New Books in the Library (funded by 2014 State Grants... ASSESSMENT Available via the Library catalog, 8/2014

New Books in the Library (funded by 2014 State Grants for Libraries award)
Available via the Library catalog, 8/2014
Call number
Assessing For Learning. Peggy Maki [RECOM]
Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide, 2nd ed. Linda Suskie; Trudy Banta [RECOM]
Assessment Clear and Simple: A Practical Guide for Institutions, Departments, and General Education. Barbara
Walvoord [RECOM]
Assessment in Engineering Programs: Evolving Best Practices. 2008. William E. Kelly [RECOM]
Assessment of Chemistry. 2010. John Ryan; Ted Clark, Alexis Collier, eds [RECOM]
Assessment of Student Learning in College Mathematics: Towards Improved Programs and Courses. 2006. Bernard
L. Madison, ed. [RECOM]
Assessment of Writing. 2009. Marie C. Paretti [RECOM]
Formative Assessment for Secondary Science Teachers. Furtak, E.M. [RECOM]
Introduction to Rubrics: An Assessment Tool to Save Grading Time, Convey Effective Feedback, and Promote Student
Learning. Dannelle Stevens; Antonia Levi; Barbara Walvoord [RECOM]
Questionnaire research: A practical guide. 2001. Patten, Mildred L.
The Assessment of Doctoral Education. 2006. Peggy Maki; Nancy Borkowski, Daniel Denecke
Weaving science inquiry and continuous assessement
Science formative assessment: 75 practical strategies
Using qualitative methods in action research: How librarians can get to the Why of data. Cook, Douglas; Farmer,
Lesley, eds.
Value of academic libraries: A comprehensive research review and report. Oakleaf, Megan
Academic conversations: Classroom talk that fosters critical thinking and content understandings. Zwiers, Jeff;
Crawford, Marie
Chemists' guide to effective teaching. Pienta, Norbert; Cooper, Melanie; Greenbowe, Thomas
Common ground at the nexus of information literacy and scholarly communication. Davis-Kahl, Stephanie; Hensley,
Merinda Kaye
Creating effective undergraduate research programs in science: The transformation from student to scientist. 2008.
Taraban, Roman; Blanton, Richard L.
Engineering design: An introduction, 2nd ed. Karsnitz, John R.; O'Brien, Stephen; Hutchinson, John P.
Flipping 2.0: Practical strategies for flipping your class. 2013. Bretzmann, Jason
Handbook for training peer tutors and mentors. Agee, Karen; Hodges, Russ
How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. 2010. Susan A. Ambrose, et al. [RECOM]
LB2366.2 .M35 2010
LB2366 .S87 2004
LB2822.75 .W35 2010
T65.3 .A87 2008
QD40 .A87 2010
QA11.2 .A77 2006
P301.5.A27 A87 2009
Q182 .F87 2009
LB3063 .S74 2013
H62 .P32 2011
LB2386 .A76 2006
LB1585 .C29 2003
Q181 .K43 2008
Z678.85 .U85 2011
Z675.U5 O22 2010
LB1590.3 .Z94 2011
QD40 .C454 2005
ZA3075 .C67 2013
Q180.A1 C74 2008
TA174 .K3757 2013
LB1027.23 .F55 2013
LB1031.5 .H36 2012
LB1025.3 .A42 2010
How the brain learns. Sousa, David A.
LB1057 .S65 2011
Introduction to Rubrics: An Assessment Tool to Save Grading Time, Convey Effective Feedback, and Promote Student
Learning. Dannelle Stevens; Antonia Levi; Barbara Walvoord [RECOM]
LB3063 .S74 2013
Learning and Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom. Marilla D. Svinicki [RECOM]
LB1065 .S84 2004
Making Scientists: Six principles of effective college teaching. Gregory Light [RECOM]
Q181 .L67 2013
Mathematics education for a new era: Video games as a medium for learning. 2011. Devlin, Keith.
QA135.6 .D53 2011
Mind, brain, and education: Neuroscience implications for the classroom. Sousa, David A.
LB1060 .M56 2010
Pedagogical applications and social effects of mobile technology integration. Keengwe, Jared
LB1028.3 .P28 2013
Promoting active learning through the flipped classroom model
LB1027.23 .P75 2014
STEM models of success: Programs, policies, and practices in the community college (Contemporary Perspectiveds in
Race and Ethnic Relations). 2014. Wood, J. Luke; Palmer, Robert T.
