2 j1 j1 h i j1 ¼ F 1 þ / Q þ 2 þ Oð/2 Þ: 4C Thus, F ¼ 1 Q¼ and j1 i f ð0Þ ¼ : 2 4C pðkaÞ2 C2 Substituting back in Eq. (28) gives 1 X Fn Zn e inðhin uÞ n¼1 i j1 j2 2 ¼ pðkaÞ j1 1 / 4C2 j1 4 þ Oð/2 Þ: (30) This approximation will be used in Sec. VII. V. RESULTS FROM FOLDY THEORY (26) Classical Foldy theory assumes isotropic scattering. The effective wavenumber is given by LM(1), K 2 ¼ k2 4ign0 ; (27) 2 ~ where Q ¼ Q=ðpa FÞ, a dimensionless constant. Hence 1 1 X Fn Zn einðhin uÞ F n¼1 1 1 X X Zn einðhin uÞ Zn einðhin uÞ þ /Q ¼ (31) where g is the (dimensionless) scattering coefficient. For the scattering problem, we have huðx; yÞi ¼ eiðaxþbyÞ þ ReiðaxþbyÞ ; AeiðkxþbyÞ ; x < 0; x > 0; (32) where R is the (average) reflection coefficient and A is the (average) transmission coefficient. Foldy theory (see Sec. III A in LM) predicts that R ¼ RF and A ¼ AF , where n¼1 n¼1 2 þ/ pðkaÞ2 (25) From Eqs. (16) and (17), 1 X Fn Zm dmn ðkbÞ; ¼ 1 þ /Q þ /ðb=aÞ2 F m¼1 1 1 X 4iðb=aÞ2 X pðkaÞ Kðhin uÞ 4i 1 ¼ f ðhin uÞ /Qf ð0Þ i/pðkaÞ2 Kð0Þ 4 1 0 ¼ ff ð0Þ /p1 f ð0Þg /Qf ð0Þ i/pðkaÞ2 j2 4 1 1 1 2 2 ¼ ipðkaÞ j1 i/QpðkaÞ j1 i/pðkaÞ2 j2 4 4 4 pj1 j2 2 (28) ; ðkaÞ 1 þ / Q þ ¼ 4i j1 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 4, April 2011 RF ¼ ak kþa and AF ¼ 2a ¼ 1 þ RF : kþa (33) From these formulas and Eq. (32), it follows that both hui and (@/@x)hui are continuous across x ¼ 0. Working to first order in /, u ¼ hin þ /p1, p1 ¼ 2igT/ [p(ka)2], k ¼ a /kp1/S, and Eq. (33) gives RF ¼ i/g pðkaÞ2 C2 ¼ in0 g a2 and AF ¼ 1 þ R F : P. A. Martin: Scattering by random arrays of cylinders (34) 1687 Author's complimentary copy j1 ¼ d1 KðdÞ ¼ If we put g ¼ f(0), which is the correct non-isotropic extension of Eq. (31), it turns out that Eq. (34) does not give the correct estimates for R or A, as we show below. [See the text above Eq. (43) for R and the text below Eq. (52) for A:] VI. THE AVERAGE REFLECTED FIELD Calculating the ensemble average of Eq. (4) for x < 0 gives ðð 1 N X n0 X Zn hAjn ij Hn ðkrj Þ N j¼1 n¼1 einhj dxj dyj : (35) Here, x xj ¼ rj cos hj and y yj ¼ rj sin hj. Then, use the indistinguishability of the scatterers, let N ! 1, and use Eq. (10): huðx; yÞi ¼ uin þ n0 1 X in Zn n¼1 ð1 ð1 Un ðx1 Þ with f ðp hin uÞ ¼ f ðhre Þ þ 12 /Tj1 f 0 ðhre Þ þ Oð/2 Þ and h ¼ p 2hin. As F ¼ 1, Eq. (39) gives R ¼ /R1 þ /2 R2 ; where pðkaÞ2 C2 The inner integral can be evaluated. In LM, it is shown j1 0 i Tf ðhre Þ þ pðkaÞ2 Kðhre Þ 2 2 2 4 pðkaÞ C i j1 2 f ðhre Þ : 2C i R2 ¼ ¼ ð1 eibY Hn ðkRÞeinH dY 1 n inhin iaX e ð2=aÞðiÞ e ð2=aÞin einhin eiaX ; ; X > 0; X < 0; ð1 1 2n0 iby X ð1Þn Zn e a n¼1 Un ðx1 Þeinhin eiaðx1 xÞ dx1 : (38) 0 Hence, comparison with Eq. (32) gives ð1 1 2n0 X n inhin R¼ Zn ð1Þ e Un ðx1 Þeiax1 dx1 a n¼1 0 1 2in0 X Fn Zn einðphin uÞ : ¼ aðk þ aÞ n¼1 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 4, April 2011 Bose10 has obtained similar formulas [see Eq. (24) in Ref. 10] for a slab, 0 < x < H. They involve the quantity e2ikHC, so that the limit H ! 