Standard and Quasi-standard Stochastic Power Control Algorithms Jie Luo, Sennur Ulukus, Anthony Ephremides Background Backgroundand andMotivation Motivation Quasi-standard Quasi-standardStochastic StochasticPower PowerControl ControlAlgorithms Algorithms Power is an important and limited resource in wireless communications. Power control algorithms that minimize the transmission power while ensuring the quality of service have been widely studied in the literature. Among them, the standard power control algorithms are especially popular. However, the original standard power control algorithms require the perfect knowledge of the interference power, which can only be estimated from noisy observations in practical systems. When the perfect interference information is not available, the convergence of the standard power control algorithms becomes a question mark. Quasi-standard stochastic interference function [~ 1 3.5 ] 1. Mean condition. E I ( p, v ) | p = I ( p ) + g ( p ), I(p) is standard, g(p) is the bias. ( 2. Bias condition. ∃K 3 > 0 , β (n ) ≥ 0 , g ( p(n )) ≤ β (n )K 3 1 + p(n ) ) 3. Lipschitz condition. ∃K1 > 0, ∀p1 , p2 , I ( p1 ) − I ( p2 ) ≤ K1 p1 − p2 2 4. Growing condition. Abstract Abstract Simulation SimulationResults Results 4 0.6 3 0.4 2.5 p 2 ( ~ ∃K 2 > 0, E ⎢⎡ I ( p, v ) − I ( p ) − g ( p ) p ⎤⎥ ≤ K 2 1 + p ⎦ ⎣ 2 0.2 c1-s1 0 2 p3 1.5 2 ) Quasi-standard stochastic power control algorithm ~ p(n + 1) = (1 − α (n )) p(n ) + α (n )I (n ) -0.8 n =0 n=0 Quasi-standard stochastic interference -1 7 2 < ∞, then the standard stochastic power control 1 2 3 4 5 Number of iterations 4 x 10 6 7 4 x 10 Example 1: Single base station, 4 users, 5-length random signature, random SIR target. hij=1, α(n)=10/(10000+n) 5000 45 4500 40 Power control with matched filter 35 3500 30 3000 K ∑p 2500 k Joint power control and blind MMSE 25 k =1 K ∞ ∑ α(n ) = ∞, ∑ α(n ) 2 < ∞, n =0 ∞ 20 1. Positivity. I(p)>0 2. Monotonicity. If p1≥p2 , then I(p1)≥I(p2) 3. Scalability.∀β>1, βI(p)>I(βp) ∑ α(n )β (n ) < ∞ , then quasi-standard stochastic n =0 5 0 0 x (meter) Proposition 5: ( ) sup P p(n ) − p * ≥ ε ≤ K 8α * control algorithm lim n →∞ Standard StandardStochastic StochasticPower PowerControl ControlAlgorithms Algorithms Incorrectly designed PCLD 50 40 35 PCMP K ∑p k 40 k =1 K 25 PCMMSE pi bi si PCLD 15 I ( p1 ) − I ( p2 ) ≤ K1 p1 − p2 ( 2 ~ ∃K 2 > 0, E ⎡⎢ I ( p, v ) − I ( p ) p ⎤⎥ ≤ K 2 1 + p ⎣ ⎦ 2 ) constraint on the estimation noise Standard stochastic power control algorithm Standard stochastic interference Comparing the deterministic standard power control algorithm with the stochastic standard power control algorithm Estimation noise ( ) ~ p(n + 1) = p(n ) − α (n )( p(n ) − I (n )) + α (n ) I (n ) − I (n ) Stochastic p(n + 1) = p(n ) − α (n )( p(n ) − I (n )) Deterministic User i 2 hij Base station of user i p j bj s j Incorrectly designed PCMP 20 PCLD Opt 10 K Deterministic version : K matched filter output : ci zi = ∑ p j hij b j ci s j + ci vi T T j =1 Stochastic version : Stochastic PC ( zi = ∑ p j hij b j s j + vi ) j =1 pi ≥ I i p, ci , ci = arg min I i ( p, ci ) * ~ p(n + 1) = (1 − α (n )) p(n ) + α (n )I (n ) Blind MMSE, start from arbitrary ci and ensure [ ] ci (n ) = ci (n ) + wi (n ), E wi (n ) | p(n ) ≤ K 5α (n ) * 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Number of iterations 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Number of iterations Example 2: Performance of other quasiExample 