University College London Dental Public Health

University College
Dental Public Health
Annual Report 2009
UCL Dental Public Health Group Annual Report 2009
Current Research
Journal Publications
Other Publications
NHS and Other Health Services Activity
Postgraduate Students
MSc in Dental Public Health
PhD Students
Conference Presentations
The Dental Public Health (DPH) Group is one of the 12 research groups within
the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London
(UCL). This report summarises the main research, teaching and NHS/policy
activities undertaken by the DPH Group in 2009.
Professor Richard G Watt, Professor and Honorary Consultant in Dental
Public Health
Dr George Tsakos, Senior Lecturer in Dental Public Health
Professor Aubrey Sheiham. Emeritus Professor in Dental Pubic Health
Professor Martin Hobdell, Visiting Professor in Dental Public Health
Dr Wael Sabbah, Research Fellow
Louise Gregory, Teaching and Research Administrative Assistant
Honorary Staff
Huda Yusuf, Specialist Registrar in Dental Public Health
Jenny Donaghy, Consultant in Dental Public Health, Islington and Camden
Primary Care Trusts.
Dr Paul Batchelor, Consultant in Dental Public Health, Berkshire West
Primary Care Trust.
Dr George Gillespie, Honorary Lecturer in Dental Public Health
Habib Benzian, Honorary Lecturer in Dental Public Health
Current research projects
Adult Dental Health Survey (England, Wales & Northern Ireland). Lead contractor
Office for National Statistics with consortium of university partners including DPH
Exploratory and developmental trial of a family centred nutrition intervention
delivered in Children’s Centres and the home environment. PI Richard Watt.
Awarded by Food Standards Agency.
Development and testing of a social determinants model of oral health. PI
Richard Watt. Awarded by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research,
Preventing obesity in young people attending primary dental care settings: an
exploratory randomised controlled trial. PI Richard Watt. Awarded by National
Institute for Health Research.
Testing the effects of tooth extraction (the OUT component of the WHO Basic
Package of Oral Health Care) on increased velocity of weight gain and
improvement in oral health related quality of life. A study on preschool
underweight Filipino children with severe dental decay. Awarded by FDI World
Dental Federation.
Journal publications
Benzian, H., Weber, G. (2009) Public health activities shaping the profile of the
FDI World Dental Federation. Developing Dentistry, 10, 3-6.
Bernabé, E., Kivimaki, M., Tsakos, G., Watt RG. (2009). The relationship among
sense of coherence, socio-economic status, and oral health related behaviours
among Finnish dentate adults. European Journal of Oral Sciences 117, 413-418.
Bernabé, E., Krisdapong, S., Sheiham, A., Tsakos, G. (2009) Comparison of the
discriminative ability of the Generic and Condition-Specific forms of the ChildOIDP index: A study on children with different types of normative dental
treatment needs. Community Dentistry Oral Epidemiology 37(2), 155-62.
Bernabé, E., M. de Oliveira, C., Sheiham, A., Tsakos, G. (2009). Assessing
Levels of Agreement between Two Commonly Used Oral Health-Related Quality
of Life Measures. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 69 (3), 143-148. _
Bernabé, E., de Oliveira, CM., Sheiham, A., Tsakos, G. (2009) Comparison of
the generic and condition-specific forms of the Oral Impacts on Daily
Performances (OIDP) index. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 69(3),176-81.
Bernabé, E., Sheiham, A., Sabbah, W. (2009). Assessing the level of agreement
between the self and interview administered Child OIDP. 242. Income, income
inequality, dental caries and dental care levels: an ecological study in rich
countries. Caries Res. 43, 294-301.
Bernabé, E., Tsakos, G., Watt, RG., Suominen-Tapipale, A., Uutela, A., Vahtera,
J., Kivimaki, M. (2009). Structure of the Sense of Coherence scale in a nationally
representative sample: the Finnish Health 2000 survey. Quality of Life Research
18, 629-636.
Bernabé, E., Watt, RG., Sheiham, A. et al., (2009). The influence of sense of
coherence on the relationship between childhood socioeconomic status and adult
oral health-related behaviours. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 37,
Botelho, R., Wassum, K., Benzian, H., Selby, P., Chan, S. (2009) Address the
gaps in tobacco cessation training and services: developing professional
organisational alliances to create social movements. Drug Alcohol Rev., 28, 558566.
Cortés Martinicorena, FJ., Rosel Gallardo, E., Artazcoz Osés, J., Bravo, M.,
Tsakos, G. (2009) Adaptation and validation for Spain of the Child-Oral Impact
on Daily Performance (C-OIDP) for use with adolescents. Medicina Oral,
Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal, 15(1), 106-11.