1 cannot be taken. It appears that this is due to the use of a “Born-type approximation” at an early stage in the analysis. The estimate R ¼ /R1 agrees with the Foldy estimate, RF [see Eq. (34)], but only for isotropic scattering [where f(h) does not depend on h]: particularly, using g ¼ f(0) gives an incorrect result. At normal incidence, we have hin ¼ 0, hre ¼ p, C ¼ 1, and T ¼ 0, whence R1 ¼ (39) Le Bas et al.9 have obtained a formula for R for a slab, 0 < x < d; letting d ! 1 in their Eq. (41) gives agreement with Eq. (39). The same paper9 also contains Eq. (20); see their Eq. (31). Equation (39) is an exact formula for the reflection coefficient. It can be used to approximate R for small /. From Eq. (25), 2in0 i/ /j1 ¼ 1 : aðk þ aÞ pðkaÞ2 C2 4C2 (42) (37) where a and b are defined by Eq. (5), X ¼ R cos H and Y ¼ R sin H. Comparison with the inner integral in Eq. (36) shows that we should take Y ¼ y1 y, R ¼ r1 , H ¼ h1 + p, and X ¼ x1 x. As x < 0 and x1 > 0, X > 0 and so huðx; yÞi ¼ uin þ (41) C ¼ cos hin, and that Ln ðXÞ ¼ ; (36) 1 1688 i f ðhre Þ R1 ¼ 0 eiby1 Hn ðkr1 Þ einh1 dy1 dx1 : 1 1 X X Fn inðphin uÞ Zn e ð1 þ /QÞZn einðphin uÞ ¼ F n¼1 n¼1 1 i/pðkaÞ2 Kðp hin uÞ 4 ¼ f ðp hin uÞ /Qf ðhre Þ 1 i/pðkaÞ2 Kðhre Þ; 4 (40) i f ðpÞ pðkaÞ 2 and R2 ¼ KðpÞ 2f ð0Þf ðpÞ ; 2 4 ½pðkaÞ2 (43) where we have used Eq. (22) for j1. The formula for R1 agrees with an estimate from Angel et al.11 (see Appendix A for comparisons with the work of Aristégui, Angel, and their colleagues). VII. THE AVERAGE TRANSMITTED FIELD The field in the region to the right of x ¼ 0 is given by Eq. (4) outside the cylinders. Inside the jth cylinder, the field, uj, is given by LM(48), uj ¼ 1 X Bjn Jn ðk0 rj Þ einhj ; rj < a: (44) n¼1 P. A. Martin: Scattering by random arrays of cylinders Author's complimentary copy huðx; yÞi ¼ uin þ Also, The fact that there are different expansions in different regions makes the calculation of hu(x, y)i for x > 0 less straightforward than when x < 0. In Appendix B, it is shown that Combining Eqs. (26) and (30) shows that P ¼ 1 þ Oð/2 Þ; there is no linear term in /. Thus, huðx; yÞi ¼ ð1 /Þuin þ huðx; yÞiext þ huðx; yÞiint ; (45) ð1 /Þuin þ PeiðaxþbyÞ ¼ /eiðaxþbyÞ þ Oð/2 Þ as / ! 0: for x > a, where 1 X Zn n¼1 inh1 e hA1n i1 Hn ðkr1 Þ dx1 dy1 ; 1 ðð X huðx; yÞiint ¼ n0 x1 >0; r1 >a n¼1 r1 <a (46) hB1n i1 Jn ðk0 r1 Þeinh1 dx1 dy1 : (47) (As x > a, the disc r1 < a lies in x1 > 0.) For Qext , use K2 k2 ¼ k2 a2, Eqs. (26) and (40), and a ¼ kC to obtain 2pn0 2 j2 þ Oð/2 Þ: 1 / ¼ k2 K 2 j1 ðkaÞ2 j1 From LM(72), 1 2 N n ðKa;kaÞ ¼ ð2i=pÞ 1 i/pðkaÞ j1 dn ðkaÞ þ Oð/2 Þ; 4 where dn is defined by Eq. (15). Then, using Eqs. (27) and (29), 1 X A. Calculation of hu iext n¼1 From Eqs. (10) and (11), hA1n i1 ¼ in Fn einu eiðkx1 þby1 Þ : (48) Substitution in Eq. (46) gives huðx; yÞiext ¼ n0 1 X n¼1 in Fn Zn einu n¼1 ðð eiðkx1 þby1 Þ Hn ðkr1 Þ einh1 dx1 dy1 : x1 >0; r1 >a The double integral is similar to Mn in Sec. IV B of LM. Its value is found to be 2iðiÞn iðaxþbyÞ inhin 2pðiÞn iðkxþbyÞ inu e e e N n ðKa;kaÞ; þ 2 e aðk aÞ k K2 where N n ðKa; kaÞ ¼ kaHn0 ðkaÞJn ðKaÞ KaHn ðkaÞJn0 ðKaÞ: Hence, huðx; yÞiext ¼ PeiðaxþbyÞ þ Qext eiðkxþbyÞ ; where 1 2in0 X P¼ Fn Zn einðhin uÞ ; aðk aÞ n¼1 1 2pn0 X Fn Zn N n ðKa; kaÞ: 2 2 k K n¼1 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 4, April 2011 1 X Qext ¼ 1 þ /Q þ / Zn dn ðkaÞ þ Oð/2 Þ: n¼1 B. Calculation of huiint Next, consider huiint, defined by Eq. (47) in terms of the coefficients B1n in Eq. (44). In Sec. IV A of LM, a linear system for Ajn was obtained by applying the pair of transmission conditions, Eq. (8), on each cylinder followed by elimination of Bjn . Those calculations also yield a simple relation between Ajn and Bjn , namely Bjn ¼ cn Ajn ; Hence Qext ¼ 1 2 X Zn ð1 þ /QÞ ip n¼1 h i / i 1 /pðkaÞ2 j1 dn ðkaÞ ðkaÞ2 j2 4 2 1 j 2 ¼ ðkaÞ2 j1 1 þ /Q þ / j1 2 1 X Zn dn ðkaÞ : þ/ Fn Zn N n ¼ with cn ¼ 2ðq0 =qÞ ; pikaDn for Dn, see Eq. (7). Using this relation and Eq. (48) in Eq. (47) gives huðx; yÞiint ¼ n0 1 X in Fn cn einu n¼1 ðð eiðkx1 þby1 Þ Jn ðk0 r1 Þ einh1 dx1 dy1 r1 <a ¼ n0 eiðkxþbyÞ 1 X Fn cn In ¼ Qint eiðkxþbyÞ ; n¼1 P. A. Martin: Scattering by random arrays of cylinders 1689 Author's complimentary copy huðx; yÞiext ¼ n0 ðð say, where n inu ð a ð 2p eiKRcosðHuÞ Jn ðk0 RÞeinH RdHdR In ¼ ðiÞ e 0 0 ða ¼ 2p Jn ðKRÞJn ðk0 RÞRdR 0 ¼ 2pðK 2 k02 Þ1 Mn ðKa;k0 aÞ paper and formulas taken from it will be identified by MM below. Particularly, MM confirms the LM formula for K2 and it contains an estimate for the transmitted field when hin ¼ 0, MM(5.25), hui ¼ AMM eiKx Mn ðKa; k0 aÞ ¼ k0 aJn0 ðk0 aÞJn ðKaÞ KaJn ðk0 aÞJn0 ðKaÞ: (49) where H¼ Hence, 1 X cn n¼1 Mn ðka; k0 aÞ 2 ðk0 aÞ ðkaÞ (53) 1 1 AMM ¼ 1 þ m0 / þ m20 fP0 pðkaÞ2 Hg/ þ Oð/2 Þ; 4 4 (54) and Qint ¼ 2/ with 2 1 i X J n dn ; 4 n¼1 (55) J n ¼ Jn2 Jn1 Jnþ1 ¼ Jn02 f½n=ðkaÞ2 1gJn2 ; þ Oð/2 Þ: 4P0 ¼ ðkaÞ2 þ 2piðkaÞ2 1 X J n ðJn Hn dn Þ; (56) (57) n¼1 C. Synthesis huðx; yÞi ¼ A eiðkxþbyÞ / eiðaxþbyÞ ; (50) A ¼ 1 þ /A1 þ Oð/2 Þ; (51) with A1 ¼ i f ð0Þ 1 X Zn dn ðkaÞ pðkaÞ2 C2 n¼1 1 X Mn ðka; k0 aÞ cn þ2 : ðk0 aÞ2 ðkaÞ2 n¼1 þ (52) and all functions have argument ka. (MM also contains a formula for the O(/2) correction to AMM .) Here, Eq. (54) will be compared with the estimate found in Sec. VII, Eq. (50) with Eqs. (51) and (52). From MM(2.24), we have an estimate for f(0) that can be used in the first term in Eq. (52) (with C ¼ 1), T1 i f ð0Þ pðkaÞ2 1 1 ¼ m0 m20 pðkaÞ2 H; 4 4 these contributions can be seen in Eq. (54). From MM(2.18), we have an estimate for Zn that can be used in the second term in Eq. (52), T2 