740 738.89 IGM 2.0 NV.= 4" HLY CB#13 12" MA GM BOX FAN 1 CONC. WALK LP 500 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 SSMH 704.342.9639 Fax www.gantthuberman.com LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N85^46’7"W 212’-9" L2 N4^13’53"E 22’-11" Structural Engineer: L3 N85^36’18"W 27’-7" Stewart Engineering, Inc. L4 N4^46’51"E 25’-1" 200 S. College Street, Ste. 720 L5 N85^46’7"W 126’-0" REF: NC GRID L6 N4^13’53"E 173’-11" (NAD 83) L7 S85^46’7"E 32’-4" L8 N4^13’53"E 62’-5" L9 S85^46’7"E 30’-3" L10 N37^58’54"E 60’-9" L11 N51^18’28"W 119’-7" L12 N38^41’32"E 114’-4" L13 S51^18’28"E 65’-8" Civil Engineer: L14 S85^46’7"E 146’-9" Bulla Smith Design Engineering, P.A. L15 S15^16’21"W 56’-7" NC Certificate of Licensure C-1863 L16 S18^44’18"W 87’-2" 1347 Harding Place, Suite 201 N 6" OAK SDMH#9 CB#10 704.334.6436 Tel BOUNDARY LINE TABLE CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING C1 33’-5" 47’-1" 43’-3" N46^53’18"W C2 883’-3" 214’-0" 213’-5" S11^47’16"W 200 South Tryon Street, Suite 1400 Charlotte, NC 28202 VuePoint Consulting 3.11 AC TAX PARCEL(S) PORTION OF 078-201-06 EXISTING ZONING R-22MF, PED PROPOSED ZONING R-22MF, PED-0 EXISTING USE INSTITUTIONAL PROPOSED USE INSTITUTIONAL BUILDING AREA 68,885 SF FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.508 MAXIMUM BLDG. HEGHT 65 FT (AS MEASURED 7900-D Stevens Mill Road, Suite 260 1 Matthews, NC 28104 704.622.6264 Tel Laboratory Consultant: Boston, MA 02210 PROPOSED PARKING P.O. Box 726 Concord, NC 28026 1 SPACE/2 STUDENTS 704.467.3903 Tel MIN. (CAMPUSWIDE) OPEN SPACE AMOUNT PER PED PLAN 1 SF/100 SF GFA OR 1 1 SF/200 SF LOT AREA WHICHEVER IS GREATER 7 #3 C P B 5" R C 2 F.C. Schafer Consulting, LLC FINAL GRADE) ( SSMH Acoustics Consultant: FROM THE AVERAGE 1 N 617.305.9875 Tel C PP INV OUT=737.68 INV IN=737.78 RIM=743.95 470 Atlantic Avenue, 7th Floor L RB 0.5’ CU Cole Jenest & Stone EYP Architecture & Engineering #841 12" BP 12" BP Landscape Architect: Information Technology: SITE ACREAGE 8" CLAY LINE 0 704.333.3122 Tel SPIGN APROXIMATE GSTINW ESNG/W (3) 24"VALEYCURB 75 #75 RB 0.5’ CU #842 2" CM #843 6" HB CL F 6" PI 6" AC HV CO 2 0. 11 Charlotte, NC 28204 LP W AL L 8 5. H ) C H U R C 704.376.7072 Tel #78 745 8" OAK 14’ SETBACK SP SIGN #76 6" MA LP 4" HB 5. 8 4" PVC PB WM X PM L L Charlotte, NC 28204 BOUNDARY CURVE TABLE #97 12" MA 8" W SP SIGN LP CB#6 3" CM C #8 M 44 3" L AL #97 SP SIGN K 6 PAR G 18" C& S PACE ING S CURB LLEY 24" VA CP 24" R 15" MA CES G SPA RKIN 23 PA 4" CM 24" RCP CB#7 3" CM GL .0 3 75 2 S M T W 11 IT 0. IT OR 2 H H Y M B B A E R S M IC E M O K 4" PVC E R N I A 8" T W 3" CM GL 1300 Baxter Street, Suite 350 10" SIG N MA CON CRE TE LP LP E E T C R CB M W K IC BR 12" OAK S ER V PA LP WV Y LA LP University Charlotte, NC EET STR E AD ) TR R/W ST E lic b W u p ( LP TS RO SSMH Site Plan Sheet 12 ZE GRAPHIC SCALE NS 30 18" RCP B UR ’C 0.5 TE RE NC Schematic B-1 0 30 9" CU RB By mcataldo at 8:39 am, Aug 27, 2012 Y LP FIC TRAF LE T PO LIGH O CO 696 Title LA K A " 15 B-1 BR S ER "C BRICK K IC LL E (p ub S F lic ER R R/ W YR ) D LE CAB 7 7 V PA 18" OAK BOX LP T E Project Number SSMH TE CRE CON IN B TS H B VICINITY MAP-nts TE CRE CON M PAVERS K 15" OA 15" OA LP K T A Johnson C. Smith AK 14" O 12 "C 15" R CP LP ALL 6" W 10" MA R S LP N 8" CLA Y E New Science Center TE CRE CON LP CP "R AK 15 18" O CB#41 T P C R (40’ public R/W) 1 L LE NA SI G SB 30" C &G LP E ) INV OUT=738.77 RIM=743.20 SSMH MARTIN STREET P C R 5" B-1 PO B ’ :N CHORD 1050’34 " E 242 BST V " 15 0.5’ CURB LP #3 6 C O ’ LP A & SSMH LP 8" C LAY IT C from Gantt Huberman Architects, PLLC. T MA 10" CUR B M G " 30 ST W E LP TS L AL "W 18 LP N G SI W A L SI GN K 5 (p ub th lic ST R R /W EE T ) LP B T SE ’ 16 E FE NC AL M ET 05 15" RC P TMH 0 .5 ’ SU M " August 10, 2012 15 SSMH CB N P C R CB ET E N CR CO K C A #64 12" ELM PM X 10" MA 15" RCP TIE C LP #67 48" OAK #66 1" OAK #65 1" OAK #62 8" MA 15" PI 13" OAK 15" RCP 10" MA AT " 30 1 PP #70 3" CM #71 8" MA #69 #68 #72 14’ SETBACK 10" BI LP 1" OAK 22" OAK #73 10" BI #837 1" TR 8" CM #61 8" MA LP 6" MA #57 WBX R SSMH RT 0 L 14 #58 1 75 75 0 12" BP LP BE (B LP #74 36" OAK #838 METAL FENCE #836 24" HIC #839 #840 #834 13 L LP CONC. 2 5 7 #59 751 5 5 7 15" OAK 7" OAK 3" WC #835 12" BP 12" CM BUMP SPEED 