The developmental origins of obesity Jonathan Wells Professor of Anthropology and Pediatric Nutri<on UCL Ins<tute of Child Health Energy balance and physics The energy balance equa<on Energy Intake 2 3 2 Energy Energy = ± expenditure stores = 2 + 0 = 2 + 1 = 1 + 1 Weight Stable Weight gain Obesity and energy balance • The current model • We eat too much … • … and/or we are not sufficiently ac<ve It’s the wrong model Articles Global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Ng et el, Lancet 2014 Marie Ng, Tom Fleming, Margaret Robinson, Blake Thomson, Nicholas Graetz, Christopher Margono, Erin C Mullany, Stan Biryukov, Cristiana Abbafati*, Semaw Ferede Abera*, Jerry P Abraham*, Niveen M E Abu-Rmeileh*, Tom Achoki*, Fadia S AlBuhairan*, Zewdie A Alemu*, Rafael Alfonso*, Mohammed K Ali*, Raghib Ali*, Nelson Alvis Guzman*, Walid Ammar*, Palwasha Anwari*, Amitava Banerjee*, Simon Barquera*, Sanjay Basu*, Derrick A Bennett*, Zulfiqar Bhutta*, Jed Blore*, Norberto Cabral*, Ismael Campos Nonato*, Jung-Chen Chang*, Rajiv Chowdhury*, Karen J Courville*, Michael H Criqui*, David K Cundiff*, Kaustubh C Dabhadkar*, Lalit Dandona*, Adrian Davis*, Anand Dayama*, Samath D Dharmaratne*, Eric L Ding*, Adnan M Durrani*, Alireza Esteghamati*, Farshad Farzadfar*, Derek F J Fay*, Valery L Feigin*, Abraham Flaxman*, Mohammad H Forouzanfar*, Atsushi Goto*, Mark A Green*, Rajeev Gupta*, Nima Hafezi-Nejad*, Graeme J Hankey*, Heather C Harewood*, Rasmus Havmoeller*, Simon Hay*, Lucia Hernandez*, Abdullatif Husseini*, Bulat T Idrisov*, Nayu Ikeda*, Farhad Islami*, Eiman Jahangir*, Simerjot K Jassal*, Sun Ha Jee*, Mona Jeffreys*, Jost B Jonas*, Edmond K Kabagambe*, Shams Eldin Ali Hassan Khalifa*, Andre Pascal Kengne*, Yousef Saleh Khader*, Young-Ho Khang*, Daniel Kim*, Ruth W Kimokoti*, Jonas M Kinge*, Yoshihiro Kokubo*, Soewarta Kosen*, Gene Kwan*, Taavi Lai*, Mall Leinsalu*, Yichong Li*, Xiaofeng Liang*, Shiwei Liu*, Giancarlo Logroscino*, Paulo A Lotufo*, Yuan Lu*, Jixiang Ma*, Nana Kwaku Mainoo*, George A Mensah*, Tony R Merriman*, Ali H Mokdad*, Joanna Moschandreas*, Mohsen Naghavi*, Aliya Naheed*, Devina Nand*, K M Venkat Narayan*, Erica Leigh Nelson*, Marian L Neuhouser*, Muhammad Imran Nisar*, Takayoshi Ohkubo*, Samuel O Oti*, Andrea Pedroza*, Dorairaj Prabhakaran*, Nobhojit Roy*, Uchechukwu Sampson*, Hyeyoung Seo*, Sadaf G Sepanlou*, Kenji Shibuya*, Rahman Shiri*, Ivy Shiue*, Gitanjali M Singh*, Jasvinder A Singh*, Vegard Skirbekk*, Nicolas J C Stapelberg*, Lela Sturua*, Bryan L Sykes*, Martin Tobias*, Bach X Tran*, Leonardo Trasande*, Hideaki Toyoshima*, Steven van de Vijver*, Tommi J Vasankari*, J Lennert Veerman*, Gustavo Velasquez-Melendez*, Vasiliy Victorovich Vlassov*, Stein Emil Vollset*, Theo Vos*, Claire Wang*, Sharon XiaoRong Wang*, Elisabete Weiderpass*, Andrea Werdecker*, Jonathan L Wright*, Y Claire Yang*, Hiroshi Yatsuya*, Jihyun Yoon*, Seok-Jun Yoon*, Yong Zhao*, Maigeng Zhou*, Shankuan Zhu*, Alan D Lopez†, Christopher J L Murray†, Emmanuela Gakidou†‡ Global prevalence of overweight/ obesity Men : 36.9 % Women : 38.0% Summary Background In 2010, overweight and obesity were estimated to cause 3·4 million deaths, 3·9% of years of life lost, and 3·8% of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) worldwide. The rise in obesity has led to widespread calls for regular monitoring of changes in overweight and obesity prevalence in all populations. Comparable, up-to-date information about levels and trends is essential to quantify population health effects and to prompt decision makers to prioritise action. We estimate the global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980–2013. Published Online May 29, 2014 S0140-6736(14)60460-8 See Online/Comment S0140-6736(14)60767-4 It’s a descrip<on Energy balance as symptom • Robert Lus<g • Gary Taubes European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2011), 1–17 & 