Building Consistency Meeting

Building Consistency Meeting
Date: 8/04/2010 Recorder and minutes prepared by: Danny Wooten/Jeff Griffin
Staff present: On File
Public present: Paul Kramer (Habitat Matthews);David R. Schwieman (D.R.
Schwieman, Inc.); Rob Merrell (Griffin Masonry); Wayne Carter (Lifestyle Homes);
Terry Cleary (Meeting Street Homes); Garrison Davis(Ryan Homes); Darren Price (
M/I Homes); Charles Sofinowski (M/I Homes);Matthew ?(L&M Homes);Steven
Brusko (Landis Reed Homes); Greg Seaton(Seaton Builders); Kevin Ratliff (GMI
Inc.);Daniel McBride (Cunnare Group); Warren Lambert(D. R. Horton); Dave
Reynolds(BFS); Jon ? (Accent Homes);Rod Spence(Banister Homes);Charlie
Courter(Remington Homes Inc.);
Reviewed townhouse projections as they pertained to property line and
required fire ratings.
Randy Newman form the North Team and Andy DeMaury from the
South Team were introduced as field reps for the residential consistency
Manufactured buildings: All building units bearing approval labels or
seals shall be deemed to met the requirements of the State Building
Code and this Article without further inspections except as may be
required for the enforcement of the Code for connection of units, local
ordinances, and foundations. This shall apply as long as there is no
indication that the units have been field modified.
Frame On
Pre decking inspection is not a required inspection unless something
would prevent a proper inspection after the deck was installed.
Must be affixed to structure that does not move (permanent) 4” high
numbers by final inspection. If the house cannot be seen from the road
or street then the numbers must be at the street and on the house. There
is a formal interpretation posted on our website, key point is that this
address must be the permanent address no temporary allowed.
Energy Star
There is a need to see various items at the framing stage. Need to
develop a new task code for energy inspections (where areas will be
enclosed prior to full frame) similar to sheathing inspections. This
would be an optional inspection request depending upon builder need.
Landings at
There must be a floor or landing on each side of a door or you must
meet one of the exceptions in section R311.4.3. Discussion was
centered on exception #3 which talks about allowing a drop down of
maximum 8 ¼” from an exterior door threshold (not allowed at the 1
required 3/0 exit door) to a floor (something larger than a landing) and
because it’s a floor door swing doesn’t matter.
Stem Walls
A 4” stem wall as a foundation is not acceptable.
A request for a formal interpretation for insulating the party walls
between townhouse units has been sent to NC DOI. Code listed
townhouse units as separate buildings but discussion about where the
thermal envelope should be required have been asked of DOI.
Inspection list
In what order inspections were to be preformed (see attached). IBA’s
and overtime inspections were discussed.
Approved By ___Lon Mcswain_________ Date _______08/04/2010_______________
Land Use and Environmental Services Agency
Code Enforcement
Inspection Request Priority List
(Ranked in order of Priority)
Appointments can reduce inspector efficiency and are therefore limited to “Special
Homeowner Access Coordination” (see note below) and “Special Inspection Required
Pre-construction Meetings”. Appointments confirmed between the customer and
inspectors are given highest priority.
Emergency calls. (As deemed by the supervisor/manager)
Concrete/slab/open-ditch inspection.
Any inspection 2 or more days old.
Final inspection when necessary for occupancy [B,E,M,P]
and inspection for utility interruptions, change out or
relocation [E,M,P].
Any inspection 1 day old. (Exception: Finals not necessary
for occupancy/power)
Any other inspection request.
Note: “Special homeowner access coordination” involves a homeowner who is waiting at
home or has taken time off from work in order to provide access to an inspection that would
otherwise be inaccessible to the inspector. The special need for access coordination should
be communicated by phone directly by the contractor to the inspector. The inspector will
confirm appointment with the homeowner (contact # needed). Appointments may be a
range/window of time rather than a specific time.
Revised 07/29/2010