4 75 8" MA 7 5 7 GE E ASE MEN 723 T 3-8 0 DB ERM A INA 4" MAG A LK LP 4 75 5 75 8" MA 7 55" OAK 6 755 756 75 #60 #25 6" OAK 36" OAK #20 4" OAK #19 12" OAK #18 30" MAG 5" CM S RD W AL CO L N CR ET E #833 12" BP 7 5 #792 36" OAK 30" PI 759.00 LP #17 30" MAG 5" JUN EU CO 7 7 CO 7 759 EU 1. (S 8 5 LP 8" PVC INV= #790 10" MAG EU LP #789 30" MAG LP MN 36" C OLU #13 36" 5 N 1 5 1 6 ’21" E 56.6 2’ L Revisions G & PP SD LAY #788 1. L3 3" CM 3" CM TE 10’ P 5 30" C &G .35’ =883.2 3 ’ L = 243.12 ’ 0-2 T N June 25, 2012 reproduced in any form without written permission AY CL 12" H WM T S Date electronic drawings and documentation may not be CB MARTIN ST 5 th Jeffrey I. Smith, P.E. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Printed or WV W E S Checked &G 30" C 8" C #11 #24 30" OAK LP APPROX LP CB#40 .64 FLUME 36" OAK 7 CP "R 36" OAK 15" OAK IMATE LP SIGN SL (35) CRE CB# 44 IGN RD LP 3. 60 CONC. #49 EXISTIN G R/W CON 0.5’ CUR SF O W NEN T 7 METAL FENCE LP LP (TYP.) 4" AAS SIGN LP ETA #47 15 ICK BR TREE TO BE PRESERVED SITE W TRADE ST P:\2012\2012.03 JCSU Science Building\CADD Files\jcsRZ100.dgn S ER V PA =6 LP LP 751 752 4" MAG TRAFFIC #21 3 750 BST LP B LP Y W JCSU CAMPUS C2 LIGHT POLE 2 COV . LP R F R-22MF LL 75 21" OAK 9 74 LP N 1 84 4 ’ 18" E E CURB. A 6" MA 75 753 74 8 6 LP LP IR H S SIDEWALK AT BACK OF W PP 751 L WAL LP K O EXISTING 7’ MIN. WIDTH NA 3 72 B D AI DR 16’ SETB ACK T ’0 3" CM I7N5V9.=8 9 74 " WO OD WV 755 CON CRE TE LP PP O R FENCE. GE CB#39 UMN L1 LP 1 EN EM 0 8 3- S EA 5 5. 10" JUN 7 PP 3" DW 75 754 36" OAK 1 75 DRA M K B PERIMETER SECURTIY T EN AN RM E 0’ P 27 ETA L FE NCE RCP 0 75 753 75 7’-3" 2 5 7 37 L 15 S ER V PA CK CH I AR BR 3 21’-2" "W SET BAC K ’4 0 16’ Steven H. Doe, P.E. N G SI .2 TTI ES (va FOR riab DR le p OA ubl D ic R /W ) K IC BR L L1 6 EXISTING OPEN-STYLE FRENCH ST S ER V PA 52 15" SHRUBBERY. DRY DETENTION BASIN P L Drawn T = 12 126 RCP 7 L 7 75 4 PLANTINGS AND PERIMETER 1. 3 ’ 1 ’ BEA 15" 2 5 2 CB# 43 18" OAK 752 WITH BIORETENTION POND SW AL E R COL 7 5 1 751 PARKING TO BE SCREENED 24 75 2 751 752 CK LP 5" M 48" O A BA LP COL UMN 752 36" 751 CRE TE W ALK 751 2 75 CON 3 75 SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING E 6. 2 AD 4 75 16’ 2012-077 E R ST 6’ OVE RHE 3 5 7 0’ LP 75 1 75 2 4 5 7 750 N 754 752 BIORETENTION POND 753 E 4 5 REZONING PETITION 7 755 753 4 5 7 LP 757 INV = 755 .01 755 6 5 754 5 75 7 18" MAG 756 #12 ES D: AC OR SIGN SL (15) 15" MAG 5 7 CH R = ORD 74 :N 09-AUG-2012 14:56 6 SP CH 42 =6 - N 8 75 G 3 757 P A R KI N 6" G LE SWA SW AL S U R F AC E PO S E D LP 760 C& P RO NG KI AR P ES 2 AC SP 25 7 ’2 2 2 " . 25 E ’ 18" 8’ SIDEWALK 7 75 D 8 75 E E 6 S P 759 758 7’ SIDEWALK 5 7 P 758 (TYP.) 12 LP TREE TO BE PRESERVED L 1 TSB 760 758 CALL BOX D RE VE CO RL 758 6’ SIDEWALK PROJECT BOUNDARY ) (A R-5 5 75 758 M PLANTED AREA EMERGENCY 0 17 . 6" PROPOSED TREE (TYP.) U 8" PVC PVC " 759 6 7 5 7 6" RL 759 PVC 6" RL 15 8" VC 758 P 758 6" 8" .1 L2 B C PV AT MAIN CAMPUS ENTRY. .1 TO BEATTIES FORD ROAD 15 6" " VC 26.9 3" CM GL GL 11 2" CM #795 3" HLY GL GL 1 GL C GL GL 758 FV 6" OAK 12" MA .3 CB#8 13.7 #845 4" CM IGN HC S 1 5 7 7.8 COV. 751 9.8 0 76 12 COV. 6.7 GL GL 38.1 GL 99.1 12.0 CONCRETE HVACS CB#29 12" PVC CB#28 L9 761 12.0 DRAIN#30 JUNCTION GM 13.3 12.0 L7 32.3 WMH 7 SSMH#1 #800 6" CM 8" CM 4.2 5.9 UMH BOX UTILITY #803 E LIN R E LL .) HI OX "C PR P GENERATOR 4 (A 12" BP #802 24" CH BOX 64.5 5.5 4.2 CB#26 CB#20 #869 5" DW #882 12" BP CABLE #801 12" CH BOX UTILITY GL GL 75 BOX 5 WATER L AL W LP A 6 NETWORK THAT CONNECTS G OVERHANG C CAMPUS PEDESTRIAN TE 1.5 2.5 V CONNECTION TO EXISTING .5 P PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN 10 " LOADING SPACE McCracken & Lopez, PA DEVELOPMENT DATA 2 FFE = 759.50 BUMP 62 V IC F CL 4 75 704.909.3514 Tel Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Engineers: SPEED L5 Y IT IL GEN .5 10 ES X BO UT 6. 