2: Example of incorrect standard stochastic power control stochastic implementations. Convergence of the deterministic version does not even algorithms in example 2. guarantee a correct behavior of the stochastic version. User j T 30 5 hii 0 2 K k 20 10 [I~( p, v )| p]= I ( p), I(p) is standard. PCMP Opt K ∑p 30 k =1 Example: Example:Joint JointStochastic StochasticPC PCand andblind blindMMSE MMSE Standard stochastic interference function 60 PCMF 45 * 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 104 Number of iterations Example 2: 25 base stations (o), 400 users, 150-length random signature, equal SIR target. hij=(100/dij)2, α(n)=10/(10000+n) 50 If ∃α * ≥ 0, N > 0, such that α (n ) ≤ α , β (n ) ≤ α , ∀n ≥ N then ∀ε > 0 ∃K 8 (ε ) > 0 , such that in the standard and quasi-standard stochastic power p*=I(p*) 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Example 2: 25 base stations (o), 400 users, 150-length random signature, equal SIR target. hij=(100/dij)2, α(n)=10/(10000+n) * α≤1 10 500 Convergence Convergencein inprobability: probability: One needs to estimate I(p) p(n+1)=(1-α)p(n)+αI(p(n)) 15 1000 power control algorithm converges to p*, given by p*=I(p*), with probability one. Where I(p) is a standard interference function that satisfies ~ p(n + 1) = (1 − α (n )) p(n ) + α (n )I (n ) 6 1500 ∞ n =0 3. Growing condition. 3 4 5 Number of iterations 2000 If 2. Lipschitz condition. ∃K1 > 0, ∀p1 , p2 , 2 Example 1: Single base station, 4 users, 5-length random signature, random SIR target. hij=1, α(n)=10/(10000+n) y (meter) ∞ Proposition 2: p ≥ I ( p) 1. Mean condition. E 1 constraint on the estimation noise Algorithm converges to p*, given by p*=I(p*), with probability one. The SINR requirement can be expressed by Standard power control algorithm -0.6 4000 ∞ ∑ α(n ) = ∞, ∑ α(n) If Standard StandardPower PowerControl ControlAlgorithms Algorithms -0.4 p2 0.5 Probability Probabilityone oneconvergence: convergence: Proposition 1: -0.2 p4 1 0 We propose a general framework for the stochastic power control (PC) algorithms. Two types of stochastic PC algorithms are proposed: standard stochastic PC algorithms where the interference estimator is unbiased, and quasi-standard stochastic PC algorithms where the interference estimator is only asymptotically unbiased. It is shown that both algorithms converge to the optimal power vector. The stochastic versions of several well-known standard PC algorithms are proposed. They are shown to be either standard or quasi-standard. The algorithms are now ready for practical implementation. 0.8 p1 2 * ci Extended version : Stochastic PC blind MMSE, start from ci(n-1) Conclusion Conclusion We propose a general framework for standard and quasi-standard stochastic power control algorithms. It is shown that, under certain mild conditions, both algorithms converge to the optimal solutions. Different types of convergence are shown under different assumptions on the iteration step size sequence. Several existing stochastic power control algorithms are studied and several new stochastic power control algorithms are proposed. We show that these algorithms are either standard or quasistandard. In the examples of quasi-standard stochastic power control algorithm, we further extend the algorithms so that the stochastic power control and the parameter optimization can be carried out in parallel. Convergence of the modified algorithms are verified by computer simulations.