6 8 3 68 7 68 6 702 704 700 703 694 698 698 704 705 693 697 695 699 692 6 70 7 70 688 5 0 7 681 8 69 687 68 85 66 68 64 8 63 82 691 3095+00 712 704 1 70 3 70 7 0 0 70 5 7 0 4 10 7 2 70 1 71 709 70 2 3090+00 711 7 0 1 7 0 7 1 1 7 1 70 6 9 8 1 70 68 5 6 69 708 711 710 0 0 7 2 0 7 J. W .CLAY BOULEVARD 703 70 0 6 9 9 3 70 DB 8423 PG 620 68 1 70 3 3085+00 PID #04729144 RYONST 1NT 1 2 9 MB 26 PG 771 698 711 70 6 704 706 705 DB 23040 PG 70, 74, & 78 697 704 705 C L ESL AT EASSOCI NT ARDPOI L MAL 70 5 7 0 1 9 70 7 0 8 3 0 7 1 70 703 PID #04729150 9321 J. W. CLAY BLVD. JW CLAY PARK AND RIDE (IN CONTRACT JWC) 7 0 5 5 0 7 71 0 2 70 DB18968 PG 304 JW CLAY PARK AND RIDE (IN CONTRACT JWC) 680 J. M. KEYNES DR. 700 3 0 7 3233 7 0 1 3 0 7 C& L L VE, KEYNESDRI ENEHAVAS R I E F WI & S CKHAVA NI 2 0 2 7 2 7 4 0 D# PI KEYNESDR. M. . 6J 2 9 8 7 9 4PG 7 7 6 6 DB1 1 0 4PG 8 7 6 6 DB1 1 2 68 68 ROSECLAY LLC 690 7 0 2 703 705 700 PID #04727204 689 701 703 711 2 70 702 701 68 4 69 1 69 0 68 9 68 8 699 710 7 0 0 70 4 705 5 70 6 9 9 702 3227 CS SHOPPES AT UNIVERSITY PLACE, LLC 703 1 1 2 3 706 1 70 704 711 70 3 1 70 2 70 7 0 2 69 6 688 689 707 705 7 0 7 703 6 9 4 690 68 7 6 0 7 5 70 705 702 702 0 9 6 689 688 687 686 707 704 694 706 69 2 692 708 693 693 696 697 709 703 702 707 708 704 703 70 4 709 705 705 705 0 71 706 7 0 5 69 5 71 1 708 708 709 71 0 8 70 708 707 706 70 7 70 0 697 707 705 706 8 0 7 694 69 0 704 69 8 69 5 695 71 2 711 707 707 708 710 709 0 71 709 709 710 712 7 0 9 71 0 711 709 7 0 1 712 689 709 70 6 693 7 0 7 691 710 711 711 711 71 3 690 692 704 703 701 1 71 691 68 8 706 706 705 703 1 9 6 69 8 706 704 6 68 9 9 6 687 3 0 7 703 701 701 685 684 685 689 704 8 0 7 700 683 686 687 688 70 3 702 706 71 2 69 9 1 1 7 SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT 69 6 SB N. TRYON STREET 686 8 0 7 2 71 712 711 712 713 TY EAEMENT I L K & UTI DEWAL SI 684 9 0 7 704 71 3 71 2 685 10 7 7 0 8 700 704 3 70 699 702 712 712 712 71 0 1 71 692 702 4 69 691 693 8 68 703 704 0 70 IP E IP E IP E 2 71 71 0 2 71 71 3 2 71 2 71 71 4 708 71 3 713 3 71 713 7 0 9 713 707 705 701 71 3 714 695 714 69 7 7 14 692 702 704 703 700 714 71 0 699 693 705 709 707 71 4 711 4 70 69 7 701 15 7 694 708 706 698 691 714 714 JW CLAY/UNC PROPOSED JW CHARLOTTE CLAY BLVD.STATION STATION 714 69 0 4 71 699 711 697 712 9 68 696 6 70 698 71 3 ON ENSI NEEXT I UEL YNXBL L 4 71 696 713 715 712 3 71 713 71 2 0 71 2 1 7 706 3 70 71 3 705 1 71 12 7 NB N. TRYON STREET 708 71 0 713 6 8 9 70 5 7 11 71 2 708 10 7 692 2 71 3 71 0 71 701 71 0 711 71 2 7 1 1 12 7 713 711 708 7 0 9 70 6 69 4 71 7 71 3 70 2 7 11 7 0 7 706 6 9 7 7 0 2 707 703 704 703 9 69 1 70 70 4 70 4 703 PERMANENT WATER LINE EASEMENT 708 7 0 5 703 2 70 705 6' CLF 7 0 4 7 0 2 69 6 695 69 2 703 7 69 700 697 687 700 701 6' CLF 689 3 0 7 704 688 680 682 681 683 678 6 7 5 694 may be altered or modified within the limits prescribed by the ordinance during the design development and 6 9 7 693 1 70 5 8 6 702 6 9 1 70 1 696 7 0 0 LP 698 699 678 68 9 LP 0 0 7 and are not separate zoning conditions imposed by this site plans, unless specifically noted in the conditions for 688 6 0 7 �The Petitioner acknowledges that other standard development requirements imposed by other city ordinances, development of this site. These are not zoning regulations, are not administered by the Zoning Administrator, 690 0 0 7 SEE DETAIL ON SHEET RZN-2 0 70 construction phases as allowed under the provisions of Section 6.