Colorado School of Mines Office of Graduate Studies Thesis Committee Report This form is provided by the Office of Graduate Studies as a means of documenting interactions between students and their Thesis Committees. It is intended that the form be completed and signed by both the student and all Thesis Committee members following each Committee meeting. Student Name: Degree and Major: Program Start Date: CWID: Date: Name Signature Advisor: Co-advisor: Minor Representative: Committee Chair: Committee Member: Committee Member: Committee Member: Committee Member: Date of Last Meeting: Expected Defense Date: Student Assessment Section (attach additional pages as needed) Proposed Thesis/Dissertation Title: Describe the progress you have made since the last meeting of the Committee. Please be specific. If you have not completed the goals outlined in your previous progress report, please explain why. If you have submitted or published any written works on which you are first author since your last report, please attach copies to this document. When do you plan on submitting your thesis to the Committee for review? Student Signature Date Advisor Assessment Section (attach additional pages as needed) What is your assessment of the student's progress since the last meeting of the Committee? Please indicate the format (met with student individually or with a group of other students) and frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, other) of scheduled meetings you have held with the student during the period covered by this report. If you have not held any meetings, please explain. Format: Advisor Signature: Frequency: Date: Committee Chair (attach additional pages as needed) Is there a detailed research plan in place that may be assessed at the next Committee meeting? Is there clear evidence of progress toward defining/meeting the goals of the thesis proposal? Is it expected that the student will prepare/submit a first-author manuscript during next review period? Committee's General Assessment of Student Doctoral Outcomes Excellent Good Needs improvement: Include improvement plan Demonstration of exemplary disciplinary expertise. Demonstration of a set of skills and attitudes usually associated with our understanding of what it is to be an academic scholar (e.g., intellectual curiosity, intellectual integrity, ability to think critically and argue persuasively, the exercise of intellectual independence, a passion for life-long learning, etc.). Demonstration of a set of professional skills (e.g., oral and written communication, time-management, project planning, teaching, teamwork and team leadership, cross-cultural and diversity awareness, etc.) necessary to succeed in a student's chosen career path. Master’s Outcomes Excellent Good Needs improvement: Include improvement plan Graduates will demonstrate exemplary disciplinary expertise. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to conduct directed research; the ability to assimilate and assess scholarship; and the ability to apply scholarship in new, creative and productive ways. Graduates will demonstrate professional skills (e.g., oral and written communication, time-management, project planning, teamwork and team leadership, cross-cultural and diversity awareness, ethics, etc.) necessary to succeed in a student's chosen career path. . Recommended date of next Committee meeting: Recommendations: Committee Chair Signature: Date: