Document 13375963

Aaron J. Bandler email: web: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROFILE: Master of Science in hydrology with a strong background in geology and geophysics; aptitude for leadership, problem solving, critical thinking, writing and public speaking; extensive experience with fieldwork, data analysis, and GIS; passion for applying scientific skills to environmental challenges, and working in a collaborative team setting. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, GOLDEN, CO M.S. MAY 2016 Hydrology 3.75 GPA METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY, DENVER, CO Coursework in Differential Equations, Chemistry, GIS Applications, Computer Programming 2013 -­‐ 2014 4.0 GPA COLORADO COLLEGE, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Geology with Distinction B.A. MAY 2011 3.75 GPA ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SKILLS: GEOLOGICAL/HYDROLOGICAL: groundwater and surface water modeling, contaminant transport, pumping tests, geological site investigation, drilling/sampling methods, geologic mapping and cross sections, stratigraphic columns, core logging, structural geology, rock and soil classification, aqueous chemistry, laboratory measurement of hydrogeological parameters; familiarity with Colorado water law COMPUTER: ArcGIS, MODFLOW, Groundwater Vistas, Visual Minteq, MATLAB, R, Java, MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Mathematica, html/css, statistical analysis; familiarity with SUTRA/ModelMuse GEOPHYSICAL: seismic refraction, ground-­‐penetrating radar, electrical resistivity, earthquake seismology, borehole optical televiewer; familiarity with electromagnetic induction, magnetometer, gravimeter PROFESSIONAL: • LEADERSHIP: Extensive experience with teamwork and people management; former leadership roles in non-­‐profit community organizations; mentorship of undergraduate research assistants and supervision of field team • ORAL: Presented research at numerous workshops and professional conferences • WRITING: Technical reports, scientific papers, peer reviews, funding proposals, mass emailing and social media ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RECENT EXPERIENCE: CONSULTANT, MICHAEL MOONEY CONSULTING, LLC MARCH 2016 -­‐ PRESENT • Provide technical consulting and data analysis on a large tunneling project • Write automated scripts to efficiently manipulate and analyze large datasets • Utilize various graphical methods to visualize and interpret complex relationships between multiple parameters from the soil conditioning system of a large tunnel boring machine RESEARCH ASSISTANT, COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES 2014 -­‐ 2016 • Conducted Shallow Seismic Refraction and Optical Borehole Imaging investigations in the Boulder Creek Watershed, CO • Calculated seismic velocities of geologic layers and compared with geophysical borehole images • Delineated subsurface geologic contacts and investigated slope aspect controls on structure and groundwater flow • Presented at 2015 AGU fall meeting, 2016 SAGEEP, 2016 NGWA Groundwater Summit, June 2016 CGWA meeting • Submitted an article to the journal Hydrological Processes ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS: • RESEARCH: Colorado College undergraduate thesis on crustal structure of Argentina using earthquake seismology • MEMBERSHIP: Colorado Groundwater Assoc., Environmental and Engineering Geophysics Society, AGU • SERVICE: Worked in wilderness therapy with troubled teens; volunteered with Denver urban youth non-­‐profits. • AWARDS: First place: 2016 CSM Geology Dept. Research Fair (Hydrology MS); 2015 CGWA Harlan Erker Scholarship • TEACHING: Employment as an academic tutor, afterschool science teacher, youth group and summer camp director • SPORTS: Experienced backcountry skier and wilderness guide; cyclist • CULINARY: “Famous” guacamole recipe 