3 #886 12"CON.WAL APROX3.1 .3 38 81.0 TOTAL 4 ABANDONED HV AC G A TE CL F WM 8" WALL RCP CO 13.5 766 PBX 35 24" E ET NC R TOTAL 56.5 TOTAL 15 4.6 56.4 TOTAL 765 TOTAL L AL "W WM H 15.6 750 10 6" ICV WM 5 NC 9.0 BFP .6 BE TOTAL 14.9 C. LP WITH GATES CON BENCH FIRE CO L HVAC SCREEN FENCE GL SIGN LP XFMR Charlotte, NC 28202 704.376.1555 Tel N 8653’30" W CONTROL CO 189’-7" (DISTANCE TO SETBACK OPPOSITE SINGLE FAM. ZONING) GAS 765 50.3 A CO R AM P 7 1.0 1.0 L ET M 4" R AM P 5 9 75 4 L8 3.7 0.6 P P M C 1.0 1.0 A 5.4 R "R MP 8.8 R A 24 L6 2.2 8" BP (3STORDYAVBISIBCLKG.) (TECHNOLOGY CENTER) 29.5 SP SIGN 8" WALL LP CB#25 (B) 3 STORY BRICK 32.3 #867 8" MAG 12" PVC 22.3 10" WALL #868 PP 4" C 10" SY 1.0 "R CP 12 K AL W . NC CO CP 12" R (B) #871 4" DW #872 4" DW #873 12" BP #34 CB 760 #880 12" BP #879 12" BP #874 12" BP AY 12" BP 8" CL #876 #877 10" BP #878 #883 12" BP CH BE N 12" BP 2.2 CB#21 #884 CB#27 10" BP 12.1 CB#22 #885 12" RCP CB#23 14" BP ) 14.4 P 12" RC #888 (A CB#24 #887 86.6 12" RCP (A) 18" CH 12" (B) 18" RCP RC P 5" DW C L 51 6" CH LEVEL 15" OAK WALL COV. #84 GROUND 8" WALKWAY P 2" RC LP Gantt Huberman Architects, PLLC 60 90 RZ-01 Plate 1" = 30’ of Gantt Huberman Architects, PLLC 500 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 704.334.6436 Tel 704.342.9639 Fax www.gantthuberman.com Structural Engineer: Stewart Engineering, Inc. 200 S. College Street, Ste. 720 Charlotte, NC 28202 704.909.3514 Tel Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Engineers: DEVELOPMENT DATA 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS: 6. STREETSCAPE AND LANDSCAPING: McCracken & Lopez, PA 1300 Baxter Street, Suite 350 SITE ACREAGE 3.11 AC TAX PARCEL(S) PORTION OF 078-201-06 a. 1 These Development Standards form a part of the Rezoning Plan associated with this R-22MF PED-O petition a. The Petitioner seeks the optional provision to allow modification to the Beatties Ford Road Streetscape to redevelop on approximately 3.11 acres of the Johnson C. Smith University located on the northeast corner of from the required 8’ planting strip and 8’ sidewalk to preserve the existing mature trees and existing perimeter the intersection of Beatties Ford Road and West 5th Street as more particularly shown on the rezoning plan (the fence configuration. EXISTING ZONING R-22MF, PED PROPOSED ZONING R-22MF, PED-0 (together with the plans referred to as the "Rezoning Plan") as well as the applicable provisions of the City of b. EXISTING USE INSTITUTIONAL Charlotte Zoning Ordinance (the "Ordinance). Unless the Rezoning Plan (including these Development Standards) on site. In addition, new trees will be planted between the proposed surface lot and the Beatties Ford Road establish more stringent standards, the regulations established under the Ordinance for the R-22 Multi-Family setback to preserve the "Green Band" that currently exists along the campus perimeter. PROPOSED USE BUILDING AREA 68,885 SF FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.508 MAXIMUM BLDG. HEGHT PROPOSED PARKING 65 FT (AS MEASURED The layout of the development; the size, configuration, and placement of the building and parking area, the d. graphic representations of the proposed development which may be subject to change during the design/develop- falls within the Site. FINAL GRADE) ment/construction phases. Consequently, except as otherwise expressly specified on the Rezoning Plan, these 1 SF/100 SF GFA OR Planting strips with street trees will be established along the portion of the Campus interior loop road that e. as long as the proposed improvements are in compliance with the accompanying Development Standards and and west entrances of the proposed building. To the extent of any conflict between the matters contained in other areas of the Rezoning Plan and the matters set forth in the Development Standards, the Development Standards shall govern. 1 SF/200 SF LOT AREA Landscape Architect: 200 South Tryon Street, Suite 1400 Charlotte, NC 28202 Bike racks to satisfy long-term and short-term bike parking requirements will be provided at both the east Information Technology: VuePoint Consulting f. c. Charlotte, NC 28204 704.376.1555 Tel elements may be subject to alterations or modifications, during the design/development/construction phases, Section 6.207 of the Ordinance. 