Wastewater Performance Report July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2006 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities 5100 Brookshire Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28216 Phone: (704) 399-2221 Fax: (704) 393-2219 www.cmutilities.com I. General Information Name of Regulated Entity and Responsible Person: City of Charlotte Barry Gullet, Deputy Director Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities Administration Division 5100 Brookshire Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 399-2221 Applicable Permits: There are five wastewater treatment facilities owned and operated by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities also operates one facility that is owned by Mecklenburg County. Below is a list of these facilities and their applicable NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit number. Included with the list of facilities is the name of the Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) at the facilities and the site telephone numbers. WWTF Irwin Creek WWTP Mallard Creek WRF McAlpine Creek WWMF McDowell Creek WWTP Sugar Creek WWTP NPDES Permit Number NC0024945 NC0030210 NC0024970 NC0036277 NC0024937 ORC James T. Hunter Darrell DeWitt Sandy Kim Neely Elliott E. Goins, Jr. Roy E. Purgason, Jr. Phone 704-357-1344 704-547-0680 704-542-0736 704-875-6443 704-553-2124 WW COLLECTION NCDWQ Permit Number ORC Phone 4100 W. Tyvola Road WQCS00001 Tony Dubois 704-432-3779 Please note the 704-357-6064 number is no longer in use. Customers are encouraged to call 311 if they suspect a wastewater overflow. The wastewater treatment facility that is owned by Mecklenburg County and operated by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities is: WWTF McDowell Park WWTP Permit Number NC0029220 ORC Robert P. Norris Phone 704-537-1344 Description of collection and treatment systems: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities collects wastewater from an estimated 205,569 connections to households and businesses throughout the county. Wastewater is collected and directed (via gravity flow supported by sewage lift stations) to one of five wastewater treatment plants where it is treated. An average of 80.3 million gallons of wastewater is treated and discharged each day. More than 100 employees work to maintain 3,433 miles of collection pipelines and 72 sewage lift stations throughout the county. The gravity sewer pipes in this system range in size from 8 inches in diameter to 78 inches in diameter. Each of the wastewater treatment plants provides primary, secondary and advanced treatment to the waste stream. Large solid particles and inorganic materials are removed by screening and settling. The wastewater is treated biologically to remove dissolved pollutants. Disinfection reduces bacterial and pathogenic materials. Finally, the waste stream passes through sand filters to remove very small particles that may not have been removed through the settling process. II. Summary of System Performance How did we do? Utilities had 370 sanitary sewer overflows this year which by number is 24 more than last year. However, the volume of wastewater that overflowed declined by 84 percent (from 2,296,207 gallons in fiscal year 2005 to 329,038 gallons this year). Stated another way, approximately 9,585 gallons per 100 miles of pipe in the ground overflowed from the collection system this year as illustrated by the table below. While overflows remain our major focus, it’s important to note that this amount represents 0.00112 % of the total flow transported, and that the Charlotte-Mecklenburg wastewater collection system successfully delivered more than 99.998 percent of this community’s 29.3 billion gallons of wastewater for treatment last year. Annual Overflows Per 100 Miles of Pipe Gallons 700,000 18 16.9 16 589,197 600,000 14 500,000 10.8 10.6 400,000 10.2 12 10 8.5 8 300,000 6.8 6 200,000 4 100,000 41,446 2 36,334 20,264 0 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 Volume Spilled Overflow Incidents 55,675 FY05 9,585 FY06 0 Number of Spills Utilities works 24 hours a day, 365 days per year to prevent and respond to overflows. Crews prevent overflows by clearing pipes of tree roots and grease, as well as replacing broken and aging pipes. Utilities has also increased its efforts to educate customers about properly disposing of oils and grease. Highlights Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities celebrated some important milestones even as it took numerous actions to prevent overflows and protect water quality through effective wastewater treatment. • • • • • • • Our wastewater treatment plants met 99.62 percent of all permitted discharge limits. Approximately 800 miles of sewer lines were cleaned (including repeated cleanings). 17.3 miles of sewer pipe and 1,830 manholes were restored or replaced. McDowell and Mallard Creek wastewater treatment plants received Peak Performance Gold Awards from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) for the calendar year ending 2005. The plants had 100 percent perfect compliance with NPDES permit requirements. Sugar and McAlpine Creek wastewater treatment plants earned NACWA Silver Awards for outstanding compliance. Plant expansions and upgrades continued at all five treatment facilities to enhance performance and increase reliability. Zero overflows occurred at wastewater treatment plants. In its sixth year, our Grease Free Program inspected grease-handling facilities at 2,283 restaurants to ensure compliance with the city sewer use ordinance and protect the sewer system from improper grease disposal. Forty-eight Notices of Violation and Compliance Orders were issued. The following programs continue to increase: Educational training and presentations (34), residential and apartment handouts / mailings (7,600) follow up visits (961), use of billboards (12 posted), sewer-overflow (150) and complaint investigations (17). Sample of billboard • • Two pump stations were closed and seven stations were added so there