Colorado School of Mines Annual Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes Report For Academic Year 2013-2014 Undergraduate Programs The purpose of assessment is to promote excellence in student learning and educational practices by fostering a campus culture of self-evaluation and improvement. The annual assessment report enables CSM to document engagement in continuous improvement efforts. Provide responses to the following questions/items and email this completed document to by September 13. Feel free to expand the tables below as needed. The Assessment Committee will provide written feedback in response to the department annual report, using this rubric as the basis for their feedback. Components of this annual report that are specific to ABET re-accreditation are noted below. Department/Program: Division of Economics and Business/BS in Economics Person Submitting This Report: Scott Houser Phone: 2045 Email address: 1. Describe your assessment plan (list not only the activities completed in the past year, but your entire ongoing plan.) Student Outcome 1: Students will demonstrate a depth of understanding in theoretical and applied economics. Direct assessment measure(s)/methods Comprehensive final exam in EBGN301 EBGN303 research project report Instructor evaluation of competence in EBGN301 learning objectives Indirect assessment measure(s)/methods Survey Performance criteria 80% of students will achieve a score that meets expectations in the class 80% of students will achieve a rating of “satisfactory” for the modeling portion of the assignment 80% of students will achieve a rating of “satisfactory” Performance criteria 80% will agree that they achieved this outcome before graduating Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All students in EBGN301 Frequency/Time of assessment Fall 2011, each semester thereafter All students in EBGN301 Spring 2012, and annually thereafter All students in 400level economics courses Spring 2012, and each semester thereafter Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All graduating seniors Frequency/Time of assessment Fall 2012, each semester thereafter 1 Student Outcome 2: Students will be able to use theoretical models to analyze economic issues. Direct assessment measure(s)/methods Comprehensive final exam in EBGN301 EBGN303 research project report Instructor evaluation of competence in EBGN301 learning objectives Writing-intensive 400level economics elective research projects EBGN401 research project Indirect assessment measure(s)/methods Survey Performance criteria 80% of students will achieve a score that meets expectations in the class 80% of students will achieve a rating of “satisfactory” for the modeling portion of the assignment 80% of students will achieve a rating of “satisfactory” 80% of students will achieve a rating of “satisfactory” for the economic analysis portion of the assignment 80% of students will achieve a rating of “satisfactory” for the modeling portion of the assignment Performance criteria 80% will agree that they achieved this outcome before graduating Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All students in EBGN301 Frequency/Time of assessment Fall 2011, each semester thereafter All economics majors in EBGN303 Spring 2012, and annually thereafter All economics majors in 400-level economics courses Spring 2012, and each semester thereafter All economics majors in EBGN437, EBGN441, EBGN443 and EBGN470 Fall 2013, each semester thereafter All economics majors in EBGN401 Fall 2012, annually thereafter Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All graduating seniors Frequency/Time of assessment Fall 2012, each semester thereafter Student Outcome 3: Students will be able to gather and analyze quantitative economic data using appropriate empirical tools. Direct assessment Performance criteria Population/sample/ Frequency/Time of measure(s)/methods recruitment strategies assessment EBGN303 research 80% of students will All economics majors Spring 2012, and project report achieve a rating of in EBGN303 annually thereafter “satisfactory” for the data and econometric analysis portions of the assignment EBGN401 research 80% of students will Fall 2012, annually All economics majors project achieve a rating of thereafter in EBGN401 “satisfactory” for the data and analysis portions of the assignment Indirect assessment Performance criteria Population/sample/ Frequency/Time of measure(s)/methods recruitment strategies assessment Survey 80% will agree that All graduating seniors Fall 2012, each they achieved this semester thereafter 2 outcome before graduating Student Outcome 4: Students will be able to understand and interpret written material in economics Direct assessment measure(s)/methods Performance criteria Population/sample/ recruitment strategies Frequency/Time of assessment EBGN403 company and agency report summaries 80% of students will achieve a rating of “satisfactory” for analysis of economic reports provided by companies and agencies visited during field session Performance criteria All economics majors in EBGN403 Summer 2014, and annually thereafter Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All graduating seniors Frequency/Time of assessment Fall 2012, each semester thereafter Indirect assessment measure(s)/methods Survey 80% will agree that they achieved this outcome before graduating Student Outcome 5: Students will be able to write a well-organized, logical and technically sound research paper or economic report. Direct assessment measure(s)/methods EBGN303 research project report EBGN401 research project Writing-intensive 400level economics elective writing assignment Indirect assessment measure(s)/methods Survey Performance criteria 80% of students will achieve a rating of “satisfactory” for the writing portion of the assignment 80% of students will achieve an overall rating of “satisfactory” for the research paper 80% of students will achieve an overall rating of “satisfactory” for the paper Performance criteria 80% will agree that they achieved this outcome before graduating Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All economics majors in EBGN303 Frequency/Time of assessment Spring 2012, and annually thereafter All economics majors in EBGN401 Fall 2012, annually thereafter All economics majors in EBGN437, EBGN441, EBGN443 and EBGN470 Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All graduating seniors Fall 2013, each semester thereafter Frequency/Time of assessment Fall 2012, each semester thereafter Student Outcome 6: Students will be able to present a well-organized, logical and technically sound oral report on an economic topic. Direct assessment Performance criteria Population/sample/ Frequency/Time of measure(s)/methods recruitment strategies assessment Research project oral 80% of students will All economics majors Fall 2013, each presentations achieve a rating of in EBGN437, semester