Q183.3.A1 S74 2014
Student Development in College: Theory, Research, and Practice. 2009. Nancy J. Evans [RECOM]
LB2343.4 .E88 2010
Students helping students: A guide for peer educators on college campuses. Newton, Fred B.; Ender, Steven C.; Gardner, John
N. .N727 2010
Supporting college and university students with invisible disabilities: A guide for faculty and staff working with
students with autism, AD/HD,…disorders, anxiety, and mental illness. Oslund, Christy
LC4813 .O75 2014
Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors. 2010. Linda B. Nilson [RECOM]
LB2331 .N55 2010
Team-based learning: A transformative use of small groups in college teaching. Michaelsen, Larry K., ed.
LB1032 .T38 2004
The Dilemma of Guidance: An Exploration of Scientific Inquiry Teaching. Furtak, E.M. [RECOM]
Q181 .F87 2008
Thinking with data: How to turn information into insights. Shron, Max
Q365 .S57 2014
Tools for Teaching. 2009. Barbara Gross Davis [RECOM]
LB2331 .D37 2009
Training guide for college tutors and peer educators. Lipsky, Sally A.
LB2331 .L57 2011
Using qualitative methods in action research: How librarians can get to the Why of data. Cook, Douglas; Farmer,
Lesley, eds.
Z678.85 .U85 2011
Video games and learning: Teaching and participatory culture in the Digital Age. Squire, Kurt
GV1469.3 .S76 2011
Increasing persistence: Research-based strategies for college student success. Habley, Wesley R.; Bloom, Jennifer L.;
Robbins, Steve
LC148.15 .H33 2012
Out of our minds: Learning to be creative. Robinson, Ken
Teaching STEM in the early years: Activities for integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Moomaw, Sally
Also available in the Library…
STEM in action: Inspiring the science and engineering workforce of tomorrow: Hearing before the Committee on
Science, Space, and Technology…
STEM Integration in K-12 Education: Status, Prospects, and an Agenda for Research. Honey, Margaret; Pearson,
Greg; Schweingruber, Heidi, eds. [RECOM]
The future of thinking: Learning institutions in a Digital Age. The John D. and Catharine T. MacArthur Foundation
Reports on Digital Media and Learning. Davidson, Cathy N.; Goldberg, David Theo; Jones, Zoe Marie
The language of mathematics: Making the invisible visible. 2000. Devlin, Keith
Undergraduate research in the sciences: Engaging students in real science. 2010. Laursen, Sandra, et al.
Lean in for graduates. Sandberg, Sheryl
Succeeding as a student in the STEM fields with an invisible disability: A college handbook for science, technology,
engineering, and math students…or learning difficulties and their families. Oslund, Christy
Supporting college and university students with invisible disabilities: A guide for faculty and staff working with
students with autism, AD/HD,…disorders, anxiety, and mental illness. Oslund, Christy
Also available in the Library…
Engineering women and leadership. Zoli, Corri. 2008.
Women and minorities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics: Upping the numbers.
Science and engineering degrees, by race/ethnicity of recipients. NSF.
Inclusive design: Design for the whole population. Clarkson, John.
Science education for diversity: Theory and practice. Mansour, Nasser; Wegerif, Rupert
Academic writing for graduate students, 3rd ed.: Essential tasks and skills. Swales, John M.; Feak, Christine.
Common ground at the nexus of information literacy and scholarly communication. Davis-Kahl, Stephanie; Hensley,
Merinda Kaye
Designing science presentations: A visual guide to figures, papers, slides, posters, and more. Carter, Matt
Grammar choices for graduate and professional writers. Caplan, Nigel A.
Handbook for training peer tutors and mentors. Agee, Karen; Hodges, Russ
How to write and publish a scientific paper, 7th ed. Day, Robert A.; Gastel, Barbara
Making sense in the life sciences: A student's guide to writing and research. Northey, Margot; von Aderkas, Patrick
Peopleware: Productive projects and teams, 3rd ed. DeMarco, Tom; Lister, Tim
Project management case studies. Kerzner, Harold R.
Science research writing: A guide for non-native speakers of English. Glasman-Deal, Hilary
Slide rules: Design, build, and archive presentations in the engineering and technical fields. Nathans-Kelly, Traci;
Nicomento, Christine G.
Students helping students: A guide for peer educators on college campuses. Newton, Fred B.; Ender, Steven C.;
Gardner, John N.