Delgado-Angulo, EK., Bernabe, E., Hobdell, MH. (2009) Poverty, social exclusion
and dental caries of 12-year-old children: a cross-sectional study in Lima, Peru.
BMC Oral Health 9,16.
Dorri, M., Sheiham, A., Watt, RG., (2009) Relationship between general hygiene
behaviours and oral hygiene behaviours in Iranian adolescents. European
Journal of Oral Sciences 117, 407-412.
Hobdell, M., Tsakos, G., Sprod, A., Ladrillo, TE., Ross, MW., Gordon, N.,
Myburgh, N., Lalloo, R. (2009). Using an oral health-related quality of life
measure in three cultural settings. International Dental Journal; 59, 381-8.
Krisdapong, S., Sheiham, A., Tsakos, G. (2009) Oral health-related quality of life
of 12- and 15-year-old Thai children: findings from a national survey. Community
Dentistry Oral Epidemiology, 37(6), 509-17.
Tsakos, G., Sheiham, A., Iliffe, S., Kharicha, K., Harari, D., Swift, CG., Gillman,
G., Stuck, AE. (2009) The impact of educational level on oral health-related
quality of life in older people in London. European Journal of Oral Sciences,
117(3), 286-92.
Sabbah, W., Tsakos, G., Sheiham, A., Watt, RG. (2009). The effects of income
and education on ethnic differences in oral health: a study in US adults. Journal
of Epidemiology and Community Health, 63, 516-520.
Sabbah, W., Tsakos, G., Sheiham, A., Watt, RG. (2009). The role of healthrelated behaviors in the socioeconomic disparities in oral health. Social Science
and Medicine, 68, 298-303.
Sabbah, W., Watt, RG., Sheiham, A., Tsakos, G. (2009). The role of cognitive
ability in oral health inequalities. Journal of Dental Research, 88, 351-355.
Watt, RG. et al. (2009). Effectiveness of a social support intervention on infant
feeding practices: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Epidemiology and
Community Health, 63, 156-162.
Other publications
Beaglehole R, Benzian H, Crail J, Mackay J. The Oral Health Atlas: mapping a
neglected global health issue. Geneva & Brighton: FDI World Dental Education
Ltd & Myriad Editions; 2009
NHS Islington (2009) Annual Public Health Report 2009 Oral Health in Islington.
Available at URL:
Gillespie GM, Baez R, Marthaler T, Milner TAW. Observations on the
Implementation of Salt Fluoridation for the Prevention of Dental Caries. 9th
International Symposium on Salt. (Ed. Sha Zuoliang) Beijing 2009. Gold Wall
press. Vol.2:1276 – 1285. (available in English & Spanish)
NHS and Other Health Services Activity
Donaghy, J. (2009). Advice on implementation and evaluation of social marketing
programme in NHS Islington to promote universal service uptake and reduce
inequalities in access to NHS dental care.
Donaghy, J. (2009). Contribution to Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for
Islington 2009/10.
Donaghy, J. (2009). Lead/Support to commissioning of research to identify
barriers and motivators to dental service uptake among residents of Camden and
Donaghy, J. NHS Islington (2009) Oral Health Commissioning Strategy.
Improving oral health for the people of Islington.
Donaghy, J., Murdoch M. (2009) Oral Health Needs Assessment for NHS
Donaghy, J., Murdoch M. (2009) Oral Health Needs Assessment for NHS
Gillespie, G. (2009). Cochrane Systematic Review on Salt Fluoridation for the
Prevention of Dental Caries.
Gillespie, G. (2009). CODEX – Contribution to revised labelling instructions for
fluoride in food additives; discussions with WHO and FAO Representatives
(Argentina, Peru); member electronic working group.
Gillespie, G. (2009). Continuous monitoring of salt fluoridation programmes and
community impact. Involves analysis of legislative actions used internationally to
implement various programmes; factors affecting implementation and evaluation
of health impact, participation, costs, and sustainability.
Gillespie, G. (2009). Development of combined iodized and fluoridated salt for
prevention of IDD and reduction in caries prevalence, with community wide
access at sustainable cost
Gillespie, G. (2009). Oral Health Workshop and “Communities Free of Caries for
Vulnerable Populations” A call for action. Secretary of Health, Mexico, Pan
American Health Organization, Mexican Dental Schools Federation, and Mexican
Dental Association. 23-25 April 2009, Mexico City DF, Mexico
Tsakos, G., Yusuf, H., Sabbah, W., Watt, RG (2009).The Oral Health Needs of
Islington Older People Living in Nursing Homes.