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0954-3007/11 REVIEW Obesity and energy balance: is the tail wagging the dog? JCK Wells1 and M Siervo2 1 Childhood Nutrition Research Centre, UCL Institute of Child Health, London, UK and 2Human Physiology and Nutrition Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, University ‘Federico II’ of Naples, Naples, Italy The scientific study of obesity has been dominated throughout the twentieth century by the concept of energy balance. This Metabolic perturba<ons • Refined carbohdrate High insulin levels • Sedentary behaviour Metabolic inflexibility • Reduced sleep Decreased sa<ety • TV, Video games Increased appe<te Your decisions shape metabolism ? Obesity and energy balance JCK Wells and M Siervo 8 Classic energy balance model of obesity Causes DIET High energy intake Symptoms PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Low energy expenditure Lipogenesis Fat deposition Weight gain Positive energy balance paid to the ta two widely r obesity and (a using the me re-examine th Obesity and sl The increasin Insulin resistance with obesity the scientific Hyperinsulinaemia demonstrate variously of n mass index, U PUBLIC HEALTH MESSAGE: COUNT CALORIES AND BURN MORE THAN YOU CONSUME tions (Marsh itudinal stud Metabolic perturbation model of obesity again the ass Wells and Siervo, Eur J Clin Nutr 2011 effect appears Causes Symptoms gain, rather the scientific Hyperinsulinaemia demonstrate p variously of no mass index, UPUBLIC HEALTH MESSAGE: COUNT CALORIES AND BURN MORE THAN YOU CONSUME tions (Marsha itudinal studie Metabolic perturbation model of obesity again the asso effect appears t Causes Symptoms gain, rather th 2008; Patel an Lethargy DIET In children, Hunger High Weight gain sistent, with a refined PHYSICAL carbohydrates ACTIVITY linear associat Positive Hyperinsulinaemia Metabolic (Marshall et al. energy Lipogenesis inflexibility Balance been reported Fat deposition 2002; Padez et United States ( Insulin Japan (Sekine e resistance New Zealand (N A meta-analysi PUBLIC HEALTH MESSAGE: AVOID REFINED CARBOHYDRATES AND GET FIT compared with TO BOOST METABOLIC FLEXIBILITY ratio of obesit et al., 2008). Figure 2 Contrasting models of the causation of obesity. (a) In the Wells nd Siervo, Eur Jbetween Clin Nutr 2011 traditional energy balance model, anaimperfect ‘match’ evidence, thes appetite and physical activity level causes positive energy balance, implications fo Metabolism shapes your decisions ? which is considered to drive changes in body weight through Development affects metabolism Low Birth weight Slow infant growth Rapid infant growth Birth size and catch-­‐up 1.0 Birth weight Birth Length 0.5 Z-score 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 Catch-up No change Catch-down Ong et al., BMJ 2000 Catch-­‐up and later body composi<on 1.0 Height 5 years BMI 5 years 0.8 0.6 0.4 Z-score 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Catch-up No change Catch-down Ong et al., BMJ 2000 regression of body SDS adjusting for re given in Table 4. ssociated with all models, change in weight SDS was a highly significant predictor. When waist girth was adjusted for hip girth it remained independently associated with change in weight SDS, though the magnitude of the effect (1.4 cm) was greatly Birth weight in obese children 15 Males Females Males Females Trunk FM (kg) 10 5 0 -5 -10 2 3 4 S SDS and waist SDS. in females (ns). -15 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Birth weight SDS Figure 4 Association between birth weight SDS and DXA trunk fat mass Wells et al., Int J Obes 2011 residual. Trunk fat mass was regressed on height. Trunk fat mass residual was calculated as the actual value minus the value predicted from the subject’s height. The correlation was "0.31 in males (P ¼ 0.04) and "0.15 in females (ns). Post-­‐natal growth in obese children Programming of body compo JCK Wells et al current size.9 Such ad Males