Community Park Harborside Commons JV Washam Elementary Villages At - Paved Greenway = 1.51 Harborside Miles tm Wes Total Greenway = 1.51 Miles Admirals Quarters Point Largo Biscayne d Alexander Chase Oakhurst Lakeridge The woodlands and open areas along the greenway support numerous species of birds, including several which have become uncommon in Mecklenburg County in recent years. Field sparrows which can be seen and heard in grassy and weedy fields and clearings, and Kentucky warblers can be found in rich woodlands along McDowell Creek. Bayshore Half Moon Preston At Bay The Lake Bluff Point Westmoreland Regional Park 77 Birkdale Village Redcliffe At Kenton Birkdale da rk Bi le Mecklenburg County GIS: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Station cro s The Landings At Northcross Sam Furr Rd s Py mm on Co Breckenridge 0.4 Miles m o n s P y . u r r o u n d in g R d . & T Caldwell o w n le y R d . Dr 0.2 A I Rd Glenfurness Chesterbrook Academy at Birkdale R d .) o B ir k d a l e Cambridge Grove s Dr l yn lm d ho L in Rd No rt h Cran Dr 100 Hy Norman 73 Place C Regency N Park At Lake Norman 0 To wn ley Summit Sedgebrook olm Wood Duck Cove McDowell Creek Parking - I - 7 7 t o E x it 2 5 ( S a m F u r r - T a k e S a m F u rr R d . W e s t t C o m m o n s P y .Poole - T u r n r ig h t o n B ir k d a le C o m Habitat For Place - P a r k in g a ll o w e d i n a r e a s s Humanity t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n o f C r a n ly n Stratford Forest h Lin d Mariner Villas Statesville Rd Grace Covenant Academy Bordeaux At Vineyard Point The Blvd At The Lake Low lying depressions along the greenway hold water for much of the year and become breeding locations for several amphibious species including fowler’s toads and upland chorus frogs. Listen for the various calls of these and other frog species in late winter and early to mid spring. ¦ ¨ § Bayview The The ArborsDockside Tuscany Vineyard Moorings Court Point Fidler Estates The old fields and wet meadows along the greenway support many flowering plants. When in bloom, these plants are visited by a variety of butterfly species. At the right time of year, you can see Heritage anywhere from one to dozens of butterfly species on a leisurely Plantation greenway walk. Several species of milkweed can be found along the greenway. Glenridge These plants get their name from their milky sap, which can be toxic to many animals. Several types of insects feed upon this sap and store the toxins in their bodies which makes them distasteful to predators. Some of these insects, including the milkweed beetle, the milkweed bug and the monarch butterfly, wear nature’s warning colors for poison such as “orange and black” or “red and black”. Keep an eye out for them as you walk along the greenway. West Catawba Av Baybridge nd R o rela Items of Interest: am Rd Po tts McDowell Creek Greenway Ramsey Creek The Commons W as h Silver Quay µ Archstone At Northcross Greenfarm Legend: ! G r e e n w a y M ile M a r k e r s G re e n w a y E x is t in g B ik e L a n e s M a jo r R o a d C re e k s /S t re a m s S c h o o l/ C o lle g e G re e n w a y E n t ra n c e In t e r s t a t e L o c a l S t re e t L a k e s /P o n d s P a rk P ro p e rt y