are now 72 pump stations serving low-lying areas. Staff performed 64 preventative maintenance tasks on pump stations (not including routine maintenance). The Phosphorus Reduction Project at McAlpine Creek was placed into operation on schedule by February 2006. Construction of this upgrade began in Fall 2003. • • • • • McDowell Wastewater Treatment Plant is expanding from 6 mgd to 12 mgd. The first increment of construction to increase capacity to 9 mgd will be completed during the fiscal year. Phase 2 of the Irwin Creek Relief Sewer project is under construction. Briar Creek and McAlpine Creek Relief Sewer projects are in design / real estate and are scheduled to begin construction in fiscal year 2007. Major improvements continue at McAlpine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant including construction of the consolidated influent pumping facilities project (75 percent complete) and primary treatment improvements and effluent filter rehabilitation project (56 percent complete). The Field Operations Division successfully combined the previously separate Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection operations into one unit. The areas of response and service are divided into four zones to effectively provide water and wastewater maintenance and construction services throughout Mecklenburg county. Employee development and training was utilized to assist the formerly separate groups in acquiring enhanced levels of understanding of the other's operation along with improvements in technology to produce optimized processes of completing work assignments. The combined effort through the "zone response approach" allows the Field Operations Division to meet the needs of our customers in an efficient manner whether a water or sewer concern. Continuing Challenges Wastewater Collection Challenges The greatest continuing wastewater challenge in this community – and in others across the U.S. – is sewage spills and overflows. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006, Utilities reported 370 sewage spills from the collection system totaling 329,038 gallons spilled (304,958 gallons reached surface waters). Most spills were due to grease buildup and the presence of tree roots in pipes. Other factors contributed to overflows, including vandalism, old and/or broken pipes and general debris blockage. Fiscal Year 2006 Overflows by Cause Broken Pipe 6% Vandalism 2% Other 9% Grease 60% Roots 23% While spills are an ongoing challenge, it’s important to note the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities wastewater collection system successfully delivered 99.998 percent of this community’s 29.3 billion gallons of wastewater last year. Our crews work 24 hours a day, 365 days per year to prevent and respond to overflows. Grease and other blockages that lead to sewer overflows are cleared by Utilities crews, using metal rods and/or truck-mounted water jets. If damaged pipe or other infrastructure is discovered it is repaired. The spilled sewage can sometimes be captured and pumped back into the sewer system. Inspection crews and our customers find overflows. Reports of overflows where 1,000 or more gallons reach surface waters are distributed to the media in an effort to notify the public. A legal notice is posted when overflows of 15,000 gallons or more reach surface waters. Crews also use door hangers to notify customers when appropriate. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities continues its excellent sewage spill response record. Our wastewater collection staff response time averaged 43 minutes to all overflows as of June 30, 2006. Staff responded to over 80.8 percent of the spills in fewer than 60 minutes. This compares to a state response standard of 120 minutes or less. The five-year moving average now stands at 370 collection system spills per year (from FY2002 to present- FY06). Utilities continues to identify and correct grease, tree root and rain related overflows. Odor issues in the collection system are improving but challenges remain. Wastewater Treatment Plant Challenges Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities five wastewater treatment plants met 99.62 percent of all discharge limit tests set forth by our NPDES permits but our commitment is 100 percent compliance. Staff continues to improve maintenance capabilities and overall performance. Major rehabilitation and improvement projects help maintain compliance. Future upgrades and expansions are being added. During this fiscal year there were 27 permit limit violations. Of the 27 violations, 22 of the violations were due to an illegal discharge of copper by a local industry into sewer lines leading to the Irwin Creek WWTP. Investigation by Utilities staff led to the discovery of the offending industry. They were ordered to cease and desist discharging wastewater and the sewer pipe from the industry was plugged so no further discharge could occur. Including the copper violations caused by the illegal industrial discharge, the treatment plants were in compliance 99.62% of the time. Without the copper violations the plants would have been in compliance 99.93% of the time. Our pretreatment program has identified, permitted and is regulating large industrial users to keep unsuitable discharges out of the wastewater system. While industrial compliance is extremely high in Charlotte-Mecklenburg, identifying other potentially hazardous discharge sources is an ongoing challenge. In FY06 expansion of the trunkline monitoring program continued, enabling Utilities pretreatment staff to closely observe what industrial and commercial customers discharge into the sewer network and to identify potential problem areas to protect the collection system and plants. The sections following this page – Sections IIA and IIB -- detail all spills from the collection system and plants, along with plant permit limit violations and monitoring and reporting violations. Section IIA includes spills for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006 and is separated by