thereafter “satisfactory” for the EBGN441, EBGN443 3 oral report portion of the assignment Performance criteria Indirect assessment measure(s)/methods Survey and EBGN470 Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All graduating seniors 80% will agree that they achieved this outcome before graduating Frequency/Time of assessment Fall 2012, each semester thereafter 2. Map your assessment methods to your outcomes. Table 1 Assessment method 1: Assessment method 2: Assessment method 3: Assessment method 4: Exit survey for graduates Common comprehensi ve final in EBGN301 Rubric for EBGN303 research project Rubric for prerequisite preparedness x x x x x x x x x x x x x Student outcome 1 Student outcome 2 Student outcome 3 Student outcome 4 Student outcome 5 Student outcome 6 x Assessme nt method 5: Common rubric for written and oral reports x x Assessment method 6: Written summaries of agency/ company reports in EBGN403 x x 3. Map the student outcomes to courses and to the ABET outcomes. You may use check marks or designate P=primary emphasis and S=secondary emphasis. If your assessment plan only includes the ABET outcomes and you have no additional outcomes, you do not need to complete table #3. Table 2 Core major course Student outcome 1 Student outcome 2 Student outcome 3 Student outcome 4 Student outcome 5 Student outcome 6 2 0 1 X X X 3 0 1 3 0 2 X X X X X X Table 3 Student outcome 1 Student outcome 2 Student outcome 3 Student outcome 4 Student outcome 5 Student outcome 6 A X B X X C 3 0 3 X X X X 3 2 1 X 3 2 5 4 0 3 X X X 4 0 4 4 0 5 X X X X X X X X X ABET Outcomes D E F G H I X X X X X 4 J K 4. Identify the assessment activities that your program has implemented in the past year. 1. Developed assessment tools for the revised economics field session that was offered in Summer 2014 Direct measures: 2. Implemented a common rubric for the written reports in our writing intensive 400-level elective courses (EBGN443, 437 and 470) during 2014-15. 3. Piloted a common rubric for the oral reports in EBGN437 and EBGN409 during 2014-15. Indirect measures: 1. Refined questions for one-on-one exit interviews with graduating seniors. We had planned to begin these exit interviews in Fall 2013, but we delayed this activity until Fall 2014. 5. Describe how you have shared assessment results with faculty. Describe how faculty have used assessment results to improve student learning, including the specific actions you have taken or will take to facilitate students’ attainment of the student learning outcomes. (ABET Criterion 4C.) Table 4 Mechanisms for sharing assessment results with faculty: Faculty who teach in the economics undergraduate program met during Spring 2014 to discuss the assessment results and the assessment plan for the 2014-2015 academic year. We plan to meet again in October 2014. Table 5 Action #1 taken: Developed a common rubric for assessing student understanding and interpretation of written material assigned in economics courses Date action taken: Basis for this action: September 2014 Results from the survey of graduating seniors were inconclusive. Concern that we did not have sufficient direct assessment measures for this student outcome. Student Outcome 4: Students will be able to understand and interpret written material in economics the survey of graduating seniors Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Action #2 taken: Rubric will be piloted in Fall 2014 and used in additional courses in Spring 2015 Continued rebalancing of material in Intermediate Microeconomics (EBGN301) to address prerequisite needs of 400-level economics courses. Specifically, EBGN301 will add some additional content that emphasizes analysis of general equilibrium. This material is essential for the 400-level courses in public and regional economics. 5 Date action taken: Basis for this action: Student outcome impacted: May 2014 Review of data on faculty perception of preparedness and of performance on common EBGN301 final exam from Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. Student Outcome 1: Students will demonstrate a depth of understanding in theoretical and applied economics. Student Outcome 2: Students will be able to use theoretical models to analyze economic issues. Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: see above Action #3 taken: Faculty discussed the revised economics field session and began developing revised assessment tools. Date action taken: Basis for this action: August 2014 Perception by graduating students and faculty that the current structure of the field session is not appropriate for the smaller number of economics majors and for the student outcomes developed during the assessment process All Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: We plan to review using the evaluation of student preparedness during 2015-2016 Graduating student survey Refinement of assessment tools used to evaluate the revised field session conducted in Summer 2014. We will continue to use the graduating senior survey to assess the effectiveness of the field session. Action #4 taken: Faculty group established to develop formal assessment report for EBGN201 Date action taken: Basis for this action: August 2014 Recommendation from the Assessment Committee that EB include assessment for EBGN201 in our undergraduate assessment report All Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: In process 6 6. Describe any changes that you are planning to make in your assessment plan for next year. Table 6 Planned changes: We plan to implement the graduating senior exit interviews beginning Fall 2014 (delayed from Fall 2013). We will revise assignments in EBGN303, 401 and 409 to include opportunities for direct assessment of Student Outcome 4. We will evaluate and revise tools used to assess the effectiveness of the revised field session. We plan to expand the use the common rubric for oral research reports in additional EBGN courses. We will develop a plan for additional assessment of EBGN201 7. Describe how you have used the feedback from the assessment committee in response to last year’s report to improve your assessment efforts. Table 7 Use of committee’s feedback: The committee provided very helpful feedback on last year’s assessment report. We modified our assessment plan and activities in the following ways in response to the committee’s feedback: 1. We will modify existing assignments and rubrics in certain courses to include a more explicit focus on Student Outcome 4 with the goal of adding direct assessment of this outcome to existing assessment tools used for Student Outcomes 5 and 6. 2. We will work with Kay Schneider to develop a more formal report on our assessment of EBGN201. We have focused our formal assessment report on our undergraduate degree program. Now that the BS assessment system is well-established, we plan to focus more energy on including our assessment efforts for EBGN201 in our report. 7