1 1347 Harding Place, Suite 201 Cole Jenest & Stone exact alignment of the a road; and the depictions of such other site elements on the Rezoning Plan are PER PED PLAN NC Certificate of Licensure C-1863 A combination of parking area perimeter shrubs and the tree and shrub planting of the proposed bioretention FROM THE AVERAGE 1 SPACE/2 STUDENTS Bulla Smith Design Engineering, P.A. 704.333.3122 Tel c. pond will serve to screen the proposed surface parking lot from public view. b. MIN. (CAMPUSWIDE) OPEN SPACE AMOUNT To the extent possible, the Petitioner seeks to protect and preserve as many existing large mature trees District with Pedestrian Overlay District (R-22MF PED) Zoning Classification and the adopted West End Land Use Pedscape Plan (the "Pedscape Plan) shall govern development on the Site. 704.376.7072 Tel Civil Engineer: "Site"). Development of the Site will be governed by the attached plans and these Development Standards INSTITUTIONAL Charlotte, NC 28204 The Petitioner seeks the optional provision to base the minimum required amount of short-term bicycle parking spaces as outlined in section 12.202 of the Ordinance on only the amount of new vehicular parking spaces provided, and the Petitioner seeks the optional provision to base the minimum required amount of 7900-D Stevens Mill Road, Suite 260 Matthews, NC 28104 704.622.6264 Tel long-term bicycle parking spaces as outlined in section 12.202 on only the new principal building. WHICHEVER IS GREATER Laboratory Consultant: EYP Architecture & Engineering 2. OPTIONAL PROVISIONS: 470 Atlantic Avenue, 7th Floor 7. a. ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES: The Petitioner seeks the optional provision to allow surface parking and vehicular maneuvering between the setback along Beatties Ford Road and the proposed building. Boston, MA 02210 617.305.9875 Tel a. The Petitioner shall comply with the Charlotte City Council approved and adopted Post Construction Controls Ordinance. b. 1 Acoustics Consultant: The Petitioner seeks the optional provision to allow modification to the Beatties Ford Road Streetscape from the required 8’ planting strip and 8’ sidewalk to maintain the existing streetscape in order to preserve b. The Site will comply with Chapter 21 - The Tree Ordinance. c. The Petitioner is seeking LEED Silver Certification for the proposed building. 600 sf as outlined in the PED Overlay District and to revert to the requirement of providing 1 space/2 students d. The layout shown on the Site Plan proposes to preserve as many existing trees on the Site as possible. as outlined in Table 12.202 of the Ordinance. Parking minimums shall then be calculated based upon the campus- In an attempt to preserve existing trees along Beatties Ford Road, the existing sidewalk/planting strip layout wide student population and all available parking on Campus shall be counted toward meeting that minimum is to remain. P.O. Box 726 the existing mature trees and existing perimeter fence configuration. c. F.C. Schafer Consulting, LLC The Petitioner seeks the optional provision to deviate from the minimum parking requirement of 1 space/ Concord, NC 28026 704.467.3903 Tel requirement. d. The Petitioner seeks the optional provision to base the minimum required amount of short-term bicycle parking spaces as outlined in Table 12.202 of the Ordinance on only the amount of new vehicular parking spaces provided, and the Petitioner seeks the optional provision to base the minimum required amount of long-term bicycle parking spaces as outlined in Table 12.202 on only the new principal building. 8. a. PARKS, GREENWAYS AND OPEN SPACE: 1 The Petitioner shall adhere to the requirements of the Ordinance for Urban Open Space within this development area. e. The Petitioner seeks the optional provision to increase the rate at which the building height can increase REZONING PETITION relative to its distance from the setback line from one foot building height increase over a horizontal distance of ten feet to one foot building height increase over a horizontal distance of five feet. 2012-077 9. a. 3. a. PERMITTED USES: The Petitioner’s intent for the site is to develop a new educational building. The proposed use will be Institutional. 