1 X Zn dn The first term in Eq. (52) constitutes the Foldy estimate [see AF , given by Eq. (34)] if we take g ¼ f(0), but it is seen here that the correct estimate of A at O(/) contains two additional terms. Notice that the dependence of A1 on the angle of incidence appears only in the first term, via C ¼ cos hin. The formula for the transmitted field, Eq. (50) with Eqs. (51) and (52), is surprisingly complicated, especially as it is only first order in /. (Indeed, the analysis above does not give any information on the O(/2) contribution, unlike in Sec. VI where we obtained the second-order contribution to R.) Fortunately, we can check our calculations with an independent analysis that is valid for weak scattering: we do this next. where ln ¼ p(ka)2dn and Sn ¼ 2kaJn1Jn+1. The third term in Eq. (52), denoted by T3, is more complicated. To begin, MM(2.12) and MM(2.14) give VIII. WEAK SCATTERING where Un ¼ 2ka(JnHn dn) + 2[i=(pka)][n2 (ka)2]. Then, as (k0a)2 (ka)2 ¼ m0(ka)2 and Mn ðka; kaÞ ¼ 0, it is necessary to expand Mn ðka; k0 aÞ to third order in m0. Thus, from Eqs. (6), (7), and (49), The term “weak scattering” means here that q ¼ q0 and jm0 j 1; where m0 ¼ 1 ðk0 =kÞ2 : Martin and Maurel5 (MM) have given results for weak scattering, correct to second order in both / and m0; their 1690 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 4, April 2011 n¼1 ¼ m0 pðkaÞ2 H 1 m20 X pkafiSn kaln J n gdn ; 16 n¼1 (58) cn ¼ 2=ðpikaDn Þ 1 1 ¼ 1 þ im0 ln þ m20 ðl2n pikaUn Þ; 4 16 (59) Mn ðka;k0 aÞ ¼ kaReDn 1 1 1 2 2 ¼ m0 ðkaÞ J n m0 Sn =ðkaÞþ m0 Xn ; (60) 2 4 16 P. A. Martin: Scattering by random arrays of cylinders Author's complimentary copy Substituting the results for huiext and huiint back in Eq. (45) then gives the transmitted field as 2 4 Xn ¼ ð8 þ n2 z2 ÞJn02 þ zJn Jn0 3 3 2 2 2 2 fðn z Þðn z2 þ 8Þ þ 8z2 gz2 Jn2 ; 3 (61) and we have written z : ka. Then, using Eqs. (59) and (60), the third term in Eq. (52) becomes 1 X i m2 1 m0 ln 0 ðl2n pikaUn Þ 4 16 n¼1 2 m0 m0 Jn Sn þ Xn 4ka 16 1 1 X m0 X 1 Jn iln J n þ Sn ¼ 4 n¼1 ka n¼1 1 2 X m0 Sn 2 iln J n ln þ pikaJ n Un þ Xn : þ 16 n¼1 ka T3 ¼ P P As n J n ¼ 1 and n Sn ¼ 0 [see Sec. 2.2 of MM or Eq. (C1)], T3 ¼ 1 m0 pðkaÞ2 H 1 m2 X Sn m2 iln J n l2n þ 0 S 1 ; þ 0 ka 16 n¼1 16 (62) P where S 1 ¼ n ðpikaJ n Un þ Xn Þ and we have used Eq. (55). Substituting for Un and comparison with Eq. (57) gives S 1 ¼ 4P0 + S 2, where S 2 ¼ ðkaÞ2 þ 1 X f2½ðkaÞ2 n2 J n þ Xn g n¼1 1 X 1 ¼ ðkaÞ2 þ Xn ; 2 n¼1 (63) after use of Eq. (C2). Hence, adding Eqs. (58) and (62), 1 1 T2 þ T3 ¼ 1 þ m20 P0 þ m20 S 2 : 4 16 It is shown in Appendix C that S 2 ¼ 0. Thus, for weak scattering and normal incidence, /A1 ¼ /ðT1 þ T2 þ T3 Þ ¼ ðAMM 1Þ þ /; which gives hui ¼ AMM eiKx þ /ðeiKx eikx Þ: (64) This shows agreement with the MM estimate, correct to first order in / and second order in m0. Note that