Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum 28 March 2013 to 29 September 2013 British Museum, London, WC1B 3DG UK List of objects proposed for protection under Part 6 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 (protection of cultural objects on loan) Lender The object listed below will be lent by La Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei represented by their Soprintendente Dott.ssa Teresa Elena Cinquantaquattro of Piazza Museo Nazionale, 19 - 80135 Napoli, Italy. Excavation dates The material dates from the Roman Empire in the first century (around 79AD). All material originates from excavations carried out between 1710 and 2009 within the sites Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplontis and Stabiae. All the material was excavated by agents of the King of Naples (after 1816 the Kings of the Two Sicilies) or after 1860 by representatives of the archaeological authorities of the Italian State. Acquisition All of the material is on loan from the Italian state. Following excavations in the 18th and 19th centuries, the material was kept by the Kings of Naples (after 1816 the Kings of the Two Sicilies) at the Royal Palace in Portici before being moved to its current location in Naples Museum in the early 19th century. In 1860 the ownership passed to the Italian State and it has remained so since then. Since its excavation, including during the period 1933 to 1945, all material has been the property of the Italian state. No item has ever been alienated from the collection. Publications The excavations and the artefacts uncovered have been the subject of many publications and international exhibitions, including: d’Ambrosio, A., Guzzo, P.G., Mastroroberto, M. (eds) (2004) Storie da un’eruzione (exhibition catalogue) Milan, Electa Guidobaldi, M.P. (ed.) Ercolano: Tre Secoli di Scoperte, (2008) (exhibition catalogue) Napoli , Electa dell’Orto, L.F. and Varone, A (eds) (1992) Rediscovering Pompeii Rome, L’Erma di Bretschneider Mattusch, C.C. (2008) Pompeii and the Roman Villa (exhibition catalogue) Washington, National Gallery of Art Ward-Perkins, J. and Claridge, A. (1976) Pompeii AD 79 Bristol, Imperial Tobacco Limited Le Collezioni del Museo Nazionale di Napoli I,1 (1986) De Luca Editore Le Collezioni del Museo Nazionale di Napoli I,2 (1989) De Luca Edizioni d’arte- Leonardo Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum, 28th March – 29 September 2013, British Museum List of objects proposed for protection under Part 6 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 (protection of cultural objects on loan) 1 Objects Naples Museum Stattue of Lucius s Mammius Maximus Inve entory Numb ber MANN 55 591 Bron nze 227 7 x 105 x 100 0 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: The eatre Hercula aneum Privvate dinner frresco Inve entory Numb ber MANN 90 024 Fressco 66 x 66 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Herrculaneum Stattue of the em mpress Livia Inve entory Numb ber MANN 55 589 Bron nze 214 x 100 x 55 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: The eatre, Hercula aneum ctoral graffito o Fressco with elec Inve entory Numb ber MANN 47 714 Fressco 70 x 103 x 9 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Luc ius Mammius Maximus Inscription Inve entory Numb ber MANN 37 748 Bron nze 74 x 49.8 x 0.3 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: The eatre, Hercula aneum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on loan) 2 Eum machia statue e Inve entory Numb ber MANN 62 232 Marrble 194 (with base) cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Buillding of Eumachia, Pomppeii ene di osteria a fresco Sce Inve entory Numb ber MANN 111482 Fressco 50 x 205 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cau upona di Salv vius, Pompeeii Jug - lentoid lidd ded Inve entory Numb ber MANN 68 8927 Bron nze 26 x 25 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Mod dius inscriptio on HERC Inve entory Numb ber MANN 65 531 Bron nze 18 x 20 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Herrculaneum Sca ales with deco orated pans Inve entory Numb ber MANN 74 4157 Bron nze 39.5 5 x 48 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 3 nnel Fun Inve entory Numb ber MANN 73 3839 Bron nze 33 x 32 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Weiight in the form of a sow umber) (No inventory nu nze Bron 22 x 15 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Blue e hexagonal bottle Inve entory Numb ber MANN 13 3181 Glasss 36 x 17 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Botttle holder & 2 bottles Inve entory Numb ber MANN 12 2845 and 128895/ 12896 Potttery 15 x 23 x 12 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Gaulish Marb bled ware Form Consp 366 S. G Inve entory Numb ber MANN 10 09640 Potttery 5.5 x 12 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 4 Easstern Sigillata a A dish Consp 36 Inve entory Numb ber MANN 211957 Potttery 6 x 11 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown TSI Consp 36 entory Numb ber MANN 16 6482 Inve Potttery 6.7 x 13cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Africcan Red Slip p Ware amph hora Inve entory Numb ber MANN 110388 Potttery 22 x 12.5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Dog g mosaic Inve entory Numb ber MANN 110666 Mossaic 80 x 80 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Busst of Lucius Caecilius C Feliix Inve entory Numb ber MANN 110663 Bron nze and Marrble 173 3 (bust 35) cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of Lucius s Caecilius Iuucundus, Pompeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 5 Stoo ol folding Sella curiale Inve entory Numb ber MANN 73 3152 Bron nze 53 x 66 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Disttribution of bread fresco Inve entory Numb ber MANN 00 09071 Fressco 68.7 7; 61.7 (ex. Frame) F x 59.6 6; 52.6 (ex.F Frame) cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Brea ad with bake er's stamp Inve entory Numb ber MANN 84 4596 Carrbonised food d 21c m Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of the Sta ags, Herculaaneum Mossaic of a female Inve entory Numb ber MANN 12 24666 Mossaic 34; c.24 (ex. frame) x 29.2; 19.3 1 (ex. fram me) cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use VI, 15, 14 4, Pompeii Tab blets from the e archive of Caecilius C Iuccundus Inve entory Numb ber MANN 15 55868 (8A) Woo od Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of Caecillius