D OO NW GLE TU CK A SE EG EE DR TUC K RD ASE EGE ER D F R E E D O M 85 I- D ASHLEY RD R 101 west worthington avenue, suite 270 charlotte, north carolina 28203 ALLEGHANY ST SITE N t] 704 379 1919 f] 704 379 1920 www.adwarchitects.com 7 5 8 9 75 VICINITY MAP - NTS GRATE=758.23 7 5 7 R C P " 5 1 769 70’ WIDE R/W 757 8 75 86’WIDER/W 775 7 77 INV. IN=755.79 GRATE=759.45 INV. IN=754.45 3 4" CIP INV. OUT=754.25 FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT 8 77 TAL 196.99’ (TO " 0 776 ’- 0" DROP INLET 5 775 ’- 0 GRATE=770.23 55.49’ FOUND FOUND 2 L3 1/2" PIPE N8709’47"E 8" (2 BOLE) 141.50’ CALCULATED #4 REBAR EVERGREEN 774 4" PVC 289.94’ 3" CHERRY HOLLY 8" POPLAR BOLE) 68.0’ 20.’ 75 8 CLEANOUT HAS SHRUBS PLATIC PLUG 12" CLEANOUT=773.01 20.’ 12" CHERRY 1.45’ EVERGREEN EVERGREEN TOP OF 7" (4 5" EVERGREEN 7" (2 BOLE) 6" POPLAR 6" (2 BOLE) 8" HOLLY TIE LINE POINT INV. OUT=766.98 INV.=769.73 A NEW COSMETOLOGY BELOW CAP. 4" PVC CHERRY 16’-0" UNABLE TO OBTAIN INVERT 20’ SIDEYARD (MB 27, HVAC UNIT PG 478) SCHOOL 2 76 3 76 4 76 765 766 767 768 9 76 12" SWEETGUM 14" SWEETGUM INV. IN(B)=763.43 13" PINE B INV. OUT=763.13 INV. IN=755.89 INV. OUT=753.09 18" FES 18" FES INV.=752.55 18" RCP INV. OF 12" RCP=752.37 RCP=752.37 FLUME SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN 13" PINE 14" OAK 7" PINE 11.26.2012 DATE S083 8" PINE L1 (GRO UND 5 4 75 75 7 75 6 8 75 75 758 756 INV. OF 12" 13" OAK NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION INV.=752.55 18" RCP 13" PINE 9" SWEETGUM DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ZONING LINE INV. IN=755.89 GRATE=762.34 INV. OUT=753.09 15" RCP NCCCS #1972 ) DROP INLET DROP INLET GRATE=762.34 1609 ALLEGHANY ST. CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 1428 8.48’ SHRUBS CGF : 0.9 9983 534 HOLLY 757 75 3 753 755 754 757 756 759 758 761 760 763 762 764 5 76 6 7 76 9 76 A 15" RCP INV. IN(A)=763.18 76 0 77 1 GRATE=768.58 INST 4’47" W INV. OUT=766.68 9" OAK DROP INLET 1 GRATE=770.25 2 7 INLET 8" HARDWOOD 2 77 7 DROP 825 SF 13" PINE MODULAR CLASSROOM 66.0’ 40’ 8" PINE 7 7 BAC HOLLY SHRUBS SET 14" PINE 8 K (M B 15" PINE 13" SWEETGUM N091 7’26 "E 13" PINE 825 SF 12" PINE 154.1’ MODULAR CLASSROOM 15" PINE 81.4’ 76 24, P G 47 8) 10" ELM 7" SWEETGUM 6" OAK 755 BUILDING=14.32’ 20" SWEETGUM L4 S059’1"E 178.4’ HEIGHT OF 15" PINE 754 MECH 774 773 775 777 776 779 778 7 8 0 781 8’ 127.5 P C R 12" SWEETGUM 10" SWEETGUM 0 1.961 ACRES (85,409 SQ. FT.) FENCE ENCLOSURE. 6" OAK CITYVIEW ZONING LINE TAX #067-113-43 " WITHIN 6’-0" OPAQUE WOODEN TRACT 3 MAP BOOK 27, PAGE 478 15 RELOCATED FROM ROOFTOP DEED BOOK 9216, PAGE 778 6 PIEDMONT COMMUNITY COLLEGE FLUME 0 ROOFTOP MECHANICAL UNITS, 7 9" HICKORY 7 THE TRUSTEES OF CENTRAL 1 ONE STORY BRICK EXISTING CITYVIEW BUILDING FFE=773.12 CPCC (MB 27, PG 478) 67.9’ 22" PINE ACCESS EASEMENT 76 42’-0" 8" OAK 10’ OAK 9 HEIGHT OF BUILDING=16.09’ PANEL 7 13" PINE IAB ELECTRIC (TYP.) 5 12" PINE BOLLARD 7 #4 REBAR 781 BOLLARD MECH FOUND VAR 154.0’ 5 40" SWEETGUM 9" OAK N 777 8 77 1 77 0 INV. OUT=753.44 7 7 2 779 6 5 RIM=760.93 7 9 75 ASH LEY ROA LE W D IDTH P UBL MA IC R P BO /W ( OK 70’ M 24, P IN.) AGE 623 0 6 7 2 1 6 76 7 3 6 7 4 INV. OUT=754.73 LAND DEVELOPMENT STANDARD 60.01A. 773 C1 5 MAP BOOK 24, PAGE 623 76 76 L2 VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W DRIVEWAY TO 20’-0" FOR FIRE ACCESS. INV. IN(B)=755.38 REFER TO CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG 6 76 #5 REBAR INV. IN(A)=755.08 7 FOUND WIDEN EXISTING ENTRANCE RIM=759.53 76 POLE STORM MANHOLE B 5’-0" WIDE TRANSIT WAITING PAD. 8 76 SIGNAL 2 3 WALK SIDEWALK AND CURB AND GUTTER. ALLEGHANY STREET 77 8 15" RC P INV. OUT=756.40 MATCH EXISTING. 