Wastewater Performance Report July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities 5100 Brookshire Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28216 Phone: (704) 399-2221 Fax: (704) 393-2219 www.cmutilities.com I. General Information Name of Regulated Entity and Responsible Person: City of Charlotte Barry Gullet, Deputy Director Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities Administration Division 5100 Brookshire Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 399-2221 Applicable Permits: There are five wastewater treatment facilities owned and operated by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities. Below is a list of these facilities and their applicable NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit number. Included with the list of facilities is the name of the Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) at the facilities and the site telephone numbers. WWTF Irwin Creek WWTP Mallard Creek WRF McAlpine Creek WWMF McDowell Creek WWTP Sugar Creek WWTP NPDES Permit Number NC0024945 NC0030210 NC0024970 NC0036277 NC0024937 ORC Michael Lingerfelt Darrell DeWitt Sandy Kim Neely Elliott E. Goins, Jr. Roy E. Purgason, Jr. Phone 704-357-1344 704-547-0680 704-542-0736 704-875-6443 704-553-2124 In addition to those five plants, Utilities sends wastewater to the Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant through an agreement with Cabarrus County. Utilities also accepts flow from Union County to McAlpine Creek WWMF. WW COLLECTION NCDWQ Permit Number ORC Phone 4100 W. Tyvola Road WQCS00001 Tony Dubois 704-432-3779 Please note the 704-357-6064 number is no longer in use. Customers are encouraged to call 311 (or 704-336-7600) if they suspect a wastewater overflow. Description of collection and treatment systems: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities collects wastewater from an estimated 223,855 connections to households and businesses throughout the county. Wastewater is collected and directed (via gravity flow supported by sewage lift stations) to one of five wastewater treatment plants where it is treated. An average of 81 million gallons of wastewater is treated and discharged each day. More than 150 employees work to maintain 4,028 miles of collection pipelines and 75 sewage lift stations throughout the county. The gravity sewer pipes in this system range in size from 8 inches in diameter to 78 inches in diameter. Each of the wastewater treatment plants provides primary, secondary and advanced treatment to the waste stream. Large solid particles and inorganic materials are removed by screening and settling. The wastewater is treated biologically to remove dissolved pollutants. Disinfection reduces bacterial and pathogenic materials. Finally, the waste stream passes through sand filters to remove very small particles that may not have been removed through the settling process. 2 1. Primary Treatment Solid particles & objects are captured in grit screens and primary clarifiers. 2. Aeration/Secondary Treatment Wastewater is aerated to support growth of microorganisms that remove harmful pollutants. 3. Clarification Solids and microorganisms settle out in large basins. 4. Advanced Treatment Wastewater flows through sand filters to remove fine particles. 5. Disinfection Water is disinfected to remove any remaining pathogens, and then the water is released back into creeks to flow downstream. II. Summary of System Performance How did we do? We are meeting all reporting deadlines and requirements of the federal EPA Administrative Order to reduce spills, and the EPA approved two of our key reports regarding our Sewer Capacity Assurance and Fats, Oils and Grease prevention programs. We successfully collected and treated more than 29.69 billion gallons of our community’s wastewater (99.9987 percent success rate). There were 358 overflows in our community during the 2009 fiscal year. This is a decrease of 4 spills compared to the year before (362). Stated another way, it is less than nine spills per 100 miles of pipe in the ground overflowed from the collection system this year as illustrated by the table on page 4. 3 The volume of wastewater that overflowed decreased from 505,568 gallons in fiscal year 2008 to 383,859 gallons in fiscal year 2009. The volume of wastewater that reached surface waters also decreased from 378,973 gallons in fiscal year 2008 to 303,287 gallons in fiscal year 2009. Utilities works 24 hours a day, 365 days per year to prevent and respond to overflows. Crews prevent overflows by clearing pipes of tree roots and grease, as well as replacing broken and aging pipes. Utilities has also increased its efforts to educate customers about properly disposing of oils and grease. Highlights Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities celebrated some important milestones even as it took numerous actions to prevent overflows and protect water quality through effective wastewater treatment. • Our wastewater treatment plants met 99.93 percent of all permitted discharge limits. • Our commitment to protecting the environment goes far beyond water quality. In May 2009, the utility’s Environmental Services Facility on Westmont Drive was officially dedicated, representing Charlotte City government’s first LEED GoldCertified building. This facility serves as home base for water quality laboratory and Environmental Management staff, and is built and equipped with conservationminded and certified sustainable materials. • All five plants earned Peak Performance Awards from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) for the calendar year ending 2008. McDowell Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant won a Platinum Award for maintaining 100 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • percent perfect compliance with their permit requirements for five years. Mallard and McAlpine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plants earned Gold Awards for 100 percent perfect compliance. Sugar and Irwin Creek Wastewater Treatment Plants earned NACWA Silver Awards for outstanding compliance. 10 miles of sewer pipe and 348 manholes were rehabilitated or replaced. 180 miles of sewer pipe were treated with root control chemicals. 646 miles of sewer lines were cleaned (including some multiple cleanings in the same location) by Field Operations and 8.4 miles of large diameter pipe were cleaned by contractors. 