Acoustic measures for linguistic features distinguishing the semivowels/wj r 1/in American English Carol Y. Espy-Wilson Electrical, Computer andSystems Engineering Department, Boston University, 44Cummington Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215andResearch Laboratory ofElectronics, Room36-545,MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 (Received3 December1990;accepted for publication 23 April 1992) Acousticproperties relatedto thelinguistic features whichcharacterize thesemivowels in AmericanEnglishwerequantified andanalyzedstatistically. Thefeatures canbedividedinto thosewhichseparate thesemivowels fromothersounds andthosewhichdistinguish amongthe semivowels. The featuresof interestaresonorant, syllabic,consonantal, high,back,front, and retroflex. Acousticcorrelates of thesefeatures wereinvestigated in thisstudyof the semivowels.The acousticcorrelates,which are basedon relative measures,were testedon a corpusof 233polysyllabic words,eachof whichwasspoken onceby twomalesandtwo females.For themostpart,theappropriate distinctions aremadeby thechosenacoustic properties forfeatures. However,foreachproperty, therewassomeoverlapin theacoustic correlates of featuresfor thesounds beingdistinguished. An examination of thesounds in the overlapregions revealsthattheirsurface manifestation variessubstantially fromthecanonical form.In largepart,theobserved variabilitycanbeexplainedin termsof changes dueto feature spreadingandlenition. PACS numbers:43.70.Fq,43.72.Ar,43.70.Hs variabilityof someacousticproperties assumed to be associatedwith thesemivowels. For example,notall prevocalic An acousticstudyof the sounds/wj r l/was conducted andintervocalic/1/'sareassociated with spectraldiscontinas part of the development of a semivowelrecognitionsysuities.Finally,theacoustic properties of someof theother tem (Espy-Wilson,1987}. Recognitionof the semivowelsis sounds also change with context. In particular, someundera challengingtask since,of the consonants,the semivowels lyingly voiced obstruents surface as SOhorant consonants aremostlike the vowelsand,dueto phonotacticconstraints, and, in somecases,they resembleone or more of the theyalmostalwaysoccuradjacentto a vowel.Thus,acoustic semivowels.Some of these variations were also examined. changes betweensemivowels andvowelsareoftenquitesubobserved in theacoustic tle sothat therearenoclearlandmarksto guidethesampling We will arguethatthevariability manifestation of the semivowels and some of the other of acousticproperties. soundscanbecharacterizedin termsof changesin the phoMany studieshave examinedsomeof the acousticand perceptualproperties of oneor moreof the semivowels in nologicalfeatures. INTRODUCTION English(Lisker, 1957;O'Connoret al., 1957;Lehiste,1962; Kameny, 1974; Daiston, 1975; Bladon and A1-Bamerni, 1976;Bond, 1976). Thesestudieshaveprimarily focusedon the acousticandperceptualcuesthat distinguishamongthe semivowels and the coarticulatory effects between semivowels and adjacentvowels.For the mostpart, these studieshavelookedat simplecontextsand a limited setof acousticproperties. While the resultsof pastwork were usedto guidethe presentexaminationof the semivowels, this studydiffers from previousresearchin that the acousticpropertiesinvestigatedwerechosento be closelyrelatedto the abstractlinguisticfeatureswhich comprisea phonologicaldescription of the semivowels.We examineacousticpropertiesfor featuresthat not only distinguishamongthe semivowels,but that alsoseparatethe semivowelsfrom other sounds.The acousticproperties wereanalyzedto quantifyhowthe surfacemanifestationof the semivowels changeswith context. The resultsobtainedsupportpreviousfindings,namelythat formantinformationcan be usedto distinguishamongthe semivowels.In addition,there are new findingsabout the 736 I. REVIEW OF THE ACOUSTIC PROPERTIES OF SEMIVOWELS Spectrograms of the semivowels are shownin Figs. l and 2 wherethey occurin word-initialpositionbeforethe front vowel/i/and the back vowel/u/. As can be seen,the semivowels haveproperties that are similarto bothvowels and consonants.Like the vowels,the semivowelsare pro- dueedorallywithoutcompleteclosureof thevocaltractand withoutanyfrieationnoise.Asisalsotrueforthevowels,the degreeof constrictionneededto producethe semivowels doesnot inhibitvoicing.Thus,asshownin thesefigures,the semivowels and vowels are both voiced with no evidence of frication noise.In addition, the slowerrate of changeof the constriction size for the semivowels than other consonants resultsin slowerspectrumchangesfor thesesoundscom- paredto otherconsonants. Forexample, thespectrogram of theword"you"in Fig. 1 showsthattheformantsduringthe /j/stay relativelyconstantfor about130ms beforethey movetowardtheappropriate valuesforthefollowingvowel. Thus,asin the caseof vowels,a voicedsteadystateis often J. Acoust.Soc.Am.92 (2), Pt. 1, August1992 0001-4966/92/080736-22500.80 @ 1992Acoustical Societyof America 736 "lee" we sooo 500O 5000 4000 4000 4000 "re" .• ,I • 5000- I I %# 4000- 3000 - @ooo 3ooo- Hz Hz Hz 2000 8000- 1ooo I000- o Hz POO0 1000- o 0.454 o 0 o 0.25 5000 4000 4000 3000- 3000 F:• h '1 1000 '"'•' '' 0.2 0.48 -- 5000- I 'p 4000•oood Hz 2000- •000] ! 000- logo •%'! 'rqis F• . iI•111111m, .,. , 0 5000- 0.25 I'rou" HZ 1 0 "Jou" 3000- 2000 F2 0 FI .ram 0.556 4000- Hz 1000 o mmyoum' 5000- 2000 0.48 0 F 0.428 0 0.2g 0.50G o TIME (seconds) 0.582 0.556 TIME (seconds) FIG. 1. Widebandspectrograms of the words"we" and "ye" (top), and FIG. 2. Widebandspectrograms of the words"lee" and "re" (top), and "woo" and "you" (bottom). "rou" and "1ou" (bottom). observedin spectrograms of the semivowels. frequencies than/u/, and/j/has a lowerF 1 frequency and Liketheotherconsonants, thesemivowels usuallyoccur usuallya higherF2 or F3 frequencythan/i/. Thesedifferat syllablemargins.That is, they generallydo not haveor encescanbe seenin the words"woo" and "ye" of Fig. 1. constitute apeakof sonority.{Sonority,in thiscase,isequatThe glidesoccurin prevocalicandintervocalicpositions edwithsomemeasure ofacoustic energy.)Asshownin Figs. within a word,suchasthe/j/in "you" and "yo-yo"andthe 1and2, oneor moreof theformantsduringthesemivowels is /w/in "we" and"away."In addition,theyoftenoccurphoconsiderably lowerin amplitudethanit isduringthefollow- netically{eventhoughthey are not phonologically speciing vowels.In the caseof/w/, it is F3 and the higherfor- fied) aspart of the transitionbetweentwo adjacentvowels. mantswhichareweaker.In thecaseof/j/, F 3 andthehigher An exampleof thismanifestation of a glideistheintervocalic formantsarefairly strong,butF2 isnot.For/1/, thereisless /j/sound oftenobserved between/i/and/o/in thepronunenergyin the high-frequency rangestartingaroundF4 for ciationof"radiology" ( [redijologi]vs [rediologi]). The semivowels/1/and/r/are often referred to as li"lee"andF3 for "1ou."Finally,F3 andthehigherformants arelowerin amplitudeduring/r/. The relativelylowampli- quids.Sproatand Fujimura {submitted)foundfrom articutudeofthesemivowels ascompared tothevowels isprobably latory and electromyographicdata obtainedfrom several due to a combinationof factors:a low-frequency first for- speakersthat the productionof all English/l/'s involves mant (Fant, 1960),a largeF 1bandwidthcausedbythe nar- both an apical and a dorsalgesturalcomponent.The key rowerconstriction(BickleyandStevens,1986),or interac- articulatorydistinctionbetweenthe two well established tion betweenthe vocal folds and the constriction(Bicklcy variants of/1/, light or clear/1/(as in "Lee") and dark/1/ andStevens,1986).At present,thisphenomenon isnotwell {as in "feel"), is that in dark/1/the tonguebody is more understood. retractedthan in light/1/, resultingin a much lower F2. The semivowels/w/and/j/are often referredto as Sproatand Fujimuraarguethat thisallophonicvariationis glidesor transitionalsounds.They are producedwith con- not categorical,but is the degreeto which the apicaland stantmotionof thearticulators. Consequently, theformants dorsalgestures arerealizedandthe timingbetweenthe two in the transitiontowardor awayfromadjacentvowelsexhib- gestures.Specifically,theyfoundthat in additionto a signifiit a smoothglidingmovement.The semivowels/w/and/j/ cantly greaterretractionof the tonguedorsumfor dark/1/ are producedwith vocal-tractconfigurations similar to comparedto light/1/, the maximumtonguedotsumposithoseof thevowels/u/and/i/, respectively, butwitha more tion for the dark/1/is achieved well in advance of the maxiextreme constriction.As a result,/w/has lower F 1 and F2 mum tonguetip position.On the otherhand,duringthe ges737 J. Acoust. Sec.Am.,VoL92, No.2, Pt.1, AugustI gg2 CarolY. Espy-Wilson: Acoustic measures forsemivowels 737 turefor thelight/I/, thetonguetip positionisreachedbefore the tonguedorsumpositionis achieved. In the caseof light/l/, the apicalgestureusuallyinvolyesthe placementof the centerof the tonguetip against the alveolarridge.The oftenrapidreleaseof the tonguetip fromtheroofof themouthresultsin a spectraldiscontinuity betweenthe/1/and the followingvowel (Daiston, 1975). JoGs(1948), reportedthat/1/is alwaysmarkedat itsbeginningand/or endby an abruptshiftin the formantpattern. Along this line, Fant (1960) observedthat the identification of an/1/reliesona suddenshiftupoff I fromthe/l/into the followingvowel. Finally, Daiston (1975) found that this abruptshiftin F 1isoftenaccompanied bya transientclickin the acousticspectrum.Someof thesepropertiescanbe ob- that asthepharyngealconstrictionisnarrowed,theauditory impression of the/r/is enhanced. Regardlessof whether a bunchedor retroflexed/r/is produced,lip roundingmayoccurwhen/r/is eitherprevocalic or intervocalic and before a stressedvowel (Delattre andFreeman,1968).The acousticconsequence of lip roundingisa loweringof all formants.Thiseffectmayaccountfor the lower F 1, F2, and F3 Lehiste (1962) observedfor initial /r/ allophonesrelativeto final/r/allophones, for whichlip roundingdoesnot usuallyoccur. In summary,many of the acousticpropertieswhich characterizethesemivowels