SEAGRASS RESTORATION: Success, Failure, and the Costs of Both Selected Papers presented at a workshop Mote Marine Laboratory Sarasota, FL March 11–12, 2003 S.F. Treat & R.R. Lewis III, editors Published by LEWIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 2824 Falling Leaves Drive Valrico, FL 33594 June 2006 ©All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced by any means without express written permission of the publisher. CONTENTS PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii PERSPECTIVES ON TWO DECADES OF EELGRASS (ZOSTERA MARINA L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 RESTORATION USING ADULT PLANTS AND SEEDS IN CHESAPEAKE BAY AND THE VIRGINIA COASTAL BAYS, USA R.J. Orth, J. Bieri, J.R. Fishman, M.C. Harwell, S.R. Marion, K.A. Moore, J.F. Nowak & J. vanMontfrans EVALUATION OF THE SUCCESS OF SEAGRASS MITIGATION AT PORT MANATEE, . . . . . . . 19 TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA R.R. Lewis III, M.J. Marshall, S.A. Bloom, A.B. Hodgson & L.L. Flynn A SHALLOW WATER TECHNIQUE FOR THE SUCCESSFUL RELOCATION AND/OR . . . . . . . . 41 TRANSPLANTATION OF LARGE AREAS OF SHOALGRASS (HALODULE WRIGHTII) G.J. Montin & R.F. Dennis III SPECIES SELECTION, SUCCESS, AND COSTS OF MULTI-YEAR, MULTI-SPECIES . . . . . . . . . 49 SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION (SAV) PLANTING IN SHALLOW CREEK, PATAPSCO RIVER, MARYLAND P. Bergstrom USING TERFS AND SITE SELECTION FOR IMPROVED EELGRASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 RESTORATION SUCCESS F.T. Short, R.C. Davis, B.S. Kopp, J.L. Gaeckle & D.M. Burdick SEAGRASS SCARRING IN TAMPA BAY: IMPACT ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 AND MANAGEMENT OPTIONS J.F. Stowers, E. Fehrmann & A. Squires ASSESSMENT OF A CONSTRUCTION-RELATED EELGRASS RESTORATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 IN NEW JERSEY P.A X. Bologna & M.S. Sinnema EXPERIMENTAL HALODULE WRIGHTII AND SYRINGODIUM FILIFORME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 TRANSPLANTING IN HILLSBOROUGH BAY, FLORIDA W. Avery & R. Johansson COSTS AND SUCCESS OF LARGE-SCALE EELGRASS (ZOSTERA MARINA L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 PLANTINGS IN NEW ENGLAND (NEW HAMPSHIRE AND MAINE) R.C. Davis, J.T. Reel, F.T. Short & D. Montoya BISCAYNE BAY SEAGRASSES AND RECENT RESTORATION EFFORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 G.R. Milano & D.R. Deis TOPOGRAPHIC RESTORATION OF BOAT GROUNDING DAMAGE AT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 THE LIGNUMVITAE SUBMERGED LAND MANAGEMENT AREA P.L. McNeese, C.R. Kruer, W.J. Kenworthy, A.C. Schwarzschild, P. Wells & J. Hobbs CULTIVATION STUDIES OF THE HALOPHILA SEAGRASSES H. JOHNSONII . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 AND H. DECIPIENS B. Baca, G. Stone & A. Sanchez-Gomez SUITABILITY OF ALTERNATIVE SAV MEASUREMENTS AS AN INDICATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 OF WATER QUALITY EFFECTS, LOWER ST. JOHNS RIVER, FLORIDA A.M. Steinmetz, D. Dobberfuhl & N. Trahan IMPLEMENTATION, REGULATORY AND RESEARCH PRIORITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 FOR SEAGRASS RESTORATION: RESULTS FROM THE SEAGRASS RESTORATION WORKSHOP, MARCH 11–12, 2003 H. Greening WRAP-UP OF SEAGRASS RESTORATION: SUCCESS, FAILURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 AND LESSONS ABOUT THE COSTS OF BOTH M. Fonseca ii PREFACE The three day symposium, Submerged Aquatic Habitat Restoration in Estuaries: Issues, Options and Priorities, was held at the Mote Marine Laboratory on March 11–13, 2003, and was attended by over 200 scientists and managers. I had the pleasure of helping organize and chair the all-day workshop on March 11 devoted to the topic of Seagrass Restoration: Success, Failure and the Costs of Both. This volume contains the submitted, accepted and peer-reviewed manuscripts from that session. During my introductory remarks I noted that determining the actual cost of restoration projects is not something biologists are prone to do. This is a task often left to engineers and scientists. Restoration biologists, however, need to tackle this issue if they are to see that limited restoration funding is well spent on documented successful projects, and if they expect to see future restoration funding for their projects. There is a perception among the so-called stake-holder groups, including ordinary citizens, fisherman and politicians, that restoration does not work. This is one of the reasons that artificial reefs have received millions of dollars from the collection of salt water fishing licenses in Florida for “fishery enhancement” while seagrass restoration has received only a pittance. Artificial reefs obviously “work,” or at least the media assures us they do, and many believe they do. It is not so with most natural habitat restoration. We all must participate in establishing a sound financial as well as ecological basis for seagrass restoration, and that requires accounting for all costs. I noted in my presentation that most cost accounting for restoration projects is of limited scope, and may only look at the cost of plant materials and their planting, ignoring important cost items like project design, permitting, construction and monitoring. All of these latter costs must be included, as they are essential to carrying out the project. We were fortunate to have with us at the meeting experienced seagrass restoration scientists including Dr. Mark Fonseca, Dr. Bob Orth and Dr. Fred Short who have dealt with these cost issues and welcomed the opportunity to share their experience with the audience. Thank you to all who attended and made presentations, and I hope the documentation of these presentations will enable future restoration scientists to more cost effectively conduct their projects. Robin Lewis Salt Springs, Florida May 2006 iii ˜ A REVIEW OF TECHNIQUES USING ADULT PLANTS AND SEEDS TO TRANSPLANT EELGRASS (ZOSTERA MARINA L.) IN CHESAPEAKE BAY AND THE VIRGINIA COASTAL BAYS R.J. Orth, J. Bieri, J.R. Fishman, M.C. Harwell, S.R. Marion, K.A. Moore, J.F. Nowak & J. van Montfrans ABSTRACT In many areas of the Chesapeake Bay region, including the coastal bays of the Delmarva Peninsula, eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) is much less widespread today than in the past due to the eelgrass wasting disease in the 1930s and the more general seagrass population decline in the 1970s in Chesapeake Bay resulting from increasing nutrients and sediments entering the bays’ watershed. In 1978, an experimental eelgrass restoration program was initiated in lower Chesapeake Bay as part of a larger research effort on the biology and ecology of eelgrass beds. In this paper we provide an overview of both manual and mechanized techniques we have used in efforts to restore eelgrass at a number of different locations using either adult plants or seeds, highlighting the importance of the timing of transplanting, use of fertilizer, labor requirements, and initial success. Much of the earliest transplant work was conducted in a variety of locations with different vegetation histories and water quality characteristics to facilitate addressing questions related to growth and habitat requirements. We found that planting eelgrass in fall rather than spring was optimal because plants had a longer growing period to become established. Addition of fertilizer to transplants increased plant density but did not enhance the long-term survival. Techniques utilizing adult plants (e.g., mesh mats with bare rooted shoots, sods and cores of seagrass and sediment, bundles of bare root shoots with anchors, single shoots without anchors) were generally successful, with the manually planted single shoot method being both successful and requiring the least time. Mechanized planting with a planting boat had lower initial planting unit survivorship and did not result in significant savings of time. Techniques using seeds (e.g., peat pots, seed broadcasting, burlap bags to protect seeds) rather than adult plants had varying degrees of success with highest seedling establishment noted where seeds were protected in burlap bags. Current issues with seeds deal primarily with the low survival rate of seeds (generally between 5 and 10% of seeds establishing as seedlings in field experiments). However, broadcast of seeds is one of the least labor-intensive techniques used to date in our program and is currently proving successful in restoring eelgrass to Virginia’s seaside coastal bays that have been unvegetated since the 1930s pandemic wasting disease. INTRODUCTION Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) populations in the Chesapeake Bay region are significantly different today than in the recent past due to the pandemic eelgrass wasting disease of the 1930s (Cottam, 1934; Orth, 1976), changes due to the passage of Tropical Storm Agnes in June 1972 (Orth and Moore, 1983a; 1984), and continued poor water quality due to high anthropogenic nutrient and sediment inputs. Although eelgrass re-populated some regions following both perturbations, many areas have either not recovered or remain sparsely populated (Orth et al., 2002; Orth et al. 2006). During the last 25 years, we have transplanted eelgrass using several techniques, with either adult plants or seeds, to a number of sites around Chesapeake Bay (Fig. 1; Table 1). We have used transplant ‘gardens’ to test various hypotheses regarding the influence of environmental parameters (light, nutrients, suspended solids) and ecological processes (e.g., predation, seed interactions, habitat utilization) on survival and growth of eelgrass 1 Orth et al. (Dennison et al., 1993; Orth et al., 1994, 2003; Moore et al., 1996; 1997; Lombana, 1996; Fishman and Orth, 1996; Williams and Orth, 1998; Marion, 2002; Harwell and Orth, 2002a). Transplant ‘gardens’ have also been used successfully in developing efficient and effective techniques for transplanting eelgrass (Orth et al., 1999, Fishman et al., 2004). Figure 1. Locations of sites in Chesapeake Bay and the Virginia coastal bays where transplant studies with adult plants and seeds were conducted. 2 Table 1. Summary of transplant projects conducted in Chesapeake Bay and the coastal bays by VIMS scientists, 1979–2003, using seeds or adult plants with various techniques. Eelgrass Transplant Techniques in Chesapeake Bay 3 Orth et al. In this paper we provide an overview of those techniques we have used in efforts to restore eelgrass, both manually and mechanized, highlighting the importance of the timing of transplanting, use of fertilizer, labor requirements, and initial success of various transplant techniques. EELGRASS LIFE HISTORY CHARACTERISTICS IN THE CHESAPEAKE BAY REGION Eelgrass in Chesapeake Bay is near its southern range of distribution along the Atlantic coast of the United States (Thayer et al., 1984). Chesapeake Bay populations, which grow in water depths from just below mean low water (MLW) to -2.0 m (MLW) (Orth and Moore, 1988), are perennial and exhibit a bimodal growth period, with maximum growth and peak biomass occurring in late May to early June. Beginning in June, temperatures above 25o C and high light attenuation by the water column result in minimal growth and widespread leaf defoliation (Moore et al., 1996; 1997). A second period of growth follows in midSeptember when water temperatures drop below 25o C. Shoot density increases rapidly, but shoot biomass is less than the spring biomass peak. In winter, with temperatures below 10o C, growth is at its minimum (Marsh, 1973; Orth and Moore, 1986; Moore et al., 1996). Flowering begins in January, with anthesis occurring from late March to April, followed by seed release from mid-May to early June (Silberhorn et al., 1983). Once released, seeds fall rapidly to the sediment surface and remain within meters where they settle (Orth et al., 1994). However, detached reproductive shoots with seeds can float many kilometers from beds of origin providing a mechanism for long distance dispersal (Harwell and Orth, 2002a). Seeds remain dormant through summer. Germination occurs from mid-November to December (Orth and Moore, 1983b; Moore et al., 1993). Seed banks are transient, lasting no longer than six months (Harwell and Orth, 2002b). METHODS AND RESULTS Selection of Transplant Sites Areas that either historically supported eelgrass beds or where eelgrass has exhibited some recovery were used for transplant ‘garden’ experiments (Fig. 1), a key recommendation of Fonseca et al. (1998) and Short et al., (2002). Transplanting was generally not conducted at sites that had existing eelgrass. Much of the earliest transplant work was conducted in the York River because this region provided a variety of locations with different vegetation histories and facilitated addressing questions related to growth and habitat requirements (Batiuk et al., 1993; Moore et al., 1996, 1997), while simultaneously minimizing logistical constraints. Areas selected included those which had: (1) some eelgrass loss in the 1970s but recovered almost completely to pre-1970s levels; (2) complete eelgrass loss in the 1970s with moderate levels of recovery; and (3) complete eelgrass loss in the 1970s without recovery, despite transplanting efforts (Moore et al., 1996). Success of Transplant Techniques Success of the different transplant techniques using adult plants or seeds was evaluated at several time intervals within the first year of transplanting. In the first interval we evaluated initial success of the transplant process. This usually entailed assessing percent survivorship 4 Eelgrass Transplant Techniques in Chesapeake Bay of the planting units (PUs) after one to two months, allowing time for the planting unit to become physically established prior to significant new growth. In the second evaluation period, five to eight months after transplanting, we evaluated structural equivalency (depending on project goals) of transplant plots with natural beds. Structural equivalency was defined and evaluated through measures of bottom cover and shoot density. Success in seed experiments was evaluated five to nine months after seeds were placed in the field, allowing necessary time for germination and growth of seedlings to detectable size. Finally, in the third evaluation period, nine to 12 months after transplanting, we continued to quantify only structural equivalency with natural beds. Evaluation nine to 12 months after planting ensures that the transplants go through one complete cycle of growth and reproduction. While there are other measures for success (e.g. faunal colonization, sediment changes, etc.) we concentrated only on primary plant characteristics over short temporal scales (one year or less). While a much longer time frame would be necessary to evaluate whether a transplant effort had succeeded in approximating the ecological function of a natural seagrass bed, our concern here was solely to evaluate the utility of transplant methods for establishing plants. Transplanting With Adult Plants Our initial work was conducted with adult plants (shoots with well-developed leaves and attached rhizomes and roots were considered adult plants). We focused on evaluating transplanting techniques, planting season, and fertilizer application on transplant success primarily within the first year after transplanting. Effects of Season on Transplant Success The distinct annual growth cycle of eelgrass in Chesapeake Bay led us to hypothesize a seasonal component to transplant success. Our initial experiments conducted in the York River tested this hypothesis by planting 10 cm diameter cores of sediment and eelgrass in small test plots (2 x 2 m on 0.5 m centers) in the spring, summer, and fall of 1979 and 1980 (see below for description of method). Monitoring growth and survival over a period of one year (Fig. 2) revealed that transplanting in the spring (April) and fall (October) yielded better survival for this time period, especially under marginal or poor water quality conditions (Orth and Moore, 1982a; Moore et al., 1996; 1997). Further, our data suggested that planting in the fall rather than spring was optimal because plants would have eight months (versus two or less) of suitable environmental conditions to become established and grow prior to experiencing elevated water temperatures and diminished light levels of late spring and summer (Moore et al., 1996; 1997). Based on these data we determined that the optimal transplant period for adult plants in Chesapeake Bay is during the fall, between mid-September and mid-November, when water temperatures range from 25o to 10o C and when light attenuation levels (Kd) are less than 1.5 (Dennison et al. 1993). Fertilizer Additions We conducted a series of fertilizer addition experiments concurrently with the seasonal transplant experiments discussed above. Results showed that plant density significantly increased with addition of fertilizer (Orth and Moore, 1982b). However, fertilizer did not 5 Orth et al. enhance survival of transplants when other habitat conditions (e.g. light) were limiting (Fig. 2). Figure 2. Influence of season and fertilizer effects on survival of transplanted eelgrass at three sites along a gradient of good to poor water quality in the York River estuary. The Guinea Marsh site was considered a high quality seagrass site as this area experienced some eelgrass loss in the 1970s but recovered almost completely to pre-1970s levels; the Gloucester Point site was considered a marginal quality seagrass site complete eelgrass loss in the 1970s with moderate levels of recovery; The Mumfort Island site was considered a poor quality site as this areas experienced complete eelgrass loss in the 1970s without recovery, despite transplanting efforts. Planting Techniques Several techniques for planting adult plants were attempted with each method having advantages and disadvantages. As cost per unit effort can vary as a function of species used (Fonseca et al., 1994), geographical location (e.g., environmental conditions, distance from planting resources), and time of year (e.g., warm summer versus cold winter), we report effort as time per planting unit. Time required per planting unit is the sum of collection, preparation, and planting time divided by total number of planting units (Table 2). It does not include transport time (either in the collection or planting process, which can be considerable) or organizational time. As time required to plant 1 m2 depends on the choice of spacing, we standardized our technique comparisons on a per PU basis. In Table 2 all transplant work and results are reported per PU, unless otherwise noted, regardless of the number of shoots used. For each technique, the preparation time, physical labor, and susceptibility of a PU to washing out were rated qualitatively as high, medium, or low. 6 Table 2. Summary of eelgrass transplanting effort and survivorship in Chesapeake Bay utilizing different techniques for planting adult plants and seeds. Survivorship of planting units is reported for different time scales reflecting criteria used to define success (see text). Preparation time refers to time needed to collect and prepare a planting unit for transplanting. Physical labor refers to effort required to handle a planting unit (i.e., a more labor intensive technique scores higher). Susceptibility to washing out is a qualitative assessment of whether a planting unit could be dislodged by typical hydrodynamic forces, such as currents and waves. Eelgrass Transplant Techniques in Chesapeake Bay 7 Orth et al. Preparation time refers to time needed to collect and prepare a PU for transplanting. Physical labor reflects effort required to handle a PU (i.e., a more labor-intensive technique scores higher). Susceptibility to washing-out is a qualitative assessment of whether a PU could be dislodged by currents and waves typical of Chesapeake Bay. Bare-Root Plants in Mesh Fabric In 1979, plants were dug with shovels from donor sites and sediments immediately sieved from the roots and rhizomes. Rhizomes with attached shoots were woven into “HOLDGRO”® mesh mats. An entire mat (the PU) was planted with metal anchors. In this way shoot densities were standardized (15 shoots PU-1); however, mat preparation required the most time (30.0 minutes PU-1) of all methods (Table 2). Even though anchored, mats were susceptible to rapidly being washed out, especially in rough weather, resulting in a 95% loss of shoots and mats within one month (Table 2). Cores In 1979 and 1980, cores (10 cm diameter) of eelgrass and sediment were collected, transported, and planted intact into pre-dug holes in unvegetated areas. This method was moderately labor intensive (primarily due to digging and moving large quantities of sediment), but required less time than the woven mats (5.7 minutes PU-1). However, standardizing the number of shoots per core was difficult (Table 2). Cores with sediment provided adequate anchoring, and 100% of the planting units survived the initial one to two month period, with an average of 57% survival up to one year (Table 2). Sods In 1983 and 1984, sods of eelgrass and sediment were collected using a 0.1 m2 U-shaped aluminum sod-cutter (10 cm sides, 25 cm bottom) by pushing it horizontally below the rhizome layer. The sod was removed from the cutter, wrapped in a “HOLD-GRO”® mesh fabric (to maintain integrity of the sod during transport), and transplanted into pre-dug holes in unvegetated areas. Collection, preparation, and planting of sods required more time than that with cores (6.4 minutes PU-1) because transport of large numbers of sods was logistically difficult due to sediment weight (Table 2). Like cores, there was difficulty in standardizing the number of shoots per sod. Similar to cores, however, the weight of sediment provided an anchoring mechanism, and 94% of planting units survived the initial one to two month period with an average of 77% survival up to five to six months (Table 2). Low survivorship after nine months at many transplant sites (Table 2) was attributed to their locations in regions of the Bay and rivers where water quality was marginal for seagrass growth (Dennison et al., 1993). Bundles of Bare-Root Shoots With Anchors From 1982 to 1996, we used the bundle method for most of our transplanting, a method proven effective in transplanting programs elsewhere (see Fonseca, 1994; Fonseca et al., 1998, for details of this method). Plants were dug up using shovels, and sediments separated from roots and rhizomes by sieving. Ten to 15 individual shoots, each with at least a 1 to 2 cm rhizome fragment, were fastened by a twist-tie (a thin wire wrapped in paper) to a 8 Eelgrass Transplant Techniques in Chesapeake Bay metal anchor. Each bundle was planted by pushing the anchor into a hole dug with fingers or trowel so the roots and rhizomes were buried. Although this method required less time than cores and sods, significant time (4.9 minutes PU-1) was required for bundle preparation (Table 2). Survival of planting units in the initial one to two month period was 100%, decreasing to 81% after six months, and 67% at more than the nine months. Bare-Root Shoots Inserted into Sediments Without Anchors In 1995, we began using single shoots with attached rhizomes and roots with no anchor. Shoots with attached roots and rhizomes were collected by shovel, and sediments were sieved out immediately. An individual shoot with an intact section of rhizome and root was gently inserted by hand at a slight angle (usually with a single finger) into the sediment to a depth of between 25 and 50 mm (see Orth et al., 1999, for details of this technique). Since sediment remains unconsolidated for some time after planting, the rhizome was inserted under a more compact area of the sediment, which assisted in anchoring the plant. This technique was a modification of the ‘horizontal rhizome method’ (Davis and Short, 1997) that used two shoots with rhizomes planted on opposite sides of a bamboo skewer anchor. We used a single shoot with no anchor thereby minimizing preparation and planting time substantially (0.35 minutes PU-1) when compared to all previous methods. Although the initial one to two month success rate (74%) was lower than the core, sod,, or bundled shoot techniques (Table 2), it was the most time-efficient of adult plant methodologies and had a high overall success rate (Fig. 3). Though each shoot was initially vulnerable to biological and physical perturbation within a few days of transplanting, the technique was robust considering ease of planting and labor requirements (Orth et al., 1999). The plant spacing we chose for the restoration effort (15 cm centers), and the rapid growth rates of individual shoots, precluded distinguishing individual planting units beyond the second evaluation period. We therefore relied on percent cover and shoot density as measures of overall success (Orth et al., 1999) for a two-year period. Comparison of Mechanized versus Manual Transplanting In 2001, we compared PU success of our manual, single shoot method with a mechanized planting boat (Seagrass Recovery, Inc). The boat was a 7.3 m pontoon boat with two aluminum wheels. The wheels, approximately 0.91 m apart, were attached to a winch and counterweight system that allows the wheels to roll freely along the bottom as the boat moves forward. Grass bundles are placed in plastic clips mounted on the wheels (clips are approximately 0.91 m apart) as the wheel rotates. Each clip pushed a hole in the sediment, and friction between the grass and the sediment releases the bundles from the clip. The machine can be set to deliver a pulse of pressurized air through the clip to aid in the release of the bundle in the sediment. As the boat moves forward, it leaves two lines of transplants spaced approximately 0.91 m apart. While the machine was able to plant planting units (PUs) faster than the manual method (2.2 seconds PU-1 vs. 5.8 seconds PU-1, respectively), this speed was offset by poorer overall success in the proportion of attempted transplants that were successfully transplanted into the sediment (8.9 to 65% of attempted PUs for machine planted PUs compared with 100% success for manual transplanting (Fig. 4). This resulted in a much greater total labor investment for each machine planted PU that persisted to 24 weeks than for each similarly persisting manually planted PU (40.6 person 9 Orth et al. seconds/PU and 22.4 person seconds/PU, respectively, averaged across all sites). (Fishman et al., 2004). The high rate of loss at the time of planting from the mechanized planter was due to PUs either being planted upside down, or simply remaining on the wheel and not getting planted into the bottom (see Fishman et al., 2004, for details of this study). James River York River Figure 3. Low-level oblique aerial view of two transplant sites (one in the James River and one in the York River) taken eight months after planting in October 1996. Each of the small squares is a 2 × 2 m patch of eelgrass where, initially, 70 single, unanchored adult shoots were inserted into sediment at 15 cm intervals along five rows spaced 0.5 m apart. Medium and large patches had 13 and 50, 2 × 2 m plots, respectively, arranged in a checkerboard pattern with alternating vegetated and unvegetated plots. Transplanting With Seeds In the late-1980s, we began an examination of the potential use of eelgrass seeds in restoration. We believed that working with seeds could potentially be more labor and time efficient. Harvesting of seeds was accomplished by hand collection of mature reproductive shoots from established beds when seeds were being released from the flowering shoots (normally 10 Eelgrass Transplant Techniques in Chesapeake Bay mid-to the end of May into early June). Harvested shoots were placed in nylon mesh bags, returned to the laboratory, and placed in flow-through circular, 3.8 m3 outdoor tanks that were shaded (approx. 50%) and aerated. Shoots were maintained in the tanks for up to 12 weeks until mid- to late July to allow for decomposition of the shoots and release of seeds. Remaining stem and leaf material was removed by sieving. Harvested seeds were then kept in aerated flow-through tanks (also see Granger et al., 2002). Seed experiments were initiated between mid-August, and mid-October, prior to the initiation of seed germination (Orth and Moore, 1983b; Moore et al., 1993). The seed collection method is fairly effective and has resulted in collections of up to 2.5 to 6.6 million viable seeds per year requiring between 246 to 204 total collecting hours, respectively (actual number of seeds used in transplant tests). During the holding period we noted some proportion of seeds suffered mortality as observed by seed husks floating from the tank. We did not measure this mortality. Figure 4. Percent of attempted planting units (PUs) observed by divers to be present in the sediment immediately after planting at two sites in Chesapeake Bay that were either machine or manually planted (from Fishman et al., 2004, reprinted with permission of Restoration Ecology). Several techniques for planting seeds were attempted. Seed germination is usually complete by the end of November (Moore et al., 1993), but seedlings are generally difficult to detect from direct field observations until February or March (Orth and Moore, 1983b). We measured initial success in the spring once seedlings were large enough to be observed. Thus, initial success was usually evaluated five to eight months after the beginning of an experiment. These techniques were also rated for preparation time, physical labor, and, in experiments where seed containers were used, susceptibility to washing out. 11 Orth et al. Seeds Broadcast by Hand Initially starting in 1987 we simply broadcasted seeds by hand either from a boat or by walking in shallow water (Orth et al., 1994, 2003). This technique was effective because eelgrass seeds are rapidly incorporated into the sediment and generally do not move far from where they settle under various hydrodynamic regimes (Orth et al., 1994). Topographic complexity of the bottom due to biological and physical processes appears to be responsible for seed retention (Luckenbach and Orth, 1999). A major limitation of the broadcast method was the low number of seedlings present after six months (overall average of 5-15% of seeds broadcast; Table 2, Fig. 5). Causes for low success may be attributable to wash-out (Orth et al., 1994; Harwell and Orth, 1999), germination failure (Moore et al., 1993), or predation (Fishman and Orth, 1996). However, because of the simplicity of the method we have continued with this method through 2003. Figure 5. Mean (±1 SD) number of eelgrass seedlings in treatments where 10, 100, 1000 and 5000 seeds were broadcast into 4 m2 plots at 4 sites in the Chesapeake Bay region. Horizontal lines indicate sites that were not significantly different (SNK post-hoc multiple comparison test) (reprinted with permission from Marine Ecology Progress Series). 12 Eelgrass Transplant Techniques in Chesapeake Bay Seeds Planted in Peat Pots In 1994, we attempted to protect seeds in peat pots (5 x 5 x 5 cm) to minimize seed loss. Peat pots, each containing ten seeds buried 15 to 20 mm in natural sediments, were held in greenhouse tanks until after seed germination in the fall, and then planted in the field in spring. This method yielded a low level of survival, which was similar to that of the broadcast method (14.5% survival; Table 2). A major problem with peat pots was their susceptibility to being washed-out during periods of high wave action. Seeds Broadcast and Then Covered with Burlap In an effort to protect seeds from predation, we attempted to cover seeds in the field with burlap secured by an anchored wire mesh in 1994. However, the burlap and wire mesh were extremely vulnerable to wave action, which quickly scoured the plots, resulting in the lowest success of all transplant methods (0.7%; Table 2). Seed Placed in Burlap Bags and Buried in the Field In 1995, we planted seeds in 1 mm mesh burlap bags (5 x 5 cm) to protect them from potential predation (Fishman and Orth, 1996) and to minimize burial and/or lateral transport (Harwell and Orth, 1999). Burlap bags increased individual seedling success four fold-over simple broadcast methods, and success was similar to that in control greenhouse tanks (see Harwell and Orth, 1999, for details of this experiment). This method had the highest planting unit success (95%) of all methods using seeds but was only evaluated at one time interval only (Table 2). Because the objective of the experiment was to assess initial seedling success, all bags were destructively sampled at the first sampling interval, precluding subsequent sampling to assess longer-term success. DISCUSSION A variety of transplant techniques have been used in the Chesapeake Bay region since 1978 using adult plants and seeds in both basic experiments on the biology and ecology of eelgrass populations, as well as applied aspects of transplant technology, mirroring concurrent transplant efforts elsewhere (Fonseca et al., 1998). Below are some of the lessons we have learned from our transplanting efforts. Optimal Transplant Season Optimal season for transplanting eelgrass adult plants in Chesapeake Bay is the fall between mid-September and mid-November (temperature range during this period is 20o to 10oC). Planting adult plants in the fall allows the transplanted PU the longest period to establish and grow before exposure to summertime stresses. Because of the wide latitudinal range of this species (Thayer et al., 1984) optimal seasons should vary. Fonseca et al. (1998) recommend planting later in the season for sites at the southern end of eelgrass distribution versus early in the year for the northern parts of the range. Davis and Short (1997) noted success in spring and summer eelgrass plantings in New Hampshire, USA, especially in sub-tidal areas not impacted by winter ice. Christensen et al. (1995) found spring to be optimal for eelgrass transplanting in Danish waters because it allowed the longest interval for transplant growth. Summer plantings experienced an initial growth lag and subsequent 13 Orth et al. high mortality, while autumn plantings did not develop roots and rhizomes adequate to provide anchoring prior to onset of winter storms. Use of seeds is optimal between June and October. Seeds are generally fully released from flowering shoots by mid-June and do not germinate until mid-November (Moore et al., 1993). We have broadcast seeds through the end of October and have noted viable seedlings the following spring (unpublished data). Seed availability, as well as germination periodicity, is likely to vary latitudinally (Silberhorn et al., 1983). Addition of Fertilizer Addition of fertilizer to transplants increased shoot density and spread of the transplant unit in our studies (Orth and Moore, 1982b) and others (Fonseca et al., 1994; Christensen et al., 1995; Sheridan et al., 1998), although results are equivocal due to varying release rates of nutrients by the fertilizer (Kenworthy and Fonseca, 1992). Sheridan et al. (1998) found addition of fertilizer to transplanted shoalgrass (Halodule wrightii) enhanced propagation (coverage and shoot densities) but did not influence survival. They recommended fertilizer additions be integrated into seagrass restoration. Long-term benefit to survivorship of a transplant unit may be negligible especially in areas where water quality parameters are marginal for survival as was noted at one of our test locations (Fig. 2). Thus, the benefit of fertilizer use in seagrass restoration projects must be balanced by the cost of fertilizer and time needed to prepare and deploy a fertilizer supplement. Transplant Techniques — Adult Plants Each of the transplant techniques described above for adult plants was generally considered successful in the short term except for woven mats (Table 2). Time required per PU for three of the four techniques (cores, sods, and bundles) was similar. Although preparation time was lower for cores and sods, the physical energy required by field personnel and time necessary for moving planting units from donor to transplant sites and that required for planting was excessive when compared to other approaches. Single, unanchored shoots were equally successful, but required an order-of-magnitude less time per PU than the other methods. The single shoot technique might require anchors in areas with currents greater than the 25 cm sec-1 maximum typical of our transplant sites (Orth et al. 1994). Anchored, bundled shoots have been shown to withstand tidal velocities of up to approximately 50 cm sec-1 (Fonseca, 1994). Our time estimates for transplanting adult plants using the various techniques (except the single, unanchored shoots) are higher than other reported efforts. Fonseca’s (1994) techniques required 3.5 minutes and 2.0 minutes PU-1 for cores and bundling, respectively, compared to our estimates of 5.7 minutes and 4.7 minutes PU-1, respectively, for these same techniques. Elements of the transplant process such as collection effort, environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, water depth), availability of donor plants, and manual labor for either field or laboratory work, could account for such differences. These times are much greater than the time required for planting single, unanchored shoots (21 seconds PU-1). 14 Eelgrass Transplant Techniques in Chesapeake Bay Mechanized planting increased the rate of planting adult plants but this speed was offset by poorer planting success. Because PU success was so low, mechanized transplanting did not result in a significant time savings (Fishman et al., 2004). Potential does exist for improvement in mechanical planting but subsequent testing must be conducted and results published to ensure validity of the improved technology. Transplant Techniques — Seeds Transplant techniques using seeds were highly variable in their success. Burlap with wire covering seeds, and peat pots with buried seeds, were very susceptible to being washed out. Seedlings, if washed out, are unlikely to become re-established naturally. Broadcast seeds have yielded generally low rates of initial seedling establishment (avg. 5-15%, Orth et al., 2003). Protected seeds in burlap bags had a higher survival rate than other seed methods (Table 2). Utility in larger scale restoration efforts will require further assessment at time scales greater than in the experiment that assessed this method. Improved methodologies are needed to increase seedling success in the field. Recent research with an underwater planter has shown promise in Rhode Island, where broadcasting seeds has resulted in extremely low germination rates, by elevating germinating rates to approximately 10% (S. Granger, personal communication). The potential for use of seeds in restoration efforts remains open for continued discussion but has shown promise in our attempts to restore eelgrass in the Delmarva coastal bays where we have established approximately 25 hectares of eelgrass by broadcasting seeds from 1999 through 2002 in one acre plots (Orth et al. 2006; Table 1). CONCLUSIONS The increasing interest in seagrass restoration worldwide has resulted in efforts to develop new and improved methodologies in transplanting seagrass, both manual and mechanized (Fonseca et al., 1998; Paling et al. 2001a, b; Fishman et al., 2004). Results of the various techniques we have used here in Chesapeake Bay parallel those efforts from other regions (Fonseca et al., 1998). Most techniques we attempted were successful in the short term but longer term success in Chesapeake Bay is more influenced by water quality than any other factor (Dennison et al., 1993). While the development of more effective techniques using adult plants and seeds, either manually or mechanically, will likely continue, stronger efforts will be needed to provide appropriate water and sediment quality conditions for healthy seagrass to persist and spread. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Work described in this review paper was funded in part by the Virginia Saltwater Recreational Fishing License Fund, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and private grants from the Allied-Signal Foundation and Norfolk Southern. We thank F. Short and J. Kenworthy for helpful comments on the manuscript. Finally, we acknowledge the numerous individuals who participated in the transplant effort during the twenty-five years we have been conducting eelgrass research in Chesapeake Bay. This is contribution number 2594 from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary. 15 Orth et al. 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Flynn ABSTRACT Restoration methods for three species of subtropical seagrass (shoal grass, Halodule wrightii, manatee grass, Syringodium filiforme, and turtle grass, Thalassia testudinum) were evaluated over two growing seasons in the Tampa Bay estuary on the Gulf Coast of southwest central Florida, USA. Seven methods were tested: (1) hand-planted field-collected floating shoots with an attached viable rhizome, (2) hand-planted bundles of viable shoots with attached rhizomes, (3) handplanted 5 cm plugs of viable shoots and rhizomes embedded in sediment within fibrous peat pots, (4) mechanized transplanting of shoal grass only, using a modified pontoon boat with a hydraulically driven rotary wheel, (5) mechanized transplanting of primarily turtle grass with 1.21 m x 1.51 m mechanized jaws that extracted and planted units of seagrass, (6) a modified manual shovel method of transplanting shoalgrass into a former dredged material disposal area excavated prior to transplanting and (7) passive recovery of damaged seagrass within an area closed to boats with combustion engines. Only the latter two methods proved successful. The failure of the other five hand planting, hand transplanting and mechanical transplanting techniques appeared to be due to a failure to appropriately transplant turtle grass, the more robust species. A portion of this failure appears to have been due to forceful tidal currents that uprooted any planted shoal grass, and uncontrollable bioturbation by large schools of southern stingrays (Dasayatis sabina) foraging within the seagrass restoration areas. Method 6, which involved transplanting 0.78 ha of shoalgrass to 2.77 ha of excavated dredged spoil and adjacent unvegetated areas, resulted in 1.09 ha of seagrass cover. Method 7, establishing and enforcing a restriction on motorized boat traffic within a seagrass protection zone, achieved rapidly observable increases in seagrass cover and distribution and was the least expensive method. As a result of passive protection, 6.23 ha of mixed beds of shoalgrass and turtle grass containing 1.34 ha of bare sand due to prop scarring showed a reduction to 0.57 ha of bare sand that resulted in 0.77 ha of seagrass recovery in eighteen months. These combined efforts have successfully established 1.86 ha of primarily shoal grass to offset impacts to 2.94 ha of both turtle grass and shoalgrass at an estimated cost of approximately USD$6.3 million as of December 2002. These figures indicate a cost for successful seagrass mitigation, at this stage of the project, of US$3,387,097 per ha. INTRODUCTION Several researchers have examined the feasibility of restoring seagrass meadows by planting or transplanting various seagrass species during the past three decades, primarily in the United States and Australia (Lewis et al.1987, Lewis et al 1994, Fonseca et al. 1994, Fonseca et al. 1996, Fonseca et al. 1998, Short et al. 2000, Paling et al. 2001a, Paling et al. 2001b, Fonseca et al. 2002, Orth et al. 2002). Generally, the adverse effects of impaired water quality, bioturbation caused by marine organisms, elevated tidal and wind driven current energy, and other factors limit the successful reestablishment of seagrasses in most areas. This paper describes an attempt to apply lessons learned from these decades of efforts in conducting seagrass mitigation to a major port expansion project in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. Seagrass salvage was first described by Lewis (1987) who noted that Van Breedveld (1975) first reported successfully transplanting intact turtle grass, manatee grass and shoal grass plugs (e.g., plugs with seagrass leaves and rhizomes embedded in sediment). Experimental transplants at Craig Key during 1979–1981 in the Florida Keys (Monroe County, Florida) for the Florida Keys Bridge Replacement Project showed that in experiments with 19 Lewis, Marshall, Bloom, Hodgson & Flynn transplanted turtle grass, with careful handling, over 90% of the plugs remained in place and began to coalesce after just 18 months. Manatee grass plugs placed on 1 m centers showed similar success; however, on 2 m centers, none survived. Inter-plot success was variable; 30% of the shoalgrass plugs survived in one plot, none in two other plots. For the larger bridge replacement project 54.3 ha of seagrass were restored, or documented to recover naturally from damage (Lewis 1987, Lewis et al. 1994). The original damage to seagrass beds totaled 37.8 ha, so that 16.5 ha more than the impact area were restored. Fonseca et al. (1994) reported on experimental transplanting of shoal grass and manatee grass in Florida (Tampa Bay) and shoal grass and eelgrass (Zostera marina) in North Carolina. Methods of transplanting, addition of fertilizers and caging to prevent bioturbation by rays were tested. They tested three methods of transplanting, cores, staples, and peat pots, and concluded that all could provide persistent seagrass plantings but that not all may be applicable to every situation. Bioturbation by rays was reported as a significant negative factor and caging of plantings in Florida significantly increased survival even after the cages were removed at 90 days post-installation. Townsend and Fonseca (1998) reviewed the literature on bioturbation in seagrass beds and concluded from experiments in North Carolina that bioturbation may play an important role in the maintenance of seagrass landscape patterns. Fonseca et al. (1996) reported on eleven experimental plantings of shoal grass and manatee grass at sites in Tampa Bay in July 1987 and May 1988. Six sites showed enough survival to produce persistent beds through the end of sampling after three years. Five of these were shoal grass plantings, and only one was a manatee grass plot. Again, bioturbation by rays was implicated in the loss of much of the planted material. Paling et al. (2001a, b) describe a very large-scale program in Western Australia where Posidonia spp. and Amphibolis griffithii were mechanically transplanted with success ranging from 44.3% to 76.8% after two years. At the end of three years, total survival was approximately 70% and further modifications were being made to the process (Paling et al. 2001b). Project Permit Requirements The Manatee County Port Authority (MCPA) received a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Conceptual Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) (ERP # 0129291-001-EC) on December 10, 1999 for dredging and mitigation activities associated with a port expansion plan covering 57.67 ha of submerged lands around Port Manatee, Manatee County, Florida (Figures 1 and 2). Seagrass habitat impacts were estimated to be 5.14 ha at the time of permit application submittal. The areal coverage of seagrass beds within the proposed dredge area was re-mapped as required under Specific Condition 3 of the consolidated final permit (ERP # 0129291-002-EI) issued for the project on August 29, 2000, and totaled 2.16 ha (Figure 3). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit issued for the project is designated # 199801210(IP-MN), which provided federal authorization for the port expansion plan. Dredging and filling for the port expansion project was calculated to result in permanent loss of the following communities: 2.16 ha of seagrass habitat (1.21 ha of primarily turtle 20 Seagrass Mitigation at Port Manatee grass and 0.95 ha of primarily shoalgrass), 14.92 ha of shallow unvegetated bay bottom habitat (occurring in depths less than –2 m MLW), and 0.75 ha of intertidal mangrove fringe and saltmarsh habitat. Temporary impacts to 17.83 ha of deeper unvegetated bay bottom habitat (occurring in depths greater than –2 m MLW) and 0.78 ha of shoal grass associated with a mangrove mitigation area located south of the main port facility were also calculated to occur. Thus, impacts to seagrass totaled 2.94 ha. Figure 1. Location of Port Manatee, Palmetto, Florida. The MCPA proposed to offset the project impacts by performing six mitigation and public interest activities: transplanting the seagrass salvaged from the impact areas (2.94 ha) to unvegetated areas, planting additional seagrass collected from other local undisturbed seagrass beds and floating drift and wrack material in up to 57.67 ha of unvegetated submerged areas in order to restore and enhance seagrass habitat in Tampa Bay (note that 21 Lewis, Marshall, Bloom, Hodgson & Flynn Figure 2. True color vertical aerial photograph of the project area taken on May 3, 1998. (Source: Gandy Aerial Photography, Inc.) 22 Seagrass Mitigation at Port Manatee mitigation work was required to be performed prior to construction); dredging a total of 6.18 ha of wetlands to remove silt and open intertidal creeks within degraded mangrove and saltmarsh habitat; removing invasive vegetation and grading 19.97 ha of a 26.71 ha spoil island to enhance mangrove habitat and create seabird nesting habitat; creating a 194.26 ha motorized vessel exclusion zone for the protection of manatees (Trichechus manatus) and seagrass beds; and donating two parcels totaling 5.26 ha of privately-owned submerged lands in exchange for a 0.23 ha area filled at one of the ship berths. The resource protection, restoration, enhancement, and management activities proposed on the 26.7 ha dredged material island and within the 194.26 ha manatee and seagrass protection motorized vessel restriction zone would be included, also, in a long-term management agreement (the ‘seagrass mitigation plan’) to be implemented by the port. Figure 3. Seagrass distribution prior to disturbances related to the Port Manatee construction project, 1999. 