the method used in MM is based on an iterative solution of the governing Lippmann–Schwinger equation. It leads to an expression of the form ikx hui ¼ e ðpolynomial in xÞ; J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 4, April 2011 which is then set equal to AMM eiKx ; expanding about x ¼ 0 leads to expressions for both K and AMM . If this process is applied to Eq. (64), it is easily seen that the last term is O(/2) and so should be ignored if the goal is to determine the amplitude correct to first order in /. IX. EFFECTIVE INTERFACE CONDITIONS In this section, the fields near the “interface” at x ¼ 0 are investigated, working to first order in /. The average total field in x < 0, evaluated at x ¼ 0, u, is u ¼ ð1 þ /R1 Þeiby and the corresponding x-derivative, u0 , is u0 ¼ ikCð1 /R1 Þeiby : From Eq. (50), the transmitted field at x ¼ d, say, u+, is uþ ¼ fð1 þ /A1 ÞeiðkaÞd /geiad eiby ¼ f1 þ iðk aÞd þ /A1 /geiad eiby 1 ¼ 1 þ / ikdj1 =C þ A1 1 eiad eiby 2 (65) and the corresponding x-derivative, u0þ , is n o u0þ ¼ ikC ðk=aÞð1þ/A1 ÞeiðkaÞd / eiad eiby 1 2 1 ¼ ikC 1þ/ j1 =C þ ikdj1 =CþA1 1 eiad eiby : 2 2 (66) To estimate these quantities, suppose further that ka 1 and k0a 1. Then, the terms containing kdj1 in Eqs. (65) and (66) are smaller than the other terms (see below): ignoring them and letting d ! 0 gives uþ u ¼ /ðA1 R1 1Þeiby ; (67) 1 u0þ u0 ¼ /ikC A1 þ R1 þ j1 =C2 1 eiby : 2 (68) These give the discontinuities in hui and its normal derivative across x ¼ 0. For small ka and k0a, Z0 and Z+1 are dominant, in general, and they are O((ka)2) (see Sec. III A in Ref. 6). Thus, f ðhÞ ’ Z0 2Z1 cos h. From Eq. (22), j1 ¼ 4if(0)=[p(ka)2] ¼ O(1) as ka ! 0, which justifies discarding the kdj1 terms above. From Eq. (41), f(hre) ¼ f(p 2hin) is needed to calculate R1. As cos hre ¼ 1 2C2, R1 ¼ ¼ i pðkaÞ2 C2 i f ð0Þ pðkaÞ 2 C2 ½Z0 2Z1 ð1 2C2 Þ þ 4iZ1 pðkaÞ2 : P. A. Martin: Scattering by random arrays of cylinders 1691 Author's complimentary copy where the first two terms can be found below MM(2.15), Mn ðka; k0 aÞ ðkaÞn ðk0 aÞn ðkaÞ2 ðk0 aÞ2 ; 22nþ1 n! ðn þ 1Þ! n 0; with Mn ¼ Mn . Also, c0 1 and cn 2(k/k0)n for n > 0, with cn ¼ cn. Hence, the dominant contribution to the third term in Eq. (52) comes from n ¼ 0; as M0 ðka; k0 aÞ 12 ½ðkaÞ2 ðk0 aÞ2 , A1 ¼ i f ð0Þ pðkaÞ 2 C2 þ 4iZ1 pðkaÞ2 þ 1: Use of these approximations for R1 and A1 gives A1 ¼ 1 þ R 1 ; (69) so that Eq. (67) gives uþ u ¼ O(/2). In other words, there is no discontinuity in hui across x ¼ 0, for any angle of incidence. Similarly, from Eq. (68), u0þ u0 ¼ /kC 8Z1 pðkaÞ 2 eiby 2/ikC q0 q iby e ; (70) q0 þ q using Eq. (23) from Ref. 6. Thus, at this level of approximation, there is a jump in the normal (x) derivative of hui across x ¼ 0 (unless q0 ¼ q). Moreover, for normal incidence, it is seen that Eq. (70) agrees with the estimates of Aristégui and Angel12 [see Eq. (A3)], in the low-frequency, small-/ limit. As a reviewer noted, the discontinuity in slope at x ¼ 0 could be used to predict the effective density, qeff, of the effective medium occupying x > 0: 0 q1 u0 ¼ q1 eff uþ : (71) 0 Using the estimates for u6 given above, qeff 1 þ /ðR1 þ 12 j1 =C2 Þ j1 1 þ / 2R1 þ 2 : ¼ 1 /R1 2C q penetrates [the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (50)]. This result was checked by comparing with an independent calculation, valid for weak scattering (and normal incidence). Effective interface conditions at the boundary of the half-space were also obtained. It is anticipated that extensions to three-dimensional problems can be made. APPENDIX A: ARISTÉGUI AND ANGEL Aristégui, Angel, and their colleagues have written several papers11–14 in which waves are normally incident on a finite slab, h < y2 < h, containing circular scatterers. Comparisons with their work, in the limit of a semi-infinite slab, will be given here. To begin, write the averaged field as 8 < u0 eiky2 þ u0 R0 eiky2 ; y2 < h; Uðy2 Þ ¼ Cþ eiKy2 þ C eiKy2 ; h < y2 < h; : y2 > h: u0 T 0 eiky2 ; Put x ¼ y2 + h, U(y2) ¼ u(x) and u0 ¼ eikh: 8 x < 0; < eikx þ R0 e2ikh eikx ; uðxÞ ¼ Cþ eiKh eiKx þ C eiKh eiKx ; 0 < x < 2h; : 0 ikx Te ; x > 2h: Aristégui and Angel13 have given expressions for R0 , C6 and T 0 . Using these gives R R0 e2ikh ¼ e2iðkKÞh 1 e4iKh ðk2 K 2 Þ=D; A Cþ eiKh ¼ 2ke2iðkKÞh ðK þ kÞ=D; A C eiKh ¼ 2ke2iðkKÞh e4iKh ðK kÞ=D; and T0 ¼ 4kK=D, where D ¼ e2iðkKÞh fðk þ KÞ2 ðk KÞ2 e4iKh g: Letting h ! 1 (using Im K > 0) gives uðxÞ ¼ Substituting for R1 and j1 gives qeff =q 1 þ 8i/Z1 =½pðkaÞ2 1 2/ðq q0 Þ=ðq þ q0 Þ; in agreement with Ament’s formula for the effective density; see Eq. (11) in Ref. 6. This agreement provides a further check on the calculations. X. CONCLUSIONS A plane wave is incident on a half-space containing a dilute random arrangement of identical scatterers. An expression for the average reflection coefficient has been derived: it involves the far-field pattern for a single scatterer. The average field within the half-space has also been calculated: it is found that a small amount of the incident wave 1692 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 4, April 2011 eikx þ Reikx ; x < 0; x > 0; AeiKx ; (A1) where R¼ 1H ; 1þH A¼ 2 ¼1þR 1þH and H¼ K : k These agree with the Foldy estimates, Eq. (34), when hin ¼ 0 and K2 ¼ k2 4ign0. In later papers,11,14 formulas for non-isotropic scattering were obtained, using K 2 ¼ k2 4in0 f ð0Þ þ Oðn20 Þ. In particular,11 1 H ¼ ðK=kÞ 1 ð2in0 =k2 Þ½f ð0Þ f ðpÞ ¼ 1 ð2in0 =k2 Þf ðpÞ þ Oðn20 Þ; giving P. A. Martin: Scattering by random arrays of cylinders Author's complimentary copy For A1 , use Eq. (52), containing three terms. For the sec2 ond term, P use dn(ka) 2i|n|=[p(ka)2 ] [see above LM(82)] to obtain n Zn dn ðkaÞ 4iZ1 =½pðkaÞ . For the