havebeenexaminedin previous studies.However,thiswork haslargelyfocusedon formant measurements. In this investigationof the semivowels, served at theboundary between the/1/and thefollowing acousticpropertiescalculatedfrom formantmeasurements vowelsin Fig. 2. andenergy-based parametersarequantifiedandanalyzedso In the caseof dark/1/, Sproatand Fujimura (submit- that we canstudyto a greaterextentsomeof the variability that occurs in the surface forms of the semivowels. Furtherted) reportthat apicalcontactis lessrobusteventhoughit was madeduring all of the/1/productions in their study. more, the acousticpropertiesare related to the linguistic GilesandMoll (1975) foundin anx-raystudyof English/1/ featureswhich providea frameworkfor understanding the that apicalcontactfor dark/l/'s wasnot alwaysachievedfor changesthat occur. all speakersand is dependentupon phoneticcontextand speakingrate. In addition,theyfoundthat the meanpeak II. MœTHOD velocityof thetongueapexmovementissignificantly slower A. Stimuli for dark/1/. Furthermore,they foundthat dark/1/shows A data base of 233 polysyllabicwords containing undershoot ofarticulatorypositions with increases in speaksemivowels in a varietyof phoneticenvironments wasselectingrate.Thisslowerandincomplete apicalgesturemayhelp ed from the 20 000-word Merriam-Webster Pocket dictioexplainwhy dark/1/productionsarenot associated with an nary.The semivowels occuradjacentto voicedandunvoiced abrupt spectralchange. consonants,as well as in word-initial, word-final, and interAlthough the distributionof dark and light/1/varies vocalicpositions.(Note that only/1/and/r/occur postvoacrossspeakers,canonicalsyllable-final/1/is dark and, in calieally.) The semivowels occuradjacentto vowelswhich manydialects,syllable-initial/1/is light. Sproatand Fujiare stressed and unstressed, high and low, and front and mura(submitted)foundin theirstudyof preboundaryl inback. In developing the database, wordswere chosenthat tervocalic/1/inthefallingstress context/i_ [/that thequalcontained several semivowels so that theysatisfymorethan ity of the/1/dependsuponthephoneticdurationof therime one category. The distribution of the semivowels in termsof whichcontainsit. (They alsoshowa correlationbetweenthe word position and stress is given in Table I. Examples of durationof the preboundaryrime and the strengthof the words in these categories are given in Table II. While most of phonologieal boundary.)Specifically theyfoundthat asthe the contextscontain severalwords, there are a few for which rimebecomes longer,thetonguebodyfor/1/becomeslower and more retracted.Therefore,intervocalic/1/occurring beforea major intonationboundaryis dark. On the other hand,they foundthat the preboundary/1/preceding the TABLE I. Distribution of semivowels in the test words. The number in the weakest boundariesare as light as initial /1/. These data parentheses specifiesthe numberof semivowelsoccurringnext to a vowel supportpreviousfindingsby Lehiste (1962) and Blandon with primarystress. and AI-Bamerni{ 1976) whichshowthat certainprebounCategory w j r i daryintervocalic/1/productions arelighterin qualitythan preboundary/1/in prepausalposition. Prevocalic 65 41 63 52 word-initial(prestressed) 11(9) 8(5) 10(5) 6(3) American/r/may beproducedwith eithera retroflexed or bunched articulation (Delattre and Freeman, 1968). If the upperconstrictionis at the palate,it is madewith either the tonguetip or the tongueblade.If, instead,the upper constrictionis further back near the velum, it is made with thetonguebody.It isthepalatalor palato-velarconstriction which lowersF3 (Delattre and Freeman, 1968;Stevens,in preparation), whereasthe pharyngealconstrictionlowers F 2 and raisesF 1 (Delattre and Freeman, 1968). In termsof perception,Delattre and Freemanfoundwith the useof an electricmouth analogthat the palatal constrictionis primary in termsof producingthe/r/. However,they found 738 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 92, No. 2, Pt. 1, August1992 stopcluster(prestressed) 18(8) fricativecluster (prestressed) 19(13) stopfricativecluster(prestressed) 10(7) adjacentto SOhorantconsonant 7 Intervocalic ll(4) 18(10) 10(4) 7(3) 8(3) 7 18(9) 10(7) 7 18(6) 10(5) 9 9 6 29 32 poststressed prestressed 2 5 I 4 13 10 16 8 unstressed 2 I Postvocalic word-final(poststressed) 6 8 25 26 13(10) 19(14) obstruent cluster 6 4 adjacentto sonGrantconsonant 6 3 Carol Y. Espy-Wilson:Acousticmeasuresfor semivowels 738 TABLE II. Examplesof testwords. Category w j r I Prevocalic word-initial:prestressed walnut wa!loon aquarius quadruplet yell euroiogist pule bucolic requiem rhinoceros brilliant fibroid swollen view frivolous flourish Swahili disqualify misquotation carwash behavior spurious promiscuously brilliant anthrax astrology widespread walrus grizzly exclaim exploitation harlequin poststressed prestressed forward Ghanaian caloric astrology unaware reunion fluorescence unilateral unstressed unctuous diuretic correlation fraudulent clear dwell other stopcluster:prestressed other fricativecluster:prestressed other stopfricativecluster:prestressed other adjacentto Sohorantconsonant leapfrog linguistics bless chlorination Intervocalic Postvocalic work-final:poststressed other memoir whippoorwill obstruent cluster cartwheel oneself adjacentto sorterantconsonant forewarn walnut only a small number of words were availablein the dierio- nary.For example,only the word "Ghanaian"had a poststressedintervocalie/j/. B. Speakers and recordings For recording,the wordswereembeddedin the carrier phrase" pa."The final"pa" wasaddedin orderto avoidglottalizationand other typesof utterance-finalvariability.Eachword wasspokenonceby two malesand two females. Giventhat thereareseveralwordsin mostcategories (see Table I), one repetitionof each word by each speakerprovidesat least 24 to 260 productionsof each semivowel in eachmajorcategory,e.g.,prevocalic/w/. In fact,asexplainedin Sec.II C, somecategories maycontain more instances of a semivowel than what is indicated in Ta- bleI sincespeakers ofteninsertsemivowels between adjacent vowels. The speakerswerestudentsandemployees at the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology.The femalespeakers werefromthenortheast andthemalespeakers werefromthe midwest.All werenativespeakers of Englishand reported havingnormalhearing.Thespeakers wererecorded in a quiet roomwith a pressure-gradient close-talking noisecanceling microphone(part of SennheiserHMD 224X microphone/headphone combination).They were instructedto saythe utterances at a naturalpace. and measurementprocedureswill be indicatedin Sec.III. Segmentation and labelingof the waveformswas performedby theauthorwith the helpof playbackanddisplays of severalattributesincludingLPC and wide-bandspectra, thespeechsignalandvariousbandlimitedenergywaveforms (Cyphers,1985;Shipman,1982;Zue etal., 1986).The Merriam-WebsterPocketdictionaryprovideda baselinephonemic transcriptionof the words.However,modifications of someof thelabelsweremadebasedon thespeakers' pronunciations.In addition,whentranscribingthedatabase,we did not normallyconsiderthe/w/and/j/offglides of diphthongsas beingseparatefrom the vowel.In someinstances, however,the offglideof a diphthongwhichwasfollowedby anothervowel was articulatedwith a narrow enoughconstriction that a semivowel label was inserted. On the other hand,someunderlyingpostvocalic liquids,particularly/1/, in words like "almost" were not alwaysclearly heard. In theseinstances,the liquid wasoften omittedfrom the transcription. D. Feature analysis Distinctivefeaturetheorywasusedto providea guideto understanding what acousticpropertieswe shouldlook for to characterize the semivowels.In addition, distinctivefea- ture theory providesa basisfor understandinghow the acousticpropertiesof the semivowels maychangeasa function of context.A featurespecificationof the semivowelsis C. Initial processing givenin TablesIII and IV. Table III containsfeaturesthat The utterances weredigitizedusinga 6.4-kHz low-pass separatethe semivowelsas a classfrom other soundsand filteranda 16-kHzsamplingrate.The speechsignalswere Table IV contains features that distinguishamong the alsopre-emphasized to compensate for the relativelyweak semivowels. spectralenergyat high frequencies (a particularissuefor The featureslistedare modifications of onesproposed *3norants). Finally, the test words were excisedand hand by Jakobsonet al. (1952) and later by Chomsky and Halle transcribed.This processresulted in 2378 vowels, 1689 (1968). For example,in Table IV, we list boththe features semivowels, 479 nasals,and 1894obstruents(stops,frica- backandfront. For practicalreasons,we choseto useboth tives, and affricates).Specificcharacteristics of measures featuresand classify/r/and prevocalic/1/as -back and 739 J. Acoust.Sec.Am.,Vol.92, No.2, Pt. 1, August1992 CarolY. Espy-Wilson: Acousticmeasuresforsemivowels 739 TABLE III. Features which characterize various classes of consonants. A "+ "indicatesthatthedesignated featureispresentin therepresentation of TABLE IV. Featureswhichdiscriminateamongthe semivowels. A" +" indicatesthat the designatedfeatureis presentin the represention of the the sound, and a" --" indicates the absenceof the feature. sound,and a" --" indicatesthe absenceof the feature. Sohorant Syllabic Nasal Consonantal High Back Front Fricatives,stops,affricates -- -- -- /w/ - + + -- Semivowels + -- -- /j/ -- + -- + Nasals + - + /r/ .... Vowels + + - prevocalic/1/ postvocalic/1/ + -- Retroflex -- -+ .... -- + -- -- -front.2TheirF 2 values clearlyliebetween thoseoftheback androundedsemivowel/w/and the front semivowel/j/. We alsofoundit necessary to distinguish betweeninitial and final/1/allophones on the basisof the featuresconsonantal and back. As statedearlier, severalresearchershave observed a sharpspectraldiscontinuity betweena prevocalic /1/and a followingvoweldue to the rapid releaseof the tonguetip fromthealveolarridge,aswewouldexpectwith a changein the featureconsonantal. On the otherhand,in the productionof