379 sewer service pipes were replaced. 296 cleanouts installed for customers that did not have them or had defective cleanouts. 369.7 miles of rights of way were cleared by Field Operations and contractors. Utilities increased the funding for cleaning equipment and purchased nine (9) new jet/cleaning trucks. Seven trucks replaced aging equipment so our fleet is now 13. Utilities is proceeding with the implementation planning for a Work and Asset Management (WAM) Program that includes deployment of a software solution as well as improved infrastructure management processes. Solution selection was completed in 2009 and the implementation approach has been approved by the executive sponsors. Pending approval of the solution and implementation contracts by City Council, implementation of the program (software and processes) is to begin in late 2009. Utilities Field Operations Division is the top WAM implementation priority. Utilities has contracted for a physical survey of the entire wastewater collection system, including inspection of manholes and any exposed piping. This multi-year project is estimated to cost more than $5,000,000. The project is collecting data that will be used as part of the foundation of a new geographic information system (GIS) and for hydraulic modeling that is needed for planning and implementation of the capacity assurance program discussed earlier. The data being collected includes manhole locations, flowline elevations, pipe sizes, construction materials, and other information. This survey is approximately 85% complete. Utilities continued contracting for biological grease treatment in several selected areas of the collection system. Video inspections are scheduled for FY10 to continue measuring the effectiveness of the process. Since treatment began in March 2007, only two grease related SSOs have been reported along 42,000 ft. of treated lines and the regular removal of grease from a downstream pump station wet well has been eliminated. Utilities recently renewed the biological grease treatment contract. Utilities continues to expand their continuous improvement and optimization efforts by meeting and extending the ISO 14001:2004 certification for a third year. This international certification focuses on minimizing negative impacts on the environment. This collaborative effort among many employees throughout Utilities is being led by Environmental Management System Protection. The Mallard Creek Water Reclamation Facility passed ISO 14001:2004 recertification for a third year in May 2009 and the Biosolids program achieved initial certification in June 2009. Mallard Creek WRF was the first City of Charlotte government facility to earn this prestigious certification and serves as a model as we seek future certifications. Utilities is collaborating with UNC-Charlotte, Centralina Council of Governments, and CPCC to assess the feasibility of using problematic fats, oil and grease (FOG) as biodiesel feedstock. This feasibility study of alternative fuel has been awarded grant 5 • • • • • • • funds from the Biofuels Center of NC and is seeking additional funds from the NC Green Fund. The study will investigate the alternative fuel product to determine if it will save fuel, avoid disposal costs, and reduce pollution for local governments. The economic analysis will consider conventional costs and total life cycle impact assessment. Utilities reclaimed water program continues to operate. Reclaimed water is highly treated wastewater effluent that is land applied, rather than being discharged into the creek. The Traditions Golf Course is using up to 500,000 gallons a day during spring and summer time. Mallard Creek Park is using up to 500,000 gallons each month. Additional customers may be added in fiscal year 2010. There were 75 Wastewater Lift Stations serving our low-lying areas. Staff performed 107 preventative maintenance tasks for a total of 1745 work hours. This does not include twice weekly station checks, wet well cleaning, emergency generator testing, or emergency/routine repairs. The Northeast Davidson Lift Station was replaced with a new submersible lift station and the pumps at Kingstree Lift Station were replaced. Phase one of the Briar Creek Relief Sewer project is more than 80% complete. Phase one of the McAlpine Creek Relief Sewer project is more than 90% complete. Construction on phase two will begin in FY 2010. Sugar Creek Pump Station project is in service. Last year’s frequency of sewer spills was below the 5-year average in seven of the twelve months. 6 Sample of new advertising on trucks • • City staff inspected grease-handling facilities at 4,642 food service establishments and restaurants (not including follow-up inspections) to ensure proper grease disposal. The City continued its Grease Free education program to teach proper disposal of a pipe-blocking menace. Inspectors mailed information to more than 4,595 customers and handed out information to 9,108 customers in apartments / multi-family complexes. Staff conducted more than 120 presentations to more than 5,000 children and adults. Some of the key presentations were to eight apartment property managers and plumbers. Bill inserts, television news reports, giveaway grease cans / lids, and participating in the Latin American Festival were all parts of this year’s educational program. Grease Free television commercials ran for six weeks, advertisements were on Spanish radio stations for two months, and a print advertisement was in Charlotte Parent Magazine. Utilities also worked with the Health Department to distribute bilingual door hangers 7 • • to the Health Department’s five waiting rooms. Grease Free advertisements were permanently placed on nine new sewer cleaning trucks. Utilities added two Closed-Circuit TV (CCTV) inspection vehicles and upgraded its TV inspection software. These additional CCTV inspection crews provide quality control and quality assurance for collection system cleaning programs and proactively locate pipe deficiencies. To assure deficiencies found are repaired within performance goal parameters, Utilities is supplementing its Field Operations forces with a point repair / rehab contract. One major success was responding to up-to 11-inches of rain between