23 Lewis, Marshall, Bloom, Hodgson & Flynn The Seagrass Mitigation Plan The seagrass mitigation plan was based on salvaging all seagrass within the proposed dredging areas prior to dredging. The seagrass mitigation plan (Figures 4–7, Table 1) included transplanting 2.16 ha of the 2.94 ha seagrass present in two of the three donor sites (Figure 4, A and B) into 15 discrete areas (Figure 5), within 4.71 ha of seagrass beds that had been damaged extensively by boat traffic as documented by Sargent et al. (1995, Figure B-7) and by direct observation by the senior author over a 20-year period. These areas were designated sites 1, 2 and 3 for purposes of calculating mitigation credits (Table 1). Sites 1–3 and adjacent areas were further protected through the legal exclusion of motorized vessels. The remaining 0.78 ha of seagrass from donor site C (Figure 4) was to be transplanted to 2.78 ha of excavated dredged material and 1.87 ha of partially diked natural mudflats that were further protected through the installation of protective breakwaters (Figures 6 and 7). These areas were designated sites 4, 5 and 6 (Table 1). Additionally, two passive methods were proposed: natural recovery to enhance up to 43.30 ha of seagrass beds partially damaged by propeller scars and grounding sites within those beds (Figure 8), and protecting 194.26 ha of shallow water habitat (including the mitigation areas listed above) through implementation of a motorized vessel restriction zone (Figure 4, dotted line). These methods were incorporated into a sovereign submerged land management agreement. The credits given for mitigation as described above were to be available when mitigation was deemed successful (Table 1). Figure 4. Overall summary plan showing the three seagrass salvage areas (A, B and C), and the Manatee/ Seagrass protection area (within dotted lines). 24 Seagrass Mitigation at Port Manatee Figure 5. Approved seagrass mitigation areas within Areas 1, 2 and 3. Vertical aerial photograph taken October 3, 2001. Mitigation “success” was defined two ways for permitting purposes. The first method was by comparing measured percent cover of all species of seagrass to the mean value of all reference sites (see the discussion of cover computation in Methods). Partial success was achieved if the combined percent cover of all seagrass species was less than that of the combined reference sites. Thus, if one acre (0.4 ha) of mitigation achieved 74% cover, and the mean reference cover was 74%, one credit of successful mitigation was awarded; however, if the same mitigation area achieved only 37% cover 0.5 credit was awarded. The second method of defining “success” was the measurement (using remote sensing techniques agreed to in advance as part of the permitting) of recovery of visible prop scars caused by boats within specific defined sites (e.g., Site 8, Table 1) where boats operating with internal combustion engines were banned and regular enforcement occurred. After application of the mitigation ratios (Table 1), mitigation credits were awarded. A total of 12.7 mitigation credits were required to achieve full success of the seagrass mitigation program with a maximum potential availability of 20.37 credits from all sites (Table 1). In this paper we present summary sample parameters and statistical analyses of percent cover estimates obtained during quantitative monitoring at nineteen sites at Port Manatee for all periods from July 1, 2000 through September 10, 2002, or 26 months after the initiation of the seagrass mitigation program, demarcation of the Manatee/Seagrass Protection Area, and initiation of patrolling. 25 Lewis, Marshall, Bloom, Hodgson & Flynn Figure 6. Vertical aerial photographs of Piney Point restoration areas showing conditions before and after restoration was complete on September 23, 2001. Arrows show the two 300'-long breakwaters. METHODS Study Location Port Manatee, a multi-berth shipping facility for oceangoing marine traffic and holiday cruise ships, is located along the southeastern shoreline of Hillsborough Bay within the Tampa Bay estuary, on subtidal and upland land areas, in Manatee County, FL, USA (82º35’ N, 27º37.5’W) (Figures 1 and 2). Seagrass Mapping True color vertical aerial photography of the seagrass donor and mitigation sites was flown on September 30, 1999, September 27, 2000, October 10, 2001, and October 3, 2002. Thirty-nine numbered concrete monuments were placed within the seagrass beds as permanent reference points, surveyed by a marine surveyor, and included as reference points on all seagrass maps. Each concrete marker was approximately 0.5 m2, weighed 10 kg and was stabilized by a 2 m long coated iron rebar inserted through the center into the substrate. A series of 72 styrofoam panel targets were anchored in the seagrass mitigation sites, and geo-referenced to local surveyed reference points using sub-meter accuracy Trimble® GPS during the September 2000 photography acquisition. The photographic sequences were scanned at 1200 dpi, then mosaiced and spatially rectified in ERDAS Imagine™ (Redlands, CA) using the panel ground control points and additional points synthesized from existing surveyed features. Divers swam transects within the mitigation 26 Seagrass Mitigation at Port Manatee sites to identify seagrass bed species composition. Four seagrass species—shoalgrass, turtle grass, manatee grass, and wigeongrass (Ruppia maritima)—were identified within the study site. The distribution of each seagrass species, based on an inventory of seagrass cover before disturbances related to the Port Manatee construction project, was mapped by Lewis Environmental Services Inc. in 1999 (Figure 3). Seagrass community composition was digitized as ArcView™ 3.2a (ESRI, St. Louis, MO) shape files overlaid on the rectified aerial photography, and attributed within polygons. Mapping was updated on each annual photographic series. Figure 7. Seagrass planting areas completed by EAC, Inc., August–September 2001. Overview of Seagrass Restoration and Protection Methods The seagrass mitigation project began on April 1, 2000, as the Early Start Program (ESP), necessitated since permits to disturb seagrasses in the proposed dredging areas had not yet been issued, in which floating seagrass rhizomes were planted into several sites. The Manatee/Seagrass Protection Area was also marked and patrolling began at this same time (Figure 4). After permits were issued to allow salvage of seagrass in areas of proposed dredging in August 2000, final ecological engineering plans were prepared for that portion of the project and implementation began in June of 2001. A total of seven methods of 27 Lewis, Marshall, Bloom, Hodgson & Flynn seagrass restoration were tested: (1) hand-transplanting individual shoots with an attached viable rhizome; (2) hand-planted bundles of viable shoots with attached rhizomes; (3) hand planted shoots and rhizomes in fibrous peat pots; (4) mechanized transplanting using a modified pontoon boat with a hydraulically driven rotary wheel; (5) mechanized transplanting of mega-units; (6) a modified manual shovel method and; (7) passive recovery of damaged seagrass within an area closed to boats with combustion engines. Detailed methodological descriptions are presented below. Table 2 identifies the individual planting areas and respective restoration methods. Table 1. This table is modified from page 7, consolidated ERP #0129291-002-EI (FDEP 2000), which shows mitigation credits to be approved for each seagrass mitigation site. The FDEP permit states that mitigation credits will be approved after the mitigation work is completed and a site is determined to be successful; 12.7 credits are required for final success of the seagrass mitigation program. MITIGATION SITES MITIGATION METHODS AREA (acres) MAXIMUM MITIGATION CREDIT 1–3 Plant and transplant salvaged seagrass 11.64 2.33 4B, 6B1, 6B2 Install breakwater and plant 3.04 0.76 5 Remove sand spit and plant 1.98 0.50 4A, 6A Scrape down and plant 6.47 3.24 7 Scrape down and plant 12.82 6.41 8 Repair prop scars 107.00 7.13 TOTAL 142.95 20.37* *potential maximum credits Method 1— Installation of Bare-root Floating Seagrass Vigorous, floating, bare-root shoots of turtle grass, manatee grass and shoalgrass, with attached rhizomes approximately varying from approximately 2 to 60 cm in length, were collected, hand planted individually and anchored in place with 15 cm wire landscaping staples. Planting unit leaves were trimmed as the units were planted to reduce possible uprooting from tidal current drag in the planting areas. LES technicians planted approximately 8,000 planting units in mitigation sites 3B, 3F, and 3G during April–June 2000 (Figure 4). Method 2—Hand Planting of Floating Seagrass Bundles LES technicians and trustee prisoners from the Manatee County correctional facility collected floating plants, primarily, with visible roots and rhizomes of all three seagrass 28 Seagrass Mitigation at Port Manatee species from the water surface near Port Manatee when westerly winds drove the seagrass towards the port, or from mid-Tampa Bay when wind blew the floating seagrass fragments away from the port. Manatee grass was the most commonly collected species. Shoalgrass and turtle grass were collected but were not abundant. Floating plants were bound together into small bundles, with paper-covered wire (‘twist ties’). The seagrass shoots were held before transplanting in floating PVC pens anchored nearshore, then transported to the planting sites in floating plastic baskets or the floating PVC pens to the planting sites. The bundles were hand-planted approximately 10 cm into the substrate to bury the rhizome mass on approximately one meter spacing in sites 2 B, 3E, 3F, and 3G (Figure 5). The planted seagrass bundles were anchored in place with 15 cm wire landscaping staples. The seagrass bundles held in the pens were planted within a few days of their collection to ensure that they were vigorous. Figure 8. Computer interpretation (ERDAS Imagine) of prop scar recovery in the Manatee/Seagrass Recovery Area. Method 3—Shoalgrass Plugs in Peat Pots Excavated plugs of shoalgrass approximately 5 cm in diameter were hand bedded in an additional small amount of sediment, inserted into 3 inch peat pots and hand installed using a plastic garden trowel. A total of 4,582 peat pot units were installed in planting sites 2B, 3B, 3F, and 3G (Figure 5) between June 1 and August 24, 2000. In August 2001 an additional 29 Lewis, Marshall, Bloom, Hodgson & Flynn 2000 peat pots were planted in linear plots approximately 20 m long by 2 m wide in planting site 2D (Figure 5). The planted rectangular plots were covered with galvanized chain link fence that was anchored in place over the substrate with landscape staples in order to test survival of planting units protected from bioturbation by rays. Table 2. Designation, planting methods, and size of the experimental mitigation sites. SITE DESIGNATION 1A 1B 2A1 2A2 2B 3A1 3A2 3A3 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G 3H METHODS AREA (hectares) none none machine & hand machine & hand machine & hand machine & hand machine & hand machine & hand machine & hand machine & hand machine & hand machine & hand machine & hand machine & hand machine 0.52 0.28 0.38 0.31 0.23 0.26 0.43 0.46 0.23 0.37 0.30 0.36 0.15 0.26 0.18 Subtotal, sites 1–3 4.72 4A and 6A* remove dredged material and transplant with shovel 2.62 5 remove dredged material 0.80 install breakwater and transplant with shovel 1.23 4B, 6B1, 6B2* Subtotal, sites 4–6 4.65 7 removed dredged material and transplant with shovel 5.12 8 close to motorized boat access and monitor natural recovery 43.30 TOTAL 57.79 *4A nd 4B are Piney Point S (PPS) experimental sites; 6A, 6B1 and 6B2 are Piney Point North (PPN) experimental sites. Method 4—Machine Planting of Shoalgrass Bare-root Units Sites 1A, 1B, 2A1, 2A2, 3A1, 3A2, and 3A3 (Figure 5) were planted by a rotary planting machine in 2000. This method is further described and analyzed by Fishman et al. (2004). Plugs of shoal grass were collected from seagrass beds in Tampa Bay pursuant to a collection permit issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation to the Port’s 30 Seagrass Mitigation at Port Manatee landscape contractor Seagrass Restoration, Inc. (SRI). These were divided by hand into individual bare root planting units, and planted using a modified pontoon boat operated by SRI. The rotary wheel was approximately 2 m in diameter with a 0.5 m wide rotating face positioned in the center of the boat, rotated by an 8 hp hydraulic drive. On the rotating surface of the wheel were a series of alternating planting nozzles, each approximately 10 cm long. As the wheel turned, a technician placed a plug of seagrass on each nozzle. As the wheel made contact with the substrate the plug was then spiked into the substrate and ‘planted.’ Using this boat, 44,321 planting units were installed in mitigation sites 2A1, 2A2, 3A1, 3A2, 3A3, and 3C between April 1 and September 7, 2000, as certified by Gee and Jenson Consulting Engineers, Inc., consultants to the MCPA. Method 5—Seagrass Sods Planted by Hydraulic Extraction Beginning in June 2001 and continuing through December 2001, a second machine planting technique, “hydraulic extraction and transplanting of large sods,” was used to transplant 1.21 m × 1.51 m (1.83 m2) sods of primarily turtle grass with some shoalgrass by SRI. The donor units were excavated from the proposed dredging areas (donor sites A and B, Figure 4). Approximately 1.21 ha of turtle grass and 0.94 ha of shoal grass were transplanted. The planting units were extracted using a modified pontoon boat with three sets of jaws operated by an eight hp hydraulic pump. The jaws were lowered to excavate blocks of seagrass from the bottom, removing plants, rhizomes, and sediment in a large sod. The units were raised and held suspended above the water in the jaws, then the boat moved to the transplant area, and dropped the units to the substrate on approximately 2 m centers. A total of 11,609 of these units were transplanted into 13 planting sites totaling 3.91 ha within the same 4.71 ha boat damage area that had initially been planted by hand, then subsequently by the rotary planting machine, in 2000 (Figure 5). The designed and permitted plan was to install the units flush with the sediment surface and clustered tightly to minimize sediment loss between the large sods. Method 6—Modified Shovel Method Within the circulation cuts in seagrass mitigation site 7 (Area C, Figure 4) 0.78 ha of shoalgrass (13,000 planting units, each 0.06 m²), was moved by hand and shovel into 2.78 ha of excavated dredged spoil in seagrass mitigation sites 6A and 4A (Figure 6), and surrounding areas protected by installed breakwaters (Figure 7) (G. Montin and R. Dennis, pers. comm.). Method 7—Seagrass Protection and Natural Recovery In addition to physically transplanting seagrass from the donor sites, a 194.26 ha West Indian manatee and seagrass protection area (site 8) was legally established in June 1999 within which the use of combustion motors (propeller-driven boat motors) was legally excluded (Figure 3, dotted line). Port Manatee security vessels and the Florida Marine Patrol patrolled the protective zone intermittently. Patrols were run seven days a week during daylight hours except during inclement weather. Boaters were initially given brochures as they approached the protected area explaining the reason for the closures and providing a map. Enforcement through the issuance of tickets eventually was necessary for repeated 31 Lewis, Marshall, Bloom, Hodgson & Flynn violators of the closure. Motorized boat traffic has essentially ceased within the closed area, but patrolling and monitoring continue. MONITORING Baseline monitoring to determine statistically valid sampling parameters was conducted March 25, 2000. A survey to establish the density of seagrasses to be impacted by dredging was conducted June 2000 (discussed above). Transplanted seagrass unit survival was sampled by determining percent cover at periodic intervals after the initial planting was completed. The first (‘time zero’), monitoring sampling was conducted July 1 2000, two weeks after initial planting, and represented the initial monitoring event to track changes during the duration of the mitigation project. Each experimental unit (e.g., a mitigation site [Table 2]) was located in the field by LES staff. The sampling area was chosen by the haphazard placement of a 400 m2(20 m × 20 m) within the experimental unit. To form the sampling area, a right triangle with 20 m sides and a 28.3 m hypotenuse was staked by driving ½-inch PVC pipe into the sediment at the corners of the triangle, and stretching polypropylene cord attached to the poles across the surface of the water to delineate the triangle. The polypropylene cord was then reflected across the diagonal corners of the experimental unit to define the other side of the triangle and a center pole was emplaced in the middle. Each measurement consisted of 50 replicate 0.25 m² quadrats, subdivided by string into 100 units (25 cm² each), with each quadrat representing a data point for visual percent cover by species present made at random, preplotted points distributed in a 20m × 20m area. Sample points were re-randomized within each experimental unit for each sampling event. Percent cover data were collected at fourteen sites on July 1, 2000 (time zero). Five measurements were obtained in reference beds determined by the senior author to represent the best undisturbed examples within the general area and nine were obtained in experimental sites. On October 21 and 22, 2000 (time zero plus three months), 19 sites were measured using the same methodology. The additional five measurements were made in experimental sites not sampled in July. On April 7, 2001, measurements were repeated in the same 19 sites and two additional seagrass reference beds of manatee grass. On June 29 and 30, 2001 measurements were repeated in all 21 sites. With the excavation of the dredged spoil areas in the summer of 2001, and transplanting of shoal grass to them, two additional reference sites (Piney Point North reference, PPNR, and Piney Point South reference, PPSR), and two experimental sites where the transplanted shoal grass were placed after construction (PPNE and PPSE) were added to the sampling matrix. One additional turtle grass/shoal grass transplant site (3H) was also added. This increased the total sampling sites to 26. Subsequently, two of the experimental sites (1A and 1B) were dropped since no mitigation work took place in them. This reduced the number of sampling sites to 24 for the three remaining sampling periods. Sampling concluded on September 10, 2002. Statistical Analysis An experimental unit was defined as one planted mitigation site, or reference bed area, a sampling unit was defined as one 400 m2 area within a planted or reference bed, a sub32 Seagrass Mitigation at Port Manatee sampling unit was equivalent to one 0.25 m2 quadrat (composed of 100 cells) within a sampling unit, and a sub-sub-sampling unit was one cell within one quadrat. The quadrat data were compiled using customized Pascal programming and Excel 2000 software (Microsoft, Inc., Redlands, WA, USA). Statistical analysis was conducted using customized Pascal programs and SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). The sample statistics (mean, standard deviation, and number of observations) are summarized in Table 3. In quadrats with more than one grass species present, the numbers of cells occupied by a single grass species, as well as cells occupied by combination of species, were separately recorded, although those data are not separated in the summary statistics presented here. In some cases, the 20 m2 area overlapped natural beds. Where a sampling site fell in the natural bed (hereinafter referred to as ‘edge’ measurements), the measurement was recorded separately from the measurements of the actual experimental areas. The edge measurements are also not included within the statistics. The percent cover data were determined to be non-normal due to bimodality using a Shapiro-Wilk normality test (α = 0.05) across all samples (reference and experimental sites at all sampling times) so that parametric statistical analyses on the untransformed data were not conducted (Shapiro and Wilk 1965). The remotely sensed areal change in seagrass cover was the criterion for success in site 8. The amount of seagrass cover within an area of interest (AOI) was analyzed for sample years 1999 and 2002 using unsupervised maximum likelihood classifier change detection analysis in Erdas Imagine® (Redding, CA). Table 3. Summary of combined seagrass cover data for all reference and experimental sites, July 1, 2000–September 10, 2002. DATE 7/1/00 10/22/00 4/7/01 6/30/01 9/22/01 4/20/02 6/24/02 9/9–10/02 MONITORING EVENT Time Zero Time Zero + 3 Time Zero + 9 Time Zero + 12 Time Zero + 15 Time Zero + 21 Time Zero + 24 Time Zero + 26 REFERENCE SITES Mean S.D. n 94.57 16.18 250 90.55 16.02 251 81.56 28.50 335 92.31 19.11 348 92.12 19.63 450 96.95 14.29 450 99.34 4.89 450 91.07 23.84 450 TOTAL SAMPLES 2984 EXPERIMENTAL SITES Mean S.D. n 0.28 1.10 400 0.39 1.45 673 0.26 1.75 651 0.58 3.50 669 3.09 9.77 817 2.34 8.41 737 5.46 6.96 745 10.17 3.19 738 5430 RESULTS Several conclusions can be reached by examining the data in Table 3 (Figures 9, 10). Reference sites exhibited 94.57% in July 2000 and showed persistent cover of 91.07% in September 2002. Among the experimental sites, there was a net increase in mean cover from 0.28% in July 2000 to 10.33% in September 2002; however, the distribution of cover within experimental sites was not uniform. Mean cover of the experimental sites did not increase from Time Zero except in sites 4A (PPS experimental) and 6A (PPN experimental) (Figures 6 and 7). These two sites, which had no seagrass cover prior to their excavation, initially showed a mean cover of 21.48% immediately after 13,000 shoalgrass planting units were 33 Lewis, Marshall, Bloom, Hodgson & Flynn installed in September 2001; however, they declined to 11.65% in April of 2002, then increased to 72.8% in September of 2002, when sampling ended twelve months later. 100 ] ] station ] ] ] ] ] EX RB ] Error Bars show 95.0% Cl of Mean Mean Cover (%) 75 Bars show Means 50 25 ] 0 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 01-JUL-2000 07-APR-2001 22-SEP-2001 24-JUN-2002 22-OCT-2000 30-JUN-2001 20-APR-2002 10-SEP-2002 Date Figure 9. Mean percent cover of reference and experimental sites on all sample dates. Mean cover in the 13 other planting sites (excluding 1A, 1B, PPSE and PPNE) ranged from 0.00% in Site 2A1 to 1.86% in Site 3C, with a mean of 0.54% in September 2002, which is not significantly different (p=0.953) from the mean for the same 13 sites of 0.53% in September 2001, after all sites had been planted two or three times using various methods. There was no discernable difference in mean cover among the machine-planted, handplanted, or combination thereof throughout sample dates (p=0.000). With two minor exceptions, planted or transplanted shoalgrass, turtle grass or manatee grass in these areas did not survive transplanting or, where they remained rooted, the plants did not expand. These exceptions were not monitored quantitatively and, due to their small sizes, have not contributed to the cover in the planted sites. The first exception area includes approximately 40 m² of shoalgrass plugs in peat pots over which a chain link fence was laid horizontally in August 2001 in site 2D (Figure 5). The site is clearly visible both when snorkeling the site and from aerial photographs. It has not expanded as hoped, however, outside of the boundaries of the fencing. The second similarly sized area in site 3C received approximately 250 bare root turtle grass rhizomes. Using bare root turtle grass rhizomes is a modification of a method described by Tomasko et al. (1991), who collected material by fanning the sediment away from the edges of a turtle grass 34 Seagrass Mitigation at Port Manatee meadow in a high energy location, and removing selected rhizomes. This method shows great promise, as very large numbers (hundreds at a time) of bare root, and apparently viable, turtle grass rhizomes with attached leaves wash up on shorelines in Tampa Bay during and after winter storms. The method differs from Tomasko et al. (1991), but produces a similar type of plant material without disturbing existing seagrass beds. These shoreline stranded plants eventually die and, if they were collected and planted, we believe, based upon anecdotal observations of the plantings in site 3C, could be a significant source of non-destructive plant material sources for restoration efforts in Tampa Bay. The same cannot be said of shoalgrass or manatee grass rhizomes, as the brief exposure to sunlight apparently caused irreversible mortality in all we attempted to either collect or plant. Ron Phillips (pers. comm.) confirmed this belief from his experience. Wigeongrass occurred sparsely in areas of fluctuating salinity within the PPS lagoon and was not sampled. Location 2A1 2A2 2B 80 ] 70 ] 3A1 3A2 3A3 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 60 3G 3H Mean Cover (%) 50 PPN PPS 40 ] Error Bars show 95.0% Cl of Mean ] 30 Bars show Means ] ] 20 ] 10 0 ] ]] ]]] ] ] ]] ] ] ]]]]]]] ] ] ] ]] ] ] ]] ]]]]]] ]] ]] ]]]]] 07-APR-2001 30-JUN-2001 ]] ]]]]]]]]] ]] ] ] ]] ]]]] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]]] ]] ] ]]] ] ] ]] ]]]]]]] ]]] -10 01-JUL-2000 22-OCT-2000 22-SEP-2001 20-APR-2002 24-JUN-2002 10-SEP-2002 Date Figure 10. Mean percent cover of the 17 experimental sites on all sample dates. Note that Piney Point transplant site is the only site doing well. Field observations during the sampling over the last two years demonstrate clearly that most planting units were unable to survive long enough to become securely anchored through expansion of their root systems. Throughout the area, whether in natural seagrass beds, planted areas, or bare sand areas, there have been obvious signs of significant bioturbation notable as depressions ranging up to a 1 m in diameter and 10-25 cm in depth. In many of the depressions, areas of disturbed sediment, as evidenced by gray redox discolorations on the sediment surface, dislodged Diopatra spp. tubes, broken crab shells and shattered broken 35 Lewis, Marshall, Bloom, Hodgson & Flynn clam shells (primarily hard shell clams, Mercenaria mercenaria) were evident, and a large and active population of southern stingrays (Dasyatis sabina) was continuously observed within the planting sites. Once planting units are loosened by bioturbation, the strong diurnal tidal current system within the channelized planting sites quickly removed the units. Loss of planted seagrass from bioturbation was not unexpected, as previous work in Tampa Bay attempting to transplant both shoalgrass and manatee grass showed similar “…heavy bioturbation by rays,” and loss of essentially all planting units in most of the planting sites (Fonseca et al. 1996). Orth (1975) described similar bioturbation by the cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus in eelgrass seagrass meadows in Chesapeake Bay as it preys on a common bivalve, Maya arenaria. Sharks are known to prey on stingrays. For example, Dasyatis spp. has been reported from stomach content analyses of lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris, in Florida (Schmidt 1986) and Baum and Myers (2004) have recently estimated that commercially harvested sharks in the Gulf of Mexico have declined by 90–99% since the 1950s. The regional population of stingrays appears to be increasing based only on anecdotal observations by the senior author over the last 37 years. We hypothesize that the magnitude of decline in sharks may have reduced predation on stingrays and could contribute to their apparent population expansion, and result in increased damage to seagrass beds. Other organisms also cause patchiness in seagrass meadows. In tropical areas, seagrass cover is negatively correlated with burrow density of the ghost shrimp, Callianassa spp. (Suchanek 1983, Suchanek et al. 1986). Clearly, bioturbation can have a major impact on attempts to restore seagrasses in Tampa Bay (Fonseca et al. 1994, Fonseca et al. 1996). The success of the shoalgrass plantings at Piney Point, which have similar common excavations by the southern stingray, may be due to their shallower position, reduced current velocities, and wave action behind a protective breakwater. Mechanical Planting Using the mechanical rotary wheel planting boat method, 44,321 bare root-planting units were installed in mitigation sites 2A1, 2A2, 3A1, 3A2, 3A3, and 3C between April 1 and September 7, 2000. On several occasions, it was apparent that the planting contractor replanted sites that had been designated as ‘completed,’ presumably after observing that there were no live seagrass planting units in the site. The existence of re-planted units was obvious to the monitoring scientists, although the exact number of re-planted units could not be accurately determined. At least one site (3C) was planted three times unsuccessfully. Based on observations of these planting units, it was apparent that a high proportion (>90% based upon weekly counts) of any units planted by this method were either washed out during the first few tidal cycles or died soon thereafter as a result of being buried in the shifting sediments. Salvage and planting of turtle grass plugs using the mechanical excavation and planting machine was initially designed and permitted to be implemented meticulously to insure that the apical meristems are preserved intact, and the edges of the transplant units were smooth and flush with the existing sediment surface. This would allow for the maximum rate of expansion and coverage from this relatively slow growing species, and help prevent exposing 36 Seagrass Mitigation at Port Manatee the edges of the planting units to currents and bioturbation that could result in the removal of all or portions of the transplanted plugs. This method, using hand labor as reported in Lewis (1987) and Lewis et al. (1994) in the Florida Keys, worked well, and resulted in the establishment of a viable turtle grass bed. However, the majority of the mechanically excavated planting units in the Port Manatee mitigation area appeared to have been inadequately placed to a sufficient depth in the sediment to withstand the tidal drag, and most appeared to have been inverted completely or partially at placement so that the rhizomes were exposed on the surface and the ‘green side’ was buried in the sediments. Visual examination of many of the ‘transplants’ revealed rhizomes protruding into the water column with only buried blades preventing the grass from floating away immediately. The monitoring contractor reported that approximately 50% of the 11,609 excavated units had disappeared within two weeks of installation. Overall, our counts of surviving units indicate less than 1% remained after several months. We believe, however, based upon the previous work of Lewis (1985) and Lewis et al. (1994), that had the units been correctly handled as originally designed and permitted, a much greater chance of success would have been possible, as this approach is basically the same method reported to be successful in Western Australia (Paling et al. 2001a, b). Future attempts at using these types of units should always take into account, however, the wave energy and current velocities at a proposed planting site. Wave energy determinations are being made in Tampa Bay using a relative exposure index (REI) which predicts whether a given site appears to be too exposed to support any seagrasses without wave protection (Fonseca et al. 2002a). Wave protection was added to the mitigation plan for sites 4, 5 and 6 as a result of review and comment on the draft mitigation plan by Mark Fonseca, Center for Coastal Fisheries, NOAA. A current velocity of less than 15 cm/sec is considered appropriate for seagrass plantings. Velocities between 15–50 cm/sec need to be evaluated carefully as within this range these velocities can impact seagrass cover. Any site with velocities over 50 cm/sec should be rejected as a planting site (Fonseca et al. 1998). Prop Scar Protection Area Unlike most of the planting sites, the prop-scarred inshore waters within seagrass mitigation site 8 showed an obvious response to protection. Change detection analysis was conducted on an AOI encompassing 6.23 ha within seagrass mitigation site 8. As a result of protection, 6.23 ha of mixed beds of shoalgrass and turtle grass containing 1.34 ha of bare sand due to prop scarring and boat groundings showed a reduction to 0.57 ha of bare sand, or 0.77 ha of seagrass recovery in eighteen months (Figure 8). Continued protection of these sites should allow additional recovery within this site and adjacent areas. As a result, both the FDEP and the Corps have awarded one mitigation credit towards the needed 12.7. Costs of Restoration Total costs through December of 2002 were approximately US$6.3 million apportioned as shown in Table 4. Based upon the successful establishment of 1.86 ha of primarily shoal grass to offset impacts to 2.94 ha of both turtle grass and shoalgrass, these figures indicate a cost for successful seagrass mitigation, at this stage of the project, of US$3,387,097 ha-1. 37 Lewis, Marshall, Bloom, Hodgson & Flynn In contrast, Fonseca et al. (2002b) reported a legally accepted cost estimate of US$ 940,000 ha-1 of restoration for a case of seagrass damage in the Florida Keys. These costs will continue to increase, as the mitigation project is still underway, with less than two of the 12.3 credits necessary for final success having been achieved. As certain sites perhaps expand in areas of successful seagrass transplantation (i.e., the Piney Point dredged material excavation and planting site) the fixed costs may be distributed among, and decrease, on a per successful hectare basis. Within other sites, particularly all the sites planted using the mechanical planting method, a total of US$1,266,837 was spent; however, it is our opinion that there is no chance for successful results, and the public funds spent testing the demonstrably unsuccessful methods have been spent without realizing any benefits to the MCPA. Table 4. Costs (US$) by category for the Port Manatee seagrass mitigation project through December 2002 (source: Manatee County Port Authority). CATEGORY COST Consultant Services (design, permitting, construction and planting supervision, monitoring) Land Purchase and Survey Construction Enforcement of No-motor Zone* Manual Planting Mechanical Planting $2,482,844 TOTAL COST $6,319,449 550.000 1,189,768 300,000 530,000 1,266,837 *Costs incurred during the first three years, including closed area buoys and maintenance. The total cost of passively protecting seagrass beds by the measures implemented in this area was approximately US$100,000 per year, which included purchasing and installing buoys to mark the motorized exclusion zone, the manpower, operation of boats, including fuel, to patrol the site after the buoys were installed, and routine maintenance of the buoys. On a per hectare basis, this was the cheapest method, which generated 0.77 ha of seagrass recovery, and 1.0 mitigation credit. CONCLUSIONS Seagrass communities at Port Manatee were observed during 1999–2002. Our observations confirmed that attempts to use seven methods of seagrass restoration as mitigation for potential dredging impacts to seagrasses in Tampa Bay have largely failed at a cost to date of over US$6 million. Naturally occurring bioturbation and strong tidal currents, combined with a lack of quality control on mechanical efforts to salvage and transplant seagrass prior to dredging impacts, have resulted in a net loss of seagrass as of the Time Zero + 26 months monitoring in September 2002. Only continued monitoring will reveal if no net loss, and the net gain of seagrass in Tampa Bay required by the permit, can be achieved. Although the state and federal permitting agencies have issued permission for dredging of the entire project based upon the success to date, final berthing of vessels within the 38 Seagrass Mitigation at Port Manatee excavated portions of the project cannot occur until all 12.7 mitigation credits have been certified as having been earned. As of January 2003, less than two credits have been awarded. LITERATURE CITED Baum JK, Myers RA. 2004. Shifting baselines and the decline of pelagic sharks in the Gulf of Mexico. Ecology Letters 7(2):135-145. 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FMRI Technical Report TR-1. St. Petersburg, Florida. Schmidt TW. 1986. Food of young juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris (Poey), near Sand Key, western Florida Bay. Fla. Sci. 49(1):7-10. Shapiro SS, Wilk MB. 1965. An analysis of variance test for normality (complete samples). Biometrika 52 (3 and 4):591-611. Short, FT, Burdick DM, Short CA, Davis RC, Moore PA. 2000. Developing success criteria for restored eelgrass, salt marsh and mud flat habitats. Ecol. Eng. 15:239-252. Suchanek TH. 1983. Control of seagrass communities and sediment distribution by Callianassa (Crustacean, Thallassinidea) bioturbation. J. Mar. Research 41: 281-298. Suchanek TH, Colin PL, McMarty GM, Suchanek CS. 1986. Bioturbation and redistribution of sediment radionucleides in Enewetak Atoll Lagoon by callianassid shrimp: biological aspects. Bull. Mar. Sci. 38(1): 144-154. 39 Lewis, Marshall, Bloom, Hodgson & Flynn Tomasko DA,Dawes CJ, Hall MO. 1991. Effects of the number of short shoots and presence of the rhizome apical meristems on the survival and growth of transplanted seagrass, Thalassia testudinum. Contrib. Mar. Sci. 32:41-48. Townsend EC, Fonseca MS. 1998. Bioturbation as a potential mechanism influencing spatial heterogeneity of North Carolina seagrass beds. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 169:123-132. Van Breedveld J. 1975. Transplanting of seagrasses with emphasis on the importance of substrate. Florida Department of Natural Resources, St. Petersburg, Fl. Fla. Mar. Res. Publ. 17. RRL (Lewis Environmental Services, Inc., P. O. Box 5430, Salt Springs, FL 32134-5430); MJM (Coastal Seas Consortium, Inc., P. O. Box 20818, Braden River, FL 34204-0818); SAB (Ecological Data Consultants Inc., P. O. Box 760, Archer, FL, 33618-0760); ABH (Resource Designs, Inc., 911 Silver Palm Way, Apollo Beach, FL 33572-2005); LLF (Lewis Environmental Services, Inc., 2824 Falling Leaves Drive, Valrico, FL 33594) 40 A SHALLOW WATER TECHNIQUE FOR THE SUCCESSFUL RELOCATION OR TRANSPLANTATION OF LARGE AREAS OF SHOALGRASS (HALODULE WRIGHTII) G.J. Montin & R.F. Dennis III ABSTRACT In August 2001, Environmental Affairs Consultants, Inc. (EAC) was contracted to transplant 0.78 ha (1.92 ac) of existing shoalgrass (Halodule wrightii) at Port Manatee, in Tampa Bay, Florida. This seagrass was excavated from within 3 shallow areas, designated as flushing channels, and replanted within approximately 2.78 ha (6.86 ac) of two remote mitigation sites. The previously prepared mitigation areas, sites 4 and 6, are located immediately north of Port Manatee near the western end of Piney Point Road. Given the inadequate results of formerly documented hand planting methods to reliably and economically transplant large areas of seagrass, EAC devised and implemented a “modified shovel method.” Using this method, personnel collected shoalgrass with a modified, sharpened, flat shovel facilitating the removal of seagrass planting units (PUs) that are 0.06 m2 (0.69 ft 2) by 7.62 cm (3 in) thick. The units were transported and installed flush to the existing substrate and stapled at densities averaging 0.61 m (2.0 ft) centers within the prepared mitigation sites. Transplantation was completed in 24 working days at an average rate of 324 square meters (3,485 sq ft) per day. One year following planting (September 10, 2002), the documented mean percent coverage of seagrass was 72.8% as determined from the two quantitative monitoring areas located within the Piney Point North and Piney Point South mitigation sites. Based on the observed rate of expansion of the installed PUs, coalescence of the seagrass in the transplanted areas is expected within 3 years. INTRODUCTION In August 2001, Environmental Affairs Consultants, Inc. (EAC) was contracted to transplant 0.78 ha (1.92 ac) of existing shoalgrass (Halodule wrightii) at Port Manatee, in Tampa Bay, Florida. This transplantation effort was one of the major seagrass mitigation projects undertaken by the Manatee County Port Authority (MCPA). Pursuant to the federal and state permit conditions for this project, the compensatory mitigation was required to demonstrate success prior to initiating the maintenance dredging and port expansion activities. This requirement was due to the inherent difficulties and risk associated with the reestablishment of seagrasses (Fonseca 1994). Please refer to Figure 1 for the project overview depicting the locations of the donor areas, recipient sites, and overland transport route. Development and implementation of a rigorous organizational plan was necessary to accomplish the successful transplantation of this quantity of seagrass. Aspects of each transplantation element were stringently evaluated, which eliminated bottlenecks and produced an overall efficient coordinated methodology necessary to complete this massive transplantation project. Although different techniques of hand planting seagrass have been employed, such as the plug method, staple method, and peat pot method, establishment of seagrass habitat using these methods has historically been poor. Given the inadequate results of formerly documented hand planting methods to reliably and economically transplant large areas of seagrass (Fonseca et al. 1998), EAC devised and implemented a “modified shovel method” to improve the process and ultimate success of transplanting seagrass. This method was developed after evaluating the physical conditions of both the recipient and donor sites and implementing a procedure which recognized the growth habits, life histories, and the physical limitations of the species to be transplanted. 41 Montin & Dennis Figure 1. Aerial photograph of project site, showing donor areas, recipient sites, and transport routes. 42 Transplantation Technique for Shoalgrass METHODS Subsequent to the approval of the modified shovel method by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), EAC obtained and fabricated the necessary equipment to transplant seagrass including: 25 predrilled and sharpened flat 22.86 cm (9 in) x 27.94 cm (11 in) shovels (Figure 2); 60 wooden framed 10.16 cm (4 in) thick bead board floats measuring 1.22 m (4 ft) x 1.22 m (4 ft) as shown in Figure 3; 1,000 heavy duty 27.31 cm (10.75 in) x 53.67 cm (21.13 in) plastic trays; and 125,000 sod staples 15.24 cm (6 in) long. Figure 2. Shovel modified for transplantation of Halodule wrightii. Figure 3. Bead board (styrofoam) floats with trays of seagrass. 43 Montin & Dennis The source material for transplantation was collected from within 3 shallow areas, designated as the future flushing channels for site 7, and replanted within the excavated spoil and adjacent unvegetated areas totaling approximately 2.78 ha (6.86 ac) of two designated remote mitigation sites (4 and 6, totaling 3.63 ha (8.96 ac). The two mitigation sites, located immediately north of Port Manatee near the western end of Piney Point Road, were prepared by removing excess sand in the former spoil deposition areas to elevations suitable for shoalgrass propagation. Once the spoil material was removed, breakwaters were installed to stabilize and protect the near shore areas. This created a quiescent location facilitating the establishment of the seagrass to be transplanted within the areas and maintenance of the existing seagrass (Lewis 2002a). Prior to project mobilization, the MCPA constructed temporary accesses to each of the 3 donor sites and demarcated the previously surveyed limits of the seagrass collection areas. The donor sites were further subdivided by EAC into separate parallel ~3 meter (10 ft) wide harvest lanes in order to track the seagrass collection progress and clearly identify work areas during the transplantation process. The limits of the recipient mitigation areas were also marked with PVC pipe by the MCPA to demarcate the planting area. Both the donor and recipient sites were systematically inspected to identify the water depths during daily tidal ranges, locate existing seagrass, and evaluate substrate consistency to determine labor limitations, equipment placement, and site accessibility. Staff gauges were installed at both the donor and recipient sites to provide water depth information necessary to shift donor removal based upon water depth. Due to the instability of the substrate at points of entry along the shorelines of both the donor and recipient sites, metal runway matting was laid to stabilize the substrate and improve accessibility for repetitive vehicular and pedestrian utilization. Separate equipment storage, sheltered rest/first aid areas, potable water, and restroom facilities were centrally located at both the recipient and donor sites. The haul route, approximately 3.2 km (2 miles), for the transportation process was also established. A unique organizational infrastructure was developed to simultaneously coordinate seagrass collecting, transporting, and replanting. The three different but simultaneous operations were staged with separate labor crews whose members were assigned specialized tasks. Each operation also included crew leaders in constant communication with at least 1 of the 2 onsite supervisors to troubleshoot and to maintain quality control. Daily progress meetings were held during the transplantation process to discuss safety issues and/or observed problems, thereby increasing the efficiency and safety of each individual operation. Prior to the actual commencement of transplantation a final on-site organizational meeting was held where the two supervisors selected and trained the crew leaders for each of the individual operations as shown below. The labor crew, totaling 30 personnel, was then subdivided, assigned, and trained. Seagrass Collection 9 Harvesters 1 Crew Leader/Harvester 3 Loaders/Runners 1 Supervisor Seagrass Transport 3 Drivers/Loaders 1 Crew Leader/Driver Seagrass Installation 9 Planters 1 Crew Leader/Planter 3 Loaders/Runners 1 Supervisor Utilizing the modified shovel, the harvesters collected the 0.06 m2 (0.69 ft 2) planting units (PUs) by vertically inserting the shovel into the substrate to a depth of approximately 10 cm (3 in). The handle of the shovel is then pushed downward toward the surface of the 44 Transplantation Technique for Shoalgrass substrate, slowly manipulating the sharpened front edge of the shovel until it is parallel to the bottom, while simultaneously pushing it forward until the carrying capacity of the shovel is achieved. Finally, the shovel is lifted to the surface completing the collection of the planting unit. The multiple 0.64 cm (0.25 in) holes predrilled into the shovel prevents suction between the saturated substrate and the shovel, allowing the harvesters to remove the PUs carefully by sliding them into the heavy duty plastic sod trays. The shovels’ sharpened front and side edges cut the rhizomes cleanly and reduced tearing and/or displacement during collection. The associated substrate collected with the seagrass at a depth of ~10 cm, coupled with the support provided by the trays, minimized the potential for stress during transport attributed to desiccation and/or further physical rhizome damage. The seagrass planting units were placed 2 per tray at rate of up to 2 per minute per harvester. The trays, 8 in total, were conveniently carried on the wooden framed bead board floats during the collection, transport, and installation processes. The installation process utilized the same sharpened shovel to create a hole in the substrate allowing the seagrass to be inserted flush with the adjacent elevation of the bottom, preventing the potential loss of material and/or erosion. Following the excavation of the hole, the material was cast aside and the shovel was then used to lift the PU’s from the plastic trays and install the seagrass. Sod staples measuring 3.81cm x 15.24 cm or 1.5 in x 6 in were inserted into the PU’s, 1 per PU, for the purpose of anchoring the unit in place. The PU’s were installed at various densities averaging 0.61 m (2.0 ft) centers within the prepared mitigation sites in accordance with the needs of the MCPA. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The total transplantation of approximately 0.78 ha (1.92 ac) of shoalgrass into 2.78 hectares (6.86 ac) of the two mitigation areas was completed utilizing 30 laborers and 2 on-site supervisors in 24 working days (9 hours/day) at an average production rate of 324 square meters (3,485 sq ft) per day. The cost associated with this project was calculated at $3.44 per 0.06 m2 (0.69 ft 2) planting unit transplanted including all mobilization, labor, equipment, supplies, and demobilization expenditures. However, it is important to consider the factors that influenced both the production rates and the related cost such as: the water depths of the donor and recipient sites, the quantity and planting spacing of the transplanted seagrass, and the mode of transportation. The water depths, at both the donor and recipient sites, in conjunction with the daily tidal ranges, determined the available work windows for optimal production. Although the modified shovel method has recently been adapted to deeper water through the use of multiple diver surface supplied air systems, the appropriate water depths for a maximized rate of production throughout the collection and planting phases were between 10 cm (4 in) and 1 m (~3 ft). The quantity of material transplanted coupled with the planting spacing also influenced the overall cost of the project. As per the contract at Port Manatee, all of the seagrass within the 3 shallow areas designated as flushing channels had to be transplanted within the mitigation sites. 