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. such as those that regulate streets, sidewalks, trees, bicycle parking, and site development, may apply to the 701 69 9 688 701 698 3 8 6 EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 692 70 2 DEW ALK CK SI BRI 694 696 695 690 691 692 693 686 687 688 685 2 68 683 684 681 680 679 689 70 5 68 5 of proposed uses on the site, but the exact configuration, placement, and size of the individual site elements 2 70 7 0 7 2 8 6 68 4 the Charlotte Zoning Ordinance. The development depicted on this plan is intended to reflect the arrangement 695 69 8 6 68 4 8 6 68 7 �Development of the site will be controlled by the standards depicted on this site plan and by the standards of 6 9 6 70 6 General Provisions: 70 3 688 DB4 6 2 2PG 7 7 699 700 7 0 3 699 6 9 1 W THARRI SBL VD �Amount of open space: N/A - < 20,000 sf lot 700 698 6 9 0 PI D# 0 4 9 3 1 1 0 8 PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT LP 699 2 9 6 HOSPI T ALAUT HORI T Y 5 0 7 2 70 3 69 T HECHARL OT T EMECKL ENBURG 8 0 7 704 694 693 6 8 6 7 68 70 7 1 70 695 68 9 �Number and/or Ratio of Parking Spaces: N/A 701 3201 �Maximum Building Height: 120’ �Maximum Number of Buildings: N/A 7 0 2 696 9 70 �Floor Area Ratio: Certain principal uses are exempt from meeting the minimum FAR requirements: Transit stations (rail) NCDOT RIGHT OF WAY 676 70 6 �Square footage of Non-Residential Uses by Type (retail, office, industrial, etc.): 1090 SF Transit stations (rail) 705 7 0 7 68 9 68 8 703 690 699 �Residential Density: N/A EXISTING DUKE DUCT BANK 6 0 7 701 696 7 0 1 1 0 7 7 0 4 701 9 9 6 698 694 705 8 70 EXISTING AT&T BANK 704 674 70 6 695 700 706 3 70 704 705 11 7 702 6 69 70 0 706 70 7 DB 3023 PG 148 �Number of Residential Units by Housing Type: N/A 2 0 7 6 70 705 707 691 701 7 0 9 5 0 7 PROP. REZONING LIMITS 708 7 70 PID #04931106 9320 ROBERT D. SNYDER RD 6 7 7 3 9 6 705 4 69 9 69 70 6 698 1 70 J. W .CLAY BOULEVARD 2 9 6 706 697 2 70 702 708 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 679 703 70 4 9 70 10 7 �Existing Zoning (including overlays and vesting): INST �Proposed Zoning (including overlays and vesting): TOD-M (O) 706 704 6 0 7 5 69 691 7 0 0 8 70 70 5 5 0 7 7 0 3 70 9 71 0 7 0 8 7 10 706 70 3 705 70 8 707 0 70 9 70 4 70 681 7 9 6 0 71 �Rezoning Site Acreage: 0.11 ACRES �Tax Parcels included in Rezoning: 049-31-111 5 0 7 5 0 7 70 8 6 9 6 680 9 70 0 0 7 70 4 706 7 0 7 679 70 9 9 9 6 9 69 1 71 714 8 70 707 2 71 6 67 Development Data: 707 705 11 7 3229 7 0 7 9 70 DB 28371 PG 858 704 70 8 71 0 1 0 7 706 4 71 677 1 71 70 0 0 71 13 7 ALONG R/W 70 5 71 1 3 71 1 71 7 0 9 2 70 707 9 70 8 69 706 71 2 8 70 3 70 71 7 7 16 6 9 7 707 71 4 699 2 70 70 9 703 706 8 70 678 715 708 4 0 7 709 71 0 70 1 692 71 6 71 5 