Dental Public Health Group Annual Report 2013

Dental Public Health Group Annual Report 2013
UCL Research Department of
Epidemiology & Public Health
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UCL Dental Public Health Group Annual Report 2013
Current Research
Journal Publications
Conference Presentations
MSc and PHD Students
The Dental Public Health (DPH) Group is one of the 12 research groups within
the Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University
College London (UCL). This report summarises the main research, teaching and
NHS/policy activities undertaken by the DPH Group in 2013
Professor Richard G Watt, Professor and Honorary Consultant in Dental
Public Health
Dr George Tsakos, Senior Lecturer in Dental Public Health and Honorary
Consultant in Dental Public Health
Professor Aubrey Sheiham, Emeritus Professor in Dental Pubic Health
Honorary Staff
Huda Yusuf, Specialist Registrar in Dental Public Health
Jenny Oliver, Consultant in Dental Public Health, Berkshire East PCT and
Dr Paul Batchelor, Consultant in Dental Public Health, Berkshire West
Primary Care Trust
Dr Habib Benzian, Honorary Lecturer in Dental Public Health
Anna Ireland, Consultant in Dental Public Health, NHS, North Central
Research and Administrative Staff
Louise Gregory, Administrative Teaching and Research Assistant
Antiopi Ntouva, Research Associate
Jessie Porter, Research Assistant
Dr. Anja Heilmann, Research Associate
Current research projects
Child Dental Health Survey (England, Wales & Northern Ireland). Lead
contractor Office for National Statistics with consortium of university
partners including UCL.
Preventing obesity in young people attending primary dental care settings:
an exploratory randomised controlled trial. PI Richard Watt. Awarded by
National Institute for Health Research.
Dental Alcohol Reduction Trial (DART). Funding body: National Institute of
Health Research (NIHR), Research for Patient Benefit Programme. This
exploratory randomised controlled trial aims to assess the acceptability
and feasibility of dental professionals delivering alcohol brief advice to
adults attending general dental practices across London. PI: Richard Watt.
Facilitated through the UCL "Creating Connections" initiative, the DPH
group has started a fruitful collaboration with the Castlehaven Community
Association (CCA), a well-established charity based in the London
Borough of Camden. Our group is conducting an evaluation of the CCA’s
“Ageactivity” programme for older people, to assess whether participation
in the programme is related to improved health, reduced isolation and
better sense of community. The research proposal and questionnaires
were developed between October and December 2013. Baseline data
collection started in April 2014 and has been completed, follow-up data
will be collected from September 2015.
Investigating inequalities in oral health using the Adult Dental Health
Survey. Funding body: Economic and Social Research Council. This was
a study based on advanced secondary analysis of different Adult Dental
Health Surveys in England with the objectives to: a) measure
socioeconomic inequalities in oral health and quality of life, b) assess
whether, and to what degree, socioeconomic inequalities are explained by
oral health behaviours and dental service/care provision, c) decompose
socioeconomic inequalities in oral health into the contributions of different
determinants, and d) investigate the trends in oral health inequalities and
the determinants of oral health inequalities across time from 1988 to 2009
by following age cohorts over a 21 year period. The research was carried
out by University of Newcastle, UCL and NatCen [PI: Prof. John Wildman,
University of Newcastle; PI for the UCL part of the consortium: Dr
Georgios Tsakos]. Main Responsibilities included lead role in: 1)
Socioeconomic inequalities in subjective measures of oral health and
quality of life; 2) Assessing the role of health behaviours and dental care
services on socioeconomic inequalities in oral health. Funding: £194,134
(UCL funds: £48,911) (ESRC grant ref: ES/K004689/1).
In 2009 a needs assessment was conducted in Islington nursing homes, it
was found that there were large proportions of residents with high levels of
oral health needs, along with many residents reporting that their oral
health had impacted negatively on their quality of life. Since then, the
nursing homes have embarked on an oral health improvement
programme. The aim of the 2013 survey was to assess the oral health
status and care needs of older people living in nursing homes across
Islington, as well as obtain views of nursing care home managers and
other staff. This survey, carried out 4 years after the initial improvement
programme. Compared to the previous survey, the oral health of the
residents is in an improved state, however there is still work to be done in
terms of consolidating previous initiatives and also implementing further
improvements. PI: Georgios Tsakos. Awarded by Public Health Islington.
Journal publications
Abanto, J. Tsakos, G. Ardenghi, TM. Paiva, SM. Raggio, DP. Sheiham, A.
Bönecker, M. 2013. Responsiveness to change for the Brazilian Scale of Oral
Health Outcomes for 5-year-old children (SOHO-5). Health and Quality of Life
Outcomes, 11(1), pp. 137-144
Abanto, J. Tsakos, G. Paiva, SM. Goursand, D. Raggio, DP. Bönecker, M. 2013.
Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of
the scale of oral health outcomes for 5-year-old children (SOHO-5). Health and
Quality of Life Outcomes, 11, pp. 16-21
Abanto, J. Tsakos, G. Paiva, SM. Raggio, DP. Celiberti, P. Bönecker, M. 2013.
Agreement between children aged 5-6 years and their mothers in rating child oral
health-related quality of life. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry (Epub
ahead of print)
Aida, J. Kondo, K. Kawachi, I. Subramanian, SV. Ichida, Y. Hirai, H. Kondo, N.
Osaka,K. Sheiham, A. Tsakos, G. Watt, RG. 2013. Does social capital affect the
incidence of functional disability in older Japanese? A prospective populationbased cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 67(1), pp.
Batchelor, P. Needham, C. 2013. Brace yourself for a new direction. The Health
Service Journal, 123(6365), pp. 26-27
Benzian, H. 2013. The caries burden. British Dental Journal, 215(11), pp. 543
Benzian, H. Holmgren, C. Van Loveren, C. Van Palenstein Helderman, W. 2013.
Analysing the amount of soluble fluoride in toothpastes. Oral Health and
Preventive Dentistry, 11(4), pp. 300
Duijster, D. Sheiham, A. Hobdell, MH. Itchon, G. Monse, B. 2013. Associations
between oral health-related impacts and rate of weight gain after extraction of
pulpally involved teeth in underweight preschool Filipino children. BMC Public
Health, 3(13), pp.533
Fontanive, V. Abegg, C. Tsakos, G. Oliveira, M. 2013. The association between
clinical oral health and general quality of life: a population-based study of
individuals aged 50-74 in Southern Brazil. Community Dentistry and Oral
Epidemiology, 41(2), pp. 154-162
Ghanbariha, M. Sheiham, A. Rakhshani, F. Dorri, M. 2013. Association between
Oral and General Hygiene Behaviours among Iranian Adolescents. Oral Health
and Preventive Dentistry (Epub ahead of print)
Guarnizo-Herreño, CC. Tsakos, G. Sheiham, A. Watt, RG. 2013. Oral health and
welfare state regimes: a cross-national analysis of European countries. European
Journal of Oral Sciences, 121(3 Pt 1), pp. 169-175
Guarnizo-Herreño, CC. Watt, RG. Pikhart, H. Sheiham, A. Tsakos, G. 2013.
Socioeconomic inequalities in oral health in different European welfare state
regimes. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 67(9), pp. 728-735
Heinrich-Weltzien, R. Monse, B. Benzian, H. Heinrich, J. Kromeyer-Hauschild, K.
2013). Association of dental caries and weight status in 6- to 7-year-old Filipino
children. Clinical Oral Investigations, 17(6), pp.1515-1523
Krisdapong, S. Prasertsom, P. Rattanarangsima, K. Sheiham, A. 2013. School
absence due to toothache associated with sociodemographic factors, dental
caries status, and oral health-related quality of life in 12- and 15-year-old Thai
children. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 73(4), pp. 321-328
Krisdapong, S. Sheiham, A. 2013. Which aspects of an oral health-related quality
of life measure are mainly associated with global ratings of oral health in
children? Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 42(2), pp. 129-138
Lamarca, GA. Leal Mdo, C. Leao, AT. Sheiham, A. Vettore, MV. 2013. The
different roles of neighbourhood and individual social capital on oral healthrelated quality of life during pregnancy and postpartum: a multilevel analysis.
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 42(2), pp. 139-150
Lamarca, GA. Do C Leal, M. Sheiham, A. Vettore, MV. 2013. The association of
neighbourhood and individual social capital with consistent self-rated health: a
longitudinal study in Brazilian pregnant and postpartum women. BMC Pregnancy
and Childbirth (Epub ahead of print)
Matsuyama, Y. Aida, J. Takeuchi, K. Tsakos, G. Watt, RG. Kondo, K. Osaka, K.