45 Montin & Dennis Because direct land access was convenient at the donor and recipient sites and they were linked by a haul route designated and prepared by the MCPA, the seagrass was transported by means of multiple customized submersible trailers. Due to the distance between the sites and their proximity to shallow water, transportation by boat and/or barge was projected to be less efficient and more expensive. The modified shovel method was designed and implemented with the goal of successfully transplanting seagrass in a manner that left the rhizomes and associated substrate intact. This “sod” included a protective buffer against physical damage attributed to handling and/or desiccation during the transplantation process. The surface area of the PU was large enough to ensure the presence of growing tips or rhizome apical meristems and maximize the number of short shoots on long shoots without being too large or difficult to efficiently handle. In addition, the labor crews were subdivided, assigned, and trained for a specialized task in order to simultaneously accomplish seagrass collection, transport, and planting. As a result, the seagrass was typically replanted within 25 minutes of collection further reducing the potential for damage attributed to desiccation. In accordance with the state and federal permit requirements, the Manatee County Port Authority (MCPA) conducted the Seagrass Mitigation Success Monitoring one year following the completion of the transplantation process (September 2002). Following the completion of the monitoring event, the documented mean percent coverage of seagrass was 72.8 percent as determined from the two quantitative, previously unvegetated monitoring areas (400 m2 or 4,306 ft2 quads) located within the Piney Point North and Piney Point South mitigation sites., (Lewis 2002b). As both the amount of seagrass that was transplanted as well as the total area planted within the mitigation sites were determined by the aforementioned regulatory permits, optimum spacing and PU expansion rates using the modified shovel method were not evaluated. However, based on qualitative observations of the expansion of the installed planting units and encroachment by existing adjacent seagrass communities, complete coalescence of the transplanted areas is expected within three years. Further analysis of the optimal spacing between planting units and the associated expansion rates is recommended for future transplantation projects. Due to its versatility and effectiveness, the modified shovel method could potentially be adapted to supplement the modified compressed succession principle where a faster growing, opportunistic seagrass such as a shoalgrass is used to stabilize propeller scars, blowholes, and berms serving as temporary substitute for the climax species, turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) (Kenworthy et al. 2000). Further adaptations could be made to utilize donor beds immediately adjacent to potential recipient sites in order to minimize transport distance and associated costs. However, Fonseca et al (1994) have documented that existing natural beds have recovered from excavations as large as 0.5 m2 (~5 ft2) within one year. Therefore, the substantially smaller seagrass harvest units used with this method can systematically be collected in appropriate sites without causing adverse, long term damage. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Environmental Affairs Consultants, Inc. (EAC) would like to thank the Manatee County Port Authority for the opportunity to develop and implement the modified shovel method and to be a part of this successful seagrass mitigation project at Port Manatee in Tampa Bay, Florida. 46 Transplantation Technique for Shoalgrass LITERATURE CITED Fonseca MS. 1994. A Guide to Planting Seagrasses in the Gulf of Mexico. Texas A & M University Sea Grant College Program, TAMU-SG-94-601. 26p. Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Paling E. 1998. Restoring Seagrass Ecosystems in High Disturbance Environments. Ocean Community Conference, Nov. 16-19, 1998, Baltimore, MD. Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Courtney FX, Hall MO. 1994. Seagrass Planting in the Southeastern United States: Methods for Accelerating Habitat Development. Restoration Ecology Vol. 2 No. 3, pp. 198-212. Kenworthy WJ, Fonseca MS, Whitfield PE, Hammerstrom K, Schwarzshild AC. 2000. A Comparison of Two Methods for Enhancing the Recovery of Seagrasses into Propeller Scars: Mechanical Injection of a Nutrient and Growth Hormone Solution vs. Defecation by Roosting Seabirds. NOAA Damage Assessment Center, NOAA Marine Sanctuaries Division. 40p Lewis RR. 2002a. The Potential Importance of the Longshore Bar System to the Persistence and Restoration of Tampa Bay Seagrass Meadows. Proceedings of the conference on “Seagrass Management: It’s Not Just Nutrients.” August 22–24, 2000. St. Petersburg, Florida. Lewis RR. 2002b. Annual Progress and Mitigation Success Report. Port Manatee Seagrass Mitigation Project, Manatee County Port Authority October 2001–November 2002. Pursuant to FDEP Permit No. 0129291002-EI and ACOE Permit No. 199801210(IP-MN). GJM, RFD (Environmental Affairs Consultants, Inc., 429 10th Avenue West, Palmetto, FL 34220) 47 ❖ SPECIES SELECTION, SUCCESS, AND COSTS OF MULTI-YEAR, MULTISPECIES SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION (SAV) PLANTING IN SHALLOW CREEK, PATAPSCO RIVER, MARYLAND P. Bergstrom ABSTRACT The US Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District (USACE) funded the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) Chesapeake Bay Field Office to do small-scale submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) planting in Shallow Creek, at the mouth of the Patapsco River, in 1999, 2000 and 2001. This was done to compensate for the loss of small beds of SAV that were growing in a channel in Shallow Creek that was dredged by the USACE in 1998 to maintain navigation for commercial watermen. Only small-scale SAV planting was done because there were not enough plants, funding, or suitable shallow areas available to do larger scale planting in this creek. Costs of the planting effort were calculated for comparison to other small-scale planting efforts. Water clarity (Secchi depth) in the creek was marginal for SAV planting, so the plantings were quite shallow (0.4–0.8 m at low tide). The SAV species planted were wild celery (Vallisneria americana), near the high end of its salinity range, and two at the low end of their salinity range, redhead grass (Potamogeton perfoliatus), and sago pondweed (Stuckenia pectinata). All were raised by micropropagation, from seeds, or from cuttings. We planted a total of 2,000 shoots of the three SAV species without exclosures in 1999, 4,000 shoots of the three species with exclosures in 2000, and 600 shoots of redhead grass with exclosures in 2001. We found that exclosures greatly increased plant survival, since survival from the 1999 planting (no exclosures) was less than 10%, and survival was much higher from the 2000 and 2001 plantings with exclosures. From the 2000 planting, redhead grass had the highest survival of the three species over two years with exclosures present, followed by wild celery. However, a year after the exclosures were removed (in fall 2003), most of the redhead grass had disappeared, and most of the wild celery remained. At the range of shoot densities used for large scale planting in Chesapeake Bay (7,500 to 15,000 shoots/acre), the range of estimated planting costs for the three years was $33,750–$99,000 per planted acre. The costs per shoot were lowest in 2000 mainly because the planting was larger. INTRODUCTION Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in tidal waters of Chesapeake Bay generally grows in relatively shallow water (1 meter deep or less at low tide), limited in depth by relatively low water clarity (Batiuk et al. 1992, Chapter III; USEPA 2003, Table IV-15, page 124). The “shallow water designated use depths” in the latter document are based on the observed maximum depths of SAV beds mapped in each segment in past SAV surveys (USEPA 2003). As a result, it is rare for dredging for navigation to cause direct loss of SAV in lower salinity waters of Chesapeake Bay, since the channels to be dredged are usually already too deep to have SAV growing in them. However, in rare cases relatively shallow channels need dredging, and sometimes these channels have SAV growing in them. This occurred when channels used for commercial navigation in Shallow Creek were dredged by the US Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District (USACE). They funded the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) Chesapeake Bay Field Office to do small scale Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) planting to compensate for the loss of small beds of SAV in the area dredged. The plants lost in the dredging in Shallow Creek were Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), but we did not plant the same species of SAV. Since the planting was done for compensation and not for mitigation, USFWS and USACE staff agreed that it was best to 49 Bergstrom plant only native SAV species, even though they were not the same species that was impacted. This was not considered a substitution because recent Chesapeake Bay Program guidance considers all of the SAV in the Bay to be equivalent in ecological value (Chesapeake Bay Program 1995). However, Shallow Creek was not an area we would have chosen for planting SAV otherwise, since Secchi depths there were well below the 1 m recommended minimum water clarity for SAV growth in Chesapeake Bay (Batiuk et al. 1992). In addition, the salinity was in a transitional range from lower to higher salinity SAV species and quite variable, and we did not have a long-term record of water quality data. Because we were uncertain as to which species would grow best, whether fencing was needed, and which were the best planting sites and times, we planted three species at two different sites in two seasons, with and without fencing. We refer to this planting strategy as “bet-hedging” to differentiate it from the more usual “best species” approach. “Best species” is used more often in SAV planting, although some strategies have used pioneer species to help establish more persistent species (Fonseca et al. 1998, pp. 107–108). Bet-hedging is especially useful when survival is hard to predict (Smart and Dick 1999; Stearns 2000), since it should raise the chance that at least one of the species that are planted will grow well. The cost of this bethedging was that we had fewer units planted per species. The high costs per acre that we found for this method of hand planting of individual shoots were expected, since it is very labor intensive. Experiments in Chesapeake Bay are ongoing to test a planting machine (Fishman et al. 2004) and to develop methods to plant eelgrass directly from seed (Harwell and Orth 2002, Orth et al. 2003a). The goal of these projects is to reduce the cost per acre of SAV planting by developing successful methods for largescale restoration, so we can do more of it. STUDY SITE AND METHODS Shallow Creek is a small tidal tributary at the north side of the mouth of the Patapsco River on Chesapeake Bay, in Baltimore County, Maryland. The only SAV found there in 1998 were a few dense beds of Eurasian watermilfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum, and small, scattered patches of four other SAV species: wild celery, common waterweed (Elodea canadensis), muskgrass (Chara sp.), and horned pondweed (Zannichellia palustris) (Orth et al. 1999b). We measured water quality during most visits to the creek. We measured Secchi depth with an all- white Secchi disk, 20 cm in diameter, to the nearest 0.05 meter. We used the depth at which the disk was just visible as a circle. If we took more than one measurement we used the one closest to the planting site. We measured salinity with a refractometer that was calibrated regularly with distilled water, to the nearest 1 ppt. We planted three species of SAV in Shallow Creek in three plantings over three years. Previous test plantings of the native redhead grass (Potamogeton perfoliatus or Ppf) in the adjacent Old Road Bay had shown initial growth (followed by loss due to waterfowl grazing), so we planted that species in Shallow Creek. We also planted two native species that were found in Shallow Creek in small amounts, wild celery (Vallisneria americana or Va) 50 Species Selection, Success and Costs of SAV Planting and sago pondweed (Stuckenia pectinata or Ppc) to see if either survived better than redhead grass. All were grown by micropropagation, from seeds or from cuttings, at the Environmental Center at Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) and the USDA National Plant Materials Center (NPMC). Most were planted as bare root shoots and some of the sago pondweed was grown and planted in small peat pots, but the survival of these two types of propagules was not compared. There were almost always 2–3 stems per “shoot” but the term “shoot” is used here for convenience, to mean the planting unit that we got from the lab. Details of the three plantings are given in Table 1. We planted more wild celery than the other species in 1999 and 2000, because we expected it to grow better since it already had healthy beds in the outer cove of Shallow Creek. However, since most of what survived from the 1999 and 2000 plantings was redhead grass, we planted this species alone in 2001. We changed the planting density from 25 shoots/m2 in 1999 to 64 shoots/m2 in 2000 and 2001. In 1999, the 25 shoots were spread over 5 rows of 5 plants each in a 1 m × 1 m square, but we found that these squares were too large for one person to plant without moving. Once the person planting moved, they tended to lose track of where they had planted already, since the water was too murky to see the plants. In 2000 and 2001, we planted 16 shoots in 4 rows of 4 plants each in a 0.5 m × 0.5 m square (0.25 m2), which allowed the person planting to install a whole square without moving. We planted every other square so the areal density (including the two unplanted squares) was 32 shoots/m2. The advantage of planting every other square is that it makes it easier to do the planting without trampling other plants, and it allows room for natural spread. Table 1. Planting dates, number of shoots by species, and other details. PLANTING DATES NUMBER OF SHOOTS by species EXCLOSURES? SHOOT DENSITY (per m2) MONITORING DATES (months post-planting) 6/22–23/99 1200 Va 400 Ppf 400 Ppc No 25 1, 12 6/27–28/00 2000 Va 1000 Ppf 1000 Ppc Yes 64 3, 14, 25, 37 9/5/01 600 Ppf Yes 64 11, 23 Planting was done by hand at low tide in shallow water, so that planters did not need SCUBA or snorkels, and did not have to put their heads underwater. This limits how many shoots can be planted per day, and it would make it very hard to plant if a wind-driven tide made the low tide higher than usual. No anchors were used since there was little wave energy. For the bare root shoots, the person planting excavated a hole with their fingers, placed the roots in it, and pressed the sediment around it, similar to the single shoot method described for eelgrass (Zostera marina) by Orth et al. (1999a). The peat pots were planted the 51 Bergstrom same way except that sometimes a trowel was used to excavate the hole. The side of the pot was split before it was planted to reduce the chance that the plant would become root bound in the container. This method is similar to the peat pot method described for use with eelgrass by Fonseca et al. (1998) except that the sago pondweed that we planted in peat pots had been grown in the pots, while the eelgrass planted by this method was field harvested as plugs and placed in the peat pots just before planting. The rectangular exclosures used in 2000 and 2001 were placed with their long axis perpendicular to the shore, so the planting depth at low tide ranged from 0.4 m at the shallow end to 0.8 m at the deep end. Typical Secchi depths near the planting sites were 0.45 to 0.55 m, far less than the 1 m or more that is desirable to allow SAV to grow to 1 m depth or more, so we planted in relatively shallow water. In Chesapeake Bay, SAV generally grows as deep as the growing season median Secchi depth (Batiuk et al. 1992). Planting in shallow water also made planting easier, because many people cannot comfortably plant using this method in water more than about 0.6 m (2 ft) deep (unless they have long arms). Exclosures were each about 4 m x 11 m and made out of 1.45 m (4 ft) high plastic fencing with 5 cm (2 in) openings, attached to 3.8 cm (1.5 in) diameter PVC poles with black cable ties. The exclosures were small enough to discourage waterfowl from landing inside (as they have no top). We removed the fencing around the 2000 plants about 26 months after planting, and plan to remove the fencing around the 2001 plants in 2004. We found that some plastic fencing lasted much longer than others. We found that flat plastic “warning” or “safety” fencing with oval openings did not last well (the top rows tore) and it also became weighed down with barnacles on the wider areas of the plastic. Thicker plastic warning fencing with diamond mesh did not get as many barnacles, but the top part became very brittle where it was exposed to light, after as little as 8 months. Green plastic garden fencing with square openings (made by Tenax Corp.) seemed to last longer than other types, lasting about two years before it became brittle. We planted in two areas within the creek in 1999 and 2000. One was on the main creek, upstream from the former railroad bed that was built across the mouth of the creek. We did most of the 1999 and 2000 planting here, and also all of the 2001 planting. It had firmer sediments with lower organic matter than the other site. The second was in the Outer Cove, which is outside the former railroad bed, where smaller numbers of plants were planted in 1999 and 2000. The sediments here were almost too soft to hold the plants, and there was also broken glass present that made hand planting dangerous. We chose this cove because it had very small natural beds of sago pondweed, and larger beds of wild celery, on the side of the cove across from where we planted. Figure 1 shows the locations of the planting areas and the natural beds. Planting was done in June in 1999 and 2000, and in September 2001. The species we planted are normally planted in the spring in Chesapeake Bay, although we know of no tests done to compare the survival of spring and fall planting for the three species planted. The smaller September 2001 planting was added to the original plans because there were some funds left from 2000, plants were available from AACC, and it was apparent that most of the surviving plants at that point were redhead grass. 52 Species Selection, Success and Costs of SAV Planting USACE funding paid for plants and materials only. Planting was done by state and Federal agency staff on work time and a few volunteers, and monitoring was done by USFWS and AACC staff. Figure 1 Dredged Channel Main creek (’99, ’00, ’01) Natural Va beds Outer Cove (‘99, ‘00) Figure 1. Map of Shallow Creek showing the two planting sites, and the location of natural wild celery (Va) beds and the channel that was dredged. Monitoring was done at 1 and 12 months after the June 1999 planting. Since coalescence of plants did not occur, results are presented as percent survival of shoots. Monitoring was done at 3, 14, 25, and 37 months after the June 2000 planting, and 11 and 23 months after the September 2001 planting (Table 1). When we monitored survival in the same year in which we planted, we were able to track the survival of individual shoots. However, due to coalescence of the plants that survived and spread after both plantings, this was not possible in the following year and in subsequent years. On our visits one and two years after planting we visually estimated the percent cover of the whole exclosure (about 4 m × 11 m) by species, using the method of Paine (1981) as modified by Orth et al. (2003b). Since we did not estimate percent cover visually at the time of planting, we estimated the starting percent cover based on the planting design. Because we planted every other square in 2000 and 2001, we assumed the starting percent cover over all species in those years was 50%, assuming there was 100% cover within each planted square. In 2000, the starting percent cover that we used for wild celery was 25% (because they made up half of the plants) and 12.5% each for redhead grass and sago pondweed (because they each made up one- quarter of the plants). Percent cover after 3 months in 2000 was estimated by multiplying the percent survival of shoots by the initial percent cover. We reported this 53 Bergstrom visually estimated percent cover as our measure of plant survival over time for the 2000 and 2001 planting. Shoot length was measured only on one visit, in September 2000, so it could not be compared over time, and is not reported here. The estimated cost for the in-kind labor used the $550/day cost that USFWS used for putting a biologist in the field, assuming that each person who did planting devoted a half day including travel time. Most of those helping worked in the Baltimore or Annapolis area, within an hour of the planting site by car. We calculated this cost per shoot (including materials costs) and multiplied this cost by typical numbers of shots/acre for large scale plantings, to estimate the cost to plant an acre by this method. We were unable to estimate monitoring costs per acre because we did not keep detailed records on the time spent monitoring, and we also do not know how long it would take to monitor an area that large. RESULTS Water Quality Table 2 shows that surface salinity varied from 2.5 to 15 ppt, while Secchi depth was less variable, from 0.45 to 0.85 m. This shows that SAV growing in Shallow Creek in these years needed to be able to tolerate a wide range of salinity, from oligohaline (0.5–5 ppt) to mesohaline (5–18 ppt). The relatively low Secchi depths (median 0.55 m) show why we had to plant in relatively shallow water. Table 2. Surface salinity and Secchi depth in Shallow Creek, 1998–2003 (nd–no data). DATE SALINITY (ppt) SECCHI (m) 8/15/98 6/22/99 7/30/99 10/21/99 6/27/00 8/2/00 9/27/00 8/15/01 9/5/01 8/8/02 9/26/02 8/7/03 5 7 11 10 nd 5 10 8 nd 10 15 2.5 0.7 0.8 0.55 0.8 nd 0.45 0.85 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.55 0.45 Median 9.0 0.55 NOTES 10 months before first planting first planting (also on 6/23) one month after planting all SAV had died back second planting (also on 6/28) 3 months after second planting third planting, 14 months after second planting 25 months after second planting most SAV had died back 37 months after second planting Survival of Planted SAV June 1999 Planting Plants in this first planting were unfenced (no exclosures). One month after planting, between 42% and 73% of the shoots had survived (overall mean 52%), but there were signs of grazing. There was also competition with Eurasian watermilfoil at the Outer Cove site. We did not find any of these plants in 2000, and we put some of the new plants in 2000 in the same areas where we had planted in 1999. We found about 10% of the 1999 redhead grass plants in 2001, near the exclosures we had planted in 2000. We concluded that small 54 Species Selection, Success and Costs of SAV Planting plantings in this creek had to be fenced, so we fenced the plantings that we did in 2000 and 2001. June 2000 Planting Figure 2 shows the percent cover over time of these plants, using mean percent cover over the four exclosures. In late September 2000, three months after planting, the percent cover of redhead grass shoots and wild celery shoots had fallen only slightly from the starting values, but percent cover of sago pondweed shoots was about half of the starting value (Figure 2). In August and September 2001, 14–15 months after planting, we found that redhead grass had expanded to cover more of the bottom than we had planted (expanding from 12.5% to 62% cover), while wild celery percent cover was about the same as the original plant cover, and very little sago pondweed had survived (Figure 2). In general, the deeper ends of each exclosure had more plants than the shallower ends, probably due to grazing (see Discussion). 100 Figure 2 % cover over exclosure 90 80 70 Va Ppc Ppf 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time after June 2000 planting (mo) Figure 2. Mean percent cover by species of SAV planted in Shallow Creek in June 2000, averaged over the four exclosures used. In August 2002, 25 months after planting, redhead grass percent cover had fallen to 40% averaged over all four exclosures, but all of the plants were in the three exclosures on the main creek, where they had spread to small areas outside the fences. Redhead grass did not survive as well in the fourth exclosure in the Outer Cove, covering only 1%. Wild celery had an overall mean of 21% cover, slightly less than the starting cover, and a few of the plants had formed seeds. No sago pondweed was found. As we found after 14 months, survival was better at the deeper end of each exclosure after 25 months. In August 2001 some of the fences had fallen down and there were cropped plants at the shallow ends of the exclosures. 55 Bergstrom We repaired the fences on that visit and a month later there were new shoots in the shallows of those exclosures. Salinity in the creek reached 15 ppt (by refractometer) on 9/26/02, when most of the redhead grass and all of the wild celery had died back. We removed the fencing on the exclosures from 2000 on this visit, but left the poles in place. In August 2003, 37 months after planting and after about a year without fencing, the situation had changed. Almost all of the redhead grass was gone (0.5% cover) but the percent cover of wild celery had increased slightly from the previous year (Figure 2). September 2001 Planting In August 2002, 11 months after planting, the whole exclosure was full of redhead grass, or twice as much cover as was present at planting. There was also some spread of redhead grass beyond the planted area. A month and a half later on 9/26/02, salinity in the creek reached 15 ppt by refractometer, and most of the redhead grass had died back. In August 2003, 23 months after planting, percent cover of redhead grass had fallen to 50%, or half of what it was a year before, and about the same as it was at planting. The fences were left up and will be removed in spring 2004. Costs The estimated costs by year for 1999–2001 suggest that larger plantings are more efficient, since the largest planting had the lowest cost per unit planted. The estimated planting costs by year were: 1999: Total cost $12,700 for 2,000 shoots ($6.35/shoot) Plants & materials $2,800 (no fencing) Labor $9,900 (in kind, 18 person-days @ $550) 2000: Total cost $18,100 for 4,000 shoots ($4.50/shoot) Plants & materials $6,000 (added fencing) Labor $12,100 (in kind, 22 person-days @ $550) 2001: Total cost $3,950 for 600 shoots ($6.60 /shoot) Plants & materials $650 Labor $3,300 (in kind, 6 person-days @ $550) Translating these costs per shoot into a cost per acre depends on how many shoots are planted per acre. There is no consensus on how many shoots are required to consider an acre has been “planted” with SAV. For example, the current Wilson Bridge mitigation plantings in the Potomac River have an average density of 7,500 shoots/acre (2-foot spacing), while tests of Jim Anderson’s SAV planting boat done in Maryland in summer 2003 planted single shoots of wild celery at twice that density, 15,000 shoots per acre. 56 Species Selection, Success and Costs of SAV Planting Using that range of density, 7,500–15,000 per acre, the range of costs per planted shoot documented in this project would result in costs of between $33,750 and $99,000 per planted acre. Costs per hectare would be 2.47 times higher, or between $83,362 and $244,530 per planted hectare. DISCUSSION The range of planting costs documented in this study included the cost per acre for collection, preparation, and installation of seagrasses found by Fonseca et al. (2002), which was $45,000 per acre. However, they found this was only 18% of the total project cost, which they estimated was $245,000 per acre, with 59% of the total spent on monitoring (Fonseca et al. 2002). Unfortunately, costs for larger scale SAV planting using a machine in Chesapeake Bay are not yet available, since the one published study focused on survival rather than cost (Fishman et al. 2004). The high salinity (up to 15 ppt) in Shallow Creek during the drought in 2002 could have limited the growth of wild celery that year. Redhead grass survived at 15 ppt in 2002 in the Magothy River, the next tributary south of the Patapsco on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay, but wild celery did not grow well. In 2002 the small beds of wild celery in the Magothy on South Ferry Point were partly brown and smaller than in previous years (pers. obs.). Grazing by waterfowl appeared to limit SAV growth, either when fencing on the exclosures was partly down, or after it was removed. Mute swans, Canada geese, and mallards were all seen in Shallow Creek on several visits (pers. obs.). We did not observe birds eating plants but did find cropped plants in August 2001 that had new growth a month later after fencing was repaired. The much higher survival of wild celery after the fencing was removed, compared to redhead grass, could be due to a preference of the grazing waterfowl for redhead grass over wild celery. The persistent natural wild celery beds in this creek, with several species of waterfowl present, suggest that they may not graze it heavily. Direct observations are needed on the feeding preferences of waterfowl on different SAV species, studying the preferences of mute swans in particular. Bet-hedging (by planting multiple species at the same place and time) was useful in this case because we found that a species that did not grow naturally in the creek, redhead grass, grew better over the first two years than two species that grew there naturally, wild celery and sago pondweed. This difference in survival among the three species may have been partly due to the high salinity in the planting years due to drought. Although the well-established natural wild celery beds in the creek were apparently able to tolerate the elevated salinity, it may be that the added stress of transplanting made it hard for the transplanted wild celery to survive. Sago pondweed should be able to tolerate salinity higher than what was found in Shallow Creek, but it generally has not survived well when transplanted in mesohaline waters of Chesapeake Bay, so its poor survival was probably not related to the high salinity. The decline of redhead grass and persistence of wild celery that we found three years after planting, one year after the fencing was removed, may have been due to more grazing on redhead grass, as discussed above. 57 Bergstrom ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to Mike Norman, AACC, for help with project planning, monitoring, and planting, USACE Baltimore District for funding for plants and materials, federal & state Agency staff and citizens who did the planting each year, USFWS and AACC for boats and staff support, and AACC (Mike Norman) and NPMC (Jen Kujawski) for growing the plants. Thanks also to Steve Ailstock, Mike Norman, Jen Kujawski, Mark Mendelsohn, Mark Fonseca and Jud Kenworthy for reviewing the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Batiuk RA, Orth RJ, Moore KA, Dennison WC, Stevenson JC, Staver LW, Carter V, Rybicki NB, Hickman RE, Kollar S, Bieber S, Heasly P. 1992. Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitat Requirements and Restoration Targets: A Technical Synthesis. Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. CBP/TRS 83/92, 248 pp. Chesapeake Bay Program. 1995. Guidance for Protecting Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay from Physical Disruption. Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. EPA 903-R-95-013, CBP/TRS139/95. 29 pp. Available online: Fishman JR, Orth RJ, Marion S, Bieri J. 2004. A Comparative Test of Mechanized and Manual Transplanting of Eelgrass, Zostera marina, in Chesapeake Bay. Restoration Ecology 12: 214–219 Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Thayer GW. 1998. Guidelines for the conservation and restoration of seagrasses in the United States and adjacent waters. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Decision Analysis Series No. 12. NOAA Coastal Ocean Office, Silver Spring, MD. Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Julius BE, Shutler S, Fluke S. 2002. Chapter 7: Seagrasses. Handbook of Ecological Restoration, Vol. 2, M. R. Perrow & A. J. Davy, eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Harwell MC, Orth RJ. 2002. Long-distance dispersal potential in a marine macrophyte. Ecology 83(12): 3319–3330. Orth, RJ, Harwell MC, Fishman JR. 1999a. A rapid and simple method for transplanting eelgrass using single, unanchored shoots. Aquatic Botany 64: 77–85. Orth RJ, Nowak JF, Wilcox DJ, Whiting JR, Nagey LS. 1999b. Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and the Coastal Bays–1998. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 140. Available online: Orth RJ, Fishman RJ, Harwell MC, Marion SR. 2003a. Seed-density effects on germination and initial seedling establishment in eelgrass Zostera marina in the Chesapeake Bay region. Marine Ecology Progress Series 250: 71–79. Orth RJ, Wilcox DJ, Nagey LS, Owens AL, Whiting JR, Serio A. 2003b. 2002 Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays . VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 139. Available online: Paine DP. 1981. Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation for Resource Management. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York City, NY. 571 pp. Smart RM, Dick GO. 1999. Propagation and Establishment of Aquatic Plants: A Handbook for Ecosystem Restoration Projects. Technical Report A-99-4, US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station. Accessed from <> Stearns,SC. 2000. Daniel Bernoulli (1738): evolution and economics under risk. J. BioSci. 25: 221–228. USEPA. 2003. Technical Support Document for Identification of Chesapeake Bay Designated Uses and Attainability. USEPA Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. EPA 903-R-03-004. Online at: PB: NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, 410 Severn Ave. Suite 107A, Annapolis, MD 21403. E-mail 58 USING TERFS AND SITE SELECTION FOR IMPROVED EELGRASS RESTORATION SUCCESS F.T. Short, R.C. Davis, B.S. Kopp, J.L. Gaeckle & D.M. Burdick ABSTRACT Techniques are being developed to try to offset losses of eelgrass, Zostera marina L. by transplanting and seeding. For eelgrass restoration, both site selection and transplanting method are critical to achieve success at the lowest possible cost. In the northeastern U.S., we have developed a model for choosing sites that will most likely sustain eelgrass after restoration. The site selection model is now being configured in a GIS format that will produce maps showing the optimum restoration areas. The high cost of restoring eelgrass beds in subtidal environments, and the difficulty in protecting transplants from various bioturbating organisms, led us to develop a new method not requiring SCUBA. “Transplanting Eelgrass Remotely with Frame Systems” (TERFS) is a modification of bare-root transplanting methods. Eelgrass shoots are attached with biodegradable ties to weighted wire frames that provide protection from uprooting and bioturbation. The TERFS are then deployed from any small boat. After three to five weeks, the frames are retrieved and ready for reuse, leaving behind dense patches of eelgrass. We tested TERFS first in the Great Bay Estuary, NH and again in New Bedford Harbor, MA; in both cases the TERFS method was successful. The ease and success of this technique provides a restoration approach that can involve citizen volunteers. More importantly, it significantly reduces the cost of eelgrass restoration, $3.04 per planting unit vs. $5.28 per planting unit for the earlier horizontal rhizome method. In addition to costing less, the TERFS method provided a higher level of initial survival, and 75% of sites transplanted with TERFS were successful after one year. INTRODUCTION Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) meadows provide a wide array of ecological functions that are important for maintaining healthy estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Eelgrass meadows form a basis of primary production that supports ecologically and economically important species. Over the last two decades, eelgrass populations have declined due to pollution associated with increased human populations, as well as other human-induced and natural disturbances. Because of the critical role eelgrass habitat plays in estuarine and coastal systems, efforts are underway to prevent further losses and, more recently, to restore eelgrass populations to historic distributions. However, once eelgrass cover is lost, physical and biological site characteristics may change. Most notably, declines in water quality commonly prevent success of restoration efforts. Other changes can prevent natural recolonization of historic eelgrass sites even when water quality is adequate (Dennison et al. 1993). Transplanting can establish eelgrass habitat decades before natural processes might permit recolonization. Eelgrass transplanting has been used to restore habitat as well as to mitigate for eelgrass loss or damage (Fonseca et al. 1998, Short et al. 2002a). Selection of transplanting sites is probably the most critical step in any eelgrass restoration. A site selection model was developed that synthesizes available historic data and literature, data from reference sites, simple field measurements, and test transplants to identify and prioritize locations for large-scale eelgrass transplanting (Short et al. 2002a, Short and Burdick 2005). Development of our site selection model was based on the physical and biological characteristics associated with the most successful transplants sites in a mitigation project in New Hampshire and a restoration effort in Massachusetts. If resources are not 59 Short, Davis, Kopp, Gaeckle & Burdick available for a complete site selection model analysis, an assessment of the depth range in which eelgrass grows and a test transplanting study will provide some of the critical information needed to identify successful transplant sites. Many methods have been developed to restore degraded seagrass habitat or to mitigate damage to seagrass beds. Although some work is being done to restore seagrasses from seed (Harwell and Orth 1999, Granger et al. 2000), the most widely used and most consistently effective methods involve transplanting seagrass shoots from healthy donor beds (Fonseca et al. 1998, Short et al. 2002a). Because transplanting is labor intensive and often requires heavy reliance on SCUBA, these methods are very costly. We have developed and tested a less expensive eelgrass restoration method that simultaneously transplants and protects eelgrass shoots without the need for SCUBA, using remotely deployed wire frames. We named the method “Transplanting Eelgrass Remotely with Frame Systems” or TERFS1. The TERFS method was used to meet the objectives of an eelgrass habitat restoration project in New Bedford Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts (USA). New Bedford Harbor is an estuary contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and heavy metals (particularly copper) from years of industrial discharge. The TERFS method allowed us to transplant eelgrass while avoiding direct contact with these sediments. Additionally, the wire frame of the TERFS provided structure that acted as caging of newly transplanted shoots, protecting them from bioturbating organisms. The use of TERFS also allowed us to build community support for the project by involving citizen volunteers in TERFS preparation and deployment (Burdick-Whitney and Short 2002, Short et al. 2002c). METHODS The site selection model determines the best areas for eelgrass transplanting (Short et al. 2002a, Short and Burdick 2005). A Preliminary Transplant Suitability Index (PTSI) is first calculated based on available data from the literature and project reports for the estuary; the PTSI identifies areas with sufficient potential to merit test transplanting. In New Bedford Harbor, twenty potential sites were test transplanted with TERFS in 1998. Then a final Transplant Suitability Index (TSI) was calculated. The TSI uses a combination of the PTSI, the success of the test transplants, and measured eelgrass growth and nitrogen content of eelgrass leaf tissue to further refine the choice of transplanting sites. In New Bedford, we narrowed the potential restoration areas from twenty to four sites with the TSI (Short et al. 2002b). Full scale transplanting of a total of 4 acres of eelgrass using TERFS at these four sites in 1999 was the first major test of the site selection model. TERFS is an eelgrass transplanting method that is a modification of the horizontal rhizome method (HRM) developed by Davis and Short (1997). The HRM is a bare root transplanting method using two overlapping, opposed shoots (a “planting unit” or PU) stapled to the bottom with a bamboo skewer on 0.5m centers. A large restoration project in Great Bay Estuary, NH was completed in 1995; 7 acres of eelgrass were transplanted using 1 TERFS: the acronym itself (not the method) is registered as a trademark of the University of New Hampshire. The method may be used by anyone, with an acknowledgment of the trademark to UNH. 60 TERFS and Site Selection for Eelgrass HRM. All of the planting required caging around the transplanted plots to reduce crab damage and planting was done with SCUBA; while expensive, the project met its success criteria (including 50% long-term survival; Short et al. 2000) established at the beginning of the project, and much of the eelgrass persists today. In the TERFS method, opposing pairs of eelgrass shoots are attached with biodegradable ties to rubber-coated wire frames (Fig. 1). Twenty-five pairs of plants (or PUs) are tied to each frame 5 cm apart (Short et al. 2002c). The frame, which is weighted with bricks and deployed from a boat, presses the eelgrass rhizomes into the top centimeter of substrate (Fig. 2). The weighted wire frame acts to hold the new transplants in place while they take root, and also to protect the eelgrass shoots from bioturbating organisms. After a period of about one month (depending on the season), eelgrass shoots have rooted, and the frame is removed. The frame can then be used again. The technique creates a 0.25 m2 patch of eelgrass at the relatively high shoot density of 200 m-2(Fig. 3). A detailed description of the TERFS methodology is available on a CD, “Using TERFS for Community-based Eelgrass Restoration” (Burdick-Whitney and Short 2002) which includes a downloadable manual, A Manual for Community-Based Eelgrass Restoration (Short et al. 2002c), or the manual may be obtained as a pdf from the first author. Figure 1. A weighted wire mesh frame with eelgrass attached; the Transplanting Eelgrass with Remote Frame Systems (TERFS) method. Preliminary testing of the TERFS method was conducted in 1996 at a site in Broad Cove in the Great Bay Estuary, NH. Donor shoots were harvested from an intertidal eelgrass bed at Gerrish Island, ME within the same estuarine system. Eelgrass was previously transplanted in Broad Cove using the HRM, but failed due to problems with bioturbation by clam worms (Davis 1999). Bioturbation in this context is the disturbance of plants by living creatures. One year after transplanting with TERFS, all four created eelgrass areas persisted and had increased four times in shoot density. 61 Short, Davis, Kopp, Gaeckle & Burdick Figure 2. TERFS immediately after being placed on the sediment surface. Figure 3. Eelgrass patches created by TERFS, one year after planting. In the summer of 1998, the TERFS method was again tested at three sites in the Great Bay Estuary. In addition, 20 sites were selected for test transplanting in the greater New Bedford Harbor area. Donor beds for the New Bedford trials were located within the study region, and shoots were transplanted within three days of their harvest. At each test site, four TERFS were deployed at least 0.5 m apart. After a period of approximately one month, the TERFS were retrieved and the initial success (percent shoot survival after one month) determined. We compared TERFS with the HRM by planting 12 of the New Bedford test sites using both methods. Similar to the TERFS, the HRM plots consisted of 25 PUs; however, in the HRM, the PUs were on 0.5 m centers in 2 m x 2 m plots. 62 TERFS and Site Selection for Eelgrass Costs were compared between HRM and TERFS. Direct cost comparison is difficult because each method and each project has specific requirements. In both cases, the monitoring costs represent a post-planting assessment of eelgrass survival one month after transplanting plus measurements after one full year of canopy structure, biomass, and habitat function (fish use, benthic infauna and epibenthic community). Administrative costs were included and represent actual salaries and wages, including costs for design and implementation of each project. RESULTS Our results showed the TERFS method to be highly effective in creating eelgrass patches, even at sites where conventional transplanting had previously failed (Table 1). One month survival of eelgrass planted using the TERFS method in the Great Bay Estuary in 1998 ranged from 53% to 86% at various sites (Table 1). Initial survival of TERFS in New Bedford Harbor in 1998 ranged from 47% to 83%, with three of eight sites having at least 80% one month survival. Comparison of initial survival between the TERFS and HRM at twelve sites in New Bedford Harbor showed that all twelve TERFS sites survived, while only four of the twelve HRM sites had eelgrass survival. Eelgrass survival using the HRM exceeded survival using TERFS at only one site. In the full transplanting in New Bedford Harbor, 75% of sites using TERFS were successful after one year. Table 1. Outcomes of eelgrass transplanting with TERFS in the Great Bay Estuary (NH) and New Bedford Harbor (MA) study sites. Initial survival is a measure of shoots one month after transplanting. *Test transplanting, four TERFS per site. SITE Great Bay Estuary 1998* Broad Cove INITIAL SUCCESS OUTCOME ONE YEAR SUCCESS — 4x increase in density Great Bay Estuary 1998* Broad Cove Bellamy River Schiller 86% 53% 71% — — — New Bedford Harbor 1998* Buzzards Bay Site 20 New Bedford Site 1 New Bedford Site 5 New Bedford Site 8 Dartmouth Site 6 Dartmouth Site 18 Fairhaven Site 16 Fairhaven Site 3 Fairhaven 80% 50% 47% 83% 47% 81% 48% 52% — — — — — — — — — 75% New Bedford Harbor 1999 4 acres transplanted (full scale transplanting) 63 Short, Davis, Kopp, Gaeckle & Burdick We applied the site selection model (Short et al. 2002a) to the restoration sites in New Bedford Harbor. The PTSI indicated ten sites for further analysis and test transplanting. Of those ten sites, the TSI identified four as preferred locations for full-scale eelgrass transplanting. Of those four sites, three were successful, producing our 75% success. The one site that failed was heavily impacted by a bloom of Codium fragile that drifted over the transplant area and smothered the eelgrass. Costs were compared between the HRM and TERFS eelgrass transplanting methods on a “per planting unit” basis (Table 2). A planting unit consists of two shoots of eelgrass. Collecting plants from the donor site costs the same in both cases: $0.19 per planting unit. Monitoring and administration costs were also the same for each method. Equipment was more expensive for the HRM than for the TERFS method since SCUBA equipment is required: $0.78 as opposed to $0.55. The HRM also had the cost of caging, at $0.42 per planting unit. TERFS do not require caging, so that cost is avoided. The major difference in cost between HRM and TERFS is in the actual transplanting. Transplanting with HRM using SCUBA costs $2.39 per planting unit while transplanting without SCUBA with TERFS costs only $0.80 per planting unit. In total, the cost per planting unit for HRM is $5.28 while for TERFS it is $3.04. On a per acre basis, HRM costs $79,200 and TERFS costs $45,600. All costs are expressed in 1998 dollars (US). The calculations for both methods are based on transplanting 15,000 planting units per acre, which for TERFS means deploying 600 frames per acre. We are conducting experiments to determine the best pattern for deploying the TERFS on the bottom to maximize large scale restoration success. Table 2. Costs of HRM and TERFS eelgrass transplanting methods on a “per planting unit” basis. A planting unit consists of two shoots of eelgrass. All costs are expressed in 1998 dollars (US). METHOD HRM TERFS Collecting plants from the donor site Monitoring Administration Equipment Additional caging Actual transplanting $0.19 0.70 0.80 0.78 0.42 2.39 $0.19 0.70 0.80 0.50 0.00 0.80 Total cost per planting unit $5.28 $3.04 $79,200 $45,600 On a per acre basis DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Choosing the site for eelgrass transplanting is the step that makes the difference between success and failure of the restoration effort; site selection deserves detailed assessment and analysis. For restoration as part of compensatory mitigation and most other transplanting or seeding operations, a rigorous quantitative site selection model should be applied (Short et al. 2002a). In the case of volunteer-based restoration activities, determining the depth range of eelgrass growth and test transplanting can suffice. The use of test transplants is 64 TERFS and Site Selection for Eelgrass recommended for any eelgrass restoration activity, because it provides the most absolute method of evaluating all the water quality and other physical and biological conditions that may limit restoration success at a particular site. If test transplants survive and spread, there is a high likelihood that full-scale transplanting efforts will be successful. Ideally, test transplant success should be judged a full year, or at least full growing season, after planting to achieve the most reliable habitat evaluation. The TERFS technique provides an ideal, quick and inexpensive methodology for test transplanting. Because the TERFS are easy to deploy at any site and provide replicate transplant shoots for evaluation, they can be used by any group interested in evaluating restoration potential of an area. SCUBA is not required in using TERFS, which reduces the cost and eliminates safety and liability issues arising in most other transplant methods. The cost of seagrass transplanting can be greatly reduced using TERFS. Transplanting with TERFS can be done at a lower cost per planting unit than other bare root methods. The one acre costs of $79,200 for HRM and $45,600 for TERFS clearly shows the lower cost of using the TERFS method. However, the relatively low cost of TERFS can be substantially further reduced by using volunteer labor (Fig. 4). Much of the eelgrass collection and sorting (see Davis and Short (1997) for collection method), the attaching of eelgrass shoots to the planting frames, and the monitoring can be done by community volunteers (BurdickWhitney and Short, 2002), cutting the overall cost of a TERFS transplanting effort by almost half. Figure 4. Citizen volunteers attaching eelgrass shoots to TERFS transplanting frames. 