postvocalic/1/, alveolarcontactis often not realizedor is realizedonly gradually,so that the spectral changebetweenit anda preceding vowelis usuallygradual. In addition, a final/1/is more velarized than an initial/I/. Thus, F2 is much lower and closein value to that of the back and rounded/w/. Finally, the featureretroflexis usedto distinguish/r/ fromall othersounds. Althoughtheterm"retroflex"isused, this featurerelatesto the acousticconsequence of either a bunchedor retroflexedtongueshape. TableV showstheacoustic properties for thefeaturesin Table III and IV (with the exceptionof the featurenasal) andthe parametersusedfor their extraction.To makethem insensitive to variationsin speaker, speaking rate,andspeakinglevel,all of the propertiesarebasedon relativemeasures insteadof absolutethresholds.That is, a measureeither ex- semivowels and separatethem from othersounds.The results also indicate how the characteristics of the semivowels andothersoundschangeasa functionof context. III. RESULTS A. Sonorant trum. In the followingsections, we will examinehow well the properties listed in Table V distinguish among the measure Like the vowels, the semivowelsare sonorant sounds. That is, the main sourceof excitationis at the glottis,sothat all of the naturalfrequencies of the vocaltract are excited. Thus, unlike the obstruents,wherethe main sourceof excitation is furtherforwardin the vocaltract, thereis significant energyat low frequencies. The only other consonants that sharethesepropertiesare the nasals. The parameterusedto extractthe acousticcorrelateof the sonorant feature is the bandlimitedenergycomputed from 100to 400 Hz. More specifically,the valueof the parameter in each frame is the difference (in dB) betweenthe maximumenergywithin the word and the energyin each frame.An exampleof this parameteris shownin the lower partof Fig. 3 for theword"chlorination."The energydifferenceis smallin the sonorantregions(vowels,semivowels, and nasals), and is large in the obstruentregions (stops, fricatives, and affricates). aminesan attributein onespeech frame3 in relationto anotherframe,or, within a givenframe,examinesonepart of the spectrumin relationto anothernearbypart of the spec- AND DISCUSSION Figure4 showshowall of thesoundsdifferin sonority, as determined with this measure.For each sound, the mini- mum energydifferenceoccurringwithin the hand-transcribedregionisused.Thereisconsiderable overlapbetween the distributionsof the vowels,semivowels,and nasals.If we set a threshold of - 20 dB to divide SOhorant and nonsonor- TABLE V. Mappingof featuresinto acousticproperties.B0, B 1, B2, B3, andB4 are the bark transformations ofF0, FI, F2, F3, andF4, respectively. Feature Acousticcorrelate Parameter Sonorant No significantdeereacein energy Nonsyllabic at low frequencies Dip in midfrequency energy Consonantal High Abrupt amplitudechange Low F 1 frequency Back LowF2 frequency B 2-B 1 low Front High F2 frequency B 3-B 2 low B 4--B 3 low Retroflex Low F3 frequency& B 4-B 3 high Close F2 and F3 B 3-B 2 low Energy 100-400Hz Energy640-2800 Hz Energy2000-3000 Hz First differenceof adjacentspectra B I-B 0 Property higha lowa low' high low • Relative to a maximum value within the utterance. 740 J. Acoust. Sec. Am., Vol. 02, No. 2, Pt. 1, August 1992 Carol Y. Espy-Wilson:Acoustic measures for semivowels 740 "chlorination" "everyday" ? 6 õ kHz4 kHz o.o az 03 0.4 o.5 Time(seconds) I I I FIG. 5. A spectrogramof the word "everyday"whichcontainsthe two obstruents /v/ and/d/ thathaveundergone lenition. sonorontregions (b) FIG. 3. An illustration of theparameter usedtocapturethefeaturesorterant. (a) Widebandspectrogram of lhe word"chlorination."(b} The differ- quencyenergytheyexhibitis presumably causedby vibrationsof the vocalcordswhichare transmittedthroughthe encebetween themaximum valueofthelow-frequency energy(computed tissues around the neck. from 100 to 4•0 Hz) in the word and the value in each frame. B. Consonantal measure Consonantalsoundsare producedwith a narrow con- ant sounds, thenonlyabout12.5%of thetypicallynonson- strictionat somepointalongthe midlineof the vocaltract. orantconsonants overlapwith the sohorantsounds.Of these consonants,72% are producedwith a weakenedconstriction (this processreferredto as lenitionis discussed in Catford, 1977) so that they are realizedas sonorants.Two ex- amples areshown in Fig.5,whichcontains a spectrogram of theword"everyday."Boththe/v/and/d/surface assonorant consonants. Theremainingsegments whichoverlapwiththesonorantsare the closedportionsof voicedstops.The low-fie- Due to the narrow constriction, the releaseof the consonan- tal soundinto the followingvowelinvolvesrapidmovement of some of the formants. The result of this formant move- ment is an abruptchangein the spectrumoverat leastsome part of the frequencyrange(Stevensand Keyset, 1989). The parameterusedto capturethe rate of spectral changebetweenconsonants and vowelsis basedon the outputsera bankof 40 linearcriticalbandfiltersto whichsome nonlinearities(designedto model the hair-cell/synapse transduction process in theinnerear) areappliedto enhance onsetsand offsets(Seneft,1986). An exampleis shownin part (b) of Fig. 6 for the word "correlation."The wave- formsthat are spacedabouta half bark apart showsharp onsetsandoffsetsbetween/l/and thesurroundingvowelsin the frequencyregionbetween800 and 1200Hz and between 1800 and 2400 Hz. Based on the first differences in time of waveforms like the onesshownin part (b) of Fig. 6, we computedglobal onset and offset waveforms vowels semivowels na•abobslruenls for each consonant. The onset waveformis computedby summing,in eachframe,all the negativefirst differencesin time. Similarly,the offsetwaveform is obtainedby summing,in eachframe,all the positive firstdifferences in time of the channeloutputs.The resulting onset and offset waveforms for the word "correlation" Class of sound FIG. 4. Averages andstandard deviations ofthechange(in dB} in thelowfrequency energycomputedfrom 100to 400 Hz withinSOhorant andnonsonorantsoundswith respectto themaximumenergywithintheword. 741 J. Acoust.Sec. Am.,Vol.92, No. 2, Pt. 1. August1992 are shownin parts (c) and (d) of Fig. 6 wherethe sharpamplitude changesbetweenthe/1/and the surroundingvowels showup asa valleyanda peak,respectively. Note that since a 25-ms time window is used,there is a limit to the maximum CarolY. Espy-Wilson: Acousticmeasuresfor semivowels 741 40 "CORRELATION" 4.5 • . 'r•1 I•!! %', c,', • ?' . ' kHz ,• , " '" •I? (a) 20 .. ' . :• 10 '.•. o o.o 30 0 0.85 w,j,r I nasals obstruents Sound (b) 6400Hz. 40 200 Hz 30 0.0 0.85 Amplitude 0J•-'--'"'N/-•-'-"/"-• (c) -Oj.o * ffset Onse% I 0.85 2O [] A I lO nasal obstruent o -25 0.0 0.85 TIME(seconds) FIG. 6. An illustrationof parameterswhich captureabrupt amplitude changes. (a) Widebandspectrogram of"correlation."(b) Channeloutputs of an auditorymodelwhichshowabruptspectralchanges in two frequency regions between the/1/and adjacentvowels.(c) Onsetwaveform(computed from the sumof the negativefirstdifferences of the channeloutputs) whichshowsa sharpvalleyat the onsetof the/l/. (d) Offsetwaveform (computedfromthesumof thepositivefirstdifferences of thechanneloutputs) whichshowsa sharppeakat theoffsetof the/1/. -15 -10 -5 Intensity o (c) .5 -lO. -t5. rate of changethat canbe capturedby thismeasure. The onsetand offsetwaveformswereexaminedduring the time intervalbetweeneachconsonantand its neighboringvowel(s). We definedthe onsetof the consonantto be the maximum absolutevalue of the onsetwaveformoccurring betweenthe precedingvowel and the consonant.Likewise, we defined the offset of the consonant to be the maximum value of the offsetwaveform occurringbetweenthe consonant and the followingvowel.The time at which thesevalues occurare indicatedby arrowsin parts (c) and (d) of Fig. 6. Figure 7 showsthe data on the onsetsand offsetsacross .2o. -25 I nasals obstruents Sound FIG. 7. Averagesand standarddeviationsof (a) the offsetsbetweenprevocalicconsonants and followingvowels,(b) the onsetsand offsetsbetween intervocalicconsonantsand adjacentvowels,and (c) the onsetbetween postvocalic consonants and precedingvowels. all wordsand all speakers.The unitsof the onsetand offset valuesarelike dB sincethechanneloutputsafter nonlinearitieshavebeenappliedare approximatelylinear with ampli- is oftena wide spreadin the distributionof onsetand offset tude at low signal levels and logarithmic at higher signal levels (Seneft, 1986, p. 88). The data for/1/are separated from/w j r/since, of the semivowels,/1/is most associated stresspattern of the words and the rate of spectral change betweenthe consonantsand adjacentvowels.That is, onsets values. We also observeda strong relationshipbetweenthe with spectraldiscontinuities.Severalobservationscan be made from the data. First, in general,the spectralchanges betweenobstruentconsonants andadjacentvowelsaremore rapidthan thespectralchangesbetweensemivowelsand adjacentvowels.Second,the spectralchangebetween/1/and adjacentvowelstendsto be more abruptthan the spectral changebetweenthe othersemivowels and adjacentvowels. and offsetsassociated with consonants that precedestressed vowelsare significantlystrongerthan thoseassociated with consonants that precedeunstressed vowels,presumablybecausetheconstrictionistighterandthe releaseis morerapid. For example,comparethe rate of spectralchangebetween the prevocalic/1/and adjacentvowelsin the words"blurt" and "linguistics,"and betweenthe intervocalic/1/and surroundingvowelsin "walloon" and "swollen"shownin Fig. However, as can be seenfrom the standard deviations, there 8. The offsetassociatedwith the/1/in 742 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 92, No. 2, Pt. 1, August 1992 "blurt" (at about 130 Carol Y. Espy-Wilson:Acoustic measures for semivowels 742 "blurt" "linguistics" dB ,' o.o oJ oz •s o., I I,' 't i o.s Time(seconds) Time Iseconds) Amplitude s ? FIG. 9. A schematicof an energywaveformfor a vowel-consonant-vowel (VCV) sequence. The extremawithin the waveformare usedto compute the energydifference betweenconsonants andvowels.In the caseof prevocalicconsonants(V, doesnot exist), pointsC and B are used.In the caseof postvocalic consonants (V 2doesnotexist),pointsA andB areused.Finally, in the caseof intervocalicconsonants,the smallerof the differencebetweenpointsC and B and betweenpointsA and B is takenasa measureof the energydip. õ kHz 4 quencyrange640--2800Hz because,relativeto the vowels, the lowerF 1 for the semivowels is expectedto causea deereasein theamplitudesof the formantsin thisregion.However, we found that severalintervocalic/r/'s have energy levelsin this rangewhich do not differ from thosefoundon surroundingvowels,presumablybecause of theproximityof F2 and F3. To avoid this problem,we also examinedthe bandlimitedenergyfrom 2000 to 3000 Hz. SinceF3 is nor- FIG. 8. An illustration of therateof spectral change associated withthe /l/'s in "blurt," "linguistics,""wallach," and "swollen."