August 25 and August 27, 2008. The underground sanitary sewer pipe network is not designed to handle storm water, yet the runoff and flooding from torrential rains inevitably infiltrated the pipe network here and around the region. Although Utilities had some spills, no fish kills or other environmental impacts were reported. All five wastewater treatment plants have flow equalization basins that are able to capture and later treat several million gallons of rainwater infiltration. Recently, the Long Creek Lift Station added flow equalization basins and a retention pond. Both came in use during this rain event. The lift station collected six million gallons in the flow equalization basins and 500,000 gallons in the retention pond. Without these back-up systems, the treatment plants and pipe network would have spilled a significantly larger amount. Continuing Challenges Wastewater Collection Challenges The greatest continuing wastewater challenge in this community – and in others across the U.S. – is sewage overflows. Of the 358 sewer spills that occurred, more than half were due to hardened grease clogging pipes and backing up the system. Other spill causes included the infiltration of tree roots into pipes, vandalism, general debris, and broken pipes. Fiscal Year 2009 Overflows by Primary Cause 8 Grease and other blockages that lead to sewer overflows are cleared by Utilities crews, using various cleaning methods, including mechanical rodders and truck-mounted water jets. If damaged pipe or other infrastructure is discovered it is repaired. The spilled sewage can sometimes be captured and pumped back into the sewer system. Inspection crews and our customers find overflows. Reports of overflows where 1,000 or more gallons reach surface waters are distributed to the media in an effort to notify the public. A legal notice is posted when overflows of 15,000 gallons or more reach surface waters. Crews also use door hangers to notify customers when appropriate. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities continues its excellent sewage spill response record. Our wastewater collection staff response time averaged 36 minutes to all overflows as of June 30, 2009. Staff responded to over 65 percent of the spills in fewer than 60 minutes. This compares to a state response standard of 120 minutes or less. Utilities continued to evaluate and refine sewer cleaning operation. A significant change of strategy was tested relative to how cleaning resources are assigned. Utilities initiated a Consolidated Cleaning Project in January 2009. Under the direction of the Field Operations Senior Engineer, and using our SSO data base and GIS, sub-basins with high concentrations of system failures and SSOs are being identified. Resources from each of the Field Operation Zones are pooled or consolidated in these problematic sub-basins and deliberate and focused cleaning, inspection, and repair efforts are directed from the top to the bottom of the sub-basins. Since January 18, 2009, eleven sub-basins have been completed. Within these basins, approximately 300,000 linear feet, or 57 miles have been cleaned using hydraulic / vacuum combination machines, rodders, and off-street hydraulic equipment, and each line segment was then inspected using CCTV. Main line deficiencies that are identified are immediately repaired. Data is being collected during this project to evaluate this approach, adjust from lessons learned, and to redeploy the process over the four geographic zones of our collection system in the future. Although it is too soon to measure success, Utilities remains optimistic that this approach will deliver continuous improvements in SSO reduction and MOM program efficiencies. The five-year moving average now stands at 370 collection system spills per year (from fiscal year 2005 to present- fiscal year 2009). 9 Number of Spills Compared to 5-Year Average Utilities tracks, trends, and analyzes the effectiveness of its efforts in reducing SSOs. On a monthly basis Utilities studies SSOs trends, including: a comparison of the current month’s SSO total and SSOs experienced the same month during the previous year, SSOs per 100 miles of pipe, SSOs versus the five year average number of SSOs, and SSO volume. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrative Order Update Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities performed a voluntary sewer system audit in 1999-2000 at the EPA’s request. During 2003, frequent heavy rains contributed to Charlotte’s worst year of wastewater overflows. At that point the EPA and Utilities met several times to review the audit and actions taken since 2000. Utilities also worked with North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) to receive a state collection system permit. In March 2007, the U.S. EPA issued a formal Administrative Order for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities. This Administrative Order is a regulatory enforcement action that includes a series of steps Utilities must take to reduce overflows in our community. These steps included paying a fine for past spills and assuring that certain construction projects would be completed on time. The administrative order will help guide our ongoing efforts to address a community problem we’ve been working on for many years. Utilities will continue to update the EPA on its progress. Charlotte is the first major city in the Carolinas to face EPA enforcement as it relates to overflows. Quite a few other communities in the southeast, including Atlanta, Mobile and Knoxville have already received a much more severe EPA enforcement action known as a judicial Consent Decree. Preventing sewer spills has been a high priority in Charlotte-Mecklenburg for more than a decade. The administrative order will help further guide our ongoing efforts to address a community problem. We have increased preventative line maintenance, capital improvements and other programs. 