A long-wave multiple scattering theory C M Linton, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK. E-mail: c.m.linton@lboro.ac.uk P A Martin, Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401-1887, USA. E-mail: pamartin@mines.edu SUMMARY known. For submerged structures we do not include a source (i.e. Dj = 0). One of the most successful techniques for handling The field incident on the n-th scatterer is multiple scattering is the so-called T-matrix approach X in which the full linear solution can be computed once un (r) = uinc (r) + Dj G0 (r − rj ; zj ) it has been determined how each individual element j6=n of an array scatters an arbitrary incident field. In the + dj · G1 (r − rj ; zj ) . (2) context of water waves this theory was originally formulated in [1] for constant finite depth, and extended Now, let us characterise the scattering properties of to the deep water case in [2]. the scatterers by writing Here we propose a very simple approach to mulT Dn = Bn un (rn ) and dTn = Cn [vn (rn )] , (3) tiple scattering, designed to provide approximations valid when the wavelength is large compared to the where size of the individual scatterers. The idea is an exvn = K −1 ∇un . (4) tension of a very old method used in acoustics due to The quantity Cn is a matrix. Thus Dn is proporFoldy [3] in which the scatterers are assumed to betional to the value of the exciting field at rn and dn have like point sources in the long-wave limit. This is is related to the gradient of the exciting field at rn . in fact rigorously true for scatterers on whose boundIf we substitute from (2) into (3) we get ary the velocity potential vanishes, but it is not aph X propriate for rigid scatterers. For our problem we asDn = Bn uinc (rn ) + Dj G0 (rnj ; zj ) sume that each scatterer can be modelled as a combij6=n nation of a source and a dipole in long waves and then i proceed to handle the multiple scattering in much the + dj · G1 (rnj ; zj ) , (5) same way as in the T-matrix approach. The scattering characteristics of each individual scatterer can be where rnj = rn − rj , and determined by appealing to specific long-wave asymph 1 X totics, or numerically if necessary. A time depen∇ Dj G0 (r − rj ; zj ) dTn = Cn vinc (rn ) + K dence of exp(−iωt) is assumed throughout and we j6=n iT will use K = ω 2 /g. , (6) + d · G (r − r ; z ) j 1 j j r=rn The method is applied to the scattering of a plane wave by a group of horizontal, submerged, circular where vinc (r) = K −1 ∇uinc . Equations (5) and (6) cylinders and by an infinite periodic row of identical give a system of linear algebraic equations for Dn vertical cylinders of constant cross-section. and the components of dn . For N scatterers in three dimensions, there are 4N equations for the 4N scalar unknowns; in two dimensions, there are 3N equations FORMULATION in 3N unknowns, though for each scatterer that is We take the x, y-plane to be the undisturbed free sur- submerged the size of the system reduces by one. face with z pointing vertically upwards and represent the total field by the harmonic velocity potential Choice of Bj and Cj X In order to use the method described above, we have Dj G0 (r − rj ; zj ) u(r) = uinc (r) + to specify the coefficient Bj and the matrix Cj for j each scatterer. Consider the j-th scatterer and as+ dj · G1 (r − rj ; zj ) , (1) sume, without loss of generality, that it is located at r = (0, 0, ζ). For any incident field uinc (r), we have where the sum is over all scatterers, the j-th scatterer j assumed that the total field near the scatterer is given being centred at rj = (xj , yj , zj ), and r = (x, y, z). by The first term inside the summation is a source at rj ; the strength of the source (given by Dj ) is unknown. u(r) ≃ uinc (r) + Bj uinc (0, 0, ζ) G0 (r; zj ) The second term is a dipole at rj , the direction and + vinc (0, 0, ζ) CTj · G1 (r; zj ). (7) strength