month. These include size of spills, their cause and descriptions of any known environmental impact. The second section, Section IIB, represents NPDES reporting and monitoring violations and is separated by plant. III. Notification This report is available to the users or customers of this system by clicking on the ‘publications’ link of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities homepage at www.cmutilities.com. There are also printed copies available at the Charlotte–Mecklenburg Utilities Administration Building at 5100 Brookshire Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28216, and at the City/County Customer Service and Information Center at 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202. The users or customers of this system will receive a summary version of this report and will be notified of the availability of this comprehensive version via a bill insert in the September 2006 water/sewer bill. A news release will be issued before September 1 about this report. In addition, the summary version will be translated into Spanish and advertised during the month of September in a regional Spanishspeaking newspaper. We will also make this Spanish version available via our website. IV. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that this report has been made available to the users or customers of the named system and that those users have been notified of its availability. Barry Gullet, Deputy Director Charlotte – Mecklenburg Utilities Date IIA. Listing of Sewer Spills by Month The following is a list of spills (in gallons) from the public wastewater system that occurred between July 1, 2005 and June 30, 2006. Most occurred from the wastewater collection system. Spills that occurred at wastewater plants are noted in the address. July Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name Cause of Spill / Bypass 7/7/2005 135 68 Briar Creek 0 3123 Marney Avenue Grease 7/8/2005 3,000 3,000 Sugar Creek 0 2200 Park Road Grease 7/10/2005 90 90 Little Sugar Creek 0 700 Sugar Creek Road (East) Grease 7/13/2005 300 300 Little Sugar Creek 0 2417 Tryon Street (North) Debris 7/15/2005 1,200 1,200 McAlpine Creek 0 6908 Elm Forest Drive Grease 7/19/2005 4,600 4,600 Little Sugar Creek 0 6220 Park Road Grease 7/20/2005 450 450 Irvins Creek 0 7500 Folger Drive Grease 7/20/2005 40 0 Little Sugar Creek 0 523 Pine Street (North) Grease 7/24/2005 400 0 Campbell Creek 0 5718 Cedars East Grease 7/27/2005 2,400 2,400 Taggart Creek 0 1801 Brooksvale Street Grease 7/28/2005 180 180 Irwin Creek 0 3000 Statesville Grease 7/29/2005 600 0 Little Sugar Creek 0 1454 Townes Road Grease 7/30/2005 1,200 1,200 Irwin Creek 0 500 Beatties Ford Road Grease TOTAL SPILLS 13 14,595 13,488 August Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name Cause of Spill / Bypass 8/1/2005 30 0 Lake Norman 0 18315 Harbor Light Boulevard Broken Pipe 8/6/2005 86 86 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 540 Pressley Road Grease 8/6/2005 0 0 McAlpine Creek 0 132 Kenmore Drive Broken Pipe 8/9/2005 2,250 2,250 McMullen Creek 0 4009 Craig Avenue Grease 8/11/2005 45 0 Ashley Creek 0 308 Mcleod Street Debris 8/12/2005 120 80 Lake Norman 0 19135 Peninsula Point Drive Broken Pipe 8/15/2005 90 0 Campbell Creek 0 6510 Piney Path Road Tree Roots 8/15/2005 3,600 1,800 Stewart Creek Tributary 0 301 Honeywood Avenue Broken Pipe 8/19/2005 48 48 Stewart Creek Tributary 0 326 Hoskins Road (South) Grease 8/20/2005 12,000 12,000 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 132 Kenmore Drive Broken Pipe 8/23/2005 112 0 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 4713 Woodstone Drive Grease 8/23/2005 40 0 Stewart Creek Tributary 0 655 Bradford Drive Tree Roots 8/23/2005 600 600 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 3200 Amay James Avenue Debris 8/23/2005 60 60 Little Hope Creek 0 6626 Candlewood Drive Grease 8/25/2005 10,500 10,500 Little Sugar Creek 0 310 Dalton Avenue Debris 0 6901 Hillswick Drive Tree Roots 8/26/2005 30 0 Reedy Creek Tributary 8/27/2005 810 810 Little Sugar Creek 0 310 Dalton Avenue Broken Pipe 8/28/2005 400 0 Coffey Creek 0 2008 Choyce Circle Grease 8/30/2005 750 563 Little Sugar Creek 0 926 Elizabeth Avenue Debris 8/31/2005 150 150 Toby Creek Tributary 0 9740 University City Boulevard Grease 8/31/2005 60 60 Irwin Creek 0 707 Spratt Street Debris 8/31/2005 7,200 7,200 Little Sugar Creek 0 3912 Lovett Circle Broken Pipe TOTAL SPILLS 22 38,981 36,207 September Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name Cause of Spill / Bypass 9/1/2005 30 30 McAlpine Creek 0 3201 Gulfstream Court Tree Roots 9/5/2005 240 0 Briar Creek 0 3325 Donovan Place Grease 9/8/2005 0 0 McMullen Creek Tributary 0 4315 Town & Country Drive Tree Roots 9/15/2005 100 0 Mt Island Lake 0 11517 Shimmering Lake Drive Debris 9/16/2005 600 600 Dairy Branch 0 1900 Lennox Avenue Grease 9/18/2005 180 0 Irwin Creek 0 200 Frazier Avenue Grease 9/19/2005 45 0 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 5841 Old Concord Road Grease 9/20/2005 15,000 15,000 Little Sugar Creek 0 1845 Wensley Drive Grease 9/22/2005 6,750 6,750 Stewart Creek Tributary 0 5216 June Furr Road Grease 9/24/2005 300 300 Little Hope Creek 0 4042 Conway Avenue Grease 9/27/2005 600 600 Walker Branch Creek 0 4425 Golden View Drive Grease 9/27/2005 300 300 Clarke Creek North Prong 0 15900 Cranleigh Drive Grease 9/27/2005 300 300 Paw Creek 0 6822 David Avenue Grease 9/28/2005 3,000 3,000 Mallard Creek 0 5180 Equipment Drive Grease TOTAL SPILLS 14 27,445 26,880 Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name October Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water Cause of Spill / Bypass 10/03/2005 45 45 McAlpine Creek Tributary 0 818 McLaughlin Drive Grease 10/04/2005 360 180 Briar Creek 0 200 Colville Road Broken Pipe 10/05/2005 1,800 1,800 Paw Creek 0 527 East Todd Lane Grease 10/09/2005 1,010 1,010 Mallard Creek Tributary 0 3340 Whistley Green Drive Tree Roots 10/12/2005 1,050 1,050 Briar Creek Tributary 0 1609 Herrin Avenue Tree Roots 10/13/2005 3,000 3,000 Sugar Creek 0 6700 