65 Short, Davis, Kopp, Gaeckle & Burdick Additionally, the TERFS have the advantage of providing a self-caging structure, creating protection from bioturbation. A wide variety of bioturbating organisms, from worms to swans, have been identified in relation to seagrasses (Short et al. 2002a). Often areas that have lost their eelgrass are difficult to restore due to bioturbation; new transplants are disturbed by crabs, clam worms, lobsters, horseshoe crabs, rays, or snails. Bioturbation can be a major challenge, and caging is often required to exclude these animals while the eelgrass gets established. TERFS, with the wire frame that surrounds the transplanted shoots, eliminates the need for additional caging and provides their own protection. By the time the frame is removed, the eelgrass is established well enough to deter most organisms, or at least survive most bioturbation problems. No staples or other debris are left behind after the TERFS planting. The frames are retrieved from the planting area, cleaned, dried and reused. Additionally, TERFS can be used in contaminated areas or in conditions unsuitable for diving. Since the frames are deployed and retrieved from a boat or by wading, SCUBA is not needed. Creating eelgrass beds in these areas will accelerate the process of sediment accumulation and the burial of contaminated bottom layers. Restoration using TERFS and volunteer workers can be very effective because it provides inexpensive labor, educates community groups, and creates advocates for the coastal environment. In New Bedford Harbor (MA) and Portsmouth Harbor (NH), we found community volunteers from a wide age span to be very capable, under the direction of a scientist or graduate student, of participating fully in TERFS transplanting efforts. In Narragansett Bay (RI), Save the Bay is successfully conducting volunteer-based eelgrass restoration efforts using TERFS. Real savings are achieved when volunteer labor is used. Of course, supervision is necessary and food, drink, shade and training must be provided. There is the “front end investment” of phone calls and work with community groups to organize volunteer participation. Overall, community-based restoration efforts are a good way to create a group of knowledgeable advocates for the coastal environment while making eelgrass restoration efforts affordable and more practicable. Beyond this, the involvement of citizen volunteers in an eelgrass restoration effort often attracts local media coverage, spreading the word about coastal habitat issues. The TERFS method creates high density (200 shoots m-2) patches of eelgrass. We have found that eelgrass transplanted in patches is more successful than planting units spaced on the 0.5m centers typical of HRM and other bare root methods. The patches spread because of the eelgrass rhizome growth habit and are more resistant to environmental and biological challenges in the early stages of expansion. Additionally, patches of eelgrass as created by TERFS appear to be more attractive to fish and invertebrates than sparsely spaced planting units (unpublished data). 66 TERFS and Site Selection for Eelgrass In conclusion, all restoration of subtidal habitat is costly. Using the site selection model in conjunction with TERFS is a high-value investment. The site selection model eliminates large scale expenditures at sites that are unlikely to support eelgrass. Once suitable sites are selected, TERFS are a good transplanting method, since they yield greater transplant success than other methods, invite community participation, and cost less. REFERENCES Burdick-Whitney CL, Short FT. 2002. Using TERFS for Community-based Eelgrass Restoration, CD-ROM, Report to the NOAA Restoration Center. Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. Davis RC. Short FT. 1997. Restoring eelgrass, Zostera marina L., habitat using a new transplanting technique: the horizontal rhizome method. Aquatic Botany 59:1-15. Davis RC. 1999. The effect of physical and biological site characteristics on the survival and expansion of transplanted eelgrass (Zostera marina L.). Ph.D. Thesis, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. Fonseca,MS, Kenworthy WJ, Thayer GW. 1998. Guidelines for the Conservation and Restoration of Seagrasses in the United States and Adjacent Waters. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Decision Analysis Series, No. 12. NOAA Coastal Ocean Office, Silver Spring, MD 222 pp. Harwell MC, Orth RJ. 1999. Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) see protection for field experiments and implications for large-scale restoration. Aquatic Botany 64: 54-61 Granger SL, Traver MS, Nixon SW. 2000. Propagation of Zostera marina L. from seed. Chp. 107, pp. 4-5. In C.R.C. Sheppard (ed.) Seas at the Millennium: An Environmental Evaluation. Vol. III, Global Issues and Processes. Pergamon, Amsterdam. Short FT, Burdick DM. 2005. Eelgrass restoration site selection model. CD-ROM and manual. CICEET, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. Short FT, Burdick DM, Short CA, Davis RC, Morgan PA. 2000. Developing success criteria for restored eelgrass, salt marsh and mud flat habitats. Ecological Engineering 15: 239-252. Short FT, Davis RC, Kopp BS, Short CA, Burdick DM. 2002a. Site selection model for optimal transplanting of eelgrass, Zostera marina L., in the Northeastern U.S. Marine Ecology Progress Series 227: 253-267. Short FT, Kopp BS, Gaeckle J, Tamaki H. 2002b. Seagrass ecology and estuarine mitigation: a low-cost method for eelgrass restoration. Proceedings of International Commemorative Sympsium 70th Anniversary of the Japan Society of Fisheries Science. II. Fisheries Science. 68: 1759-1762. Short FT, Short CA, Burdick-Whitney CL. 2002c. A Manual for Community-Based Eelgrass Restoration. Report to the NOAA Restoration Center. Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. 54 pp. FTS, JLG, DMB (Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, University of New Hampshire, 85 Adams Point Road, Durham, NH 03824:; RCD (Exponent, 4 Computer Drive West, Suite 201, Albany, NY 12205); BSK (United States Geological Survey, 196 Whitten Road, Augusta, Maine 04330) 67 ❖ SEAGRASS SCARRING IN TAMPA BAY: IMPACT ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT OPTIONS J.F. Stowers, E. Fehrmann & A. Squires ABSTRACT There is little argument when discussing the value of seagrasses. These areas have extremely high productivity and diversity and are frequented by endangered species such as the manatee. Scarring of seagrass beds, mainly by boat propellers, has occurred throughout Tampa Bay and as a result, many groups have taken steps to document the impacts and regulate access within areas of seagrass coverage. Pinellas County has been active in seagrass protection for over a decade with success in both regulatory and experimental processes. In addition to the seagrass protection ordinance, a study was commissioned to determine if nutrient injection was effective in enhancing regrowth of seagrass into prop scars. Continued cooperation between a coalition of representatives from government, educational institutions and environmental interest organizations as well as user groups from both the recreational and commercial interests will be required for continued success. INTRODUCTION Many studies have been performed documenting the value of seagrasses. These studies have shown the extremely high productivity and diversity of both finfish and shellfish that utilize these areas as both a nursery and refuge. Predator species are naturally drawn to seagrass beds due to the prey species density, which in turn attract sportfishers seeking a challenge. These areas are also frequented by endangered species such as the manatee. It has long been known that scarring of seagrass beds, mainly by boat propellers, has occurred throughout Tampa Bay. As a result, state and local governments, as well as educational institutions have taken steps to document the impacts and regulate access within areas of seagrass coverage. Documentation of the actual damage incurred can be a costly and labor-intensive effort but a combination of aerial photography, photointerpretation, and extensive field verification can result in very accurate estimates of seagrass damage. Seagrass scarring has become more pervasive as more boats are registered and used in the Tampa Bay area. Technical reports by the FDEPFlorida Marine Research Institute indicate that moderate/severe scarring in Tampa Bay averages nearly 30% of the total coverage by seagrass, some of the worst rates in the state (Sargent et al.1995). Other studies have shown that when scarring becomes severe, the majority of the habitat and water quality functions are lost and the whole bed may lose the ability to regenerate and cease to exist (Sargent et al. 1995, Ehringer 1999). Finfish and shellfish production declines, which in turn can severely affect the local commercial harvest economy as well as the recreational fishery. FT. DESOTO SEAGRASS PROTECTION EFFORTS Pinellas County became concerned with seagrass scarring and cumulative impacts due to boat propeller scarring in the mid- to late 1980s. Pinellas County’s initiatives began in 1990 and involved a coalition of regulatory and citizen representatives. These included both commercial and recreational fishing interests. Many meetings were held to discuss the issues to build a consensus about a solid action plan for the Ft. DeSoto area that would build support as well as provide the needed resource protection. The group had reached a 69 Stowers, Fehrmann & Squires consensus by the end of 1991 and an ordinance was drafted and adopted in the beginning of 1992 (Ordinance 92-11, since codified under later iterations in the Pinellas County Code). The ordinance provided that the Ft. DeSoto management area be divided into zones that: • eliminated the use of internal combustion engines (exclusion zones) • allowed use of engines, but imposed penalties for damage to seagrass (caution zones) • required idle speed (allowed for engine use in exclusion zones to gain access to features such as campsites) • had no protection (control areas) The ordinance provided that the zones be clearly marked (Figure 1) and that the County monitor the zones for 5 years to determine the effectiveness of the management plan. The original ordinance also included a “sunset clause” that required it to be renewed each year. This proved to be a non-issue as opposition to the ordinance had disappeared. The sunset clause was removed when the ordinance was renewed in 1993. Figure 1. Typical sign located at area boat ramps and marinas. The County believed that the best course of action was to take low altitude aerial photographs of the Ft. DeSoto Management Area and then have them digitized and interpreted by a seagrass specialist. Aerials were flown in 1992 prior to installation of signs to provide a “baseline.” A second set of aerials was flown in 1992 right after sign installation. Thereafter aerials were flown annually until 2000. 70 Seagrass Scarring in Tampa Bay Dr. Nicholas Ehringer of Hillsborough Community College (HCC) was retained to digitize the aerials and interpret the results. The scar data were field truthed to provide accuracy. The digitized images were downloaded into the County’s Geographic Information System (GIS) (Figure 2). Figure 2. Example map of digitized seagrass scars. RESULTS The scar rate had suffered a large increase prior to the installation of signs in the Caution Zone compared with baseline data. Upon placement of signage in the Management Area (Figure 3), the rate of increase of new scars was considerably reduced in the Caution and Exclusion zones as compared with the control area (Table 1). (Note: it was a reduction of the rate of increase in the early years, not a reduction in the scar rate.) (Ehringer, 2000) The new scar rate remained fairly consistent over the next several years in spite of heavily increased use (according to the perception of frequent users and the Sheriff’s marine unit), apparently due to a proactive public relations campaign and expanded signage at area marinas. The scar rate in the Caution Zone peaked in 1996 at the same time that upwards of 35% of the signs and 50% of the buoys were lost, damaged or relocated due to storms. Buoys disappeared due to anchor failure and many of the signs broke off pilings due to the galvanic 71 Stowers, Fehrmann & Squires reaction between the steel bolts, aluminum signs and bird droppings. This appeared to impact the Caution Zone more than the Exclusion Zone. Figure 3. Example of warning sign. Table 1. Number of scars, before and after installation of signs. Boat restricted Seagrass caution Non-restricted LATE SUMMER 1992 SIGNS INSTALLED SPRING 1993 93 98 19 167 216 66 FALL 1993 SCARS NEW SCARS 207 262 123 40 46 57 It is believed that the new sign attachment method and the replacement of buoys with pilings beginning in 1997 had resulted in a downward shift of the scar rate due to more complete informational coverage. Hiring of full time law enforcement officers with shallow draft boats surely contributed to reduced scarring due to increased officer visibility by the public. Beginning in 1996, both the Caution and Exclusion Zones experienced large reductions in the scar rate. Unfortunately, the scar rate in the unprotected (control) area continued to rise (Figure 4). Keys to Ordinance Success Pinellas County feels that the factors contributing to the success of the program include the need to: • Document the problem thoroughly and highlight the value of the resource. Environmental quality has actual monetary value in addition to its intrinsic value. This can be used to further convince opponents to support the proposed activities. • Avoid assigning blame and “pointing fingers.” Psychological barriers become instantly erected when accusations are leveled at opposing parties. These barriers become increasingly difficult to overcome as discussions progress. 72 Seagrass Scarring in Tampa Bay Figure 4. Linear feet of prop scars, 1993–2000. • Get “buy in” from all users. Get public input early and try to incorporate concerns from the users. Fully explain the goals of the program and how these goals will be measured. • Follow through on “promises” made to users. Failure to perform tasks or agreements will make it nearly impossible to get “buy in” for future projects and could possibly lead to reversal of the ordinance. • Provide feedback to the users. The public as well as the original members of the team must be kept informed of success or failure of the actions as well as possible future decisions. Use the media to promote effectiveness when possible. • Adjust the program based on results. Don’t be afraid to make changes if the data shows it is the prudent thing to do. Additional Research As part of the Howard Park beach renourishment, Pinellas County proposed a replanting/research project as mitigation. The mitigation plan involved the removal of 0.32 acre of seagrass from Fred Howard Park and the transplanting of the seagrass into the Fort Desoto Management area. The transplanted seagrass was placed in prop scars in order to repair boat propeller damage. The plan had several aspects as follows: Area III of Fort Desoto had 48,365 linear feet of prop scars (0.93 acre). In this area nutrients and plant growth regulators were injected into the prop scars to stimulate the growth of new seagrass into existing prop scars without disturbing the grass beds that surrounded the prop scars. Annual photographs of the site taken in the fall of each year were used to ascertain the overall growth of seagrass into the prop scars. In selected sites within the area, small PVC pipes were placed into the prop scars at one-meter intervals. The number of new shoots per meter were compared to linear transects that had not been injected. 73 Stowers, Fehrmann & Squires Approximately 3,000 square feet of seagrass were dug up with sediment from Fred Howard Park and replanted into prop scars at Area V of Fort Desoto. The method of removal involved the digging up of sections of seagrass in squares of 10 inches by 10 inches that included 8 inches of sediment. The seagrass plugs were transported to Fort Desoto in styrofoam boxes and gently placed into prop scars keeping the sediment intact with the rhizomes. For evaluation purposes, transects along the prop scars were set up as in section #1 above. About 10,000 square feet of seagrass at Fred Howard Park were removed by machine. The seagrass was removed from the site with a small backhoe and placed in a strainer to separate the seagrass from the sediment. The seagrass was transported to Fort Desoto in plastic drums that kept the seagrass in fresh marine water. This seagrass was stimulated with plant growth regulators prior to planting by hand in the prop scars. Areas II and VI were the sites for planting the seagrass. The same evaluation system was used for this seagrass as with #1 above. The remaining 939 square feet of seagrass (harvested from floating sprigs) was transplanted into a seagrass nursery that had already been set up in Ruskin. The seagrass in the nursery was stimulated with plant growth regulators to promote new shoots. This seagrass was kept at the nursery and transplanted into sites at Fort Desoto in 1997 and in 1998 into sites where previous plantings had failed. The results indicated that injection of growth hormone and nutrient into scars where no seagrass was planted was the most effective method of growing seagrass. Seagrass transplanted with sediment was inefficient and had a very low survival rate in this particular situation, and planted sprigs exhibited mixed results (Table 2)(Ehringer, 2000). Table 2. Results of replanting/research mitigation project. METHOD Hand transplanted Sediment transplanted Seagrass planter Field nursery Scar injections ORIGINAL (sq. ft.) FINAL (sq. ft.) 500 3,190 3,925 1,000 100 971 3,980 500 26,104 TOTAL 31,655 Future Directions It has been recommended in past studies that we expand protection to include areas not currently under protection (The non-restricted control area and the area east of the island of Shell Key). The County Commission approved this additional protection after the presentation at the Seagrass Conference. (Seagrass protection for the Weedon Island Preserve was added with an ordinance amendment in 1996.) It was also recommended that we reduce the Exclusion Zones and redesignate the areas as Caution Zones based upon the findings that the zones are statistically similar in protecting 74 Seagrass Scarring in Tampa Bay seagrass.1 This redesignation was also approved by the County Commission after the presentation at the Seagrass Conference. This action is consistent with our findings that the ordinance success relies on “adjusting the program” and “following through on promises.” Based upon studies, the Board of County Commissioners redesignated some of the zones and added protective zones effective November 2000. A sign maintenance program and enforcement presence is critical to the long-term success of the protection program. Lack of signs was quoted as one of the main reasons for noncompliance and directly affected the ability of the compliance officers to issue fines for violating the ordinance. A proactive public information campaign is a key to success. The public in general is much more likely to abide by and support the ordinance if they are well informed of the reasons for the ordinance and can visualize the protection zones. It is prudent to research and support seagrass planting and restoration efforts to prevent long term problems. It is a goal of Pinellas County to get new seagrass beds established in areas that should support growth based upon favorable growing conditions but where none currently exist. SUMMARY To help reduce and avoid seagrass degradation, several local governments have undertaken programs to manage the use of the areas to the benefit of both the citizens and the resource. These programs have generated both controversy and praise. Regulators and political figures are placed in the position of trying to form an alliance of users that are many times at odds with each other. Education and compromise is used as well as persuasive arguments to gain consensus on protecting the resource for the long-term benefit of all citizens. There has been much success in the Tampa Bay area but additional initiatives are required if seagrass beds are to thrive. Recent questions have centered on whether the “exclusion zones” should have been redesignated as “caution zones” and whether the “caution zones” could be expanded to now unprotected areas (Redesignation has been approved by the County Commissioners, Figure 5.) In addition, the benefits and drawbacks of seagrass scar repair (injections) and the initiation of new seagrass beds (transplanting) must be addressed. The future approaches to seagrass protection and restoration must be formed by a strong coalition of representatives from government, educational institutions and environmental interest organizations as well as user groups from both recreational and commercial interests. Project costs are always a consideration when planning or implementing seagrass protection or restoration efforts. Pinellas County has made a significant financial investment of over $2 million in seagrass protection efforts. A summary of approximate costs is as follows: Project Costs (since 1992): Aerials Interpretation $10,000/yr – 7 years $15,000/yr – 7 years 75 Stowers, Fehrmann & Squires Staff time Pilings/marking/signs Enforcement: Approx. $100,000 $220,000 1994: $157,000 plus $48,000 start-up costs associated with equipment Approx. $172,000 per year operational costs through FY2002 Figure 5. Shell Key Preserve resource, public use, and aquatic regulatory zones. 76 Seagrass Scarring in Tampa Bay While $2 million is a substantial sum of money, Pinellas County considers this a costeffective means of maintaining healthy seagrass. Restoration efforts are many times more costly than prevention of degradation. A summary of acreage protected is listed below: AREA OF SEA GRASS PROTECTED ACRES Ft DeSoto/Shell Key Shallow Water/Caution Combustion Motor Exclusion 1691 403 Weedon Island Preserve Combustion Motor Exclusion Slow Speed/ Minimum Wake 356 1058 Total Acres Protected (approx.) 3500+ This leads to a figure of approximately $571 per acre of seagrass protected, quite a bargain when compared to seagrass planting and restoration efforts that involve machines, divers, tools and manpower. REFERENCES Ehringer JN. 2000. Results of Analysis of Prop Scar damage at the Fort Desoto Aquatic Habitat Management Area: Film Analysis From1993 to 2000. Hillsborough Community College/Brandon, Tampa, FL Ehringer JN. 2000. Final Report on Seagrass Removal From Fred Howard Park Pinellas County, Florida. Hillsborough Community College/Brandon, Tampa, FL Ehringer JN. 1999. New and Innovative Techniques for Seagrass Restoration. Hillsborough Community College/Brandon, Tampa, FL Sargent FJ, Leary TJ, Crewz DW, Kruer CR. 1995. Scarring of Florida’s Seagrasses: Assessment and Management Options, FMRI Technical Report TR-1. St. Petersburg, FL JFS, EF, AS (Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners, 512 S. Ft. Harrison Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756) 77 ❖ ASSESSMENT OF A CONSTRUCTION-RELATED EELGRASS RESTORATION IN NEW JERSEY P.A X. Bologna & M.S. Sinnema ABSTRACT Dual power cables were installed across a shallow bay in New Jersey in 1999. During construction activities a portion of one of the cables was misaligned and needed to be removed and replaced within the construction corridor. During these activities a significant eelgrass (Zostera marina) loss was recorded. In an attempt to restore the site to pre-construction levels, an experimental seagrass restoration was conducted within the realigned portion of the construction window. Eelgrass and widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) were transplanted in fall 2000 at the site using peat-pot and bundled-stapled planting unit techniques. Initial results in May 2001 showed significant growth and survival of eelgrass (>75%) as well as flowering and seed production for each technique, but minimal growth and survival for widgeon grass (<35%). Subsequently, significant light reduction (>90% ambient) at the site, due to turbidity and brown-tide, produced a hostile environment for the growth and survival of restored eelgrass. As such, by fall 2001 no remaining eelgrass remained on the site. While the lack of long-term restoration success was disappointing, valuable data on restoration timing and technique was gained for coastal New Jersey. INTRODUCTION Seagrass communities are common in coastal tropical and temperate regions as well as portions of the sub-Arctic. Seagrass structure is important in coastal regions because it dampens wave energy and reduces water velocity (Fonseca et al. 1982). The reduction of flow associated with grass beds increases particle deposition (Almasi et al. 1987) and the extensive root-rhizome mat may bind particles, thereby stabilizing sediments (Thayer et al. 1984, Fonseca and Fisher 1986). Seagrass beds, therefore, act as sediment traps and may retain finer sediments than unvegetated regions around them (Orth 1977), thereby reducing turbidity. The overall structure of seagrass communities covers a spectrum of plant species composition and spatial coverage. In general, seagrass habitats are often distributed as a mosaic of vegetated cover interspersed with varying degrees of unvegetated sediments (see Larkum and den Hartog 1989, Robbins and Bell 1994, Marba and Duarte 1995). These habitat mosaics have variable shoot density, species composition, canopy height and plant biomass (Bell and Westoby 1986). Therefore, seagrass habitat architecture can be defined at many spatial and temporal scales (Robbins and Bell 1994), and defining the extent and physical arrangement of the landscape may be essential for addressing ecological questions (Holling 1992, Levin 1992, Bologna and Heck 2002). Degradation of seagrass habitats is occurring worldwide and is a result of direct and indirect human activities (Walker and McComb 1992, Short and Burdick 1996). Consequently, increasing economic development has placed a significant strain on many coastal ecosystems. Direct impacts on these systems include waterfront development, bridge construction, dredging activities for channel maintenance, construction activities related to power and communication cables, as well as recreational use of these waters (e.g., boating impacts). Indirect effects are best exemplified by excessive nutrient and sediment loading from terriginous point and non-point sources (Valiela et al. 1990, Short and Burdick 1996). 79 Bologna & Sinnema In 1996, the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act established guidelines for sustaining the long-term viability of living resources. Within the regulation the Fisheries Management Councils identify essential fish habitat and provide guidelines to minimize negative impacts. Seagrasses have been identified as essential fish habitat. The National Marine Fisheries Service (Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has declared that eelgrass (Zostera marina) is essential habitat for several commercially important species including summer flounder (Paralyichthyes dentatis) and winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus). With the elevation of the habitat status of eelgrass, no net loss of this habitat should occur through direct commercial activities. Since construction activities negatively impact the density and spatial coverage of eelgrass in coastal systems, permitting activities and long-term monitoring are needed to ensure full recovery of submerged aquatic vegetation to pre-impact levels. Unfortunately, during the monitoring phase many sites do not recover in the allocated time frame and as a result, these areas need to be re-vegetated. During the last 20 years great advances have occurred in seagrass restoration/mitigation techniques (see Fonseca et al. 1998). However, no successful examples exist for New Jersey (Reid et al. 1993). Some of these limitations to restoration in New Jersey may relate to timing of field activities and techniques. Existing recommendations for New Jersey restoration efforts suggested that activities should occur during the spring, in accordance with populations located in more northerly habitats. However, in New Jersey’s estuarine waters these recommendations may result in the placement of plants in a highly stressed situation with warm water, poor water clarity, and the potential for overgrowth by algae occurring during the summer (Bologna et al. 2001). Based on previous research (Bologna et al. 2000), a decision was made to perform restoration activities in the fall instead of in the spring. The rationale behind this decision related to cooler water temperatures and increased water clarity (i.e., greater light availability). By initiating restoration efforts in the fall, it was surmised that the plants would have an opportunity to take root before winter storms, propagate through vegetative growth, and take full advantage of the early spring growing season. This would then also include flowering and seed production, both of which are essential to long-term re-establishment of Zostera marina. To assess the relative effectiveness of restoration, an experimental restoration planting occurred utilizing five treatments varying in technique and plant spacing. Four treatments consisted of Z. marina plants alone, while the fifth incorporated a dual planting of Z. marina and Ruppia maritima (widgeon grass). SITE LOCATION AND PROJECT BACKGROUND The restoration project was conducted in Manahawkin Bay, New Jersey, USA (Fig. 1). This was the site of a submerged power cable placement construction project consisting of two cables being laid within a narrow construction window in 1999. The installation of the cables was performed by plow method; however approximately 38 meters of the northern cable was misaligned within the project construction corridor. When the misaligned northern cable began to encroach upon the southern cable construction corridor, construction was stopped and the cable was then removed and aligned in the appropriate location by diver hand-jetting methodology. The disturbance associated with the mislaid 80 Construction-Related Eelgrass Restoration cable was limited to the six-meter wide construction easement. Based upon as-built construction plans, it was calculated that the area impacted by the hand jetting consisted of approximately 0.032 hectare (Fig. 2a). Seaside Heights Barnegat Inlet Manahawkin Bay* Shelter Island Figure 1. Regional map of New Jersey indicating the Restoration Site, Manahawkin Bay. Three donor sites were used in the restoration and include Shelter Island (Zostera marina donor), Barnegat Inlet (Z. marina donor) and Seaside Heights (Ruppia maritima donor). Because this region was vegetated by Zostera marina, submerged aquatic vegetation surveys were conducted pre- and post-construction activities. Surveys indicated a significant loss of eelgrass throughout the project area (Table 1). While the misaligned cable construction activities would account for the loss of eelgrass within this particular area, it was not the probable cause of the complete loss of eelgrass within the project area including control line samples outside of the construction window. Possible causes of eelgrass loss include: 1) a portion could be attributed to the combination of brown-tide (Aureococcus anophagefferens) shading (Schuster et al. 2000) and high temperatures documented during the summer of 1999, which appeared to cause a significant increase in eelgrass wasting disease from another site in the region during this time frame (Bologna et al. 2000); and 2) there have been instances in Little Egg Harbor (1998) where massive amounts of drift algae have smothered eelgrass and entirely eliminated eelgrass biomass (both above and below ground) from healthy eelgrass beds (Bologna et al. 2001). 81 Bologna & Sinnema a 14 m Disturbed Region (0.32 ha) Restoration Planting Area (210m) Experimental Planting Schematic Peat Pot 1m Zostera-Ruppia 1m Stapled 1m Peat Pot 2m b Stapled 2m Figure 2. On-Site Restoration Plan. A: Experimental restoration plot area. Each grid within the plot is 7m x 7m. the disturbed area from cable re-alignment within the construction corridor is cross-hatched and impacted 25 of 60 planting grids. B: Restoration treatment plot identification. Each of the five treatments used in restoration activities is identified in the legend. Specific plot treatments are represented within the planting grid schematic. Table 1. Comparison of eelgrass surveys from pre-construction through post-construction activities (June 1999 through October 2001). Values represent average shoot counts m-2 (± 1 SD) among all surveys for the identified sampling lines. North Construction Corridor represents the region where the northernmost power cable was inserted into the substrate. South Construction Corridor represents the southernmost power cable insertion line. The Control Survey line represents the average of two 9.1m off-set survey lines north and south of the construction lines. NORTH CONSTRUCTION SOUTH CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR 1 CORRIDOR 2 CONTROL OFF-SET LINE Pre-Construction Survey June 1999 50.0 ± 7.6 44.7 ± 5.9 29.3 ± 3.6 Post-Construction Survey September 1999 0 0 0.11 ± 0.33 Post-Construction Survey May 2000 2.8 ± 5.3 12.1 ± 8.7 4.0 ± 4.7 0 0.02 ± 0.15 0.02 ± 0.15 Post-Restoration Survey October 2001 82 Construction-Related Eelgrass Restoration MATERIALS AND METHODS Site Restoration Five experimental Zostera marina planting techniques were used to assess their relative success in a disturbed site in New Jersey. They included: 1) peat-pot planting unit (PU) technique, 1-m spacing; 2) peat-pot PU technique, 2-m spacing; 3) stapled, bundled PU technique, 1-m spacing; 4) stapled, bundled PU technique, 2-m spacing; and 5) Zostera marina-Ruppia maritima mixed planting, peat-pot PU technique, 1-m alternate spacing. These treatments are standard techniques for transplanting submerged aquatic vegetation and are reviewed by Fonseca et al. (1998). The restoration planting area was 2940 m2 (14m × 210m) and coincided with the region disturbed by hand-jetting (Fig. 2a). This region was subdivided into two blocks (east and west) that consisted of thirty 7m × 7m experimental plots (Fig. 2b). Within each block, planting treatments were randomly assigned and replicated six times. Restoration activities commenced on October 11, 2000 and were completed on October 20, 2000. During this time 592 Zostera marina peat-pot PU, 424 Z. marina stapled PU, and 168 Ruppia maritima peat-pot PU were planted. Field conditions were amenable for collection and direct planting on the same day. As a result, PU collection occurred during the morning with subsequent on-site restoration activities being conducted. No planting units were allowed to sit overnight to be used in subsequent days. If additional planting units remained after in-water planting had finished, a diver would take the remaining units and plant them within the region, but outside the identified planting area. To accomplish restoration activities, plant donor sites were identified from previous surveys of submerged aquatic vegetation (Bologna et al. 2000, Bologna unpubl. data). The first site was near Barnegat Inlet in the northern portion of Barnegat Bay and the second was near Shelter Island in Little Egg Harbor (see Fig. 1). These sites were chosen because of their abundant and healthy Zostera marina populations. Both of these sites were similar in proximity to an oceanic inlet and have relatively high tidal flushing rates. Although the removal of Z. marina was a realized impact to the bed, the exceptional health of the donor sites showed that recovery occurred quickly through vegetative re-growth into the open area as well as winter seed recruitment. The collection of Ruppia maritima occurred from a plant population near Seaside Heights (Fig. 1). Spring 2001 Restoration Monitoring During May 2001, surveys were conducted on half of the planted experimental restoration plots (n=30). Fifteen sample restoration plots were sampled from both the east and west blocks. Within each block, each planting technique was assessed by visual identification and enumeration of planting units from three randomly selected plots of each of the five treatments (n=15 samples/block, n=3 samples/technique). Planting success was then determined by calculating the percent survival of planting units and compared among treatments. Since plots were randomly assigned within each matrix and randomly sampled during the monitoring program, data were pooled from both blocks to assess overall treatment success. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with α = 0.05. Percentage data (i.e., percent survival) were arcsine transformed prior to analysis. Subsequently, data 83 Bologna & Sinnema were pooled based on planting technique into either peat-pot or bundled-stapled categories. Data were then analyzed in the above manner to determine whether differences existed in PU survival between primary planting techniques (α = 0.05). Fall 2001 Monitoring The fall 2001 monitoring event was conducted October 8–11, 2001. Two phases of monitoring occurred to determine 1) the overall spatial coverage of submerged aquatic vegetation in the construction region coinciding with original pre- and post-construction surveys, and 2) the relative survival of transplants. Spatial Coverage Survey transects were conducted to compare pre-construction (1999) shoot densities with current (2001) shoot densities. Construction corridor transects were located 6.1m apart and parallel to the cable centerlines, and the offset control transects were spaced 9.1m from and parallel to, the plow transects. Sampling stations were placed at 9.1m intervals along each transect. PVC conduit was set into the substrate at each sample station with a correlating station number for diver/sampler identification. Exact locations were determined by using a Topcon™ Total Station. Quadrats (1 m2) were placed on the bottom by diver, and oriented by compass (N) at each sampling station. The divers proceeded to record coverage data, based upon the number of 25-cm grids (16 total) that contained at least one live stem of seagrass, to determine presence. Additionally, divers detailed and recorded the total count of live seagrass stems within three randomly selected 25-cm grids. These grids were predetermined utilizing a random numbers table. Restoration Monitoring A sample of restoration plots was staked for underwater survey. These restoration plots were previously monitored during the spring 2001 restoration monitoring event. Fifteen plots (three of each experimental treatments) were delineated for survey. During the course of the transect surveys (Spatial Coverage, above), it was apparent that little vegetation was present within the region. Several random transects were also investigated outside of the construction region. These random transects were located to the north of the study area, and similarly contained little to no vegetation. As a result of these in situ observations, only six restoration plots were surveyed in detail to assess whether any planting units remained and included two plots containing the Zostera marina-Ruppia maritima treatments and one plot from the other four treatment combinations containing only Z. marina. Environmental Data Light Availability Data were collected on August 15, 2001 to assess light availability on the site. Using paired Licor® spherical light sensors, ambient light and in-water light values were measured. Sensors were allowed to undergo stabilization and then recorded light values (photosynthetically active radiation). During the time period of collection, a depth of 1.6 meters was recorded. Logged data were then downloaded to a personal computer and a relative light reduction was calculated based on the paired light meter data. Specifically, 84 Construction-Related Eelgrass Restoration percent light available was calculated for each sample pair based on the light intensity in air compared to light intensity in the water at 15 cm from the bottom. Water Temperature From August 15th through September 6th 2001, a temperature data-logger was placed at the site to record water temperature to assess potential detrimental effects of extreme summer temperature on the survival of Zostera marina. It is recognized that extreme temperatures (>30° C) can be lethal to Z. marina. However, even moderate temperature readings (>27° C) may reduce growth. Data were recorded at one-minute intervals for the time period. RESULTS Spring 2001 Monitoring Results from the restoration monitoring indicate considerable survival for each Zostera marina planting technique, with survival greatest for peat-pot PUs (Table 2). While the range of identified survival rates was broad (50–100%), average survival was at or above 75%. For the bundled-stapled PUs, survival rates were greater for the 1m spacing plots compared to the 2m spacing plots (see Table 2). While no significant differences were seen among individual planting treatments (F4,25 = 1.7, P>0.18), pooled analysis comparing the techniques showed that Z. marina survival was significantly greater from treatments using peat-pots compared to bundled-stapled PUs (F1,28= 4.8, P<0.037). While Z. marina survival was substantial, Ruppia maritima survival was relatively low (Table 2). Additionally, while R. maritima PUs had survived, they showed no appreciable growth or expansion beyond the peat pots. Table 2. Restoration technique and planting unit spacing assessment. Values represent the average percent survival of planting units for each of the five planting methodologies used in the study (mean ± 1 SD). The range of survival represents the actual calculated survival rate ranges for planting units in individual plots within each technique. PLANTING METHODOLOGY # PLOTS Peat Pot, 1m spacing Peat Pot, 2m Spacing Bundled, Stapled, 1m spacing Bundled, Stapled, 2m spacing Peat Pot, 1 m spacing, Zostera- Ruppia mix Zostera marina Ruppia maritima 6 6 6 6 6 AVERAGE SURVIVAL RANGE OF SURVIVAL 74% ± 11 77% ± 18 70% ± 15 55% ± 23 59–90% 50–100% 49–90% 19–75% 79% ± 14 35% ± 11 64–100% 29–54% While conducting the planting technique assessment surveys, it was apparent that many of the PUs were undergoing reproduction. Reproductive Zostera marina shoots were common in most PUs and were abundant (>5) in some of the units. While these data were not formally gathered during the survey, observation suggested that significant reproduction, growth, and vegetative expansion had occurred for all Z. marina PUs. 85 Bologna & Sinnema Fall 2001 Monitoring Spatial Coverage During the on-line sampling event in October 2001, little to no live seagrass was encountered (Table 1). In fact, only 3 of the 168 quadrat samples collected contained any Zostera marina, and in each of these cases it was a single, poorly anchored shoot. During the course of this monitoring event, several random transects (n=3) were also investigated outside of the study area. These transects were located to the north of the study area and similarly, contained no vegetation. Restoration Monitoring Based on the information gathered from the May 2001 monitoring, fifteen restoration plots were originally selected to assess long-term PU survival. However, due to the results of the on-line spatial coverage sampling (above), we visually inspected nine of the restoration plots and then randomly selected six restoration plots to be assessed in detail. One plot of each of the four Zostera marina treatments was monitored and two Zostera marina-Ruppia maritima plots were sampled (n=6). Monitoring results showed that no Z. marina planting units survived in any of the treatments. In one of the Zostera-Ruppia plots a single R. maritima growing region was noted, but it is uncertain whether this was a specific restored planting patch or whether this was an incidental colonization of R. maritima from outside the construction area. Our uncertainty revolves around the location of the patch, as it was located in what should have been a Z. marina planting quadrat. It is possible that the spacing of PUs was disrupted in this restoration plot, whereby a R. maritima planting unit was placed incorrectly in the matrix and was observed during the monitoring survey. Regardless, no long-term survival of Z. marina transplants occurred at the site. Environmental Data Light Availability On August 15, 2001, 214 paired light measurements were collected from ambient air and in water at 15 cm above the bottom at a depth of 1.6 meters. Based on these data, photosynthetically active radiation was reduced to 7.66% ambient light (range 3.7–16.2% ambient). This represents a significant reduction in light availability (>90% reduction) at this site and would pose a significant light stress on the plants. Water Temperature Collected water temperature data showed that between August 15 and September 6, 2001, water temperature averaged 25.9°C. However, temperature ranged between 22.6 and 28.6° C. These high summer temperatures may pose a potential threat to both the growth and survival of Zostera marina, but not Ruppia maritima. Brown-tide Sampling conducted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection showed a significant brown-tide (Aureococcus anophagefferens) bloom at the site during 2001. Data presented by Downs-Gastrich at the Barnegat Bay Estuary Program Monitoring Workshop (Downs-Gastrich 2001) showed significant bloom conditions in 2001 from May through July at site 1703C (Manahawkin Bay), which is adjacent to the restoration site. In May 2001, 86 Construction-Related Eelgrass Restoration cell counts of brown-tide organisms were already at Category 3 bloom levels (>200,000 cells/ml) and were greater than 1,000,000 cells/ml. Brown-tide continued to persist at this site through July 5th, with maximum values recorded on June 25th, 2001 when cell counts exceeded 1,800,000 cells/ml (Downs-Gastrich 2001). With this dramatic bloom in browntide organisms, substantial light stress was placed on submerged aquatic vegetation. DISCUSSION During this project substantial data were collected regarding the restoration of seagrasses in New Jersey. While the prediction was made that Zostera marina plantings should occur in the fall, no previous data existed on this. Through the restoration efforts we were able to see significant survival and growth of transplants on the site (Tables 2, 3), and, perhaps more importantly, we saw significant reproduction in those same transplants. Ultimately, successful restoration of any plant community must demonstrate sexual reproduction, and our observations of reproductive shoots bearing seeds in May 2001 demonstrated this. Consequently, these data suggest that for New Jersey, the fall probably represents the optimal conditions for Z. marina transplanting efforts. Despite the resulting loss during the summer due to extrinsic light attenuation at the site, understanding the principles of restoration timing in New Jersey is a key element in future mitigation and restoration efforts. Table 3. Initial planting unit survival comparisons between experimental plots planted outside and within the disturbed cable area. Values represent average survival of planting units for each restoration technique and spacing. Outside Survival represents the average survival of planting units in plots sampled outside of the mislaid (disturbed) cable region, while Within Survival represents the average survival of planting units in the specific region where the cable was moved from the original plow placement to the correct on-line position. The number of individual plots used for each assessment is provided. Only the Peat Pot 2m spacing technique was not equally represented in the Outside-Within comparisons. *Compiled site averages of initial survival comparisons between Outside and Within (P < 0.003). PLANTING METHODOLOGY PLOTS ANALYZED Peat Pot, 1m spacing Peat Pot, 2m spacing Bundled, Stapled, 1m spacing Bundled, Stapled, 2m spacing Peat Pot, 1m spacing, Zostera- Ruppia mix Zostera marina Ruppia maritima Site Zostera marina average* OUTSIDE SURVIVAL WITHIN SURVIVAL 3–3 4–2 3–3 3–3 81% 81% 81% 73% 68% 67.5% 59.7% 37.7% 3–3 3–3 81% 32% 76% 39% 16–14 79.7% 61.5% While the fall was the preferred timing for Zostera marina, it was not favorable for Ruppia maritima. Ruppia maritima survival was low (35%) and it did not grow appreciably. Additionally, the lack of growth and long-term survival of R. maritima suggests that it too received sufficient light stress to significantly reduce survival. While this information is important in narrowing the window for R. maritima transplanting, overall water quality within an area will determine long-term success. 