Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit Ethical Audit Version 2.0 Group Quality Technical Services Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 1 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit AUDITOR GUIDANCE This audit is to include all people (Workers/visitors / contractors / child minders) and property (Production, Warehouse, Accommodation, Child care) within the production site, regardless of if they are associated with the production area itself. Off site accommodation shall also be considered as part of the audit unless otherwise agreed by Woolworths Ltd prior to audit. The auditor, during a tour of the employment site, observing physical conditions and current practices in all areas, shall form a view of how they compare with the applicable standards and codes including how the site performs against its own policies and procedures. Auditors shall visit all areas of the employment site, in some cases, employment sites may prohibit visitors from walking through some areas or forbid photography for reasons of safety or commercial confidentiality. The auditor shall note restrictions on access or photography in the audit report. Auditors should make every effort to ensure production is not disrupted during the site tour, whilst ensuring that they are able to view all production areas during busy production periods. During the site tour, the auditor shall meet a range of managers / supervisors / workers across all site operations, the auditor shall not be purely guided by management on areas to visit and shall freely investigate all areas they believe are needed to perform the audit. The auditor shall raise issues as they arise, giving managers the opportunity to seek clarification, respond, and provide explanations or further evidence. Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 2 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit Include space for an executive Summary Factory Overview Company Information Site Name: Street Number: Building Number: Street Name: Address: City: State / Province: Post Code: Country: First Name: Last Name: Contact Person: Position: Contact Numbers: Phone: Fax: Contact E-mail: Types of products to be supplied/currently supplied: Language(s) spoken at the factory: Name & title of people present during the opening and closing meetings: Who was the responsible senior manager for ensuring compliance with client ethical codes? Major production processes used: Peak Production Season: Does the facility fall under the definitions of a Shared Facility as described in the “Shared Facilities Business Rule”? Please specify the other uses in the building that are not under your management/control. Please specify the local authority responsible for building safety and fire licensing and regulations. Any Additional Information Ethical Outcome Summary Audit Company: Audit Date: Time in and time out Audit Type: Announced/Special Ethical Non-Conformance Issued Auditor Name No. NC‟s Raised Close Out Due Date CRITICAL MAJOR Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 3 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit MINOR Key Factory Information Attitude of workers: (Include their attitude to management, workplace and the interview process. Both positive and negative information should be included) Note: Do not document any information that could put workers at risk Details Attitude of managers: (Include attitude to audit, and audit process. Both positive and negative information should be included) Details Does the factory have access to a copy of the Woolworths Ltd Ethical Sourcing Policy? Has the factory demonstrated implementation and compliance to the Policy requirements? Do all workers (including migrant workers) have contracts of employment? Yes/No Were appropriate records available to verify hours of work and wages? Yes/No Were any inconsistencies found? (if yes describe nature) Yes/No Details For the lowest paid production worker, are wages paid for standard hours (excluding overtime) below or above the legal minimum? Yes/No Wages found: Please indicate the breakdown of workforce according to earnings: Below Legal Min ____% of workforce earning under min wage Meet Above ____% of workforce earning min wage ____% of workforce earning above min wage % of piece rate workers:(If applicable) Combined hours (standard and overtime) over 60 per week found? Are the correct overtime premiums paid? Yes/No Is there any night production work at the site? Yes/No % of workers living in site provided accommodation (if applicable): Age of youngest worker found: Are workers under 18 subject to hazardous work assignments? _____% of under 18‟s at this site (out of total workers) Yes/No What form of worker representation / union is there on site? Is it a legal requirement to have a union? Yes/No Is It a legal requirement to have a workers committee? Yes/No Is there any other form of effective worker/management communication channel? Yes/No Yes/No Nationality of Management Majority nationality of workers Number of workers leaving in last 12 months as a % of average total number of workers on site over the year (annual worker turnover) _____ % Were accurate records shown at the first request? If not, why not? Yes/No Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 4 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit In the last 12 months, has the site been subject to any fines/prosecutions for noncompliance to any regulations? Please describe: Yes/No Worker Analysis Worker numbers Local Permanent Temporary Migrant Agency Permanent Temporary Agency Home workers Male Female Total Number of Workers interviewed Contractors: (Individuals supplying workers to site with the workers paid by contractors, not by site) Any