Woodstream Drive Broken Pipe 10/13/2005 120 0 Porter Branch 0 11625 Steele Creek Road Tree Roots 10/17/2005 340 340 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 406 Mallard Drive Broken Pipe 10/17/2005 2,700 2,700 Mallard Creek 0 3056 Heathcroft Court Grease 10/17/2005 600 600 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 300 Dalton Avenue Debris 10/18/2005 120 120 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 2033 Wilhelmina Avenue Grease 10/18/2005 750 750 Campbell Creek 0 5760 Albermarle Road Grease 10/18/2005 300 300 Sugar Creek 0 10022 Woodyridge Road Grease 10/19/2005 30 30 Briar Creek 0 1419 Briar Creek Road Grease 10/19/2005 1,500 1,500 Four Mile Creek 0 2817 Highridge Road Broken Pipe 10/24/2005 190 190 Briar Creek 0 5400 Viewmont Drive Debris 10/24/2005 900 900 Briar Creek 0 1726 Eastcrest Drive Grease 10/24/2005 43 0 Briar Creek 0 1716 Finchley Drive Grease 10/25/2005 900 900 Little Sugar Creek 0 2857 Westport Road Tree Roots 10/26/2005 1,200 1,200 Little Sugar Creek 0 621 Cooper Drive Broken Pipe 10/26/2005 30 0 Coffey Creek Tributary 0 11401 Wilmar Boulevard Debris 10/30/2005 600 600 Briar Creek 0 2000 Patio Court Grease 10/30/2005 2,400 2,400 Irwin Creek 10 3300 Frew Road Grease TOTAL SPILLS 23 19,988 19,615 Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name November Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water Cause of Spill / Bypass 11/02/2005 2,250 2,250 Little Hope Creek 1 2000 Woodlawn Road (East) Grease 11/02/2005 4,200 4,200 Irwin Creek Tributary 1 4000 Stuart Andrew Boulevard Grease 11/04/2005 675 675 Stewart Creek 0 2000 Thrift Road Debris 11/07/2005 1,500 1,500 Toby Creek 0 326 Neal Drive Vandalism 11/08/2005 180 135 Stewart Creek 0 601 Summit Avenue (West) Grease 11/08/2005 20 20 Briar Creek Tributary 0 4142 Larkspur Lane Grease 11/08/2005 300 300 Briar Creek Tributary 0 6800 Barrington Drive Grease 11/08/2005 150 150 Irwin Creek 0 800 Yellowstone Road Grease 11/09/2005 1,200 1,200 Taggart Creek 0 2805 Horseshoe Lane Grease 11/09/2005 1,050 1,050 McMullen Creek Tributary 0 6100 Monroe Road Grease 11/11/2005 68 0 Lake Norman 0 18424 Harbor Light Debris 11/13/2005 120 120 McAlpine Creek Tributary 0 7621 Campbell Creek Lane Tree Roots 11/14/2005 600 600 Little Sugar Creek 0 6215 Countryside Drive Grease 11/14/2005 75 75 Stewart Creek 0 4116 Welling Avenue Grease 11/15/2005 30 30 Briar Creek 0 2112 Hassell Place Grease 11/18/2005 360 360 McMullen Creek 0 2450 Ainsdale Road Grease 11/18/2005 100 100 Irwin Creek 0 4100 Tyvola Road (West) Debris 11/19/2005 180 180 Campbell Creek 0 6000 Amity Place Tree Roots 11/19/2005 4,200 4,200 Six Mile Creek Tributary 0 17426 Westmill Lane Grease 11/19/2005 480 480 Stewart Creek 0 3400 Reid Avenue Tree Roots 11/20/2005 1,200 1,200 Long Creek 0 10300 Northwoods Forest Drive Grease 11/23/2005 240 240 Caldwell Station Tributary 0 9850 Caldwell Depot Road Debris 11/23/2005 600 600 Dairy Branch 0 3100 Park Road Grease 11/24/2005 90 90 Long Creek 0 10300 Northwoods Forest Drive Grease 11/25/2005 1,800 1,800 Rocky River Creek 0 3728 Mill Stream Ridge Drive Grease 11/26/2005 5 0 McAlpine Creek Tributary 0 6318 Deveron Drive Grease 11/26/2005 5 5 Four Mile Creek 0 8600 Raintree Lane Grease 11/28/2005 120 120 McAlpine Creek 0 9024 Monroe Road Grease 11/29/2005 2,000 2,000 Sugar Creek Little 0 821 Georgetown Drive Grease 11/30/2005 935 935 Four Mile Creek 0 12440 Community House Road (North) Debris TOTAL SPILLS 30 24,733 24,615 Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name December Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water Cause of Spill / Bypass 12/02/2005 2,400 2,400 Stewart Creek Tributary 0 500 Hoskins Road (North) Broken Pipe 12/03/2005 1,500 750 McAlpine Tributary 0 9709 Calpher Court Grease 12/03/2005 2,250 2,000 Paw Creek 0 8511 Stone Hurst Drive Tree Roots 12/04/2005 150 135 McAlpine Creek Tributary 0 9009 W T Harris Boulevard (East) Grease 12/05/2005 300 300 Sugar Creek 0 5700 Telfair Road Tree Roots 12/05/2005 1,200 1,200 Briar Creek Tributary 0 718 Harwyn Drive Grease 12/05/2005 876 876 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 1030 Otts Street Grease 12/05/2005 45 45 Sugar Creek Little 0 724 Sugar Creek Road (East) Grease 12/06/2005 185 185 0 6116 Preston Lane Tree Roots 12/06/2005 200 200 0 500 Hoskins Road (North) Broken Pipe 12/06/2005 360 360 Briar Creek Tributary 0 5123 Central Avenue Grease 12/07/2005 425 425 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 3333 Tryon Street (North) Tree Roots 12/07/2005 336 336 Back Creek Tributary 0 1901 Teresa Jill Drive Grease 12/07/2005 248 0 McAlpine Creek 0 8227 Bald Ridge Drive Grease 12/08/2005 50 12 Sugar Creek Tributary 0 5025 Lochlain Drive Tree Roots 12/08/2005 130 0 Four Mile Creek 0 8901 St Croix Lane Grease 12/08/2005 700 700 McAlpine Tributary 0 7831 Winterset Drive Grease 12/08/2005 600 300 Briar Creek 0 1659 Scotland Avenue Tree Roots 12/09/2005 420 210 Sugar Creek 0 1900 Ranchwood Drive Tree Roots 12/10/2005 90 0 Six Mile Creek 0 9870 Rea Road Debris McAlpine Creek Tributary Stewart Creek Tributary 12/10/2005 1,825 1,825 Sugar Creek Big Tributary 0 5275 Parkway Plaza Boulevard Grease 12/12/2005 600 600 Torrence Creek 0 8517 Tatebrook Lane Tree Roots 12/12/2005 315 315 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 1512 Plumstead Road Debris 12/13/2005 240 240 Briar Creek 0 2231 Purser Drive Grease 12/14/2005 90 90 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 1512 Plumstead Road Debris 12/18/2005 180 0 McMullen Creek 0 100 Chadmore Drive Grease 12/19/2005 140 28 Briar Creek 0 3415 Windsor Drive Grease 12/20/2005 2,800 2,800 Little Hope Creek 0 626 Hartford Avenue Debris 12/20/2005 100 100 McMullen Creek Tributary 0 3415 Monroe Road Vandalism 12/20/2005 1,500 1,500 Campbell Creek 0 6627 Barncliff Drive Grease 12/22/2005 1,800 1,800 Stewart Creek Tributary 0 3908 Corporation Circle Tree Roots 12/23/2005 840 420 Stewart Creek 0 3200 Banbury Drive Grease 12/23/2005 150 15 Upper Little Sugar 0 901 Westbrook Drive Grease 12/26/2005 2,820 2,820 Briar Creek 0 9000 