Petition #: 2012-027 Petitioner: Keith Hawthorne Automotive R-4, R-17MF, and R-22MF Zoning Classification (Existing): (Single Family Residential, up to 4 dwelling units per acre; Multi-Family Residential, up to 17 dwelling units per acre; and Multi-Family Residential, up to 22 dwelling units per acre) B-2(CD) Zoning Classification (Requested): (General Business, Conditional) sto Ln R-4 B-2 th B 0 nR Wrentree Dr e Rockl y Dr d A n tl B-2 er s Ln R-5 R-4 R-17MF Zoning Map #(s) 600 900 1,200 Feet 148 Maplerid r ge Dr Ridgebrook Dr Requested B-2(CD) from R-4 Requested B-2(CD) from R-17MF Requested B-2(CD) from R-22MF Existing Building Footprints Existing Zoning Boundaries Charlotte City Limits FEMA flood plain ! ! Map Produced by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department 1-27-2012 · dg e D INSIDE CHARLOTTE CITY LIMITS d 150 300 Dr rst u h n Bry R-4 ! we de S ou I-2 S d Dr Tessava Ct v Hil lR o Wo ck s to Wister P l TOD-M ni R-22MF Oa k er C t Tif fa Starvalle ar k i ns t B-2(CD) t r ff D De nm Axm B-2 Rd nS R-4 R-8(CD) li rnc Tho x to v South B TOD-M Be R-22MF B-D(CD) ! B-1SCD ne Pl Acreage & Location: Approximately 9.80 acres located on the east side of South Boulevard at the intersection of South Boulevard and Hill Road. Watershed Lakes and Ponds Creeks and Streams