Petition #: 2010-010 Petitioner: Magazine Street Interest NS Zoning Classification (Existing): (Neighborhood Services) NS(S.P.A.) Zoning Classification (Requested): (Neighborhood Services, Site Plan Amendment) Acreage & Location : Approximately 6.63 acres located on the southwest corner of Rocky River Road and East W.T. Harris Boulevard. Ro cky R iv er Rd Ro cky NS St orn ort h Bv arr is W O-1(CD) R-3 er Rd 600 800 Feet 76 Map Produced by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department 10-29-2009 · me Vall tte ey D r R-4 R-3 Requested NS(S.P.A.) from NS Existing Building Footprints Existing Zoning Boundaries Charlotte City Limits FEMA flood plain ! ! ! Sh W i lla ! 400 Zoning Map #(s) Ri v EW Ln NS WITHIN CHARLOTTE CITY LIMITS 0 100 200 ck y arr is y t R-3 TH a br sS E Ro ar Ch as cu Rd St H ar r is MX-1(INNOV) m er at i on De uth So Da R iv Bv vo n Ct R-3 Bv St O-1(CD) ! re He St Co rri e nte TH R-3 O-1(CD) rd fo I-2(CD) Watershed Lakes and Ponds Creeks and Streams