4. a. TRANSPORTATION: The Site will be accessed via the existing interior Campus loop road with the primary Campus access point FIRE PROTECTION: FOR PUBLIC HEARING The Petitioner shall adhere to the requirements of the Charlotte Fire Department for this development area. b. A Charlotte Fire Department approved truck turn around shall be provided at the south terminal end of an existing fire access lane located east of the proposed building and running north to south through Campus 10. a. SIGNAGE: All project signs, banners, flags and pennants for identification or decoration must conform to the Ordinance. Drawn Steven H. Doe, P.E. Checked Jeffrey I. Smith, P.E. Date June 25, 2012 Revisions off of Beatties Ford Road. 1 b. The interior loop road alignment will be slightly modified to accommodate the new building footprint. c. A new surface parking lot is proposed to be located between the Beatties Ford Road setback and the proposed building, located on the west side of the re-aligned interior loop road. d. 11. a. August 10, 2012 LIGHTING: All new lighting shall conform to the Ordinance. The Petitioner seeks the optional provision to allow surface parking and vehicular maneuvering between the setback along Beatties Ford Road and the proposed building. 12. a. 5. a. PHASING: Development to be constructed in one phase. ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS: The proposed building to be developed on site will not exceed 65 feet in height as measured from average grade around the building. b. The Petitioner seeks the optional provision to increase the rate at which the building height can increase relative to its distance from the setback line from one foot building height increase over a horizontal distance 09-AUG-2012 14:56 of ten feet to one foot building height increase over a horizontal distance of five feet. c. Roof top HVAC and related mechanical equipment will be screened from public view at grade. d. The attached elevations associated with the building to be located on the Site are included to reflect the architectural style and quality of the building that will be constructed, it being understood that the actual building so constructed may vary from this illustration as long as the general architectural concept and intent shown is maintained. The proposed building material will be Red Carolina Brick, matching the red of existing Campus brick. Cast stone and precast light in color shall be used as building accents and details. Colors should be similar and/or compatible with existing campus building’s stone details. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Printed or e. Most of Johnson C. Smith University’s buildings are two-to-three story structures not exceeding 100 feet electronic drawings and documentation may not be in height. The Petitioner intends to maintain the proposed building’s scale to be compatible with the existing reproduced in any form without written permission building heights. from Gantt Huberman Architects, PLLC. f. Design of the first floor should be articulated in a way that is welcoming and relates to human scale. Facades shall be transparent or translucent to a practical extent, and should offer visibility into the building where possible. Entries shall be transparent and clearly articulated through use of well detailed canopies and elements allowing them to relate to human scale. g. Fences, walls, and barriers should be used only where required for security, screening, grade retention, or delineation of private property boundaries. These should be well articulated and allow for visibility where not serving as screening. Solid fences and walls not used for required screening should be avoided to the extent possible. New Science Center Johnson C. Smith P:\2012\2012.03 JCSU Science Building\CADD Files\jcsRZ200.dgn University Charlotte, NC Project Number 696 Title Site Development Standards Sheet RZ-02 Plate of 18" RCP B UR ’C 0.5 TE RE NC CO 9" Y LA "C 12 LP FIC TRAF LE T PO LIGH R S E T SSMH PA 18" OAK SSMH 7 7 LE BRICK T E E V A CAB PAVERS T A IT M SU M LL E (p ub S F lic ER R R/ W YR ) D ZE RO CU RB O TE Y LA 12 "C TIE AT RD SF O RD 15" RC P SSMH CRE TE SSMH TMH NS WBX SSMH MA 10" ALL 36" OAK 15" OAK 15" OAK LP RCP SB T RT W A L SI GN K X G SI PM N 12" BP WV LE PO 12" OAK S ER V PA L NA SI G B TS ST 6" MA L 14 #58 LP LP #64 CO M W CB 1 5" R P C CB #3 6 ET E N CR LP AY CL 12" CB WV CRE CON C R LP N E T E #67 48" OAK #66 1" OAK #61 LP #48 SL (15) #25 BUMP #51 8" JUN #37 G #50 6" JUN #26 8" OAK 6" OAK 6" TR #33 2" TR 8" BP 1" TR #27 6" OAK #24 L 13 SPEED #69 #68 LP PP #70 3" CM 1" OAK LP #60 22" OAK #65 #20 4" OAK LP LP C& LP 12" BP #49 36" OAK #36 LP 30" OAK #34 1" TR 1" TR LP #792 36" OAK 30" PI LP EU LP #789 8" PVC #790 10" MAG 759.00 INV= FLUME CONC. LP LP 30" MAG #788 10" JUN I7N5V9.