of which (given by dj = (dxj , dyj , dzj )) are un- If the incident field is a plane wave travelling in the and if we define q x-direction, then we have 2 xnj = xn − xj , znj = zn − zj , rnj = x2nj + znj uinc = eiKx eKz , (8) and s Z ∞ and µ(µ + K) µ(zn +zj ) cos µxnj Inj =⌣ dµ e a 2 Inj sin µxnj 0 K (µ − K) u(r) ≃ eiKx eKz + Bj eKζ G0 (r; zj ) (14) T Kζ then (12) becomes (i, 0, 1)Cj · G1 (r; zj ). (9) +e " x This can be compared with specific long-wave caldn i 2 = δn (Kan ) eiKxn eKzn culations such as those derived in [4] using matched dzn −1 asymptotic expansions. " x 2 X 1 dj (znj − x2nj ) + 2dzj xnj znj + 2 4 2dxj xnj znj + dzj (x2nj − znj ) K 2 rnj SUBMERGED HORIZONTAL CYLINj6=n ## x s DERS a dj Inj + dzj Inj + . (15) a s −dxj Inj + dzj Inj As an application of the theory we will consider a two-dimensional problem with a plane wave normally system of equaincident on an array of submerged horizontal circu- For N cylinders this is ax 2N × 2N z tions for the unknown d and d . An approximate n n lar cylinders in deep water. Since the cylinders are solution can be determined if we assume that both submerged, there are no source terms. Symmetry Ka ≪ 1 and a /r ≪ 1. We obtain n n nj considerations show that the vertical fluid velocity " cannot lead to a horizontal dipole, so Czx = 0. We x i dn 2 also assume that Cxz = 0; though this is an approxieiKxn eKzn ≃ δn (Kan ) −1 dzn mation which is strictly only valid when the depth of X submergence of each cylinder, zn , is much larger than + δj (Kaj )2 eiKxj eKzj the cylinder radius, an . It follows from the asympj6=n totic analysis in [5], that for a circular cylinder of " 2 radius a and submergence depth f > 0, 1 i(znj − x2nj ) − 2xnj znj 2 4 ) 2ixnj znj − (x2nj − znj K 2 rnj Cxx = δ(Ka)2 , Czz = −δ(Ka)2 , (10) ## s a iInj − Inj . (16) + a s where −iInj − Inj ∞ 2n X ns , (11) δ = 4 (f /a)2 − 1 The scattered field is 1 − s2n n=1 X p usc = dj · G1 (r − rn ; zn ) (17) with s = (f /a)− (f /a)2 − 1, is a factor which tends n to one as a/f → 0. For deeply submerged cylinders X ∼ 2π e±iK(x−xn) eK(z+zn ) (±dxn − idzn ) (18) we have δ ≈ 1 and different cross-sections can easily n be accommodated by including an appropriate dipole coefficient in (10) as shown in [4]. as x → ±∞. The reflection coefficient is thus Equation (6) is thus X R = 2π (19) eiKxn eKzn (−dxn − idzn ) " x n 1 0 dn (i, 1) eiKxn eKzn = δn (Kan )2 which becomes 0 −1 dzn XX #T R = −4π eiK(xn +xj ) eK(zn +zj ) 1 X ∇ dj · G1 (r − rj ; zj ) r=rn . (12) + n j6=n K j6=n δn δj (Kaj an )2 2 (20) i(znj − x2nj ) − 2xnj znj × 4 rnj Now if we insert the approximations given by (16). If all the cylinders are at the same depth zn = ζ and have Z ∞ dxj (x − xj ) + dzj (zj − z) (µ + K) µ(z+zj ) the same radius an = a, then +⌣ e XX Kr2 0 K(µ − K) iK(xn +xj ) R = 4πiK 2 a4 δ 2 e2Kζ x−2 . (21) x z nj e (dj sin µ(x − xj ) − dj cos µ(x − xj )) dµ (13) dj · G1 (r − rj ; zj ) = n j6=n Furthermore, if the wavelength is large compared is symmetric with respect to both the x- and y-axes with all the other length scales in the problem we the matrix C will be diagonal and we will make this get assumption here. XX −2 2 4 2 As an example, we consider the scattering of a R = 4πiK a δ xnj . (22) plane wave n j6=n uinc = ei(βx+αy) , (26) This is slightly different to the equivalent expression in [6], where the factor δ 2 is replaced by δ δ̃, δ̃ being where α = k sin ψ and β = k cos ψ, by an infinite a different factor which also tends to 1 as a/ζ → 0. periodic row of identical cylinders. The scatterers This discrepancy, which makes little difference to the are located at r = rm for m = 0, ±1, ±2, . . ., where numerical results, may well be due to the neglect of r = (x, y), rm = (ms, 0) and s is the spacing. We will use polar coordinates (rm , θm ) centred at the the Cxz terms in the matrix C. Some preliminary calculations of exciting forces m-th scatterer