Eastburn Storm Drainage Improvement Project Public Meeting #3 - Preliminary Design

Eastburn Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Public Meeting #3 - Preliminary Design
October 27, 2009 – Sharon Presbyterian Church
• Thanks for coming please make sure to sign the sign-in sheet.
• Please take hand outs and business cards and fill out a
customer survey card if you wish. We’ll also be sending out a
customer survey card after the meeting to all the people on
our sign-in sheet so please make sure to sign that.
• For this part of the meeting, we want to briefly go over the
project and field some questions that are general in nature
(timeline, process, project history, etc.).
• Please hold questions about your specific property until the
breakout sessions.
• If we are unable to answer your question tonight, please
make sure we have your contact information so we can get
back to you.
• You can email any questions to Matthew Anderson
Introducing the Project Team
Matthew Anderson – Project Manager
Katherine Zitsch – Project Manager
Doug Lozner – Watershed Area Manager
Lance Strawn – Lead Project Engineer
Jeff Payne – Project Engineer
Beth Stoltz – Design Engineer
Andrew Ponder – Right of Way Acquisition Agent
Dan Rushing – Right of Way Acquisition Agent
About Storm Water Services
• The City wanted to provide a comprehensive stormwater
utility with a stand alone fee structure to meet the needs of
the growing community. Storm Water Services was founded in
1993 to help property owners with problems related to
flooding and erosion from stormwater runoff and to eliminate
sources of stormwater pollution.
• Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services works for all
residents of Mecklenburg County to:
1) manage water quantity and
2) improve water quality
• Our capital improvement projects are
funded by monthly stormwater fees
included in your water bills. Fees fund
the Capital Improvement Program and
pay for local efforts to:
1) Reduce flood risks and
2) Reduce water pollution
Past Project Communication
• Public Meeting #1 - March 16,
2004 Existing Conditions
• Public Meeting #2 - November
16, 2006 Recommended
• Neighborhood Meetings with
neighborhood groups near
Glenkirk, Eastburn
(Fairmeadows), and Woodwardia
Why the meeting?
• The purpose of this meeting is to show you our recommended
improvements for the Eastburn project and to receive your
input on our preliminary design.
• This is scheduled to be the last of the formal public Meetings
for this project.
• Tonight, we will be introducing our design and discussing the
Real Estate process. The design is currently 70% complete.
• Since planning we’ve undergone geotechnical analysis,
surveyed project areas, and looked at design options. We’ve
worked to redesign utilities which would need to be relocated
to accommodate the improved systems. We’ve held
coordination meetings with representatives from Duke
Energy, AT&T, Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities and Piedmont
Natural Gas in order to seek their approval of the relocated
Design Approach
• Watershed was selected
based off of previous flooding
complaints to the city.
• Questionnaires were sent out
and received from the project
area to ask about flooding
and erosion issues.
• In depth modeling was
conducted and lined up with
• Areas of deficiencies were
identified and planning and
design of improvements was
Three Legged Stool
Proposed project improvements
Area 1
Area 4
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 1 –
Glenkirk Rd
Woodwardia Drive
Cornish Place
Parkstone Drive
Park South Drive
Area 2 –
Eastburn Rd
Fairheath Rd
Aspen Ct
Hazelton Rd
5100 Sharon Rd
Area 3 –
Sunnybrook Dr
Pendleton Ave
Area 4 –
JA Jones Business Park
Stokes Avenue
Anchor Street
Real Estate Phase
• We’ve now entered the Real Estate Phase. This
phase takes up to 12 months.
• The City is legally required to have an easement to
perform the proposed work.
• There are a lot of existing easements in the project
area; some of them were granted to us to do work in
the past. We’ve shown existing easements in the
project areas and worked to show any new
easements in order to complete the project.
Real Estate Phase (cont.)
• An easement is a right to use land owned by another party for a specific
• To do the work for this project four project easements are sought:
– Storm Drainage Easements - provide Storm Water Services with
permission from property owners to come onto their property and
repair drainage problems and perform on-going maintenance.
– Sanitary Sewer Easements - provide the City of Charlotte with
permission from property owners to come onto their property and
place sanitary sewer systems and perform on-going maintenance.
– Permanent Utility Easements – provided for new overhead electric
lines and provide Duke energy the ability to maintain their power
– Temporary Construction Easements – Allow for temporary project
construction or impacts occuring outside of the project easements.
Real Estate Phase (cont.)
• If we need any of these easements on your property
you should have been contacted by Andrew Ponder
• If you haven’t, we may not be directly impacting your
• It is the City’s policy to ask that
all easements be donated as the
project is providing a direct
benefit to individual property
owners and the community.
• We cannot start the bid phase
until all easements are obtained.
Moving Forward
• Permitting for the project is underway
• During the Real Estate Phase we’ll work
to finish the design and produce Final
Construction Drawings and specifications
suitable for bidding out the construction. The subsequent
bid phase takes up to 5 months.
• After a suitable bid process a contractor is selected
construction will commence. Construction can last up to 24
• Project communication will continue to be sent via postcard
at key times with updates at a minimum of every 4 months.
What to expect during construction
• Construction can be disruptive
but we will do our best to
communicate, provide access,
and minimize impact to you.
• Exact timeframes for the
project construction or time of
impact to your property are
difficult to specify due to a
variety of factors including
contractor means and
methods, weather, etc.
• We ask for your patience to
make the improvements.
General Questions
• Please hold questions about your
specific property until the
breakout sessions.
• If we are unable to answer your
question tonight, please make
sure we have your contact
information so we can get back
to you.
• You can email any questions to
Matthew Anderson
Thank you for being involved!