as to whether birth w Females birth, is the actual pr 10 This statistical issue because, since they 5 achieve empirically statistical adjustmen 0 predicts later fat dist fied by high rates of w -5 easier to detect. Birth weight SDS -10 significantly greater covered the normal r -15 ing 5.23 SDS. Within -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a (non-significant) co Change in weight SDS many other studies, association with curr Figure 5 Association between change in weight SDS from birth to follow-up and DXA trunk fat mass residual. Trunk fat mass was regressed on height. was apparent. This Wells e t a l., I nt J O bes 2011 Trunk fat mass residual was calculated as the actual value minus the value magnitude of lean m predicted from the subject’s height. The correlation was 0.66 in males part on their adipo (Po0.0001) and 0.61 in females (Po0.0001). Trunk fat (kg) 15 !"#$%&'()*(' Consequences of catch-­‐up growth Birth order: not undernutri<on Birth weights 1860-1984 279 380037003600- / r" ol .r'l cm #.J L .r'l on IHC Titles] At: 15:02 16 June 2010 03 3500- o 340033003200310030000 Parity Figure 1. Birth weight as a function of parity for the total set of data. Squares show mean birth weight for each parity. SE for paraity 2 is 9 g increasing to an SE of 57 g for parity 8. Two regression lines are plotted; one based on birth weights for parity 1 and 2, the other based on birth weights for parity 2 to 12. Birth weights for parity 9 to 12 are not plotted due to there being only a small number of cases. Rosenberg, Ann Hum Biol 1988 !"#$%&'()*+' Catch-­‐up in first-­‐borns 0.4 Height SDS 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 p = 0.016 p = 0.001 p = 0.001 Firstborn Later born -0.6 ns -0.8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 Age, months Wells et al., Am J Epidemiol 2011 Birth order and adult obesity + 10.3 kg weight + 7.4 kg fat mass Siervo et al., Eat Weight Disord 2011 Maternal low birth weight Maternal obesity Offspring obesity Cnajngius et al., Int J Obes 2012 Maternal low birth weight Low birth weight Maternal obesity 3 x Offspring obesity Cnajngius et al., Int J Obes 2012 Breast-­‐milk of diabe<c mothers Figure 1—Relative body weight at 2 years of age in thirds of intake of DBM (error bars # 95% CI). Plagemann and Associate breast milk provided by their biologica (diabetic) mother may result in an in creased relative body weight and in creased prevalence of obesity at 2 years o age, independent of birth weight, gesta tional age, sex, age, type of maternal dia betes, or maternal BMI. In contrast neonatal intake of banked breast mil from healthy nondiabetic women has beneficial effect on later body weight an glucose tolerance in childhood. Althoug the volume of diabetic breast milk in gested neonatally significantly predicte relative body weight at 2 years of age body weight itself was the only significan predictor of glucose tolerance at follow up, as revealed by stepwise regressio analysis. To our knowledge, only one stud has investigated the impact of the amoun of certain types of milk ingested neona tally on later outcome, in general. Singha et al. (26) observed a beneficial effect o the amount of banked donor breast mil ingested during neonatal life, as com pared with formula milk, on blood pres sure later in the childhood of preterm newborns. In a number of studies, de creased body weight, diminished risk fo obesity, and decreased risk for develop ment of type 2 diabetes were observed i breast-fed infants (1– 6). Moreover, b analyzing potential influences of a wid Plagemann et al.,Diabetes Care 2002 confounders, plus additional adjustment for relative body weight at follow-up, did during childhood served as independent variables. Table 5 shows that, by stepwise Interac<ons Diet composi<on Developmental effects Body weight Physical ac<vity The role of food Refined carbohydrate Protein, fat Lethargy, hunger Energy, sa<ety