(a) Wideband spectragrams.(b) Offsetwaveform.(c} Onsetwaveform. ms) is muchmoreabruptthan the oneassociated with the /1/in "linguistics" (at about145ms). Similarly,the onset and offset associatedwith the intervocalie /l/ in "wallcon" (at 190and 260 ms,respectively) are muchmoreabrupt than those associatedwith the intervocalic /i/ in "swollen" (at 350 and410 ms, respectively). C. Syllabic measure Becausetheyare moreconstrictedand hencehavea rel- ativelylowF 1,thesemivowels usuallyhaveconsiderably less energyin the low- to midfrequencyrangethan the vowels. Likeotherconsonants, thesemivowels usuallyoccurasnonsyllabicsoundsadjacentto syllablenucleiat a syllable boundary.That is,theygenerallydo not haveor constitutea peakof sonority,whereweareequatingsonorityin thiscase with a mid-frequency acousticenergymeasure.An acoustic manifestation of a syllableboundary appears to bea significantdip withinsomebandlimitedenergycontour. To accessthe differencein energybetweensemivowels and vowels,and, moregenerally,betweenconsonants and vowels,we usedto bandlimitedenergies in the frequency ranges640-2800 Hz and 2000-3000 Hz. We chosethe fre743 J. Acoust.Sec.Am.,VoL92, No.2, Pt. 1, August1992 mally between2000 and 3000 Hz for vowels,but fallsnearor below 2000 Hz for/r/, /r/ will usuallybe considerably weakerin the 2000-to 3000-Hzrangethananadjacentvowel(s). Measurements of the midfrequency energy of semivowels are basedon energycontourslike theonein Fig. 9. All measures are relativeto energyin an adjacentvowel. The depthof theenergydip isconsidered to bethedifference (in dB) betweenthe minimumenergywithintheconsonant, pointB, andthe maximumenergywithin the adjacentvowel(s), pointA and/or pointC. In the caseof syllableswith prevocalicconsonants, the difference in energy between the prevocalic consonant (pointB) andthe followingvowel(pointC) wascomputed. For syllableswith postvocalie consonants, the differencein energybetweenthepastvocalic consonant(point B) andthe precedingvowel(point A) wascomputed.Finally, for intervocalicconsonants, both the differences in energyat points C and B and pointsA and B werecomputed.The depthof the energydip wastakento be the smallerof the two differences. As a basisfor comparisonwith the semivowels,the depthsof severaltypesof intravowelenergydipswerecomputedas well. An illustrationof this procedureis shownin Fig. 10, which showsa schematicrepresentation of an energy contour of a vowel. First, an estimateof the natural risc in energywithin word-initialvowelswascomputedby calculating the energydifferenceat pointsW and T. This vowel energyonsetiscomparedwiththeenergydifference between CarolY. Espy-Wilson: Acoustic measuresforsemivowels 743 (a) 55' 45' 35' ß vowel 0 [] A semivowel nasal obstruent 25' 15' dB 5' -5 I'" V •'ltime ' 15' ' 25' ' 35' '4'5'55' ' 65 (b) 55 45 FIG. 10.A schematic of anenergywaveformfor a vowel.The energydifferencebetweenpointsW and T is usedto determinethe energyrisewithin word-initialvowels.The energydifferencebetweenpointsW and Z is used to determinetheenergytaperwithinword-finalvowels.The smallerof the energydifferences betweenpointsW, X andbetweenpointsX andY isused in all vowelswith the appropriateenergywaveformto determinewithin vowelenergydips. 35 o o 25 15 5 -5 5' • '1'5'2'5'3'5'4'5'5'5'65 c LIJ prevocalic consonants andfollowingvowels.Second, anestimate of the natural energytaper within word-finalvowels wascomputedby calculatingtheenergydifference at points W and Z. This vowel energyoffsetis comparedwith the energydifference betweenpostvocalic consonants and precedingvowels.Finally,in caseswheretherewasan intravocalicdip, X, wecomputedthedifference betweentheenergy at pointsW andX andbetween pointsY andX. In thiscase, (c) 55' 45 • 35' 25' 15' 5-' -5 the smaller of the two differenceswas recorded. Of course, 5' • '1'5'2'5'3'5'4'5'5'5'65 not all vowelswill havethistypeof energywaveformshape sothat there will not alwaysbe a point X and a point Y. In thesecases,the intravowelenergydip is simply0 dB. This energymeasure is comparedwith the energydifference betweenintervocalicconsonants and surroundingvowels. The resultsof thesemeasurement proceduresare plotted separatelyin Fig. 11 for prevocalic,intervocalic,and Energy Dip 640-2800 Hz (dB) FIG. l I. Averagesand standarddeviations of the midfrequency energy changes (in dB) between consonants andadjacent vowelsandwithinvowels. Data are shownseparatelyfor the (a) prevocalic,(b) intervocalic, and(c) postvocalic consonants. postvocalic consonants. In eachplot,theconsonants aredividedinto obstruents,nasals,and semivowels.Also included tweensemivowels and followingvowelsif the semivowelis in thefigurearethedatafor theenergychanges withinvowels.The data showthat the differencein midfrequencyenergybetweentheconsonants andvowelsis, on average,much greaterthantheenergychangewithinvowels.Of theenergy changes betweenconsonants andadjacentvowels,the energy changeassociated with the semivowels is almostalways not in a clusterwith another consonant,but is word-initial. Furthermore,if the semivowelis in a clusterwith another consonant,thereis a greaterenergychangebetweenit and the followingvowelif the precedingconsonantis voiced, ensuringthat the semivowelis alsocompletelyvoiced.In additionto the contextualinfluenceof precedingconsonants,thedegreeof stressof thefollowingvowelalsomatters. smallest.In addition, as the standarddeviationsshow, there energychangebetweenthe is sometimes considerable overlapbetweenthe distributions There is a more pronounced of theenergychanges withinvowelsandtheenergychanges semivowel and vowel if the vowel is stressed. betweensemivowels and adjacentvowels.On closerexamiconsonants nationof thesedata, patternsin their distributionemerge 2. Intervocalic across consonantal contexts. In intervocalicpositions,most of the semivowels showedsubstantial differences in energycomparedto neighI. Prevocalic consonants boringvowels.The energydip computedfor theseVCV segOf In general,the differencein midfrequencyenergybe- mentswasgreaterthan2 dB for 90% of thesemivowels. the other semivowels which did not show a substantial diftween the prevocalicsemivowelsand followingvowelsis ferencein energyrelative to adjacentvowels,33% were greaterthanthemidfrequency energychangewithinthebeginningportionsof word-initialvowels.However,wordpo- /j/'s, 14% were/r/'s and 5% were /l/'s. Most of these semivowels follow a stressedvowel and precede an unsitionhasa strongeffecton the phoneticrealizationof the stressed vowel,suchasthe/1/in "astrology"andthe/r/in semivowels. There is a more significantenergychangebe744 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 92, No. 2, Pt. 1, August1992 Carol Y. Espy-Wilson:Acousticmeasuresfor semivowels 744 "cartwheel" "guarantee."This lack of an energydip for semivowels in thisenvironment maybea caseof phoneticlenition. Whilethemajorityof vowelsdonotnormallyhavesuch energydips,therewereseveralinstances of vowelswithenergy dipscomparableto thosebetweenintervocalicconson- 8 ants and adjacentvowels.An examinationof suchvowels 6 showedthat, in general,thosewith suchsignificant energy dips were either and/•,/, suchas the one in "plurality" wherean intervocalic /r/ wasnot includedin thetranscrip- 5 tion,or a diphthong, suchasthe/i •/ in "queer"andthe /u' ? kHz 4 / in "flour." 3 3. Postvocalic consonants The patternsin energychangewithin word-finalvowels and betweenvowelsand following semivowels(including only the liquids/r/and/1/) are very similar. Two factors contributeto the overlap.First, the/j/or/w/offglides of word-finaldiphthongsoftenresultin energychangesthat are comparable to the changesobserved betweena wordfinal liquid and the precedingvowel.Sucha largeenergy tapercanbeseenin Fig. 12for the word"view" whichhasa substantialenergychangein the frequencyrange640-2800 Hz. Second,postvocalicliquidsthat arefollowedby another consonant areoftenasstrongastheprecedingvowels,ascan be seenby comparingthe amplitudesof the formantsin the /ar/region (0.1 to 0.2 s) in the word "cartwheel"shownin Fig. 13.In manysucheases,thereissignificant assimilation betweenthepostvocalic consonant andtheprecedingvowel. The fairly constantformantamplitudesand the steadyF3 frequencyduring the/or/region of "cartwheel"suggest 2 0 0.0 0.[ 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time (seconds) FIG. 13.A spectrogram withautomatically extracted formanttracksoverlaid on the word "cartwheel." that the/u/and/r/are coarticulatedso that they are realized acousticallyas one segment. This energycontinuitybetweenvowelsand following liquidsalsooccurs whenthepostvocalic liquidsarefollowed byanotherSohorant consonant whichisnotin thesamesyllable,suchas the/1/in "bellwether."In wordslike this, thereisa nonsyllabic regionbetween thevowelpreceding the postvocalic liquidandthevowelafterthesecond sonorant consonant(inthis case,the/e/before the/1/and the after the/w/). However,there is little energychangebetweenthe postvocalic liquidand the precedingvowel.Instead,the energyoffset(referredto asconsonant onsetin See.III B) betweenthenonsyllabic regionandthepreceding voweloccursafterthe liquidandbeforethefollowingsonorant consonant. On theotherhand,whennasalsoccupythis "view" 8 postvocalic position, thereis substantial energychange betweenthemandthepreceding vowelsothattheenergyoffset occursbeforethe postvocalicnasalconsonant. This differencein wheretheenergyoffsetoccursis illus- kHzI- (to o.