Logan Forsythe (573) 881-­‐8802 forsythe@mines.edu EDUCATION Colorado School of Mines Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Expected Date of Graduation: May 2017 University of Missouri – Columbia Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Emphasis in Environmental and Geotechnical Engineering Minor in Soil Science Date of Graduation: December 2014 EMPLOYMENT Graduate Teaching Assistant, August 2015 -­‐ Present Colorado School of Mines Mentor: Dr. Kathleen Smits • Holding weekly office hours assisting students with concepts and assigned work related to fluid mechanics and open channel hydraulics • Grading assigned work and exams Environmental Assessment and Remediation Intern, Summer 2015 Barr Engineering Company – Ann Arbor, MI Mentors: Tiffany Yusko-­‐Kotimko, Steve Crider • Assisted with groundwater and soil remediation projects associated with former manufactured gas plant sites • Drafting and editing of remediation plans, restrictive covenants, notices of migration, no further action reports, and contract change orders • Field work experience included: DNAPL product recovery, onsite soil contamination screening and load tracking, land surveying, site inspections, groundwater and surface water sampling. Honors Undergraduate Research Assistant, Fall 2014 University of Missouri Mentors: J. Erik Loehr, PhD, PE • Performed statistical analysis in MatLab to determine the relative variability and correlation between the uniaxial compressive strength and the point load test data for Missouri shales • Compiled literature, data analysis, and conclusions into a report to be used in future work to determine the effectiveness of the point load index as a surrogate field measurement to the uniaxial compressive strength Environmental Assessment and Remediation Intern, Summer 2014 Barr Engineering Company – Jefferson City, MO Mentors: Adam Nanney, PE; Craig Bunger, PE; Heather Breitenbach • Supported projects focusing on remediation of lead mine tailings sites and expansion of a landfill at a lead-­‐acid battery recycling facility, including geotechnical and hydraulics design • Created a standardized system of field data retrieval, compilation, and organization for a major project involving multiple employees conducting field work • Independently conducted site visits to crude oil pipeline exposures and wrote reports to be used in remedial design that included detailed site descriptions and stream channel remediation suggestions based on knowledge of open channel hydraulics, soil mechanics, and hydrology Engineering High School Summer Camp Counselor, Summer 2013 University of Missouri College of Engineering – Columbia, MO • Mentored high school students through the week long camp where they leaned about the different possibilities within engineering and competed in various design competitions • Assisted in the organization and logistics of the camp Geotechnical Engineering Intern, Summer 2012 Reitz & Jens Consulting Engineers – St. Louis, MO Manager: Paul H. Reitz, PE • Managed a subcontracted crew and carried out the inspection of dam toe drainage systems • Assisted in the inspection and surveying of dams and levees • Consolidated piezometer and monitoring well field data into clear and concise reports • Observed site characterization and preparation for the establishment of a stormwater detention structure Agricultural Air Quality Engineering Lab Technician, Fall 2011-­‐ Fall 2012 University of Missouri – Columbia, Missouri Mentor: Teng T. Lim, PhD, PE • Designed and analyzed different bio-­‐filter irrigation systems using MatLab to determine the nozzle types and configuration that would yield the most efficient and even wetting of the filter media • Investigated the different static pressure drops and effective air flows caused by varying depths of different filter media • Assembled bio-­‐filters in the field and improving the design after adapting to unforeseen field conditions • Processed and analyze humidity, temperature, static pressure, and air flow data Water Quality Research Internship, Summer 2011 USDA Agricultural Research Service – Columbia, Missouri Mentors: Robert N. Lerch PhD and Bettina Coggeshall • Led project studying degradation of C14 Atrazine within soil samples from different buffer systems by tracking the radioactive decay using a scintillation counter • Assisted in monitoring soil erosion rates and how they were affected by the surrounding landscape and the presence of a riparian buffer zone • Supported a project investigating and comparing the effects of conventional tillage, no till, and harrow management practices on sediment loss and the lateral transport of nutrients and atrazine Soil Microbiology Lab Assistant, Winter 2011-­‐Winter 2012 University of Missouri and USDA Agricultural Research Service – Columbia, Missouri Mentor: Robert J. Kremer PhD • Carried out tests and procedures on soil samples to determine various characteristics relating to the composition of the microbial communities, including the amount of water-­‐stable aggregates, concentrations of Dehydrogenase, Glucosaminidase, and Glucosidase, Carbon/Nitrogen levels, and the moisture content ACTIVITIES Senior Design Project, August 2014 – Present Geotechnical Group Leader, University of Missouri – Columbia • Acted as the project manager of all geotechnical aspects of a proposed bridge design for the US Highway 69 bridge in Kansas City, MO • Thoroughly researched the process and associated regulations associated with bridge foundation design, and carried out design calculations pertaining to bridge pier foundations and slope stability • Coordinated with the Civil and Structural group leaders to ensure the work was fluid and all encompassing • Presented design and supporting work to representatives from Burns & McDonnell Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity, Spring 2011 – Present President, Spring 2013-­‐Spring 2014 • Served as the president of a co-­‐educational honor fraternity of 100+ members • Led weekly chapter meeting as well as meetings with the executive board members • Acted as the point of contact with other organizations and the university administrators • Participated in monthly service opportunities Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society, Fall 2012 – Present President, Spring 2014; Marshall, Fall 2013; Secretary, Spring 2012 • Promoted interactions and working relationships between civil engineering students and faculty • Taught new members about the organization and coordinated their initiate banquets • Organized two service events for new members Engineering Student Council, Spring 2011 – Present Director of Outreach, Fall 2012-­‐Spring 2013 • Planned and directed two weekend long events that brought a total of 70 students to campus to show them the different fields of engineering and hopefully build interest in STEM • Event recruiting specially targeted those who are currently minorities in the STEM fields • Coordinated with faculty from across the college to form a panel of professors to answer questions and to develop engaging and informative presentations and activities pertaining to each engineering discipline • Gave a lecture covering the opportunities within civil and environmental engineering and led an activity that demonstrated principle concepts of truss design Engineers Without Borders, Spring 2013-­‐Present Technical Group • Helped determine and address issues in the water distribution and treatment system of an indigenous community in Panama • Reviewed reports and advised on the technical report writing process American Society of Civil Engineers, Fall 2012 – Present Vice President of Community Service, Spring 2013-­‐Fall 2014 • Organized 6 community service events including a stream clean-­‐up and food drive • Participated as a member of the executive board and helped draft the organization’s bylaws Study Abroad Program, Summer 2013 Dublin, Ireland • Studied circuit theory at University College Dublin for four weeks before independently traveling through France, Germany, Austria, and Italy University of Missouri Soil Judging Team, Fall 2011-­‐Fall 2012 Competitor • Competed at the regional level in contests pertaining to soil classification, morphology, and genesis • Applied the observations of the soil profile to recommendations on suitability for structures, septic systems, and transportation facilities Volunteering • Habitat for Humanity • Mid-­‐Missouri Stream Team • Central Missouri Food Bank SCHOLARSHIPS, HONORS, AND AWARDS • • • • • Magna Cum Laude Fall 2014 Honors Scholar in Engineering Fall 2014 University Dean’s List, consecutive semesters since Fall 2010 Academic Excellence Award, consecutive semesters since Fall 2010 Engineering Dean’s Scholarship, consecutive semesters since Fall 2010