87 Bologna & Sinnema The plant spacing and methodology data provide important information for future restoration efforts. The results from this work suggest that the peat-pot method was preferable, as was closer plant spacing (Table 2). However, fine sediments characterized this site and the peat-pot methodology may not be the best approach for all restoration activities; especially those with greater dynamic water movement (e.g., waves, tides). The success of the bundled-stapled planting units suggests that these may be more important as a technique in higher energy sites (sensu Fonseca et al. 1998). While survival differences existed among methodologies, the greater determinant factor for PU survival was “within, compared to outside,” the hand-jet disturbed region. To assess the relative impact of the placement, removal, and re-alignment of the cable; data were restricted to reflect plots either within this hand-jetted area or outside (Table 3). Based on this distinction, PU survival was significantly greater from plots outside the disturbed region compared to survival within this region (F1,28=10.2, P<0.003). In all cases, survival was greater in regions where the line was laid correctly and averaged 79.7%. Conversely, average survival in the impacted region was 61.5% for Z. marina and was further reduced based on the technique. Peat-pot methodology resulted in a 68% survival while survival for the bundled-stapled units was only 49% in the disturbed region. Based on these data, it would appear that the best technique for restoration under these conditions would be the peat-pot technique (Table 3). It has been shown that a reduction in ambient light produces significant reductions in survival and growth of seagrasses (Goodman et al. 1995, Short et al. 1995). The identified 90% reduction in light measured in August could easily account for the lack of seagrass on this site. This change in water clarity was not entirely due to brown-tide, as the developed bloom had dissipated by this time (Downes-Gastrich 2001). Consequently, these reductions in light during August must represent a significant, non-bloom turbidity issue. Overall, during the spring and summer it appears that significant light attenuation is occurring and may prohibit Zostera marina from actively growing within this region, regardless of any disturbance events. Lathrop et al. (2001) described a seagrass model incorporating light attenuation in relation to seagrass survival depth for New Jersey. Based on this model, they suggest a 1.2m depth (MLW) for which SAV would survive and grow. Based on our hydrographic survey, much of the identified region’s depth is within, or exceeds, this theoretical limit (EDG 2001). However, there are other extenuating light stresses on this site. Normally, substantially elevated structures produce limited shading effects in aquatic communities. However, the relative size and orientation of a cross-bay bridge may provide additional light stress for Zostera marina. The east-west orientation of the bridge creates a shading shadow on the north side, based on the southerly sun position. As a result, shading from the bridge occurs on a daily basis. While alone this probably represents a minimal shading impact, the cumulative effects of turbidity, brown-tide, depth, and bridge shading provide a significant large-scale light limitation, which may limit any significant plant growth. 88 Construction-Related Eelgrass Restoration If the site elevation was reduced to less than two feet at low tide, a possibility exists that Zostera marina would again survive. However, there is no guarantee that restoration would be successful. Changes in elevation may create greater human disturbance through boat engine-sediment interactions (i.e., prop scars and prop wash), which would mechanically destroy the integrity of the grass bed and increase sediment resuspension, thereby increasing turbidity and reducing light availability during the summer. While this technique has been used in other regions of the United States (e.g., Texas), it is primarily used as a method to dispose of dredge spoil material and not as a habitat enhancement technique. CONCLUSION In order to fully understand any eelgrass community and the factors that influence the health and survival of plants within construction corridors, external control plots would provide a critical link. Specifically, if control plots outside of this study area had been monitored in 1999, prior to construction, then the potential impacts of extrinsic environmental factors could have been assessed at the post-construction monitoring event. In this case, during the summer of 1999 when construction activities were occurring, the Barnegat Bay system endured a prolonged brown-tide bloom (Schuster et al. 2000). This bloom had a centralized intensity in the upper reaches of Little Egg Harbor and Manahawkin Bay. We know from previous studies that this can significantly impact seagrasses (Dennison et al. 1989) and other living resources (Bricelj and Lonsdale 1997). As such, adequate pre-construction control plots might have made it possible to discern the impacts of construction activities versus uncontrollable environmental factors at the postconstruction monitoring event. In the future, it would be germane to require adequate external control plots for construction activities that occur in seagrass and other critical habitats to determine the proper course of action. However, current environmental regulations do not specify distant external controls to be monitored during construction activities, nor do they require control plots for mitigation activities. While adequate external controls are preferable from a scientific point of view, they are a realized economic cost to businesses. Consequently, these economic interests often drive the scope of projects and we, as scientists, must strive to conduct the best research we can, given these restrictions. Perhaps the most important finding of our research involves the preferred fall seasonal timing of restoration activities in New Jersey for Zostera marina. As coastal development continues to increase and impacts submerged aquatic vegetation, we must understand the essential timing of restoration activities to ensure future success. LITERATURE CITED Almasi M, Hoskin C, Reed J, Milo J. 1987. Effects of natural and artificial Thalassia on rates of sedimentation. J. Sedim. Petrol. 57:901–906. Bell J, Westoby M. 1986. Variation is seagrass height and density over a wide spatial scale: effects on fish and decapods. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 104:275–295. Bologna P, Heck K. 2002. Impact of habitat edges on density and secondary production of seagrass-associated fauna. Estuaries. 25:1033–1044. Bologna P, Wilbur A, Able K. 2001. Reproduction, population structure, and recruitment limitation in a bay scallop (Argopecten irradians Lamarck) population from New Jersey, USA. J. 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The rest of the material was planted as intact sod units at seven locations around the perimeter of the bay. Over 90% of the planted material was lost within the first year. However, the areal coverage for the remaining bare root units and sod units increased to ca. 300m2 and 1100m2, respectively. In 1988, the BSG transplanted ca. 2.5m2 of H. wrightii and 7.5m2 of Syringodium filiforme as bare root units into southeastern Hillsborough Bay. This planting attempt failed within one year. A second attempt using ca. 2m2 of H. wrightii and 2m2 of S. filiforme planted as sod units also failed. Loss of transplants may be attributed to sediment transport, high drift macroalgae biomass, wave energy, rainfall events, and bioturbation. Personnel expenditures for these projects were ca. 2300 man-hours. INTRODUCTION Eutrophic conditions in Hillsborough Bay were substantially reduced during the late 1970s and early 1980s through aggressive management of nutrient sources, primarily originating from point sources (Johansson 1991, Johansson and Lewis 1992). Soon following the nutrient reductions, important indicators of estuarine water quality (e.g. phytoplankton biomass and water column light penetration) improved in Hillsborough Bay and other areas of Tampa Bay as well (Boler 2001, Johansson 2002). By 1984, phytoplankton biomass, as measured by chlorophyll-a, was about half the levels found only a few years earlier. Water clarity, measured from Secchi disk depth, increased at a similar magnitude. Also, drift macroalgae accumulations on the shallow sand flats decreased dramatically in Hillsborough Bay during the mid and late 1980s (Avery 1997; Johansson 2005). Apparently in response to decreased competition from the phytoplankton for available light and possibly less competition from the macroalgae for suitable substrate, sparse new growth of Halodule wrightii (shoalgrass) was noted on the shallow sand-flats in southeastern Hillsborough Bay in the mid-1980s (R. Lewis pers. comm.). The new seagrass growth was seen after many years of seagrass coverage apparently being absent in this section of Tampa Bay (Avery 1991). The new growth implied that this area and other intertidal areas of Hillsborough Bay may have achieved adequate conditions to support continuous seagrass growth. To test the theory of sufficient conditions for seagrass growth and to provide vegetative source material to areas lacking naturally recolonizing seagrass, the City of Tampa, Bay Study Group (BSG) initiated, in 1987, a series of test plantings at multiple locations in Hillsborough Bay. The initial efforts were coordinated with the Tampa Bay Experimental Seagrass Planting Project organized by the Florida Marine Research Institute (FMRI) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). H. wrightii source material for these initial plantings were harvested from an area of Old Tampa Bay that was destined to be impacted by a Florida Department of Transportation road widening 91 Avery & Johansson project at the Courtney Campbell Causeway. Subsequent test plantings, including both H. wrightii and Syringodium filiforme (manatee grass), were undertaken by the BSG and utilized source materials from Port Manatee in lower Tampa Bay. Finally, the convener of the Seagrass Restoration Workshop requested that each presenter provide, if possible, an account of costs associated with the transplanting projects. In this report, we have estimated the cost in terms of total man-hours used from the initiation of the project to the point in time when maximum transplanted seagrass coverage was attained. METHODS Site Selection Generally, transplant site selection met the criteria described by Fonseca et. al. (1998). However, the criteria of using elevations of nearby seagrass beds as a reference for planting depth was not possible in all areas due to lack of naturally occurring seagrass. Therefore, in areas lacking reference beds, planting sites were selected encompassing a range of elevations. Finally, observations made by Phillips (1962) describing the historical species distribution in Hillsborough Bay contributed to our decision for selection of species specific transplant sites. Courtney Campbell Donor Site In June and July 1987, ca. 13m2 of H. wrightii was harvested by shovel from the Courtney Campbell Causeway donor site (27.971º N, 82.578º W, Figure 1) and moved to Hillsborough Bay by BSG personnel. Transplanting was conducted using bare root and sod units. Bare Root Units: Approximately 2.3m2 of donor material were used to prepare 860 bare root units for transplanting. Each unit was assembled similar to the method described by Fonseca et al. (1987, 1994) and contained, on average, 15 short shoots and three apical meristems. Shoots and meristems were secured to a six-inch U-shaped steel staples with wire ties. Units were placed in coolers filled with water from the donor site until transplanting. A 10×20m site adjacent to MacDill AFB in western Hillsborough Bay (Area 8, Figure 2) was selected for planting. The site elevation was determined with a rod and level referencing a nearby H. wrightii bed. Units were planted on 0.5m centers by hand using the staple to anchor each unit to the sediment. Sod Units: Approximately 330 H. wrightii sod units with intact sediment and covered by wet burlap were transported by boat from the donor site to seven planting areas in Hillsborough Bay (Figure 2). Each unit measured ca. 300cm2 and contained an average of 170 short shoots and 23 apical meristems. Units were planted at elevations of 50–80cm below mean tide level (MTL) in planting Area 1 and 25–30cm below MTL in planting areas 2–7. The site elevation was determined with a rod and level. 92 Experimental Transplanting in Hillsborough Bay Figure 1. Location (arrows) of the Courtney Campbell Causeway and Port Manatee donor sites. Within each planting area, planting sites were marked at 50m intervals with a PVC pole. Each planting site was comprised of two sod units that were planted ca. 1m of either side of the PVC pole on a line roughly perpendicular to the shoreline. The number of sod units placed in each planting area is summarized in Table 1. Port Manatee Donor Site During 1988 and 1989, BSG personnel moved H. wrightii and S. filiforme from Port Manatee (27.631º N, 82.573º W, Figure 1) to two 10×20m planting blocks in southeastern Hillsborough Bay (Area 1, Figure 2). In May 1988, ca. 7.5m2 of S. filiforme 93 Avery & Johansson and 2.5m2 H. wrightii were moved as bare root units. In June 1989, ca. 2m2 of S. filiforme and 2m2 H. wrightii were moved as sod units. Figure 2. Location of planting areas 1–8 in Hillsborough Bay. Bare Root Units: Average S. filiforme bare root units were made of 17 short shoots and 1 apical meristem. About 860 units (Table 1) were planted on 0.5m centers in one of the planting blocks. In the second planting block, about 420 S. filiforme and 440 H. wrightii bare root units (Table 1) were planted on 0.5m centers in alternating monospecific rows. The average H. wrightii unit consisted of 31 short shoots and 6 apical meristems. Sod Units: In 1989, the same planting blocks used in 1988 were planted as monospecific plots. One planting block was planted with 66 S. filiforme sod units with an average unit consisting of 87 short shoots and 5 apical meristems. The second planting 94 Experimental Transplanting in Hillsborough Bay block was planted with 66 H. wrightii sod units with an average unit consisting of 163 short shoots and 32 apical meristems (Table 1). Table 1. Number of Halodule wrightii (Hw) and Syringodium filiforme (Sf) units placed in each planting area between 1987 and 1989. AREA 1987 BARE ROOT 1987 SOD 1988 BARE ROOT 1989 SOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 — — — — — — — 860 Hw 168 Hw 66 Hw 12 Hw 6 Hw 20 Hw 12 Hw 42 Hw — 441 Hw, 1281 Sf — — — — — — — 66 Hw, 66 Sf — — — — — — — Transplant Monitoring Transplants were monitored in the spring, summer, and fall to determine areal coverage, short shoot density, and canopy height. Ancillary data included observations on epiphyte loading, epiphyte description, and seagrass appearance. Monitoring was terminated at a specific planting site when the transplant coverage coalesced with seagrass adjacent to the site. The NMFS also monitored the bare root planting blocks for development of plant components (Fonseca et al. 1996a) and faunal recruitment (Fonseca et al. 1996b). The floral and faunal characteristics were compared to nearby H. wrightii or Caulerpa prolifera beds. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Bare Root Units 1987 Planting H. wrightii bare root areal coverage decreased from the initial 2.3m2 planted in 1987 to about 1.8m2 in the spring of 1988 (Figure 3) as nearly 65% of the units were lost. Of the remaining units, ca. 10% increased in areal coverage. A substantial increase in areal coverage was not seen until the spring of 1989. Maximum coverage of 291m2 was attained in the summer of 1991. Following the maximum, areal coverage decreased in each subsequent survey. By 1994, no H. wrightii was found within the planting block. 1988 Planting In the monospecific S. filiforme planting block, areal coverage tripled from the initial 5m2 planted in May 1988 to just over 16m2 in July (Figure 4). However, coverage declined over 40% by October and the site was virtually barren by January 1989. There was no coverage present in May 1989. A similar expansion in areal coverage was seen with the S. filiforme within the mixed planting block as the initial coverage doubled in the first two months of planting and 95 Avery & Johansson then declined almost 40% by October 1988 (Figure 4). By May 1989, no S. filiforme was present. 300 250 Areal Coverage, m 2 200 150 100 50 0 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Year Figure 3. Seasonal areal coverage of Halodule wrightii bare root units in Area 8, 1987–1994. In contrast to the growth pattern seen with the S. filiforme plantings, H. wrightii coverage within the mixed planting block declined each monitoring period succeeding the initial planting (Figure 4). As with the S. filiforme, all H. wrightii transplants were absent in May 1989. Sod Block Units 1987 Planting Between the planting during the summer of 1987 and the fall of 1988, areal coverage for the H. wrightii sod units decreased from 10.7m2 to 2.6m2 as nearly 80% of the sods did not persist (Figure 5). However, as the remaining sod units became established, the rate of loss decreased and areal coverage began to increase. Coverage increased from about 38m2 in the spring of 1989 to nearly 1100m2 in the spring of 1993 (Figure 5). Sod units persisted in Areas 2, 5 and 7 in 1993. Monitoring was discontinued after the summer of 1994 as the sod unit coverage became indistinguishable from naturally developing H. wrightii coverage in most areas. 1989 Planting The May 1989 planting of H. wrightii and S. filiforme was not monitored on a seasonal schedule. However, nine months following the planting, all material was absent. 96 Experimental Transplanting in Hillsborough Bay 18 15 Areal Coverage m2 12 Hw mixed Sf mixed 9 Sf mono 6 3 0 May-88 Jun-88 Jul-88 Aug-88 Sep-88 Oct-88 Nov-88 Dec-88 Jan-89 Feb-89 Mar-89 Apr-89 May-89 Month Figure 4. Seasonal areal coverage within the Syringodium filiforme (Sf) monospecific bare root planting block and the Syringodium filiforme / Halodule wrightii (Hw) mixed bare root unit planting block. 100% 1200 90% 80% 70% 800 60% 50% 600 Percent Survival Areal Coverage, m2 1000 Coverage, m2 Percent Survival 40% 400 30% 20% 200 10% 19 94 19 93 19 92 19 91 19 90 19 89 0% 19 88 19 87 0 Year Figure 5. Seasonal areal coverage and percent survival of the Halodule wrightii sod planting units, 1987–1994. 97 Avery & Johansson Potential Factors Affecting Transplants The primary objectives of the transplant effort were to identify areas of Hillsborough Bay suitable for seagrass recolonization and to facilitate vegetative growth through the establishment of source material. Further, the planting project was initiated with the premise that the abatement of eutrophic indicators such as high chlorophyll and macroalgae biomass had resulted in improved conditions sufficient for seagrass recolonization. As the transplant coverage expanded nearly two orders of magnitude between 1987 and 1992, it became apparent that several factors discussed below had the potential to limit the ultimate success of the transplant project. Between 1992 and 1993, a 40–50cm high sand ridge passed through the bare root plantings in Area 8, which resulted in transplant burial followed by a 60% reduction in coverage. Comparable sediment transport leading to seagrass burial has been reported by Duarte and Sand-Jensen (1990). They observed plant mortality in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa following the passage of highly mobile sand-waves. Abundant macroalgae biomass has been reported to negatively impact seagrass coverage (Den Hartog 1994). Persistent macroalgae biomass frequently exceeding 40gdwtm-2 was seen in northeastern Hillsborough Bay (Area 2) through 1995 (Avery 1997). Macroalgae biomass of this magnitude may shade seagrass and thereby reduce available light for seagrass production (Dennison and Alberte 1982). Further, drifting macroalgae mats have been observed to scour the sediment and seagrass meadows in Hillsborough Bay (pers. obs.). In Area 2, shading and abrasion by macroalgae may have contributed to the loss of nearly all of the sod units. Finally, hypoxic conditions have also been noted within areas of decomposing macroalgae in Hillsborough Bay. Decomposing macroalgae has been shown to create a reduced sediment redox potential (Zimmerman and Montgomery 1984) resulting in increased sulfide concentrations that may affect seagrass viability (Pulich 1983, Carlson et al. 1994, Goodman et al. 1995). Wind and ship generated wave energy may also have contributed to transplant loss at several Hillsborough Bay transplant sites. Koch (2001) presented a synopsis of direct and indirect impacts from waves on seagrass beds. Direct impacts included alterations in landscape that caused removal of plant material. Indirect impacts resulting in seagrass loss included sediment resuspension, changes in sediment grain size, and the water column mixing. A hydrodynamic model developed by Fonseca et al. (2002) suggests that wind wave energy may impact seagrass distribution in Tampa Bay, however, ship generated waves were not included in their investigations. Wave crests approaching one meter in height have been observed impacting shallow flats in Hillsborough Bay following the passage of ship traffic. In 1988, a 25-year rainfall event rapidly reduced the salinity from 25PSU to near zero in several areas of Hillsborough Bay. Low salinity as a result of this event may have had a detrimental effect on plantings, especially those located close to areas with discharges from stormwater pipes and tidal creeks. H. wrightii may tolerate salinity ranging from 5PSU (McMahan 1968) to over 70PSU (McMillan and Moseley 1967), however, 98 Experimental Transplanting in Hillsborough Bay mortality occurs as the salinity drops to less than 4PSU (McMahan 1968). Other potential impacts from the storm event include sediment erosion and deposition of debris that covered the sod units. Further, increased concentrations of water column dissolved organic matter that may have decreased the amount of available light for seagrass followed the rain event (Boler 1990). Finally, transplanted material may have also been lost due to bioturbation. Fonseca et al. (1996a) noted that bioturbation exclosure cages greatly improved survival of plantings in western Middle Tampa Bay. We observed signs of apparent bioturbation, which may have impacted transplants, in many Hillsborough Bay planting areas. Personnel Expenditures The costs associated with the transplanting projects totaled about 2300 man-hours including the planning, transplant and monitoring phases. Over 60% of the time was used for collection and transplanting of seagrass material (Figure 6). Time used for monitoring ranged from 130 to 202 man-hours per year. Comparing project time to the maximum areal coverage attained in 1992, nearly two man-hours were utilized for each square meter of seagrass grown. Figure 6. Man-hours vs. Halodule wrightii areal coverage, 1987–1994. CONCLUSIONS When the Tampa Bay Experimental Seagrass Planting Project was initiated in 1987, water quality conditions appeared to be adequate to support persistent seagrass growth on most of the intertidal and shallow subtidal areas in Hillsborough Bay. However, most areas of Hillsborough Bay lacked seagrass coverage at that time. The transplant effort successfully provided initial H. wrightii source material to these areas. For example, transplant area 2 in northeastern Hillsborough Bay was devoid of seagrass coverage in 1987 but now has ca. 1.1ha of H. wrightii (City of Tampa 2003). 99 Avery & Johansson It is less clear if the project was successful in identifying areas suitable for seagrass growth. Although the light climate appeared sufficient to allow seagrass growth in the selected transplant areas, other factors appeared to impede transplant survival. High macroalgae biomass and sediment transport was observed at several transplanting sites and may have hindered the survival and expansion of the planting units. Also, wave impacts and bioturbation may have negatively affected the plantings. The final calculated areal coverage of the transplanted H. wrightii material at the termination of monitoring in 1994, may not reflect the actual contribution of the transplanting effort to the total seagrass coverage in Hillsborough Bay at that time and later. Although many transplants did not persist at a specific planting site, some of the original material may have been redistributed and promoted vegetative growth in surrounding areas. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the following: Mike Burwell, Bridget Kelly, Theresa Meyer, Gene Pinson and Andy Squires for their contributions during the planting and monitoring phases of the project; and Frank Courtney for facilitating the permitting process. Finally, we thank Kerry Hennenfent, Patricia McNeese and Hugh Kirkman for their review of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Avery WM. 1991. Status of naturally occurring and introduced Halodule wrightii in Hillsborough Bay. Pp. 177–188 in Treat, S.F. and P.A Clark (eds.). Proceedings, Tampa Bay Area Scientific Information Symposium 2. 1991 February 27-March 1; Tampa, Fla. Reprints available from TEXT; contact Avery W. 1997. Distribution and abundance of macroalgae and seagrass in Hillsborough Bay, Florida, from 1986 to 1995. Pp. 151–166. in S. Treat (ed.). Proceedings, Tampa Bay Area Scientific Information Symposium 3. Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, St. Petersburg, Florida. Boler R. 1990. Surface water quality, 1988–1989. Hillsborough County, Florida. Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission. Boler R. 2001. Surface water quality, 1998–2000. Hillsborough County, Florida. Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission. Carlson PR, LA Yarbro, Barber TM. 1994. Relationship of sediment sulfide to mortality of Thalassia testudinum in Florida Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science. 34 (3): 733–756. City of Tampa. 2003. Seagrass and Caulerpa monitoring in Hillsborough Bay. Fourteenth Annual Report. Prepared for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 46pp. Dennison WC, Alberte RS. 1982. Photosynthetic responses of Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) to in situ manipulations of light intensity. Oecologica. 55:137–144. Den Hartog C. 1994. Suffocation of a littoral Zostera bed by Enteromorpha radiata. Aquatic Botany. 47:21–28. Duarte CM, Sand-Jensen K. 1990. Seagrass colonization: patch formation and patch growth in Cymodocea nodosa. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 65:193–200. Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Thayer GW. 1987. Transplanting of the seagrasses Halodule wrightii, Syringodium filiforme, and Thalassia testudinum for sediment stabilization and habitat development in the southeast region of the United States. NMFS #EL-87-8 47pp.+11 tables. Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Courtney FX, Hall MO. 1994. Seagrass planting in the southeastern United States: methods for accelerating habitat development. Restoration Ecology 2 (3):198–212. Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Courtney FX. 1996a. Development of seagrass beds in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. I. Plant components. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 132:127–139. Fonseca MS, Meyer DL, Hall MO. 1996b. Development of seagrass beds in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. II. Faunal components. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 132:141–156. 100 Experimental Transplanting in Hillsborough Bay Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Thayer GW. 1998. Guidelines for the conservation and restoration of seagrasses in the United States and adjacent waters. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Decision Analysis Series No. 12. NOAA Coastal Ocean Office, Silver Spring, MD 222p. Foneseca MS, Robbins BD, Whitfield PE, Wood L, Clinton P. 2002. Evaluating the effect of offshore sandbars on seagrass recovery and restoration in Tampa Bay through the ecological forecasting and hindcasting of exposure to waves. Technical report #07-02 of the Tampa Bay Estuary Program. Prepared by NOAA/NOS Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research. 48pp. Goodman JL, Moore KA, Dennison WC. 1995. Photosynthetic responses of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) to light and sediment sulfide in a shallow barrier island lagoon. Aquatic Botany. 50:37–47. Johansson JOR. 1991. Long-term trends of nitrogen loading, water quality, and biological indicators in Hillsborough Bay, Florida. Pp. 157–176 in Treat, S.F. and P.A Clark (eds.). Proceedings, Tampa Bay Area Scientific Information Symposium 2. 1991 February 27–March 1; Tampa, Fla. Reprints available from TEXT; contact Johansson JOR. 2002. Historical overview of Tampa Bay water quality and seagrass: issues and trends. Pp. 1–10 in H.S. Greening (ed.) Seagrass Management: It’s Not Just Nutrients. 2000 Aug 22–24: St Petersburg, Fla. Tampa Bay Estuary Program. Johansson JOR. 2005. Shifts in phytoplankton, macroalgae, and seagrass with changing nitrogen loading rates to Hillsborough Bay, Tampa Bay, Florida. Pp. 31–39 in Treat SF (ed.), Proceedings Tampa Bay Area Scientific Information Symposium 4. 2003 October 27–30; St. Petersburg, FL. 295 pp. Johansson JOR, Lewis RR. 1992. Recent improvements of water quality and biological indicators in Hillsborough Bay, a highly impacted subdivision of Tampa Bay, Florida. Science of the Total Environment (Supplement):1100–1215. Koch EW. 2001. Beyond light: physical, geological, and geochemical parameters and possible submersed aquatic vegetation habitat requirements. Estuaries. 24 (1): 1–17. McMahan CA. 1968. Biomass and salinity tolerance of shoalgrass and manatee grass in lower Laguna Madre, Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management. 32 (3):501–506. McMillan C, Moseley FN. 1967. Salinity tolerances of five marine spermatophytes of Redfish Bay, Texas. Ecology 48:503–506. Phillips RC. 1962. Distribution of seagrasses in Tampa Bay. Florida State Board of Conservation. Special Scientific Report #6, 12p. Pulich WM. 1983. Growth response of Halophila engelmanni Aschers to sulfide, copper and organic nitrogen in marine sediments. Plant Physiology. 71:975–978. Zimmerman CF, Montgomery JR. 1984. Effects of a decomposing drift algal mat on sediment pore water nutrient concentrations in a Florida seagrass bed. Marine Ecology 19:299–302. Authors’ e-mail:; 101 ❖ COSTS AND SUCCESS OF LARGE-SCALE EELGRASS (ZOSTERA MARINA L.) PLANTINGS IN NEW ENGLAND (NEW HAMPSHIRE AND MAINE) R.C. Davis, J.T. Reel, F.T. Short & D. Montoya ABSTRACT The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District (USACE) was required to plant 5.5 acres of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) as mitigation for impacts associated with maintenance dredging to deepen an existing mooring field. The 5.5 acres were planted at four sites, including 2.5 acres within the dredging footprint. Eelgrass was collected from naturally occurring beds nearby and transplanted using the Horizontal Rhizome method (HRM) and the TERFS™ (Transplanting Eelgrass Remotely with Frame Systems) method. Monitoring locations were established at each site to monitor percent survival one month, six months, and one year postplanting. A total of 65,359 planting units were installed over 5.575 acres at four sites with an average planting density of 11,724 planting units per acre. At the end of one year, overall percent survival was 51.4% resulting in the creation of approximately 4.0 acres of eelgrass habitat at two sites. Two other sites were not successful and had little or no eelgrass surviving at the time of the final monitoring. Overall cost for the project, not including the initial site selection, was approximately $495,935 or $219,829 per hectare ($88,957 per acre) in 2002 dollars. Major factors contributing to the cost included use of divers to complete the majority of the work in adverse conditions (cold water, strong current) and use of wage rates required by USACE contracting guidelines (per the Davis-Bacon Act). The per hectare and per planting unit costs for this project were less than for a previous successful large-scale eelgrass planting project in New England with comparable success, but more expensive than similar ongoing projects in the Chesapeake Bay, primarily due to the use of divers. INTRODUCTION The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District (USACE) was authorized to conduct maintenance dredging in Little Harbor, NH to increase the depth in a portion of an existing mooring field. Because eelgrass (Zostera marina) existed in the 5.5-acre portion of the mooring field to be dredged, state and federal regulatory agencies required the USACE to plant 5.5 acres of eelgrass as mitigation for the impacts associated with the dredging. The mitigation was required because eelgrass meadows create important habitat and form a basis of primary production that supports ecologically and economically important species (Thayer et al., 1984; Orth et al., 1984; Heck et al., 1995). Eelgrass, and seagrasses in general, are an essential component of healthy estuarine and coastal ecosystems (Fonseca et al., 1998). Eelgrass plants baffle wave energy (Fonseca and Cahalan, 1992), creating a depositional environment and provide sediment stabilization (Ward et al., 1984). The plants also filter and retain nutrients from the water column (Short and Short, 1984). Transplanting seagrass has been used as a means for mitigating impacts to naturally occurring seagrass beds due to coastal development for a number of decades (Fonseca et al. 1998). The USACE selected four sites for transplanting eelgrass to mitigate for the impacts to the existing beds in Little Harbor. These sites included 2.5 acres within the dredging footprint in Little Harbor, and 3.0 acres offsite (1.5 acres at Kittery Point, ME, 1.0 acres at the Schiller Terrace and 0.5 acres at Pierces Island, NH; Figure 1). This paper describes the methods 103 Davis, Reel, Short & Montoya used to collect and transplant 5.5 acres of eelgrass and the results of the one-year postplanting monitoring effort. The costs for the overall project are presented and compared with the costs of two other similar projects, one completed and one underway. The process and costs for identifying the potential transplanting sites are not described in this paper. Figure 1. Location of transplanting sites in New Hampshire and Maine. Dredging project occurred in Little Harbor. METHODS Transplanting Eelgrass Collection Eelgrass was collected from existing beds in Little Harbor, NH and Fishing Island, ME. Material collected from Little Harbor was transplanted in Little Harbor. Material collected from the Fishing Island bed was transplanted at Pierces Island, Kittery Point, Little Harbor and Schiller Terrace. The Fishing Island bed is predominately intertidal and has been successfully used as donor bed for subtidal transplanting (Davis and Short, 1997). The majority of the transplanted eelgrass was collected from the Fishing Island bed. Two methods were employed to collect the eelgrass, based on water depth. When water depth was greater than 3.0 feet, scuba divers harvested plants by swimming over the beds and hand picking individual shoots or small groups of shoots out of the sediment. The shoots were rinsed free of sediments and arranged with the rhizomes together and loosely 104 Large-Scale Eelgrass Plantings bundled in groups of 50 to 100 and secured with a rubber band. In water depth less than 3.0 feet, eelgrass shoots were harvested by wading in the plant beds and hand picking individual shoots. These shoots were arranged and bundled in the same manner as the diver-harvested shoots. The bundles of harvested eelgrass shoots were stored in mesh dive bags during collection. The bundles were moved to a lobster car and stored floating in the river until they were ready for transplant. All eelgrass was transplanted within 48 hours of collection. Eelgrass Planting Eelgrass shoots were planted using the Horizontal Rhizome Method (Davis and Short, 1997, hereafter referred to as HRM) and the TERFS™ (Transplanting Eelgrass Remotely with Frame Systems) method (Short et al, this volume). Both methods are also described in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Guidelines for the Conservation and Restoration of Seagrasses in the United States and Adjacent Waters (Fonseca et al. 1998). Each HRM plot consisted of 49 planting units on one-foot centers in a 36-squarefoot area. A 6 × 6 foot PVC pipe frame with rope intersections every foot was placed on the sediment surface and used as a planting grid for the HRM plots. Planting units were installed at every intersection on the grid. A planting unit consisted of two eelgrass shoots with the rhizomes overlapping (Figure 2A). Divers installed each planting unit by placing it on the sediment surface and anchoring it in place, flush with the sediment surface, using a bamboo skewer bent in half. Once all the planting units were installed, the planting grid was gently lifted off the plants and placed in the next planting location. Grids were planted in a checkerboard pattern. A B Figure 2. Eelgrass transplanting methods. A) Horizontal Rhizome Method (HRM) in which two adult eelgrass shoots, with overlapping rhizomes are anchored into the sediment using a bamboo skewer. See Davis and Short, 1997 for further details. B) TERFS™ method in which eelgrass planting units with overlapping rhizomes are tied to a weighted frame. See Short et al. in these proceedings for further details. Note: frames were tied with both 50 and 25 planting units (25 planting units shown in the figure). TERFS™ are approximately 2.7-foot square weighted wire frames with 50 or 25 planting units attached (Figure 2B). The size of the wire frame is constant and when 25 planting 105 Davis, Reel, Short & Montoya units are used, the spacing interval is approximately 5 inches on center. When 50 planting units are used, the spacing interval is approximately 2.5 inches on center. The majority of TERFS™ deployed for this project contained 50 planting units. Each planting unit consisted of two eelgrass shoots with overlapping rhizomes tied to the frame with biodegradable paper ties. Planting units were tied to the frames on shore, and the frames were transported to transplant site by boat and placed in the water at the approximate planting locations. Divers arranged the frames, generally in groups of four, around a center stake and ensured that the frames were level and the rhizomes were on the substrate. The frames were left in place for a minimum of 21 days to allow adequate time for the plants to root. At the end of this time, the frames were gently lifted off the plants and removed from the site by divers. The placement and removal of the frames can also be accomplished from the boat, without the use of divers (see Short et al., this volume). Protective fencing was installed at the Kittery Point and Schiller Terrace sites to baffle wave energy and potentially reduce green crab bioturbation (Davis et al. 1998). Fences were constructed by installing 1" diameter wooden stakes on 6.0-foot centers and attaching, with cable ties, black tensor netting (4 feet tall) flush with the sediment surface. At Kittery Point, the fencing was placed off of the deep edge of the site, parallel to the main river channel for the entire length of the site. At Schiller Terrace, three small sections of fencing were placed across the planting area, perpendicular to the main river channel. Protective fencing was not used at Little Harbor or Pierces Island due to the potential for the fencing to interfere with recreational and commercial boating. All fencing material was removed in late November 2001 to prevent the fences from trapping ice that could damage the transplanted eelgrass (Davis and Short, 1997). Monitoring Seventy-four locations (36 HRM and 38 TERFS™) of the 526 total locations planted were sampled for the one-month, six-month and one-year monitoring events to allow for tracking the change in percent survival over time. The number of sample locations was allocated among the four sites based on the area planted. During the first monitoring event (one-month after transplanting), a ½" diameter screw anchor with a toggle buoy attached was inserted in the middle of a group of two HRM plots or four TERFS™ to permanently mark the sample location. During the one- and six-month monitoring events, percent survival was determined by counting the number of shoots in two plots planted diagonal to each other (Figure 3). At the one year monitoring event, percent survival could no longer be determined because of shoot coalescence. Instead, the number of shoots in two 25-cmsquare subquadrats of a 1.0 square meter sampling grid were counted to estimate the shoot density and the percent cover of the entire quadrant was estimated. RESULTS Transplanting A total of 65,359 planting units were installed over 5.575 acres at four sites from July 20, 2001 to September 26, 2001 at an average planting density of 11,724 planting units per acre (Table 1). 106 Large-Scale Eelgrass Plantings Figure 3. Monitoring design for installed eelgrass. During the one- and six-month monitoring events, percent survival was determined by counting the number of shoots on two plots planted diagonal to each other. Table 1. Number of planting units installed and area planted. SITE Little Harbor Kittery Point Pierces Island Schiller Terrace NO. PLANTING UNITS BY METHOD HRM TERFS™ 18,130 10,143 2,009 7,252 9,625 9,900 3,800 4,500 107 AREA (ac.) 2.532 1.5 0.47 1.073 Davis, Reel, Short & Montoya Little Harbor A total of 27,755 planting units were transplanted within a 2.532-acre area in Little Harbor at 568 locations from July 20, 2001 through August 17, 2001 (Table 1). A total of 370 HRM plots and 198 TERFS™ were planted. One hundred eighty-seven (187) TERFS™ contained 50 planting units each, and 11 TERFS™ contained 25 planting units each. The resultant planting density in Little Harbor was 10,962 shoots per acre. Kittery Point A total of 20,043 planting units were transplanted in a 1.5 acre area at Kittery Point at 415 locations from August 20, 2001 through September 26, 2001. The majority of the eelgrass was transplanted from August 20, 2001 through August 28, 2001 using HRM. TERFS™ were placed at Kittery Point from July 20, 2001 through September 19, 2001, with majority of the TERFS™ installed between August 17, 2001 and September 19, 2001. A total of 207 HRM plots and 208 TERFS™ were planted (Table 1). One hundred eighty-eight (188) TERFS™ contained 50 planting units each and 20 TERFS™ contained 25 planting units each. The latter TERFS™ were placed in the intertidal zone at approximately the same elevation from which the donor material was collected. The resultant planting density at Kittery Point was 13,362 planting units per acre. Pierces Island A total of 5,809 planting units were transplanted in a 0.47-acre area at Pierces Island at 117 locations. Eelgrass was planted using HRM at the Pierce Island site on three dates, August 23, August 30 and September 5, 2001. TERFS™ were placed at the Pierce Island site from August 30, 2001 through September 19, 2001 with the majority of the TERFS™ installed between August 30 and September 6, 2001. A total of 41 HRM plots and 76 TERFS™ were planted (Table 1). All TERFS™ contained 50 planting units each. The resultant planting density at the Pierce Island site was 12,359 planting units per acre. Schiller Terrace A total of 11,752 planting units were transplanted in a 1.073-acre area on the Schiller Terrace at 238 locations from September 3, 2001 through September 18, 2001. A total of 148 HRM plots and 90 TERFS™ were planted (Table 1). All TERFS™ contained 50 planting units each. The resultant planting density at the Schiller Terrace was 10,952 planting units per acre. Monitoring The same 74 planted areas (36 HRM and 38 TERFS™) were sampled at the one-month, six-month and one-year monitoring events to allow for tracking the change in percent survival over time. Percent survival for the TERFS™ method ranged from 27% to 73% (mean of 51.6%) one month after transplanting (Table 2). Percent survival for the HRM method ranged from 22% to 76% (mean of 47.7%; Table 2). The total number of shoots present at each site declined at the time of the one-month monitoring, then generally increased during the next two monitoring events at the two sites that were ultimately considered successful (Figure 4). This pattern was more clearly evident in the changes in shoot density over time (Figure 5). 108 Number of Shoots (in Thousands) Large-Scale Eelgrass Plantings 80 70 Little Harbor 60 50 Pierces Island Kittery Point Schiller Terrace 40 30 20 10 0 Installed One Six Twelve Months After Transplanting Number of Shoots (in Thousands) 16 Little Harbor 14 Kittery Point 12 10 Pierces Island Schiller Terrace 8 6 4 2 0 Installed One Six Twelve Months After Transplanting Figure 4. Total number of shoots over time for the two methods: Horizontal Rhizome Method (HRM) above, TERFS™ method below. Note: the y-axis scale varies. After the one-year monitoring, overall percent survival was calculated by multiplying the estimated percent survival for each method at a particular site by the number of planting units installed by that method. When estimated percent survival exceeded 100% (due to production of new shoots by the transplanted eelgrass), then percent survival was capped at 100% and the number of shoots initially transplanted was used in the calculation of overall percent survival. One year after transplanting, overall percent survival was 51.4%, similar to the percent survival determined at the one-month monitoring (Table 2). 109 Shoots per Square Meter Davis, Reel, Short & Montoya 150 Little Harbor 125 Kittery Point 100 Pierces Island Schiller Terrace 75 50 25 0 Installed One Six Twelve Shoots per Square Meter Months After Transplanting 300 Little Harbor 250 Kittery Point 200 Pierces Island 150 Schiller Terrace 100 50 0 Installed One Six Twelve Months After Transplanting Figure 5. Changes in shoot density (number of shoots per m2) for eelgrass transplanted using the two methods: Horizontal Rhizome Method (HRM) above, TERFS™ method below. Note: the y-axis scale varies. Error bars are ± s.e. Table 2. Percent survival one month after installation. SITE PLANTING METHOD HRM TERFS™ Little Harbor Kittery Point Pierces Island Schiller Terrace 76 % 44 % 22 % 23 % 45 % 73 % 27 % 51 % Overall average 54.2% 53.5% 110 Large-Scale Eelgrass Plantings DISCUSSION Success The 51.4 % survival at the one-year monitoring slightly exceeded the 50% survival criteria required by the project’s permits. The 51.4% overall survival was due to the results from Little Harbor and Kittery Point. Using the area planted at these two successful sites, the project restored approximately 4.0 acres of eelgrass habitat. The data indicated that the HRM method had higher percent survival than the TERFS™ method in Little Harbor. Qualitatively, the HRM method seems to have allowed for greater expansion of the transplanted shoots at this site. Based on qualitative observations of the areas surrounding the monitoring locations, the majority of transplants in Little Harbor survived and were expanding. At the Kittery Point site, the data indicated that the HRM method had a higher percent survival after one year than the TERFS™ method, but this was due to one highly successful HRM plot on the site. Overall, most of the locations planted using TERFS™ had surviving shoots and eelgrass patches created by the TERFS™ were clearly visible from the surface. At the Schiller Terrace site, no plants survived within the monitoring locations. Some surviving shoots were observed at the site, but the majority of the transplanted material did not survive. The situation was similar at the Pierces Island site, where no surviving transplants were found within the monitoring locations, but sparse patches of eelgrass were observed at the site. Whether these shoots survived from the initial transplanting or recruited to the site from nearby eelgrass beds could not be determined. Overall, both methods were successful in establishing eelgrass in Little Harbor and in small patches at Kittery Point. These results suggest that site conditions, rather than transplanting method, determine the ultimate outcome of the project. The HRM method was more easily employed than the TERFS™ due to the logistics of the latter (i.e., transporting frames to the deployment sites and retrieving them later). The HRM method also appears to allow for greater expansion of, and increase in, the number of shoots (Figure 4). Therefore, the HRM method is preferable to the TERFS™ method for transplanting eelgrass when large areas need to be restored. However, the TERFS™ method was successful at establishing higher shoot densities at Kittery Point and similar shoot densities at Little Harbor compared to the HRM method (Figure 5). Shoot density is an important habitat attribute that is often included in monitoring programs and has been related to important seagrass functions (Fonseca et al., 2000). The TERFS™ method may be preferable on smaller projects that include shoot density or any concomitant habitat functions as project goals. Costs The overall cost for the project was approximately $495,935.00 or $219,829 per hectare ($88,957 per acre) in 2002 dollars (Table 3). These costs do not include the initial site selection efforts, any subsequent monitoring events that may be required by the project’s permits, or USACE costs for project planning, administration and management. The major factor that contributed to the overall cost was the use of divers to complete the majority of the transplanting work. The water depth at the sites, which varied between –0.75 to 8.0 111 Davis, Reel, Short & Montoya meters below mean low water, necessitated the use of divers, rather than relying solely on wading, snorkeling or the use of TERFS™. The USACE contracting guidelines required that the divers be compensated in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act and paid prevailing wages. Working in adverse conditions, with water temperature averaging 14°C and currents as fast as 0.5 meters/second, decreased the length of dive times and increased the length of surface intervals. Overall, the per hectare and per planting unit costs for this project were less than for a previous successful large-scale eelgrass planting project in New England with comparable success (Table 3). The New Hampshire Port Authority (NHPA) Mitigation project was completed in the mid-1990s (Davis and Short 1997). Divers were used for the NHPA project but were mostly undergraduate and graduate students and were not paid “prevailing wage rates.” However, the costs for the NHPA project included the first three years of an extensive monitoring program to quantify the use of eelgrass habitat by macroinvertebrate and fish communities at both transplanted and reference beds. The USACE project was more expensive than similar ongoing projects in the Chesapeake Bay. The Chesapeake Bay projects (MD-SAV and VA-SAV in Table 3) involve planting eelgrass and other species of SAV at sites in Maryland and Virginia waters in the lower Potomac River. The sites are located in relatively shallow water and are being completed without the use of divers. In addition, the planting density for the Chesapeake Bay projects is less than that used in the New England projects. The costs reported here for the Chesapeake Bay projects do not include costs associated with identifying and conducting test transplanting, which were significant. The costs for the monitoring program to be completed for the Chesapeake Bay projects are also not included in Table 3. Table 3. Cost comparison for submerged aquatic vegetation transplanting projects. PROJECT NO. PLANTING UNITS (PU) Little Harbor, NH NHPA Mitigation MD – SAV VA – SAV 65,359 104,690 150,000 15,000 HECTARES (ACRES) 2.256 (5.575) 2.934 (7.25) 8.0937 (20.0) 0.80937 (2.0) COSTS1 PER PU PER HECTARE $7.59 $8.92 $2.05 $3.40 $ 219,829.33 2 $ 318,335.89 3 $ 37,992.51 4 $ 63,011.97 4 1 Costs were converted into 2002 dollars using Consumer Price Index conversion factors. Does not include site selection costs (minimal); monitoring very limited 3 Includes costs for significant 3 years of monitoring (see Davis and Short 1997) 4 No divers being used; does not include site selection costs (significant); does not include monitoring costs (significant) 2 These results indicate the need to specifically state which project components are being considered when reporting costs for SAV transplanting projects. In certain instances, particularly when the use of divers is required, the actual installation costs can be considerable and comprise a substantial portion of the overall project cost. In other cases, site selection and monitoring can be the most costly project components, particularly if multi-year test transplanting to select final planting sites, or multi-year monitoring is required. 