Diego Amancio Alcala 970-614-5787

Diego Amancio Alcala
B.S. Physics May, 2013. The University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado.
B.S. Mathematics May, 2013. The University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado.
Research Experience
McNair Research Scholar
- Worked one on one with a faculty mentor on ascertaining the effects of varying
atmospheric pressure on loudspeakers.
UNC Robotics
- Lead programmer to develop an autonomous robot platform that drivers towards a given
heading while avoiding various obstacles with infrared sensory array.
- Participated in NASA’s Colorado Space Grant Consortium 5th Annual Robotics
REU at College Park Maryland through TREND (training and research experience in non-linear
- Worked with partner and graduate student to write algorithm in FORTRAN which would
induce explosive percolation in directed networks.
- Shared duties in developing algorithms, and writing code.
Other Experience
- President (2011-2012) and secretary (2012-2013) of University of Northern Colorado
Sigma Tau Sigma Honor Volunteer Tutoring Society
- Attended the Joint Mathematics Meeting in Boston 2012.
- Mentored student in research project summer 2011 at the University of Northern
Colorado through Frontiers of Science Institute
- Facilitated mathematical and geometrical puzzles using pennies for the Gathering for
Gardener UNC event for Fall 2011.
- Judged High school science projects for Longs Peak Science and Engineering Fair Spring
- Grading Papers (Mechanics, Math Methods, Calculus)
Squires S, Sytwu K, Alcala D, Antonsen A, Ott E, Girvan M. Weakly Explosive Percolation in
Directed Networks. Phys. Rev. E 87, 052127 (2013) [7 pages]
Tutoring Experience
College Reading and Learning Association Certified level II tutor
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Co.
Student Tutor, August 2010 – May 2013.
Tutoring mathematics courses up to Calculus III and Linear Algebra. Tutoring introductory
algebra and calculus based physics.
Aims Community College, Greeley, Co.
Student Tutor, August 2009 to December 2009.
Tutored all mathematics courses up to Calculus III.
Lab teaching assistant for introductory physics lab (2011)
Relative Coursework
Classical Mechanics
Electricity and Magnetism
Thermodynamics and Statistical
Quantum Mechanics I, II
Lab Methods I, II
Math Methods for Physicists I, II
Calculus I, II, III
Linear Algebra
Abstract Algebra I, II
Discrete Mathematics
Probability Theory and Statistics I,II
Special Topics – Soliton Theory
Differential Equations I, II
Complex Analysis
Basic Analysis I,II
- UNC Academic Scholars Award in Math and Physics
- UNC Mathematical Sciences Alumni Scholarship
- 3rd Place award for research paper in McNair Faculty Review
- Runner up in Maryland REU for overall project and presentation
Presentations, Guest Lectures
(January, 2012). Explosive Percolation in Directed Networks. Poster presentation give at 2013
Dynamics Days in Denver, Colorado.
(August, 2012). Explosive Percolation in Directed Networks. Oral and poster presentation given
at end of REU program at Maryland.
(September, 2012). Explosive Percolation in Directed Networks. Poster presentation for
Dynamics of Discrete State Networks funding review at University of Maryland at College Park.
(March, 2011). Loudspeakers and the Thiele-Small Parameters. Oral presentation given in a
physics seminar course at the University of Northern Colorado.
(May, 2011). Effect of Altitude on the Thiele-Small Parameters. Oral presentation given at the
19th Annual Pacific Northwest Spring Research Conference at the University of Washington.
(April, 2011). Effect of Altitude on the Thiele-Small Parameters. Oral presentation given at the
Colorado-Wyoming section of the American Association of Physics Teachers at University of
Colorado Denver.
(April, 2011). Effect of Altitude on the Thiele-Small Parameters. Poster presentation given at
the University of Northern Colorado Annual Research Conference
(April, 2011). Investigation of Lasers and Play-Doh. Poster presentation given at the University
of Northern Colorado Annual Research Conference
(April, 2011). Autonomous Rover Exploration in a Simulated Extraterrestrial Environment.
Poster Presentation given at the University of Northern Colorado NHS Student Research
Special Skills
Proficient in conversational Spanish. Basic writing skills.
Proficient in C++, Python, LaTeX, FORTRAN90
Basic skills in Matlab and Linux