2013. Inequalities of dental prosthesis use under universal healthcare insurance.
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 42(2), pp. 122-128
Monse, B. Benzian, H. Naliponguit, E. Belizario, V. Schratz, A. Van Palenstein
Helderman, W. 2013. The Fit for School Health Outcome Study - a longitudinal
survey to assess health impacts of an integrated school health programme in the
Philippines. BMC Public Health, 13, pp. 256
Murphy, M. Porter, J. Yusuf, H. Ntouva, A. Newton, T. Kolliakou, A. Crawley, H.
Tsakos, G. Pikhart, H. Watt, RG. 2013. Considerations and lessons learned from
designing a motivational interviewing obesity intervention for young people
attending dental practices: a study protocol paper. Contemporary Clinical Trials,
36(1), pp. 126-134
Sabbah, W. Mortensen, LH. Sheiham, A. Batty, GD. 2013. Oral health as a risk
factor for mortality in middle-aged men: the role of socioeconomic position and
health behaviours. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 67(5), pp.
Seymour, B. Benzian, H. Kalenderian, E. 2013. Voluntourism and global health:
preparing dental students for responsible engagement in international programs.
Journal of Dental Education, 77(10), pp. 1252-1257
Sgan-Cohen, HD. Evans, RW. Whelton, H. Villena, RS. MacDougall, M. Williams,
DM. IADR-GOHIRA Steering and Task Groups. 2013. IADR Global Oral Health
Inequalities Research Agenda (IADR-GOHIRA(R)): a call to action. Journal of
Dental Research, 92(3), pp. 209-211
Sheiham, A. 2013. Major changes in strategies are needed to promote oral
health worldwide. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 73(2), pp. 87-88
Tsakos, G. Quiñonez, C. 2013. A sober look at the links between oral and
general health. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 67(5), pp. 381382
Tsakos, G. Sabbah, W. Chandola, T. Newton, T. Kawachi, I. Aida, J. Sheiham, A.
Marmot, MG. Watt, RG. 2013. Social relationships and oral health among adults
aged 60 years or older. Psychosomatic Medicine, 75(2), pp. 178-186
Watt, RG. Draper, AK. Ohly, HR. Rees, G. Pikhart, H. Cooke, L. Moore, L.
Crawley, H. Pettinger, C. McGlone, P. Hayter, AK. 2013. Methodological
development of an exploratory randomised controlled trial of an early years'
nutrition intervention: the CHERRY programme (Choosing Healthy Eating when
Really Young). Maternal and Child Nutrition, 10(2), pp. 280-294
Williams, DM. Sheiham, A. Watt, RG. 2013. Oral health professionals and social
determinants. British Dental Journal, 214(9), pp. 427
Conference presentations
1. Heilmann A, Kelly Y, Stafford M, Watt RG: The Contribution of
Neighbourhoods and Schools to Cognitive Test Performance at Age
Seven – Findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Presented at the
Society for Social Medicine 57th Annual Scientific Meeting, Brighton and
Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex, Wednesday 11 – Friday 13
September 2013.
2. Heilmann A: SLLS (Society for Longitudinal and Life Course
Studies) International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 23-25
September 2013.
3. Sheiham A: Oral health and general health: A Common Risk Factor
Approach. The Borrow Lecture. Presented at the European Association of
Dental Public Health. ADPH & CECDO Joint Conference, Malta, Thursday
14th– Saturday 16th November 2013.
4. Yusuf H, Ntouva A, Murphy M, Porter J, Watt RG: Implementing an
obesity intervention in primary dental care: views from participants.
Presented at the 18th Congress of the European Association of Dental
Public Health (Conference theme: the mouth, the mirror of the body.
practical and political perspectives) Malta, 14-16 November 2013
5. Tsakos G. An overview of epidemiological links between oral and general
health. Invited presentation in the 18th Annual Congress of the European
Association of Dental Public Health (EADPH) in a joint meeting with the
Council of European Chief Dental Officers (CECDO). Malta, 14th
November 2013.
6. Tsakos G. Trends in oral health and future dental treatment needs. Invited
presentation in the Annual Dental Conference of the Dental Public Health
Unit in Malta, titled “Smile for Health”. Malta, 13th November 2013.
7. Tsakos G and Guarnizo-Herreno CC. International comparisons of oral
health inequalities. Invited presentation on the Symposium on Dental
Health, organised by the J-AGES, Japan Society for Oral Health, Japan
Dental Association, and Fukai Institute of Health Science. Tokyo, 1st
March 2013.
8. Tsakos G. Public health aspects of caries - a new perspective. Invited
presentation at the Symposium titled “Caries Revisited” at the British
Society for Oral and Dental Research (BSODR) meeting. Bath, 9th
September 2013.