W T Harris Boulevard (East) Grease 12/28/2005 450 450 Briar Creek 0 701 Museum Drive Grease 12/29/2005 7,200 7,200 Irwin Creek 0 2457 Kendrick Avenue Grease 12/29/2005 300 0 Sugar Creek 0 6252 Park South Drive Tree Roots TOTAL SPILLS 37 33,815 30,637 Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name January Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water Cause of Spill / Bypass 01/01/2006 240 0 Long Creek 0 7700 Ambleside Drive Grease 01/01/2006 450 450 McMullen Creek 0 4400 Deepwood Drive Tree Roots 01/01/2006 50 0 McAlpine Creek 0 901 Shady Bluff Drive Tree Roots 01/01/2006 120 0 Four Mile Creek 0 9000 Raintree Lane Grease 01/02/2006 106 106 Briar Creek Tributary 0 2321 Club Drive Grease 01/02/2006 120 120 Coffey Creek Tributary 0 901 Yorkdale Drive Grease 01/03/2006 300 300 Briar Creek 0 3101 Central Avenue Grease 01/03/2006 135 135 Sugar Creek 0 808 Cone Avenue Tree Roots 01/04/2006 90 90 Briar Creek 0 2919 Central Avenue Grease 01/04/2006 279 279 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 2400 Statesville Road Grease 01/05/2006 10 0 Old Steel Creek 0 2820 Wilkinson Boulevard Grease 01/06/2006 600 600 Campbell Creek 0 10600 W T Harris Boulevard (East) Grease 01/06/2006 156 0 Briar Creek Tributary 0 728 Vanderbrook Road Grease 01/07/2006 105 52 McAlpine Creek 0 6521 Havenlock Place Tree Roots 01/07/2006 200 200 Campbell Creek 0 6500 Farmingdale Drive Tree Roots 01/07/2006 900 225 Four Mile Creek 0 10530 Northeast Parkway Debris 01/07/2006 360 360 Torrence Creek Tributary 0 9100 Twin Trail Drive Grease 01/07/2006 3,600 3,600 Sugar Creek Little 0 1650 Academy Street Grease 01/09/2006 480 480 Irwin Creek 0 3201 Dalecrest Drive Grease 01/09/2006 1,200 1,200 McAlpine Creek 0 7111 Cedar Lake Court Tree Roots 01/09/2006 2,280 2,280 Briar Creek 0 3520 Colony Road Grease 01/09/2006 1,005 503 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 201 29th Street (West) Grease 01/09/2006 60 60 Little Sugar Creek 0 4111 Tryon Street (North) Tree Roots 01/10/2006 600 600 Irwin Creek 0 4901 Dwight Evans Road Grease 01/10/2006 99 0 Four Mile Creek 0 552 Charles Street (West) Grease 01/11/2006 900 450 McAlpine Creek 0 4411 Wills Way Grease 01/11/2006 600 600 McAlpine Creek 0 742 Pineborough Road Grease 01/11/2006 600 600 Mallard Creek 0 3120 Summercroft Lane Tree Roots 01/11/2006 150 150 Irwin Creek 0 710 Yorkmont Road Grease 01/12/2006 365 183 McIntyre Creek Tributary 0 9609 Trinity Road Grease 01/12/2006 300 300 Sugar Creek Tributary 0 351 Glenrock Drive Grease 01/12/2006 150 150 Sugar Creek 0 1617 Archdale Drive Tree Roots 01/13/2006 600 600 Sugar Creek Little 0 6227 Rosecrest Drive Grease 01/14/2006 2,210 2,210 Gum Branch Creek 0 1200 Gum Branch Road Grease 01/15/2006 338 338 Sugar Creek Little 0 4822 Fairheath Road Grease 01/16/2006 555 555 Kings Branch 0 636 Archdale Drive Grease 01/16/2006 1,430 1,430 Sugar Creek Tributary 0 6104 Coolbrook Court Grease 01/16/2006 655 655 Edward Branch Tributary 0 1511 Lansdale Drive Grease 01/17/2006 50 10 McAlpine Creek 0 1700 Progress Lane Grease 01/18/2006 1,400 1,400 Briar Creek 0 6400 Treeline Place Grease 01/18/2006 30 0 Irwin Creek 0 3325 Pine Meadow Drive Tree Roots 01/18/2006 900 900 Long Creek 0 1205 Brook Farm Lane Grease 01/19/2006 400 400 Edward Branch Tributary 0 1700 Progress Lane Grease 01/19/2006 600 600 Irwin Creek 0 1419 Chelveston Drive Grease 01/20/2006 78 78 0 11625 Harrowfield Road Grease 01/20/2006 50 0 0 7122 Rothmore Street Grease 01/21/2006 150 128 Briar Creek Tributary 0 928 Beal Street Grease 01/22/2006 765 765 Briar Creek Tributary 0 4132 Larkspur Lane Grease 01/23/2006 1,800 1,800 Sugar Creek 0 7315 Watercrest Road Grease 01/23/2006 600 600 Back Creek 0 2100 Back Creek Church Road Grease 01/23/2006 60 60 McAlpine Creek 0 7012 Graburn Road Tree Roots 01/24/2006 300 300 Irwin Creek 0 2601 Freedom Drive Grease 01/24/2006 475 475 Campbell Creek 0 6600 Executive Circle Grease 01/24/2006 750 325 Four Mile Creek 0 4217 Burning Tree Drive Grease 01/25/2006 375 375 McMullen Creek 0 1034 Nancy Drive Tree Roots McAlpine Creek Tributary Reedy Creek Tributary 01/26/2006 7,200 6,480 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 1600 Oaklawn Avenue Debris 01/26/2006 150 0 Derita Branch 0 4650 Northhaven Drive Tree Roots 01/27/2006 150 150 McMullen Creek 0 11300 Treebark Lane Grease 01/29/2006 400 400 Stewart Creek 0 1809 Griers Grove Road Grease 01/30/2006 600 600 McAlpine Creek 0 5111 Gamton Court Grease 01/30/2006 780 780 Mallard Creek 0 9801 Mallard Creek Road Grease 01/31/2006 3,600 3,600 Little Hope Creek 0 1000 Woodlawn Road (East) Grease TOTAL SPILLS 62 44,061 40,087 Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name February Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water Cause of Spill / Bypass 02/02/2006 60 60 Briar Creek Tributary 0 2900 Shamrock Drive Tree Roots 02/02/2006 300 300 Irwin Creek 0 2415 Old Steele Creek Road Grease 02/02/2006 52 0 Sugar Creek 0 5116 Eaton Circle Tree Roots 02/02/2006 300 300 Sugar Creek 0 1200 Marsh Road Grease 02/03/2006 320 0 Sardis Branch Tributary 0 8139 Cliffside Drive Tree Roots 02/03/2006 6,000 6,000 Irwin Creek 0 728 Rodey Avenue Grease 02/07/2006 1,800 1,800 McAlpine Creek 0 6724 Newhall Road Grease 02/10/2006 16 16 McMullen Creek Tributary 0 5715 Monroe Road Debris 02/10/2006 1,500 750 Polk Ditch Tributary 0 11707 Steele Creek Road Tree Roots 02/10/2006 45 0 Sugar Creek 0 2808 Tuckaseegee Road Grease 02/11/2006 100 100 0 2438 Knickerbocker Drive Grease 02/12/2006 52 52 0 339 Shasta Lane Tree Roots 02/12/2006 92 0 0 8139 Cliffside Drive Tree Roots 02/13/2006 200 0 Rea Branch 0 3520 Rea Road Tree Roots 02/13/2006 70 70 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 3528 Graham Street (North) Tree Roots 02/13/2006 52 52 Briar Creek Tributary 0 2301 Mecklenburg Avenue Grease 02/14/2006 147 147 Briar Creek Tributary 0 3300 Sudbury Road Grease 02/14/2006 90 90 Briar Creek Tributary 0 2220 Marbetta Lane Grease 02/15/2006 2,200 2,200 Taggart Creek 0 1708 Brooksvale Street Grease 02/16/2006 1,200 1,200 Long Creek 0 1609 Sugar Hollow