Wall Exercise Instructions 1. Select your Transit Station Area on the wall 2. Review the descriptions and illustrations for each station 3. Use a sticky note to record your response to the following questions: a. Are the Character Areas organized appropriately? What would you change and why? b. Is access and connectively addressed? How would you improve it? c. Are there any missed opportunities in the Concepts? Summary of Character Areas Description and Purpose Character of Use Building Types Characterized by an intense mix of residential and commercial uses oriented around a transit station and/or regional road corridors. The transit area maintains its pedestrian scale with connected streets, active streetscape and walkable block sizes even when building footprints are larger. Mixed- or Multi-Use Retail, Office, Residential Mixed-Use Storefront Commercial Large-Format Retail Apartment Houses Townhomes Comprised of moderate office and/or retail area with some neighborhood-scale commercial services. Include mixed-use buildings or mixed-use blocks of ground-floor retail and office uses which primarily serve the surrounding area with a high level of internal and external connectivity. Mixed- or Multi-Use Retail, Office, Limited Residential Mixed-Use Storefront Commercial Apartment Houses Townhomes Civic infrastructure such as schools, libraries and community centers are critical to the quality of life in our Plan Areas. Locating these facilities in transit station areas will also maximize their accessibility for the entire Charlotte community. Schools Libraries Day Care Centers These areas are the foundation of Residential the Plan Areas. Existing residential neighborhoods should be strengthened and new neighborhoods created in appropriate places. Characterized by larger industrial and office uses such as manufacturing facilities, warehouses and flex space. These businesses need immediate access to rail and/or highways and are a major contributor to the job base of the community. Some supporting retail or office uses may accompany the industrial use. Places where open space connections are preferred for environmental preservation and/or pedestrian connection. Their application may vary widely, from stormwater facilities, to parks and greenways, to merely widened sidewalks. Single-Family Homes Townhomes Predominately industrial and office with supporting retail Manufacturing Facilities Warehouses Flex Space Office Buildings Active and passive recreation use Open Space Greenway/ Trails DRAFT Proposed Light Rail Station and Corridor E d ar Proposed Multi-Use Trail Si te N Existing Public Facility Site B E Si te Proposed Greenway St . . .. . m or e t ha n m ap s Photos shown are examples of the Concept Map's recommended pattern of development and preservation for the Parkwood Station plan area. ar y Sie gle Av we ll S L t ibr Do rk Transit Oriented Mixed Use ug ar Pa Fr Charlotte 0 250 Prepared by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. 25th St Parkwood rk re ... 36th St M S ittle ng L i t s i Ex GIS .. St Cre ek Gree nw ay iv hi ks C oo Sugar Creek v Park/Open Space St Br rs ye N St Pa N th ic G ar de n id v Da 13 E Old Concord Rd N s k E Tom Hunter St Mc wo r Pa on Al St Br an ex th 17 e N P a rkwoo dA r de o d Av St E d r va Pa St Neighborhood Preservation Concept Plan Framework for Development rk st 21 Employment BLE Transit Station Area Plan t S Transit on s Oriented avid Mixed N D Use v re Existing Greenway St th 24 Existing Transit Access Streets P Cr rop ee Li k G ttle ree Sug nwa ar y 5 500 1,000 N W E S Date: July 10, 2012 Feet PARKWOOD STATION CONCEPT PLAN Map X: Concept Plan Transit Oriented Mixed Use Neighborhood Preservation Urban Station Employment Park/ Open Space Blue Line Extension Transit Station Area Plan CONCEPT PLAN Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department D R A F T May 24 DRAFT 9 Proposed Light Rail Station and Corridor Employment Existing Transit Access Streets Proposed Multi-Use Trail Proposed Greenway St Char les A v ev N St th St nw ay St Pr Su opo ga se r d Cr L ee itt k le Gr ee th or e t ha n m ap s ng gar y Su nwa ree E Cr Lit xis ee tle ti kG Parkwood Photos shown are examples of the Concept Map's recommended pattern of development and preservation for the 25th Street Station plan area. n Neighborhood Preservation N W 0 . 250 500 E 1,000 S Feet Prepared by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. 25th St Av y e . .. . 25 m Ya St ... .. th 36th St Charlotte 24 GIS Av ck E Sugar Creek St th 26 in dk n Pi E Old Concord Rd th 28 St E Tom Hunter n Pl 27 s id v Da N on Jorda E T Concept Plan Framework for Development Transit Oriented Mixed Use E BLE Transit Station Area Plan Br Av d ar on es th Ma Proposed Streets Date: June 19, 2012 25th STREET STATION CONCEPT PLAN Map X: Concept Plan Transit Oriented Mixed Use Neighborhood Preservation Urban Station Employment Blue Line Extension Transit Station Area Plan CONCEPT PLAN Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department D R A F T May 24 DRAFT on N do Si te Si te ar Cr ee k Av son St N David St th 30 St Fi at re io n ow E M Pa St Sc ho ol a rk Th e Pl az rk St Pa th Pa Av N Employment . W 0 . e t ha n m ap 36 or E .. s. St Charlotte th ... m 35 v nA so the eson GIS E Ma Neighborhood Preservation Math .. 