9. Tsakos G, Rouxel PL, De Oliveira C, Watt RG, Demakakos P.
Edentulousness predicts physical and cognitive decline in older adults.
Oral presentation at the 91st General Session & Exhibition of the
International Association for Dental Research (IADR). Seattle, 20-23
March 2013.
10. Itintaake K, Mohammed KS, Pushpaangaeli B, Benzian H. Consequences
of Untreated Dental Caries: PUFA pilot in Fiji. IADR Asia/Pacific Region
(APR) Regional Meeting and Co-Annual Scientific Meeting of IADR
Divisions, Bangkok, Thailand August 21-23, 2013.
11. Benzian H. Health promotion, prevention and control of NCDs in school
settings, WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, Regional Consultation
to Develop the Strategic Action Plan and Targets for Prevention and
Control of NCDs in the South-East Asia Region, New Delhi, India, 25-27
February 2013.
12. Benzian H. Competencies for Global Oral Health, Consortium of
Universities for Global Health (CUGH), Global Health Conference,
Innovation, Implementation, Impact, Washington D.C., USA, 14-16 March
13. Benzian H. Oral Cancer: Rationale for inclusion in SEA Regional NCD
Strategy, WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, Technical Working
Group Meeting to Finalize Regional Action Plan with Indicators and
Targets, Bangkok, Thailand, 11-13 June 2013.
14. Benzian H. Fit for School: Integrated and innovative school health in
South-east Asia, 7th Asian Conference of Oral Health Promotion for
School Children (ACOHPSC), Empowering School Community: New
Paradigm and Innovation in Oral Health Promotion on School Children,
Bali, Indonesia, 12-14 September 2013.
15. Benzian H. Basic Package of Oral Care Reflections on the Future, Indian
Association of Public Health Dentistry, National Conference, Investing
Healthy Smiles for Generation Next, Lucknow, India, 22-24 November.
16. Benzian H. Oral Health in the African Region - Summary of a
questionnaire survey among CDOs; NCDs and Oral Diseases - Links and
relations to support integrative approaches, WHO AFRO, Regional
Consultative Meeting on Integrating Oral Diseases into NCD Policies in
Countries of the Region, Harare, Zimbabwe, 9-11 December 2013.
17. Watt, RG. Social determinants of oral health inequalities. Tokyo, Japan,
1st March 2013.
18. Watt, RG. Mainstreaming oral health: Upstream, midstream and
downstream. IADR World Congress on Preventive Dentistry, Budapest,
Hungary, 9th October 2013.
19. Watt, RG. Tackling oral health inequalities through public health action.
National Dental Public Health Group. Stockholm, Sweden. 22nd October
20. Watt, RG. Tackling oral health inequalities. ROCSS, Edinburgh, 7th
February 2013.
21. Watt, RG. Promoting research in general dental practice. British Dental
Association, London, 11th March 2013.
Postgraduate students
MSc in Dental Public Health
2013 was a successful year for our MSc course with all students passing their
exams in August; a distinction was awarded to: Alejandra Rodrigues and Yu Hsin
Wu. Good luck to all the students in their future careers.
MSc Dental Public Health 2012/13
Current PHD students
Almalki, S. Effect of treating traumatic dental injuries on quality of life: A
randomized controlled trial among Saudi children
Al Jameel, A. Perceptions of parents/ Carers of individuals with Intellectual
Disabilities about their Oral Health-Related Quality of Life.
Gill, T. Oral health related quality of life affecting the service utilisation.
Guarnizo-Herreno, C. Political factors as determinants of socioeconomic
inequalities in oral health: a cross-national analysis
Jamaludin, M. A systematic review with meta-analysis of the effects of population
and individual level tobacco interventions on health inequalities and statistical
modelling of the determinants.
Yusuf, H. Exploratory randomised controlled trial of an obesity prevention
motivational interviewing intervention delivered in general dental practice.
Aldalooj, E. Psychosocial Work Environment and Oral Health in the English
Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)
Letelier A. Assessing the impact of life course socioeconomic trajectories on oral
health outcomes in English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)
Masuma M. Exploring the path ways how dental caries have impact on growth of
Chaianant N. Evaluating the cost to levelling up oral health inequalities among
Thai adults.
Rouxel, P. Exploring the association between social capital and oral health in the
English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.
PhDs awarded in 2013
Mathur, M. Social determinants of oral health inequalities in India.
Heilmann, A. Neighbourhoods and children's cognitive and social development pathways of effects