10 The EPA’s and our goal for overflows is zero. Reality is that a system our size will always have some overflows, but we agree even one spill is too many. Zero spills continue to be our standard and goal in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Wastewater Treatment Plant Challenges Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities five wastewater treatment plants met 99.93 percent of all discharge limit tests set forth by our NPDES permits but our commitment is 100 percent compliance. Staff continues to improve maintenance capabilities and overall performance. Major rehabilitation and improvement projects help maintain compliance. Future upgrades and expansions are being added. During this fiscal year there were 5 permit limit violations out of a potential of 7,335 compliance tests. Charlotte-Mecklenburg had four bypasses at wastewater treatment facilities. Bypasses occur when mostly treated wastewater leaves the plant without the final stage of treatment, Ultra-Violet Disinfection. These can be caused by an electrical, mechanical, computer, or operator error. In each case, operators on-site quickly responded to the bypass and took appropriate cleanup/repair action. No dead fish were found associated with these bypasses. Utilities operates a system protection program to help maintain our infrastructure. This Pretreatment program has identified, permitted, and regulated large industrial users and others to keep unsuitable discharges out of the wastewater system. While industrial compliance is extremely high in Charlotte-Mecklenburg, identifying other potentially hazardous discharge sources is an ongoing challenge. In fiscal year 2009, the Trunkline Monitoring and Grease Free programs also continued, enabling Utilities System Protection and Water Quality staff to closely observe what industrial, institutional, and commercial customers discharge into the sewer network, identify potential problem areas, and protect the collection system, sewer line workers, and treatment plants. Wastewater Capacity Needs In 2007 a study of the McAlpine, Irwin and Sugar creek basins was completed to help identify our community’s future wastewater treatment capacity needs through the year 2030. Two of the larger, near-term projects include an expansion at the Sugar Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant and a new regional wastewater treatment plant along the Catawba River, near its intersection with Long Creek. Both projects will take years and tens of millions of dollars to complete, and stakeholder input and sustainable design practices are critical components of each. Sugar Creek is in the design phase and on schedule. Long Creek is in the environmental permitting and planning phase. As we proceed with the wastewater master plan, we will remain challenged to address environmental and regulatory needs while designing sustainable facilities and staying within budget, given all the construction cost increases we are experiencing. On another note, the drought and water conservation have resulted in lower-than-projected flow rates at our wastewater plants, and it is unclear yet whether these patterns will persist over time such that wastewater capacities may be extended further than we originally projected. 11 IIA. Listing of Sewer Spills by Month The following is a list of spills (in gallons) from the public wastewater system that occurred between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. Most occurred from the wastewater collection system. Spills that occurred at wastewater plants are noted in the address. July Total Estimate Volume Reaching Surface Water 7/2/2008 7/4/2008 7/4/2008 2700 99 471 2700 99 471 7/5/2008 7/7/2008 7/9/2008 7/10/2008 7/11/2008 7/14/2008 7/15/2008 7/18/2008 7/18/2008 7/19/2008 114 550 450 1500 51 1800 1557 1020 1200 120 114 550 450 1500 51 1800 1557 1020 1200 120 7/20/2008 7/20/2008 7/21/2008 7/23/2008 7/28/2008 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 104 1800 3000 414 600 225 475 104 1800 3000 414 600 225 475 20 total spills 18250 18250 Surface Water Name Little Sugar Creek Tributary Briar Creek Tributary Four Mile Creek Four Mile Tributary Little Sugar Creek Sugar Creek Irwin Creek Tributary McMullen Creek Paw Creek Little Sugar Creek Briar Creek Tributary Irwin Creek Campbell Creek Upper Little Sugar Creek Paw Creek Tributary Briar Creek Tributary Little Sugar Creek Little Sugar Creek Briar Creek Tributary Briar Creek Fish Killed Block 0 0 0 800 2400 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Street Name and Type Cause of Spill / Bypass Pl Av Ln Pipe Failure [Break] Other Roots 900 400 1200 4400 11223 7000 3600 2300 1000 5500 Camborne Kenmore Brenwycke (Matthews) Matthews School (Matthews) Alexander (Matthews) Marsh Statesville Treebark (Pineville) Flintrock Frew Vernon Fairground Hickory Grove Rd St Rd Rd Dr Rd Rd Dr St Rd Debris In Line Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Pipe Failure [Break] Grease Grease 3500 5800 2800 508 5200 6400 2100 Sharon Silver Eagle Meadowcliff Tremont (East) Graham (North) Woody Glen Pinewood Rd Dr Dr Av St Pl Cr Roots Vandalism Grease Debris In Line Roots Grease Roots 13 August Total Estimate Volume Reaching Surface Water Fish Killed Block 8/2/2008 8/6/2008 8/6/2008 8/6/2008 8/9/2008 8/10/2008 800 600 25 34 225 1200 800 600 25 34 225 1020 0 0 0 0 0 0 3500 1200 2400 200 5906 5800 0 270 9 210 3280 4800 670 3600 McAlpine Creek Paw Creek Briar Creek Little Sugar Creek McAlpine Creek Paw Creek South Prong Clarke Creek Campbell Creek Tributary McDowell Creek Campbell Creek Tributary McAlpine Creek Campbell Creek Little Sugar Creek Briar Creek Little Sugar Creek Briar Creek 8/14/2008 210 210 8/18/2008 8/19/2008 365 1190 182 1190 8/24/2008 8/25/2008 8/25/2008 8/27/2008 8/27/2008 8/27/2008 8/27/2008 540 98 210 3280 4800 670 3600 8/27/2008 8/27/2008 8/27/2008 8/27/2008 8/27/2008 8/27/2008 450 680 300 1200 5950 13760 450 0 300 1200 5950 13760 Little Hope Creek Not Applicable Irwin Creek Taggart Creek Briar Creek McAlpine Creek Surface Water Name Cause of Spill / Bypass Street Name and Type Dr St Av St Av Dr 15734 Bon-Rea Exchange Kenmore Church (North) Ryder Silver Eagle Centennial Forest (Huntersville) Dr Grease Grease Pipe Failure [Break] Debris In Line Grease Debris In Line Pump Station Equipment Failure 0 0 7525 203 Linda Lake Lorimer (Davidson) Dr Rd Roots Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6430 7318 6212 2621 357 3120 247 Randy Valleybrook Four Seasons Pine (North) Fannie Westfield Meadowbrook Dr Rd Ln St Cr Rd Rd 0 0 0 0 0 0 1026 920 3400 4518 3601 7400 Montford Sharon Amity (North) Kempton Sampson Shamrock Valleybrook Dr Rd Pl St Dr Rd Roots Roots Debris In Line Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition / Other, Sag Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition 14 8/27/2008 8/27/2008 8/28/2008 8/29/2008 8/31/2008 2400 500 24 415 1500 2400 500 24 0 1350 Briar Creek Paw Creek McAlpine Creek Not Applicable McAlpine Creek 0 0 0 0 0 1909 8924 3011 5050 1300 27 total spills 45026 43059 September Total Estimate Volume Reaching Surface Water Surface Water Name Fish Killed Block 9/1/2008 9/1/2008 9/3/2008 9/3/2008 9/4/2008 9/6/2008 9/6/2008 9/7/2008 60 1200 5600 2355 3150 53 132 360 30 1200 5600 2355 3150 53 13 360 Stewart Creek McMullen Creek McAlpine Creek Derita Branch Irwin Creek Campbell Creek Toby Creek Tributary McMullen Creek 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 2606 1215 5204 633 2931 6411 9139 6007 9/7/2008 9/8/2008 9/8/2008 9/9/2008 9/9/2008 9/13/2008 9/14/2008 1150 360 1800 300 780 1600 1875 575 360 1800 300 780 1600 1875 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15913 2400 600 3400 8500 2800 7920 9/15/2008 9/18/2008 9/18/2008 2400 520 134 2400 520 134 McDowell Creek Lower Sugar Creek Little Sugar Creek Briar Creek Toby Creek Tributary Little Sugar Creek Doby Creek South Prong Clarke Creek Steele Creek Irvins Creek 0 0 0 319 12301 1400 Shoreham Old Dowd Dubberly Farm Pond Marlwood Dr Rd Ct Ln Cr Cause of Spill / Bypass Street Name and Type Roslyn Erinshire Whisperwood Northcrest Bellaire Dale Robert Frost Florence Cranleigh (Huntersville) Archdale Bilmark Monroe University City Huntingtowne Farms Neal Dellwood (Huntersville) Falconer Orchard Lake Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition Grease Grease Roots Av Rd Pl Dr Dr Av Ln Av Roots Grease Grease Vandalism Roots Grease Grease Grease Dr Dr Av Rd Bv Ln Rd Grease Grease Debris In Line Grease Grease Grease Vandalism Dr Pl Dr Grease Grease Roots 15 9/18/2008 9/19/2008 9/20/2008 9/20/2008 9/21/2008 9/22/2008 9/22/2008 9/22/2008 9/22/2008 9/22/2008 9/23/2008 9/23/2008 9/23/2008 9/27/2008 9/27/2008 9/28/2008 9/29/2008 9/30/2008 9/30/2008 9/30/2008 9/30/2008 39 total spills 1085 110 190 2100 61 1200 2400 1215 1800 180 2200 2280 665 2970 91 88 75 1800 174 980 1560 1085 110 0 1050 30 1200 0 1215 1800 0 2200 2280 665 2970 91 44 0 1350 174 980 1248 47053 41597 Sugar Creek Little Sugar Creek Not Applicable Campbell Creek McAlpine Creek Irwin Creek Not Applicable Irwin Creek Tributary Stewart Creek Not Applicable Briar Creek Tributary Stewart Creek Sugar Creek Four Mile Creek Four Mile Creek Reedy Creek Tributary Not Applicable Briar Creek McMullen Creek Six Mile Creek Campbell Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5130 1308 8806 5716 413 801 7320 2628 1232 5000 1301 3627 724 11336 6700 226 1544 825 4009 16045 5723 Parkway Plaza Squirrel Hill Sharonbrook Cedars East Livingston Holland Old Dowd Celia Hazel Morris Field Morningside Crestridge Montana Deer Ridge Windyrush Shenandoah Duckworth Villa Craig Johnston Cedars East Bv Rd Dr Ct Dr Av Rd Av St Dr Dr Dr Dr Ln Rd Cr Av Ct Av Rd Ct Grease Grease Grease Other Roots Grease Pipe Failure [Break] Grease Grease Grease Vandalism Pipe Failure [Break] Grease Roots Debris In Line Roots Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease 16 October Total Estimate Volume Reaching Surface Water 10/1/2008 10/2/2008 10/2/2008 10/3/2008 4400 3020 285 111 4400 3020 285 111 10/4/2008 10/5/2008 10/13/2008 10/13/2008 10/14/2008 10/14/2008 10/15/2008 10/15/2008 10/16/2008 10/16/2008 10/17/2008 10/17/2008 355 920 42 660 1770 120 1500 248 520 82 230 560 10/17/2008 10/17/2008 10/20/2008 10/21/2008 10/23/2008 10/27/2008 10/28/2008 10/28/2008 Cause of Spill / Bypass Surface Water Name Fish Killed Block Street Name and Type 0 0 0 0 1536 8001 3301 13430 Tyvola Larkhaven Krupa Cassington Rd Rd Ct Ct Grease Grease Grease Grease 355 920 42 660 1770 120 1500 248 520 82 230 560 Sugar Creek Tributary Gum Branch Briar Creek Tributary Walker Branch West Branch Rocky River Little Sugar Creek McAlpine Creek Briar Creek Tributary Toby Creek Briar Creek Tributary Mallard Creek Irwin Creek Briar Creek McAlpine Creek Stewart Creek Clarke Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 246 5239 7500 4132 8600 4211 12412 1721 2001 14925 814 205 Dr Rd Rd Ln Bv Dr Ln Av Rd Dr Dr St Grease Grease Grease Grease Debris In Line Pipe Failure [Break] Grease Grease Debris In Line Grease Roots Grease 760 4316 760 4316 Lake Norman McMullen Creek 0 0 100 1215 Pl Rd Grease Pipe Failure [Break] 12600 300 112 104 60 1350 1260 300 112 104 60 1350 Little Sugar Creek Briar Creek Briar Creek Briar Creek Stewart Creek Little Sugar Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 425 1028 1000 6109 2632 5200 Ashby (Davidson) Queen Anne Sardis Larkspur University City Oak Forest Clackwyck Lela Milton John J Delaney Seldon 3rd (Huntersville) North Harbor (Davidson) Erinshire Towne Centre (Pineville) Hickory Nut Wendover (North) Delham Coronet Pine Bv St Rd Dr Wy Dr Grease Roots Grease Grease Pipe Failure [Break] Pipe Failure [Break] 17 10/28/2008 10/29/2008 10/29/2008 10/30/2008 10/31/2008 10/31/2008 30 total spills 300 5850 0 124 30 19 0 5265 0 124 0 0 Not Applicable Paw Creek Not Applicable Briar Creek Not Applicable Not Applicable 0 0 0 0 0 0 251 3521 4421 6201 255 944 40748 28474 November Total Estimate Volume Reaching Surface Water Surface Water Name Fish Killed Block 11/1/2008 11/2/2008 11/5/2008 11/6/2008 11/7/2008 11/10/2008 11/11/2008 11/11/2008 11/11/2008 11/12/2008 11/15/2008 11/17/2008 300 180 1320 63 332 240 410 1850 240 105 164 200 0 0 1320 63 0 0 410 1850 240 105 0 200 Not Applicable Not Applicable Lake Cornelius Paw Creek Not Applicable Not Applicable Campbell Creek Briar Creek Tributary Little Sugar Creek Stewart Creek Not Applicable Taggart Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20152 6556 791 1920 12110 600 5289 2119 600 2632 6800 3701 11/17/2008 11/17/2008 11/17/2008 11/18/2008 11/21/2008 120 900 3600 29 75 120 900 3600 29 75 Four Mile Creek McAlpine Creek Mallard Creek Tributary McAlpine Creek Irwin Creek 0 0 0 0 0 3516 5000 8909 7124 2000 Ney (Davidson) Mulberry Church Swan Meadow Barrington Hebron (East) Courtney (Matthews) Cr Rd Ln Dr St Ln Cause of Spill / Bypass Street Name and Type Washam (Cornelius) Deermont Peninsula (Davidson) Daytona New Abbey Kings (South) Ficus Tree Sharon Kings (South) Coronet Dumbarton Carlyle Crescent Knoll (Matthews) Broken Saddle J W Clay Carosan