and defined by x − ms = rm cos θm , have been performed based on solving (15) and then y = rm sin θm . In terms of (rm , θm ), we have numerically integrating the potential (1) around each uinc = Im eikrm cos(θm −ψ) with Im = eiβms . (27) cylinder. These results have been compared with the full linear solution computed using the multipole exThe representation (1) becomes pansion method described in [7]. As expected, the X two approaches agree in the long wave limit. Dj H0 (krj ) u(r) = uinc (r) + j VERTICAL CYLINDERS In the case of vertical cylinders of constant cross section extending throughout the depth (h say) we can develop a very similar theory. A depth dependence of cosh k(z+h)/ cosh kh, where k the positive root of the dispersion relation k tanh kh = K, can be factored out in the usual way and then the reduced potential (which we still call u) satisfies the Helmholtz equation (∇2 + k 2 )u = 0. The definition of vn is changed to k −1 ∇un . Infinite depth is treated by setting k = K with the depth factor as exp(−Kz). Equation (1) remains the same, but now G0 (r) = (1) (1) H0 (kr) and G1 (r) = r̂H1 (kr), with r = |r| and r̂ = r/r. Equations (5) and (6) become (dropping the superscripts on the Hankel functions) h X Dj H0 (krnj )+ Dn = Bn uinc (rn ) + + (dxj cos θj + dyj sin θj )H1 (krj ) . (28) As uinc (ns, 0) = In , the scalar system (23) becomes h X Dn = B In + Dj H0 (ks|n − j|) j6=n i + dxj H1 (ks|n − j|) sgn(n − j) . (29) Note that r̂nj = (1, 0) for n > j and r̂nj = (−1, 0) for n < j. The vector system (24) reduces to two scalar systems. They are Cxx dxn = iIn cos ψ + X dxj H1′ (ks|n − j|) j6=n and − Dj H1 (ks|n − j|) sgn(n − j) j6=n i dj · r̂nj H1 (krnj ) and (23) dyj H1 (ks|n − j|) . ks|n − j| (31) The periodicity of the geometry and the quasiperiodicity of the incident plane wave imply Dj = Ij D0 , j6=n oiT − r̂nj (dj · r̂nj ) H2 (krnj ) − Dj r̂nj H1 (krnj ) . (24) Standard low frequency approximations show that for circular cylinders Cj = −2Bj I, X j6=n h X n H1 (krnj ) dj dTn = Cn vinc (rn ) + krnj Bj = − 41 iπ(kaj )2 , Cyy dyn = iIn sin ψ + (30) (25) where I is the identity matrix. Equivalent quantities can easily be determined for cylinders of arbitrary cross-section. For cylinders with a cross-section that dxj = Ij dx0 , dyj = Ij dy0 . (32) When these relations are used in (29), (30)and (31) we obtain a coupled system for D0 and dx0 , representing the component of the solution which is symmetric with respect to the x-axis, and a separate equation for the antisymmetric component dy0 . The solutions are D0 = Cxx − 12 (σ0 − σ2 ) + iσ1 cos ψ /∆, dx0 = −σ1 + (B −1 − σ0 )i cos ψ /∆, (33) −1 y 1 , d0 = i sin ψ Cyy − 2 (σ0 + σ2 ) where ∆ = (B −1 − σ0 )[Cxx − 12 (σ0 − σ2 )] + σ12 , and σp (ψ) = ∞ X (I−j + (−1)p Ij )Hp (kjs). (34) j=1 The efficient computation of these sums is non-trivial, but integral representations for σp exist which greatly facilitate the process. If we define Sn± = ∞ X I±j Hn (kjs) (35) assume that ks < π in which case M = {0} and we have just one reflected and one transmitted wave, with reflection and transmission coefficients given by 2 D0 − idx0 cos ψ + idy0 sin ψ , (41) ks sin ψ 2 D0 − idx0 cos ψ − idy0 sin ψ . (42) T =1+ ks sin ψ R= DISCUSSION Calculations based on this long-wave multiple scattering theory will be presented at the workshop for so that σn = (−1)n Sn+ + Sn− , then the two problems considered above. Comparisons will Z −in arccos t be made with the full linear solution in each case. i e Sn± = − dt, (36) We will also discuss the three-dimensional water wave ksγ∓iβs π C γ(e − 1) problem involving an array of floating hemispheres. where the contour C lies on the real axis but is indented above the poles for which t < 0 and below REFRENCES those for which t > 0. Here γ(t) is defined for real t by [1] Hiroshi Kagemoto and Dick K. P. Yue. 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