Document 13365755

Kristine E. Callan Curriculum Vitae Duke University Department of Physics Box 90305 Durham, NC 27708 EDUCATION
Ph.D. in Physics, Duke University M.S. in Physics, Duke University B.S. in Physics and Mathematics, Pacific University Study Abroad Program, University of Melbourne TEACHING EXPERIENCE 919.660.2512 2013 (anticipated) 2008 2005 2004 Duke University, Physics Department, Durham, NC Teaching Fellow • Awarded competitive departmental teaching fellowship. • Will instruct a recitation section for Physics 142: General Physics II, an introductory physics course for life science majors. Tutor • Worked individually with students taking a variety of introductory physics courses. 2013 2010-­‐2012 The Winsor School, Science Department, Boston, MA Science Faculty • Taught senior-­‐level AP Physics C and junior-­‐level Honors Physics courses. • Assisted with the student-­‐run Physics Club. • Advised a group of six sophomores. • Served as the faculty representative on the Technology Committee. • Coached the middle school girls’ basketball team. • Participated in Boston University’s Improving the Teaching of Physics program. 2008-­‐2010 Duke University, Physics Department, Durham, NC Teaching Fellow • Awarded competitive departmental teaching fellowship. • Instructed the lab sections for Physics 264L: Optics and Modern Physics. • Prepared and supervised labs, worked with students individually during office hours, and graded lab notes and reports. • Developed new curriculum and revised existing lab exercises. Teaching Assistant • Taught recitation and lab sections for Physics 161/162: Fundamentals of Physics. • Responsible for grading homework, quizzes, exams, and lab reports. 2007 2005-­‐2007 1 Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR Physics Department Teaching Assistant • Assisted in four introductory physics lab courses designed for science majors. • Graded homework and lab assignments. 2003-­‐2005 House Tutor • Held weekly office hours to tutor fellow residence hall students in physics, math, and chemistry. 2003 Bend Senior High School, Bend, OR Cadet Teacher • Assisted a first-­‐grade teacher by working individually with students who were falling behind due to behavioral issues or language barriers. 2000 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Duke University, Physics Department, Durham, NC Research Assistant • Investigated complex dynamical systems in a time-­‐delay network configuration to determine whether it is possible to infer network link properties by measuring the dynamics of a single node. • Built and modeled a novel optoelectronic oscillator, which is capable of producing both broadband chaos and excitable dynamics, that plays the role of the nodes in the network. • Analyzed data with various linear and nonlinear statistical methods. • Implemented advanced numerical methods for studying time-­‐delay differential equations. 2006-­‐present Pacific University, Physics Department, Forest Grove, OR Research Assistant • Constructed an electronic circuit capable of producing chaotic oscillations that could be analyzed in real time to study the effects of control algorithms. • Interfaced the circuit with a computer using LabVIEW in order to perform measurement and control operations. • Successfully controlled the circuit’s chaotic dynamics both experimentally and numerically with two different chaos control algorithms. • Published methods and results in the American Journal of Physics so this experiment can be replicated in advanced undergraduate laboratories. 2003-­‐2005 HONORS AND AWARDS Duke University, Durham, NC •
Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching Physics Department Teaching Fellow Certificate of College Teaching Fellow Preparing Future Faculty Fellow Mary Creason Memorial Award for Undergraduate Teaching AAPT Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award Physics Department Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award 2013 2013,2008 2012-­‐2013 2011-­‐2012 2007-­‐2008 2007-­‐2008 2006-­‐2008 2 Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR •
Graduated summa cum laude Outstanding Student in the Natural Sciences Cheney Scholar ESPN The Magazine Academic All-­‐District Basketball Team Dean’s List Pacesetter Scholar General Chemistry Student of the Year 2005 2005 2004-­‐2005 2002-­‐2005 2001-­‐2005 2001-­‐2005 2001-­‐2002 SERVICE AND OUTREACH Duke University Critical Thinking Assessment Rater 2013 • Will collaborate with graduate students from a variety of departments to grade a critical thinking assessment test administered to a selection of undergraduate students as part of a multi-­‐year study on critical thinking. Physics Department Outreach Volunteer 2006-­‐present • Volunteered to run physics demonstrations at North Carolina Science Fest, Duke University Alumni Weekend, and science fairs at local elementary schools. • Helped plan and carry out curriculum for science outreach programs at local elementary schools. Physics Department Colloquium Committee Member • Served as graduate student representative. • Helped select speakers for spring 2013 program. • Responsible for organizing graduate student interactions with speakers. “Physics for Females” Program Co-­‐Organizer • Organized two events to expose high school females to physics principles, current physics research, and female physics professors and graduate students. Physics Department Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member • Served as graduate student representative. • Discussed proposed changes to undergraduate physics curriculum. 2012-­‐present 2010-­‐2011 2007-­‐2008 Adopt-­A-­Physicist Program Physicist Participant • Interacted with students from three high school physics classes via an online forum. • Answered questions about my research and path to becoming a physicist. 2012 Peer-­Reviewed Journals Journal Referee • Reviewed papers for Optics Letters. 2011 Women and Math Mentoring Program Mentor • Served as a mentor to two eighth-­‐grade girls interested in math. 2010-­‐2011 3 PUBLICATIONS 1. K.E. Callan, L. Illing, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Broadband Chaos,’ in Nonlinear Laser Dynamics: From Quantum Dots to Crypography, K. Lüge, Ed. (Wiley-­‐VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2012), Ch. 13, pp 317-­‐332. 2. D. P. Rosin, K. E. Callan, D. J. Gauthier, E. Schöll, ‘Pulse-­‐train solutions and excitability in an optoelectronic oscillator,’ Eur. Phys. Lett., 96 34001 (2011). 3. K. E. Callan, L. Illing, Z. Gao, D. J. Gauthier, and E. Schoell, ‘Broadband Chaos Generated by an Optoelectronic Oscillator,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 113901 (2010). – Highlighted in Nature News and Views 4. R. J. Wiener, K. E. Callan, S. C. Hall, and T. Olsen, ‘Proportional feedback control of chaos in a simple electronic oscillator,’ Am. J. Phys. 74 200 (2006). CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 1. K. E. Callan, D. Rontani, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Detecting the position and strength of attenuating elements in a small network.’ Poster presented at Dynamics Days 2013, Denver, Colorado, Jan. 3-­‐6, 2013. 2. K. E. Callan, D. Rontani, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Sensing capabilities of optoelectronic oscillators due to changes in complexity measures.’ Poster presented at the 12th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference 2012, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 16-­‐19, 2012. – Earned “Best Poster Award” 3. K. E. Callan, D. Rontani, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Time-­‐delay signatures in broadband chaos generated by optoelectronic oscillators.’ Poster presented at Dynamics Days 2012, Baltimore, Maryland, Jan. 4-­‐7, 2012. 4. K. E. Callan, L. Illing, D. Rosin, D. J. Gauthier, and E. Schöll, ‘Switching from steady-­‐state to chaos via pulse trains in an optoelectronic oscillator.’ Poster presented at Dynamics Days 2011, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Jan. 5-­‐8, 2011. 5. K. E. Callan, L. Illing, D. J. Gauthier, ‘High speed chaos generated in an optoelectronic oscillator.’ Poster presented at Gordon Research Conference: Nonlinear Science, Waterville, ME, June 24-­‐
29, 2007. 6. K. E. Callan, L. Illing, D. J. Gauthier, ‘High speed chaos generated in an optoelectronic oscillator.’ Fitzpatrick Institute of Photonics Annual Meeting, Duke University, Sep. 28-­‐29, 2006. 7. K. E. Callan, S. C. Hall, R. J. Wiener, and T. Olsen, ‘Controlling chaotic dynamics in a simple electronic oscillator.’ Contributed talk at the Northwest Section of the American Physical Society Spring Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia, 2005. OTHER CONFERENCES ATTENDED •
Physics Education Research Conference, 2012, Philadelphia, PA American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting 2012, Philadelphia, PA Physics Research and Education Gordon Conference 2012, Waterville, Maine American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting 2010, Portland, OR American Physical Society March Meeting 2010, Portland, OR American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting 2007, Greensboro, NC CURRENT SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS • American Association of Physics Teachers • American Physical Society 4 