contractors on site? Yes/No If yes, how many workers supplied by contractors Are all contractor workers paid according to local law? Yes/No Migrant Workers Originating Locations/Countries: Work undertaken by migrant workers: Were migrant workers recruited through an agency? If yes, is there a contract with the agency? Provide details of agencies and contractual arrangements Percentage of migrant workers in company provided accommodation: Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 5 of 22 Total Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit Wages Analysis Sample size: (number of wages checked and which weeks or months) Legal minimum wage for standard time: (excluding OT - please include time period e.g. hour/week/month) If yes, please give details: Are there different legal minimum wage grades? Where there are different legal minimum wage grades are all workers graded correctly? If no, please give details: What deductions are required by law: Have all of these deductions been made? Industry norm for this region: (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month) Legal overtime premium for weekdays: (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month) Legal overtime premium for rest days: (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month) Legal overtime premium for holidays: (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month) Worker Type Process Operator (Highest paid) Process Operator (Average paid) Process Operator (Lowest paid) Select one worker’s records from each “Worker Type” and populate the boxes. Ensure comparison is made for same pay period (peak) and only uses full-time workers. Pay period (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Anonymous Employee Reference/Dept. Employee Gender Contracted wage (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 6 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit Standard working hours (excluding OT - please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Standard work pay rate (excluding OT - please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Standard day overtime – hours (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Standard day overtime – wage (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Rest day overtime – hours (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Rest day overtime – wage (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Statutory Holiday overtime – hours (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Statutory holiday OT - wages (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Total overtime hours (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Incentives/Bonus/Allowances etc. (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Gross wages (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Social insurance and other deductions Actual wage paid after deduction (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Comments: (Please state here any specific reasons/circumstances that explain the lowest and highest gross wages) Is there a defined living wage: This is not normally legal wage. If answered ‟Yes‟ please state amount and source of info: Yes/No Please specify amount/time period: Are workers paid in a timely manner in line with local law? Yes/No Is there evidence that equal rates are being paid for equal work? Yes/No Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 7 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit How are workers paid: (explain payment method) Actual overtime premium paid in sample for… V: Weekdays: W: Rest days: X: Holidays: Working Hours Analysis Please include time period e.g. hour/week/month What timekeeping systems are used: time card etc. Sample size checked (number of workers): Legal standard work week (hours): (Excluding OT - please include time period e.g. hour/week/month). Contracted standard work week this site (hours) (excluding OT - please include time period e.g. hour/week/month): Actual standard work week averaged over sample for full time workers: (excluding OT - please include time period e.g. hour/week/month) Lowest standard hours worked (excluding OT - please include time period e.g. hour/week/month) Highest standard hours worked (excluding OT - please include time period e.g. hour/week/month) Percentage workers on part-time contracts ___ % age Legal permitted overtime hours (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month) Any local waivers or permission for annualised hours for this site: Actual overtime hours: (averaged over sample) (please include time period e.g. hour/week/month) Range of overtime hours over all workers: (quote highest and lowest please include time period e.g. hour/week/month) Approx % of workers on highest overtime hours: ___ % Peak season(s): Months Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 8 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit Subcontracting / Home Working Summary of sub-contracting – if applicable Number & Names of sub-contractors/agents used Is there a site policy on sub-contracting? If yes, summarise details: Yes/No What checks are in place to ensure no child labour is being used and work is safe? Can the facility provide documentation demonstrating Woolworths‟ approval of a sun-contracted process related to the manufacture of Woolworths Ltd goods? What processes are sub-contracted? Is the supplier making periodic checks of their sub-contractors to ensure the conditions of work and employment comply with Woolworths Ethical policy Summary of home working – if applicable Male: Female: Total: Number of home workers Are home workers employed direct or through agents? Directly/ Through Agents If through agents, number of agents Is there a site policy on home working? Yes/No How does site ensure worker hours and pay meet local laws for home workers? Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 9 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit What processes are carried out by home workers? Are written agreements in place for home workers that include regular employment? Yes/No Are full records available at the site? Yes/No Worker Interview Summary Were workers aware of the audit? Yes/No Number of group interviews: Please specify number and size of groups. Number of individual interviews Number of interviewed workers Interviews were done in private and the confidentiality of the interview process was communicated to the workers? Male: Female: Male: Female: Yes/No Was a Union or worker s‟ representative included in an interview? In general, what was the attitude of the workers towards their workplace? Favourable / Non-favourable/ Indifferent What was the most common worker complaint? Do workers have any concerns around their personal safety at work? What did the workers like the most about working at this site? Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 10 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit Any additional comment(s) regarding interviews: Agency Workers (workers sourced from a local agent who are not directly paid by the site) Number of agencies used : And names if available: Were agency workers‟ age/pay/hours included within scope of this audit Ethical Audit Checklist 1 Bribery & Corruption 1.1 Does the management of the factory understand the applicable local legal requirements on bribery and how do they comply with these requirements? 1.2 Does the factory have an anti-corruption or antibribery written policy or code? 1.3 If so, is there appropriate training for employees who may encounter bribes being offered to them due to the nature of their dealings? 1.4 Does the factory have confidential communications channels for employees to report incidents of bribery and corruption? 2 Labour Rights 2.1 Are workers issued with a written copy of their contract in an understandable format (ie language)? 2.2 Is a copy of the Woolworths Ethical Policy available on site? Is the content communicated to the employees? 2.3 CNC Does the factory use forced, bonded or involuntary labour? Yes / No / NA Comments / Details Yes / No / NA Comments / Details Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 11 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit 2.4 CNC Are workers forced to lodge unreasonable deposits or their identity papers and/or passports with their employer? (Unless required by local law) 2.5 Are workers allowed to leave their employer after reasonable notice is given? 3 Freedom of Association 3.1 Do workers have the right to collectively bargain in unions or groupings of their choosing (Where applicable)? 3.2 Are there any independent unions in the factory? 3.3 Has there been any opposition to the set up of employee representation from management or workers? 3.4 Are workers‟ representatives elected by the workers freely without influence or interference from management? 3.5 Has there been any system set up by the company to allow proper dialogue between workers and employers in the field of OH&S, housing, food facilities, disciplinary practices, training, etc.? 3.6 Do workers representatives have access to the workplace in order to carry out their representative functions, in accordance with International Labour Standards? 3.7 Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under law, does the employer facilitate and does not hinder the development of parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining? 4 Working Conditions 4.1 Do policies exist that restrict smoking to designated areas? i.e. outdoors, away from buildings, & exit doors & not located in the vicinity of dangerous/ hazardous good? (In line with country specific legislation) 4.2 Is the factory regularly assessed for pest control? 4.3 Are documented cleaning procedures in place and maintained? 4.4 Do workers have access to clean drinking water? 4.5 Are the number of toilets and washing facilities suitable for the number of workers (according to Yes / No / NA Yes / No / NA Comments / Details Comments / Details Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 12 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit local labour laws)? 4.6 Are all areas in the factory, including workshops, accommodation, canteen, toilets and washing facilities clean and hygienic? 4.7 Does the kitchen have a hygiene permit? 4.8 Do all food operators have health certificates? 4.9 CNC If provided, is accommodation clearly segregated from the factory / production area and any material storage areas? 4.10 Is the floor space per worker in each dormitory room adequate (according to local labour laws)? 4.11 Are sleeping rooms / quarters segregated by gender (where applicable)? 4.12 If provided, do any of the worker‟s children live at the facility‟s accommodation? 4.13 If worker‟s children live at the facility‟s accommodation, are appropriate arrangements made for the children‟s safety e.g. segregation from the factory area and access to schooling? 4.14 Are recreational facilities provided? 5 Child Labour 5.1 Does the factory have a „No Child Labour‟ policy? 5.2 Are adequate procedures in place to verify the age of workers? 5.3 CNC Does the factory employ children below the age of 15, or the minimum age allowed for completing compulsory schooling, if so then is the employment in line with ILO directives? 5.4 What is the age of the youngest worker in the factory? 5.5 State the national / local legal minimum age 5.6 If any child worker is found, are there policies and programmes in place to provide for the safe transition from work to go back to education until no longer a child? 