Building Q&A 2009 Commercial Plan Review General:

Commercial Plan Review
Building Q&A 2009
July, August, September 2009
Land Use and Environmental Service Agency
(Code Enforcement)
(Q) When do I have to have smoke tight elevator doors?
(A) Section 707.14 - Smoke-tight elevator doors are required only when the
elevator opens to a rated corridor. They are not required if the elevator is
provided with a lobby.
(Q) Can I exit through a storage room in a mercantile occupancy with just floor
(A) Section 1014- Exiting through storage rooms will follow the code. Floor
markings will not be allowed instead of required walls or partitions.
(Q) When is panic hardware required in the new code?
(A) Section 1008.1.8.3- Panic hardware is required in A and E Occupancies
(Q) Are children’s plan structures required to be handicap accessible?
(A) Children’s play structures require handicap accessibility into the room in
which they are located; however, the play structures themselves do not
require handicap accessibility per the NC Department of Insurance.
(Q) Is a Smoke Control system required to have a Special Inspections?
(A) Section 1704- Special Inspections are required for all smoke-control or
smoke-evacuation systems.
(Q) What is the flame spread rating of the insulation for plumbing pipes?
(A) Section 719-Per the NC Department of Insurance, the material used to
insulate water supply and drainpipes under lavatories and sinks shall
comply with 719.7. These materials shall have a Flame Spread Index of
not more than 25 and a Smoke Development Index of not more than 450.
with an occupant load of 50 or more per 1008.1.9. Also refer to 1008.1.8.3.
(Q) How is exit sign placement determined in a warehouse occupancy?
(A) Section 1011.1- Exit signs/lighting within warehouse/storage areas must
comply with 1011.1. This will be checked by the Building Plans
Examiner during the course of plan review. However; the final
determination of the locations of these signs/lights will be done by the
Building Field Inspector once all the racking elements are in place.
(Q) Do you calculate the stair travel distance with an open stair?
(A) Section 1019- For vertical exit enclosures in 1019 exception #9, the travel
distance shall be calculated from the most remote point to the exit
discharge when unenclosed stairways are used in a means of egress per
(Q) Do the racking systems need to be the same type construction as the building?
(A) Racking permits shall be designated with the same occupancy use group
and building construction type as the location into which the racking
system is being installed.
(Q) Can I use foam plastic trim in my building?
(A) Foam plastic used as interior trim shall have a maximum thickness of
0.5” and a maximum width of 8” to comply with 2604 (Interior Finish
and Trim). If conformity is uncertain, flame spread index reports and
other documentation will be required to show compliance with the flame
spread and smoke development criteria required by Chapters 8 and 26.