Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance Standards of Certification The following standards are intended to support mentoring organizations to create impactful, enduring mentor/mentee relationships that make a positive impact on the Charlotte’s quality of life. Mentoring is one of the most important investments one can make to Charlotte’s future. The Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance recognizes the value of holding its members to evidence-based standards ensure responsible practices to develop caring and supportive relationships. Standard 1: Recruitment Mentor Recruitment 1.1 Program engages in recruitment strategies that realistically portray the benefits, practices and challenges of mentoring in the program. 1.2 Program has a written statement outlining eligibility for mentors Mentee Recruitment 1.3 Program recruits youth whose needs best match the services offered by the program 1.4 Program has a written statement outlining eligibility for mentees and parents/guardian Standard 2: Screening Mentor Screening 2.1 Potential mentors must complete an application 2.2 Program must provide background checks of potential mentors, including checking the sexual predator database 2.3 Potential mentors with at least 5 years of residency in CharlotteMecklenburg may be screened using a Citywide background check (offered free of charge through MMA) 2.4 Potential mentors with less than 5 years of residency must have a national background check performed 2.5 Program must conduct a face to face interview with potential mentors 2.6 Program must require personal and professional references for potential mentors 2.7 Mentor must commit to participate for a minimum of one program year with at least on average one hour face-to-face time per month Mentee Screening 2.8 Parent/guardian must complete an application and provide written participation of consent to participate 2.9 Mentee and parent/guardian agrees to participate for a minimum of one program year Standard 3: Training 3.1 Program must provide a minimum of 2 hours in person training (one hour can be provided by MMA) 3.2 Program must utilize evidence based training materials Standard 4: Matching 4.1 Program considers its aims as well as the characteristics of the mentor and mentee, including, but not limited to interests, proximity, availability, age, gender, race, ethnicity, personality and expressed preferences 4.2 Program arranges and documents an initial meeting between the mentor and mentee 4.3 Program staff member is on site and/or present during the initial meeting of the mentor and mentee Standard 5: Monitoring and Support 5.1 Program contacts the mentor and mentee at a minimum frequency of once per month 5.2 Program documents contacts, including, at minimum date and nature of contact 5.3 Program provides mentors access to resources to help negotiate challenges in mentoring relationships Standard 6: Closure 6.1 Program has a procedure to manage closures, including a system for mentor/mentee rematch 6.2 Program conducts an exit interview of the mentor/mentee, when possible