Iucunduss, Pompeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 6 w lettera annd dittico Inst rumentum Scriptorium with Inve entory Numb ber MANN 98 818 Fressco me); Depth: 5.1 cm 25.8 8; 20 (ex. Fra ame) x 37.2; 31.4 (ex.fram Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of Marcus Lucretius, Pompeii Vessuvius, Bacch hus and snak ke fresco Inve entory Numb ber MANN 112286 Fressco 130 x 90 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa del Centenario, Pompeeii Stattuette of Jupiter seated Inve entory Numb ber MANN 00 05050 Bron nze 12.5 5 x 7 x 9.5 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Lare es (pair) Inve entory Numb ber MANN 113261-2 Bron nze 22 ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Jug entory Numb ber MANN 02 25691 Inve Silve er 22.5 5 x 15cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Inacco e Io, Pompeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 7 Stro ong box Inve entory Numb ber MANN 73 3021 Bron nze 101 x 58 x 92 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Platte Inve entory Numb ber MANN 25 5296 Silve er 22c m Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Sim mpulum Inve entory Numb ber MANN 02 25714 Silve er 10.5 5 x 6.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Inacco e Io, Pompeii p Cup Inve entory Numb ber MANN 02 25318 Silve er 3 x 14.2cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Inacco e Io, Pompeii Cala athus Inve entory Numb ber MANN 25 5368 9.5 x 13cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Ves suvian area Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on loan) 8 nsulae (x4) Men Inve entory Numb ber MANN 25 5548-51 Silve er Maxx: 3.4 x Max: 7.8 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Inacco e Io, Pompeii Stattuette of Alex xander (?) with silver inlaay Inve entory Numb ber MANN 50 014 Bron nze, silver 65 x Base 23 x 19 1 max. widtth 35 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Man n with Homer scroll Inve entory Numb ber MANN 12 20620a Fressco 51.3 3; 44.4 (ex. frame) x 51.8 8; 44.8 (ex. F Frame); Deptth: 7.9 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa del Cenac colo, Pompeiii Man n with Plato scroll s Inve entory Numb ber MANN 12 20620b fressco 51.8 8; 44.8 (ex. Frame) F x 51.5 5; 44.7 (ex. F Frame); Dep pth: 7.8 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa del Cenac colo, Pompeiii Paq quius Proculu us' and wife fresco f Inve entory Numb ber MANN 00 09058 Fressco 60 x 70 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use VII 2, 6 , Pompeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 9 ers on a bed d Love Inve entory Numb ber MANN 110569 Fressco 58.5 5; 51.7 (ex. Frame) F x 50.8 8; 44 (ex fram me) cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of Caecillius Iucunduss, Pompeii Satyyr and maenad fresco Inve entory Numb ber MANN 110590 Fressco 51; 45 (ex frame e) x 52.7; 46 (ex frame) ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of Caecillius Iucunduss Sna ake fresco (C CIL IV 1410) Inve entory Numb ber MANN 46 694 Fressco 62.7 7; 54.7 (ex. Frame) F x 49.1; 41.1 (ex frrame); Depth h: 5.3 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: VI 7, 7 6, Pompeii Pha allus satyr lam mp Inve entory Numb ber MANN 116661 Potttery 22.3 3 x 11.5 x 18 8 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown You ung woman and a mirror fre esco Inve entory Numb ber MANN 90 088 Fressco 56.2 2; 50 (ex.fram me) x 39.5; 33 3 (ex. Framee); Depth: 5.3 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Villa a di Arianna, Stabiae Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 10 Mirrror Inve entory Numb ber MANN 02 25718 Silve er 30.5 5 x Face: 18 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Inacco e Io, Pompeii Braccelet with Ap phrodite Inve entory Numb ber MANN 115603 Bron nze 1.3 x 0.3 x 9cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Neccklace with glass pendant Inve entory Numb ber MANN 118270 Bron nze, glass 11.5 5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Gratus, Pompeii edallion of So ol Braccelet with me Inve entory Numb ber MANN no o inv (446) Bron nze Med dallion:4.5; Bracelet: B 9.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Ring g with green gem (back tightened) t Inve entory Numb ber MANN 110910 Gold d and emera ald 2.1 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cau upona of Salv vius, Pompeeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 11 Florra/Primavera a Inve entory Numb ber MANN 00 08834 Fressco 47.4 4; 39.5 (ex frame) x 40.5;; 32.5 (ex. Frrame); Depth h: 6 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Villa a di Arianna, Stabiae Squ uare scallope ed fountain Inve entory Numb ber MANN 12 26203 marrble 95 x 45 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Fou untain spout in i form of rab bbit Inve entory Numb ber MANN 12 24912 Bron nze 13 x 12 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Fou untain spout in i form of peacock Inve entory Numb ber MANN 06 69784 Bron nze 30 x 11.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown ence crocodile Faie Inve entory Numb ber MANN 12 21324 Faie ence 9 x 13 x 39 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa delle Nozz ze d'Argentoo, pompeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 12 Faie ence frog Inve entory Numb ber MANN 12 21322 Faie ence 17.5 5 x 23 x 18 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Stattue of Danza atrice Inve entory Numb ber MANN 00 05619 Bron nze 65 x c. 80 x c. 40 cm c. 16 Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Herrculaneum, Villa V of the Paapyri Pan n and the Goat Inve entory Numb ber MANN 27 7709 marrble 44 ((pan), 42 (go oat) x Base 49 x 47 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Villa a of papyri, herculaneum h Mica a window pa ane Inve entory Numb ber MANN 313338 Mica a 29 x 11 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Fressco of Akte Inve entory Numb ber MANN 90 094 Fressco 25.9 9; 19.7 (ex. Frame) F x 21.5 5; 15.4 (ex. F Frame); Dep pth: 5.7 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Herrculaneum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 13 Flyin ng Maenad Inve entory Numb ber MANN 88 835 Fressco 74.4 4; 68.5 (ex. Frame) F x 55.2 2; 49 (ex. Fraame) cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Herrculanuem mped pigment 'ATTIORU U(M)' Stam Inve entory Numb ber MANN 112228 5 x 17cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii The eseus and the e Minatour Inve entory