Camp Greene Roots Pipe Failure [Break] Grease Grease Roots Roots St Ct Dr Av Pl Dr Ln Av Dr Wy Dr Dr Grease Vandalism Grease Grease Grease Grease Debris In Line Grease Grease Pipe Failure [Break] Debris In Line Grease Dr Ln Bv Ln St Grease Roots Grease Roots Grease 18 11/23/2008 11/24/2008 11/26/2008 11/26/2008 11/27/2008 11/27/2008 11/28/2008 24 total spills 1200 230 840 273 250 750 600 1200 0 756 0 250 750 600 Irwin Creek Tributary Not Applicable Paw Creek Not Applicable Briar Creek McAlpine Creek Little Sugar Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1940 500 5000 4912 5917 1412 3800 14271 12468 December Total Estimate Volume Reaching Surface Water Surface Water Name Fish Killed Block 12/1/2008 12/2/2008 2700 120 2700 60 Paw Creek Tributary Toby Creek 0 0 7524 8420 12/2/2008 12/3/2008 12/3/2008 50 1017 250 50 1017 0 McMullen Creek McMullen Creek Not Applicable 0 0 0 8220 413 6400 12/3/2008 12/3/2008 12/3/2008 12/5/2008 12/6/2008 12/6/2008 12/6/2008 12/7/2008 12/7/2008 12/8/2008 195 120 215 17 402 1200 120 261 3600 825 97 60 215 0 201 1200 120 261 3600 825 Four Mile Creek Irving Tributary Briar Creek Not Applicable Dairy Branch Tributary Little Sugar Creek McAlpine Creek Irving Creek Tributary Four Mile Creek Campbell Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2405 2500 718 2307 2029 1571 3328 304 6101 6348 St John Davidson (North) Freedom Quail Canyon Albemarle East Barden Park St St Dr Dr Rd Rd Rd Street Name and Type Kenstead University City Pineville-Matthews (Pineville) Livingston Reagan Hidden Trail (Matthews) Beatties Ford Harwyn Red Barn Springdale Pecan Fortis Honeywood Providence Glen Green Vista Roots Grease Grease Roots Grease Grease Roots Cause of Spill / Bypass Cr Bv Vandalism Grease Rd Dr Dr Grease Roots Grease Ct Rd Dr Ln Av Av Ln Av Rd Ct Roots Grease Pipe Failure [Break] Roots Grease Grease Grease Grease Vandalism Grease 19 12/9/2008 338 338 Irwin Creek 0 5415 12/10/2008 12/11/2008 300 75000 300 37500 Lake Davidson McAlpine Creek 0 0 20705 6101 12/12/2008 12/12/2008 12/13/2008 12/13/2008 12/14/2008 12/21/2008 12/22/2008 12/23/2008 12/23/2008 12/26/2008 12/26/2008 12/27/2008 12/27/2008 12/28/2008 12/29/2008 12/29/2008 12/29/2008 12/30/2008 12/30/2008 37 total spills 195 425 85 135 106 680 150 105 300 834 770 158 720 141 530 275 7800 960 415 0 212 42 135 0 340 75 105 150 834 770 0 720 141 53 137 7800 960 415 Not Applicable Briar Creek Swan Run Branch Briar Creek Not Applicable Coffey Creek Long Creek McAlpine Creek McAlpine Tributary McMullen Creek Edward Branch Not Applicable Little Sugar Creek Irwin Creek McAlpine Lower Little Sugar Long Creek Tributary Walker Branch Irving Creek Tributary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19400 5122 7000 5100 3416 528 9217 9038 6600 6727 3612 624 635 710 6614 1411 10415 12100 7459 101514 61433 Graypark Sterling Bay (East), Cornelius Bentway West Catawba (Cornelius) Auburndale Folger Central Winslow Crocus Trinity Covedale Kirkstall Rosemary Winterfield Northway Neal Yorkmont Ronda Sharon (West) Mount Holly Cartgate Elwood Dr Grease Ln Dr Grease Severe Natural Condition Av Rd Dr Av Dr Ct Rd Dr Ct Ln Pl Dr Dr Rd Av Rd Rd Ln Dr Debris In Line Debris In Line Roots Grease Roots Grease Debris In Line Roots Grease Grease Grease Grease Roots Roots Roots Grease Vandalism Grease Grease 20 January Total Estimate Volume Reaching Surface Water Surface Water Name Fish Killed Block 1/1/2009 1/1/2009 1/2/2009 1/5/2009 96 710 150 2490 96 710 150 1245 Briar Creek Little Sugar Creek McMullen Creek McIntyre Creek 0 0 0 0 1914 6133 6500 5936 Eastway Colchester Sharon Hills St Frances (Pineville) Dr Pl Rd Dr 1/6/2009 1/6/2009 1/7/2009 1/8/2009 720 3600 399 38 360 3600 399 38 Big Sugar Creek McAlpine Creek Campbell Creek Paw Tuckette 0 0 0 0 10112 6101 5417 4126 Industrial (Pineville) Bentway Biederbeck Eddleman Dr Dr Dr Rd 1/8/2009 1/8/2009 600 122 600 122 0 0 10112 4816 Industrial (Pineville) Fairheath Dr Rd 1/9/2009 1/10/2009 1/13/2009 1/14/2009 1/17/2009 1/17/2009 1/18/2009 1/19/2009 1/21/2009 1/21/2009 1/21/2009 1/21/2009 1/23/2009 1/24/2009 160 1460 600 240 1132 60 1499 11 960 1200 60 175 1200 600 160 1460 600 240 1132 0 1499 0 960 1200 0 175 1200 300 Big Sugar Creek Little Sugar Creek Campbell Creek Tributary McMullen Creek Steele Creek Tributary McMullen Creek Six Mile Creek Not Applicable Gum Branch Not Applicable Campbell Creek Campbell Creek Not Applicable Little Sugar Creek Six Mile Creek Reedy Creek Grease Grease Roots Vandalism Severe Natural Condition / Other Severe Natural Condition Grease Roots Severe Natural Condition / Other Grease 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3431 3308 13039 4107 5417 3807 7927 6014 7526 6616 3429 828 5417 6322 Sharon Amity (North) Cambria Rothe House Tapperty Burwash Oldfield Old Plank Lakeview Dorn Highbrook Cypress Pond White Plains Burwash Randy Rd Rd Rd Cr Ct Rd Rd Rd Cr Dr Dr Rd Ct Dr Grease Roots Vandalism Grease Grease Roots Other Roots Roots Pipe Failure [Break] Grease Grease Grease Grease Street Name and Type Cause of Spill / Bypass 21 1/25/2009 1/26/2009 1/26/2009 1/27/2009 1/27/2009 1/27/2009 1/29/2009 1/31/2009 1/31/2009 33 total spills 780 81 160 69 88 395 220 750 250 780 81 160 69 44 395 220 750 125 Linda Lake Irwin Creek Sugar Creek Briar Creek Irvins Creek Tributary Little Sugar McMullen Creek Campbell Creek Stewart Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6631 5524 1340 5721 2617 322 4723 7817 1520 21075 18870 February Total Estimate 2/1/2009 2/1/2009 2/2/2009 2/5/2009 2/7/2009 2/7/2009 2/8/2009 2/8/2009 2/10/2009 2/12/2009 2/14/2009 2/14/2009 2/15/2009 2/16/2009 450 900 81 231 470 120 240 1150 1325 2550 600 1920 325 240 Williams South Queens (West) The Plaza Pitts Lamar Stafford Briardale South Rd Bv Rd Volume Reaching Surface Water Surface Water Name Fish Killed Block Street Name and Type 450 900 81 231 235 120 240 862 662 1275 300 1920 162 120 Mallard Creek Briar Creek Irwin Creek Irwin Creek Tributary Little Sugar Creek Rocky River Tributary Campbell Creek McAlpine Creek McAlpine Creek Sugar Creek Irwin Creek Swan Run Branch Little Sugar Creek Mallard Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11001 5913 3600 1823 2621 1107 5513 5813 11833 1162 3701 7428 1823 2200 Painted Tree Plainfield Hashem Northbrook Pine (North) Woody (Davidson) Lawrence Orr Camilla Post Ridge Nations Nevin