[ o.2 o.3 o.4 o.5 Tim e (se conds) '90 -90 tratedin Fig. 14 whichcontainsinformationrelatingto the intersonorant sequences/rm/and/nr/in the words"harmonize"and "unreality,"respectively. In the caseof "harmonize"(shownontheleft), thenonsyllabic dipoccursduringthe/m/and, asindictedby thearrows,theenergyoffset betweenthe/rm/cluster and the previousvowel occurs after the/r/, at the beginningof the/m/. In contrast,the energyoffsetbetweenthe/nr/cluster and the preceding vowel in "unreality" (shownon the right) occursat the pointof implosionfor the/n/at about 175msasindicated by the arrow. (b! FIG. 12. Illustrationof a largeenergytaperin word-finaldiphthongs.The energytowardstheendof thevowelis 30 dB or morelessthanthemaximum valuewithinthevowel.(a) Widebandspectrogram of theword"view." (b) Energy640 to 2800 Hz. 745 J. Acoust.Soc.Am.,Vol.92, No. 2, Pt. 1, August1992 To capturethis differencein the temporalpropertiesof the energy offset for nasal-sonorantconsonant sequences andliquid-sonorant consonants sequences, wecomputedthe durationof the intersonorantnonsyllabicregion.The durationof thisenergydip regionwastakento bethedifferencein CarolY. Espy-Wilson: Acousticmeasuresfor semivowe•s 745 "harmonize" "unreality" 8 7 6 5 kHz 4 I 0.3 o.4 o.s oo o.? oo 0.4 Time(s•nds) o.s o.o oz Time(second) Amp,ilud[m Amplitude•[L• • (c) (b) (c) FIG. 14.(a) Wideband spectrograms ofthewords"harmonize" and"unreality." (b) Onsetwaveforms thatshowa valleyattheenergy offset indicating the beginning of thenonsyllabic region.(c) Offsetwaveforms whichshowa peakat theenergy onsetindicting theendof thenonsyllabic region. timebetweentheenergyoffsetandtheenergyonsetimmediately surroundingthe energydip. In the caseof "harmonize," the energyonsetoccursafter the/r/and beforethe followingvowelat about295 ms.Thus the energydip region includesonly the/m/and is 75 msin duration.In the caseof "unreality," the energy onset also occursafter the second sonorantconsonantand beforethe followingvowel. However,in thiscase,theenergydip regionincludesbothconsonants and is 120 ms in duration. Data acrossall wordscontainingintersonorant clusters are shownin Fig. 15. For comparison, we alsoincludedthe durationof the energydip regionswhen there is only one sonorantconsonantoccurringbetweentwo vowels,an intervocalicnasalor semivowel.In thiscase,theenergyoffsetand energyonsetwill correspond to the consonant onsetandoffset, respectively.Although there is no normalizationfor variabilityin speakingrates,the resultsin Fig. 15 showa distinctpattern.The distributionsof the durationof energy dip regionsassociated with only onesonorantconsonantand those associated with two sonorant consonants where the firstconsonant isa liquidareessentially thesame.However, the averagedurationof the energydip regionsassociated syllablenucleus.Thusit maybemoreappropriateto thinkof the liquid and precedingvowelas a diphthongwherethe liquid,like theglidesin thiscontext,isconsidered to bea part of the vowel. The assertionthat postvocalic/1/acts as the second elementof a diphthonghasalsobeenmadeby GilesandMoll (1975). Basedon x-ray data of prevocalicand postvocalic /1/, they foundthat postvocalic/1/showsrelativelyslow movementcharacteristicsand undershootof articulatory position.On the otherhand,prevocalic/1/hada relatively highrateof articulatorymovementandno undershoot char- •' 1704 •' 150 - E o '• 130 - ;• 110- m with two sonorant consonants where the first is a nasal is LU considerably longerthan thoseof the other cases.We can infer from this patternthat the energyoffsetin the cluster wherethe first memberis a postvocalicliquid occursafter the postvocalic liquidsothat onlyoneof the sonorantconsonantsis containedin the energydip region.On the other hand,the energyoffsetin the clusterwherethe firstmember is a postvocalic nasaloccursbeforethe postvocalic nasalso that both sonorantconsonants are part of the energydip region. Theseresultsshowthat postvocalicliquidswhich are followedby anothersonorantconsonant arenot a part of the energydip region.Instead,theyappearto be a part of the '• 74(} J.Acoust. Soc.Am.,Vol.92,No.2, Pt.1,August 1992 - e,- 90- 70- o • 5o Q 30 SC Intersonorant liquid+SC nasal+SC Consonants FIG. 15.A comparison oftheaverage durations of thenonsyllabic regions ofwordscontaining oneintervocalic sonorant consonant (SC), wordscontaininganintervocalic liquid-sonorant consonant sequence (liquid+ SC) and wordscontainingan intervoealienasal-sonorantconsonantsequence (nasal + SC). CarolY. Espy-Wilson: Acoustic measures forsemivowels 746 acteristics. Thus theyconcludethe prevocalic/I/ functions as a consonantwhile postvocalie/1/is vocalicin nature. Alongthisline,SproatandFujimura(submitted)postulate that a gestureinvolvinga nonperipheral articulator(suchas tonguedotsumretraction) is attractedto the syllablenucleuswhereasa gestureinvolvinga peripheralarticulator (suchas the tonguetip) is attractedto syllablemargins. With this assumption, they too concludethat postvocalic /l/, whichhasa moresignificanttonguedorsalretraction thanprevocalic/1/,shouldbeconsidered morevocalic. (F 1, F2, and F31. Given minimal-pairwords,it has been shown(Lisker, 1957;O'Connoret al., 19571that F l separatesthe glides/w/and/j/from the liquids/1/and/r/, F2 separates/w/from/1 r/from/j/, and F3 separatesthe liquids/1/and/r/. The data in thisstudyconcurwith these observations. D. Formant frequency measures Important informationfor distinguishingamong the semivowelsare the frequenciesof the first three formants A formant tracker (Espy-Wilson,19871was usedto automaticallyextractthe first four formantsduringthe sonorant regionsof the wordsin the database.The frequencies off 1,F 2,F 3, andF4 wereestimatedbyaveragingthevalue at the time of a minimum or maximumin a particularformant track and the samplesin the precedingand following frameswithin the hand-transcribedsemivowelregion.In the caseof/w/and/l/, the valuesof the formantswereaveraged TABLE VI. Formantfrequencies (in Hertz) andformantdifferences (in Hertz andin bark) of semivowels averaged acrossall speakers. Prevocalic (Hzl FI F2 F3 F4 w I 381 399 848 1074 2320 2553 3525 3767 r 419 1285 1779 3350 j 317 2142 2827 3661 (Hz) FI-FO F2-FI F3-F2 (bark) F4-F3 F4-F2 B I-B0 B2-B I B3-B 2 B4-B3 B4-B2 w 241 467 1472 1204 2676 2.4 3.6 6.4 2.5 8.9 I 258 675 1479 1214 2693 2.6 4.9 5.5 2.3 7.8 r 242 866 493 1571 2064 2.8 6.0 2.1 3.9 5.9 j 174 1825 684 1518 1.7 1.7 1.6 3.2 834 10.2 Intervocalic (Hz) FI w F2 F3 F4 349 771 2340 3508 445 460 1060 1240 2640 1720 3762 3433 361 2270 2920 3824 (Hz) FI-FO F2-FI (bark) F3-F2 F4-F3 F4-F2 B I-B0 B2-B 1 B3-B2 B4-B3 B4-B2 211 422 1570 1169 2737 2.1 3.4 7.0 2.4 9.4 305 317 610 783 1580 473 1123 1717 2707 2190 3.0 3.1 4.5 5.4 5.8 2.1 2.1 4.2 7.9 6.2 213 1910 648 906 1554 2.1 10.1 1.5 1.6 3.1 Postvocalic (Hz) I r F! F2 465 503 898 1300 F3 F4 2630 1830 3650 3391 (Hz) FI-FO I r 747 323 363 F2-FI 433 799 F3-F2 1740 531 (bark) F4,-F3 1015 1554 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., VoL92, No. 2, Pt. 1, August1992 F4-F2 2752 2088 B I-B0 3.2 3.5 B2-B 3.2 5.4 I /13 //2 6.9 2.1 B4•3'3 1.9 3.7 Carol Y. Espy-Wilson:Acousticmeasuresfor semivowels D4--B2 8.8 5.8 747 aroundthe time of the F2 minimum.For/j/, the formant valueswereaveragedaroundthe time of the œ2 maximum, and for/r/the formant valueswere averagedaroundthe effects andspeaker differences andtobettercapture someof theacoustic properties. Chistovich andLublinskaya (1979) havepostulated thatwhentwoformants arewithina critical time of the F 3 minimum. Thus the formants were measured distanceof 3.0 to 3.5bark of eachother,theyareinterpreted duringthe timewhenthe vocaltract couldbeexpectedto be bytheauditorysystem asonespectral peakwhose frequency is at the centerof gravityof the prominence. Syrdaland Gopal(1986),in an acoustic studyusingthePeterson and Barney(1952) voweldata,investigated whetherthiscon- most constricted. We normalizedthe formantsby computingbark differencesto reduce the acousticvariability due to contextual Prevocali½ Semivowels (a) 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 B1-B0 (Bark) Prevocalic Semivowels (b) l r-.. r r /' r ryrrr r 2 4 6 8 10 12 B3-B2 (Bark) FIG. 16.Scatter plots oftheprevocalic semivowels spoken bytwomales andtwofemales according tothebarktransformed (a) F 2-F 1vsF I-F0 and(b) F 4F3 vsF3-F2. A two-dimensional 90% confidence regionisdrawnaroundthedatafor eachsemivowel. 748 J. Acoust. Soc.Am.,Vol.92, No.2, Pt.1, August1992 CarolY. Espy-Wilson: Acoustic measures forsemivowels 748 stantin auditoryunitsheld betweenseveralformantsand greatlythe acousticvariabilitybetweenvowelsspokenby between thefirstformantandthefundamental frequency different talkers. (F0). Theyfoundthat witha criticaldistanceof 3 bark,the difference between F 1 andF0 provideda reasonable repre- The formant frequencies obtainedin this studyare in agreementwith previouslyreporteddata.The resultsacross sentation of thehigh-nonhigh voweldistinctions indepen- speakers areshownin TableVI for prevocalic, intervocalic, dentofspeaker, andthedifference between F 3andF2 repre- and postvocalic semivowels. Also includedin the tableare sentedthefront-backvoweldistinctions. In addition,they normalized tbrmant values (F1-F0, F2-F1, F3-F2, and F4-F 3 ) and bark differences(B 1-B 0, B 2-B 1,B 3-B 2, and found that the bark difference transformations reduced Intervocalic Semivowels (o) 1 w I 0 1 2 3 4 1 5 B1-B0 (Bark) Intervocalic Semivowels lb) I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 B3oB2(Bark) FIG. 17.Scatterplotsof the intervocalicsemivowels spokenby two malesand two femalesaccordingto the bark transformed(a) F2-F 1 vsF I-F0 and (b) F4-F3 vsF3-F2. A two-dimensional 90% confidence regionisdrawnaroundthedata for eachsemivowel. 