Numb ber MANN 90 043 Fressco 97 x 88 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of Gavius s Rufus, Pom mpeii The e three Grace es fresco Inve entory Numb ber MANN 92 236 Fressco 57 x 53 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Still life sea crea atures entory Numb ber MANN 12 20177 Inve Mossaic 90 x 90 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 14 Wom man spinning g fresco Inve entory Numb ber MANN 00 09523 Fressco 25; 19 (ex. Fram me) x 17.8; 11.8 (ex framee); Depth: 5 x cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Giusepp pe II, Pompeeii Dinn ner party fres sco Inve entory Numb ber MANN 12 20029 Fressco 68 x 66 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Dinn ner party fres sco Inve entory Numb ber MANN 12 20031 Fressco 60 x 64 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Form ma (one cup p only) Inve entory Numb ber MANN 02 25554 Silve er 5.5 x 12cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Inaco e Io, Pompeii Platte Inve entory Numb ber MANN 02 25302 Silve er 2.5 x 20.5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Inaco e Io, Pompeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 15 Dish h rectangular Inve entory Numb ber MANN 25 5362 silve er 4.5 x 20 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii She ell dish Inve entory Numb ber MANN 110863 6.5 x 23cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Inaco e Io, Pompeii ula Ligu Inve entory Numb ber MANN 25 5413 2.8 x 4.5 x 18 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Inaco e Io, Pompeii Spo oon Inve entory Numb ber MANN 25 5431 1.5 x 2.9 x 15.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Ves suvian area Lam mpstand and lamps Inve entory Numb ber MANN 00 04563 (parts 1-6) Bron nze 121 x 58 x 66 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of Pansa a (VI.6.1) Pom mpeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 16 Liza ard Askos Inve entory Numb ber MANN 111563 Bron nze 14 x 19 x 11.5 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of the Grreek Epigram ms, Pompeii Situ ula - ornate décor Inve entory Numb ber MANN 06 68866 Bron nze 41.5 5 x 33 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Ves suvian area Watter heater (sa amovar) Inve entory Numb ber MANN 111048 Bron nze 41 x 27cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa dei Cervi, Herculaneum m Cam meo plaque Inve entory Numb ber MANN 15 53651 Glasss 25.5 5 x 39.5 x 0.7 7 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of Fabius s Rufus, Pom mpeii Skyyphos centau urs and cupid ds entory Numb ber MANN 25 5376 Inve silve er 14 x 17 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 17 Jug Inve entory Numb ber MANN 25 5372 Silve er 11.3 3 x 12cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of the Me enander, Pom mpeii Sim mpulum Inve entory Numb ber MANN 25 5707 Silve er 10.2 2 x 6.5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Herrculaneum Pate era Inve entory Numb ber MANN 02 25344 Silve er 5.8 x 20.3 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Inaco e Io, Pompeii Cup p Inve entory Numb ber MANN 02 25321 Silve er 2.7 x 10.5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa di Inaco e Io, Pompeii Cop ppetta Inve entory Numb ber MANN 25 5601 7 x 10.3cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Herrculaneum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 18 Placcentarius Inve entory Numb ber MANN 14 43760 Silve er/ bronze 26 x 11 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii, House e of the Epheebe Burn nt bowl Inve entory Numb ber MANN 112926 Potttery 8.5 x 17.5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Tab blinum of VIII,5,9 uth Gaul bow wl Sou Inve entory Numb ber MANN 20 03894 Potttery 12 x 26 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Ves suvian area Loa af and figs fre esco Inve entory Numb ber MANN 00 08625 fressco 30 x 30 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Herrculaneum Botttle (cylindrica al) with stopp per and conteents Inve entory Numb ber MANN 313337 Glasss 27.8 8 x 10.3cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 19 Clib banus base, no n inventory number Potttery 5.5 x 46cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Herrculaneum Clib banus lid , no o inventory nu umber Potttery 5.5 x 41cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Herrculaneum Cacccabus – larg ge Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73120 Bron nze 27 x 53cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Ovo oid jar with lid d Inve entory Numb ber MANN 64 478 Bron nze 24 x 22.5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Ketttle with lid Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 74806 Bron nze 20 x 29cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 20 Cacccabus and tripod Inve entory Numb ber MANN 02 23322 Potttery 41.5 5 x max:30 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa del Poeta Tragico Squ uare form Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 76555 Bron nze 4.5 x 18 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Jellyy mould Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 76355 Bron nze 65 x 16 cm 5x6 Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Precise excavattion site unknnown Cacccatore cave malum fresc co Inve entory Numb ber MANN 112285 Fressco 75.7 7; 68.7 (ex. Frame) F x 87.3 3; 80.3 (ex frrame) x 7.3 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Botttega IX, 7, 22 2, Pompeii Still life with anim mals entory Numb ber MANN 86 644 Inve fressco 41 x 129 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Cas sa dei Cervi, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 21 Ske eleton mosaic c Inve entory Numb ber MANN 00 09978 Mossaic c.10 05 x 81 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii Arm mlet Inve entory Numb ber MANN 73 3308 Gold d 8cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: Ske eleton 10 Villa a B room 100. Oplontis Hairrpin Inve entory Numb ber MANN 74 4625 Silve er 6.7 x 1.2 x 0.5 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: Ske eleton 10 Villa a B room 100. Oplontis Gold d ring with ge em with bustt of Mercury Inve entory Numb ber MANN 73 3309 Gold d 2.2xx1.8 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: Ske eleton 10 Villa a B room 100. Oplontis Arm mlet Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73401 Gold d 2 x 7.7cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 22 Arm mlet elements s Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73412b-c Gold d Sma all pieces: 1.1x0.1cm; Ma ain element: 3x1.7cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Earrrings Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73405 Gold d 1.7 x 1.2cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Earrrings (gold ball) b Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73408 Gold d 3.2 x 2.4/2.2 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Neccklace round terminals Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73410 Gold d 67. 