EUCEN UNIVERSITY OF MALTA Faculty of Education 44th EUCEN Conference

and the
Faculty of Education
44th EUCEN Conference
“Border-Crossing as a Viable Choice:
Collaboration, Dialogue and Access to Higher Education”
MALTA: 7- 9 November 2012
University of Malta Valletta Campus
Old University Bldg
St Paul Street
Valletta - Malta
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Pre-Conference Programme
Venue: University of Malta Valletta Campus
Time: 15:30 – 17:45
15:00 – 18:00 Registration
15:30 – 16:30 Welcome Session for EUCEN’s Newcomers
15:30 – 16:30 National Networks Forum (by invitation only)
16:45 – 17:45: Parallel Sessions: University Lifelong Learning in Malta
Session 1
Opportunities Online - Directions in Learning Paths at Higher Education
Vanessa Camilleri, University of Malta
Session 2
Sub-Saharan Asylum Seekers in Malta: Exploring Spaces for Political
Mobilization and the LLL that needs to take place
Dr. Maria Pisani, Integra Foundation, Malta
Session 3
The University of Malta’s Prison Education Programme
Dr. Joseph Giordmaina, University of Malta
Inclusive Education of disabled youth at Further and Higher Educational levels
in Malta
Liliana Maric, Junior College, University of Malta
Opening Ceremony
Venue: The Presidential Palace, St. George’s Square, Valletta
Time: 19:00 – 21:30
19:00 Welcome
Professor Carmel Borg, Faculty of Education,
University of Malta
Academic Coordinator, EUCEN Conference
19:10 Welcome Address
Professor Juanito Camilleri, Rector, University of Malta
19:20 Welcome Address
Dr. Andrea Waxenegger, President, EUCEN
19:30 Official Opening
H.E. Dr. George Abela, President of the Republic of Malta
19:45 Keynote Speech:
Competing temporalities and geographies of university lifelong learning: Higher Education landscapes, knowledge flows, and translations of citizenship
Professor André Elias Mazawi, University of British Columbia, Canada
20:30 Reception
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Venue: University of Malta Valletta Campus
08:00 – 09:10 Registration
09:10 Welcome
Chair: Professor Carmel Borg
09:15 Keynote Speech:
Competitiveness, diversification and the international Higher Education cash flow: The EU’s Higher Education discourse amidst the challenges of globalisation
Professor Peter Mayo, Faculty of Education, University of Malta
10:00 Keynote Speech:
The politics of Higher Education in a European learning society
Professor Kenneth Wain, Faculty of Education,
University of Malta
10:45 Coffee Break
11:15 Parallel Workshops
Workshop 1: Border-crossing
Chair: Balázs Németh
The Role of Higher Education in the Development of the Profession of Adult
Education. Limits and Divisions of an Interdisciplinary Approach in the Making
of the ‘Era of Active Partnership for Quality Learning
Balázs Németh, University of Pécs
Moving Abroad to Train and Work: University lifelong learning support to
community projects
Guy Arquembourg, University of Lille 3
Workshop 2: Migration
Chair: Damian Spiteri
Education as a path to liberation and self-empowerment. The socialization of
African asylum seeking students at a vocational college in Malta
Damian Spiteri, Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology
First and Second Generation Migrants returning to University: unveiling the
institutional malfunctions
Renaud Maes, Cécile Sztalberg and Michel Sylin, Université Libre de
12:30 Parallel Workshops
Workshop 1: Access and Collaboration
Chair: Carme Royo
A stakeholder-centric network for the Validation of Non-formal and Informal
Learning (VNIL)
Carme Royo, EUCEN
Places that Exclude and the University as the Creator of Other Places
Maria Mendel, University of Gdansk
Managing Social Efficiency of Tertiary Adult Education
Marti Parellada, Karsten Kruger, Fundación Conocimiento y Desarollo
Workshop 2: Border-crossing
Chair: C. Civera Mollã
The University Lifelong Learning: intergenerational experience in the
University of Valencia
C. Civera Mollã, A. Ayuso Moya and C. Soler Crespo, University of
Interdisciplinary Integration: The Step to Professional Language Competence
Olyesya Razdorskaya, Kursk State Medical University
13:45 Lunch
15:00 Plenary Session
Chair: Professor Carmel Borg
The Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Malta and Europe
Christine Scholz, Commission Officer, National Commission for Further
and Higher Education (NCFHE)
Migration and Access to Higher Education in Europe
Justin Fenech, EquNet network
16:00 Open Session
Open Café: Opportunities for Meetings and Poster Presentations
Speed ‘Problem-Solving’ Session – exchange experiences and solutions with
other members.
17:00 End of Session
Social Programme
19:45 Departure for Mdina, a Medieval City and the Old Capital of Malta
Friday, 9 November 2012
Venue: Aula Magna, University of Malta Valletta Campus
09:00 General Assembly (open to all staff from EUCEN Member Institutions
11:00 Coffee Break
Final Session
Chair: Professor Carmel Borg
11:30 Keynote Speech:
Population ageing, universities, and lifelong learning: Policy implications and future developments
Dr. Marvin Formosa, European Centre for Gerontology,
University of Malta
12:15 Final Reflections - Conclusions of the Conference
Hanna-Riikka Myllymäki, Aalto University, Finland
12:45 Presentation of Forthcoming Conference and Formal Conclusion
13:15 End of Session
13:30 Lunch
Social Programme
14:30 A choice of two optional tours: either Tour of Valletta or Tour of
the Prehistoric Temples of Hagar Qim and Mnajdra
17:30 Return to Hotels
(24 October 2012)