2 71 707 71 2 70 9 679 6 68 10 7 703 8 70 71 3 681 680 70 8 706 71 1 682 3 9 6 0 69 7 0 7 698 716 7 0 7 70 5 704 714 71 5 71 6 2 71 0 71 69 7 713 71 2 71 4 5 70 683 4 68 707 71 0 708 708 707 685 687 5 69 7 0 0 71 3 70 9 2 71 711 4 1 7 70 7 687 686 9 68 71 0 6 70 709 689 688 12 7 7 11 7 10 4 0 7 70 9 9 0 7 1 71 1 1 7 15 7 71 7 2 69 691 8 70 707 690 7 11 71 0 709 696 697 688 P I E 709 706 711 7 0 9 694 707 P I E 707 10 7 707 71 0 691 693 709 708 71 3 70 8 709 699 70 6 711 70 3 2 1 7 71 0 709 70 2 710 710 712 13 7 690 71 2 695 712 711 71 1 712 1 71 2 71 71 2 71 1 709 71 1 707 713 709 712 712 698 713 713 2 1 7 714 70 4 713 7 0 2 70 0 4 71 this site plan. These other standard development requirements will be applied to the development of this site as 69 5 69 8 �Throughout this rezoning petition, the terms “Owner”, “Owners”, “Petitioner”, or “Petitioners”shall, with respect to the site, be deemed to include the heirs, devisees, personal representatives, successors in interest 693 69 8 6 9 9 697 70 5 6' CL F 69 9 defined by those other City Ordinances. 4 70 694 697 3221 689 693 699 69 4 6 9 6 9 9 6 5 68 0 8 6 3 8 6 PID #04931111 690 691 AT CHARLOTTE, INC. 2 68 DB 25677 PG 915 MB 52 PG 125 LP 1 68 7 0 4 8 9 6 7 9 6 69 7 3 67 674 •The purpose of this rezoning application is to allow signage to exceed TOD allowable area. The signage will serve as a wayfinding and identification tool directing pedestrians between Carolinas Medical Center (University), UNC Charlotte and the JW Clay/UNC Charlotte light rail station. Optional Provisions: �Section 9.1207(7a), option to exceed TOD allowable area to 220 max square footage per building face with a total of 3 signs. LP 8 69 69 7 2 67 1 7 6 5 0 7 Purpose: 9100 ROBERT D. SNYDER RD 692 698 692 688 687 682 683 684 685 686 680 681 679 689 690 691 678 693 694 695 696 677 7 0 3 4 8 6 695 3 0 7 7 0 6 697 6 67 675 GUARDRAIL (3) SIGNS 687 697 6 68 688 6'CL F 692 696 6 9 8 699 69 7 THE FOUNDATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 6 7 9 8 9 6 LP and assignees of the owner or owners of the site who may be involved in its development from time to time. 8 9 6 Permitted uses: 6 9 3 RIP RAP �Allowed uses or prohibited uses: Transit stations and associated parking facilities �Other Use Restrictions: The sign, banner, flags, and pennant requirements ofSection 9.1209(7)shall apply. 689 694 2 69 6 9 2 F CL 6' �Required setbacks and yards that have been met per Sheet RZN-2: 69 6 o Minimum Front Setback = 24’ o Minimum Side and Rear Yards = 5’ 3 68 6 9 1 695 4 68 5 68 6 9 6 6 68 8 8 6 7 68 697 VICINITY MAP 2 68 Sheet Sheet RZN-4 for more information. 6 9 2 1 69 690 CLF 1 69 6' 690 0 69 �The urban design standards of Section 9.1209(1) through (4) shall apply to the new façade improvements. Transportation: 693 �Dedication and reservation of street right-of-way to City/NCDOT. See Sheet RZN-1 and 2 for more information. 