5 x of termin nals: 1.3cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Ring g incised (larrge) Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73404 Gold d 2cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 23 Ring g plain (small) Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73402 Gold d 1.8ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Neccklace Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73412a Gold d and emera ald 1x5 52.7 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Neccklace cresce ent pendant Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73409 Gold d and glass 37.6 6 x of pendan nt: 0.9 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Ring g snake Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73403 Gold d and glass 0.6 x 2.2-2.4 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Earrrings Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73407 Gold d and pearls s 3.4 x 5 x 2.4 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 24 86 g gold coins; 37 silver coins s Inve entory Numb ber MANN 07 73437 - 745552 Gold d and silver Maxx. c. 2 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere/Oplontiss Exccavation: skeleton 27 Villa a B Room 100. Oplontis Ring g incised lea af Inve entory Numb ber SAP P154 498 Silve er 0.5 x1x1.3 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: Porrta Nola girl, Pompeii allus pendantt Pha Inve entory Numb ber SAP P155 501 Silve er 1.5 x 0.6 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: Porrta Nola girl, Pompeii ake ring Sna Inve entory Numb ber SAP P154 497 Silve er 2.7x2.8 cm 1x2 Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: Porrta Nola girl, Pompeii Ring g with gem Inve entory Numb ber SAP P23181 Gold d and emera ald 0.6 x 1.8cm Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: Porrta Nola girl, Pompeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 25 Stattuette of Forttuna Inve entory Numb ber SAP P154 496 Silve er 3.8 x 1.5 x 2.3 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Medagliere Exccavation: Porrta Nola girl, Pompeii Busst of Matrona a Inve entory Numb ber MANN 00 06247 Marrble 50 x 19.5 x 22 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Herrculaneum Male e Portrait bust Inve entory Numb ber MANN 49 989 bron nze 37.5 5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Pom mpeii, Cithariist Inta glio Inve entory Numb ber SAP P143 311a Aga ate and onyx 1.2 x 0.9 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of the Go olden braceleet, Pompeii Ring g with plain bezel b Inve entory Numb ber SAP P142 269 Gold d 2cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of the Go olden braceleet, Pompeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 26 Ring g- carnelian Inve entory Numb ber SAP P143 311b Gold d and Carne elian 2.2ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of the Go olden braceleet, Pompeii Arm mlet snake Inve entory Numb ber SAP P142 268 gold d 10.5 5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Naples Museum Exccavation: Hou use of the Go olden braceleet, Pompeii Herculane eum 3-le egged table Inve entory Numb ber SAP 81601 woo od 68 x 67 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cas sa dell'Atrio a Mosaico Pro operty Divide er Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78762 Ma rble 14.5 5 x 33.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Fem male ancesto or bust Inve entory Numb ber SAP 75598 Wo ood 4 x 12.5cm 30.4 Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cas sa a graticcio o, Herculaneeum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 27 Wo ooden ancesttor statuette on base Inve entory Numb ber SAP 79404 Wo ood 28 x 9.5 x 5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Wo ooden cupboa ard Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78448 Carrbonised woo od 56 (on a base) x 48 x 40 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Currtain Holder Inve entory Numb ber SAP 77231 Bro onze 5 x 14.9 cm 15.5 Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Ma rble citizen liist fragment Inve entory Numb ber MANN 79 9062 Ma rble 41 x 90 x 4 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Cra adle Inve entory Numb ber SAP 078444 Wo ood 49 x 81 x 50 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: House of Granianus, Hercu laneum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 28 Pyxxis Inve entory Numb ber ERC 078 8274 Bro onze 10 x 8.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Sto ool with inlaid d seat Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78445 Wo ood 45 x 45 x 46 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Neccklace Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78958 Golld 33 ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Forrnice 7 skeleton 8 Hercullaneum ger ring with intaglio of bird with cherrries Fing Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78959 Golld and ameth hyst 2cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Forrnice 7 skeleton 8 Hercullaneum est Che Inve entory Numb ber SAP 77619 Wo ood 45 x 103 x 63 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 29 Can ndelabrum Inve entory Numb ber SAP 76214 Bro onze 136 6.3 x 21 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Golld cloth Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78548 29 ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Sta atue of the Drrunken Hercules Inve entory Numb ber SAP 75802 Ma rble 55.4 4 x 31.5 x 22 2 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: House of the stags, Herculaaneum Sta atue of a Saty yr pouring wiine Inve entory Numb ber SAP 75797 Ma rble 8.6 cm 75.2 2 x 43.2 x 28 Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: House of the stags, Herculaaneum Sta atue of a Stag g and hounds Inve entory Numb ber SAP 75801 Ma rble 67.5 5 x 62.7 x 20 0.7 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: House of the stags, Herculaaneum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 30 Sta atue of a Stag g and hounds Inve entory Numb ber SAP 75796 63.7 7 x 62.7 x 20 0.7 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: House of the stags, Herculaaneum Ben nch Inve entory Numb ber E 3153 SAP78450 S Wo ood 40 x 41 x 104 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Win ndlass Inve entory Numb ber SAP 77283 woo od 60 x 70 x 50 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Fra amed panel with w putti Inve entory Numb ber SAP 77872 woo od and fresco 96 x 89 x 7.6 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Trip pod - ivory pllaque Inve entory Numb ber Herc R4 Ivorry 30 x 12 x 0.8 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum N. prov: 73 Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 31 Trip pod - ivory pllaque Inve entory Numb ber Herc O4 Ivorry c. 3 30 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Trip pod - ivory pa aw Inve entory Numb ber Herc R ivorry c. 1 15cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum N. prov: 74 N N. prov: 75 Trip pod Inve entory Numb ber N R4. pro ov: 76 Ivorry and wood Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Rellief with Bacc chus and followers Dionisso Inve entory Numb ber SAP 88091 Ma rble 56 x 109.5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Sattyr and maen nads Inve entory Numb ber SAP 79613 ma rble 39.5 5 x 97 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 32 Pan nel with star design Inve entory Numb ber ERC no no. n Wo ood 84 x 45 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum N. prrov: 72 Facce mug (one handle) Inve entory Numb ber ERC 076 6550 potttery 9.2 x 13.5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Bassket with lid Inve entory Numb ber SAP 79127 Wiccker 6.5 x 14 max cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Bassket work dis sh Inve entory Numb ber SAP 77190 wiccker 4.7 x 13 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Mo ney box Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78574 Wo ood 4 x 13 x x 6.5 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 33 Mo ney in baske et Inve entory Numb ber SAP 078675 Silvver and bronz ze 10.5 5 x 23.5 x 19 9.7 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Forrnice 11 skeleton 21 Hercculaneum Keyy Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78984 2.5 x 6 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum Silvver Vessels Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78986 Silvver 17 x 8.5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum ng with emera ald bezel Rin entory Numb ber SAP 078354 Inve Golld and emera ald 2.3ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Ske eleton 65 bea ach Herculanneum Earrrings Inve entory Numb ber SAP 078356-57 gold d 1.4 x 1.3 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Ske eleton 65 bea ach Herculanneum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 34 Rin ng with bird gem g Inve entory Numb ber SAP 078355 Golld and garne et 2cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Ske eleton 65 bea ach Herculanneum Sna ake bracelets s Inve entory Numb ber SAP 078358-9 gold d 9.3ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Ske eleton 65 bea ach Herculanneum Med dical instrum ments (12 pieces) Inve entory Numb ber SAP E78 8999 Bro onze, iron wo ood Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Forrnice 12 Herc culaneum Med dical instrum ments case Inve entory Numb ber SAP E79 9000a-b 16. 1 x 15.2 cm eum: Hercula aneum Colllection/Muse Exccavation: Herculaneum Dag gger, Inve entory Numb ber SAP 79093 Iron n, wood, bron nze 43 ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Ske eleton 26 Beach Herculaaneum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 35 1 go old coin Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78394 gold d 1.9ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Ske eleton 26 Beach Herculaaneum Gro oup of coins Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78393 Golld and silver 3 x 6.7 x 6 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Ske eleton 26 Beach Herculaaneum Lon ng sword Inve entory Numb ber SAP 79094a Iron n, wood, bron nze 72 ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Ske eleton 26 Beach Herculaaneum Ele ements of a belt b Inve entory Numb ber SAP 79094b - 79121 Fro om 5 - 10 cm x From 5 - 10 1 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Ske eleton 26 Beach Herculaaneum Too ols Inve entory Numb ber SAP 79092 Iron n, wood, bron nze 8.5 x 18.5 x 33.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Ske eleton 26 Beach Herculaaneum Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 36 Neccklace of cha arms Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78968 Am mber, bronze crystal, shell 0.5--4 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Forrnice 7 skeleton 3 Hercullaneum Gallle di Quercia a (10 galle) (Oak galls) Inve entory Numb ber SAP 77614 Org ganic – carbo onised food Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum N NO IMAGE AVAILABLE A Pise elli (80 g) (P Peas) Inve entory Numb ber SAP 77613 Org ganic - carbo onised food Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum N NO IMAGE AVAILABLE A Fich hi (20 fichi) (figs) ( Inve entory Numb ber SAP 77615 Org ganic- carbon nised food Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum N NO IMAGE AVAILABLE A Gra ano (100 g) (wheat) ( Inve entory Numb ber SAP 77616 Org ganic- carbon nised food Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum N NO IMAGE AVAILABLE A Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 37 Ceci (50g) (chickpeas) Inventory Number SAP 77610 Organic- carbonised food Collection/Museum: Herculaneum Excavation: Herculaneum NO IMAGE AVAILABLE Datteri (20 datteri) (dates) Inventory Number SAP 77609 Organic- carbonised food Collection/Museum: Herculaneum Excavation: Herculaneum NO IMAGE AVAILABLE Miglio (100 g) (millet) Inventory Number SAP 77623 Organic Collection/Museum: Herculaneum Excavation: Herculaneum NO IMAGE AVAILABLE Fave (100 g) (beans) Inventory Number SAP 77625 Organic- carbonised food Collection/Museum: Herculaneum Excavation: Herculaneum NO IMAGE AVAILABLE Noci (2 noci) (walnuts) Inventory Number SAP 77622 Organic- carbonised food Collection/Museum: Herculaneum Excavation: Herculaneum NO IMAGE AVAILABLE Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum, 28th March – 29 September 2013, British Museum List of objects