Kristian Sandahl, IDA Metrics count: number, date of arrival etc. Scheduling Decision (accept, reject, further evaluation) Prioritisation Classification Unique identification 7 steps: Problem identification Analysis Design Implementation System test Acceptance test Delivery Driven by Modification Request (MR) Output new baseline (≈ approved product) Problem identification IEEE maintenance model Kristian Sandahl, IDA Kristian Sandahl, IDA Kristian Sandahl, IDA “The modification of a software product after delivery to correct faults, to improve performance or other attributes, or to adapt the product to a modified environment” IEEE-STD 1219 Goal: Types of maintenance Maintenance process Experimentation in software engineering Design for Maintainability Research in Linköping Code understanding About 70% of all software costs! Definition Changing software 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Cost Feasibility Impact analysis Cost estimation Benefits Requirements formulation Safety and security impact analysis Test strategy Plan Analysis maintenance Perfective maintenance Adaptive Corrective maintenance Preventive maintenance Classification Kristian Sandahl, IDA Kristian Sandahl, IDA Perfective Adaptive Corrective Assessment and Assimilation (0-8) Software Understanding (10-50) 0.4 * percentage of changed design 0.3 * percentage of changed code 0.3 * percentage of integrated external code Kristian Sandahl, IDA Kristian Sandahl, IDA Instrumentation: avg number of probe points Self-descriptiveness Readability: 0.295*avg var length+0.499*statement lines+0.13V(G) avg methods per class / avg lines of code per class Modularity: Cyclomatic number (McCabe(1976)): V(G) = e – n + 2p Complexity: Effort = number of staff months C1 = scaling constant EAF = Effort Adjustment Factor Size = number of delivered, human produced source code instructions (KDSI) P1 = exponent describing the scaling inherent of the process (0.91-1.23) Effort = C1 EAF (Size)P1 Kristian Sandahl, IDA Boehm et al: Predict maintenance size: Size = ASLOC *0.01* Follow up impact analysis Update design model Acceptance testing Metrics Update implementation model Test cases System testing Effort Unit test Verification of requirements Testing Maintainability Code Design Kristian Sandahl, IDA Implementation Design Kristian Sandahl, IDA Kristian Sandahl, IDA design class method method method class method method method few many class method method method Kristian Sandahl, IDA Kristian Sandahl, IDA implementation class method method method Coupling and cohesion analysis Traceability unnecessary correct predicted wrong actual Kristian Sandahl, IDA Underprediction Underpredictionfactor factor1,5 1,5- -66 Lindvall Lindvall&&Sandahl: Sandahl: Case-study Case-studyPMR: PMR:Kristian Sandahl, IDA Research: Impact analysis High cohesion Low coupling Identify change-prone properties Factor out parameters Explicitly handle rules and equations Low McCabe complexity Corba object 1 Corba object 5 Corba object 2,3,4 Statistics Kristian Sandahl, IDA Trace log Visualistation Corba object 6 Corba object Research: Tracing system dynamics Kristian Sandahl, IDA Equation: working week = 38.75 h Rule: if permanently employed and more than three years before retirement then offer home-PC Instead of: plot(145,150) plot(163, 300) Write: y:=150 plot(145, y) plot(163, y*2) Configuration management Change control Change-prone properties Design for maintenance Present results Summarise statistics activity tool mechanism Operational profiles Observation Coverage Active probing Built on Simulation Uses Testing Testing Usage System evaluation Evaluation Tuning Applications test suites A user can change the observed system or prototyping, test or operation A user activates observation or/and simulation during Collect data By Johan Moe Kristian Sandahl, IDA Kristian Sandahl, IDA Method for improvement by understanding the dynamic behaviour in distributed systems Parser Parser Kristian Sandahl, IDA International Conference on Software Maintenance, October 1-3, Bari, Italy, 1997. by Anneliese von Mayrhauser and A. Marie Vans Kristian Sandahl, IDA Trace sequences (Correct/non correct) Statistics Hypothesis-Driven Understanding Process During Corrective Maintenance of Large Scale Software Raw traces (txt) Log Logserver server Observation Observation Toolbox Kristian Sandahl, IDA Systematic Opportunistic Cross-referencing Kristian Sandahl, IDA A Goal or Question drives the process of understanding They can be explicit or implicit According to a certain Strategy, Hypothesis are formed A Strategy can be: Theory Visualisation Kristian Sandahl, IDA bridge between top-down model and program model Hard to abandon hypotheses Small steps Outside expertise: Many abandoned hypotheses Large steps ”Arsenal” behaviour Within area of expertise: Confirms the belief that the situation model is a More than half of hypotheses caused a switch Kristian Sandahl, IDA Actions: stating a goal, stating a hypothesis, supporting actions X program, top-down (domain), situation (algorithm) Hypothesis type: what, why, how Resolution: confirmed, abandoned, rejected Kristian Sandahl, IDA Kristian Sandahl, IDA procedure/function concepts, environment and tools Program model: statement execution order, code correctness, variable Situation model: functionality at procedure level (abstracted from program) Types: few Why (attitude: I’ll do my part?) Domain level: most in localising faults, Dynamic resolution process Four professional programmers Software at least 40 KLOC 2 hour video/audio recording Think aloud Corrective maintenance Transcription Coding: Type of hypotheses Hypothesis switching Design of study Flexible in approach to comprehension ”Arsenal” approach Support flexible starting points Support cross-referencing Goal completion is sequential. There is lot of switching between levels understand software at all levels Corrective maintenance has a need to Conclusion hypotheses (38/51). More things unknown in corrective maintenance. Kristian Sandahl, IDA Kristian Sandahl, IDA Earlier study in porting programs generated fewer Explanation: Surprisingly many abandoned Hypothesis resolution