Drive Grease McAlpine Creek Tributary McMullen Creek Tributary McAlpine Creek Tributary 02/18/2006 60 0 Four Mile Creek 0 1622 English Knoll Drive Grease 02/19/2006 120 0 Gum Branch Tributary 0 138 Cottonwood Park Drive Tree Roots 02/19/2006 1,440 1,440 Toby Creek Tributary 0 2313 Century Oaks Lane Grease 02/20/2006 750 375 Clarks Creek Tributary 0 12424 Eastfield Road Vandalism 02/22/2006 2,470 2,470 Briar Creek Tributary 0 1518 Academy Street Tree Roots 02/23/2006 300 300 Irwin Creek 0 4901 Dwight Evans Road Grease 02/24/2006 3,600 3,600 Sugar Creek 0 1600 Old Towne Court Grease 02/24/2006 750 750 Little Sugar Creek 0 4430 Rolling Hill Drive Tree Roots 02/26/2006 584 292 0 421 Pine Road Tree Roots 02/26/2006 93 25 0 3024 Robin Road Grease TOTAL SPILLS 30 24,763 22,389 Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name March Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water Clarke Creek South Prong McMullen Creek Tributary Cause of Spill / Bypass 03/01/2006 1,500 1,500 Long Creek 0 511 Creston Circle Debris 03/01/2006 1,000 1,000 Briar Creek Tributary 0 2110 Norcross Place Tree Roots 03/02/2006 150 0 Kings Branch 0 512 Farmhurst Drive Grease 03/02/2006 750 750 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 4112 Tryon Street (North) Debris 03/02/2006 1,500 1,500 Little Sugar Creek 0 432 Springbrook Road Grease 03/02/2006 1,250 1,250 Toby Creek Tributary 0 1100 Chancellor Park Drive Grease 03/03/2006 300 300 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 6600 Tryon Street (North) Grease 03/03/2006 180 90 Stewart Creek 0 2619 West Boulevard Debris 03/03/2006 150 150 Little Hope Creek Tributary 0 5439 Wedgewood Drive Grease 03/03/2006 85 17 McAlpine Creek 0 509 Sardis Lane Tree Roots 03/03/2006 1,100 1,100 Coffee Creek 64 2105 Water Ridge Parkway Broken Pipe 03/04/2006 2,260 2,260 Irwin Creek 0 5275 Parkway Plaza Boulevard Grease 03/06/2006 600 600 Sugar Creek 0 11100 Granite Street Grease 03/07/2006 210 0 Sugar Creek Little 0 1001 Everett Place Grease 03/07/2006 800 800 Briar Creek Tributary 0 6100 Bridlewood Lane Grease 03/09/2006 300 300 McAlpine Creek Tributary 0 1300 Scotland Avenue Grease 03/09/2006 600 600 Briar Creek 0 3333 Biscayne Drive Grease 03/10/2006 150 150 Briar Creek Tributary 0 2110 Norcross Place Broken Pipe 03/10/2006 1,500 1,500 Sugar Creek 0 8717 Windsong Drive Grease 03/11/2006 300 150 Briar Creek 0 2000 Wendover Road Tree Roots 03/12/2006 600 0 McAlpine Creek 0 12134 Painted Tree Road Tree Roots 03/13/2006 300 300 Toby Creek Tributary 0 6101 Orr Road Grease 03/13/2006 240 120 McMullen Creek 0 10726 Blue Heron Drive Grease 03/13/2006 38 38 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 1600 Oaklawn Avenue Vandalism 03/14/2006 1,000 0 Kings Branch 0 814 Aileen Circle Tree Roots 03/14/2006 925 925 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 5200 Pine Drive Grease 03/14/2006 600 600 Briar Creek Tributary 0 2633 Eastway Drive Grease 03/14/2006 345 345 Briar Creek 0 3225 Eastway Drive Grease 03/15/2006 80 80 Briar Creek Tributary 0 4100 Sudbury Road Grease 03/15/2006 600 600 Blankmanship Branch 0 15913 White Barn Court Vandalism 03/16/2006 9,750 9,750 Stewart Creek 0 516 Norwood Drive Broken Pipe 03/16/2006 30 30 Campbell Creek 0 4111 Tamerlane Drive Debris 03/16/2006 80 80 Mcalpine Creek 0 6424 Rockshire Drive Tree Roots 03/17/2006 495 495 McAlpine Creek Tributary 0 7812 Portia Place Grease 03/18/2006 900 450 McCullough Creek 0 707 Lakeview Drive Tree Roots 03/18/2006 900 900 McMullen Creek 0 3752 Larkston Drive Tree Roots 03/18/2006 195 195 McAlpine Creek 0 6432 Round Hill Road Grease 03/18/2006 56 56 Briar Creek 0 5600 The Plaza Tree Roots 03/18/2006 800 800 McAlpine Creek 0 1900 McKenna Court Grease 03/19/2006 415 415 Six Mile Creek 0 6023 Albemarle Road Grease 03/19/2006 360 360 McAlpine Creek 0 9545 Scotland Hall Court Grease 03/20/2006 100 100 0 6235 South Boulevard Tree Roots 03/22/2006 122 122 0 1000 10th Street (East) Grease 03/22/2006 600 600 Walkers Branch 0 13628 Walkers Creek Drive Grease 03/23/2006 1,125 1,125 Kings Branch 0 601 Sleepy Hollow Road Tree Roots 03/23/2006 1,000 1,000 Mallard Creek Tributary 0 11855 Tryon Street (North) Grease 03/23/2006 450 225 Kings Branch Creek 0 5341 Fernhill Drive Tree Roots Little Sugar Creek Tributary Little Sugar Creek Tributary 03/24/2006 300 150 Briar Creek Tributary 0 4034 Rutgers Avenue Grease 03/25/2006 4,200 4,200 McAlpine Tributary 0 7259 Point Lake Drive Grease 03/27/2006 3,000 2,250 Sugar Creek 0 10116 Woody Ridge Road Vandalism 03/28/2006 600 600 0 1036 Druid Circle Grease 03/29/2006 325 325 0 6719 Montezuma Trail Grease 03/30/2006 200 200 Stewart Creek 0 2700 Zebulon Avenue Grease 03/31/2006 1,650 1,650 McMullen Creek Tributary 0 6914 Riesman Lane Grease TOTAL SPILLS 54 47,066 43,103 Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name Briar Creek Trib 0 3100 Winterfield Place Grease 0 3945 Huckleberry Road Grease 0 5220 Chestnut Lake Drive Grease 0 6547 South Boulevard Grease 0 1001 Ivey Drive Grease April Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water 04/02/2006 2,700 2,700 04/02/2006 1,635 164 04/02/2006 339 255 04/03/2006 610 610 04/05/2006 140 140 Stewart Creek Tributary McAlpine Creek Tributary McMullen Creek Tributary McAlpine Creek Tributary Little Sugar Creek Tributary Briar Creek Cause of Spill / Bypass 04/05/2006 6,000 6,000 04/06/2006 990 990 04/06/2006 480 0 04/07/2006 320 04/09/2006 Mallard Creek Tributary Rocky River Tributary 0 3227 Harris Mill Lane Grease 0 6631 Harburn Forest Drive Grease McMullen Creek 0 7630 Zermatt Lane Tree Roots 32 Rocky River Tributary 0 2729 Forest Grove Court Tree Roots 140 0 Irwin Creek 0 1609 Whisnant Street Grease 04/10/2006 460 460 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 2320 Catalina Avenue Grease 04/10/2006 175 175 Briar Creek Tributary 0 3700 Delgany Drive Grease 04/12/2006 230 100 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 1600 West Boulevard Grease 04/12/2006 150 30 Campbell Creek 0 5312 Winterhaven Drive Grease 04/12/2006 45 0 Meadow Creek 0 1019 Cone Avenue