proposed for protection under Part 6 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 (protection of cultural objects on loan) 38 Ma ndorle (5 ma andorle) (alm monds) Inve entory Numb ber SAP 77611 Org ganic- carbon nised food Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum N NO IMAGE AVAILABLE A Cip polle (3 cipolle) (onions) Inve entory Numb ber SAP 77621 Org ganic- carbon nised food Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Herculaneum N NO IMAGE AVAILABLE A Larrge drinking cup c Inve entory Numb ber 6 Potttery H 1 3,5 x diam 17,5 1 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Pla ate Inve entory Numb ber 11 Potttery H 5 x diam 15 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Cup p Inve entory Numb ber 13 Potttery H4 4x diam 8,5 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 39 Cup p with rosette e Inve entory Numb ber 16 Potttery H 5 x diam 8 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Fra agmentary drrinking cup Inve entory Numb ber 17 Potttery 9 x 21 x 12 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Lam mp Inve entory Numb ber 18 Potttery 5,5 x 9 x 6,5 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Lam mp with gladiators Inve entory Numb ber 19 Potttery 5 x 13,5 x diam 8,5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Lam mp with Pega asus Inve entory Numb ber 79 Potttery 5 x 12 x 7,5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 40 Lam mp with scorpion Inve entory Numb ber 81 Potttery 2,5 x diam. 7,5 x 10 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Lam mp in the sha ape of an eag gle Inve entory Numb ber 91 Potttery 5 x 10 x 7 cm 10,5 m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m 2 ha andled cup Inve entory Numb ber 27 Potttery 5 x 12 x 9,5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Han ndled jar Inve entory Numb ber 30 Potttery 9,5 x 12 x 9,5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Glo obular jar Inve entory Numb ber 40 Potttery 10 x diam.9,5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 41 Tal l ovoid jar Inve entory Numb ber 41 Potttery 10 x diam. 6,5 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Am mphora Inve entory Numb ber 36 Potttery 31 x 16,5 x 12,5 5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Glo oabular jar with handles Inve entory Numb ber 37 Potttery 23 x 19 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Cup p Inve entory Numb ber 42 Potttery 15,5 6 cm 5 x diam. 36 Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Bow wl Inve entory Numb ber 54 Potttery 6 x diam. 21,5 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 42 Jug g Inve entory Numb ber 55 Potttery 18 x diam. 15 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Lid Inve entory Numb ber 59 Potttery 5 x diam. 3,5 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Fra agmentary po ot Inve entory Numb ber 76 Potttery 13 x 26 x 13 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Tal l beaker Inve entory Numb ber 61 Gla ass 14,5 5 cm 5 x diam. 6,5 Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Cup p Inve entory Numb ber 62 Gla ass 4,5 x diam 7,5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 43 Cup p Inve entory Numb ber 63 Gla ass 7,5 x diam 11,5 5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Fra agmentary cu up Inve entory Numb ber 64 Gla ass 4,5 x 8 x 4 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Fra agmentary pla ate Inve entory Numb ber 84 Gla ass 3,5 x 16 x 13 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Fra agment of a pyxis p Inve entory Numb ber 86 Gla ass 3 x 6 x 3,5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Fra agment of a pyxis p Inve entory Numb ber 87 Gla ass 2,5 x 6,5 x 4,5 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 44 Cup p Inve entory Numb ber 113 Gla ass 4 x diam. 6,7 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Perrfume/ oil botttle Inve entory Numb ber 66 Gla ass 5 x diam. 2 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Perrfume/ oil botttle Inve entory Numb ber 67 Gla ass 8 x diam. 1 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Perrfume/ oil botttle Inve entory Numb ber 68 Gla ass 13 x diam. 1,5 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Perrfume/ oil botttle Inve entory Numb ber 69 Gla ass 5 x diam. 2 cm 10,5 c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 45 Perrfume/ oil botttle Inve entory Numb ber 70 Gla ass 5 x diam. 3 cm 10,5 c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Spa atula Inve entory Numb ber 85 Gla ass 7,5 x diam. 0,5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Die e Inve entory Numb ber 101 Bon ne 1x 1x 1 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Gam ming counter Inve entory Numb ber 103 Gla ass paste 0,7xx 2x 1,7 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Gam ming counter Inve entory Numb ber 114 Gla ass 1 x diam. 2 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 46 Gam ming counter Inve entory Numb ber 115 Gla ass 1 x diam. 2 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Gam ming counter Inve entory Numb ber 116 Gla ass 1 x diam. 2 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Gam ming counter Inve entory Numb ber 117 Gla ass 1 x diam. 2 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Gam ming counter Inve entory Numb ber 118 Gla ass 1 x diam. 2 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Loo om weight Inve entory Numb ber 48 Terrracotta 10xx 5,5 x5,5 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 47 Spi ndle whorl Inve entory Numb ber 99 Bon ne 0,6 x diam.3,5 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Haiir pin entory Numb ber 49 Inve Bon ne 5 x diam. 0,8 12,5 8cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m atula Spa Inve entory Numb ber 50 Bon ne 5 x 1,1 cm 12,5 Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Spa atula Inve entory Numb ber 51 Bon ne 8 x 0,5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m She ell with red pigment p Inve entory Numb ber 105 She ell 2x 8 8,5 x8,5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 48 Bea ad Inve entory Numb ber 94 Gla ass paste 2 x diam. 2 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Com mb Inve entory Numb ber 241 Bon ne 7,5 x 5 x 1 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Pin Inve entory Numb ber 198 Bon ne 6 x diam. 0,5 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Anttefix Inve entory Numb ber 89 Terrracotta 14 x 17,5 x 17 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Tile