749 J. Acoust. Soc. Am_.Vol. 92. No. 2. Pt. 1. August 1992 Carol Y. Espy-Wilson:Acousticmeasures for semivowels 749 B 4-B 3). (F0 wasobtainedautomatically with thepitchde- marizesthe classification of the semivowels accordingto a tector describedin Gold and Rabiner, 1969. ) The distribu- 3.5-bark critical distance criterion and the five bark-differ- tionsof the bark differences are shownin Figs. 16-18 for the prevocalic,intervocalic,andpostvocalic semivowels, respectively. A two-dimensional 90% confidenceregionis drawn aroundthe datafor eachsemivowel.Finally, Table VII sum- encedimensions.A +- indicatesthat a majority of the semivowels are within 3.5 bark in the bark-difference dimen- sion. Conversely,a -- indicatesthat a majority of the semivowels exceedsthe 3.5 bark in the bark-difference di- Postvocalic Semivowels (o) 1 ....... rf , rr r ................. ? r [ rrr•. r•rrS rrrrrrrr ................. i., r r_ _'"-...... •r ',,. r•t • • r•.•<,•l,r /'................. ß rrf r I I 2 3 4 B1-B0 (Bark) Postvocalic Semivowels (b) 1 r r / [ r rrr r.................. rr ......... /.. 1:, rr r,•r• r rrr ',..,... r •:1['•'[ ....... rtrrrr •rY rr ..... '. r r i r r r•r•jr•i•?frrr'! ',. 1[ lr¾ r*lr I 11 : ..... r •g•re ..... rrrr rrr •-•r•-•rlrr/.',/}p .'"f-•• ' Ill• , 1•""7'-... ....... 5 err I,l • rr,, L ,I'll •.. •, • 'r"-...r..5 ....[.......• .............. •,,,,1' ll..' 1:1'17! f!lfl'a,i•11, I ]I 11111•lll• 2 4 6 8 10 12 B3-B2 (Bark) FIG. 18.Scatter plotsofthepostvocalic semivowels spoken bytwomales andtwofemales according tothebarktransformed (a) F 2-F 1vsF 1-F0 and(b) F 4F 3 vs F 3-F2. A two-dimensional 90% confidence regionis drawnaroundthedatafor eachsemivowel. 750 d. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 92, No. 2, Pt. 1, August1992 Carol Y. Espy-Wilson:Acousticmeasuresfor semivowels 750 TABLE VII. Semivowd classificationbased on critical distance features in five bark-difference dimensions. Dimensions B I-B0 Semivowels <3.5 bark B2-B 1 <3.5 bark B3-B2 <3.5 bark B4-B3 <3.5 bark B4-B2 • bark it produces an F 3 whichis closeto F4. The "spectralcenter ofgravity"ofthebroadprominence formedbyF2, F 3andF4 is in the regionofF3 or higher (Carsonet al., 1970). SyrdalandGopal (1986) foundthat theB 3-B 2 dimensiondistinguished betweenfrontandbackvowels.As shown in Table VII, the B 3-B 2 dimensionclassifies /r/ and/j/ as front,and/w/and/1/as back.In thecaseof/w/, thelarge Prevocalic w + + -- + I + -- -- + r + -- + -- j + -- + + w + + -- + I + -- -- + r + -- + -- j + - + + - + - + Intervocalic Postvocalic I distancebetweenF 3 andF 2 impliesa closespacingbetween F 1andF2. As statedabove,the featurebackisstrengthened in /w/ by the features round and labial (Stevenset al., 1986). This enhancementis evidencedby the B 2-B I difference in Table VI. If we exclude those semivowels that are in clusterswith unvoicedconsonants wheretheyarelikelyto be at leastpartiallydevoiced,themeanB 2-B 1differencefor the prevocalic/w/ is reducedfrom 3.6 to 3.1 bark andit remains substantiallyhigher than 3.5 bark for the other prevocalic semivowels. In termsof theirdistribution,69% of/w/productionshave a differenceB 2-B l lessthan 3.5 bark, whereas only 13% of/1/and 4% of/r/productions fall into this category. Similarly, in the case of the intervocalic semivowels,61% of/w/'s have a B 2-B 1 differencelessthan mension.Below,we discuss separately the bark-difference dimensions usedto quantifythe acoustic propertyfor the 3.5 bark whereasonly 26% of/l/'s and 3% of/r/'s fall into thiscategory.Thus,thespacingbetweenF2 andF 1for most features high,back,front,andretroflex. /w/'s is closeenoughthat they may be perceivedby the auditorysystemasoneformantaccordingto the conclusions L High measure of Chistovichand Lublinskaya(1979). Most of the/w/'s Segments designated as [ + high] are produced with with a largerspacingbetweenF 1andF2 areeitheradjacent the tonguebodyraisedabovethelevelit holdsin the neutral to a nonbackvowel(s) and/or theyarein an unstressed conposition.This configuration of the tonguebodyresultsin a text suchas thosein the words"withhold" and "periwig." lowered F 1.Themeasure usedtocapture theacoustic propAs comparedto the/1/in prevocalicor intervocalicpoertyforthefeaturehighisthedifference B I-B 0. Syrdaland sitions,the postvocalic/1/has a much closerspacingbeGopal(1986) foundthat the B 1-B 0 dimension separated tweenF I andF2. In fact,thedifferenceB 2-B 1for a postvothehighvowels/iI u u/from thenonhighvowels. calic/1/is comparableto the valuesobtainedfor the/w/'s. The datain TableVI showthat thedifference B I-B 0 is, That is, 84% of postvocalic/l/'s havea differenceB 2-B 1 onaverage,lessthan3.5 barkfor theprevocalic andintervo- lessthan3.5 bark (lessthan8% of thepostvocalic/r/'shave calicsemivowels and,in thissense, thismeasure putsthemin sucha closespacingbetweenF 1 andF2). This differencein the sameclassas the highvowels.In addition,B I-B 0 is smallerfortheglides/w/and/j/than fortheliquids/1/and /r/. Finally,postvocalic liquidshavethe highestmeandifference. Thisisnotsurprising sincetheytendto belessconstrictedthantheprevocalic allophones. 2. Back-front measures In sounds thatare [ + back], thebodyof thetongueis retractedfromtheneutralposition,resultingin a loweredF 2 thatiscloser toF 1thanF 3.Of thesemivowels, thislowering ofF2 isespeciallysalientfor/w/since F2 isloweredfurther by roundingof the lips (introductionof the featureround) andby a greaternarrowingof thelip opening(introduction of the featurelabial). For front sounds,on the otherhand, thetonguebodyisdisplaced forwardin themouthrelativeto theneutralposition.Consequently, F2 is raisedsothatit is closer toF 3 thantoF !. Of thesemivowels, thisF2 raising is especially markedfor/j/. In additionto frontingof the the valuesof B 2-B 1 for a postvocalic/1/compared to the prevocalicand intervocalic/1/supportspreviousfindings with regardto itsallophonicvariation.That is,a postvocalic /i/is more velarized,with lessof a constrictionformed by the tongueblade,resultingin a muchlowerF2, a higherF 1 and,therelbre,a smallerF2-F 1 difference.Thosepostvocalic/l/'s that fall outsidethecriticalrangearenot word-final, but they are adjacentto the semivowel/j/, a frontedsonorant, in words like "brilliant" and "cellular." Thus the back articulationof the/1/is influencedby the front articulation of the following/j/. Theclassification of/r/as a frontsonorant mayseem a bit unusual.[SyrdalandGopal(1986) alsofoundthat the B 3-B 2 dimensionclassifiedthe retroflexedvowel/•/as be- ingfront.] However,Peterson andBarney(1952)foundina perceptualexperimentusingreal speechthat 80% of the /•/'s that were not heard as such were confusedwith the front vowels/e/and/•e/. As can be seenfrom the distribu- tongue, theproduction of/j/involvesa raising ofthetongue tionsinFigs.16-18,therearea few/r/'s ineachplotwitha bladetowardthe roof of the mouth (in troductionof the fea- ture coronal),creatinga narrowchannelbetweenthe front of thetongueandthehardpalate.Thisconfiguration results in a further reduction in the distancebetweenF 2 and F 3 and 751 J. Acoust.Sec.Am.,Vol.92, No.2, Pt. 1, August1992 B 3-B 2 differencegreaterthan 3.5 bark. In the caseof the prevocalic/r/, this largedifference may be due to "additional" roundingwhich would lower all of the formants. Thatis,asDelattre andFreeman (1968)found, liprounding CarolY. Espy-Wilson: Acoustic measures forsemivowels 751 accompanies all prestressed prevocalicAmerican /r/'s. However,from listeningto thesetokensand judging from their formant frequencies, it appearsthat speakers,two in particular,produceda soundthatisa crossbetween/w/and /r/. For example,in onerepetitionof the word "rule," F2 withinthe/r/is aslowas620 Hz, whichisin theexpected F2 rangeof/w/. However,F3 is 1240Hz whichis toolow for a /w/, but in the F3 rangeof/r/. In this case,B 3-B 2 is 4.3 While/r/and/j/both havea closespacingbetweenF3 and F2, the frequencyrangeof this spectralprominenceis quitedifferent.For/r/, thisprominenceoccursin a midfrequencyrangebetween1000and2000Hz. On theotherhand, "forewarn" and "harlequin," where they are followedby a for/j/, thisspectralprominence occursin a high-frequency rangebetween2000and 3000Hz. Thus,asstatedabove,the featurefront for/j/is enhancedby the featurecoronal(Stevenset al., 1986), resultingin a broadspectralprominence whichincludesF2, F3, andF4. Figures16and 17showthat /j/always hasa B 3-B 2 difference lessthan3 bark.In fact,as canbe seenfrom Table VI, the averagespacingbetweenF2 andF4 isalsowithin thecriticalseparationof 3.0 to 3.5 bark. /w/or an/1/. In this environment, two effectscan occur. First, F2 in the/r/is usuallyreducedby the velarizationor 3. Retroflex bark. The postvocalic/r/'s with a B 3-B 2 differencegreater than 3.5 bark are not word-final, but occur in words like roundingoccurringwithinthesebacksonorants. Second,the /r/is often mergedwith the precedingvowelso that the surfacemanifestationof the voweland following/r/is an /r/-colored vowel.An examplewherebothphenomenaoccur is shownin Fig. 19, which is a spectrogramof the word "Norwegian."Both the word-initial/n/and the vowel/•/ are retroflexed.The visibleportionof F 3 at the beginning andendof thefirstsonorantregion(60 to 300ms) aswell as the automaticallyextractedF3 track showthat the lowest pointofF3 occursat thebeginningof the/n/around 60 ms. F2 duringthe regionthat is transcribedas/r/becomes as low as 612 Hz due to the/w/. measure The majoracousticconsequence of the featureretroflex appearsto be a low third formant. For a typical male speaker,the frequencyofF3 for an/r/is usuallyat or below 2000 Hz. As a result,F3 and F4 are usuallywell separated whereas the difference between F3 and F2 is small. The data in Table VI showthat/r/can normallybe separatedfrom the other semivowelsbasedon the differenceB 4-B 3, which isusuallygreaterthan 3.5bark for/r/and lessthan3.5bark for the other semivowels.However, there are some/r/'s with a B 4-B 3 difference that is less than 3 bark. The