Tree Roots 04/14/2006 450 225 Lake Norman 0 19500 Weaver's Circle Broken Pipe 04/16/2006 69 69 McAlpine Creek Tributary 0 9009 W T Harris Boulevard (East) Vandalism 04/17/2006 1,200 1,200 Little Sugar Creek 0 2215 Wensley Drive Grease 04/19/2006 225 225 Gum Branch Tributary 0 918 Valley Ridge Road Grease 04/20/2006 1,200 1,200 McAlpine Creek 0 7617 Gayle Avenue Grease 04/24/2006 5 5 McAlpine Creek 0 8000 Beverly Crest Boulevard Grease 04/25/2006 300 300 Kings Branch 0 415 Minuet Lane Grease 04/28/2006 45 45 McAlpine Creek 0 7900 Beverly Crest Boulevard Debris 04/28/2006 600 600 Sugar Creek 0 3522 Sloan Street Tree Roots 04/28/2006 450 0 McAlpine Creek 0 8427 Strider Drive Grease 04/29/2006 200 100 McMullen Creek 0 1111 Greentree Drive Grease 04/30/2006 128 128 Little Sugar Creek 0 4504 Nicks Tavern Road Tree Roots 04/30/2006 165 33 Briar Creek Tributary 0 222 Emerson Avenue Tree Roots 04/30/2006 124 124 McAlpine Creek Tributary 0 3320 Windbluff Drive Grease TOTAL SPILLS 29 19,575 15,910 Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name May Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water Cause of Spill / Bypass 05/01/2006 360 360 Little Sugar Creek 0 1658 Sterling Road Broken Pipe 05/01/2006 60 60 McAlpine Creek 0 2100 Sedley Road Tree Roots 05/02/2006 330 330 Torrence Creek 0 214 Greenway Street Tree Roots 05/05/2006 1,200 1,200 Beaverdam Creek 0 16203 Wright's Ferry Road Grease 05/05/2006 1,530 1,530 Back Creek Tributary 0 9701 Fernspray Road Debris 05/05/2006 60 0 Irwin Creek 0 5000 Popular Spring Drive Tree Roots 05/06/2006 600 600 McMullen Creek Tributary 0 3335 Gresham Place Grease 05/08/2006 20 20 Little Sugar Creek 0 1117 Woodside Avenue Tree Roots 05/08/2006 175 175 McDowell Creek 0 8211 Chandos Place Grease 05/09/2006 1,135 1,135 Little Sugar Creek 0 1339 Rutledge Avenue Debris 05/11/2006 50 50 Briar Creek 0 2147 Brookwood Road Tree Roots 05/14/2006 365 365 McMullen Creek 0 3032 Mountainbrook Road Tree Roots 05/16/2006 245 245 Coffey Creek Tributary 0 7601 Holliswood Court Grease 05/16/2006 65 32 Stewarts Creek 0 827 Seldon Drive Grease 05/16/2006 60 0 Kings Branch 0 9620 Long Valley Drive Tree Roots 05/16/2006 800 800 McDowell Creek Tributary 0 7045 Tanners Creek Drive Debris 05/16/2006 125 0 Lake Norman 0 513 Westside Trail Tree Roots 05/17/2006 300 300 McIntyre Creek Tributary 0 9040 Feldbank Drive Grease 05/18/2006 360 360 Briar Creek Tributary 0 2536 Providence Road Tree Roots 05/18/2006 400 400 Little Sugar Creek Tributary 0 6547 South Boulevard Grease 05/23/2006 800 800 Sugar Creek Little 0 1515 Harding Place Debris 05/24/2006 25 12 Briar Creek 0 1326 Rutledge Avenue Vandalism 05/25/2006 600 600 Mallard Creek 25 3416 Stonemarsh Court Debris 05/25/2006 150 30 McAlpine Creek 0 716 Mountainview Drive Tree Roots 05/27/2006 2,700 2,000 Briar Creek 0 4239 Vinetta Court Grease 05/29/2006 690 0 Irwin Creek 0 3511 Cypress Pond Drive Grease 05/29/2006 2,260 2,260 Stoney Creek 0 2737 Forest Grove Court Grease 05/29/2006 110 0 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 2621 Ashley Road Grease 05/30/2006 300 300 Four Mile Creek 0 703 Selma Burke Lane Tree Roots TOTAL SPILLS 29 15,875 13,964 Surface Water Name # Fish Killed Block Street Name Little Sugar Creek 0 100 Craighead Road (West) June 06/01/2006 Total Volume Reaching Estimate Surface Water 18 0 Cause of Spill / Bypass Grease 06/01/2006 980 980 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 2112 McDonald Drive Grease 06/01/2006 10 0 Briar Creek 0 4221 Foxford Place Grease 06/03/2006 5,000 5,000 Coffey Creek 0 0 Rental Car & Josh Birmingham Parkway Broken Pipe 06/04/2006 1,760 1,760 Neal Branch Tributary 0 12318 Autumn Blaze Drive Debris 06/05/2006 450 450 Kennedy Branch 0 1920 St Johns Street Tree Roots 06/08/2006 60 60 Taggart Creek Tributary 0 1400 Edgewood Road Broken Pipe 06/08/2006 295 295 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 600 Kingston Avenue (West) Grease 06/08/2006 550 550 Walker Branch 0 13211 Planters Row Drive Grease 06/09/2006 231 231 Idlewild Brooke Creek 0 6023 Albemarle Road Grease 06/10/2006 360 360 Irwin Creek Tributary 0 3965 Carlyle Drive Grease 06/11/2006 2,070 2,070 Sugar Creek 0 8917 Windsong Drive Grease 06/13/2006 250 250 Clear Creek 0 11203 Nevermore Way Grease 06/13/2006 2,000 2,000 Four Mile Creek 0 3136 Shallowood Lane Tree Roots 06/14/2006 150 150 Sugar Creek 0 3609 Griffith Street Grease 06/15/2006 600 600 Irwin Creek 0 3966 Bristol Drive Tree Roots 06/16/2006 400 400 McAlpine Creek Tributary 0 7800 Sardis Road Grease 06/19/2006 270 270 Briar Creek 0 3031 Rodman Street Grease 06/21/2006 160 160 Stewart Creek 0 1424 Berryhill Road Grease 06/21/2006 5 5 Briar Creek 0 4700 Crestmont Drive Broken Pipe 06/21/2006 140 140 Back Creek 0 9430 White Cedar Court Tree Roots 06/22/2006 1,500 1,500 Mallard Creek Tributary 0 11855 Tryon (North) Street Tree Roots 06/27/2006 50 50 McAlpine Creek 0 5714 Ryder Avenue Tree Roots 06/27/2006 300 300 Walker Branch 0 13110 Moss Road Grease 06/28/2006 200 200 Briar Creek 0 225 Altondale Avenue Debris 06/28/2006 282 282 Briar Creek Tributary 0 2032 Sablewood Drive Debris 06/29/2006 50 0 Kings Branch 0 315 Hebron Street (West) Tree Roots TOTAL SPILLS 27 18,141 18,063 TOTAL # OF FY06 COLLECTION SYSTEM SPILLS: 370 TOTAL # OF FY06 PLANT SPILLS: 0 VOLUME SAFELY COLLECTED, TREATED & DISCHARGED: 29,312,670,000 GALLONS TOTAL VOLUME OF FY06 SPILLED: 329,038 GALLONS TOTAL VOLUME OF FY06 THAT REACHED SURFACE WATERS: 304,958 GALLONS % OF WASTWATER SAFELY COLLECTED, TREATED AND RELEASED DURING FY06: more than 99.9988% FY05: more than 99.993% FY04: more than 99.997% FY03: more than 99.932% FY02: more than 99.995% SECTION IIB. Permit Compliance and Reporting Violations, by plant Irwin Creek WWTP -- NPDES Permit #NC0024945 July, 2005 August, 2005 September, 2005 October, 2005 PERMIT LIMIT COMPLIANCE Permit Limit Violations None None REPORTING REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE Reporting Requirement Violations None None None None None None November, 2005 The weekly average limit for copper was violated