6 Living Wages 6.1 Are the wages and benefits paid in line with the Yes / No / NA Comments / Details Yes / No / NA Comments / Details Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 13 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit industry benchmark and / local standards? Whichever is higher? 6.2 State the industry benchmark or local standard wage 6.3 Describe how and when workers are paid 6.4 Describe any deductions made from wages 6.5 Are all wage deductions clearly understood and reasonable in the context of the total wage? 6.6 Describe any non-financial benefits provided to workers e.g. medical care, pensions, food, etc. 6.7 Are overtime rates higher than regular shift rates and calculated pursuant to law? 6.8 For each pay period, does the employer provide workers with an understandable wage statement, which includes days worked, wage or piece rate earned per day, hours of overtime at each specified rate, bonuses, allowances and legal or contractual deductions? 6.9 Are there inconsistencies between production records and employee timesheets or pay slips, in terms of pay rates, hours worked etc? 7 Working hours 7.1 Give details of national / local laws that exist to control working hours. 7.2 Do normal working hours (excluding breaks and overtime) meet the local requirements? 7.3 Are effective procedures in place to record working hours for all types of workers? 7.4 Is overtime voluntary? 7.5 On average, are workers allocated at least 1 day off in every 7 days? Or where allowed by national law 2 days off in every 14 days period? 7.6 Is overtime paid at the legal overtime rate or higher? 7.7 Are workers allocated breaks during the working day whose duration and frequency is appropriate for the tasks undertaken? 7.8 Are workers required to work in excess of local law requirements for overtime on a regular basis? 7.9 Are there any specific workers who work excessive amounts of overtime? 8 Discrimination Yes / No / NA Comments / Details Yes / No Comments / Details Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 14 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit / NA 8.1 Can the factory provide evidence that there is no discrimination on any grounds in the hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement of workers or in the conditions of their employment? 8.2 Do valid records and reasons justify recent company dismissals? 9 Regular Employment 9.1 Are workers offered regular, continuous employment? 9.2 Is contracting, sub-contracting, home working arrangements or apprenticeship schemes used in no real intent to impart skills or provide regular employment? 10 Harsh or Inhumane Treatment 10.1 Are there fair and reasonable disciplinary procedures currently in place within the factory? 10.2 Are rules documented and clearly communicated to workers? Describe these rules and the disciplinary action when broken. 10.3 CNC Are workers subjected to physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse or any other form of intimidation? 11 Entitlement to Work & Immigration 11.1 Do all employees (including agency staff) have the legal right to work in the facility? 11.2 Are employees‟ documents validated upon employment by reviewing original documents (i.e. birth certificates, working visas etc.)? 11.3 Is there an employment process in place? 11.4 When labour hire agencies are used, is there an periodic verification that the agencies abide by their obligations as employer? Yes / No / NA Yes / No / NA Yes / No / NA Comments / Details Comments / Details Comments / Details Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 15 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit 11.5 If labour hire agencies are used, is the engagement under a written contract clearly stating the labour hire agencies obligations in relation to labour rights, wages and working conditions? 12 Subcontracting & Home Working 12.1 Are subcontractors, home workers or cottage units used at any point in the supply chain? 12.2 Has the use of subcontractors, home workers or cottage units been previously agreed with Woolworths Limited? 12.3 Does the factory has a process to check the conditions of employment of all subcontractors (i.e. working conditions, living wages, working hours etc.), including home workers and cottage industry workers? 13 Health & Safety 13.1 Can the factory demonstrate that training is provided for workers in safe handling methods of hazardous chemicals / materials (Inc. restricted access) and in the safe use of machinery for new and reassigned workers? 13.2 Does the factory store its hazardous chemicals and flammables adequately? (sealed containers, no leakage, locked store rooms, separate from living and working quarters, bonded to stop spills spreading, properly ventilated) 13.3 Are material safety data sheets maintained where appropriate? 13.4 Is there evidence of the use of necessary personal protective equipment (PPE)? Describe the PPE that is supplied to workers free of charge? 13.5 Is adequate ventilation provided for dust and fumes? 13.6 CNC Are all aisles, corridors and exits clearly marked and free of obstruction across all areas of production, warehousing/storage, accommodation and meal preparation and dining areas? 13.7 Are machines fitted with adequate guards to safely reduce the risk to workers? 13.8 Does the factory have procedures for safe use of Yes / No / NA Yes / No / NA Comments / Details Comments / Details Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 16 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit all machinery? 