Martin Heck 17752 W. 14 Ave #12, Golden, CO 80401-2611

Martin Heck
17752 W. 14th Ave #12, Golden, CO 80401-2611
Phone: (303) 271-1299 email:
Pursuing a career in IS/IT, looking at UNIX systems administration positions.
Pursuing a BS in Mathematics with the Computer Science option at Colorado School of Mines, with a minor in Economics.
Expected graduation, December 2005.
President of Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) 2001, Vice President 2000-2001, member since freshmen year.
Worked with Idrisi for data analysis as a part of NASA's SSTI Project in High School, analyzed data from the Lewis satellite to help in
setting up bussing boundaries for Denver Public Schools
Skills and Abilities:
Providing assistance and support for Systems Administrators as Administers own systems running:
a computer operator in a 24x7 mixed Solaris & HP/UX
NetBSD (Sparc)
production environment for EDS/CRM.
Debian Linux (Sparc, PPC and NubusPPC)
Providing assistance to user-support helpdesk at EDS, including
Solaris (Sparc v8, v9, x86 v8)
file restores with Veritas NetBackup, user information updates
MacOS X 10.3
to a NIS+ domain via Solstice.
MacOS Classic (7.5.5 to 9.1)
Providing assistance for daily backup jobs with Sun StorEdge
Windows 2000, Windows XP
DLT libraries for Sun Microsystems (as part of EDS contract Implemented on local network:
with Sun), limited exposure with Solstice Backup system.
Working with CA-UniCenter TNG for scheduling issues on
various Unix platforms, including Oracle database backups
and coordinating jobs on various Unix servers.
SSH tunneling/VPN's
Experience In Administration:
Bash/Korn shell scripting
MacOS X Server 1.2, 10.x
Implementing off-the-shelf web applications.
Macintosh Manager
Runs a software IP router set up with:
HP-UX 9.x
Network Address Translation (NAT)
IRIX 5.x
Port forwarding
Solaris 7, 8/SunOS
Intrusion detection
Windows 2000 Pro/Server
Experience in Operations:
Veritas NetBackup, BackupExec
AIX, IRIX, HP-UX, Solaris, AS/400
General Operations experience on AS/400, system monitoring
and problem escalation.
Windows 2000 Pro/NT 4
Setup of NT Workstations
President of ACM at CSM, 2001
Vice President of ACM at CSM, 2000-2001
Senior Computer Center Consultant, 2001
July 2002-Present - Senior Computer Operator - CH2M HILL - Provide day-to-day monitoring in an enterprise level datacenter, ~90
Windows 2000 Servers, ~5 Sun Solaris 7-8 servers. Operate Veritas BackupExec & inhouse backup scripts. Provide Tier 1 and
some Tier 2 data center support to internal clients. Developed a Media Management system using VB 6.0 interfacing with MS
SQL Server 2000. Administered SQL Server 2k. Updated Perl WAN monitoring CGI using modular functions and removing
browser dependency. Moved Perl WAN monitoring to drbd/heartbeat based Linux cluster for redundancy. Implemented a Perlbased CGI turnover log using SQL Server backend. Installed packages on Solaris systems, administered MSI packages for the
VB applications. Created Vbscript and Perl script to interface with MS KB 824146 CLI scanner & send results to administrators.
Created Perl script to generate readable logs of BackupExec job descriptions for recording in a database. Created an IIS-hosted
web application interacting with SQL Server to provide a task list for scheduled maintenance times for all of IT department.
September 1997-Present - Consultant at Colorado School of Mines Computing Center - On a Windows NT network, assisted
students with application usage and aided System Admins in deploying yearly builds and set up of new machines.
July 2001-December 2002 – PC Technician/System Admin for JPS International – aided with daily administrative tasks in a Windows
2000 environment, also assisted with generic PC use questions.
July 2000-Decemeber 2001 - Systems operator with EDS as contracted by Sapphire Technologies - aided with day-to-day
operations of ~30 Unix servers, including scheduling via CA-UniCenter TNG, backups via Veritas NetBackup, limited assistance
in diagnosing Oracle database issues, and general user support on Sun Solaris and HP/UX. Experience with AS/400 general
system monitoring and escalation to SA/SE for aborted jobs.
February 1997 - August 1997 - Lockheed Martin, Waterton Canyon Plant, Littleton, Colorado - A world renowned aerospace
corporation, whose Waterton Canyon Plant designs and builds deep space missions for NASA, military, and commercial use worked as an assistant systems administrator in Spacecraft Technologies Center (STC 2), the main R&D computer lab.
References: Available upon request.