4 77 7 0 A REMOVE EX. EXIT DRIVEWAY AND REPLACEGRATE=763.00 2 6 R-12MF B-1SCD 778 RIM=780.62 INV. OUT=772.3– 5’-0" WIDE ACCESSIBLE SIDEWALK TO BUILDING. 1 77 N INV. OUT=755.53 12058 PROJECT NO 1 1 2 2R "C " R P C 8" PINE P 8" PINE 11" PINE 9" PINE 7" PINE L5 INV.=751.42 44.53’ 539.63’ (TOTAL) 55.56’ FOUND 12" PINE 772 1 TAX PARCEL(S) 067-113-43 EXISTING ZONING INST(CD) PROPOSED ZONING INST(CD)SPA DESCRIPTION: 1 01.17.13 ZONING SUBMITTAL NO. 2 2 __ 02.25.13 ________ ZONING SUBMITTAL NO. 3 _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ STAMPED :CMS" 75 2 75 3 4 75 755 756 STEEL DISC 757 758 9 75 760 761 76 2 W/NAIL AND 763 764 5 76 6 76 7 76 768 9 0 77 76 7 1 MONUMENT 7 4 7 7 FOUND 4" CONCRETE 773 776 7 778 77 5 7 7 DEVELOPMENT DATA 1.96 AC #4 REBAR MONUMENT B-D(CD) SITE ACREAGE ZONING LINE FOUND CONCRETE FENC E 7 77 8 9 0 6" PERSIMMON DATE 12" FES INV.=751.42 N8837’16"W 15" PINE NO 12" FES 439.54’ 750 12" SWEETGUM 1 #4 REBAR 75 FOUND REVISIONS 11" PINE INST 749 HATCHED AREA DENOTES PARKING TO BE REMOVED FOR NEW MODULAR BUILDINGS. (4 SPACES) THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ADW ARCHITECTS, PA. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. IT 2 SHALL NOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT OR GIVEN TO ANY BOUNDARY LINE TABLE FROM THE AVERAGE FINAL GRADE) PROPOSED PARKING L5 25’-1" FOR PUBLIC N SEAL HEARING CURVE TABLE 1 SPACE/2 STUDENTS MIN. 75 MIN. SPACES FOR 150 CURVE # LENGTH RADIUS DELTA C1 41.76 30.00’ 079.7538 CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH 20 0 20 40 60 80 PROPOSED STUDENTS OPEN SPACE AMOUNT N/A S49.1656W 38.47 SHEET NUMBER 1" = 20’ - 0" RZ-01 D 40 FT (AS MEASURED 2 MAXIMUM BLDG. HEGHT L3 2013-008 2 0.14 N4^13’53"E 2 FLOOR AREA RATIO L1 L2 1 12,122 SF TOTAL N PETITION 1,650 SF PROPOSED N 10,472 SF EXISTING N BUILDING AREA REZONING N INSTITUTIONAL 1 B PROPOSED USE ARCHITECTS, PA. EXPANSION (1650 SF) L INSTITUTIONAL OTHER COMPANY OR AGENCY WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF ADW PROPOSED MODULAR OR ALTERNATE BUILDING L EXISTING USE DASHED LINE INDICATES APPROXIMATE AREA OF 1. DEVELOPMENT DATA GENERAL PROVISIONS: SITE ACREAGE 1.96 AC a. TAX PARCEL(S) 067-113-43 to redevelop on an approximately 1.96 acres site located on the southeast corner of These Development Standards form a part of the Rezoning Plan associated with this INST(CD)SPA petition the intersection of Alleghany Street and Ashley Road as more particularly shown on the rezoning plan (the 101 west worthington avenue, suite 270 charlotte, north carolina 28203 EXISTING ZONING INST(CD) PROPOSED ZONING INST(CD)SPA (together with the plans referred to as the "Rezoning Plan") as well as the applicable provisions of the City of f] 704 379 1920 EXISTING USE INSTITUTIONAL Charlotte Zoning Ordinance (the "Ordinance). Unless the Rezoning Plan (including these Development Standards) www.adwarchitects.com "Site"). Development of the Site will be governed by the attached plans and these Development Standards t] 704 379 1919 establish more stringent standards, the regulations established under the Ordinance for the INST Zoning Classification PROPOSED USE INSTITUTIONAL BUILDING AREA 10,472 SF EXISTING 1,650 SF PROPOSED shall govern development on the Site. 2 b. Except as otherwise expressly specified on the Rezoning Plan, site elements may be subject to alterations or modifications, during the design/development/construction