e fragment Inve entory Numb ber 106 Terrracotta 8,5 x 21,5 x 19 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 49 m fragme ent Rossso Antico marble Inve entory Numb ber 109 Ma rble 1,5 x 7 x 2,5 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Carrrara marble fragment Inve entory Numb ber 110 Ma rble 2,5 x 12,5x 10 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Bre eccia marble fragment Inve entory Numb ber 111 Ma rble 2 x 8,5 x 5,5 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Bia anco grigio marble m fragme ent Inve entory Numb ber 112 Ma rble m 0,5 x 5 x 8,5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Golld ring with carnelian c gem m Inve entory Numb ber 95 Golld, carnelian m. 1,8 diam Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 50 Carrnelian gem with Mercury y Inve entory Numb ber 96 Carrnelian 1,1xx 0,8x 0,3 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Carrnelian gem with cupid on n a goat Inve entory Numb ber 97 Carrnelian 1x 0 0,8x 0,3 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Carrnelian gem with a satyr and a a goat Inve entory Numb ber 98 Carrnelian 1x 0 0,9x 0,3 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Carrnelian gem with satyr Inve entory Numb ber 102 Carrnelian 1x 0 0,8x 0,3 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Sta atuette of a mother m and ch hild ,Inventorry Number 92 Terrracotta 12,5 5 x 6,5 x 6 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 51 agments of a face mug Fra Inve entory Numb ber 34 Terrracotta 4,5 x 11 x 11 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Burrner Inve entory Numb ber 43 Terrracotta 7,5 x diam 12,5 5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Am mphora Inve entory Numb ber 82 Terrracotta 24 x 54 x 27 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Hin nge Inve entory Numb ber 236 Bon ne 3,2 x diam. 3,2 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m nge Hin entory Numb ber 153 Inve Bon ne 2,7 x diam. 0,3 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 52 onze coin of Augustus, A P.. Lurius Agripppa, Æ, Asse e, (7 Bro a.C C.) Inve entory Numb ber Bro onze 2.7ccm, 6,82g. Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m onze coin of Vespasian, V AR, A Denario,, (75d.C.) Bro Inve entory Numb ber Bro onze 1.7ccm, 2,00g. Colllection/Muse eum: Hercula aneum Exccavation: Cardo V drain, Herculaneum m Pompeii Lam mp Inve entory Numb ber SAP 12383B Potttery 4.8 x 8 x 10 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii, 1,20,3 3 Lam mp mould (x2 2 pieces) Inve entory Numb ber SAP 12398A Potttery 5.5 x 11.5 x 16 cm eum: Pompeii Colllection/Muse Exccavation: Pom mpeii, 1,20,3 3 Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 53 Tinttinnabulum phallic p with la amp Inve entory Numb ber SAP 1260 Bro onze 50 ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Garrum bottle sm mall inscribed d Inve entory Numb ber SAP 81744 Potttery 23 ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Am mphora Dipintto I SEXT Inve entory Numb ber SAP 31824 Potttery 5 x 27 cm 63.5 Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Am mphora fragm ment dipinto POMPEII P etcc Inve entory Numb ber SAP 13915 Potttery 18 x 25 x 8.5 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Am mphora rim dipinto FAL.L.VER Inve entory Numb ber SAP 5139 Potttery 17 ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 54 Sea al ring CPOP PPAEI I D R I, Inve entory Numb ber SAP 010788 Bro onze 5.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Sea al Ring M Fa abius Rufus Inve entory Numb ber MANN 14 4250 Bro onze 5.5 x 1.2, 2.5 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Cas sa di M. Fabius Rufus, P Pompeii Tog gatus terraco otta figurine Inve entory Numb ber SAP 085201 Terrracotta 25 ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Alta ar – mini Inve entory Numb ber SAP 003217 Ma rble and Bro onze 20 x 20 x19 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Ince ense burner with original ash Inve entory Numb ber SAP 010697 Terrracotta 5 x 25cm 13.5 Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 55 Gra affito with quo otation from Virgil's Ecloggues Inve entory Numb ber SAP 020566 Fre esco 16 x 22 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Ala abastron Inve entory Numb ber SAP 012043 Ala abaster 13.5 5 x 6 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Pyxxis with pink k pigment (ma ake-up) Inve entory Numb ber SAP 012412C Bon ne 2.3 x 2.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Toi letry casket with w residue Inve entory Numb ber SAP 009042 Bro onze 2 x 11 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Twe eezers Inve entory Numb ber SAP 012938A Bro onze 7.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 56 Pum mice stone and a holder Inve entory Numb ber SAP 007150 Bro onze and pum mic 3.5 x 6 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Razzor Inve entory Numb ber SAP 0011148 Bon ne and iron 9 x 11.3 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Pin with the face of a woman Inve entory Numb ber SAP 12244 Bon ne 11 ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii, 1,14,3 3 Flow wer Pot Inve entory Numb ber SAP 14583 potttery 16.5 5 x 15cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii, Nave Europa Flow wer Pot Inve entory Numb ber SAP 14574 potttery 13 x 11.5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii, Nave Europa Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on loan) 57 Boyy with a dolphin Inve entory Numb ber SAP 41462 Ma rble 40.5 5 x 35.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Sun ndial Inve entory Numb ber SAP 024544 Ma rble 26 x 25.5 x 14 cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii affito Primige enia Gra Inve entory Numb ber SAP 20564 fressco 20 x 63 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Insula Occ., cas sa di Fabio R Rufo, Pompe eii affito on column frag Gra Inve entory Numb ber SAP 020518 17 x 23 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Bos scoreale Gra affito showing g Gladiators Inve entory Numb ber MANN 20 0562 Fre esco 32 x 37.8 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: IX, 1, 12 peristy yle, Pompeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 58 affito Gra Inve entory Numb ber SAP 20514 Fre esco 16 x 42 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii We ell-head with relief decora ation Inve entory Numb ber SAP 044908 Terrracotta 55 x 45 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Matttock/ zappa Inve entory Numb ber SAP 40372 iron n 5.5 x 11.5 x 23 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii, 1,14,1 15 Fre esco 1st style e – bird Inve entory Numb ber SAP(?) 