=8 EU 7 1. #821 14" BP #793 1" MA LP LP 26.9 L3 GL 1 C SP SIGN #822 12" BP LP #820 12" BP LP GL 3" CM 3" CM 3" CM GL GL GL #72 10" BI LP 12" BP #823 7" HLY (40’ public R/W) CO CO 7 SSMH INV OUT=738.77 R-5 " 15 P C R LP #74 36" OAK #839 11 CO AC #843 6" HB HV #75 6" PI RB 0.5’ CU #842 2" CM CL F H ) C #831 12" BP #825 10" MA #824 LP 6" 10" BI #826 5" CM 8 W AL L 5. PM #830 10" MA SDMH#5 #829 CB#3 5" CM (B) EMERGENCY CALL BOX 18" RCP " 24 PB WM X 5. 8 R #76 6" MA LP SSMH INV OUT=737.68 INV IN=737.78 RIM=743.95 " 30 C CON K AL "R CP #871 4" DW #872 4" DW #873 12" BP #874 12" BP CONC. WALK LP 4" HLY GL 38.1 GL 64.5 CONCRETE 12.0 GL #78 #97 15" MA 8" OAK SP SIGN CES G SPA RKIN 23 PA 4" CM 24" RCP #845 4" CM CB#7 LP CURB 4.2 4.2 5.5 #867 GM 99.1 12.0 12.0 DRAIN#30 JUNCTION 13.3 CB#8 13.7 COV. 6.7 12 .3 6" OAK 12" MA 22.3 CP 12" R (B) SP SIGN 29.5 12" PVC SSMH CB#10 6" OAK SDMH#9 DISTANCE L1 N85^46’7"W 212’-9" L2 N4^13’53"E 22’-11" Structural Engineer: L3 N85^36’18"W 27’-7" Stewart Engineering, Inc. L4 N4^46’51"E 25’-1" 200 S. College Street, Ste. 720 L5 N85^46’7"W 126’-0" REF: NC GRID L6 N4^13’53"E 173’-11" (NAD 83) L7 S85^46’7"E 32’-4" L8 N4^13’53"E 62’-5" L9 S85^46’7"E 30’-3" L10 N37^58’54"E 60’-9" L11 N51^18’28"W 119’-7" L12 N38^41’32"E 114’-4" L13 S51^18’28"E 65’-8" Civil Engineer: L14 S85^46’7"E 146’-9" Bulla Smith Design Engineering, P.A. L15 S15^16’21"W 56’-7" NC Certificate of Licensure C-1863 L16 S18^44’18"W 87’-2" 1347 Harding Place, Suite 201 SURVEY PROVIDED BY G & " " 30 30 C EET STR E AD ) TR R/W ST E lic b W u p ( 0 30 1" = 30’ N COV. LP 6" CH LP #84 12" MA CB#13 GM BOX FAN WALKWAY CB#25 (B) 1.0 8" WALL 32.3 8" MAG 3 STORY BRICK HVACS 12" PVC L7 32.3 CB#26 IGM 2.0 NV.= 12 10" WALL #868 (TECHNOLOGY CENTER) CB#28 #815 #814 5" DW W #34 CB BEARING CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING C1 33’-5" 47’-1" 43’-3" N46^53’18"W C2 883’-3" 214’-0" 213’-5" S11^47’16"W SITE INFORMATION 100 BEATTIES FORD RD CHARLOTTE, NC 28216 JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY 470 Atlantic Avenue, 7th Floor TAX PARCEL(S) PORTION OF 078-201-06 EXISTING ZONING R-22MF, PED EXISTING USE INSTITUTIONAL Boston, MA 02210 TOTAL PROJECT SITE (AC) 3.11 617.305.9875 Tel AREA PLAN(S) WEST END LAND USE AND PEDSCAPE PLAN Acoustics Consultant: (ADOPTED 11/14/2005) C (A 60 F.C. Schafer Consulting, LLC P.O. Box 726 JAMES MAUNEY&ASSOC. Concord, NC 28026 6405 WILKINSON BLVD. 704.467.3903 Tel SUITE 11 BELMONT, NC 28012 704-987-3862 #3 B 7 ) 5" R P C 1 1 REZONING PETITION 2012-077 FOR PUBLIC HEARING L P C P CRE TE S ER B-1 GRAPHIC SCALE 90 Drawn Steven H. Doe, P.E. Checked Jeffrey I. Smith, P.E. Date June 25, 2012 1 Revisions R August 10, 2012 15 G & E E T N Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Printed or electronic drawings and documentation may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from Gantt Huberman Architects, PLLC. B-1 New Science Center Johnson C. Smith University Charlotte, NC LP &G 30" C PP TE LP CP "R AK 15 18" O AK 14" O TS B H Project Number Plate of 696 Title Existing Conditions Sheet RZ-03 L 5.9 CB#20 #877 10" BP #883 12" BP CH AY 12" BP 8" CL #876 #878 12" BP #884 BE N #885 14" BP #888 5" DW 10" BP PP 4" C 10" SY #869 5" DW #870 4" DW . NC CO #881 5" DW #880 12" BP #879 12" BP #882 12" BP #886 8" BP #887 12"CON.WAL APROX3.1 #812 12" BP LP LINE 2 #97 12" MA G 18" C& #811 #816 WMH CB#1 IGN HC S LLEY #804 24" PI 12" BP 15" BP 8" DW S PACE ING S 24" VA #805 36" OAK BOX UTILITY UMH (3STORDYAVBISIBCLKG.) 12" BP #802 24" CH BOX CABLE BENCH 18" CH BOUNDARY LINE TABLE ( PP 3" CM 7.8 COV. CP 24" R K 6 PAR CB#6 3" CM 3" GL 9.8 L9 #810 12" BP #807 LP C #8 M 44 LP L AL 35 .0 #828 4" MAG SP SIGN 8" W SP SIGN 4" PVC 4" HB C P #827 MH 6" HLY 18" RCP 12" BP CB#2 #799 8" PO #800 6" CM 8" CM #801 12" CH BOX UTILITY #803 E LIN R E LL .) HI OX "C PR P GENERATOR 4 (A 10" BP U #809 9.0 TOTAL L5 13.5 SSMH#1 8" HLY 8" BP #808 10" BP #806 LP TOTAL 15.6 6" HLY 8" BP 12" BP CP "R HVAC PBX 6" HLY 6" HLY 8 ) 1 (A LP LP RAMP 56.5 TOTAL PROPERTY OWNER(S) ) #818 H U R C 44" OAK CONTROL 81.0 TOTAL SITE ADDRESS (B #841 12" BP L 8" CLAY LINE RB 0.5’ CU #840 2 0. 