112 Large-Scale Eelgrass Plantings REFERENCES Davis RC, Short FT. 1997. Restoring eelgrass, Zostera marina L., habitat using a new transplanting technique: the horizontal rhizome method. Aq. Bot. 59:1–15. Davis RC, Short FT, Burdick DM. 1998. Quantifying the effects of bioturbation by green crabs (Carcinus maenas) on eelgrass (Zostera marina) transplants using mesocosm experiments. Restoration Ecology 6(3):297–302. Fonseca MS, Cahalan JA. 1992. A preliminary evaluation of wave attenuation by four species of seagrass. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 29:501–507. Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Thayer GW. 1998. Guidelines for the Conservation and Restoration of Seagrasses in the United States and Adjacent Waters. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Decision Analysis Series No. 12. NOAA Coastal Ocean Office, Silver Spring, MD. 222 pp. Fonseca MS, Julius BE, Kenworthy WJ. 2000. Integrating biology and economics in seagrass restoration: How much is enough and why? Eco. Eng. 15:227–237. Heck KL Jr., Able KW, Roman CT, Fahay MP. 1995. Composition, abundance, biomass and production of macrofauna in a New England estuary: comparisons among eelgrass meadows and other nursery habitats. Estuaries 18(2): 379–389. Orth R J, Heck KL Jr, vans Montfrans J. 1984. Faunal communities in seagrass beds: a review of the influence of plant structure and prey characteristics on predator-prey relationships. Estuaries 7(4A): 339–350. Short F T, Short CA. 1984. The seagrass filter: purification of estuarine and coastal waters. Pp 395–413 in: V.S. Kennedy (Editor), The Estuary as a Filter. Academic Press. Short FT, Davis RC, Koop BS, Gaeckle SJ, Burdick DM. 2003. Using TERFS™ and Site Selection for Improved Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) Restoration Success. Thayer GW, Kenworthy WJ, Fonseca MS. 1984. The ecology of eelgrass meadows of the Atlantic coast: a community profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-84/24, 85 pp. USACE 2001. Eelgrass Planting, Rye and New Castle, New Hampshire, Pierces Island, New Hampshire, and Kittery Point, Maine. Construction Solicitation and Specifications DACW33-01-R-0016. Ward LG, Kemp WM, Boynton WR. 1984. The influence of waves and seagrass communities on suspended particulates in an estuarine embayment. Mar. Geo. 59: 85–103. RCD (Quantitative Environmental Analysis, LLC, 80 Glen St., Glens Falls, NY 12801); JTR (Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP, 81 Mosher Street, Baltimore, MD 21217); FTS (Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, University of New Hampshire, 85 Adams Point Road, Durham, NH 03824); DM (USACE New England District, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751) 113 ❖ BISCAYNE BAY SEAGRASSES AND RECENT RESTORATION EFFORTS G.R. Milano & D.R. Deis ABSTRACT Regional modifications of freshwater inflow, and past dredging and filling practices associated with the rapid urbanization of the Greater Miami area, have resulted in serious environmental degradation to Biscayne Bay. Two human-made inlets through Miami Beach have altered circulation and salinity regimes and associated bay communities. Low coastal wetlands have been virtually eliminated in north Biscayne Bay, and have been covered with dredged bay bottom fill. Dredge fill has been also placed on submerged bay bottom communities to make developable land and causeways to offshore barrier islands. In addition, seawalls were commonly constructed to contain the newly created land. Dredging of the north and central Biscayne Bay for spoil emplacement and the creation of navigation channels resulted in numerous dredged areas of varying size and depth, ranging from 2.1 meters (7 feet) to 9.2 (30 feet) in depth. Deep dredge troughs and borrow areas in north Biscayne Bay have been shown in past studies to have poor water quality, to be of limited habitat value, and to be a source of chronic turbidity compared to natural bay bottom communities. Restoration of the dredged areas to shallower depths can result in the reestablishment of seagrass or other benthic vegetation, enhance habitat value, and improve water quality. The central bay area is a transition zone from the heavily urbanized northern basins to the nearly un-dredged south bay area. Much of southern Biscayne Bay has good water quality and has retained its relatively pristine habitat. This paper summarizes recent (1980–present) seagrass mapping, monitoring, and restoration efforts in Biscayne Bay. The Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) has successfully tested the feasibility of using maintenance dredging spoil material to restore previously dredged areas in Biscayne Bay to natural contours. INTRODUCTION Biscayne Bay and its associated coastal ecosystems are some of Florida’s most valuable natural resources. The bay provides habitat for a productive and diverse community of tropical marine plants and animals. It offers a variety of commercial and recreational opportunities to visitors and the over 2 million residents of Metropolitan Miami-Dade County. The bay is a shallow subtropical estuary located on the southeast coast of Florida (see Figure 1). Extending approximately 56 kilometers (35 miles) from north to south and varying in width from less than 1.6 kilometers (one mile) to approximately 12.8 kilometers (eight miles), it covers an area of 572 kilometers (220 square miles). The bay is bordered on the west by the Greater Miami area and on the east by a series of barrier islands and submerged vegetated banks, which separate the bay from the Atlantic Ocean. The bay is shallow [less than 4 meters (13 feet)]) except in the dredged bottom areas, which range from 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) to 16.7 meters (50 feet) in depth. Prevailing winds are from the east-southeast, and the bay is sheltered from oceanic swells by the offshore reef tract, barrier islands, and vegetated mud banks. After tide, the second most important factor affecting circulation in Biscayne Bay is wind. Freshwater naturally enters the bay through upland runoff, groundwater seepage, and rainfall. In the mid-1900s, to control upland flooding, a network of canals was created to discharge large pulses of freshwater into the bay during periods of heavy rainfall. Seasonal water temperature ranges from 13ºC to 31ºC. Salinity (one meter depth [3.3 ft]) is measured monthly at a total of 100 stations. Of the 75 stations located in saline areas, average salinity was less than 33 ppt at 32 stations and greater than 36 ppt at 7 stations (Alleman et al, 1995). Wanless (1976) categorized the major bay sediment types as quartz, carbonate, calcareous 115 Milano & Deis sand, calcareous mud, calcitic mud or peat, and quartzose calcareous. He also reported that over 50% of Biscayne Bay has less than 15 centimeters (6 inches) of sediment cover over the limestone bedrock and natural sediment accumulation is confined primarily to the deeper midbay axis (Wanless, 1969). Water quality in Biscayne Bay meets state water quality standards. Figure 1. Biscayne Bay, with limits of Biscayne National Park and Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve. 116 Biscayne Bay Seagrass Restoration Biscayne Bay Resource Impacts Rapid urbanization and associated coastal development over the last 100 years has severely altered natural habitats in Biscayne Bay (Harlem, 1979). The northern third of the Bay (north bay), which has been most severely impacted by development, is subdivided by six filled causeways and a major seaport facility. Low coastal wetlands have been virtually eliminated in north Biscayne Bay. Over 50% of the existing north bay bottom area is barren (Harlem, 1979; Milano, 1983), caused by the creation of deep dredge holes and associated spoil emplacement, and chronic elevated turbidity levels. High turbidity in the north Biscayne Bay area has been correlated with resuspension of unconsolidated bay bottom and spoil island shorelines, eroding margins of dredge banks and unvegetated bottom sediments (Wanless et al. 1984). The central bay area is a transition zone from the heavily urbanized northern basins to the almost undredged south bay area. Free exchange with ocean waters occur in this region through a 14.5-kilometer (nine-mile) system of shallow vegetated mud banks. The south bay area western shoreline rises more gradually than the northern regions, with elevations of only 0.3 to 0.6 meters (one to two feet) above mean sea level for 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) or more inland from the shore. As a result of the resource protection regulations provided through Biscayne National Park and local regulatory agencies, the south bay contains pristine habitats due to the absence of heavy development. Activities that disturb the bottom communities of the bay disrupt the balance between biological and physical forces that maintain the bay’s water clarity and sediment stability. These activities include dredging and filling operations, wave energy deflecting off seawalls, prop scarring and scouring by recreational and commercial vessels, and bottom damage or disturbance by fishing activities (Biscayne Bay Partnership Initiative, 2001). A large body of scientific literature exists documenting the importance of coastal habitats to local fisheries, food web relationships, habitat value, and as shoreline stabilizers (Idyll et al., 1968; Odum et al., 1982; Lewis, 1990a). Seagrasses are important primary producers, sequestering carbon, producing oxygen, and converting the sun’s energy into food and structure useful to fish, invertebrates, and wildlife (Wood et al, 1969) Biscayne Bay Restoration and Enhancement Program Program Development The natural qualities of Biscayne Bay, and the need to protect them have been recognized at national, state, and local levels. In 1980, Congress created Biscayne National Park, originally established in 1968 as a national monument, to preserve and protect tropical marine, terrestrial, and amphibious life in relatively pristine portions of central and south Biscayne Bay and adjacent environments (Figure 1). In 1974, in order to maintain the bay in an essentially natural condition, the State of Florida passed the Biscayne Aquatic Preserve Act, and the Miami-Dade County Commission declared Biscayne Bay an “Aquatic Preserve and Conservation Area” and empowered the County Manager to develop a management plan for the bay. These efforts led to the development of the “Biscayne Bay Management Plan” (Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental resources Management and Miami-Dade County Planning Department, 117 Milano & Deis 1980) and one of its principal implementation tools, the Biscayne Bay Restoration and Enhancement Program. The Restoration and Enhancement Program, which was initiated in 1978, is funded through a variety of sources, and is locally administered through Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM). The primary goal of the program is to restore, maintain, and improve the ecological, recreational, and aesthetic values of the bay. Early efforts to develop specific strategies for Biscayne Bay resource management were hampered by the lack of comprehensive, scientific data. Therefore, habitat restoration, monitoring, and study of the bay became one of the key elements of the Biscayne Bay Restoration and Enhancement Program. Scientific Study and Habitat Restoration The following investigations were conducted in the early 1980s as part of the Biscayne Bay Restoration and Enhancement Program, and constituted the foundation upon which other program components were built. • Bottom Community Mapping • Water Circulation in North Biscayne Bay • Water and Sediment Quality • Sources of Turbidity • Benthic Sampling Program • Fisheries Assessment The data accumulated established a baseline against which to assess future changes in Biscayne Bay. In addition, the program was guided initially by a Scientific/Technical Committee, which compiled and ranked a list of bay-wide projects, which included the restoration of habitats in Biscayne Bay, the filling of deep dredge holes in north Biscayne Bay, and the planting of seagrasses. Since 1988, DERM has restored and enhanced approximately 122 hectares (300 acres) of coastal wetlands on public lands. Major wetlands restoration efforts have been conducted by DERM at the following sites: Cape Florida State Park, Oleta River State Park, Highland Oaks Park, North Virginia Key Preserve, Bear Cut Preserve, Florida International University (Biscayne Bay campus), and Chicken Key Bird Rookery (Milano, 1999a, 1999b, 2001). DERM has also created wetlands on dredge filled islands in north-central Biscayne Bay (Milano, 2000). Additionally, DERM has created or restored over 24 hectares (60 acres) of maritime hammock at public parcels throughout Biscayne Bay. Island restoration and enhancement activities are underway to stabilize eroding shorelines, restore historical dune communities and wetlands, eradicate exotic vegetation, and create wetlands, dune, coastal strand and tropical hardwood hammock communities. DERM has successfully completed habitat restoration on 18 islands in Biscayne Bay. Four habitat types (dune, coastal strand, tropical hardwood hammock, and wetlands), consisting of approximately 90 species, have been established on natural and dredge spoil islands. Dune/strand species have been planted at 15 islands and tropical hardwood hammock communities have been established on seven dredge spoil islands in Biscayne Bay (Milano, 2000). 118 Biscayne Bay Seagrass Restoration Seagrass Mapping and Distribution Bottom communities in Biscayne Bay were mapped in 1983 (Milano, 1983) and updated in 1993, to document the current distribution of seagrasses, hard bottom, and other bottom types. Bottom types were delineated through the use of high-resolution aerial photographs and inwater inspections. In addition, the inventory of the bottom communities of Biscayne National Park were updated in the late 1990s (Lewis et al., 1999). The seagrass community is the dominant bottom community type, covering approximately 64% of the total bay. Seagrasses occur in shallow sand or mud covered areas where light is able to penetrate to the bottom. Turtle grass (Thalassia testudinium)(=Thalassia) is the predominant seagrass in Biscayne Bay, and is most abundant in central and south bay. Shoal grass (Halodule wrightii)(=Halodule) and manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme)(=Syringodium) cover significant portions of north Biscayne Bay, and shallow areas along western portions of central and south Biscayne Bay. Hard bottom communities comprise about 17% of the total bay bottom and are located primarily in south bay. The most conspicuous organisms found in hard bottom communities are soft corals and sponges. A total of approximately 15% of Biscayne Bay does not support conspicuous plant or animal life. As stated earlier, north Biscayne Bay has been most seriously impacted by development. Dredging has directly altered approximately 41% of the north bay, and a total of 58% of north bay is devoid of submerged aquatic vegetation. Seagrass Monitoring, 1985–1995 A long-term epibenthic bottom community monitoring program was initiated in 1985 to establish a quantitative database for detecting trends and seasonal variability in Biscayne Bay bottom communities. Initially, fifteen locations were picked to be representative of broad areas of seagrass and hardbottom communities in Biscayne Bay. All of the sites are near one of DERM’s water quality monitoring stations, which are monitored on a monthly basis. The bottom community monitoring stations span the entire north–south extent of Biscayne Bay, from Haulover Inlet in the north to the vicinity of the mouth of the C-111 canal in Manatee Bay, in the south. The Manatee Bay stations were established in 1988, as a result of a very large release of freshwater from the C-111 canal in the extreme south end of Miami-Dade County. Permanent sampling transects were established at each station. The ends are marked with earth anchors and attached sub-surface buoys, to aid in relocating the transect locations. Transects are 46 meters (150 feet) in length, with three permanent one square meter (3.3 foot) sampling locations distributed along the transect to quantitatively sample seagrasses, soft corals, hard corals, and algae. The species composition and relative abundance are recorded along each transect. Fixed grids are located to quantify the density and diversity on each transect. A 1-meter square (10.9 square feet) PVC (polyvinyl chloride) grid subdivided into 25 equal subunits is used to define the area. At each grid, five of the subunits are randomly selected for counting. Seagrass short shoots and blades are counted for Thalassia and Syringodium within these subunits. For Halodule, only short shoots are counted. In addition, an estimate of standing crop is performed for each station by collecting all aboveground biomass from three 0.04-meter square quadrats adjacent to the permanent grids. 119 Milano & Deis Seagrass Monitoring, 1995–present The current SAV monitoring design is comprised of fixed seagrass monitoring stations and stratified random monitoring. Fixed Stations: As stated above, a series of fixed transects were established in September 1985, throughout the bay. Initially, sampling was conducted quarterly at 15 sites. Three additional sites were added 1989, two in Manatee Bay and one in Barnes Sound. Currently, sampling is conducted annually during the month of June at 10 of the original 15 sites. Monitoring of stations located near Black Ledge and Turkey Point was discontinued in 1996. The three stations added in 1989 were incorporated into DERM’s SAV monitoring program in northeast Florida Bay, and sampling is currently conducted at these sites on a semiannual basis in May and November. Parameters collected include, seagrass shoot and blade density, standing crop biomass by species, and seagrass composition along a 45-m transect. Shoot and blade density are determined at each station by sampling a 0.2-m2 section at each of three fixed one-meter square grids. Standing crop biomass is harvested from three 0.04-m2 areas at each station. Biomass samples are segregated by species, rinsed in a mild HCl solution, then dried in an oven at 60ºC and weighed. Stratified Random Sampling: The monitoring network consists of 101 stratified random sites sampled annually using the modified Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale (BBCA). Overall cover for each species of seagrass, and total cover for all species is estimated using the BBCA scale. Frequency, abundance, and density are calculated for each site. This method of sampling is currently being used in Florida Bay and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Biscayne Bay Large Scale Seagrass Restoration Efforts Port of Miami Seagrass Mitigation Project In October 1980, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a dredge and fill permit for expansion of the Miami Seaport Facility. As a special permit condition the Seaport was required to plant 102 hectares (251 acres) of bay bottom with seagrasses to mitigate for damages to 33 hectares (81acres) of grass beds. The detailed specifications of the planting and monitoring program were prepared in October 1981. The program was divided into two phases: Phase I included the planting and monitoring of one 10-hectare (25 acre) large-scale planting and thirteen 0.4-hectare (1-acre) test plantings (Test Plots) intended to provide spatial, species, planting methods, and other guidance for the planting of the remaining 86 hectares (213 acres) in Phase II (Figure 2) (Dial and Deis, 1986). The following survival rates were obtained from Connell Associates, 1984, the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve Management Plan report, Miami-Dade County Planning Department, 1986, the 1995 Biscayne Bay SWIM Plan (Alleman et al, 1995), and Dial and Deis (1986). 120 Biscayne Bay Seagrass Restoration Figure 2. Seagrass planting efforts in Biscayne Bay, Florida, with locations of Port of Miami Seagrass Mitigation Project 1981 through 1984 Phase I and II restoration efforts and the 1988 Dredged Area Pilot Restoration Project. Stars – Port of Miami Seagrass Mitigation Phase I planting efforts; triangles – Port of Miami Seagrass Mitigation Phase II planting efforts; hexagon – Dredged Area Pilot Restoration Project. 121 Milano & Deis Phase I 13 Test Plots and a 10-hectare (25-acre) Planting Effort (Figure 2) In 43% of the test plots, the degree of survival was rated as a total loss (Connell and Associates, 1984). Of those that survived, Thalassia shoots had the highest rate of survival (63%), followed by Halodule shoots (46%) and Syringodium (9%). Halodule plugs, which were planted in six test plots, had a 24% survival rate. Planting success varied depending on the geographic location within Biscayne Bay. The most successful sites were in clear water and not exposed to wave action. The goal of the seagrass restoration program was to achieve an overall survival rate of 70%, but only 22% of the tested plots achieved 70% survival (Dial and Deis, 1986). The rate of survival in the 10-hectare (25-acre) planting off Mercy Hospital in central Biscayne Bay was extremely low. After one year, the mean survival rate for Phase I was approximately 12%. Phase II Large Scale Planting Efforts (Figure 2) North Biscayne Bay 8-hectare (20-acre) Planting Site: A second phase of planting was conducted in north Biscayne Bay, which demonstrated the highest rates of survival in Phase I. This site is located between the NW 36 Street (Julia Tuttle) Causeway and the Venetian Causeway (NW 15 Street) in north Biscayne Bay. 15 acres of Halodule shoots and 5 acres of Thalassia shoots were planted during the summer of 1984. After a one year period, the mean survival rate was approximately 12%. Central Biscayne Bay 30-hectare 73-acre Planting Site: In the summer of 1985, 8 hectares (25 acres) of seagrasses (primarily Thalassia and Syringodium) that were scheduled to be destroyed by the Key Biscayne Beach Renourishment project, were transplanted to a 30-hectare (73-acre) central Biscayne Bay site on 1.2-meter (4-foot) centers. Monitoring during the summer of 1986 revealed that the mean survival rate was 10% (Gaby and Langley, 1985). Alternative Seaport Mitigation Plan As stated earlier, the Miami-Dade County Seaport Department was required to complete a mitigation program as a condition of a USACE regulatory permit. As of January 1988, the Seaport had spent approximately $3,000,000, and the cost to fulfill the obligation of the balance of the required seagrass planting, was estimated to be $1,200,000. As a result of (Phase I and Phase II) very low survival rates and limited availability of suitable planting sites, an alternative Seaport mitigation plan was proposed and approved by the USACE. The USACE alternative mitigation plan consisted of the following habitat improvements and activities, and were implemented by DERM: • Continued monitoring of the previous phases of the seagrass planting efforts • Wetlands restoration (5.3 hectares [13 acres]) at Oleta River State Park • Biscayne Bay artificial reef construction Additionally, Miami-Dade County DERM Class-1 Coastal Construction Permit required the following mitigation components for impacts associated with the Seaport expansion activities: 122 Biscayne Bay Seagrass Restoration • Shoreline stabilization (riprap and mangrove planters) • Inshore artificial reef construction • Spoil Island Enhancement Restoration of Seagrasses in Dredged Areas in North Biscayne Bay In 1988, a study to evaluate alternative techniques for filling existing dredged areas in north Biscayne Bay was initiated, and resulted in a three-phased pilot project in a 1.05-hectare (2.6acre) site located approximately 500 meters west of the western shore of Miami Beach at Biscayne Point (NE 110 Street) (Figure 2). Project Design and Development The pilot project was developed to demonstrate the feasibility of using clean dredge spoil material to restore previously dredged areas to natural depth contours, and to develop alternative cost-effective, environmentally sound methods for spoil disposal. The following factors were considered in the design of the pilot project to determine the spatial distribution of fill and the volumes recommended for placement: • Existing bottom conditions • Long-term stability • Environmental impact • Cost-effectiveness The selected dredge area is bordered on the north and south by shallow Syringodium seagrass beds, and on the east and west by deeper bay bottom. Several spoil containment alternatives were evaluated and eliminated due to impracticability, cost or environmental impact. Some of these included sheet-pile dikes, earthen embankments, and concrete filled bags. The final spoil containment system consisted of the construction of submerged rock dikes on the east and west sides of the project site, where the water depths are greater. The water depth at the crest of the dikes is –0.9 meters (–3 feet NGVD) (–0.6 meters –1.9 MLW]) and the slope of the containment dike is 1 vertical: 2 horizontal. The original plan was to fill the contained area with two types of fill. Approximately 1.2 meters (4 feet) of clean dredge spoil material (9,175 cubic meters [12,000 cubic yards]) would be placed into the 1-hectare (2.6-acre) depression followed by a 30.5-centimeter (12-inch) cap layer of clean aragonite sand (2,300 cubic meters [3,000 cubic yards]). The cap sand layer was designed into the project to provide a test of containment using coarse grain sands for future dredging activities associated with the maintenance of the Atlantic Intra-coastal Waterway (AIW). The objectives of this pilot project were twofold: 1. To restore north Biscayne Bay seagrass communities through the development and implementation of techniques for the filling of deep areas in north Biscayne Bay with clean dredge spoil material; and, 2. To identify cost-effective dredge spoil disposal alternatives, in order to eliminate the need for AIW maintenance dredge spoil disposal on recently restored spoil islands, or on submerged aquatic vegetation, within the USACE easement areas. 123 Milano & Deis Federal, state, and local environmental permits were obtained for the pilot project, and funding assistance was provided through the Florida Inland Navigation District and the Miami-Dade County Biscayne Bay Environmental Enhancement Trust Fund. Implementation The restoration project was constructed through three separate phases to provide optimum flexibility in the design and implementation. The project was initiated in October 1991, and completed in November 1994. Phase I consisted of the installation of lime-rock boulder containment dikes on the eastern and western boundaries of the dredged area. Phase II involved the filling of dredged area with clean dredge spoil material, from the Miami-Dade County Seaport expansion project, to natural depths (–1.2 meters [–4 feet]). The original Phase II construction contractor agreement was terminated due to noncompliance. As a result of limited funds, Phase II was re-bid without the capping layer. The original Phase II contract fill material was barged directly from the Seaport expansion dredging project, and the Phase II contract rebid fill material was barged from an upland staging site. Surface to bottom turbidity curtains were positioned around the entire 1.05-hectare (2.6-acre) restoration site. Heavy equipment deposited the fill material from the barge to the dredged area. Phase III consisted of the transplanting of three species of seagrasses from nearby donor beds to the restoration site. The following are detailed specifications included in the project: • Only clean fill material was used for the restoration. • To reduce turbidity and meet state water quality requirements, bedding materials and lime-rocks were pre-washed prior to deployment. • During the placement of all material, a surface to bottom (weighted) turbidity curtain was positioned completely around the fill area, to contain fine materials within the work site. The turbidity curtain was securely staked in position outside the edge of all seagrass shoal margins adjacent to the fill area, and remained in place until physical stabilization of the fill material. • Weather permitting, fill material was placed and leveled using a standard excavator during daylight hours only. The project site was monitored for the following parameters: turbidity during construction; seagrass density adjacent to the fill area pre-and post-construction; any changes in elevation of the top of filled area by means of depth surveys; and success of experimental seagrass transplantation. Turbidity levels were measured continuously during the construction period. A detailed “as-built” was required to ensure fill quantities and final design elevation compliance. Three species of seagrass, Halodule, Syringodium, and Thalassia, were planted at the site, using bare root material harvested from approved nearby donor sites. The turbidity curtains were effective in containing the turbidity on-site. Wind-driven currents were found to reduce the effectiveness of the surface to bottom turbidity curtains. As a result, fill deployment activities were not allowed to occur during wind events of 15 knots or greater. The turbidity curtains were also found to be very effective in the containment of the deposited fill. As a result, the limerock boulder containment dikes may not be a necessary project component for future restoration efforts. In addition, the fill boundaries and the positioning of 124 Biscayne Bay Seagrass Restoration the turbidity curtains could be located closer to adjacent desirable seagrasses, this would eliminate the resulting trough between the existing seagrasses and the restored seagrass area. After 24 months from completion of construction, no significant changes were observed in the elevation of the 1.05 hectare (2.6-acre) filled area, and no project-related impacts to nearby habitats were detected. Table 1 includes project cost details for all three phases of the restoration effort. Total cost for all three phases was $576,000 or $548,571/ hectare. Table 1. Restoration of seagrasses in a north Biscayne Bay dredged area, project costs: DESCRIPTION UNITS Containment Dike System: Mobilization lump sum Silt Barrier lump sum Bedding Material tons Limerock Riprap tons Filter Fabric square yards Navigational Aids each QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 1 750 2,500 3,500 4 $98,000 $30,000 $30 $35 $4 $2,000 $98,000 $30,000 $22,500 $87,500 $14,000 $8,000 Actual Cost Fill Placement: Mobilization Filter Fabric Bedding Stone Limerock Riprap Spoil Material Capping Material Silt Barrier $260,000 lump sum square yards tons tons cubic yards cubic yards lump sum 1 600 100 375 9,000 6,000 1 Estimate Total (includes capping material) Actual Cost (no capping material) $73,975 $4 $25 $35 $18 $27 $30,000 $73,975 $2,400 $2,500 $13,125 $162,000 $162,000 $30,000 $446,000 $284,000 Seagrass Transplantation Cost (Actual) $32,000 Total Cost For All Project Components $576,000 Seagrass Transplanting and Monitoring The area was planted in May–June 1994 using planting units of Thalassia, Syringodium, and Halodule anchored with geo-textile staples on approximate 0.9-meter (3-foot) centers. The planting units consisted of bare-root seagrass rhizomes with a minimum of three apical meristems and minimum three culms behind the meristem. A total of 12,957 planting units were installed over the area including 5,397 planting units of Halodule, 3,780 planting units of Syringodium, and 3,780 planting units of Thalassia. The individual species were planted in species plots with Halodule on the eastern side of the fill area, Syringodium in the center, and Thalassia on the west. The donor site was a large grassbed located south of the planting site in the basin between Julia Tuttle Causeway and 79th Street Causeway. This grassbed contains areas where Halodule, Syringodium, Thalassia grow in mixed beds and monoculture in sediment consisting primarily of 125 Milano & Deis calcium carbonate formed by Halimeda. Generally, it was easy to separate the plants from the sediment. It was noted in the post-construction synopsis (Deis, 1994), that each species from Halodule to Syringodium to Thalassia became progressively more difficult to acquire from the donor site and to plant. Each plant produced more waste to develop a planting unit. It was recommended that Halodule be the first choice for future plantings because of ease of collection, less damage to the donor site, and quality of the planting unit providing an abundance of apical meristems. Syringodium is difficult to plant because of the buoyancy of the leaves and rhizomes. Thalassia should be planted only as sods. As discussed, the dredged material from the port used to fill the site was not capped with aragonite as proposed. The result was sediment that was coarse grained and rocky. Miami-Dade DERM biologists surveyed the project site on June 20, 1995, approximately one year after the planting (DERM, 1998). Survivability of planted units was measured only in the Thalassia plot because the Syringodium and Halodule areas had coalesced such that individual planted units were not visible. The survey found 64.8% of the planted Thalassia units survived the first year. Percent cover was measured using a 1-meter (3.3-foot) grid divided into 100 subunits. Table 2 provides the results of the survey. Halodule and Syringodium were found in all of the plots. The Halodule and Syringodium plots each contained approximately 60% coverage. Table 2. Percent cover of seagrass species by planted areas (plot) one year after planting at the north Biscayne Bay site (from Miami-Dade DERM, 1998). SEAGRASS SPECIES THALASSIA PLOTS SYRINGODIUM PLOTS HALODULE PLOTS Thalassia Syringodium Halodule 7.82 6.67 26.72 0 49.64 16.11 0 2.48 58.78 TOTAL 39.61 60.59 59.57 Red drift algae Green algae 38.72 4.47 27.14 6.55 8.63 6.59 A qualitative survey of the site in June of 2002 found 30% patchy cover of all three species of seagrasses on the site. We have no long-term quantitative data for the restoration site. As a result of the rock groins and buffer areas for turbidity controls, the site remains an independent feature in the bottom communities of this section of the bay. Other factors, e.g., the coarseness of the material used to fill the site, may be contributing to patchiness in the seagrasses currently found on the site. Long-term monitoring at a seagrass location within this basin of Biscayne Bay has demonstrated a change in seagrass species from Syringodium to Halodule. This is sometimes associated with changes in water quality within a location. Seagrass Restoration and Management Opportunities in Biscayne Bay During the early 1900s, more than 40% of north Biscayne Bay bottom communities, including seagrass habitats, were dredged to provide fill for upland development. South Florida has experienced tremendous population growth since then, and will continue to do so. As a result, 126 Biscayne Bay Seagrass Restoration Biscayne Bay environments face many challenges and threats to their present and future health. Shallow seagrass beds are being degraded by recreational and commercial watercraft traffic. Scarred and scoured seagrasses have been documented throughout the state of Florida, mostly in shallow coastal waters less than 2 meters (6 feet) deep (Sargent et al. 1995). Experimental techniques are being developed by governmental agencies to restore these vessel-related impacts nationwide. Seagrass planting has been generally more successful when restoration is conducted at sites where seagrass communities existed, but were disturbed by physical impacts that can be corrected or eliminated (Fonseca et al, 1998). The restoration of the structure of the seagrass habitat is of primary importance. Seagrasses have been observed to naturally recruit into newly restored coastal areas (Cape Florida State Park, North Virginia Key and the Chicken Key Bird Rookery) in Biscayne Bay (Milano, 2001). Natural recolonization can occur vegetatively (rhizome extension) or through seedling recruitment (Fonseca et al, 1998) if the proper elevations for growth of the seagrass is achieved in the restoration. A number of seagrass restoration opportunities, requiring the filling to natural contours, are being considered in north Biscayne Bay. In addition, Biscayne National Park resource managers are presently initiating an effort to catalogue all vessel-related impacts in south Biscayne Bay for potential future restoration (R. Clark, Biscayne National Park, pers. comm.). Future south Biscayne Bay seagrass restoration opportunities are limited to these shallow propeller scars and boat groundings. Biscayne Bay seagrass restoration opportunities may be limited to the filling of previously dredged areas in north Biscayne Bay to natural contours, and the restoration of marine vessel propeller scars and boat groundings in shallow coastal waters. As illustrated in this review, the project component costs (fill material, transportation, placement of fill, planting, project monitoring, etc.) for seagrass restoration are dependent on site-specific environmental conditions (water depth, currents, wave energy, etc.). Sargent et al. (1995) have recommended that education is an essential part of any effort to make all boaters understand the sensitive nature of shallow seagrass communities. Miami-Dade County, South Florida Water Management District, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission have developed a boater’s guide with maps illustrating the location of seagrass in Biscayne Bay. Additionally, on-going statewide boater education certification programs should include information on seagrass protection. In addition to the ongoing efforts to restore shallow coastal watercraft impacts and educate the boating public, shallow water motorboat exclusion zones can be used as a management tool to help protect and conserve seagrass habitats, provide manatee protection, and enhance boating safety. Improved navigational signage is an additional tool that can be used to further these goals. Inclusion of seagrass protection signage in appropriate conservation waters, such as critical wildlife areas or national parks, would: • Provide resource protection to shallow marine environments. • Demonstrate effective methods of delineating sensitive marine communities. • Provide an opportunity to develop effective enforcement and education strategies. • Save long-term restoration and mitigation dollars. 127 Milano & Deis Exclusion zones, with the necessary enforcement, may be an effective management and natural resource conservation tool to assist in delineating, protecting, and restoring shallow seagrass areas from vessel related impacts. This paper illustrates the high cost of seagrass restoration, especially in previously dredged areas. Preservation of seagrasses is the most cost-effective approach. Preservation of south Florida seagrasses can be accomplished through improved delivery and scheduling of freshwater run-off to coastal areas, providing boater education programs, implementing resource protection zones, and providing dedicated marine resource enforcement. REFERENCES Alleman RW, Bellmund SA, Black DW, Formati SE, Gove CA, Gulick LK. 1995. Biscayne Bay surface water improvement and management plan. South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, Florida. Biscayne Bay Management Plan, Miami, Fl., Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management and the Miami-Dade County Planning Department, 1980. Biscayne Bay Partnership Initiative Technical Document, 2001. Connell Associates, Inc. 1984. Port of Miami seagrass revegetation monitoring project. A final report for MiamiDade County Department of Environmental Resources Management, Miami, Fl. 41 pp. Deis D R. 1994. Summary of North Biscayne Bay Seagrass Restoration Project. A letter to Lee Hefty, biologist, Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management. 2 pp. DERM. 1998. Memorandum from Jason J. Bacon to Lee Hefty on the one-year dredge hole-post construction survey. 2 pp. Dial RS, Deis DR. 1986. Mitigation options for fish and wildlife resources affected by port and other waterdependent developments in Tampa Bay, Florida. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 86(6). 150 pp. Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Thayer GW. 1998. Guidelines for the conservation and restoration of seagrasses in the United States and adjacent waters. National National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Beaufort Laboratory, Beaufort, North Carolina. 222 p. Gaby R, Langley S. 1985. Seagrass mitigation in Biscayne Bay, Florida. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management: Coastal Zone 85. Vol. 1, pp. 904–919. Harlem PW. 1979. Aerial photographic interpretation of historical changes in northern Biscayne Bay, Florida: 1925 to 1976. Sea Grant Technical Bulletin. University of Miami, No. 40. 151 pp. Idyll CP, Tabb DC, Yokel B. 1968. The value of estuaries to shrimp. Pp. 83 – 90 in Newsom JD, ed., Marsh and Estuary Management Symposium. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, La. Lewis RR. 1990. Creation and restoration of coastal plain wetlands in Florida, Pp. 73–101 in Kusler JA, Kentula ME, eds., Wetland Creation and Restoration. Island Press, Washington, DC. Lewis RR, Kruer CR, Hodgson AB. 1999. Seagrass Distribution in Biscayne National Park. Tech Rep. 99–388, prep for Biscayne National Park, U.S. Dept of Inter., Homestead FL. by Lewis Env. Svcs., Inc., Tampa, FL. 13 pp+ maps. Miami-Dade County Planning Department. 1986. Biscayne Bay aquatic preserve management plan (draft). 360pp. Milano GR. 1983. Bottom communities of Biscayne Bay (map with text). Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management, Miami, FL. Technical Document. Milano GR. 1999a. Cape Florida State Park wetlands restoration. Pp. 110–119 in Cannizzaro P.J, (ed). 1999 Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference on Ecosystem Restoration and Creation. Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida. Milano GR. 1999b. Restoration of coastal wetlands in southeastern Florida. Wetland Journal 11(2): 15–24. Milano GR. 2000. Island restoration and enhancement in Biscayne Bay, Florida. Pp.1–17 in P. Cannizarro PJ, ed. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Ecosystem Restoration and Creation. Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Fl. Milano GR. 2001. Chicken Key Bird Rookery: Restoration of a coastal mangrove island in south Biscayne Bay. Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation. University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Fl. 128 Biscayne Bay Seagrass Restoration Odum WE, McIvor CC, Smith TJ. 1982. The ecology of the mangroves of south Florida: A community profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Biological Services. FWS/OBS-81/24. Washington, DC. Sargent FJ, Leary TJ, Crewz DW, Kruer CR. 1995. Scarring of Florida’s seagrasses: assessment and management options. Florida Marine Research Institute Tech. Rep TR-1, St. Petersburg, Florida. 37 pp + appendices. Wanless HR. 1969. Sediments of Biscayne Bay—distribution and depositional history. M.S. Thesis, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida. 260p. Wanless HR. 1976. Geologic setting and recent sediments of the Biscayne Bay region. P. 1-32, In: Thorhaug A, Volker A., eds., Biscayne Bay : Past, Present, and Future. University of Miami, Sea Grant Special Report No. 5. 315 p. Wanless HR, Cottrell D, Parkinson R, Burton E. 1984. Sources and circulation of turbidity, Biscayne Bay, FL. Final report to Sea Grant and Dade County, 499 p. Wood EJ.F, Odum WE, Zieman JC. 1969. Influence of seagrasses on the productivity of coastal lagoons. Mem. Simp. Intern. Lagunas Costeras. UNAM-UNESCO, pp. 495-502. GRM (Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management [DERM], 33 SW. 2nd Avenue, Suite 1000, Miami, FL 33130-1540); DRD (PBS&J, 7785 Baymeadows Way, Suite 202, Jacksonville, FL 32256) 129 ❖ TOPOGRAPHIC RESTORATION OF BOAT GROUNDING DAMAGE AT THE LIGNUMVITAE SUBMERGED LAND MANAGEMENT AREA P.L. McNeese, C.R. Kruer, W.J. Kenworthy, A.C. Schwarzschild, P. Wells & J. Hobbs ABSTRACT This project involved topographic restoration of a 50-meter long eroding twin propeller scar on a shallow seagrass flat within the Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area in the Florida Keys. The primary ecological goal was to arrest continued erosion of the damage site. The secondary goal was to initiate site recovery to the pre-damage condition of a Thalassia testudinumdominated seagrass community in soft carbonate mud. The project included filling of the scar portion of the damage area with native limerock gravel material using a work barge conveyor belt system, and installing bird roosting stakes for the purpose of natural fertilization. The work was managed by the Florida Keys Environmental Restoration Trust Fund and utilized a marine contractor, paid professional staff and in-kind resources. Actual dollar costs of the project and estimated cost-equivalents for in-kind services are presented along with costs associated with three years of monitoring and reporting. The monitoring data indicates that the gravel has remained in place and the scar has stabilized. Calcareous and fleshy macroalgae have colonized the gravel but seagrass recruitment has not occurred. The gravel will be capped with fine sediment to accomplish the secondary goal of seagrass restoration. INTRODUCTION The Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area (LKMA) is located in Islamorada, Florida Keys. This 10,000-acre management area consists of a series of shallow seagrass banks bisected by meandering channels (Figure 1). The heavy boating activity and predominance of a transient (visiting) boating population has made this area a focus of boating impacts management through channel marking, limited-motor zoning and education. Sargent et al. (1995) documented the magnitude and scope of the problem of seagrass habitat loss from boating impacts throughout Florida and especially in the Florida Keys. When a vessel impacts the bottom the resulting injury may include any or all of the following (Figure 2): propeller (prop) scars, grounding holes, and berms (Kenworthy et al. 2002). At LKMA vessel impacts are generally classified by location on the banks as either interior injuries or edge injuries. Bank interiors are dominated by prop scar type injuries, typically generated by small vessels. Bank edges experience more grounding injuries, often from larger vessels, and are subject to continued erosion induced by tidal currents and the wakes of passing vessels. These erosive forces have the effect of widening and deepening existing injury footprints causing additional resource loss (Sargent et al. 1995; Whitfield et al. 2002). We were interested in applying practical restoration methods to address the initial damage and subsequent erosion of bank edges at LKMA. Restoration of the pre-injury habitat is the desired goal for all injury sites but for bank edge injuries continued peripheral damage caused by site erosion must be arrested first. 