third term, use R¼ in0 f ðpÞ k2 and A¼1þR¼1þ in0 f ðpÞ: k2 (A2) This expression for R agrees with Eq. (43) but the estimate for A is incorrect. Evidently, Eqs. (A1) and (A2) show that u(x) is continuous across x ¼ 0, whereas u0 ð0þÞ u0 ð0Þ ¼ iKA ikð1 RÞ ¼ iðK kÞ þ iðK þ kÞR ’ ikfðK=kÞ 1 þ 2Rg ’ ð2n0 =kÞff ð0Þ f ðpÞg: (A3) These results are consistent with those found in Sec. IX. APPENDIX B: SOME ENSEMBLE AVERAGING In this appendix, notation from Sec. II of LM2 is used. Start with N scatterers located at r1, r2, …, rN; denote this configuration by KN. The ensemble average of any quantity F(r | KN) is defined by LM(8), ð hFðrÞi ¼ pðr1 ; r2 ; …; rN Þ FðrjKN Þ dV1N ; The first term in this expression involves integration for which both r1 > a and r2 > a. In that case, an expansion of the following form is available [cf. Eq. (4)], FðrjKN Þ ¼ F0 ðrÞ þ ’ pðr2 ; …; rN jr1 Þ FðrjKN Þ dV2N ; where p(r1, r2, …, rN) ¼ p(r1) p(r2, …, rN j r1) defines p(r2, …, rN j r1) and p(r) ¼ n0=N. For clarity, suppose first that N ¼ 2. Equation (B1) reduces to hFðrÞi ¼ ðð ¼ ðð r2 >a r1 >a F0 ðrÞðn0 =2Þ2 ½ð2=n0 Þ þ (B1) ðN1Þ (B4) with N ¼ 2, where F0 does not depend on KN and F1, … ,FN are small, O(n0). Hence ð ð pðr1 ; r2 Þ FðrjK2 Þ dV12 r2 >a r1 >a ð ð ¼ F0 ðrÞ pðr1 ; r2 Þ dV12 r2 >a r1 >a ð ð þ pðr1 ; r2 Þ F1 dV21 r1 >a r2 >a ð ð þ pðr1 ; r2 Þ F2 dV12 þ ð pa2 2 pðr1 ; r2 Þ F1 dV21 r >a ð pðr1 ; r2 Þ F2 dV12 r2 >a ð ð1 ’ ð1 n0 pa2 ÞF0 ðrÞ ð ð n0 n0 þ hF1 i1 dV1 þ hF2 i2 dV2 2 r1 >a 2 r2 >a ð hF1 i1 dV1 ; ¼ ð1 n0 pa2 ÞF0 ðrÞ þ n0 where the subscript (N) indicates that the integration is over N copies of the region BN containing N scatterers, and dV1N ¼ dV1 dVN. (BN has area N=n0.) Similarly, the average of F(r j KN) over all configurations for which the first scatterer is fixed at r1 is given by LM(9), hFðrÞi1 ¼ Fj ðrjKN Þ; j¼1 ðNÞ ð N X r1 >a using the indistinguishability of the scatterers in the last step. Here, two approximations were made, in which Oðn20 Þ contriÐbutions were discarded. First, the inner integrals rj >a dVj ðj ¼ 1; 2Þ of small quantities (F1 or F2) over the (large) region B2 with a (small) hole were replaced by integrals over B2 (no hole). Second, the term (n0=2)2(pa2)2F0 was ignored. Similarly, the second term in Eq. (77) is approximately pðr1 ; r2 Þ FðrjK2 Þ dV12 ð pðr1 ; r2 Þ FðrjK2 Þ dV12 r2 <a ð pðr1 ; r2 Þ FðrjK2 Þ dV1 dV2 ¼ n0 2 ð r2 <a hFi2 dV2 : r <a þ ð 1ð pðr1 ; r2 Þ FðrjK2 Þ dV12 : (B2) Substituting back yields 2 hFðrÞi ¼ð1 n0 pa ÞF0 ðrÞ þ n0 ð þ n0 hFðrÞi1 dV1 : r1 >a The first term in Eq. (B2) is ð r1 >a hF1 i1 dV1 (B5) ð pðr1 Þ pðr2 jr1 ÞFðrjK2 Þ dV21 ¼ r1 <a n0 2 ð r1 <a hFðrÞi1 dV1 : The second term in Eq. (B2) is split as ð ð r2 >a r1 >a þ ð pðr1 ; r2 Þ FðrjK2 Þ dV12 ð pðr1 ; r2 Þ FðrjK2 Þ dV12 : (B3) This is the result for N ¼ 2. It holds for any N 2, as will be shown next. From the definition, Eq. (B1), ð