CODE MECKLENBURG COUNTY ENGINEERING & BUILDING STANDARDS DEPARTMENT INTERPRETATION VOLUME: Volume I, Section 2305.2.3 SUBJECT: Attic Draftstopping REVIEWED BY: Commercial Consistency Team QUESTION: In multifamily buildings with wood frame roof construction, is the attic draftstopping required to “line up” with the tenant separation wall below? Is draftstopping required on one side or both sides of framing? CODE REFERENCE: Volume 1, Section 2305.2.3 ANSWER: Requirements vary depending on circumstances. See below. *Non-Sprinklered Buildings (Required to align with tenant separation) 1. Every tenant space 1 side 1-layer ½ drywall taped and mudded - Section 2305.2.3 (Item 2). 2. Every other tenant space 1-layer each side taped and mudded - Section 2305.2.3 Exception 5. Sprinklered Buildings (Not required to align with tenant separation) 1. Sprinklers NFPA 13R – maximum 3000 SF, 2 sides fall where it may, no mud or tape – Section 2305.2.3 Exception 4. 2. Sprinklers NFPA 13 – 9000 SF, 1 side tape and mud (fall where it may) Section 2305.2.3 Exception 3. *In the case of corridors draftstopping is required to align over one side of corridor wall. Section 2305.2.3 (item 2) Exception 1. Approved By: Date: ________________ G:\ArchiveCleanup\Building\Interpretations\Draftstopping (2).doc