131 McNeese, Kruer, Kenworthy, Schwarzschild, Wells & Hobbs Figure 1. Graphic depiction of Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area in Islamorada, Florida, showing meandering channels and shallow seagrass flats (latter indicated by diagonal fill pattern). Site Description The project injury, located on Peterson Key Bank (Figure 2), consisted of a deep twin propeller scar and blowhole within a habitat of mixed seagrass dominated by Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrighttii growing in soft carbonate mud. The original grounding most likely occurred in 1993 (P.Wells, author’s observation). Within five years of the injury, the twin propeller scar had eroded into a wider and deeper single scar. The blowhole had not noticeably increased in size and had seagrass growing in the bottom of it. This project involved restoration of the scar portion of the injury only. 132 Topographic Restoration of Boat Grounding Damage scar trench NOAA scar berm blowhole Figure 2. Aerial photograph of the pre-restoration condition of the damage site (photograph taken December 1996) at Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area. The scar trench, blowhole and berm features of the site can be distinguished. Also visible in this photograph are several other scars on the surrounding flat including the NOAA Beaufort Laboratory study scar site. The physical and biological characteristics of the injury site were used to provide a basis for restoration design. Initial site data were collected on October 4, 1998. The injury consisted of an eroded prop scar “trench” 52.7 m in length (Figure 2). The scar averaged 4.97 m in width (n=6; range of 2.46 m to 6.67 m). The average depth over the entire scar (n=21) was 12 centimeters (cm) below the grade of the adjacent grassbed, while the centerline of the scar averaged 30 cm in depth relative to adjacent natural grade. The bottom of the scar was not symmetrical. On its south side, it was deeper, unvegetated, and had a steeper “wall.” The north side was more gently sloped and had recruited with calcareous algae. Currents were apparently being funneled more aggressively along the south wall of the scar. Visible in the aerial photography of the site is a restored prop scar adjacent to the project injury (Figure 2). This scar is the subject of an experiment being conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Beaufort Laboratory (Beaufort, N.C.) initiated in 1995 to test the concept of restoration by “modified compressed succession” (Fourqurean et al. 1995; Kenworthy et al. 2000). 133 McNeese, Kruer, Kenworthy, Schwarzschild, Wells & Hobbs Site Goals The primary ecological goal was to arrest erosion of the scar through restoration of the topographic profile and allow natural recovery of the substrate and the biotic community. Although filling of dredged areas in the Keys has been performed successfully, filling of boat grounding injuries had never been undertaken (C. Kruer, author’s observation). Based on local knowledge and characteristics of this site, we hypothesized that filling of the injury with a gravel material heavy enough to remain in place would restore the bank profile and arrest erosion, thereby allowing the natural accumulation of fine sediments. The primary management goal for this site was to explore the feasibility, cost-effectiveness and repeat-ability of the stabilization technique used. The LKMA area contains dozens of injury sites similar to the subject site and hundreds more are present in other shallow-water areas of the Florida Keys. Restoration of all of these sites is not practical but restoration of the most vulnerable sites may be feasible as part of a larger seagrass restoration program if: • the construction method allows for quick mobilization and installation soon after injury; • the number of different stabilization/restoration treatments applied to a single site could be kept to a minimum; • the construction method is relatively simple and not extremely specialized; • the construction method is cost-effective for use on a multiple-site basis; and • the construction method could be easily bid, contracted, and supervised at the LKMA staff level. METHODS In order to achieve the site restoration objectives, site planning and design were closely coordinated with the method of construction. We involved a local marine contractor, Adventure Environmental, Inc. of Key Largo, Florida to assist our team in site planning. Due to the sensitivity of the resources surrounding the site conventional construction equipment and methods could not be used. Several alternatives were considered to generate the final design: placement of 1-inch to 1.25-inch (25 mm – 32 mm) diameter gravel size to bring the scar feature topography to adjacent natural grade. We used a small barge conveyer system specially designed and built by the contractor for this project. Based on the calculated volume of the scar we estimated that 31.4 m3 or 41 cubic yards (cy) of material was needed to fill it. We set a goal of filling the scar to within 0.25 m of adjacent grade. A second design component was the addition of bird roosting stakes for the purpose of encouraging fertilization of the scar substrate to enable compressed succession of the biotic community to seagrasses. Fertilization with bird stakes has encouraged the rapid expansion of H. wrightii in shallow prop scars elsewhere at LKMA (Kenworthy et al. 2000) including directly adjacent to this site (Figure 2). Construction The work was scheduled for the period of highest tides during the last week of July 1999 to maximize the available water depth over the site. Turbidity curtains anchored with pvc poles were installed on two sides of the trench at approximately 1 m to 1.5 m from the edge 134 Topographic Restoration of Boat Grounding Damage of the bare scar. Turbidity curtains were left in place throughout construction and were inspected each morning before beginning work. The fill material was washed native limerock gravel obtained from a local supplier and was specified as 25 mm to 35 mm diameter. The supply company’s equivalent specification for this size (1-inch to 1.25-inch) was called “Ballast Rock #4” but the actual rock delivered was larger averaging 33 mm and ranging from 23 mm to 48 mm in diameter (n=57, sd=5.28 mm). The gravel was deposited using a 33-foot barge fitted with two fiberglass sheets, attached to a metal roller at the bow of the vessel, and stretched from bow to stern over a slick plastic panel surface (Figure 3). The gravel material was loaded onto the barge at the LKMA dock staging area with a small front-end loader. Approximately 0.86 m3 (1.12 cy) of material could be accommodated in one barge load. The fully loaded barge had a draft of approximately 12 inches. The material was transported approximately 1 mile from the staging area to the site. The barge entered the scar from the east (channel) end, stopped at the west end and then slowly backed out of the scar as the gravel was dumped. To deploy the gravel, a worker positioned in the water used a hand crank to wind the fiberglass sheeting around the shaft causing the gravel to drop off the vessel bow into the water (Figure 3). As the gravel was deposited in the scar, a second worker in the water distributed the material evenly with hand tools. Quick settling of the rock during dumping made it apparent that the original projected fill amount was underestimated and additional gravel was obtained to finish the project. Upon completion of filling a total of 48 bird roosting stakes were set on approximately 3 m centers in the scar (Figure 4). The finished bird stake array formed three rows along the long axis of the scar and 16 rows across the scar. The stakes consisted of 1.5-inch pvc set to extend approximately 20 cm above mean high water. No roosting treatments were applied to the tops of the stakes (see Kenworthy et al. 2000) in an effort to test a simple stake design. It was expected that cormorants and terns would roost on the ends of the large-diameter pvc. Monitoring Monitoring was conducted at Time Zero (placement of fill), 1 year, 2 years and 3.5 years after filling. The extent of monitoring was dictated by the availability of funding and personnel (Table 1). Site conditions were documented upon completion of construction at the Time Zero monitoring event on August 21, 1999. The depth of the fill surface was measured using a meter tape stretched laterally across the width of the filled scar and anchored into place on each side at the adjacent natural grade. A diver used the tape as a guide to measure fill topography relative to natural grade. The vertical distance between filled grade and the stretched tape was measured at 0.5 m intervals to the nearest 5 cm. This “profile” measurement was performed every 5 m down the length of the filled scar for a total of 10 transects. At the same time, the width of the fill surface area was recorded using the stretched tape for each of the 10 transects. This fill surface profiling event was performed to document “as-built” conditions and was not repeated in subsequent 135 McNeese, Kruer, Kenworthy, Schwarzschild, Wells & Hobbs monitoring. In order to document changes in the surface depth of gravel over time, a permanent on-site measuring device was installed by tightly attaching orange plastic cable ties 25 cm above the fill on each of the 48 bird stakes. Figure 3. Barge conveyor system used to deploy gravel for scar restoration at Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area. Between completion of fill placement (August 1, 1999) and the time zero monitoring event (August 21, 1999) strips of unvegetated sediment had appeared along each side of the scar adjacent to the gravel fill. The thin layer of gravel deposited and spread to the edges of the scar footprint proved insufficient to significantly retard current flow allowing erosion to 136 Topographic Restoration of Boat Grounding Damage continue along the sides of the scar (A. Schwarzschild, author’s observation). The widths of the unvegetated strips, from the edge of the continuous seagrass bed to the edge of the gravel, were recorded to the nearest cm at the 16 bird stake locations along each side of the scar. Continuing erosion of these areas documented during Year 1 monitoring led us to conclude that planting seagrass in the unvegetated strips might be warranted. The strips were planted with H. wrightii in April 2001, 20 months from time zero (see “Planting” section for description of methods). Figure 4. Aerial photograph of the time zero condition of the restoration site (photograph taken September 1999) at Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area. The scar feature is filled and set with bird stakes. 137 McNeese, Kruer, Kenworthy, Schwarzschild, Wells & Hobbs Table 1. Monitoring of filled propeller scar site at Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area. For each monitoring event, plus (+) signs indicate individual parameters monitored and minus (-) signs indicate individual parameters not monitored. “Not applicable” (n/a) indicates that the parameter did not yet exist and therefore could not be monitored during the applicable event. PARAMETER MONITORED Depth of gravel fill Width of unvegetated side strips Planting unit survival Planting unit density Bird roosting on stakes Condition of gravel (qualitative) Recruitment of gravel (quantitative) Recruitment of gravel (qualitative) MONITORING EVENT Year 1 Year 2 Time Zero + + n/a n/a + + n/a n/a + + n/a n/a + + + + + + + + + + + Year 3.5 + + + + + + A general description of the condition and vegetative recruitment of the gravel in the scar was recorded at time zero and at each subsequent monitoring event. A qualitative characterization of the adjacent natural seagrass beds was also recorded. At the Year 1 monitoring event, presence/absence of vegetation and fouling organisms, identified to genus when possible, was recorded in four 20 cm x 20 cm quadrat samples at 0.5 m distance around each of the center row of bird stakes for a total of 64 samples. At the Year 2 monitoring event, qualitative coverage observations and genera present on the gravel were recorded. For the Year 3.5 event, sampling of recruiting vegetation over the gravel was quantified using the Braun-Blanquet (B-B) coverage abundance scale method (Fourqurean et al. 2001). B-B values were recorded using a 0.25 m2 quadrat set at 15 stations along each of two transects (n=30) located 0.5 m from each center stake. Five sites along each of two adjacent control transects were also monitored for B-B values (n=10). Bird use of the roosting stakes was recorded during the time zero monitoring event, during each annual monitoring event, and at any intervening opportunity during additional site visits. The total number of roosting individuals of each different species or group (e.g., terns, seagulls, etc.) were recorded as the site was approached. Planting Transplantation of H. wrightii into the site was performed on April 23, 2001. Planting material was harvested from the adjacent experimental staked scar installed by NOAA Beaufort Laboratory (see Kenworthy et al. 2000). Halodule wrightii bare root planting units (PU) were made by bundling 15-25 shoots to a 15 cm long metal sod staple with papercoated biodegradable “garden” twist-ties (Fonseca et al. 1998, see specifically Figure 3.2, notes (a), (b), (c), (d), (g), and (h) in that document). A total of 242 PUs were installed in the unvegetated perimeter strips along each side of the scar on 0.5 meter centers. Ninety-three (93) PUs were installed along the southern unvegetated strip and 85 PUs along the northern edge. Sixty-four (64) PUs were also installed in the gravel around the center row of stakes along the entire length of the scar. Each of the 16 bird stakes in the center row had four PUs installed around it at 0.5 m from 138 Topographic Restoration of Boat Grounding Damage the stakes. Planting units in the gravel area were installed by two persons, one digging a small hole in the gravel with a metal tree planting bar and the other immediately installing the staple PU into the hole and gently letting the gravel fall back around it. Planting units were checked at one week from installation and were all found to be surviving, some having experienced minor effects of herbivory. PU survival was monitored at Year 2 including presence/absence and shoot count taken for each surviving plant. Some of the planting units had coalesced so monitoring of each PU was performed by placing a 20 cm x 20 cm quadrat over the approximate center of the PU. Shoot counts were made and where shoot count density was very high (over 50 shoots) a 10 cm x 10 cm quadrat subsample was counted. At Year 3.5, qualitative observations of PU survival were recorded but no shoot counts were performed. RESULTS Construction A total of 69.6 m3 (91 cy) of gravel was placed in the scar over a 2-week period. The gravel was observed to settle and compact very quickly during construction probably due to the underlying soft carbonate mud sediments. This phase required 114 hours over 11 days to complete from mobilization to final demobilization and clean-up. A total of 81 barge loads were transported to the site at the rate of 6 to 11 barge loads per day. The barge transported an average of 1.02 m3 (1.34 cy) per load. Turbidity plumes were generated primarily by the gravel dumping activity. Turbidity plumes tended to stay between the two side-configured curtains especially on slack and low tides. Time Zero Time zero monitoring was conducted on August 21, 1999. The width of the finished gravelfilled trench ranged from 2.95 m to 7.55 m with an average of 5.13 m (n=16). The length of the filled trench was 50 m. Gravel depths at Time Zero ranged from 0 cm to 35 cm below the adjacent natural grade and averaged 9 cm below grade overall (n=180). The width of the unvegetated strip north of the scar ranged from 0 m to 1.6 m and averaged 0.59 m (n=16). On the south side the strip ranged from 0 m to 0.55 m and averaged 0.26 m. Year 1 The difference between time zero and Year 1 orange cable tie (depth reference) measurements for each individual station was compared (Table 2). The individual differences averaged an overall increase (representing subsidence of the gravel) of 3.4 cm over the entire scar (n=48). In the first year the width of the unvegetated strips had increased dramatically. On the north side of the scar the strip ranged from 0.2 m to 6 m and averaged 2.2 m (n=16). On the south side of the scar the strip ranged from 0.5 m wide to 11 m wide with an average width of 2.2 m (n=16). Within the first year algae of the genera Batophora and Caulerpa had recruited throughout the gravel surface. Sponges and an unidentified alga were also seen. Only five of the 64 stations sampled on the gravel did not contain any recruitment of macrophytes or macroinvertebrates. 139 McNeese, Kruer, Kenworthy, Schwarzschild, Wells & Hobbs Table 2. Changes in surface topography of gravel material in the filled scar at Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area. Measurements from fixed cable tie reference markers to gravel surface were taken along the scar and averaged for the north, central and south row of bird stakes and then an overall average was calculated. The figures in this table represent the differences in average measurements over the time period shown. A positive number represents subsidence of the gravel surface (increased depth of measurement over time) while a negative number represents a rise or accretion at the surface. TIME PERIOD AVERAGE CABLE TIE MEASUREMENT DIFFERENCE (cm) Time Zero – Year 1 North Central South 3.8 1.6 4.8 Overall Average: 3.4 Year 1 – Year 2 North Central South 4.6 1.1 2.3 Overall Average: 2.7 Time Zero – Year 2 North Central South 8.4 2.6 7.2 Overall Average: 6.1 Year 2 – Year 3.5 North Central South !1.6 !1.7 !0.6 Overall Average: !1.3 Time Zero – Year 3.5 North Central South 6.8 0.9 6.6 Overall Average: 4.8 Year 2 Continued gravel subsidence was evident from depth reference measurements averaging 2.7 cm from Year 1 to Year 2 and averaging 6.1 cm from time zero to Year 2. By Year 2, the width of the unvegetated zones had apparently stabilized. On the north side of the scar the width ranged from 0.15 m to 7.1 m and averaged 2.4 m (n=16). On the south side of the scar the width ranged from 1.2 m wide to 24.4 m wide with an average width of 2.4 m (n=16). Year 2 monitoring revealed recruitment of H. wrightii extending approximately 40 cm into the gravel scar from the adjacent NOAA Beaufort Laboratory study scar at the northeast corner (Figure 5). Other vegetation recorded on the gravel surface throughout the scar included macroalgae from the genus Penicillus, Halimeda, Caulerpa, and Laurencia. Of the 178 H. wrightii PUs planted in the unvegetated perimeter, 83 (50%) were still surviving after 4 months. Short-shoot counts ranged from 1 to 60 with an average count of 14 shoots per PU. Most of the surviving PUs, a total of 50, were on the north side of the scar, even though a lower number (85) had been originally installed there. All of the PUs in the gravel substrate had failed. Year 3.5 The difference between Year 2 and Year 3.5 depth reference measurements (Table 2) averaged !1.3 cm over the entire scar (n=48) indicating stabilization and slight infilling in the third year. The difference between time zero and Year 3.5 measurements averaged 4.8 cm (overall subsidence since time zero). The widths of the unvegetated strips were not 140 Topographic Restoration of Boat Grounding Damage measured in Year 3.5 because of an obvious change in the bank-wide vegetation pattern evident from analysis of repeat aerial photography from 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2003. A clear diminishment of vegetation density, especially seagrass, was evident across this portion of Peterson Key bank and, relative to our restoration site, was migrating from the east (channel) end to the west (blowhole) end. In fact, earlier aerial photography (1996 through 1999) shows a consistent dense grassbed around all but the very east end of the injury site. The 2003 aerial photograph (Figure 6) shows a significant thinning out of vegetation all around the site and around the adjacent NOAA Beaufort Laboratory study scar. Groundtruthing confirmed both the thinning of vegetation and the loss of seagrass in this area of Peterson Key Bank. Figure 5. Ground photograph of filled scar site conditions at 1.5 years from time zero at Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area. The scar feature is on the left hand side of the photograph and the NOAA Beaufort Laboratory study scar is on the right hand side. Halodule wrightii from the NOAA scar can be seen expanding into the filled scar in the foreground of the photograph. Vegetation recruitment in the gravel was again dominated by algae including Batophora, Laurencia and calcareous species. Table 3 shows the results of coverage-abundance scale monitoring at Year 3.5 for algal cover in the scar and algal/seagrass cover on the adjacent natural substrate. The scar had a heavy accumulation of drift algae during the Year 3.5 monitoring event (February 2003) and this pattern was confirmed as a very dark color signature on 35-mm oblique aerial photography obtained one month earlier (Figure 6). The H. wrightii observed at Year 2 in the northeast corner of the scar had receded back out and 141 McNeese, Kruer, Kenworthy, Schwarzschild, Wells & Hobbs only one transplanted PU survived into Year 3.5. These observations were consistent with the concurrent thinning out of the natural surrounding seagrass beds adjacent to the scar. Figure 6. Aerial photograph of Year 3.5 condition of the restoration site (photograph taken January 2003) at Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area. The scar feature is covered with dense algae including Laurencia drift algae. Thinning of seagrasses on the adjacent bank is also evident. Bird Use of Stakes Terns acclimated to the site immediately. On August 21, 1999 at the time zero monitoring site visit, 6 terns were noted roosting on the newly set stakes. At the same time, doublecrested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) were seen roosting on the pvc/wood-block stakes in the adjacent NOAA Beaufort Laboratory study scar. Over the next 3.5 years of monitoring, terns dominated at the site while cormorants used the stakes occasionally and in lesser numbers. Over the 25 observations recorded through the Year 3.5 monitoring event, an average of 51% of the stakes was occupied. The occupied stakes consisted of an average of 92% terns and only 8% cormorants. Costs The work was managed by the Florida Keys Environmental Restoration Trust Fund (FKERTF) and utilized a marine contractor, paid professional staff and in-kind services provided by NOAA Beaufort Laboratory, University of Virginia, Florida Marine Research Institute and LKMA park staff and equipment. Dollar costs expended by FKERTF were 142 Topographic Restoration of Boat Grounding Damage closely tracked while in-kind services have been estimated. Actual costs are reported through the end of the Year 3.5 monitoring event (including data analysis) but do not include compilation and analysis of combined monitoring. Costs are summarized in Table 4. Table 3. Braun-Blanquet coverage abundance values for algae growing on the gravel substrate of the filled scar at the Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area (LKMA) at the Year 3.5 monitoring event (m = mean, sd – standard deviation). Thirty samples were obtained over the gravel fill and 5 control sample sites were analyzed for algae and for seagrass. There was no seagrass in the gravel scar at Year 3.5. GRAVEL TRANSECTS NORTH SOUTH 4 3 5 5 5 3 4 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 5 4 3 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 3 2 3 CONTROL MACROALGAE NORTH SOUTH 0.5 2 3 3 3 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 CONTROL SEAGRASS NORTH SOUTH 0 2 3 4 4 Total B-B macroalgae on gravel m = 3.6 sd = 1.3 Total B-B macroalgae in controls m = 1.5 sd = 1.1 Total B-B seagrass in controls m = 2.5 sd = 1.2 2 3 2 2 3 The FKERTF is a not-for-profit trust fund held by Audubon of Florida dedicated solely to habitat restoration and management in the Florida Keys, with a maximum operating overhead at the time of this project of 12%. It was also able to obtain consulting and technician services at about 50% to 65% lower than normal minimum fees for private sector work. In-kind support of $12,690 comprised a significant amount (29.5%) of the base cost of this project covering some vital functions such as oversight and monitoring. The contract work for filling the scar was also relatively low, totaling about $150/barge load of gravel handled, or about $112/ton. The contractor provided a lower rate mainly because of his interest in testing the gravel offloading system he had developed specifically for this type of work. He estimated after completion of the job that a fee of roughly $150/ton to $200/ton would probably make future jobs cost effective for his operation. In summary, a 50% increase in the base cost of the project in 1999 would result in a total of $64,516.58. This is considered a modest estimate of the true expected cost of such a project. DISCUSSION The target profile parameter of filling the scar to within 25 cm of the adjacent natural grade was largely met. Our estimate of the amount of fill needed had been based on average field measurements. Improved technology such as that being used by staff of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (Kirsch et al. 2005) may allow for more accurate volume 143 McNeese, Kruer, Kenworthy, Schwarzschild, Wells & Hobbs calculations in the future. The gravel compacted and stayed in place on site. The results of repeat depth measurements show that the gravel did subside after initial filling but had stabilized by the third year. The goal of arresting erosion of the scar has been accomplished but the gravel is still visibly exposed and no significant natural sediment accumulation has occurred over the scar’s surface. Based on experience with this site and with smaller experimental sites conducted in the middle Florida Keys (J. Kenworthy, author’s observation) we believe a smaller gravel size (“pea gravel” of about 0.25" diameter) would work for these sites. The expansion of the unvegetated strips along the sides of the gravel are surmised to be from a combination of erosion and general decline of the adjacent natural seagrass bed. The thinning of vegetation on this portion of Peterson Key Bank should continue to be monitored and may significantly affect the recovery of seagrass at our project site over time. This will allow evaluation of site success within the context of community-wide vegetation changes (Fonseca et al. 1998). With respect to bird stakes, terns contribute some nutrient value, but cormorants are preferred since they are larger birds with a greater mass of excrement. The cormorants’ preference for the wood block roosting design recommended by Kenworthy et al. (2000) was clearly demonstrated at our site since cormorants continued to use wood block roosts in the adjacent NOAA study scar but were reluctant to use our “flat top” pvc roost design. Therefore we do not recommend the flat pvc design used on this project as an alternative to the wood block design. Our management goal for the site was to explore the feasibility, cost-effectiveness and repeat-ability of the stabilization technique used. For past Florida Keys restoration sites we have found it useful to evaluate project costs in terms of fill material handled. The total project cost of the filled scar at LKMA equates to about $512 per cubic yard of fill handled or about $182 per square meter. Without seagrass transplantation and site monitoring the filling portion of the job, including design, construction and oversight cost about $324 per cubic yard or $115 per square meter. We found the filling method used to be practical and appropriate for the special site conditions. Two key factors impact the cost of handling fill: the size of the site and the hauling distance. The cost of construction generally increases directly with decreasing site size, primarily because the contractor’s costs of mobilization and commitment of equipment is higher for a small site. The cost may also increase directly with increasing distance of fill hauling. We would recommend that costs be reduced by combining multiple sites under one filling effort. This would decrease the mobilization and oversight cost per individual site. Our project was basically a demonstration project managed by a non-profit entity but still incurred a fairly high cost-equivalent. In order to make future jobs cost-effective at LKMA, multiple site contracting is recommended. Project Evaluation and Adaptive Management We are now engaged in an adaptive management process of refinement of the secondary project goal, that of recovery to seagrass. The challenge is to identify restoration techniques that are practical from a cost-benefit standpoint by comparing the direct and indirect (e.g., 144 Topographic Restoration of Boat Grounding Damage managerial) costs in light of the projected and desired site recovery expectations. With the current success of the site and with increasing use and practical application of “compressed succession” techniques in the Florida Keys, especially at LKMA (see Kenworthy et al. 2000) new techniques for speeding recovery of this site are available and relatively easy to implement. A practical method for “capping” of the scar with biodegradable tubes of fine sediment is currently being tested at sites in the Florida Keys, including LKMA (Kenworthy et al. 2004) and is being applied to this site. The bird stakes have also been adapted to incorporate the wood block roosting design described by Kenworthy et al. (2000). We have shown thus far that stabilization and rapid vegetative colonization of these types of injuries can be reasonably accomplished within the management environment regardless of temporal seagrass habitat recovery expectations. Table 4. Cash and in-kind costs associated with the scar filling project at the Lignumvitae Key Submerged Land Management Area (LKMA). Actual dollar costs spanning the project period of 1998 through 2003 are shown. Selected subcategories of the total cost in a major category are given in parentheses next to the subcategory. TASK (year expended) CASH EXPENDITURE IN-KIND SERVICES (cash equivalent) Design (1998–1999) Site investigations Project coordination Project design Permitting Project contracting Construction (1999) Gravel fill and turbidity control Project oversight, bird stake installation and time zero work Seagrass transplantation Monitoring (2000–2003) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3.5 Project Totals With FKERTF overhead TOTAL $4,256.63 $2,500 $6,756.63 $19,339.40 ($12,144.49) $3,300 $22,639.40 ($4,805.00) ($2,650.00) ($2,389.91) $6,725.02 ($5,042.96) ($1,282.06) ($400.00) $30,321.05 $33,959.58 ($650.00) $6,890.00 ($1,300.00) ($500.00) ($5,090.00) $12,690.00 $13,615.02 $43,011.05 $46,649.58 As a final note, we are concerned with the overall effect of apparent degradation of seagrass in Peterson Key Bank on this project. As the restoration site continues to be modified and monitored we must consider the probability that recovery to seagrass habitat may be up against a natural process of bank-wide degradation. This continues to point to how little we know of the behavior of these habitats over time and reminds us to keep the value of these small restoration sites in the proper perspective. Restoration of these sites can play a meaningful role, but prevention of damage must continue to be the first priority of any seagrass protection program. 145 McNeese, Kruer, Kenworthy, Schwarzschild, Wells & Hobbs LITERATURE CITED Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Thayer GW. 1998. Guidelines for the Conservation and Restoration of Seagrasses in the United States and Adjacent Waters. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Decision Analysis Series No. 12. NOAA Coastal Ocean Office, Silver Spring, MD. 222 pp. Fourqurean JW, Willsie A, Rose CD, Rutten LM. 2001. Spatial and temporal pattern in seagrass community composition and productivity in South Florida. Mar. Biol. 138: 341-354. Fourqurean, JW, Powell GVN, Kenworthy WJ, Zieman JC. 1995. The effects of long-term manipulation of nutrient supply on competition between the seagrasses Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrightii in Florida Bay. Oikos 72:349-358. Kenworthy WJ, Hammerstrom KK, Fonseca MS. 2004. Scientific evaluation of a sediment fill technique for the restoration of motor vessel injuries in seagrass beds of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. In: Development and Research Evaluation of Restoration Tools for Tropical Seagrasses in the United States, Project report submitted to NOAA Damage Assessment Center and NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, prepared by W. Judson Kenworthy. 45 pp. Kenworthy WJ, Fonseca MS, Whitfield PE, Hammerstrom KK. 2002. Analysis of seagrass recovery in experimental excavations and propeller scar disturbances in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. J. Coastal Research 37:75-85. Kenworthy WJ, Fonseca MS, Whitfield PE, Hammerstrom KK, Schwarzschild AC. 2000. A comparison of two methods for enhancing the recovery of seagrasses into propeller scars: mechanical injection of a nutrient and growth hormone solution vs. defecation by roosting seabirds. Final Report to the Florida Keys Environmental Restoration Trust Fund. September 2000. 40 pp. Kirsch KD, Barry KA, Fonseca MS, Whitfield PE, Meehan SR, Kenworthy WJ, Julius BE. 2005. The Mini-312 Program—An expedited damage assessment and restoration process for seagrasses in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. J. Coastal Research S1(40):109–119. Sargent FJ, Leary TJ, Crewz DW, Kruer CR. 1995. Scarring of Florida’s seagrasses: assessment and management options. FMRI Tech. Rep. TR-1. Florida Marine Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida. 37 p. plus appendices. Whitfield PE, Kenworthy WJ, Hammerstrom KK, Fonseca MS. 2002. The role of a hurricane in the expansion of disturbances initiated by motor vessels on seagrass banks. J. Coastal Research, SI(37):86-99. PLM: PO Box 450, Crystal River, FL 34423 146 CULTIVATION STUDIES OF THE HALOPHILA SEAGRASSES H. JOHNSONII AND H. DECIPIENS B. Baca, G. Stone & A. Sanchez-Gomez ABSTRACT Johnson’s seagrass, Halophila johnsonii, and paddle grass, H. decipiens, are the subject of ongoing research because of their protected status, their rarity, and endangerment from coastal development. The goal of this work was to determine the feasibility and best methods for cultivation and transplantation, in order to protect and restore these species, and to mitigate for their loss. H. johnsonii was cultivated in sixty aquaria beginning in the spring of 2001 and was first planted in the field in fall of 2001. Cultivation in aquaria and the field continued through 2003 with successes in both cases, but with several failures in the field due to unstable (erosional) substrates and siltation (field tests objectively compared all substrates and methods). H. decipiens was collected from a local marina dredging project in October 2002 and was cultured in 60 aquaria plus tanks for reproduction and later replanting. Aquarium culture in winter 2002–2003 resulted in reductions in plant numbers, but this was anticipated based on previous winter field and aquarium studies, and plant numbers increased by summer in excess of initial stocking densities. A comprehensive, overwintering field study was also performed on both species in 2001–2002 and this showed that both species had reduced numbers in the winter months (January and February). Braun-Blanquet ratings fell by ~50% and occurrence in quadrats fell by ~40%. These numbers returned to normal by spring of 2002. INTRODUCTION Johnson’s seagrass was placed on the State of Florida endangered species list (FGFWFC 1996) as a result of its rarity in coastal waters, and following the research of Eiseman (1980), Eiseman and McMillan (1980) and Dawes et al. (1989). It is currently designated as federally Threatened for the State (USFWS 1998). The localized species was separated from H. decipiens which was found in deeper or more offshore waters. Culture work and field observations indicated that it is a single sex species as no male flowers have been found. Its transient nature results in its being absent during the colder months of the year. H. decipiens Ostenfeld (paddle grass) is closely related to other members of the Hydrocharitaceae H. johnsonii and H. englemannii (star grass) (Littler et al. 1989) by taxonomic features of leaves, stems and flowers, and also by its small, delicate shape. It is a small, bright green seagrass with pairs of minutely-toothed leaves arising from rhizome nodes. It grows to 5 cm (2 in) tall, in water depths to 30 m (99 ft), and colonies can spread by rhizomes to form patches to 1 m (3.3 ft) across (Littler et al. 1989). It has been noted that paddle grass is a pioneer and rapid colonizer, making it ideal for planting projects (Fonseca et al. 1998, Josselyn et al., 1986). The Halophila seagrasses have been the subject of very few culture studies, mostly the work of McMillan (1976, 1978, 1980) and Fonseca et al. (1998). METHODS Aquarium Culture H. johnsonii for aquarium culture work were first collected in spring 2001, from the Nova Oceanographic Center marina entry channel (main donor site). They were installed in groups of five within sixty 0.37-m2(2 ft × 2 ft), 114-L (30-gallon) glass aquaria (Fig. 1). The system is flow-through, each aquarium having its own spray jet, with filtration by sand filter. Sand filtration was not always used because of clogging problems. The bottom is covered with approximately 3 cm (1.2 in) of clean beach sand. Photometer readings were taken in the water above growing seagrasses and found to be approximately one half that of ambient light; therefore, 50% rated shade cloth was used to cover the aquaria. H. johnsonii was cultured in aquaria from spring 2001 through fall 2002. 147 Baca, Stone & Sanchez-Gomez Figure 1. Seagrass aquaria used for cultivation of Johnson’s seagrass and paddle grass, shown without heavy shade-cloth cover (inset shows cover). H. decipiens plants for aquarium culture were collected in comparatively deep water (2.6 m, 8.5 ft) at Bahia Mar Marina in Ft. Lauderdale (Intracoastal Waterway). Plants were transported in seawater to the aquaria where they were sorted into planting units (individual sprigs with a pair of leaves). They were planted at 60 per aquarium (approx. 160/m2), and with two layers of 50% rated shade cloth. Backup supplies (commonly from broken pieces and leafless rhizomes left from collections) were cultured in 114-L (300-gal) plastic tanks. Photometer readings were taken in the water above growing seagrasses and shade cloth was used to approximate the light reduction in the aquaria (needed to keep down epiphyte fouling). As light levels continued to drop over the winter only one layer of shade cloth was used. In spring 2003 two layers of shade cloth were again used. Near daily aquarium maintenance included vacuuming of algae, maintenance of water inflow jets, sprinkling beach sand over plants, and scraping aquarium sides. Algae problems were reduced with shade cloth and maintenance, and invertebrate and fish grazers were controlled by periodic, heavy seawater flushing and stirring sediment. In cases where seagrasses were completely decimated by grazers (direct observation), tanks were flushed with fresh water followed by a 10-min soaking in 10% bleach and another freshwater flush. These were then replanted with a backup supply located in the plastic tanks. Use of a sand filter was also implemented in 2003 to prevent invasion by grazers. Monthly water quality parameters collected were temperature, salinity, and light levels. Salinity was measured with an AES® automatic temperature compensating refractometer, calibrated to 0.0 parts per thousand (ppt) salinity with distilled water. Light was measured with a submersible HoBo® light meter and data logger, and later with a GE® portable light meter. Monthly counts and comparisons were made of all aquarium cultured material. 148 Cultivation Studies of Halophila spp. Field Planting The 2001/2002 field planting research used Johnson’s seagrass. The first main field planting took place in July 2001 and these sites were monitored for several months and then reexamined one year later (June–July 2002). Observations of cover and survival since initial plantings were made at 5 donor/recipient sites having the following characteristics: Site 1 — Low Energy / Moderate depth (1 m, 3 ft at dead low), Site 2 — High Energy / Moderate depth (1 m, 3 ft at dead low), Site 3 — High Energy / Deep water (2 m, 6 ft at dead low), Site 4 — Low Energy / Shallow depth (0.3 m, 1 ft at low tide), and Site 5 — Shallow depth (0.3 m, 1 ft at dead low) For Johnson’s seagrass, planting units (pu) consist of one pair of leaves (one plant) with associated rhizome and roots. These were collected by SCUBA or snorkel and transported in water to the donor sites and the aquaria. Less than 10% of each donor bed was collected. Planting units were placed in 3 replicates of ten each at each recipient site. Because of the spreading and increased densities of some seagrass planting sites which occurred over the one-year period from July 2001 to July 2002, planting sites were sampled for the present study with 25-cm x 25-cm quadrats (625 cm2). A test planting of paddle grass was conducted in November 2002 using aquarium-cultured material but less than 5% of the plantings survived through the winter of 2002–2003, presumably because of low temperatures, low light levels, and siltation from construction. For this test planting, approximately 2,700 plants were removed from tanks at the Nova Oceanographic Center (Fig. 1) which were previously collected in the north dredge area on Oct. 17, 2002. Plants were removed from tanks using a hard-tine lawn rake. The plants were transported in separate ice chests containing fresh seawater to the Bahia Mar site. Each planting unit consisted of 5 plants (10 leaves) on one rhizome attached with an unfolded large paper clip (Fig. 2). They were planted in marked 1-m2 quadrats. A total of 1,820 plants (364 planting units) were installed in marked and unmarked quadrats. The remaining unused plants (~25%) were transported back to NSU and replanted in a tank because the planting units were too short or broken up. Most plantings of paddle grass occurred in 2003. The first was in May 2003 at the north and south sections of Bahia Mar Marina. Plants were planted in marked quadrats, along transects, in three main channels of this marina. A total of 2,160 plants (432 planting units) were installed in the north basin using the 5-plant pu with large, unfolded paper clips. The unique aspect of this planting was the profusion of seeds (approximately 3/pu) in the planting units. A total of 2,434 plants (406 planting units) were installed in the south basin using a 6-plant pu (the idea that more plants per pu would increase success). The final plantings took place in canals at four locations at Broward County parks. A total of 1,320 paddle grasses were planted, in 2003 June, in 5-plant units. Most planting areas were selected on the basis of having Johnson’s seagrass growing upslope. 149 Baca, Stone & Sanchez-Gomez Figure 2. Typical paddle grass planting unit: 5 plants (10 leaves) secured by unfolded paper clip. Field Studies The primary field studies on H. decipiens and H. johnsonii were performed along the Intracoastal Waterway in West Lake Park (Broward County Parks and Recreation Division) in the vicinity of Port Everglades, Hollywood, Florida. The area is a shelf extending to the edge of the channel. Seven reaches were spatially selected along the shoreline and three transects were run at each reach, beginning from the shoreline and extending into deeper water (approx. 10 ft, 3 m). On each transect, three 1-m2 quadrats were randomly placed and permanently marked. Within each quadrat 16 sub-quadrats, each measuring 25 cm x 25 cm, were located, and eight were sampled in detail. A total of 504 sub-quadrats were sampled monthly, beginning in December 2001. Braun Blanquet (1985) and other cover measures were collected. RESULTS Aquarium Studies Results of the H. johnsonii aquarium studies are given in Table 1. As shown, plants decreased in number in the winter but began increasing as the temperature increased. Overall survival was about 100%, but survival and increase in low density culture (mean 31/tank or 84/m2) was 155%. An examination of aquaria with poor survival showed “contamination” by invertebrates (crustaceans and annelids) and these were believed to be the main source of mortality (confirmed with later paddle grass studies). Beginning in mid-July 2002, and seen in previous years, a dense growth of blue green algae covered small seagrass species and any hard substrates in area waters. This also occurred in the aquaria. This cover has not affected seagrass growth thus far in the aquaria and it is not 150 Cultivation Studies of Halophila spp. known whether effects occur in the field. General observations are that this cover of algae is not present in winter, spring, or early summer months. Results of paddle grass aquarium cultivation are given in Table 2. As shown, plants experienced a reduction in the winter 2002–2003, but recovery began taking place rapidly by the spring. Counts do not include 2 large tanks which totaled over 700 total plants in May 2003. Table 1. H. johnsonii aquarium culture study results; planting date 2/15/02. DENSITY DATE MEAN % SURVIVAL Low (<40/tank or <107.6/m2) 2/15/02 3/21/02 7/24/02 100 75.6 154.6 Medium (40–49/tank or 107.6–131.9/m2) 2/15/02 3/21/02 7/24/02 100 58.8 98.1 High (>50/tank or 134.6/m2) 2/15/02 3/21/02 7/24/02 100 43.3 70.1 Mean survival = 99.1% Table 2. Paddle grass aquarium results (percent survival) for n=60 aquaria, by sample dates, beginning with the planting date. DATE 10/1/02 12/17/02 1/20/03 3/20/03 4/28/03 5/21/03 3,600 2,132 1,704 999 2,039 3,615 #/AQUARIUM 60 36 28 17 34 60 % SURVIVAL 100 59 47 28 57 100 TOTAL # Transplant Studies Counts of H. johnsonii planting units, by site, at the beginning of the study (fall 2001) and 1 year later, are given Table 3. Over the year, total seagrass numbers increased 369%, from 450 plants installed to 1,659 remaining and recruited. However, Site 2 never grew seagrasses since the first planting, and seagrasses died off at Sites 1 and 3. Field observations showed that Site 1 experienced heavy sedimentation over the winter of 2001–2002 and sediment at Sites 2 and 3 had completely washed away, leaving rock and gravel substrates. Sites 4 and 5 did very well, having spread to adjacent areas. Although the third replicate of a planting location at Site 4 had no surviving plants, a fourth replicate taken at another planted location of Site 4 planting site had a count of 496/m2. 151 Baca, Stone & Sanchez-Gomez The main donor site near Site 1 was also censused and counts/m2 are given in Table 4. As shown, the donor site was in good condition, averaging over 1,000 plants/m2 (1,000 pairs of leaves). Table 3. Results of H. johnsonii plantings over the one-year study (measures in #/m2). SITE 1 2 3 4 5 DAYS AFTER PLANTING 1 REPLICATE 2 3 TOTAL 0 361 0 361 0 361 0 361 0 361 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 112 30 288 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 203 30 656 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 400 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 315 90 1,344 TOTAL 400 859 400 1,659 Table 4. Census of H. johnsonii donor site population (#/m2) one year after plant removal. REPLICATE 1 REPLICATE 2 REPLICATE 3 REPLICATE 4 672 1,792 1,440 928 Mean=1,208, SD=504 Paddle grass results are preliminary, but good growth was seen in a few locations at Bahia Mar and at one park location (DeGroff Park). Best results occurred in high flushing areas of the marina and in the highest current areas of the canals. Planting downslope of Johnson’s seagrass was not the best approach because this species was found to invade and dominate the paddle grass sites in the summer. Field Studies Seven months of data were analyzed (December 2001–July 2002), including some from the coldest periods for south Florida. A summary of Braun-Blanquet (B-B) data is given in Table 5. Transects sometimes contained other species of seagrass besides H. johnsonii: H. decipiens (predominant) and Halodule wrightii (rare or uncommon shoal grass in the transects). Therefore B-B collection data are shown with H. decipiens and rare H. wrightii lumped together versus H. johnsonii alone. As shown in the B-B key, mean cover for H. decipiens showed numerous shoots but with <5% cover (possibly a common occurrence in small seagrass species). In contrast, H. johnsonii plots generally had a few shoots with very little cover (B-B range 0.4–0.7). Further comparisons were made between H. johnsonii and H. decipiens, using number of subquadrats containing each species (8 sub-quadrats per quadrat × 3 quadrats per transect = 152 Cultivation Studies of Halophila spp. 24 maximum per transect). As shown in Table 6, approximately 15% of the sub-quadrats contained H. johnsonii in summer and 31% contained H. decipiens in summer. In contrast to casual field observations, no trends were evident in seagrass occurrence relative to depths (T1 being the shallowest and T3 being the deepest). Table 5. Seagrass field study results, plant abundance B-B measures. Key to B-B measures: 0.1—solitary shoot with small cover; 0.5—few shoots with small cover; 1.0—numerous shoots but less than 5% cover; 2.0—any number of shoots but with 5–25% cover. 