375 Prepared by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. 25th St t th 34 N t cer S Spen cD rk St ids v Da t lS el rson S rd 33 YM t S on Ande E C A St Old Concord Rd Photos shown are examples of the Concept Map's recommended pattern of development and preservation for the 36th Street Station plan area. St d 6th E3 W N Tom Hunter Parkwood Raleigh dR Si te on ilem Ph hea ug tl e S t i L d e Propos Transit Oriented Mixed Use Concept Plan Framework for Development 36th St 13 raig EC Si te Av Proposed Multi-Use Trail St Proposed Greenway on y r NT Existing Public Facility Site BLE Transit Station Area Plan Sugar Creek St Gr ee nw ay an At Proposed Light Rail Station and Corridor Existing Transit Access Streets Proposed Streets y Tr 750 1,500 E S Date: July 10, 2012 Feet 36th STREET STATION CONCEPT PLAN Map X: Concept Plan Transit Oriented Mixed Use Neighborhood Preservation Urban Station Employment Blue Line Extension Transit Station Area Plan CONCEPT PLAN Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department D R A F T May 24 DRAFT P 17 Proposed Light Rail Station and Corridor Proposed LYNX Park and Ride Existing Transit Access Streets Proposed Streets Si te Proposed Multi-Use Trail Proposed Greenway Existing Public Facility Site Neighborhood Retail/Office N Tryon St T son St N David A n rso de An Old Concord Rd Dr ay stw Ea rk Pa Pr op os ed d dR hea P St Howie Cr Bearwood Av rk Rd St Raleigh Pa k ree raig Raleigh C ar oro St Greensb Tom Hunter Transit Oriented Mixed Use ug Employment EC Concept Plan Framework for Development Sug tle Lit ay enw ES BLE Transit Station Area Plan re kG ree C ar Neighborhood Av Preservation od wo gle n d er Din so n St St Atmore St ... 36th St GIS .. m Charlotte .. . or e tha n m s ap W . 0 Prepared by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. 25th St Parkwood Photos shown are examples of the Concept Map's recommended pattern of development and preservation for the Sugar Creek Station plan area. N E . Sugar Creek a laz eP Th 250 500 S 1,000 Date: July 10, 2012 Feet SUGAR CREEK STATION CONCEPT PLAN Map X: Concept Plan Transit Oriented Mixed Use Neighborhood Retail/ Office Urban Station Neighborhood Preservation Employment Blue Line Extension Transit Station Area Plan CONCEPT PLAN Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department D R A F T May 24 DRAFT 21 Neighborhood Retail/Office Park/Open Space k Neighborhood Preservation D Pa r aw S ay uga r n Neighn borhood N Tryo Retail/ Office P T Park/Open Space P Ex Transit Access Streets Proposed Streets Proposed Multi-Use Trail N Proposed Greenway GIS m Charlotte or e t ha n m ap s 0 Prepared by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. 25th St Existing Public Facility Site S . .. . . ... .. te Si te E Si W Sugar Creek 36th St Proposed Light Rail Station and Corridor Prop LYNX Park and Ride rk Neighborhood Preservation Old Concord Rd Pa Old Concord Rd Employment EEaa sstt w waa yy DDrr Tom Hunter Transit Oriented Mixed Use St d Sc ho ol Concept Plan Framework for Development rR No Marthp ll Dark r Lambeth Dr BLE Transit Station Area Plan Sc ho ol t le Lit nw d e se re po k G o r P ee Cr Or Cr 250 500 1,000 Date: July 10, 2012 Feet OLD CONCORD ROAD STATION CONCEPT PLAN Parkwood Map X: Concept Plan Suburban Station Photos shown are examples of the Concept Map's recommended pattern of development and preservation for the Old Concord Road Station plan area. Transit Oriented Mixed Use Neighborhood Preservation Employment Park/ Open Space Neighborhood Retail/ Office School Blue Line Extension Transit Station Area Plan CONCEPT PLAN Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department D R A F T May 24 DRAFT I- 8 5 25 N Tr yo n St N US 29 By-Pass Hwy Sa ah am ow ad Kemp St Me Tom Hunte al Ne n St t N Tryo Dr Heathway Dr owhe ad Dr Employment EA rr o D r te Dr Neighborhood Preservation r yside D W Arr Existing Public Facility Site Si we Gloryland Av T Transit Oriented Mixed Use Dr t Old Concord Rd ne nS Existing Transit Access Streets Proposed Multi-Use Trail rsto Av Flo lso Proposed Light Rail Station and Corridor Tom Hunter the Wi Concept Plan Framework for Development Countr od Ln o Elgyw Cante rwood Dr r Rd BLE Transit Station Area Plan Fea O Pos ffi t ce Dr Neighborhood Preservation Mcgill S Kingville Dr Gr ndy w he ad Sugar Creek GIS ... .. 25th St m Charlotte ... . 36th St N or e t ha n m ap s . W Austin Dr 0 250 Prepared by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. 500 S 1,000 Date: July 10, 2012 Feet TOM HUNTER STATION CONCEPT PLAN Parkwood Map X: Concept Plan Photos shown are examples of the Concept Map's recommended pattern of development and preservation for the Tom Hunter Station plan area. E Transit Oriented Mixed Use Neighborhood Preservation Suburban Station Employment Blue Line Extension Transit Station Area Plan CONCEPT PLAN Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department D R A F T May 24