exceptions occurfor severalreasons.First, in addition to loweringF3 within/r/, somespeakerslower F4 as Finally, the situationfor the intervocalic/r/ for which B 3-B 2 fallsoutsidethe3.5-barkrangeissimilarto thatof the postvocalic allophones. That is,eitherthe/r/is mergedwith a precedingvowelor it occursin wordslike "already"and "bulrush"wherean underlyingand preceding/1/was not transcribed,but the precedingsonorantregionis produced ablyaffectedby the articulationof a followingsoundsothat F3 ishigherthannormal.Finally,for someword-final/r/'s F3 doesnotgetverylow,suggesting thatthedegreeof palatal constrictionmay be lessened. with a back articulation which results in a lowered F 2 within E. Formant the/r/. The widespreadin thedistributionof averageformant valuesgivenin Figs. 16-18 showsthat the formantfrequenciesof the semivowels are affectedby adjacentsounds.Becauseof this contextualeffect,thereis someoverlapin the "Norwegian" well. Second,the articulation of/r/is transition sometimesconsider- measures distributions of the bark differences for the semivowels. For example,there is substantialoverlap betweenthe formant distributions of/w/and/1/in Figs. 16and 17.However,the figuresalsoshowthat the influenceof adjacentsoundscould 8 lead to confusions between/w/and/r/based differences alone. Most of the/w/'s and/r/'s on the bark which have similar formant values are in clusters with unvoiced conson- antsandtheyarepartiallydevoiced,sothat theinformation whichdistinguishes betweenthemisoftenoutsideof thesonorant regions.In the few caseswhere voiced/w/and/r/ productions are confused on the basisof their formantval- kHz i u•g, they are digtinguighableif the formant transitionsare takeninto account.Thus,in additionto thespacingbetween the formants, the formant transitions are sometimesneeded to helpmakecertaindistinctions. To determine the direction and extent of these formant o.o o.i o.2 0.3 o.4 o.5 o.6 Time(seconds) FIG. 19.Shownisa widebandspectrogram of theword"Norwegian"with automaticallyextractedformanttracksoverlaid.The phoneticallytranscribed/r/shows a largeseparationbetweenF3 and F2 which resultsin a differencegreaterthan 3.5 bark. 752 J. Acoust.Sec. Am., Vol. 92, No. 2, Pt. 1, August1992 movements,the average semivowel formant values were subtractedfrom the averageformant valuesof the adjacent vowel(s). The targetvowelformantfrequencies werecomputedfromthevalueat thetimeof themaximumF 1frequency within the hand-transcribed vowelregionandthe values in the previousandfollowingframes. Carol Y. Espy-Wilson:Acousticmeasuresfor semivowels 752 L FI transitions The averageand standarddeviationof the F 1 differ- ences between vowels andadjacent semivowels areplotted in Fig.20. ThedatashowthatF 1 normallyincreases froma prevocalic semivowel into the followingvowel.F 1 is also consistently lowerin anintervocalic /w/ and/j/ relativeto itsvalueintheadjacent vowels. Thisisalsothecaseformany intervocalic/r/'s and/l/'s. However, whentheliquidsare adjacentto both a high voweland a low vowel,their F 1 values will sometimes lie somewhere between the F 1 fre- quencies of theneighboring sounds. In thefewcases wherea postvocalie liquidhada higherF 1thanthatofthepreceding vowel,the vowelis characterizedas highand, therefore,it normallyhasquitea low F 1 frequency. Examplesof such words are "cartwheel" and "clear." 2. F2 transitions The averageand standarddeviationof the F2 differencesbetweenvowelsandadjacentsemivowels areplottedin Fig. 21. The datashowthatF2 generallyincreases betweena /w/ or /1/ and an adjacentvowel,and it usuallydecreases betweena/j/and an adjacentvowel.However,betweenan /r/and surrounding vowels,F 2 mayincrease or decrease. In 1ooo 350' (a) (a) 300 500 250 200 N ~ 150 o 100 0' -50' -lOO0 -100 w j I w r j I r semivowels semivowels 1000' 350' 300' 250' [] 200' N W Oj N 150' A ß 100' I r 50' 0' -lOOO .............. -lOOO :5'ob -100 '50 0 50 100 Hz 150 200 250 5oo io'oo Hz 1ooo (c) (c) 250' 20O-' 150' N 100' 50-' 0-' -5o' - 1 O0 I r semivowels FIG. 20. Averagesand standarddeviationsof the differences(in Hz) tweentheaverage F 1frequency of (a) prevocalic semivowels andfollowing vowels,(b} intervocalic semivowels andsurrounding vowels(the change relativeto the precedingvowelis on the horizontalaxisand the change relativeto thefollowingvowelison theverticalaxis},and(c) postvocalic semivowels and precedingvowels. 753 J. Acoust.Sec.Am.,Vol.92, No.2, Pt. 1, August1992 -lOOO semivowels F1G. 21. Averagesand standarddeviationsof the differences (in Hz) betweentheaverage F2 frequency of (a } prevocalic semivowels andfollowing vowels,(b) intervocalic semivowels andsurrounding vowels(the change relativeto the preceding vowelis on the horizontalaxisand the change relativeto thefollowingvowelis on theverticalaxis),and (c) postvocalic semivowelsand precedingvowels. CarolY. Espy-Wilson: Acousticmeasuresfor semivowels 753 1 ooo thecaseof prevocalic/r/, a decrease in F 2 from/r/into the followingvowelmainlyoccurredwhen/r/was in a cluster witha preceding coronalconsonant suchasthe/d/in "with- (a) 500 draw." In addition, there were a few caseswhere the F2 differencesbetweenthe vowel/u/and the precedingwordinitial/r/in the words"rule" and "roulette" werealsonegative. However,in all but onecase,therewasan initial risein F2 from the/r/before N it fell into its lower value for the/u/. -500 ThistypeofF2 trajectorywasalsonotedby Lehiste(1962). As for intervocalic/r/, most have a lower F2 value than -1000 that of adjacentvowels.However,if an intervocalic/r/ is w preceded byabackvowel a•nd followed byafrontvowel, asin j I "chlorination" ( [kbrlne ysan] ), then there may be a rise in F2 from the back vowelthroughthe/r/and into the front vowel.Likewise,if the/r/is precededby a front voweland followedby a backvowel,asin "heroin" ( [here•' In] ), then F2 may fall steadilyfrom the front vowel through the/r/ 1 ooo (b) ,+ 500 and into the back vowel. Finally, in the caseof postvocalic/r/ and preceding vowels, F2 may increaseor decrease,depending upon whether the vowel is front or back. That is, if the vowel is back,F2 may risewhile F3 falls, narrowingthe difference r semivowels " 0 o j ß r -500 betweenF3 and F2. However, if the vowelis front, both F2 andF3 will fall into the appropriatevaluesfor an/r/. -1000 -1000 ......... -500 3. F3 transitions The averageand standarddeviationof the F 3 differencesbetweenvowelsandadjacentsemivowels areplottedin Fig.22.ThedatashowthatF 3 isalmostalwayssubstantially higherin/j/than it isin an adjacentvowel.In thefewcases (•......... 500 1000 Hz 1 ooo (c) 500 when this is not true, another coronal consonantwas nearby, suchasthe/1/in "uvula" ( [juvjula ] ). In wordslike thisF 3 steadilyrosefrom its valuein the/j/to a somewhathigher value in the nearbyconsonant. As expected,Fig. 22 showsthat F3 is almostalways substantially lower in/r/than it is in an adjacentvowel. However, there are severalinstanceswhere F3 for/r/is comparable to or higherthanthat of the preceding vowel. With theexception of theintervocalic /r/ in onepronunciationof theword"guarani,"these/r/'s occurin postvocalic, but not word-final,position.That is, they are alwaysfollowed by another consonant,such as the /r/'s in "cartwheel,""harlequin,"and "Norwegian."An exampleof this typeoff 3 trajectoryisshownin thespectrogram of theword "cartwheel"in Fig. 13.As canbeseen,thelowestpointoff 3 within the/or/region (0.1 to 0.2 s) occursnearthe beginningof the/o/. Acoustically, thevoweland/r/appear to be completelyassimilatedin that no discernibleacousticcue pointsto separate/o/and/r/segments. Thusit appearsasif the/o/and following/r/are mergedintoan r-coloredvowel. The F 3 transitionfor/w/and an adjacentvowelcanbe positiveor negative.A negativeF 3 transitionfrom/w/into an adjacentvowelmay seemsurprisingsince/w/is pro- -500 -1000 semivowels FIG. 22. Averagesand standarddeviationsof the differences(in Hz) betweentheaverageF3 frequencyof (a) prevocalicsemivowels andfollowing vowels,(b) intervocalicsemivowels and surroundingvowels(the change relativeto the precedingvowelis on the horizontalaxis and the change relativeto the followingvowel is on the verticalaxis), and (c) postvocalic semivowelsand precedingvowels. precedingretroflexedvowelisabout300Hz, andthe average decrease in F 3 intoa followingretroflexedvowelisabout200 Hz. An exampleof this phenomenoncanbe seenin the spectrogramandformanttracksof theword"froward,"whichis displayedin Fig. 23. AlthoughF3, dueto itslow amplitude, is not alwaysvisiblewithin the/w/the directionof the F3 movement can be inferred from the visible transitions in the adjacentvowels,andit isapparentin theaccompanying for- duced with a labial constriction. However, we found this to mant tracks. be the casemainly when/w/is adjacentto a retroflexed vowel.The averagechangein F 3 betweenprevocalic/w/ and followingretroflexedvowelsis about -- 215 Hz. In the caseof intervocalic/w/, the averageincreasein F 3 from a If we excludethose/w/'s whichare eitheradjacentto a retroflexedsoundor one segmentremovedfrom a retroflexedsound(e.g., "guarani"),the averageincreasein F 3 754 J. Acoust.Sec. Am., Vol. 92, No. 2, Pt. 1, August1992 froma prevocalic /w/ intoa followingvowelis 105Hz. For Carol Y. Espy-Wilson:Acousticmeasuresfor semivowels 754 "froward siderableoverlap remainsin the distributionsfor/w/and /1/. Subsequent work (Espy-Wilson,1989) suggeststhat 5 other featuressuchas coronaland labial maybeusefulin distinguishing betweenthesetwo sounds.Otherinformation 4 suchasphonotactic constraints (/1/can occurin postvocalie positionwhile/w/cannot) and the directionof the F3 3 transitionbetweenthe semivoweland adjacentvowel are kHz alsohelpfulin makingthe/w/-/1/distinction. In additionto the overlapbetweenthe distributionsfor /w/ and /1/, overlap between the distributionsfor the semivowelsand other classesof soundsshowthat a recognition systembasedonlyonthe acousticpropertiesfor features investigated in thisstudywill notalwaysbeableto recognize correctlythe semivowels. 