Sheffingdell Seigle Ben Craig Dr Av Cr Dr Bv Rd Dr Dr Dr St Ln Rd Dr Ct Dr Rd Dr Av Dr Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Roots Grease Cause of Spill / Bypass Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Roots Roots Grease Grease Roots Grease Grease Grease Roots 22 St St St Dr Bv Dr Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Other 6211 6504 6819 2000 10148 5316 1034 5000 9705 2918 6000 26th (West) State Pine Wyndham Oaks South Barringer Gold Wagon (Mint Hill) War Eagle Rambling Rose St Johns Church Orchard Grass Kimmerly Glen Nancy Erickson Tryon (North) Tacoma Ingleside Ln Ln Dr Rd Ct Ln Dr Rd St St Dr Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Debris In Line Pipe Failure [Break] Grease Grease 800 10611 3564 16205 5016 Beaty (Davidson) Hugue Cameron Creek Annahill Glenview St Wy Dr Ct Ct Grease Grease Grease Vandalism Other 2/17/2009 2/17/2009 2/18/2009 2/19/2009 2/19/2009 2/19/2009 210 120 144 485 180 5 210 0 144 485 180 5 Little Sugar Creek Not Applicable Little Sugar Creek Four Mile Creek Kings Branch Irwin Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 414 600 2513 15110 4651 3101 2/20/2009 2/21/2009 2/22/2009 2/22/2009 2/23/2009 2/24/2009 2/24/2009 2/25/2009 2/25/2009 2/25/2009 2/25/2009 270 174 88 360 123 550 78 630 50 78 450 135 174 88 360 30 550 78 630 50 78 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/26/2009 2/26/2009 2/27/2009 2/27/2009 2/27/2009 36 total spills 900 2400 600 240 90 900 2400 600 240 90 Irvins Creek Tributary Paw Creek Campbell Creek Reedy Creek Withers Cove Briar Creek Briar Creek Edward Branch Mallard Creek Tributary Stewart Creek Sugar Creek Davidson Creek Tributary Long Creek Four Mile Creek Six Mile Briar Creek Tributary 0 0 0 0 0 18827 15435 23 March Total Estimate Volume Reaching Surface Water Surface Water Name Fish Killed Block 3/1/2009 180 0 Not Applicable 0 2621 Ashley Rd 3/1/2009 3/3/2009 3/4/2009 3/4/2009 3/5/2009 3/6/2009 3/6/2009 3/7/2009 3/8/2009 3/9/2009 3/10/2009 3/11/2009 3/12/2009 3/13/2009 3/18/2009 3/18/2009 3/19/2009 1110 210 182 117 1480 670 12 45 47 132 90 3198 1500 136 262 720 560 1110 210 182 117 1480 0 12 0 0 132 0 799 1500 0 262 720 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1026 3901 2725 600 6931 6816 9010 11625 11914 4532 611 2040 2500 8460 1617 2121 4524 Montford Pine Grove Water Ridge 8th (East) Crossridge Idlewild Monroe Sunswept Rock Canyon Valeview Mountainview Stonebridge Cross Point Huntdale Sugar Hollow Margaret Wallace Drifter Dr Cr Py St Rd Rd Rd Ln Dr Ln Dr Ln Cr Ct Dr Rd Dr 3/19/2009 3/20/2009 3/21/2009 3/21/2009 175 78 62 146 175 78 31 73 0 0 0 0 5814 4310 1119 9626 Rose Valley Windwood Fontana Barkridge (Mint Hill) Dr Cr Av Rd Pipe Failure [Break] Roots Roots Grease 3/22/2009 3/22/2009 375 2 375 0 Sugar Creek Upper Little Sugar Creek Coffey Creek Little Sugar Creek Paw Creek Not Applicable McAlpine Creek Not Applicable Not Applicable Irwin Creek Not Applicable Briar Creek Tributary Irvins Creek Not Applicable Long Creek Campbell Creek Goose Creek Little Sugar Creek Tributary McAlpine Creek Irwin Creek Tributary McAlpine Creek Swan Run Creek Tributary Not Applicable Roots Severe Natural Condition / Other Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Pipe Failure [Break] Grease Debris In Line Grease Grease Debris In Line Grease Grease Grease Debris In Line Roots 0 0 7400 817 Valleybrook Wriston Rd Pl Grease Grease Street Name and Type Cause of Spill / Bypass 24 3/23/2009 3/26/2009 3/26/2009 3/27/2009 3/29/2009 3/29/2009 3/29/2009 3/29/2009 900 37 8 1540 300 1350 300 300 0 0 8 770 270 1012 300 300 3/29/2009 3/29/2009 3/30/2009 3/31/2009 36 total spills 370 100 255 59 370 100 255 59 17008 10980 April Total Estimate Volume Reaching Surface Water 4/1/2009 4/2/2009 4/3/2009 4/4/2009 4/4/2009 4/4/2009 4/6/2009 4/9/2009 4/9/2009 4/10/2009 4200 244 122 508 2880 184 140 240 1200 120 4200 244 61 508 2304 184 70 240 1200 120 Not Applicable Not Applicable Back Creek Clear Creek Little Sugar Creek Four Mile Creek Briar Creek Irwin Creek McMullen Creek Tributary Briar Creek Little Sugar Creek Briar Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 700 3510 9519 8321 1200 4750 3030 2400 Toddville Dewitt Vera Jones Raven Top (Mint Hill) Marsh Andrews Links Shamrock Statesville Rd Ln Ln Dr Rd St Dr Av Roots Roots Grease Pipe Failure [Break] Debris In Line Roots Grease Grease 0 0 0 0 4730 1709 5714 3708 Stafford Shamrock Eastbrook Medallion Cr Dr Rd Dr Grease Grease Grease Grease Surface Water Name Fish Killed Block Little Sugar Creek Briar Creek Withers Cove Doby Creek Tributary Briar Creek Tributary Four Mile Creek McMullen Creek Irwin Creek Rocky River Tributary Four Mile Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 739 1363 11519 7245 4200 10507 6555 417 4501 9109 Cause of Spill / Bypass Street Name and Type 12th (East) Carolyn Tall Cedar McTeal Vinetta Lady Grace Summerlin Andrill Fairvista Deerpark St Dr Ct Pl Ct Ln Pl Tr Dr Ln Grease Roots Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease 25 4/10/2009 4/11/2009 4/13/2009 4/13/2009 4/15/2009 4/17/2009 4/19/2009 2275 120 600 585 144 187 120 2275 120 600 292 144 93 0 4/21/2009 4/21/2009 142 220 71 220 4/21/2009 4/22/2009 4/23/2009 4/23/2009 4/24/2009 4/25/2009 4/25/2009 4/25/2009 4/27/2009 4/30/2009 29 total spills 3000 9450 146 690 75 15 55 45 85 46 1500 9450 146 690 75 15 55 45 85 23 27838 25030 May Total Estimate Volume Reaching Surface Water 5/2/2009 5/3/2009 64 2600 32 650 McAlpine Creek Tributary Briar Creek Stoney Creek Tributary McAlpine Creek Taggart Creek Coffee Creek Not Applicable Cr Dr Dr Rd Dr Dr Dr Grease Grease Roots Grease Grease Roots Grease 20740 12019 Summerglen Barclay Downs Beauvista Pineburr Airport Farmhurst Dumbarton Torrence Chapel (Cornelius) Verhoeff (Huntersville) Rd Dr Grease Debris In Line 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12811 900 10900 5710 8456 402 11511 6511 3934 4940 Ramah Church W T Harris (West) Stonepath Allenstown Othello 19th (East) Tall Cedar Wild Orchid Hager Broad Hollow Rd Bv Ln Dr Pl St Ct Ct Dr Dr Pipe Failure [Break] Grease Grease Roots Grease Debris In Line Grease Roots Grease Roots Surface Water Name Fish Killed Block Street Name and Type Paw Creek Tributary McAlpine Creek 0 0 1035 6565 Lake Norman Tributary Torrence Creek North Prong Clarke Creek Doby Creek Four Mile Creek Briar Creek Reedy