Conway/Briabend your storm water fees at work

s t o r m
d r a i n a g e
i m p r o v e m e n t
p r o j e c t
your storm water fees at work
June 2009
Background/History of the Project:
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services and
consulting engineers, US Infrastructure (USI) and Armstrong
Glen (AG), are currently in the Real Estate Phase of the
Conway/Briabend Storm Drainage Improvement Project.
This project will repair existing culverts, storm drainage and
channel systems to reduce house and street flooding within
the area bounded by Scaleybark Road, South Boulevard and
Woodlawn Road.
You may also view project updates and exhibits on the
web at: (Click on Storm
Water Projects, Storm Water Projects again, then Conway/
If you have any questions regarding this project, please
contact the Project Manager, Jennifer Barker, at
704-432-0963 or
Current Status and Next Steps:
The consulting engineers have completed the preliminary
design plans. City staff and other stakeholders have
reviewed the plans and are currently finalizing design.
Julie Millea, City Real Estate, is coordinating with individual
property owners directly affected by the proposed project
Don’t Let Washing Your Car
Hurt Our Environment!
All of the storm drains in CharlotteMecklenburg flow directly to our
lakes and streams. Dirty, soapy water
from washing your car can pollute our
surface waters.
One gallon of liquid soap will
pollute 200,000 gallons of water.
Consider washing your car on a
grassy area. Or better yet, take
your car to a professional car washing center.
Don’t let soap suds go down the storm drain.
Remember, only rain goes down the storm drain!
For more information
visit us on the web at
and click on Pollution Prevention
Engineering & Property Management
Storm Water Services Division
600 East Fourth Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202