11 12" BP A LK 0.5’ CURB METAL FENCE #838 W 4" MAG AL CO L N CR ET E 24" HIC #836 3" WC #835 L #832 1.5 #797 20" PI 10" BI CONC. WALK #819 12" BP CB#12 OVERHANG 36" OAK BOX #795 3" HLY 2" CM 2 S M T W 11 IT 0. IT OR 2 H H Y M B B A E R S M IC E M O K 4" PVC E R N I A 8" T W (S 12" BP RIM=743.20 #73 10" BI #837 1" TR #834 12" CM MARTIN STREET #71 8" MA LP 8" CM #833 1. GL GL SPIGN MAIL LP 3" CM 3" CM GL GL FV GL SPIGN APROXIMATE GSTINW ESNG/W (3) 24"VALEYCURB 8" MA 1" OAK CONC. #52 12" BP #47 55" OAK #40 #39 1" TR #32 6" TR L1 #19 36" OAK #18 30" MAG #17 30" MAG MN #13 3" DW OLU 36" C 5" JUN EU #11 18" MAG 12" OAK UMN COL PBX 1" TR #28 8" TR #23 8" MA #41 C O #59 5" CM 36" L ETA 5" M LP 4" WILLOW #21 6" BP 8" MA #42 1" TR #53 12" ELM #62 8" MA PV 6" MA COL UMN C 36" INV = 755 .01 PV C #29 1" TR #46 1" TR 5 (p ub th lic ST R R /W EE T ) W E E FE NC L AL "W 18 AL M ET LP #54 12" BP #44 4" MA #43 8" BP #31 18" OAK #30 1" TR 8" )8 " (A WV 6" MA GE E ASE MEN 723 T 3-8 0 7" OAK DB INA NEN T 18" OAK ERM A 10’ P RCP DRA 15" 1" TR 36" OAK 15" PI #56 1" TR #55 B 12" PI (3) CRE TE W ALK LP 10" MA LP 1" TR 30" OAK #57 CB# 44 21" OAK CON G K IC BR 13" OAK 10" MA 15" AD OVE RHE CON CRE TE PP K 48" O A FIRE C L 51 15 " 6" W LP LP 30" C &G MA 10" N SIG BST LP BE 8" CLA Y LP 10" MA CB#41 LP IMATE LP N LAY IN A K 8" C BOX LP CRE CON LP 15" OA K 15" OA LP K 15" R CP LP ’ .64 APPROX 30" C &G LP CON ’ LP SIGN LP CB# 43 CUR B CB TE CON S BST IGN LP 0.5’ CUR L LP M LP WAL " WO OD 6 COV . LP PP SIGN N 1 84 4 ’ 18" E ETA L FE NCE PV C STA ND PIPE #42 8" 15" RCP LP CRE 8" C LAY SL (35) 4" MAG :N CHORD 05 60 W 4" LP 0 .5 ’ METAL 1050’34 " E 242 R CB#40 3. =6 ’0 27 R PP LP .35’ =883.2 3 ’ L = 243.12 ’ L 24 LP TRAFFIC NC B LP CB#39 LP CO CUR 0.5’ 15" RCP CB#38 LL D LP RC 15" P A ET E 8" PVC #12 P W RE .1 WM 15" MAG M 6" LP VE 9 PARKING SPACES LP LP .1 15 8" WALL LP LP CO 15 Y TOTAL O N C PLANTED AREA 0 17 . IL K BOX L RCP UT 56.4 TOTAL 5 3 PARKING SPACES AL 1 BFP .W WM A L ICV WM .6 WATER .3 #4 NC ABANDONED 6 "W F CL 26 CB BE C N LP TE I 0. 5 AAS SIGN 0’ N .5 CV 24" IT X CP "R D: 14.9 CALL BOX 50.3 EMERGENCY RE 1.0 1.0 09-AUG-2012 14:57 NC BO HV A GA C TE C RCP 24" TE 15 LIGHT POLE 5 5. OR 3.7 EXISTIN G R/W R =6 5.4 2.5 10 ES CO LF CO GL .3 1.0 1.0 SIGN LP LP CO CO 38 2.2 18" S P E E D 15 CB#21 CB#27 C L 0.6 P 4.6 AL 2.2 12.1 14.4 86.6 N 1 5 1 6 ’21" E 56.6 2’ CH B U A G LEVEL H C O L K .W A C. CON "W CB#22 12" RCP CB#23 P 12" RC CB#24 12" RCP (A) FENCE 25 7 ’2 2 2 " . 25 E ’ K SI N BUMP IC BR SPEED V 3 8.8 VICINITY MAP-nts C B-1 "R B TS 24 T M SD R TSB H WM ) ICK (A BR 18" RCP T S 12" 0-2 ER V PA (B) C2 NA 3 72 B D RC P AI T 1 T S ST N 8653’30" W DR GE EN EM 0 8 3- ER CH R = ORD 74 :N MARTIN ST 1 S EA V PA CK CH I AR BR 37 SITE IC BR 52 EN S "W AN ER ’4 0 RM E 0’ P 6. 2 V PA L L 15 NG KI AR P ES 2 AC SP 6’ N TTI ES (va FOR riab DR le p OA ubl D ic R /W ) K 3 R-22MF L1 6 12 .2 S Y W R F 5 th BEA L = 12 126 E IR H S JCSU CAMPUS PVC 10 1. 3 ’ 1 ’ K O FRENCH ST " 6 O R B W TRADE ST W E S 6 GROUND C PV P:\2012\2012.03 JCSU Science Building\CADD Files\jcsRZ300.dgn " VC 6" PVC 15" OAK C 8" WALL V VC L 738.89 8" P L2 A P " P ET M 4" L8 2" RC 4 6" L L6 Gantt Huberman Architects, PLLC 500 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 704.334.6436 Tel 704.342.9639 Fax www.gantthuberman.com Charlotte, NC 28202 704.909.3514 Tel Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Engineers: McCracken & Lopez, PA 1300 Baxter Street, Suite 350 Charlotte, NC 28204 704.376.7072 Tel Charlotte, NC 28204 BOUNDARY CURVE TABLE 704.333.3122 Tel Landscape Architect: Cole Jenest & Stone 200 South Tryon Street, Suite 1400 Charlotte, NC 28202 704.376.1555 Tel Information Technology: VuePoint Consulting 7900-D Stevens Mill Road, Suite 260 Matthews, NC 28104 1 704.622.6264 Tel Laboratory Consultant: EYP Architecture & Engineering Gantt Huberman Architects, PLLC 8/24/2012 10:18:52 AM 500 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 704.334.6436 Tel 704.342.9639 Fax www.gantthuberman.com Structural Engineer ROOF 64' - 0" Stewart Engineering, Inc. 200 S. College Street, Ste. 720 Charlotte, NC 28202 704.909.3514 Tel Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Engineers