Thinking with data: How to turn information into insights. Shron, Max
Virtual teams: Mastering communication and collaboration in the Digital Age. Kurtzberg, Terri R.
Writing in the life sciences: A critical thinking approach. Greene, Laurence
Writing science in plain English. Greene, Anne E.
Writing science: How to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded. Schimel, Joshua
How to prepare a scientific doctoral dissertation based on research articles. Gustavii, Bjorn. 2012.
Also available in the Library…
Project planning, scheduling, and control: The ultimate hands-on guide to bringing projects in on time and on
budget, 5th ed. Lewis, James
The craft of scientific presentations: Critical steps to succeed and critical errors to avoid. Alley, Michael
Writing for science and engineering. Silyn-Roberts, Heather.
BF408 .R53 2011
LB1139.5.S35 M66 2013
QA93 .D4578 2002
Q180.A1 U48 2010
HD6054.3 .S265 2014
LC4818.38 .O75 2013
LC4813 .O75 2014
Q130 .W652 2007
TA174 .I464 2003
PE1408 .S7836 2012
ZA3075 .C67 2013
Q223 .C32 2013
PE1408 .C298 2012
LB1031.5 .H36 2012
T11 .D33 2006
QH304 .N67 2011
HD31 .D4222 2013
PE1475 .G57 2010
T10.5 .N377 2014
LB1027.5 .N727 2010
Q365 .S57 2014
HD66 .K874 2014
R118 .G74 2010
T11 .G683 2013
T11 .S35 2012
LB2369 .G87 2012
online; print T11 .S525 2013
101 Things I Learned in Engineering School. 2013. Kuprenas, John; Frederick, Matthew
A PhD is not enough!: A guide to survival in science, 2nd ed. Feibelman, Peter J.
Connecting students to STEM careers: Social networking strategies. Cole, Camille
Creating effective undergraduate research programs in science: The transformation from student to scientist. 2008.
Taraban, Roman; Blanton, Richard L.
Engineering design: An introduction, 2nd ed. Karsnitz, John R.; O'Brien, Stephen; Hutchinson, John P.
Ignorance: How it drives science. Firestein, Stuart
Kaplan: Civil engineering FE review manual
Kaplan: Electrical engineering FE review manual
Kaplan: Environmental engineering FE review manual
Kaplan: Mechanical engineering FE review manual
Kaplan S&H
Lean in for graduates. Sandberg, Sheryl
What the Best College Students Do. 2012. Ken Bain [RECOM]
Out of our minds: Learning to be creative. Robinson, Ken
Also available in the Library…
STEM in action: Inspiring the science and engineering workforce of tomorrow: Hearing before the Committee on
Science, Space, and Technology….US Congress. 2011
Stuff you don’t learn in engineering school. 2004. Selinger, Carl
Talking about leaving: Why undergraduates leave the sciences. Seymour, Elaine
Unwritten laws of engineering, 2nd ed. 2001. King, W. J.; Skakoon, James G.
Academic Libraries
Common ground at the nexus of information literacy and scholarly communication. Davis-Kahl, Stephanie; Hensley,
Merinda Kaye
Value of academic libraries: A comprehensive research review and report. Oakleaf, Megan
The changing academic library: Operations, culture, environments, 2nd ed. Budd, John M.
Also available in the Library…
Busy librarians guide to information literacy in science and engineering. O'Clair, Katherine; Davidson, Jeanne R.
The expert library: Staffing, sustaining, and advancing the academic library in the 21st century. Walter, Scott;
Williams, Karen
The future of thinking: Learning institutions in a Digital Age. The John D. and Catharine T. MacArthur Foundation
Reports on Digital Media and Learning. Davidson, Cathy N.; Goldberg, David Theo; Jones, Zoe Marie
T65 .K85 2013
Q147 .F45 2011
Q197 .C65 2011
Q180.A1 C74 2008
TA174 .K3757 2013
Q175.32.K45 F57 2012
TA159 .C52 2014
TK169 .E43 2014
TA170 .E635 2013
TJ159 .M42 2013
HD6054.3 .S265 2014
LA229 .B24 2012
BF408 .R53 2011
LA229 .B24 2012
TA190 .S45 2004
LC148.2 .S49 1997
TA157 .K56 2001
ZA3075 .C67 2013
Z675.U5 O22 2010
Z675.U5 B866 2012
Q181 .B968 2012
Z675.U5 E95 2010