Watt RG (2009). Support for the Development of Oral Health Promotion team for
NHS Islington
Watt RG (2009). Support to development of NHS Camden Dental Services
Commissioning Strategy 2009-2012. A strategy for improving oral health and
well-being in Camden.
Watt RG, Sabbah, W, Tsakos G, Yusuf H (2009). Health equity audit of dental
services in NHS Islington.
Watt RG, Yusuf, H. (2009). Department of Health Expert Working Group. Oral
health and ethnic minority populations.
Watt RG. (2009). British Dental
Strengthening Dental Commissioning.
Watt RG. (2009). Department of Health Expert Working Group. Oral health and
smoking cessation updated guidance.
Postgraduate students
MSc in Dental Public Health
2009 was another very successful year for our MSc course with all students
passing their exams in August and 2 distinctions were awarded to Mustaffa
Jaapar and Salwana Supaat. The external examiner Dr Blanaid Daly (KCL)
praised the performance and quality of our students work.
PhD students
Current students
Al-Karimi , H. Impact of severe dental caries and dental rehabilitation on Saudi
children’s growth and quality of life.
Rai, H. Factors which may affect health care seeking behaviour following
symptoms of angina amongst South Asians and Whites.
Dashti, S, Social determinants of early childhood caries.
Damaskinos, P. Exploring the oral health gradient in older people in Athens,
Abdul Murat, N. Oral health personnel planning in Malaysia.
Alzahrani, S. Clustering of oral and general health related behaviours in Saudi
Yusuf, H. Exploratory randomised controlled trial of an obesity prevention
motivational interviewing intervention delivered in general dental practice.
Mathur, M. Social determinants of oral health inequalities in India.
Delgado-Angulo, E. Depression and oral health.
PhDs awarded in 2009
Congratulations to the following students who gained their UCL PhDs in 2009:
Dorri, M. (2009) Sense of coherence and oral hygiene in Iranian adolescents.
Golkari, A. (2009) Developmental enamel defects in relation with early life
adverse events: A life course study.
Bernabé, E (2009) The role of sense of coherence in explaining oral health
Conference presentations
Gillespie, G. 9th World Salt Symposium, Beijing, China,. Observations on the
implementation of salt fluoridation. September 2009.
Gillespie, G. College of Dentists, Lima, Peru. Forum on Implementation of Salt
Fluoridation, October 2009
Hobdell, MH. Dental education in to-day’s world – the context of volunteer
programmes. American Dental Association Annual Sessions, Hawaii, 2nd
October, 2009.
Hobdell, MH. Master’s Programme in Dental Public Health, University of Health
Sciences, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Course Coordinator and Teacher)
April and November, 2009
Hobdell, MH. Master’s Programme in Dental Public Health, University of Health
Sciences, Kingdom of Cambodia (Course Coordinator and Teacher) April and
November, 2009
Hobdell, MH. Social determinants of oral health. The 1st High Level Asian
Meeting on School Health Programs, Manilla, Philippines, 27-29 November,
Tsakos G. Measuring Health Outcomes. Forum for Health Policy and Services,
Kalambaka, Greece, 12th November 2009.
Tsakos G. Oral Health Related Quality of Life: concepts, measurement and
applications. Keynote presentation in the 16th National Congress of the Spanish
Association of Dental Public Health (SESPO). Salamanca, 27th March 2009.
Tsakos G., Herrick K., Sheiham A., Watt R. Association between edentulism and
diet in UK low-income older adults. 87th General Session & Exhibition of the
International Association for Dental Research (IADR). Miami, 3rd April 2009.
Watt, RG. Adopting an integrated and strategic approach to health promotion
planning. Ministry of Economics, Brunei, 11th September 2009.
Watt, RG. Community participation for oral health promotion and evaluation.
World Congress on Preventive Dentistry, Phuket, Thailand, 8th September 2009.
Watt, RG. Developing an oral health related quality of life measure for preschool
children as an evaluation tool. BSDR, Glasgow, 2nd September 2009.
Watt, RG. Evaluation of oral health promotion programmes. UNAM, Mexico City,
Mexico, 6th February 2009.
Watt, RG. Future of dentistry. Westminster Forum, London, 22nd July 2009.
Watt, RG. Moving forwards with smoking cessation and oral health. Plaza Hotel,
Leeds, 23rd September 2009.
Watt, RG. Priorities and perspectives in dental public health research. University
of Sao Paulo, Brasil, 25th May 2009
Watt, RG. Strategies and approaches in oral disease prevention and health
promotion. UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico, 4th February 2009.
Watt, RG. The role of the dental community in smoking cessation interventions.
Ministry of Health, Brunei, 12th September 2009.