13.9 CNC 13.10 CNC a) Are fire alarms available in all areas of the facility including production, warehousing, accommodation areas of meal preparation? b) Do fire alarms meet relevant legislative requirements (where applicable)? Is fire fighting equipment available? a) Is the equipment available in all areas within the facility including production, warehousing, accommodation, areas of meal preparation? b) Is fire fighting equipment accessible for use when needed? c) Does the equipment provided cover all the different potential fire types? (E.g Chemical, Electrical) d) State the type of equipment used 13.11 CNC Is equipment tested in accordance with legislative requirements (where applicable) to ensure functionality? Record dates of testing reviewed Where legislation in absent refer to recommendations by the manufacturer. 13.12 CNC a) Are fire / evacuation drills conducted in line with legislative requirements (where applicable) and inclusive of all administration, production, warehousing, accommodation, meal preparation and dining areas? b) Are fire/evacuation drills records and outcomes assessed? 13.13 Is the level of lighting, heating and cooling in the factory adequate for local conditions? 13.14 Are adequate first aid facilities available on site? 13.15 Are trained first aid personnel available in the factory all times during production? 13.16 Is an accident log kept? 13.17 Is there a clear Health and Safety Policy? 13.18 Is there a Health and Safety Committee with a senior management representative? 13.19 Are all fire exits clearly marked in a language that workers can understand or that is shown graphically? 13.20 CNC Does the number of exits (per building structure & per floor) meet legislative requirements? Guidance: The fire exits/ escape routes must provide for safe evacuation from each floor of the Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 17 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit factory, warehouse, meal preparation & dining areas or accommodation. The auditor shall walk all escape routes to ensure safe evacuation in the case of fire in lower floors of the factory. For example, is there a safe route th from the 4 floor to the ground floor if there is a fire on the ground floor? 13.21 CNC Are there evacuation plans available for all areas of the facility, including administration production, accommodation, warehousing, meal preparation and dining areas? Ensure the evaluation plans are documented, displayed in each area, and available in diagrammatical format considering all languages spoken (read) on site. 13.22 CNC Are workers trained in the use of fire fighting equipment and in the application of factory evacuation procedures? 13.23 Has an occupational health examination taken place for all applicable workers? 13.24 Are all internal and external doors easy to open and free moving? 13.25 Does every facility have a responsible Safety Manager as the first point of contact? If so; Is this safety manager easily approachable by workers? Is there open communication? 13.26 Is there an emergency preparedness (plan) to prevent / minimise a catastrophe for each facility? 13.27 Are the workers covered by insurance for health and life in line with country requirements? 14 Building Structure & Safety 14.1 Is there a Building & Fire Safety Audit in place for each facility? If so at what frequency? 14.2 Does the factory have any building structural integrity certification in place from local jurisdictions? 14.3 Does the factory/facility have a building safety and fire safety licence/permit? Please provide a current/valid copy. 14.4 Does the factory internal audit identify corrective actions including risk management identifying proposed controls within an agreed time frame? 14.5 Is there a specific person accountable for conducting auditing of each facility? 14.6 Is the facility located in a flood plane? If so are appropriate safety preventions in place? Yes / No / NA Comments / Details Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 18 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit 14.7 CNC Do building inspection records meet the applicable local/national regulatory requirements with regards to build structure or safety? 15 Environmental Standards 15.1 Does the factory require either local or national regulatory approval for manufacture? 15.2 Does the factory have an environmental policy? 15.3 Does the factory have an environmental action plan? 15.4 Does the plan monitor progress? 15.5 Does the environmental action plan cover implemented controls to minimize the impacts on the environment for: Yes / No / N/A Comments / Details solid waste disposal? hazardous chemicals storage / management? air and water emissions? 15.6 Does the factory require an environmental license? If so does it have one? Can the factory demonstrate compliance with its environmental license conditions? 15.7 Has the factory operated for the past 3 years without prosecution under environmental legislation? 15.8 Is there evidence of local pollution from the factory? 15.9 Does the factory knowingly and continually contravene local and national environmental legislation? 15.10 Do building inspection records meet the applicable regulatory requirements with regards to Environmental Protection? Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 19 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit Corrective Action Plan Clause Clause Grading Action Required Evidence Required for closure Close Out Date Status Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 20 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit Factory Photos Description: PRODUCT SUPPLIED TO WOOLWORTHS LTD OR PRODUCT MANUFACTURED AT THIS SITE Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 21 of 22 Woolworths Group Quality Technical Services: Ethical Audit Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Ethical Audit: April 2016 Page 22 of 22 This page was left intentionally blank