0.0 OI Q2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 In light of our generalgoalof a semivowelrecognition Time(seconds) system,it is importantto understandwhy this overlapoccurred. From our analysis,we attribute the exceptionsto FIG. 23.An illustration of F3 movement between/w/andnearbyretroseveralreasons.First, the resultsof thisstudysuggestrefineflexedsounds in "froward."Shownisa wideband spectrogram withautomaticallyextractedformant tracksoverlaid. mentsin the acousticproperties.For example,the feature highgroupsall of the prevocalicsemivowels togethereven thougha divisionshouldbe madebetweenthe liquidsand glides.This lack of discriminationsuggests that other conintervocalic/w/'s, theaverageincreasein F 3 intothefollowsiderations mayneedto betakenintoaccountin thedevelopingvowelis70 Hz andtheaverageincrease intothepreced- ment of the appropriateacousticpropertiesfor features.In ing vowelis 164Hz. particular,it may be the casethat the acousticcorrelatesof Finally,theF 3 differences involving/I/showthatF 3 is someor all of thefeaturesdifferdependinguponwhetherthe almost always substantially higherin/1/relativetoapreced- soundisvocalicandthusthe vocaltractisrelativelyopen,or ingvowel,andthat thereis usuallylittle changein F3 between/1/and a followingvowel.Thesedatasupportpre- viousfindings(Lehiste, 1962) whichshowthat F3 for/1! tendsto be equalto or higherthan that of adjacentvowels.However,as can be inferredfrom the standarddeviations, thereareseveralinstances wherea prevocalic andintervocalic/1/had a substantially lowerF 3frequency thanthatofthe adjacentvowel.This phenomenon, which usuallyoccurs when/1/is adjacentto a front vowel,wasobservedin words suchas"leapfrog"and"Swahili,"whereF3 is alreadyat a highfrequency, closeto F4. IV. GENERAL DISCUSSION The resultsof this investigation have shownthat the acousticmeasuresusedin this studyfor the featuressonor- ant,syllabic, consonantal, high,back,front, andretroflex are, for the mostpart,extractingrelevantinformationfromthe speech signal.That is,thequantified acoustic properties for thesefeatures generallyseparate thesemivowels fromother nonvocalic and thus the vocal tract is more constricted. Second,there is the segmentationproblem.As the F3 transitiondata for/r/of Sec. III E show, speechsounds often overlap, at least to someextent, so that someof the strongest acousticevidencefor a featurethat is distinctive for a particularsoundmayoccuroutsideof the regiontranscribed for Ihat sound. Finally,labelingof thesegments isan issue.The labeling of somesoundsis inherentlysubjectiveevenwith a phonemic transcriptionavailableasa reference.In somepronunciations of words like "flower," a clear/w/will be heard and in othersthe presenceofa/w/will bequestionable. In addition, thereare featurechangeswhich occurin somecontexts, but they are not anticipatedin the transcription.For in- stance,even though the underlying/v/ in "everyday" shownin Fig. 5 is realizedas a SOhorant consonantas opposedto a fiicativeconsonant, the labelassigned to thisportion of the speechsignaldoesnot reflectthis largeacoustic change.Thus, mismatchesbetweenassignedlabelsand the expectedacousticpropertiesare to beexpected.By relating the measuredacousticpropertiesto the articulartorycorre- soundsanddistinguish amongthesemivowels. The acoustic measures aresummarized in TableV. Theacoustic property for -- syllabicseparates the semivowels fromvowelsandthe lates for features, we are able to understand these feature acoustic propertyfor + sonorant separates the semivowels modificationsaschangesin articulation. from most consonants(the nasalsare also sonorantconsonAs the resultsofSecs.IIIA andC show,the semivowels ants). In addition,as hasbeenshownin paststudies,the canin generalbeseparated fromothersounds (exceptna- acoustic propertyfor + retroflex separates/r/from/wj I/ andtheacoustic propertyfor +front separates/r j/from /w 1/. However,nooneacoustic measure investigated in this study provides a clear distinction between /w/ sals)onthebasisof theacoustic properties for thefeatures + SOhorant and -- syllabic.However,blurringof thisdistinction between semivowelsand most other soundsdoes and /1/. sometimes occur (e.g., the exampleof "everyday"menWhile the acousticpropertyfor + consonantal separates tionedabove).Thisapparent neutralization is caused by a prestressed/1/from the other semivowelsand the acoustic reduction in thedegree oftheconstriction normally madein propertyfor + backseparates many/w/'s from/j r 1/, contheproduction ofconsonants--usually poststressed consort755 J. Acoust.Soc. Am.,Vol.92, No. 2, Pt. 1, August1992 CarolY. Espy-Wilson: Acousticmeasuresfor semivowels 755 "disreputable" studyisfeaturespreading(cfi Henke, 1966;Moll and Daniloff, 1971;Kent et al., 1974). The F3 transitiondata of Sec. III E 3 point to the mergingof postvocalic/r/ with preceding vowels,resultingin r-coloredvowels.Suchassimilation is evidentin Fig. 13betweenthe/a/and/r/in "cartwheel" andin Fig. 19betweenthe/n/,/a/and/r/in "Norwegian." Espy-Wilson(1991) foundthat this anticipationof a postvocalic/r/ dependson severalfactorsincludingspeaking rate, consonantal context,and speakerdifferences. In addition,we haveobservedthe backwardspreading of retroflexionfrom a prevocalic/r/, acrossa labial consonant, to a precedingvowel.An exampleof this occurrence can be seenin the word "everyday" of Fig. 5. The lowest point of F 3 occursduringthe/v/which not only is retroflexed,but alsois lenited.From a speechproductionviewpoint, retroflex spreadingin this context is not surprising (kHz) Ibl Ol o 1oo 200 300 400 500 600 700 TIME (ms) FIG. 24. A widebandspectrogram of theword"disreputable" whichcontains a lenited /b/ that resembles a/w/and an/1/. since the/v/is a labial consonant and, therefore, does not require a particular placementof the tongue. Thus the tongueconfigurationfor the/r/can be anticipatedduring the consonantandpossiblyearlier. V. SUMMARY ants.The term oftenusedto refer to this type of variability is lenition (eft Catford, 1977). Data from Sec. III A show that underlyingintersonorantvoicedstopsand voicedfricatives are sometimessufficientlyweakenedthat they surfaceas voicedapproximantswhich exhibitthe propertyof sonorancy.Most of the lenitedconsonantsobservedin this study areprecededby a vowelwith a higherdegreeof stressthan the voweloccurringeitherafterthemor afterthe following sonorant consonant.In some cases,theseweakened consonants bear a close resemblance to one or more semivowels. For example,the/b/in "disreputable"shownin Fig. 24 is acousticallysimilar to a/w/and an/1/. In addition to being SOhorant, F 1,F 2, F 3, andF 4 at thelowestpointoff 2 during the/b/(around 540 ms) are 348, 820, 2714, and 3672 Hz, respectively. Thesevaluesare closeto the averageformant frequencies listedin Table VI for intervocalic/w/and/1/. In conclusion,we havestudiedseveralacousticproperties of the semivowelswhich generallyseparatethem as a class from other speechsounds,and which distinguish amongthem.In addition,wehaveobserved howtheacoustic propertiesof the semivowels andof othersoundscanchange asa functionof context.The observedvariabilitycanbe understoodin termsof productionand, at the more abstract level of features,in termsof lenition and assimilation.These featurealteringprocesses can occurindependentlyand simultaneously.Understandingvariability in terms of how andwhenfeaturesmay changeandwhichfeaturesareinvariant hasimplicationsfor the representationof lexicalitems. Suchknowledgeshouldnot only help usunderstandthe humanspeechsystem,but it may alsocontributeto the developmentof feature-based systems for speechrecognitionand to the synthesisof natural soundingspeech. Furthermore, since/b/is a labial consonant,it has formant transitions similar to those of/w/. Data from Secs.III C and C 3 show that poststressed intervocalicand postvocalic semivowels arealsosometimes weakenedsothat theyarenot nonsyllabic.Instead,they appearto form a part of the syllable nucleus. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thisworkwassupported in partby a XeroxFellowship and NSF Grant BNS-8920470.It is basedin part on a Ph.D. thesisby the authorsubmittedto the Departmentof Electri- cal Engineering andComputerScienceat MIT. The author gratefullyacknowledges the encouragement andadviceof lenitionistheseparation of/l/from theothersemivowels on ProfessorKenneth N. Stevens.I alsowant to acknowledge thebasisof theacoustic propertyforthefeatureconsonantal. the assistanceof Marie Huffman, SuzanneBoyce, Sharon The resultsof Sec.III B showthat not all prevocalic/l/'s are Manuel, and Corine Bickley, whosecommentsgreatly imassociatedwith abrupt spectralchanges.As statedin Sec.I, provedthe quality and clarity of this paper.The editorial severalresearchers(Joos, 1948; Fant, 1960; Daiston, 1975) comments andsuggestions of Jesse G. KennedyIII, JohnH. havenoticedsometype of sharpspectraldiscontinuitybeSaxman,and two anonymousreviewersare alsoverymuch tween/1/and a following vowel. In agreementwith this appreciated. Specialthanksto JeffreyMarcusand David observation,the data in Sec. III B show abrupt spectral Goodinefor their technicalassistance in generatingthe forchangesbetween/1/and followingstressedvowels.Howmant plots. Another distinction which is sometimesobscuredby ever, the resultsalsoshowthat the spectralchangebetween prevocalic/1/(as well asotherconsonants) and following unstressed vowelscanbequitegradual.In thiscase,the prevocalic/1/does not appearto be consonantal. Another categoryof variabilityobservedoften in this 756 J. Acoust.Soc. Am., Vol. 92, No. 2, Pt. 1, August1992 tThepreboundary/l/'soccurred beforephonological boundaries which variedin strengthsothat in somecases(e.g.,beforea majorintonation break)the/1/is syllable finalandin othercases(e.g.,between twovowels) it is unclearwhetherthe/1/is syllablefinalor syllableinitial. Carol Y. Espy-Wilson:Acousticmeasuresfor semivowels 756 2Achange in thephonological representation ofthese sounds isnotbeing arguedfor. 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