694 6 9 0 5 8 I Architectural Standards: 689 P I E P I E �Building Materials: Curtain wall, standing seam roof, steel framing 6 8 9 1 69 �Building Scale: See Sheet RZN-3 �Treatment of urban design and architectural elements, such as street walls, building entrances, canopies and balconies: See Sheet RZN-3 �Fence/Wall standards: N/A 688 6 8 4 68 8 1 68 6 8 5 6 8 6 6 68 687 7 8 6 3 8 6 0 68 9 67 2 8 6 8 7 6 JW 686 685 5 7 6 674 668 2 67 1 7 6 673 DR 6 67 7 68 B CL LV A D Y 6 8 4 1 8 6 6 7 9 6 7 6 67 3 67 2 6 7 5 6 7 3 �Park and/or greenway improvements: N/A 672 673 671 �Connections to park and/or greenway: N/A �Privately constructed open space: N/A 671 66 9 670 674 668 9 6 6 Fire Protection: �Fire lane treatment: N/A 8 6 6 667 667 666 665 Signage: �Sign limitations - size, type, location if different from ordinance requirements: Permanent Fritted sign to be provided 6 6 6 4 66 66 9 0 66 within the glass on two sides (North and South) of the tower. See Sheet RZN-4 and 5. 2 6 6 5 5 6 66 8 6 5 6 6 5 7 6 5 8 6 5 9 3 66 66 5 JM KEYNES DR I S �Reservation/Dedication of park and/or greenway: N/A 0 67 HA RR 672 BL VD 674 Parks, Greenways, and Open Space: 0 7 6 T 670 674 1 67 LYNX BLE 671 7 7 6 D URCH RO A CREEK CH REZONING SITE �Tree save areas: N/A Environmental provisions per Environmental General Development Policies (reference the EGDP in packet): N/A � 675 8 7 6 673 OLMSTED DR Environmental Features: 2 7 6 681 US-29 W 669 4 7 6 0 8 6 67 3 683 682 M ALLARD GH OU L UL CC M Streetscape and Landscaping: �Streetscape (sidewalk and planting strip) standards: Streetscape along N. Tryon Street has been upgraded as part of the Blue Line Extension project. � Special landscape, buffer, screening treatment: Perimeter plantings are not desired in this location to provide pedestrian view and access on all sides of facility. 7 7 6 687 Lighting: 1 66 UNC CHARLOTTE �See Sheet RZN-3 for more lighting information. 9 1 2 3 Phasing: �Development phasing by use, area and/or square footage and trigger for each phase: N/A UNCC 2 0 1 1 3 9 4 0 D# PI EADDRESSES PL I T MUL 7 8 5PG 5 7 4 DB2 Other: �No request for right-of-way abandonment or a variance has been submitted for the subject property. �Property corner tie points for mapping: See Sheet RZN-1 and 2. �Public facilities/sites to be provided �Provision of public art: Provided as part of overall BLE project. � Undergrounding of utilities: Utilities are located underground. US 4 9 0 900 West Trade St., Ste. 715 REVISION DATE 2/17/2016 8:48:28 AM BY DWN CHK APR I:\PROJ\2515626\CADD\Design\CIV\WRK\CIV\MBE\JWC Ext\Rezoning\C-RZN-EXT-8-001.dgn 120 PREPARED BY: RDM LYNX BLUE LINE EXTENSION DRAWN BY: RDM NORTHEAST CORRIDOR LIGHT RAIL PROJECT CHECKED BY: MBE J.W. CLAY BOULEVARD PARKING GARAGE Charlotte, NC 28202 NO. 60 SCALE 1" = 60' 180 DATE: SHEET: 240 2/12/16 RZN-1 DRAWING: C-RZN-EXT-8-001 SIGN EXHIBIT APPROVED BY: GRS CONTRACT NO.: 8 PARK AND RIDE JW CLAY PARK AND RIDE (IN CONTRACT JWC) 703 711 705 698 704 697 704 705 (IN CONTRACT JWC) 6 70 699 7 0 5 7 70 70 5 JW CLAY 10 7 691 8 69 688 70 5 7 0 4 687 686 685 684 2 70 6 9 8 690 1 70 689 709 (IN CONTRACT JWC) 69 6 703 7 0 8 700 704 706 699 700 1 71 PARK AND RIDE 701 5 70 705 707 702 701 703 702 704 706 6 68 705 9 9 6 703 707 704 694 706 708 709 70 6 693 2 71 69 2 71 3 69 8 69 5 70 7 70 0 8 0 7 71 1 