Campus Colleagues,

Campus Colleagues,
Mines expects all of its faculty, staff, graduate teaching and research assistants, and undergraduate
student employees to behave in an ethical, responsible way in the discharge of their job responsibilities.
Section 6 of the Faculty Handbook, Section I of the State Employees Handbook, and the Student Code of
Conduct provide more detailed explanations of these expectations.
We all share the responsibility to create a highly ethical, positive campus environment. Sometimes,
however, individual actions may seriously violate our ethical norms. While alerting your
supervisor/manager/department head to significant violations is best, we understand that there may be
times when you feel constrained to do so.
For such situations, we have a new phone and internet-based reporting system called EthicsLine. This
system allows you to use an external report site, preferably by phone with a trained intake
representative, to advise Mines leadership of violations of a serious nature. Your concerns can be
confidential if you so direct.
Mines needs to be aware of serious matters and be able to address significant ethical, behavioral, and
legal violations. The new EthicsLine is not designed nor intended to be used for day-to-day
disagreements or differences of perspective. These should be addressed with your supervisor,
department head, or leadership team member.
Our new EthicsLine containing the reporting and contact information may be found on the Human
Resources web page under the News and Current Events section.
I, the undersigned Colorado School of Mines employee, acknowledge receiving the above
information. I understand I am supposed to discharge my responsibilities ethically. My
signature below indicates my acknowledgement of this responsibility.