phases, as long as the proposed improvements are in 12,122 SF TOTAL FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.14 MAXIMUM BLDG. HEGHT 40 FT (AS MEASURED compliance with the accompanying Development Standards and Section 6.207 of the Ordinance. c. To the extent of any conflict between the matters contained in other areas of the Rezoning Plan and the matters set forth in the Development Standards, the more restrictive shall govern. FROM THE AVERAGE FINAL GRADE) PROPOSED PARKING d. in the previously approved conditional zoning permit. 75 MIN. SPACES FOR 150 of 12,122 square feet. PROPOSED STUDENTS OPEN SPACE AMOUNT The Petitioner seeks the provision to allow more additional building area than allowed 1 SPACE/2 STUDENTS MIN. e. N/A The Petitioner seeks an allowable building area The Petitioner seeks the provision to allow for additional students occupying the premesis than allowed in the previously approved conditional zoning permit. The petitioner seeks a building occupancy of 150 students. 2. a. PERMITTED USES: The Petitioner’s intent for the site is to redevelop the existing building on-site and add (2) modular classroom buildings. The proposed use will be Institutional. 1 b. In the event that the petitioner decides not to use modular buildings, the existing building may be expanded in the area where the modular buildings are identified on sheet RZ-01 by up to 1,650 square feet. 3. TRANSPORTATION: a. The Site will be accessed via the existing driveways. b. The interior parking will remain as existing and shall meet all aplicable design standards. 4. a. 5. a. A NEW COSMETOLOGY SCHOOL ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS: The site will comply with all architectural standards set forth in the Ordinance. STREETSCAPE AND LANDSCAPING: CPCC CITYVIEW To the extent possible, the Petitioner seeks to protect and preserve as many existing large mature trees on site. 1609 ALLEGHANY ST. b. 6. a. Street planting strips and interior parking lot plantings will be maintained. NCCCS #1972 ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES: DESIGN DEVELOPMENT The Petitioner shall comply with the Charlotte City Council approved and adopted Post Construction Controls Ordinance. b. CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION The Site will comply with Chapter 21 - The Tree Ordinance. SITE DEVELOPMENT 7. a. PARKS, GREENWAYS AND OPEN SPACE: STANDARDS The Petitioner shall adhere to the requirements of the Ordinance for Open Space within this development area. 8. FIRE PROTECTION: 11.26.2012 DATE 12058 PROJECT NO a. The Petitioner shall adhere to the requirements of the Charlotte Fire Department for this development area. REVISIONS 9. a. 10. a. 11. a. SIGNAGE: All project signs, banners, flags and pennants for identification or decoration must conform to the Ordinance. LIGHTING: All new lighting shall conform to the Ordinance. NO DATE DESCRIPTION: 1 01.17.13 ZONING SUBMITTAL NO. 2 2 __ 02.25.13 ________ ZONING SUBMITTAL NO. 3 _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ __ ________ _____________________________ PHASING: Development to be constructed in one phase. THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ADW ARCHITECTS, PA. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. IT SHALL NOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT OR GIVEN TO ANY OTHER COMPANY OR AGENCY WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF ADW ARCHITECTS, PA. 1 REZONING PETITION 2013-008 FOR PUBLIC SEAL HEARING SHEET NUMBER RZ-02