McCracken & Lopez, PA PENTHOUSE 48' - 0" 1300 Baxter Street, Suite 350 Charlotte, NC 28204 704.376.7072 Tel Civil Engineer Bulla Smith Design Engineering, P.A. 1347 Harding Place, Suite 201 Charlotte, NC 28204 704.333.3122 Tel LEVEL 3 32' - 0" Landscape Architect Cole Jenest & Stone 200 South Tryon Street, Suite 1400 Charlotte, NC 28202 704.376.1555 Tel LEVEL 2 16' - 0" Information Technology VuePoint Consulting 7900-D Stevens Mill Road, Suite 260 Matthews, NC 28104 704.622.6264 Tel LEVEL 1 0' - 0" Laboratory Consultant EYP Architecture & Engineering 470 Atlantic Avenue, 7th Floor Boston, MA 02210 617.305.9875 Tel 1 RZ-04 EAST ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0" Acoustics Consultant F.C. Schafer Consulting, LLC P.O. Box 726 Concord, NC 28026 704.467.3903 Tel ROOF 64' - 0" REZONING PETITION 2012-077 FOR PUBLIC HEARING PENTHOUSE 48' - 0" LEVEL 3 32' - 0" Drawn CM Checked SP Date June 25, 2012 Revisions 1 August 23, 2012 City Planning Comments LEVEL 2 16' - 0" LEVEL 1 0' - 0" 2 RZ-04 WEST ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0" ROOF 64' - 0" PENTHOUSE 48' - 0" 3 C:\Users\cmorrison\Desktop\696 NewScienceCenter 080612 morrison.rvt RZ-04 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0" Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Printed or electronic drawings and documentation may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from Gantt Huberman Architects, PLLC. PENTHOUSE 48' - 0" LEVEL 3 32' - 0" LEVEL 3 32' - 0" LEVEL 2 16' - 0" LEVEL 2 16' - 0" LEVEL 1 0' - 0" LEVEL 1 0' - 0" 4 RZ-04 New Science Center Johnson C. Smith University Charlotte, NC NORTH ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0" Project Number 696 Title Building Elevations Sheet RZ-04 Plate of Gantt Huberman Architects, PLLC 8/24/2012 10:19:36 AM 500 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 704.334.6436 Tel 704.342.9639 Fax www.gantthuberman.com Structural Engineer Stewart Engineering, Inc. 200 S. College Street, Ste. 720 Charlotte, NC 28202 704.909.3514 Tel Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Engineers McCracken & Lopez, PA 1300 Baxter Street, Suite 350 Charlotte, NC 28204 704.376.7072 Tel Civil Engineer Bulla Smith Design Engineering, P.A. 1347 Harding Place, Suite 201 Charlotte, NC 28204 704.333.3122 Tel Landscape Architect Cole Jenest & Stone 200 South Tryon Street, Suite 1400 Charlotte, NC 28202 704.376.1555 Tel Information Technology VuePoint Consulting 7900-D Stevens Mill Road, Suite 260 Matthews, NC 28104 704.622.6264 Tel Laboratory Consultant EYP Architecture & Engineering 470 Atlantic Avenue, 7th Floor Boston, MA 02210 617.305.9875 Tel Acoustics Consultant F.C. Schafer Consulting, LLC P.O. Box 726 Concord, NC 28026 704.467.3903 Tel 1 2 VIEW FROM BEATTIES FORD ROAD RZ-05 VIEW FROM CAMPUS QUAD RZ-05 REZONING PETITION 2012-077 FOR PUBLIC HEARING Drawn CM Checked SP Date June 25, 2012 Revisions 1 August 23, 2012 City Planning Comments 14' SETBACK LINE DUKE MEMORIAL LIBRARY (EXISTING) NEW SCIENCE BUILDING 40' - 2" 3 RZ-05 96' - 0" SMITH MEMORIAL CHURCH (EXISTING) VISION LINE 40' - 0" 50' - 0". 54' - 4" 64' - 4" 1:10 RATIO LINE MARTIN STREET 90' - 0" RESIDENTIAL AREA 14' - 0" Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Printed or electronic drawings and documentation may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from Gantt Huberman Architects, PLLC. SECTION CUT THROUGH CAMPUS & MARTIN STREET AT 1:10 RATIO 1/32" = 1'-0" NOTES: 1. THE UNIVERSITY CHURCH SCREENS THE NEW SCIENCE BUILDING FROM RESIDENCES ALONG MARTIN STREET 2. ORDINANCE ALLOWS INCREASE OF ONE FOOT TO TEN FEET HORIZONTAL FROM SET BACK LINE ABOVE 40'-0" HIGH ALLOWABLE BUILDING. WE WILL BE 10'-0" HIGHER THAN ALLOWED AT PENTHOUSE. New Science Center Johnson C. Smith University Charlotte, NC 14' SETBACK LINE DUKE MEMORIAL LIBRARY (EXISTING) NEW SCIENCE BUILDING 4 RZ-05 SECTION CUT THROUGH CAMPUS & MARTIN STREET AT 1:5 RATIO 1/32" = 1'-0" 40' - 2" 96' - 0" SMITH MEMORIAL CHURCH (EXISTING) VISION LINE Project Number 40' - 0" 50' - 0". 54' - 4" C:\Users\cmorrison\Desktop\696 NewScienceCenter 080612 morrison.rvt 64' - 4" 1:5 RATIO LINE Title Perspective Views MARTIN STREET 90' - 0" 696 14' - 0" RESIDENTIAL AREA Sheet RZ-05 Plate of