Key Management Techniques for Group Communications in MANETs Maria Striki, John S. Baras Original 2d-Octopus (O): Breaks a Large Group into 2d Smaller Subgroups, Requires Three Steps: 1. Subgroup Key Establishment by means of a Centralized Scheme 2. Group Key Establishment from Partial Subgroup Keys via Hypercube 3. Each Subgroup Leader Communicates Group Key to All its Members Key Entity Generation Authentication Key Distribution Steady State Operations MAC address 16 2 ? Discover members w12,16 9 w35 w45 5 w56 w49 9 10 5 6 8 w67 w9,10 sec ret n 1: g 30 00 0 30 00 0 26 00 0 22 00 0 18 00 0 14 00 0 20 00 30 00 0 26 00 0 18 00 0 2 M3 M2 M1 n3: gn1 n2 n3, gn1 n2,gn1 n3,gn2 n3 secret nN 1.. nN GDH.2 :g ,.., + GKMP n g + g H TGDH + P4 N -1 , n1 MN 14 w14,15 Original Octopus P5 GSC , ,.. g n2..n nN-1 10 P6 P1 et N-1 +1… secr ni n1 Group Key: gn1…nN nN-1 n1… A 111 G 110 100 E F 8 101 = B C D P2 z’=az 011 D z=ar1 r2 M3 M1 Steady State Operations: Re-Keying, Re-authentication, Privileges Update/ 26 00 0 22 00 0 18 00 0 14 00 0 60 00 00 10 00 0 0 20 00 0 0 00 00 26 30 0 0 00 22 0 00 14 00 0 10 00 0 60 00 22 00 0 Group Size (n) Group Size (n) x’=ar1 y’=ar2 x y M2 w’=ar3 w C v’=ar4 v A M5 M6 p’=ar5 q’=ar6 p q 000 B Hypercube P7 P3 010 M4 001 Octopus – Based protocols: MO, MOT Step StepII: II:Comparative ComparativePerformance PerformanceEvaluation Evaluationof ofKey KeyGeneration Generation with withEntity EntityAuthentication Authenticationincorporation incorporationfor forprotocols protocolsOFT, OFT,MO, MO, MOT MOT& &original originalOctopus Octopus Revocation Focus on the Design of Suitable for MANETs Techniques for Group Formation and Steady State Operations. Emphasis on Incorporation of Entity Authentication to Key Generation/ Distribution Table 1: Evaluation and Comparison of Octopus based protocols: (O), (MO) and (MOT) Motivation Example ExampleII(on-line (on-lineTrusted TrustedEntities Entitiesvs. off-lineTrusted TrustedEntities) Entities) Wire-line MANETs Trusted Entities are not available at all times because: Stable infrastructure Not stable infrastructure Infinite power Dynamic changes in the network Two unknown nodes can trust each other anytime through Trusted Entities (OFT) 1.00E+10 Figure 3: OFT is by far the worst. MOT has the best Figure 4: (O) is by far the worst. MOT is the winner performance as far as Initial Comm/tion, then MO for addition computation, MO and OFT behave similarly. Same graph for deletion when d=4 secret n : gn1 , gn2 , gn1 n2 n1 Entity Authentication Effects: (MOT) (OFT) w68 6 (MO) 1.00E+13 1.00E+12 Group Formation Operations: Bootstrapping, Key Generation-Distribution, because: 18 (MOT) :g 7 On-line and known Trusted Entities 14 (MO) t n N ni+ cre ni- 1 .. se 7 MAC address Squad 054 (O) (O) 1.00E+13 w9,11 3 3 Build Group w11,14 Overall GSCs Addition Computation vs. Group Size, d=4 (log. Scale) 1.00E+14 w13,14 11 (OFT) 1.00E+16 1.00E+15 w11,12 4 (MOT) Group Size (n) 1.00E+16 13 w4,16 w23 14 11 4 Authenticate 16 2 w2,16 12 15 Squad054 certificate CA2 w12 13 1 (MO) Figure 2: MO & (O) are by far the worst. MOT reduces overhead to almost half in regard to OFT Overall GSCs Initiall Computation vs. Group Size, d=6 (log. Scale) .. n2 w12,13 12 (O) G r o u p S iz e ( n ) Figure 1: MO is by far the worst. MOT along with (O) are the winners, followed closely by OFT w13,17 17 w16,17 1 17 1 .0 0 E+0 6 20 00 Flexibility: Select Key Generation/Distribution Subgroup Protocols Freely Independence of Subgroups: Different Key Generation Protocols May Be Applied to Each Subgroup Localization: Subgroups Deployed in a Relatively Restricted Network Area Adaptability: No Restrictions on Subgroup Size subject to Network Topology Efficiency: Less Comm/tion OH & Bandwidth Consumption per Subgroup Robustness: Faulty Subgroup Leaders Tolerated or Replaced Dynamically Leader Election certificate 1 .0 0 E+0 7 Advantages Advantages Problem Specification: Roadmap for Group & Key Establishment & for Group Security Maintenance in a MANET CA1 ( O FT) 1.00E+17 Key Management Bootstrapping ( M O T) 10 00 0 Application: Secure the WEP of MAC for MAN ETs (MO) 60 00 Robust: handles the dynamics of the network Scalable: handles successfully a large number of nodes (O) 1 .0 0 E+0 8 00 Storage, Delay Costs) low as possible 9.00E+06 8.00E+06 7.00E+06 6.00E+06 5.00E+06 4.00E+06 3.00E+06 2.00E+06 1.00E+06 1.00E+03 1 .0 0 E+0 9 00 Efficient: overhead caused by security (Comm/tion, Computation, GDH.2 based 2d-Octopus (MO): Maintains 2nd Step Intact, Substitutes the Centralized Scheme of the 1st & 3d Step with GDH.2. The Mn Member of GDH.2 becomes Subgroup Leader for MO a ab"z = a N Subgroup Key Becomes: TGDH based 2d-Octopus (MOT): Maintains 2nd Step Intact, Substitutes the Centralized Scheme of the 1st & 3d Step with TGDH. The sponsor of TGDH becomes Subgroup Leader for MOT Subgroup Key Becomes: a x y = a N 00 recipients, and only they must “read” it) Addition Communication vs. Group Size , d=3 1 .0 0 E+1 0 60 Secure: enables/protects data exchange (it reaches all intended Generation Generationfor forprotocols protocolsOFT, OFT,MO, MO,MOT MOT& &original originalOctopus Octopus I n it i a l C o m m u n ic a t io n v s . G r o u p S iz e , d =6 ( lo g . S c a le ) 20 Management Schemes in MANETs, for Secure Group Comm/tions Application: Secure Routing for MAN ETs Step StepI:I:Comparative ComparativePerformance PerformanceEvaluation Evaluationof ofKey Key 10 Objective: Construct Secure, Efficient, Robust & Scalable Key Secure, efficient, scalable Group Communications for MANETs Results Key KeyGeneration-Distribution Generation-DistributionApproach: Approach:Octopus OctopusBased BasedProtocols Protocols Problem Specification Effects Unknown nodes do not have access on demand to Trusted Entities Establishment of trust between them is a difficult task Entity EntityAuthentication AuthenticationApproaches Approachesfor forMANETs MANETs Modification of Lamport Hash for Entity Authentication/Re-Authentication Original Lamport: Simple Password Protocol for Wire-Line Network, Prevents Eavesdropping, Impersonation, Replay Attacks. No Mutual Authentication Our Modification: Suitable in MANETs, Eliminate Man-In-the-Middle Attack: STEP 1: Authenticated DH key Exchange at Bootstrapping, Obtain Secret Key, use it to Exchange Initial Quantities <n,xn>. STEP K (>1): Apply Original Lamport Modified Merkle Trees (MMT) for (Re)Authentication, Privileges Update/ Revocation Assumption: Hierarchical Structure. Group Divided to Subgroups. MMT Applied per Subgroup and a per Subgroup CA Generated How it works: Member i Creates Secret Share mi from 2-Party DH Exchange with Leader. Leader Hashes these Values, and Sends Back to Node logN Values Figure1: Initial Communication vs. Group size, d=6 for authenticated O and MOT, compared to OFT. O and MOT achieve almost the same lowest cost Figure2: GSC comp. cost of authenticated (O), MOT, O. Despite the two added services, MOT still performs best CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS––FUTURE FUTURE WORK WORK Continue Design & Develop Efficient, Robust & Scalable Algorithms for Key Generation-Distribution, Entity Authentication, Steady State Operations of Key Management (KM) Develop Analytical Mobility Models from Realistic Mobility Patterns, Incorporate them in KM, Evaluate Effect of Mobility on KM Schemes Implementation of KM in Linux Platforms, to be Tested Over AODV