every week in November and the daily maximum limit for copper was violated on four (4) days. An investigation to locate the source of the copper that was causing the violations was started as soon as the violations were noted. None December, 2005 The weekly average limit for copper was violated in the first and third weeks of the month. The daily maximum limit was in complinace this month. An investigation as to the source of the copper was continuing through this time and the copper concentration coming into the plant was dropping. None MONTH January, 2006 In the last week of January the weekly average copper limit was exceeded again. The daily maximum limit for copper was met all month. When the copper started in the influent of the treatment plant started going back up, increased investigation was started, the hours of operation at the septage receival station were reduced and every tank of septage was sampled. All of the SIU's into the plant had been investigated and the source of the copper had still not been found. None February, 2006 The weekly average limit for copper was exceeded the last three weeks of February. The daily maximum for copper was in compliance all month. By the end of February an in depth investigation involving all of the personel in the pretreatment program was started. This investigation started with the mapping section in Charlotte Mecklenburg Utitlies Engineering Division developing detailed maps of the sewer collection system through out the Irwin Creek Basin, and also included the Field Operations Division with help in locating and sampling throughout a colletion system consisting of 354 miles of sewer lines. None March, 2006 The effluent copper limit weekly average was exceeded in three of the four weeks in the month of March. The copper daily maximum limit was exceeded on four of the six days copper was sampled. During this month the copper level into the plant increased and the sampling through the trunkline of the system was increased significantly and very rapid turn around times (TAT's) were initiated by our in-house lab to the facilitate moving through out the system and determining where the copper was coming from. The discharge was not daily, but the Sytem Protection personnel were able to find the source. System Protection went to the facility with the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department on 3/31/06 and issued a cease and desist order to the company that was discharging the copper and their sewer connection was disconnected. After 4/1/06 the influent level for copper started dropping significantly and has returned back to normal and no further violations of the copper limit have occurred. None April, 2006 May, 2006 On 4/1/06 the copper daily maximum was exceeded. This is the last copper violation that occurred at Irwin Creek WWTP. Please see the note for March, 2006 about the resolution of the copper issue at Irwin Creek WWTP. None None None June, 2006 The fecal coliform daily maximum limit was exceeded on 6/13, 6/14 and 6/15 this month. The limit was exceeded due to a faulty PLC. This was replaced. None Mallard Creek WRF -- NPDES Permit #NC0030210 MONTH July, 2005 August, 2005 September, 2005 October, 2005 November, 2005 December, 2005 January, 2006 February, 2006 March, 2006 April, 2006 May, 2006 June, 2006 PERMIT LIMIT COMPLIANCE None None REPORTING REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None McAlpine Creek WWTF -- NPDES Permit #NC0024970 MONTH July, 2005 August, 2005 September, 2005 October, 2005 PERMIT LIMIT COMPLIANCE The facility was in non-complinace with the monthly average cBOD limit of 4.0 mg/l. The average for the month was 4.4 mg/l. The cause for the violation is not known. None REPORTING REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE None None None None None None November, 2005 December, 2005 January, 2006 February, 2006 March, 2006 April, 2006 May, 2006 June, 2006 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None McDowell Creek WWTP -- NPDES Permit #NC0036277 MONTH July, 2005 August, 2005 September, 2005 PERMIT LIMIT COMPLIANCE None None REPORTING REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE None None None October, 2005 November, 2005 December, 2005 January, 2006 February, 2006 March, 2006 April, 2006 May, 2006 June, 2006 None None The TKN sample that was collected downstream of the plant in McDowell Creek was not analyzed within the required holding time. None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Sugar Creek WWTP -- NPDES Permit #NC0024937 MONTH PERMIT LIMIT COMPLIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE July, 2005 None None August, 2005 None None September, 2005 None None October, 2005 None None November, 2005 None None The fecal coliform result for December 14th was 2,400 cfu/100 ml. This exceeded the daily maximum fecal coliform limit of 1,000 cfu/100 ml. This occurred due the the UV unit shutting down approximately 10 minutes before the sample was collected due to a faulty water level sensor. The sensor was replaced and system was in the process of being reDecember, 2005 started when the sample was collected. None January, 2006 February, 2006 None None Sugar Creek WWTP failed the quarterly toxicity sample with cerio daphnia in February at 78.3%. The permit limt requirement is to pass at 90% or higher. The same time the toxicity sample was collected for cerio daphnia another sample was collected to test the toxicity on flat head minnows. This test passed at 100% of the effluent. Subsequent toxicity tests for cerio daphnia were collected in the next three months and all of the samples passed at 100%. We were not able to determine why the original None sample failed. March, 2006 There was an inadvertent release of sodium hypochlorite into the activated sludge of the treatment plant. Due to this issue, the effluent became very turbid - inhibiting the UV disinfection unit. This resulted in a violation of the daily None maximum limit for fecal coliform on 3/3/06. April, 2006 None None May, 2006 None None June, 2006 None None