ð pðr1 ; r2 ; …; rN Þ FðrjKN Þ dV1 …N hFðrÞi ¼ ðN1Þ r1 <a ð ð þ pðr1 ; r2 ; …; rN Þ FðrjKN Þ dV1 …N : ðN1Þ r1 >a (B6) r2 <a r1 >a J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 4, April 2011 P. A. Martin: Scattering by random arrays of cylinders 1693 Author's complimentary copy r1 <a ð The first term is ðn0 =NÞ split as ð ð Ð r1 <a hFi1 Also, squaring, dV1 . The second term is 2 2 16ðn2 z2 Þ2 Jn2 ¼ z4 ðJn2 Þ þ 4Jn2 þ Jnþ2 ð pðr1 ; r2 ; …; rN Þ FðrjKN Þ dV1N ðN2Þ ð r2 >að r1 >að pðr1 ; r2 ; …; rN Þ FðrjKN Þ dV1N : þ ðN2Þ r2 <a r1 >a 2 2 þ Jnþ1 Þ þ cross terms; þ 4z2 ðJn1 where “cross terms” denotes terms of the form Jm Jn with m = n. Hence, using Eq. (C1), (B7) 16 The second term in Eq. (B7) is approximately X ðn2 z2 Þ2 Jn2 ¼ 6z4 þ 8z2 : 2 2 , 2Jn1 Jnþ1 þ Jnþ1 As 4½Jn0 2 ¼ Jn1 pðr1 ; r2 ; …; rN Þ FðrjKN Þ dV13 …N2 2 r2 <a ðN1Þ ¼ n0 N ð r2 <a hFi2 dV2 : rN >a þ ð j¼2 rj <a hFij dVj : (B8) 2 2 þ cross terms, Jnþ1 As 16Jn000 Jn0 ¼ 8½Jn0 2 Jn1 2 16 X r1 >a Collecting up the results, Eq. (B5) is obtained again, but now for any N. X 3 2X ½ð8 þ n2 z2 Þz2 Jn02 þ 2z3 Jn Jn0 z Xn ¼ 2 fðn2 z2 Þðn2 z2 þ 8Þ þ 8z2 gJn2 X X ¼ 8z2 ðn2 z2 ÞJn02 Jn02 þ z2 X X ðn2 z2 Þ2 Jn2 Jn Jn0 þ 2z3 X X 8 ðn2 z2 ÞJn2 8z2 Jn2 In this appendix, all functions have argument z and all sums are from n ¼ 1 to n ¼ þ1. The basic sums are15 Jn2 ¼ 1 and X Jn Jnþm ¼ 0; m 6¼ 0: X 2X 2 2 2 2 ðn2 z2 ÞJn02 ðn z Þ Jn 2 2 z 1 1 3 ¼ 2 ð6z4 þ8z2 Þ ð86z2 Þ ¼ z2 : (C2) 8z 8 2 2ðz2 n2 ÞJ n ðzÞ ¼ Then, using Eq. (61), APPENDIX C: SOME SUMS OF PRODUCTS OF BESSEL FUNCTIONS X X ðn2 z2 ÞJn02 ¼ 8 6z2 : These sums are sufficient to evaluate the sums needed in Sec. VIII. First, N N ð n0 X þ hFj ij dVj pa N N j¼1 rj >a n0 ð 2 hF1 ij dV1 : ’ ð1 n0 pa ÞF0 ðrÞ þ n0 0 (C1) P Differentiating the first of these gives Jn Jn0 ¼ 0. The differential equation for Jn(z) gives z2 1 ð8 6z2 Þ ð6z4 þ 8z2 Þ 16 16 þ 4z2 8z2 3 ¼ z4 : 4 ¼ 4z2 þ 4ðn2 z2 ÞJn ¼ 4z2 Jn00 þ 4zJn0 0 0 Þ þ 4zJn0 Jnþ1 ¼ 2z2 ðJn1 ¼ z2 ðJn2 2Jn þ Jnþ2 Þ þ 2zðJn1 Jnþ1 Þ; using 2Jm0 ¼ Jm1 Jmþ1 . Hence X 4 ðn2 z2 ÞJn2 ¼ 2z2 : 1694 Jn0 Jn00 ¼ 0: n X X z2 Jn000 þ 3zJn00 þ Jn0 þ 2zJn Jn0 ðn2 z2 ÞJn02 ¼ X 1 Jn000 Jn0 ¼ þ z2 2 n Using the expansion (B4), the first term in Eq. (B8) becomes, approximately, n N N X whence pðr1 ; r2 ; …; rN Þ FðrjKN Þ dV1N N and ðn2 z2 ÞJn0 ¼ z2 Jn000 þ 3zJn00 þ Jn0 þ 2zJn r1 >a ð N X n0 Jn02 ¼ 1 Differentiating the differential equation for Jn(z) gives The pattern is now clear. The splitting process is repeated on the first term in Eq. (B7). This shows that the second term in Eq. (B6) is approximately ð X J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 4, April 2011 Thus, 1 P Xn ¼ z2 =2 and so Eq. (63) gives S 2 ¼ 0. P. A. Martin, Multiple Scattering (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006), p. 312. P. A. 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