Banner Technical DBA System Application/Authorization This form is used to: 1) grant DBA access to the Banner Databases, or 2) modify access to the Banner databases for existing DBA’s (including departmental transfers.) Please fill in the information below and submit to the project management team. Section 1: Applicant/Banner User Profile Information Name: ____________________________________________ /_____________________________________ (please print) Last Name First Name Position Title: ________________________________________________ CSM CWID: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Are you transferring to another department? [ ] Yes [ ] No (check one box only) This is to request DBA access (check all that apply): [ ] Pvt Dev. (CZ3) [ ] TEST Instances [ ] Production Email Address: _______________________________________________ Phone No: ____________________________ Department: ___________________________________ Location Building ___________ Room No: ________ I understand and agree that I will use my Banner username for legitimate CSM business only, and will use it in compliance with the CSM Computing & Networking Resource and Responsible Use Policy & Guidelines and the CSM Administrative Data Access Policy I will not share it with others and I understand that misuse may result in disciplinary action being taken by CSM. Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Date: ____ /____ /______ Section 2A: Accounts and Users Requested (Check all you are requesting.) Account/User Access Account/User Access Account/User SYS/System (Dev) ORACLE (CZ3) Banner (CZ3) BANJOBS (CZ3) SYS/System (TEST) ORACLE (TEST) BANNER_TEST BANJOBS_<all> SYS/System (PROD) ORACLE_PROD BANNER_PROD BANJOBS_PROD SYSTEM Section 3: Justification. Please Describe why this level of system access is needed. Section 3: Approvals Section 4: Fiscal Services/ES Date in ES: ____ /____ /_____ _______ Date to User: ____ /____ /_____ ______ SysAdmin Name: Passwords Granted Y/N Date: Access Instructions This Authorization form is needed by the Banner office in order to provide you with sys/system DBA access to the Banner database(s). It must be approved by the project management team. ONCE COMPLETED, SEND THIS FORM TO THE TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGER