Document 13383351

Dear Resident:
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services continues to work on the Jefferson Storm Drainage
Improvement Project. Phase highlights:
storm drainage improvement project
Phase 1: Construction is complete and the project is currently in the warranty phase. There will
be a one-year monitoring phase and follow-up inspection as part of the City’s warranty period.
Phase 2: Construction is underway at the Carmel Park Drive Ponds. Work will progress in
a downstream-to-upstream manner and move to different areas after each stage of work is
completed. The construction completion target date remains June 30, 2010.
Engineering & Property Management
Storm Water Services Division
600 East Fourth Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
Phase 3: This project is currently in the bid phase. Once the bid phase has been completed,
construction will begin on Jefferson Drive with replacement of the large culvert adjacent to the
pond. Work will then progress up to various other culverts and pipes, working in a downstreamto-upstream manner. Construction is anticipated to begin in March 2009.
Mailer updates will be sent approximately every 4 months updating you on the status of the
construction. However, if you would like to receive more frequent updates via e-mail, please send
William Harris your e-mail address.
For more information, please visit our website at and click on
Storm Water Projects, Storm Water Projects again, and then Jefferson.
If you have any questions feel free to contact one of the following project team members:
On-Site Construction Inspector for Phase 2:
Adam Clapp: 704-400-2006
Construction Manager:
Gary Stansbury: 704-336-2667
Project Manager:
William Harris: 704-353-1147
The inspector will be on site daily to address any questions or concerns. Please note that efforts
are taken to minimize disruption to nearby property owners.
November 2008
It’s the time of year when the leaves fall and
homeowners are outside raking them into piles.
But, most homeowners don’t realize that what
you do with that pile of leaves could be illegal.
In the City of Charlotte, it is against the Storm
Water Pollution Control Ordinance to dispose of
yard waste down storm drains or in creeks. It is
also recommended that homeowners do not leave
them to decompose on creek banks.
The storm drainage system flows directly to our
creeks and lakes without any treatment. That
means that when leaves are blown into the streets
or piled on stream banks, yard waste becomes a
storm water pollutant.
Yard waste, when left to decompose in our surface
waters, super-fertilizes the water and becomes toxic
to the aquatic community. Yard waste, when left
to decompose on stream banks, can contribute to
stream blockages and smother vegetation stabilizing
the banks.
Please do not use the storm drainage system as a
trash bin.
• Use a compost bin to turn yard waste into a
practical gardening product;
• Take yard waste to the curb for collection; and
• Never dump yard waste down storm drains or
in creeks.
For more information on composting or curbside
collection, call 311 or visit us on the web at