87283 8 Fre esco 50 x 53 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Cas sa del Naviglio, Pompeii esco 2nd style - herms an nd graffitti annimals Fre Inve entory Numb ber SAP(?)59 9469B Fre esco 205 5 x 273 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Cas sa del Cripto oportico, Pom mpeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 59 Blu e pyxis Inve entory Numb ber SAP 10232 Gla ass 6.7 x 13 (circ.) cm c Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Am mber bowl Inve entory Numb ber SAP 59872 14.7 7 x 23 (circ.)) 14 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Ves suvian area Cup p miniature with w tooth pic cks Inve entory Numb ber SAP 009498a-b Potttery m 5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Glirrarium (dorm mouse jar) Inve entory Numb ber SAP 10744 38.3 3 x 33.5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii, II,1,11 1 Mo rtar and Pes stle Inve entory Numb ber SAP 012790 Ma rble 9 x 30 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: I, 11, 17, Pompeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on loan) 60 Bra azier Inve entory Numb ber SAP 2664 Bro onze 5 x 45cm 28.5 Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii, iii,4,3 Rin ng incised witth image of Fortuna F Inve entory Numb ber SAP P15 5532 Iron n sardonyx 3.1 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Porrta Nola girl, Pompeii Rin ng Lunate cre escent with chain c Inve entory Numb ber SAP P15 5499 Silvver 3.5 (chain) x 1.5 5cm Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Porrta Nola girl, Pompeii Tab ble with Pantther support Inve entory Numb ber SAP 054947 Ma rble able top) cm 89 x 43 x 63 (ta Colllection/Muse eum: Pompeii Exccavation: Pom mpeii Boscoreale Wa all painting -N N wall Inve entory Numb ber SAP 40690 A-C Fre esco 400 0 x 370 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: House of the Golden Bracellet, Pompeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 61 Wa all painting -E E wall Inve entory Numb ber SAP 40691 A-D Fre esco 510 0 (see plan) x 288 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: House of the Golden Bracellet, Pompeii all painting - S wall Wa Inve entory Numb ber SAP 40692 A-C Fre esco 400 0 (see plan) x 370 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: House of the Golden Bracellet, Pompeii all painting - Lunette Wa Inve entory Numb ber SAP 40693 Fre esco 203 3 x 288 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: House of the Golden Bracellet, Pompeii Kitcchen Lararium Inve entory Numb ber SAP 86755 fressco 210 0 x 260 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Terrzigno megranates - small quantity Pom Inve entory Numb ber SAP no inv. Carrbonised food Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Oplontis Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 62 Ressin lady from m Oplontis (No o inventory number) Ressin bones 38 x 80 x 150 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Ske eleton 10 Villa B room 100. Oplontis Casst of dog (No o inventory number) Pla aster 60 x 60 x 60 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Pom mpeii Garrum bottle Inve entory Numb ber MANN 01 15190 Mossaic 8 x 30.6 cm 73.8 Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Cas sa di Scauru us, Pompeii Rellief showing earthquake entory Numb ber MANN 20 0470 Inve Ma rble 16.5 5 x 97 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: House of Lucius s Caecilius Iuucundus, Po ompeii Cra ater with Argo onauts décor Inve entory Numb ber SAP 045180 Bro onze Cra ater = 38 bas se = 23 x Cra ater = 35 basse = 27 x 27 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Pom mpeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 63 Foo od heater Inve entory Numb ber SAP 6798 Bro onze 96 x 44 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Pom mpeii Rhyyton Inve entory Numb ber SAP 12493 Gla ass 2 cm 21.2 Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Pom mpeii Casst of man ("m muleteer") (No o inventory number) 90 x 60 x 50 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Pom mpeii hild Cassts of a familly - 1 man; 1 woman withh a child; 1 ch (No o inventory number) Pla aster an and child: 86; child: 255 man: 130; woman w ma n: 70; woma and d child: 144; child: 95 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: House of the Golden bracellet, Pompeii Fre esco late 3rd style Inve entory Numb ber SAP 86076 fressco 95 x 165 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Pom mpeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 64 ater tank with h 2 pipes Wa Inve entory Numb ber SAP 56309 lead d/ bronze 17 x 28 x 48 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Pom mpeii Collander with in nscription Inve entory Numb ber SAP 5020 Bro onze 9.3 x 26 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: House of Menander Porrtable BBQ Inve entory Numb ber SAP 85204 43 x 45 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Mo orregine build ding B onze bowl Bro Inve entory Numb ber SAP 12097 Bro onze 12 x 41 x 33 cm m Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Pom mpeii Toi let vase Inve entory Numb ber SAP 031699 Potttery 19 ccm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Pom mpeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on loan) 65 Cup p with bande ed décor Inve entory Numb ber SAP 78969 Cha alcedony aga ate 5.5 x 5 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Forrnice 7 skeleton 3 Hercullaneum Jug g in the shape of a female es head Inve entory Numb ber SAP 077838 Bro onze 14 x 6 x 9 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Dec cumanus Ma aximus, hercculaneum Pho oenix tavern sign Inve entory Numb ber SAP 41671 Fre esco 123 3 x 124 cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Pom mpeii, Caupo ona of Euxin us (I,11,10-1 11) N NO IMAGE AVAILABLE A Bea aker with a ta all body and depressionss Inve entory Numb ber SAP 6861 Gla ass 13.5 5 x 8cm Colllection/Muse eum: Boscoreale Exccavation: Pom mpeii Life and De eath in Pompeii and a Herculaneum m, 28th March – 299 September 2013 3, British Museum List of objeccts proposed for protection p under Part 6 of the Tribunnals, Courts and Enforcement E Act 2007 2 (protection off cultural objects on o loan) 66