7 0 9 7 0 7 7 0 5 71 0 8 70 7 0 1 712 709 71 3 697 11 7 SB N. TRYON STREET 71 2 71 0 1 71 702 703 71 0 0 70 704 7 0 9 711 712 8 70 6 70 PROPOSED CENTER OF TRACK JW CLAY/UNC PROPOSED JW CHARLOTTE CLAY BLVD.STATION STATION 707 705 701 702 704 703 700 708 706 71 0 705 709 707 71 1 4 70 701 PROPOSED CENTER OF TRACK 7 0 2 712 71 2 2 1 7 0 71 706 3 70 NB N. TRYON STREET 705 708 709 1 71 71 0 707 709 70 4 71 2 71 1 70 5 70 2 70 6 70 3 2 1 7 70 8 71 2 2 71 3 71 7 70 0 71 70 1 1 71 2 71 713 711 7 11 71 0 7 0 0 704 707 52.0' 8 70 71 2 708 5' SIDE YARD PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT 70 5 70 9 1 71 7 0 9 13 7 714 70 8 1 71 71 0 PROP. REZONING LIMITS/ 699 2 70 70 9 703 706 7 0 9 0 71 69 7 7 10 5' SIDE YARD 80.0' PERMANENT EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT 6 9 7 71 1 71 2 12 7 7 11 12 7 698 N. 24'M I SETBACK 71 0 711 9 0 7 706 7 0 7 FOR TRANSIT FACILITIES 709 7 0 7 708 707 7 0 1 PROP. BRICK PLAZA 5 0 7 7 0 4 SEE SHEET RZN-3 4 70 70 8 707 1 0 7 70 9 7 0 0 5 0 7 7 0 8 71 0 7 0 7 705 70 9 5'REAR YARD 707 706 2 0 7 707 706 69 8 5 0 7 708 70 0 70 6 6 70 705 696 3 70 706 704 703 SCALE 1" = 20' 0 705 900 West Trade St., Ste. 715 REVISION DATE 2/11/2016 10:15:07 AM BY DWN CHK APR N:\PROJ\2515626\CADD\Design\CIV\WRK\CIV\MBE\JWC Ext\Rezoning\C-RZN-EXT-8-002.dgn 40 PREPARED BY: RDM LYNX BLUE LINE EXTENSION DRAWN BY: RDM NORTHEAST CORRIDOR LIGHT RAIL PROJECT CHECKED BY: MBE PARKING GARAGES - JWC Charlotte, NC 28202 NO. 20 60 80 703 704 DATE: SHEET: 2/12/16 RZN-2 DRAWING: C-RZN-EXT-8-002 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE EXTENSION APPROVED BY: GRS REZONING SITE PLAN CONTRACT NO.: 8 Area to be Rezoned Area to be Rezoned 8' 3" 8'-8" GRAY SHADING INDICATES POTENTIAL SIGNAGE LOCATION WITHIN GLAZING. TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE NOT TO EXCEED 120 SF. 6' 5" 8'-8" SIGN SIGN (BEYOND) EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION 900 West Trade St., Ste 715 PREPARED BY: KLB LYNX BLUE LINE EXTENSION DRAWN BY: CDB NORTHEAST CORRIDOR LIGHT RAIL PROJECT CHECKED BY: HDS J.W. CLAY BOULEVARD PARKING GARAGE REVISION DATE 2/11/2016 10:20:04 AM BY DWN CHK APR N:\PROJ\2515626\CADD\Design\CIV\WRK\CIV\MBE\JWC Ext\Rezoning\A-STA-DTL-8-055_LSB.dgn NC License Number - 51843 2/12/16 SHEET: RZN-3 DRAWING: A-STA-DTL-8-055 SIGN EXHIBIT Charlotte, NC 28202 NO. DATE: APPROVED BY: GRS CONTRACT NO.: 8 16' 9" 12'-10" SIGN GRAY SHADING INDICATES POTENTIAL SIGNAGE LOCATION WITHIN GLAZING. TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE NOT TO EXCEED 220 SF. SIGN (BEYOND) JW Clay Blvd / UNC Charlotte WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION 900 West Trade St., Ste 715 PREPARED BY: KLB LYNX BLUE LINE EXTENSION DRAWN BY: CDB NORTHEAST CORRIDOR LIGHT RAIL PROJECT CHECKED BY: HDS J.W. CLAY BOULEVARD PARKING GARAGE REVISION DATE 2/11/2016 10:23:31 AM BY DWN CHK APR N:\PROJ\2515626\CADD\Design\CIV\WRK\CIV\MBE\JWC Ext\Rezoning\A-STA-DTL-8-056_LSB.dgn NC License Number - 51843 2/12/16 SHEET: RZN-4 DRAWING: A-STA-DTL-8-056 SIGN EXHIBIT Charlotte, NC 28202 NO. DATE: APPROVED BY: GRS CONTRACT NO.: 8