12/2001 1/2002 DATE 2/2002 4–5/2002 6–7/2002 H. decipiens (with rare Halodule wrightii) Mean B-B SD 1.2 0.7 1.1 0.6 1.2 0.8 1.6 0.7 1.4 0.8 H. johnsonii only Mean B-B SD 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.7 SEAGRASS Table 6. Seasonal occurrence (#subquadrats with Halophila seagrasses). SEAGRASS 12/2001 1/2002 DATE 2/2002 4–5/2002 6–7/2002 H. johnsonii Mean SD 2.8 4.4 1.8 2.7 1.8 3.4 3.4 4.1 3.1 3.7 H. decipiens Mean SD 9.1 5.7 7.2 5.6 5.2 4.1 7.6 5.4 7.5 5.6 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The results of these studies were positive for the concept of holding pre-dredge Halophila seagrasses in aquaria and tanks for transplantation later. However, besides further testing, a number of modifications and guidelines for aquarium culture should be implemented, as follows: • Avoid collection and planting during the colder months (December–February) • Use constant flow-through systems • Use filtered water for flushing • Sterilize sand before using it as a substrate • Use a heated head tank to feed aquaria during coldest months • Implement constant maintenance as described herein Transplantation looks promising, with good results obtained for H. johnsonii. Results with H. decipiens indicate potential for success, and its rapid growth in aquaria shows promise for transplantation of this species. 153 Baca, Stone & Sanchez-Gomez ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Florida Department of Transportation for providing the funds for the Johnson’s seagrass work, and Boca Resorts, Inc. for funding the Bahia Mar Marina work. LITERATURE CITED Braun-Blanquet J. 1985. Plant Sociology: The study of plant communities. C.D. Fuller and H.S. Conrad (eds., transl.). Hafner, London. Dawes CJ, Lobban CS, Tomasko DA. 1989. A comparison of the physiological ecology of the seagrasses Halophila decipiens Ostenfeld and H. johnsonii Eiseman from Florida. Aquatic Botany 33, No. 1-2, pp. 149–154. Eiseman NJ. 1980. An illustrated guide to the sea grasses of the Indian River region of Florida. Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc., Tech Rep. No. 31. Eiseman NJ, McMillan C. 1980. A new species of seagrass, Halophila johnsonii, from the Atlantic coast of Florida. Aquatic Botany 9, No. 1, pp. 15–19. FGFWFC. 1996. Florida’s endangered species, threatened species and species of special concern. Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Tallahassee, FL. Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Thayer GW. 1998. Guidelines for the Conservation and Restoration of Seagrasses of the United States and Adjacent Waters. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Decision Analysis Series No. 12. NOAA Costal Ocean Program, Silver Springs, MD, 222pp. Josselyn M, Fonseca M, Nielsen T, Larson R. 1986. Biomass production and decomposition of a deep water seagrass, Halophila decipiens Ostenf. Aquatic Botany 25, pp. 47–61. Littler DC, M.M. Littler MM, Bucher KE, Norris JN. 1989. Marine Plants of the Caribbean. Smithsonian Institution Press, Wash., D.C. 263pp. McMillan C. 1976. Experimental studies on flowering and reproduction in seagrasses. Aquatic Botany 2, pp. 87–92. McMillan C. 1978. Morphogeographic variation under controlled conditions in five seagrasses, Thalassis testudinum, Halodule wrightii, Syringodium filiforme, Halophila engelmannii, and Zostera marina from Kenya. Aquatic Botany 4, pp. 169–189. McMillan C. 1980. Flowering under controlled conditions by Cymodocea serrulata, Halophila stipulacea, Syringodium isoetifolium, Zostera capensis, and Thalassia hemprichii from Kenya. Aquatic Botany 8, pp. 323–336. USFWS. 1998. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Endangered Species Home Page: BB (CSA South, Inc., Dania Beach, FL); GS (Bermello-Ajamil & Partners, Inc., Miami, FL); AS-G (Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center, Dania Beach, FL) Author contact e-mail: 154 SUITABILITY OF ALTERNATIVE SAV MEASUREMENTS AS AN INDICATOR OF WATER QUALITY EFFECTS LOWER ST. JOHNS RIVER, FLORIDA A.M. Steinmetz, D. Dobberfuhl & N. Trahan ABSTRACT The St. Johns River Water Management District has been monitoring submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the lower St. Johns River (LSJR) since 1995. Response of the SAV community to water quality variability has been assessed using SAV percent cover and occurrence measurements. However, percent cover and occurrence data did not represent field observed changes within SAV beds. Geostatistical analysis was explored as an alternative measure of SAV bed dynamics and response to water quality variability. SAV percent cover, occurrence, and geostatistical estimates were compared to water quality parameters at two sites in the LSJR. Results of the comparisons indicated that percent cover and occurrence reflected only large-scale changes in the SAV community and were insufficient in representing small or short-term changes. Geostatistical estimates characterized not only small alterations in the SAV community at each of the sites, but also illustrated grassbed structure dynamics and sensitivity to other water quality parameters not detected using percent cover and occurrence data. Geostatistical analysis may be a more sensitive tool for measuring not only the response of SAV to water quality, but also grassbed structure dynamics and potential impairment. INTRODUCTION The SAV monitoring program for the LSJR first began in 1995 by the St. Johns River Water Management District. Since that time, SAV and associated water quality have been monitored at a large number of sites across a range of spatial and temporal scales to provide baseline data on the extent of SAV communities and their response to water quality changes. The LSJR is a blackwater, tidal estuary dominated primarily by the freshwater macrophyte, Vallisneria americana. Estimates from 1998 aerial photography indicate there were approximately 760 ha of SAV in the LSJR. Because of the darkly-stained water, monitoring protocols and SAV measurements within the LSJR are limited with the majority of the data collected as percent cover and percent occurrence. However, these metrics did not appear to adequately capture field-observed SAV changes or reflect the potential effects of water quality variability. Often the collected data indicated relatively stable conditions while anecdotal field observations were contradictory, suggesting that discernible changes had occurred. In essence, the collected data were not capturing subtle changes in SAV beds that were being interpreted from anecdotal observations as either an impairment or improvement. This may reflect a shortfall of the sampling methodology as others have found that broad spatial sampling can be misleading (Fonseca et al. 2002). After examining the data, it became apparent that the cover and occurrence measurements were not reflecting important changes in patch size and distribution of SAV within the bed. To overcome this limitation, geostatistical analysis was conducted to quantify bed structure in terms of patchiness and distribution of plants. Geostatistical analysis has the advantage of quantifying the ecologically important patch dynamics that have previously gone undetected. An additional objective was to relate geospatial parameters to water quality changes. Finally, SAV measurements of percent cover, occurrence, and geospatial parameters were compared for their respective sensitivity to water quality parameters. 155 Steinmetz, Dobberfuhl & Trahan METHODS SAV data were collected at two sites in a freshwater region (Rice Creek North) of the river and in an oligohaline region (Buckman Bridge; Fig. 1). Cover and occurrence data were collected along five transects that extended to the outer edge of the SAV bed. Transects were set twelve meters apart and placed perpendicular to the shore. Cover data were collected using the terrestrial line intercept method. This method considers SAV to be present if root and/or foliar cover intersect the transect tape. Percent cover was then estimated by dividing the total meters of SAV by the total length of the SAV bed. Presence of more than one species along a transect can result in greater than 100% coverage. Occurrence data were collected according to an estimated percent occurrence cover class using a quarter-meter quadrat at one-meter intervals along transects. Cover classes were 0%, 1–33%, 33– 66%, and 66–100%. Figure 1. Location of the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) study sites in the lower St. Johns River. Water quality data (i.e., nutrients, suspended solids, and field parameters) were collected biweekly at each site using surface grab samples. Predicted light attenuation (Kd) was calculated from the LSJR Optical Water Quality Model developed by Chuck Gallegos of the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (Gallegos 2002). ESRI’s ARCGIS software (ArcMap & Geostatistical Analyst Extension) were used to generate interpolated SAV surfaces of bed density including bed patchiness and structure. 156 Alternative SAV Measurements as Water Quality Indicators Data points of percent occurrence from September 2001 through December 2002 were interpolated using ordinary kriging by entering the midpoint of percent occurrence for each cover class, measured at each meter along each of the five transects. A spherical model was judged to be the best fit to the semivariogram. Anisotropy was enabled because it slightly improved the fit and increased the root-mean-square-standardized errors (Fig. 2). Geospatial parameters generated from the interpolations were used in stepwise regressions to identify relationships between bed structure and water quality parameters. Geostatistics used in the analyses included sill, partial sill, nugget, and minor and major range. Partial sill and nugget are spatial and non-spatial components of bed patchiness (sill). Minor range represents bed patch size perpendicular to shore and major range represents bed patch size parallel to shore. An ANOVA was also performed to examine differences in bed structure between sites. Figure 2. Semivariogram without (left) and with (right) anisotropy. Root-mean-square standardized without anisotropy: 0.9607. Root-mean-square standardized with anisotropy: 0.9771. RESULTS Changes in SAV percent cover at the Rice Creek North site appeared to be influenced by Kd and color (Figs. 3 and 4). Relationships between changes in SAV cover and other water quality parameters were not detected. A notable decline in SAV cover of approximately 29% was apparent after October 2001 when both Kd and color increased. Correspondingly, an increase in SAV cover did not occur until May 2002 through August 2002, when Kd and color values declined. An immediate decline in SAV cover occurred again as Kd and color values increased from September 2002 to November 2002. Declines in SAV cover (Fig. 3) appeared to correspond well with significant SAV declines in the interpolated SAV surfaces from the geostatistical estimates (Fig. 5) specifically during October 2001, November 2001 and March 2002. On the contrary, SAV cover did not appear to reflect significant increases in SAV in April 2002 as shown by the interpolated SAV surfaces. However, SAV percent cover data and the interpolated SAV surfaces were in agreement illustrating a large increase in SAV in August 2002. SAV percent occurrence at the Buckman Bridge site appeared to respond to fluctuations in Kd and salinity (Figs. 6 and 7) during 2000 and 2001 when drought reduced river flow. As 157 Steinmetz, Dobberfuhl & Trahan a result, there was a significant decline in SAV occurrence since the site was first monitored in May 1999 (Fig. 5a). SAV began recovering from July 2001 to September 2001 with only slight increases in subsequent months. However, SAV interpolated surfaces illustrated a much larger increase in SAV from May 2002 through December 2002 that was not apparent from the percent occurrence data (Fig. 8). Rice Creek North - Percent SAV Cover Mean SAV Percent Cover 160% Error bars indicate SE. 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% N ov D 00 ec Ja 00 nFe 01 bM 01 ar -0 Ap 1 r-0 M 1 ay Ju 01 n0 Ju 1 l-0 Au 1 gSe 01 p0 O 1 ct -0 N 1 ov D 01 ec Ja 01 nFe 02 bM 02 ar -0 Ap 2 r-0 M 2 ay Ju 02 n0 Ju 2 l-0 Au 2 gSe 02 p0 O 2 ct -0 N 2 ov D 02 ec -0 2 0% Date Monitored Figure 3. Rice Creek North percent submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) cover. Greater than 100% coverage occurs when more than one species of SAV is present along a transect. Rice Creek North - Color and Predicted Kd Color Predicted Kd 600 5 400 4 300 3 200 2 1 0 0 N ov -0 D 0 ec -0 Ja 0 n0 Fe 1 b0 M 1 ar -0 Ap 1 r-0 M 1 ay -0 Ju 1 n0 Ju 1 l-0 Au 1 g0 Se 1 p0 O 1 ct -0 N 1 ov -0 D 1 ec -0 Ja 1 n0 Fe 2 b0 M 2 ar -0 Ap 2 rM 02 ay -0 Ju 2 n0 Ju 2 l-0 Au 2 g0 Se 2 p0 O 2 ct -0 N 2 ov -0 D 2 ec -0 2 100 Date Figure 4. Rice Creek North color and predicted Kd. 158 Predicted Kd (m-1) 6 500 Color (cpu) 7 Alternative SAV Measurements as Water Quality Indicators Figure 5. Rice Creek North submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpolated surface from SAV percent occurrence data points. Buckman Bridge - Percent SAV Occurrence Error bars indicate SE. 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% M ay -9 9 Ju l-9 Se 9 p9 N 9 ov -9 Ja 9 n0 M 0 ar -0 M 0 ay -0 0 Ju l-0 Se 0 p0 N 0 ov -0 Ja 0 n0 M 1 ar -0 M 1 ay -0 1 Ju l-0 Se 1 p0 N 1 ov -0 Ja 1 n0 M 2 ar -0 M 2 ay -0 2 Ju l-0 Se 2 p0 N 2 ov -0 2 Mean Percent SAV Occurrence 100% Date Monitored Figure 6. Buckman Bridge percent submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) occurrence. Other measured water quality parameters, although not related to percent cover or occurrence, were detected in stepwise regressions using geospatial parameters (Table 1). Bed patchiness (sill) was related to conductivity and total phosphorus at Rice Creek North, dissolved inorganic nitrogen and dissolved inorganic phosphorus at Buckman Bridge, and Kd at both sites. Patch size (range) was related to dissolved inorganic phosphorus and water temperature at Buckman and dissolved inorganic nitrogen and Kd at Rice Creek North. 159 Steinmetz, Dobberfuhl & Trahan Buckman Bridge - Salinity and Predicted Kd 6 5 20 4 15 3 10 n- -0 ec D Ju 2 2 M ay -0 -0 ov N Ap r-0 1 0 -0 ct O M ar -0 99 gAu 03 0 1 0 0 1 99 5 bFe 2 -1 25 Salinity (ppt) 7 Salinity (ppt) Predicted Kd Predicted Kd (m ) 30 Date Figure 7. Buckman Bridge salinity and predicted Kd. Figure 8. Buckman Bridge submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpolated surface from SAV percent occurrence data points. Comparing the two study sites using an ANOVA revealed different spatial characteristics (Table 2). Nugget was significantly different between sites at the p <0.05 level while sill and major range were significantly different at the p <0.10 level. The nugget, a measure of localized variability unexplained by the semivariance, suggests that small-scale variation differs between sites (Table 2). While the geospatial analyses did not detect the influence of salinity (Table 1), percent occurrence data suggests that it may be a controlling factor in the oligohaline reach (i.e., Buckman Bridge site) during low-flow conditions. 160 Alternative SAV Measurements as Water Quality Indicators Table 1. Results of regression equations from stepwise regression analyses between semivariogram parameters and water quality variables (dissolved ammonium [NH4-D], total Kjeldahl nitrogen [TKN-T], total Kjeldahl nitrogen dissolbed [TKN-D], conductivity [COND], total phosphorus [TP-T], light attenuation [Kd], dissolved nitrate and nitrite [Nox-D], dissolved orthosphosphate [PO4-D], water temperature [WTEMP]. Partial sill – spatial patchiness; nugget – nonspatial patchiness; sill – spatial and nonspatial patchiness; marjor range – patch size parallel to shore; minor range – patch size perpendicular to shore. RICE CREEK Partial sill Sill Nugget Major range Minor range = –76 – 3477 NH4-D + 433 TKN-T = –775 + 1397 COND + 2560 TP-T + 174 Kd = 574 – 363 TKN-D + 3581 NH4-D = 105 + 970 NH4-D – 27.4 Kd = 68.7 + 809 NH4-D – 19.2 Kd r2 = 75.2% r2 = 76.6% r2 = 77.5% r2 = 87.2% r2 = 88.3% p< 0.0001 p< 0.0001 p< 0.0001 p< 0.0001 p< 0.0001 r2 = 80.6% r2 = 75.6% r2 = 61.6% r2 = 57.0% r2 = 64.8% p< 0.0001 p = 0.001 p = 0.008 p = 0.001 p = 0.001 BUCKMAN BRIDGE Partial sill Sill Nugget Major range Minor range = 594 + 0.669 COLOR – 927 Nox-D – 16.3 Kd = 672 – 867 Nox-D +4946 PO4-D – 18.7 Kd = 1887 – 193 TKN-T + 2051 PO4-D – 200 pH = 4.94 + 0.558 WTEMP = –3.47 +71.7 PO4-D + 0.536 WTEMP Table 2. Results of an analysis of variance of semivariogram parameters between the two study sites. PARAMETER Partial sill Sill Nugget Major range Minor range RICE CREEK MEAN BUCKMAN BRIDGE MEAN F P VALUE 421.0 713.7 292.7 30.6 20.2 390.5 605.5 215.0 17.5 12.7 0.33 3.17 4.63 3.28 1.60 0.57 0.08 0.04 0.08 0.22 DISCUSSION It was somewhat surprising that cover and occurrence data did not reflect the magnitude of changes observed in the field because they are inherently spatial. This could be indicative of a problem with the scale of measurement versus process. However, patch size and patchiness could not be calculated from transect data without the use of geostatistical procedures. This result may be, in part, related to different distributions of patch sizes, patch orientation, and proportional patch size changes and how our current transects capture, or fail to capture, these features. For example, the interpolated surfaces at the Rice Creek North site demonstrated a considerable expansion of the grassbed from March to April 2002, whereas coverage appeared to only increase by approximately 4%. From our field observations, a lesser number of larger patches generally appeared to be more robust, with respect to invertebrate colonization and plant condition, than smaller, fragmented patches. Indeed, larger patches likely provide greater ecological benefits in terms of resource and habitat. (West and King 1996, Jeppesen et al. 1998). 161 Steinmetz, Dobberfuhl & Trahan Clearly, areal losses would be occurring that were not reflected by the data. Unfortunately, much of the ecologically relevant small-scale changes in a bed undergoing early stages of degradation will go undetected when using our current cover and occurrence measurements. Generally, an indicator of bed condition is not particularly useful if the resource has to essentially disappear before the data indicate a problem. SAV cover and occurrence data appeared to mirror large-scale changes and response to water quality conditions well, but did not appear to offer sufficient precision to detect small or short-term changes in the SAV community. For instance, color at the Rice Creek North site had returned to lower levels from April 2002 to August 2002, but the corresponding cover data showed only slight increases in coverage during this time. Conversely, the corresponding interpolated SAV surfaces illustrated a significant degree of bed expansion and density increases during the same period. Similarly, interpolated SAV surfaces at the Buckman Bridge site also showed a measurable change and expansion within the bed in the months after December 2001 that were not reflected in the occurrence data during periods of decreased salinity. Thus, geospatial parameters appear to better reflect small temporal and spatial scale changes at the patch level. The geostatistical estimates appeared to be a better indicator of both small and large-scale changes in SAV at the bed-level, in addition to providing information on bed structure dynamics. The use of geospatial parameters as a measurement of bed condition appears promising. Changes in water quality variables related to nutrient and light availability were significantly correlated to bed structure at these two sites (Table 1) suggesting that the beds are showing a greater response to water quality changes than has been previously seen. It should be noted that this result is somewhat preliminary as the regressions were based on only a 16 month time series and do not encompass the majority of the available SAV data. Additionally, relationships with water quality emerged that were not detected when using cover or occurrence data, despite a longer period of record. Therefore, geostatistical analysis also appears to be a more sensitive technique to monitor SAV condition in the river. This spatial approach can be easily adapted to most existing data sets for both freshwater and coastal systems. Geospatial parameters also reveal differences in patch structure between the two study sites. Comparison of Rice Creek and Buckman Bridge sites shows significant (p <0.10) differences in patchiness (sill) and patch size (range; Table 2). Rice Creek has a larger patch size but is also considerably patchier than is Buckman Bridge. Both of these sites are generally dominated by V. americana but the Buckman site experiences higher and more frequent exposure to elevated salinities while Rice Creek has more darkly stained water. It remains to be seen how strongly these water quality differences, as well as differences in local environmental characteristics, influence patch dynamics. However, the implication is that relatively strong differences exist between sites with respect to grassbed morphology and response to water quality changes. These site-specific responses will have to be further evaluated before water quality and SAV restoration targets are established. 162 Alternative SAV Measurements as Water Quality Indicators LITERATURE CITED Fonseca, M, Whitefield PE, Kelly NM, Bell SS. 2002. Modeling seagrass landscape pattern and associated ecological attributes. Ecol. Appl. 12: 218–237. Gallegos CL. 2002. Development of an Optical Water Quality Model for the Lower St. Johns River —Final Report for the St. Johns River Water Management District. Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, Maryland. Jeppesen E, Lauridsen TL, Kairesalo T, Perrow MR. 1998. Impact of submerged macrophytes on fishzooplankton interactions in lakes. In Jeppesen E, Sondergaard M, Christoffersen (eds.), The Structuring Role of Submerged Macrophytes in Lakes. Ecological Studies 131: 91–114. West RJ, King RJ. 1996. Marine, brackish, and fish communities in the vegetated and bare shallows of an Australian coastal river. Estuaries 19: 31–41. AMS (BCI Engineers & Scientists, Inc., on-site consultant to St. Johns River Water Management District, PO Box 1429, Palatka, FL 32178-1429:; DD (St. Johns River Water Management District, PO Box 1429, Palatka, FL 32178-1429); NT (Jones, Edmunds, & Associates, on-site consultant to St. Johns River Water Management District) 163 ❖ IMPLEMENTATION, REGULATORY AND RESEARCH PRIORITIES FOR SEAGRASS RESTORATION: RESULTS FROM THE SEAGRASS RESTORATION WORKSHOP, MARCH 11–12, 2003 H. Greening A total of 260 scientists, resource managers and regulators attended a Seagrass and Submerged Habitat Restoration Workshop, jointly convened by the four Florida National Estuary Programs and held at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida on March 11–13, 2003. Presentations from more than 70 scientists, engineers and resource managers experienced in the restoration of estuarine and coastal seagrass, hard bottom and tidal creek habitats, impacts from dredging and prop scars, and artificial reefs were included in the three-day workshop. Participants represented a wide variety of interests and entities, as shown here (percentage of the total number of registered participants): Academic/laboratories Local governments State agencies Federal agencies Private sector NGOs 12% 12% 29% 15% 23% 23% The papers in this volume were presented at The Seagrass Restoration Workshop, held on March 11th and 12th. Several overall messages emerged from the presentations and discussions during the seagrass session, including the following: 1. Adequate site location is critical for successful seagrass planting. If seagrasses are absent from an area, it is crucial to determine why they are not currently there before planting. 2. Seagrass planting in Florida can be a viable restoration option for small-scale restoration or mitigation (such as in prop scars or following damage from groundings), given care and appropriate site location. 3. Most effective large-scale seagrass restoration in Florida (such as needed to reach long-term seagrass management and restoration goals for estuaries) has been accomplished through methods other than planting, such as water quality improvements or wave energy reductions. In addition to presentations and posters, participants were asked to identify and prioritize critical gaps in our current understanding of seagrass restoration, and in the implementation of seagrass restoration techniques. Top-ranked issues identified by the participants fell into three categories (implementation issues, regulatory issues, and research needs). A full list of issues and the number of “votes” each received is shown in Table 1. The top-ranked issues identified in each of these categories included the following: 165 Greening SEAGRASS: Implementation Issues • Standardized monitoring methods • Coordination of water quality and SAV restoration efforts • Effective methods for seagrass planting in disturbed high energy zones • Long-term monitoring of restored areas and control sites • Natural recovery vs. planting- what are the differences, benefits, issues of each? • Cost-effective ways to generate transplants without using donor beds Regulatory Issues • Long-term monitoring to determine biotic community restoration, not just seagrass survival • Consistent standards for success criteria • Mitigation ratios: how much is enough? Research/Data Needs • Determine if natural recruitment is more efficient than planting to restore seagrass systems • On-line access to seagrass restoration/transplant projects in gray, older literature, permitting and monitoring reports • Seasonal tracking of natural beds • Identify critical water quality levels for seagrass recolonization and sustainable populations Clearly, monitoring the effectiveness of seagrass restoration and planting is considered a top priority, as well as determining the relative efficiency of planting versus other restoration methods such as water quality improvement and natural recruitment. The Tampa Bay Estuary Program will be working with the other conveners and participants in the workshop to address priority issues over the next several years. Table 1. Identified issues and rankings from participants in the Seagrass Restoration Workshop. Workshop participants were asked to identify issues during the workshop. Participants then “voted” on priority issues (each participant was allotted ten votes) from the collated list. Total number of votes received for each issue is indicated in brackets. IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES [49] Standardized monitoring methods [46] Coordination of water quality and SAV restoration efforts [45] Effective methods for seagrass planting in disturbed high energy zones [44] Long-term monitoring of restored areas and control sites [39] Natural recovery vs. planting- what are the differences, benefits, issues of each? [38] Cost-effective ways to generate transplants without using donor beds [27] Cost-effective ways to control stormwater as prevention [14] Effective control of bioturbation [13] Plant material sources [12] Determine conditions under which it works to harvest seeds and broadcast directly [12] Enhanced local site selection criteria 166 Priorities: Results from the Workshop (Table 1 continued) [11] Offshore bar restoration as a seagrass restoration technique [10] Improved low cost restoration methods [10] Cost per acre to replace seagrass—total costs, not just construction [10] Determination of best methodology for grass planting [8] Site selection criteria [7] Successful and economic mapping methods [6] Funding for implementation [4] Site selection: classification of zones by potential impact or climate change [2] Evaluation of prop scar planting methodologies [1] R&D costs are high for new planting methods [1] Cost effective methods for seagrass planting- comparison REGULATORY ISSUES [50] Long-term monitoring to determine full biotic community restoration, not just seagrass survival [44] Consistent standards for success criteria [34] Mitigation ratios: how much is enough? [26] Enforce protections of newly restored areas [26] Quantify secondary impacts to seagrass as a result of dredging impacts [27] Interagency coordination in permitting [20] How to determine when functional losses have been replaced [18] Defined and standardized regulatory success criteria [16] Rule-making, enforcement increased in aquatic preserves [10] How does the scientific method (controls, etc) fit into the regulatory structure of permitting [10] How to assess temporal lag in success criteria [9] Evaluate passive recovery as an acceptable strategy for regulatory requirements [4] Effects of Minimum Flows and Levels on SAV extent TAMPA BAY [11] Impacts of Piney Point discharge on seagrasses in Bishop Harbor and Lower Tampa Bay [7] Develop hypotheses relating loss of seagrass in Tampa Bay to water quality changes during El Nino; test with existing data throughout Tampa Bay [6] Use site-suitability index approach to select transplant sites in Tampa Bay [2] Develop limiting criteria for successful restoration applicable to Tampa Bay RESEARCH/DATA NEEDS [42] Decision matrix or model to determine if natural recruitment is more efficient than planting to restore seagrass systems [40] On-line access to seagrass restoration/transplant projects in gray, older literature, permitting and monitoring reports [36] Seasonal tracking of natural beds [35] Identify critical water quality levels for seagrass recolonization and sustainable populations [33] Effect of epiphytes on seagrass restoration [32] Role and interference of macroalgae in seagrass systems [29] Physical changes: impacts on seagrass expansion- berms, bars breakwaters [23] Identify sediment characteristics critical for seagrass recruitment [19] More research on Syringodium and Halophila spp. [18] Biology of sexual/asexual reproduction and colonization [17] Habitat value of edge (importance of heterogeneity) [17] Does “compressed succession” actually occur in restoration sites? [16] Economic value of seagrass habitat [12] Funds available for restoration- how to find funds for baseline distribution [12] Effect of “anthropogenic” -derived wave energy 167 Greening (Table 1 concluded) [13] Seed ecology issues [13] Genetic information for recovering beds- clones or not? [11] Improved forecasting of seagrass population ecology [11] Resilience of restored sites to natural disturbance [10] Economic valuation system that properly considers and values seagrasses [8] “Micro” (patch-size) dynamics, sedimentation, and nutrient availability [7] Seagrass species/restoration—success evaluation [7] Identify differences between inshore and offshore water quality [5] Better, cheaper propagation methods [5] Evaluation of lag time between planting and growth of transplants [5] Comparable techniques comparisons, at same sites and times [5] Understanding the natural variability and natural recruitment processes [4] Limiting factors to seagrass restoration success [4] Lack of flowering and seed production in Halodule in Florida [3] Species shifts as water quality improves and coverage increases [2] Offsetting effects of SAV recruitment in light of wetland loss [2] Historical distribution data [2] Third-party review of all attemps at seagrass restoration [2] Water quality levels affecting different species [2] Potential for lab growth of seeds of species not typically sexually reproductive (i.e., Thalassia) [1] Recovery time when injured by fuel/oil pollution [1] Impact of over-abundance of grasses [1] Document reproductive effects in distribution [1] Optical model development HG (Tampa Bay Estuary Program, 100 8th Ave SE, St. Petersburg, FL 33701) 168 WRAP-UP OF SEAGRASS RESTORATION: SUCCESS, FAILURE AND LESSONS ABOUT THE COSTS OF BOTH M.S. Fonseca INTRODUCTION My goal in introductory and wrap-up talks was to address the topic of “Lessons Learned.” To meet this goal, I have broken the discussion down into six topical areas that characterize what I believe are the areas of seagrass restoration that need further discussion and clarity: • • • • • • Planting methods Site selection Seagrass function Monitoring Cost of restoration Future of SAV restoration These will be addressed below, but first I wanted to make a few observations regarding the presentations in the workshop. Many of the examples given in the Workshop were derived from eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) communities. If a way could be found to introduce eelgrass to Tampa Bay, many of the problems that vex restoration of subtropical seagrasses would be overcome. That is because with eelgrass, each shoot is an apical, meaning that the transplantation of any individual shoot carries the explicit potential for vegetative colonization of the bottom, whereas with all the Floridian species, that is not the case. Eelgrass is also both a colonizer and climax species. Although all the Floridian species can colonize and maintain monospecific beds, there is often a species succession, particularly in response to disturbance. This characteristic has prompted the adoption of “compressed succession” (to my knowledge attributed to M. Moffler) in implementation of restoration projects where colonizing species, such as Halodule wrightii or Syringodium filiforme are introduced first with later additional Thalassia testudinum in an attempt to shorten the time to the establishment of competitive dominant (T. testudinum). Eelgrass also has a high rate of vegetative colonization that compares favorably with the subtropical colonizers (H. wrightii and S. filiforme) and can be restored using both whole plants and seed. Moreover, this introduction would undoubtedly provide an economic boom as northern scientists flocked to warm water in the winter to continue their studies. Unfortunately, with global warming it is unlikely that the distribution of eelgrass will spread south to cure the ills of Floridian seagrass restoration. By way of a reality check, I also wanted to comment on the unrealistic level of expectation associated with seagrass restoration. These expectations are often most out of line with reality for those who have only recently entered into resource management positions as those persons often lack the experience of dealing with these projects and have not received appropriate training. 169 Fonseca Expectations for restoration success are far higher than are warranted by the track record. We conducted a survey in 1998 of all the extant projects that we could find at the time and found that successful establishment of seagrass cover occurred in ~50% of the projects. Thus, we are faced with a classic “half-full, half empty” choice. Another, perhaps more poignant example of reality may be gained by comparing seagrass restoration probability with marketplace speculation on crop futures. During the year, investors speculate on the outcome of large agricultural commodities. Despite collective millennia of terrestrial agricultural practice, on fields where we can exert controls over a wide variety of ecological factors, it is still a profitable exercise to speculate on success. Given the comparative lack of controls that we can exert on wild, open systems—which characterize seagrass restoration efforts—we cannot come anywhere close to guaranteeing success, and the 50% begins, at least to my eyes, to look like the glass is half full, not half empty (i.e., we are doing pretty well, but do not expect or believe in miracles). Finally, and most important to my mind, was the low level of scholarship that often accompanies the conceptualization of restoration projects. While that was NOT evident so much at a workshop like this one, in practice it has been my observation that this is too often the case. Little homework is done before restoration projects are concocted, and often by personnel that know little about the ecosystem. Findings are not published in easily retrievable venues. This combination of poor homework and avoidance of the vetting role of peer review has produced a tremendous amount of low quality and redundant work. PLANTING METHODS A frequent absence of the scientific method (e.g., Popperian hypothesis testing) has often stalled or misled the field. The absence of controls in association with planting projects remains a tremendous liability— one so obvious that often we do not see it or implement it (e.g., I neglected to voice a strong need for it in our recent Guidelines for Mitigation and Restoration of Seagrass in the United States and Adjacent Waters [Fonseca et al. 1998]). I asked the workshop attendees to examine the various presentations for their adherence to the basics of the scientific method. In conversations with workshop participants there appeared to be consensus that while some were lacking, many displayed appropriate attention to this area of concern—a critical step forward for assessment and implementation of planting methods. As for planting methods themselves, there were a tremendous variety of methods discussed and frankly, most of them work. What works for an individual practitioner, together with the skill level of the workforce, is key and we saw papers in the workshop where labor organization was clearly a key to success. The current methods range from passive methods (Clark’s drift-capture approach) to shovels with holes to heavily mechanized (Anderson’s planting machines), with traditional hand-planting methods in abundance. Again, I advise that any method should carefully utilize the growth strategy of the plant (e.g., make sure rhizome apicals with sufficient associated short shoots and rhizome are utilized in planting units as previously demonstrated). More work is needed on seeding methods nationwide, particularly with respect to questions regarding what are the limits of techniques for a given species and how can these be used to achieve large scale restoration 170 Wrap-Up (e.g. Orth’s eelgrass seeding in Chesapeake Bay). I strongly caution the workshop participants to apply the scientific method to new techniques—to require rigorous testing and monitoring—and remember that a method is “guilty until proven innocent”—in other words, should be assumed to NOT work until proven by statistically valid testing to be otherwise. Large projects have been undertaken with unproven technology and failed as a result of insufficient testing of the methods before project-level application. Nonetheless, I maintain that most of the issues associated with methodological consideration are actually market issues. Planting methods that do not establish a track record of success will be used only for a short time before their history catches up with them. Therefore, introduction and testing of new methods is a valuable market exercise. Particular concern should exist regarding the use of untested new methods in permits and restoration projects when public funds are used; such actions should be correctly termed “research” and subject to the timely and full scrutiny of peer review panels before setting of project goals, responsibilities, and logistics. Finally, the use of test plots was shown throughout the workshop to be a vital step, not only in testing planting methods, but also in site selection (e.g., Short’s PTSI and TSI). Frequent use of project scaling was implicitly revealed in many presentations to be an effective vetting device that should save money. SITE SELECTION Site selection errors constitute the single greatest error that I see in the restoration process, as evidenced by the high frequency of error in this aspect of planning in the projects given me for review. Many of these errors could be avoided if practitioners (and reviewers of plans) made better use of the population ecology and plant’s growth strategy in planning a project. This simply means that some species spread faster than others and can be augmented by simple facilitation techniques; thus, simple calculations of planting density and recovery projections can and should be made. Short’s Preliminary Transplant Suitability Index (PTSI) and TSI are amazingly among the first generic tools that have been systematically developed for site evaluation since Phillips’ work in the early 1980s (which had several significant flaws). It would appear that the development of similar indices for the subtropical species is an area ripe for immediate research. One small footnote is that planners should recognize that the application of planting methods and the selection of sites will vary with the nature of injury, particularly whether there is an identified responsible party (RP) or whether the restoration effort if in response to non-RP situations, as is the case with non-point source pollutants. In the latter case, the restoration monitoring and success criteria may be relaxed to some degree as getting something is better than nothing, so long as it passes an acceptable cost to benefit comparison in favor of the public. For the former, exacting monitoring and success criteria must be employed—which means site selection is crucial—in order to assess lost interim resource services and compute realistic replacement ratios. 171 Fonseca I also listed some simple metrics for site selection that I submit should be addressed before moving on to the more comprehensive PTSI and TSI approaches. First, ask the questions: • If seagrass is not there now, why not? • What makes you think you can do better than nature? • Do you have the data to back up your optimism? • What are sources of disturbance? Water quality? Waves? Bioturbation? • How will these be controlled? • How well have they been evaluated? In addition, I suggested that selection of a site should pass the following indicators (taken from the aforementioned Fonseca et al. 1998). In addition to seeing restoration successful at similar sites, a site should: • Have depth is similar to nearby natural beds • Be anthropogenic ally disturbed • Not be subject to chronic storm disturbance • Not be undergoing rapid and extensive natural recolonization • Not be among patches of existing seagrass • Have sufficient acreage to achieve goals • Have similar quality habitat restored as was lost SEAGRASS FUNCTION Curiously, the workshop voted heavily to place research on the function of restored seagrass beds near the top of the priority list. I strongly disagreed with this consensus and assert that “If you build it, they will come.” Some of the most compelling data that supports this notion was published out of Tampa Bay (including the fact that animals displayed colonization peaks early in the development of planted beds, at densities only a of mature plant coverage). Given that there has never (to my knowledge) been a paper published that failed to demonstrate that any seagrass that persists for a least a year, whether naturally or artificially colonized, was not full of animals, stabilized sediments and had high levels of primary production, then why spend a lot of money proving that yet again? In addition, in U.S. Federal Court cases the value of seagrass ecosystems does not have to be proven (it is a given), so why struggle to document this over and over? MONITORING Like site selection, monitoring was shown in the workshop to fall into two general categories: for situations with an RP and situations without an RP. Monitoring, whether it be of the environmental conditions contributing to the performance of a planting or monitoring of the planting itself, simple metrics may apply for the non-RP condition but projects with clients or RPs were consistently shown in the workshop to have specific standards (along with consequences for non-compliance). Non-scientists often despise these exacting standards, but if the situation involves court proceedings, admissibility (to court) standards demand a high bar. 172 Wrap-Up There seemed to be convergence on simple success criteria, such as seafloor coverage and its persistence over time. Other measures are useful in a research context but often do not provide information that can be used to institute interim corrective restoration measures, or represent factors that cannot really be controlled and such metrics were (fortunately) conspicuous in their absence during the workshop. COST OF RESTORATION Again, there was a strong convergence of cost data on restoration projects. Gone were the estimates of turnkey seagrass restoration for a few thousand dollars an acre. My colleagues and I have computed that seagrass restoration costs for a 1.5-acre subtropical (0.607 ha) project could be broken down into five general components: COMPONENT PERCENT OF PROJECT COSTS Map & groundtruth Planting Monitoring Contractor Government oversight 5.5 18.5 58.7 8.3 9.1 The total cost ranged between $360,000 and $590,000 (1996), or $240,000–$393,000 per acre. Another aspect of computing cost is the determination of success. What is the cost of restoration vs. success and how do you measure your return? I argued that an assessment of lost interim resource services and discounting of those services over time, as done by NOAA in Natural Resource Damage Assessment cases, is the most defensible strategy at this time. For a detailed review of this, see Fonseca et al. 2000. Success, however, may not always be apparent. Again, evaluation of success can only be fully determined by working within the context of the variation of the natural system. For example, Walt Avery presented information on patch size over time (a normal distribution), which to my eyes, was essentially the life history of a patch in that environment. While these data demonstrate the problem with selecting spaces among existing, patchy seagrass as a suitable restoration site (the system will be pulsed with added production for a few years, but no long-term addition to the resource base was realized), it also demonstrated that the introduction of seagrass to a propagule-limited site was critical to short circuit the colonization process. Although the parent patch died out, it generated daughter patches that persist—providing a consistent albeit spatially transient resource base for the area—which constitutes a successful restoration of cover to that area as the cover is naturally patchy. This also provided some response to Susan Bell’s question about quantifying contributions beyond the border of the original planting; control plots—or in this case, systematic observation of areas outside the plot boundaries—were required to provide a full assessment of the contribution of the planting effort. 173 Fonseca SUMMARY OF LESSONS LEARNED • Conduct work that is conducive to publication of the findings; • Do your homework (read, follow up on references in that reading and perform literature searches); • Treat the project as if it were a for-profit business, with real criteria for costs and products; • Use an agricultural approach: Don’t plant where the plants cannot grow (begs good site evaluation criteria like Fred Short is using and has been applied at the landscape scale in the Chesapeake Bay); • Measure your results with simple metrics and robust sampling designs; • Recognize natural variability and set realistic expectations; • Photo document the work; • DO YOUR HOMEWORK: “those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it” (George Santayana). FUTURE OF SAV RESTORATION Based on what I saw at the workshop, I had the following closing observations regarding the future needs of seagrass or SAV restoration in general and associate them with examples to be found with presentations in the workshop: • We need more non-gray haired people, i.e., we need recruitment to the field (pers. obs.); • Greater attention is needed to over come the inertia preventing a synthetic approach; the parts are all here, but each project must put them together: use extant information on site selection and success criteria, proven methods, and statistically valid monitoring which can link cause and effect (e.g. Poirrier: Lake Ponchatrain); • Use: “a scientific method involving the formulation of theories or hypotheses from which singular statements (predictions) are deduced that can be tested; deductive method” (e.g. Carlson, et al.; definition taken from Lincoln et al. A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics); • Conduct long term monitoring of natural beds and planting efforts to create forecasting baseline: provide standard methods to managers (e.g. Avery & Johansson; Ott, Morris, Wade, et al; Wilbur’s conundrum); • Consider multiple species (phyla) restoration (Chesapeake Bay and L. Ponchatrain • Continue technique development (Clark; Montin and Dennis): • Test new methods (e.g. Anderson planting machines vs. other methods; Hall et al); • Improve documentation of physiological stress (e.g. Cuba); • Focus on good organization (e.g., Montin & Dennis); • Deal with disturbance: high energy and biological disturbance (many studies here); • Improve ecological forecasting (beyond TSI) such that there are quantitative links that allow restoration performance to be gauged by an evaluation from local environmental monitoring (e.g. Tomasko; Ott); • Keep reminding the public that seagrasses are a “canary” for the estuary (e.g. Wade); 174 Wrap-Up • Train our managers properly—up front, not on the job, so I don’t come back in another five years and tell the same stories again. Resist Yogi Berra’s: “it’s déjà vu all over again.” LITERATURE CITED Fonseca MS, Kenworthy WJ, Thayer GW. 1998. Guidelines for Mitigation and Restoration of Seagrass in the United States and Adjacent Waters NOAA COP/Decision Analysis Series. 222p; http://shrimp.ccfhrb. Fonseca MS, Julius BE, Kenworthy WJ. 2000. Integrating biology and economics in seagrass restoration: How much is enough and why? Ecological Engineering 15:227–237 MSF (NOAA, NOS, Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, 101 Pivers Island Road, Beaufort, NC 28516-9722) Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of NOAA. 175