Creek Sugar Creek Steele Creek Doby Creek Tributary Taggart Creek McMullen Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8306 3719 3813 6130 5400 516 6802 0 0 Tilden Louglen Cause of Spill / Bypass Rd Cr Roots Grease 26 5/3/2009 5/5/2009 5/5/2009 5/5/2009 5/5/2009 5/5/2009 5/10/2009 5/10/2009 5/11/2009 5/11/2009 5/12/2009 5/12/2009 5/12/2009 5/15/2009 5/15/2009 5/16/2009 5/16/2009 5/25/2009 5/25/2009 5/25/2009 5/28/2009 5/31/2009 24 total spills 1325 99 3475 2500 3700 1520 550 1800 68 1495 1068 220 10 243 73 98 940 240 80 180 48 1280 1325 49 3475 2500 3700 1520 550 1800 68 1495 1068 220 5 243 73 98 940 0 0 0 24 1280 23676 21115 Irwin Creek Tributary McMullen Creek Little Sugar Creek McMullen Creek Briar Creek Briar Creek Marvin Branch McAlpine Creek Little Hope Creek Mallard Creek Little Sugar Creek Irwin Creek McMullen Creek Old Steele Creek Littl Hope Creek Four Mile Creek McMullen Creek Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Six Mile Creek Briar Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3439 1923 1701 5701 325 357 9900 8030 525 2405 1522 3000 5901 4642 634 10704 5900 19725 4010 518 17316 3514 Reid East Barden Jameston Charing Meadowbrook Fannie Eden Hall Glencannon Belton Haybrook Edgewater Wilkinson Donegal Wilkinson Archdale Jordan Rae Sharon Hills Oak (Cornelius) Tennessee Beatties Ford Brightstone Enfield Av Rd Dr Pl Rd Cr Ct Dr St Ln Dr Bv Dr Bv Dr Ln Rd St Av Rd Ct Rd Grease Roots Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition Severe Natural Condition Grease Grease Grease Roots Roots Grease Roots Grease Grease Grease Other Grease Roots Debris In Line Grease Grease 27 June Total Estimate Volume Reaching Surface Water Surface Water Name Fish Killed Block Street Name and Type 6/1/2009 6/1/2009 6/1/2009 6/3/2009 6/3/2009 792 1200 50 192 54 792 600 50 192 27 Clarke Creek Tributary Long Creek Tributary Little Sugar Creek McMullen Creek McAlpine Creek 0 0 0 0 0 6048 6610 5159 241 711 Champions Crest Sunman Park Wonderwood Bethune Dr Rd Rd Dr Pl 6/5/2009 1370 1370 Little Hope Creek 0 1026 Montford Dr 6/5/2009 6/5/2009 6/8/2009 6/9/2009 6/10/2009 6/10/2009 6/11/2009 6/16/2009 6/17/2009 6/18/2009 6/22/2009 6/23/2009 6/24/2009 6/25/2009 6/25/2009 6/26/2009 6/27/2009 23 total spills 800 48 73 175 438 390 38 704 23 4 60 46 41 45 60 1850 120 800 48 65 175 394 390 0 633 0 4 0 46 20 45 0 925 Little Sugar Creek Irwin Creek Edwards Branch Long Creek Coffey Creek Little Sugar Creek Not Applicable Irwin Creek Not Applicable Derita Branch Lake Norman Paw Creek McAlpine Creek Irwin Creek Not Applicable Taggart Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2501 2700 811 10311 5601 5001 2800 5400 3400 925 16802 7421 6500 6401 8502 4001 10127 Tryon (North) Abelwood Ashmore Hatter Ridge Wilkinson Park Wickersham Nations Ford Tyvola (West) Craighead (West) Baywatch (Cornelius) Honey Flower Monroe Statesville Deerwood Carlyle Tallent (Huntersville) St Rd Dr Tr Bv Rd Rd Rd Rd Rd Ct Pl Rd Rd Rd Dr Ln 8573 6576 Cause of Spill / Bypass Grease Grease Pipe Failure [Break] Grease Roots Severe Natural Condition / Other Severe Natural Condition / Debris Grease Grease Grease Roots Pipe Failure [Break] Roots Roots Other Other Pipe Failure [Break] Grease Grease Debris In Line Pipe Failure [Break] Other Grease 28 TOTAL NUMBER OF FY09 COLLECTION SYSTEM SPILLS: 358 VOLUME SAFELY COLLECTED, TREATED & DISCHARGED: 29,689,180,400 GALLONS TOTAL VOLUME OF FY09 SPILLED: 383,859 GALLONS TOTAL VOLUME OF FY09 THAT REACHED SURFACE WATERS: 303,287 GALLONS PERCENTAGE OF WASTWATER SAFELY COLLECTED, TREATED AND RELEASED DURING FY09: more than 99.9987% FY08: more than 99.9982% FY07: more than 99.9948% FY06: more than 99.9988% FY05: more than 99.993% SECTION IIB. Permit Compliance and Reporting Violations, by plant Irwin Creek WWTP -- NPDES Permit #NC0024945 MONTH PERMIT LIMIT COMPLIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE July, 2008 August, 2008 September, 2008 None None Daily maximum fecal coliform violation occurred on 9/3/09 due to equipment malfunction. None None None None None None None None None None None None October, 2008 November, 2008 December, 2008 January, 2009 February, 2009 March, 2009 April, 2009 May, 2009 June, 2009 None None None None None None None None None 29 Mallard Creek WRF -- NPDES Permit #NC0030210 MONTH PERMIT LIMIT COMPLIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE July, 2008 August, 2008 September, 2008 October, 2008 November, 2008 December, 2008 January, 2009 February, 2009 March, 2009 April, 2009 May, 2009 June, 2009 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Mallard Creek WRF Re-Use Discharge -- NPDES Permit #NC0013252 MONTH PERMIT LIMIT COMPLIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE July, 2008 August, 2008 September, 2008 October, 2008 November, 2008 December, 2008 January, 2009 February, 2009 March, 2009 April, 2009 May, 2009 June, 2009 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 30 McAlpine Creek WWTF -- NPDES Permit #NC0024970 MONTH PERMIT LIMIT COMPLIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE July, 2008 August, 2008 September, 2008 October, 2008 November, 2008 December, 2008 January, 2009 February, 2009 March, 2009 April, 2009 May, 2009 June, 2009 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None McDowell Creek WWTP -- NPDES Permit #NC0036277 MONTH PERMIT LIMIT COMPLIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE July, 2008 August, 2008 September, 2008 October, 2008 November, 2008 December, 2008 January, 2009 February, 2009 March, 2009 April, 2009 May, 2009 June, 2009 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 31 Sugar Creek WWTP -- NPDES Permit #NC0024937 MONTH July, 2008 August, 2008 September, 2008 October, 2008 November, 2008 December, 2008 January, 2009 February, 2009 March, 2009 April, 2009 May, 2009 June, 2009 PERMIT LIMIT COMPLIANCE None None None None None None Three daily maximum fecal violations occurred on 1/22, 1/23, and 1/29. The Weekly geometric mean for fecal coliform was also exceeded the week of the January 18th through the 24th. The fecal coliform violations this month were due to plant solids issues and issues with the Ultra Violet (UV) disinfection system. None None None None None REPORTING REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE None None None None None None None None None None None None 32