Grid Security Mike Jones An overview of methods used to create a secure grid. RAL 10 June 2003 TOC CRLs PKI Overview Authorisation VO Management Signing and Encryption PGP and all that Trust Firewalls Grid Security x509 certificates Security in services GSI Host Configuration Globus Security User Setup Best Practices Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting (AAA) Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) x509 Certificates and pkcs12 etc. Kerberos – Shared Secrets (Needham-Schroder) Generic Security Services (GSS) TSL, SSLeay, OpenSSL Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) Delegation, Third Party, Single Sign On Grid Security Proxy Certificates Trustable Software Trustable users Not Spyware Making sure there are no back doors Grid Security Not Broken (or at least someone creates updates) Cryptography... Symmetric (eg DES) vs Assymetric (eg RSA) Shared Key where N=pq product of two large primes (p-1)(q-1) is almost prime and e (almost prime too) To encrypt/decrypt with Public Key: c vs Pubic and Private Key Public Key: [e and N] PKI Overview me mod N Symmetric (eg DES) vs Assymetric (eg RSA) 1 mod p me mod N cd mod N 1 q (p-1)(q-1) is almost prime c To decrypt/encrypt with Private Key: m To encrypt/decrypt with Public Key: and e (almost prime too) 1 d e where where N=pq product of two large primes Private Key: [d and N] Public Key: [e and N] vs Pubic and Private Key Shared Key PKI Overview PGP/GPG Encrypt data using a symmetric key Lookup RSA Public Key of recipient Zimmermann: security in data transfer for public Encrypt the symmetric key with RSA Pretty Good Privicy / Gnu Privicy Guard Send the encrypted key & encrypted message Included: Key gen. with “entropy gathering device”, Data encryption, Data signing, and easy UI Signing and Encrypting We've discussed encryption/decryption To Sign - encryption message with private key. Everyone should be able to read it so create a Hash and encrypt that instead. Hash is a one way digest of the message by a specific algorythm (eg SHA1 or MD5) Encrypt the hash and enclude it in the message. Verify by making the hash and decrypting the signature We rely on ourselves to get true public keys A public key may be digitally signed by many people Chain of trust rules some of whom you may trust. CA method (Certificate Authority) CA has a “root certificate” and a document called CP/CPS Policy and Practice You choose to trust on the basis of CP/CPS. CA signs your certificate (your public key). Trust Large scale CAs are difficult and costly (~£220 per cert) Serial Number Issuer Times of Validity Subject Public Key Constraints Extensions Type and Use Version Thumbprint Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption 3a:1f:81:a8:1a:83:ff:2c:0f:7b:b6:1e:2a:87:31:13:d9:ca: 9e:c1:9e:e4:42:b5:22:56:7b:01:98:11:13:29:a3:d8:d2:37: 80:58:ac:7f:44:f7:1e:ba:00:f4:8b:c8:34:00:ff:44:27:c2: 2a:54:8b:95:e9:a0:00:f8:3d:60:92:c4:99:2b:72:d4:b7:dd: 78:bd:c9:4a:01:d7:14:1d:3c:d9:6f:60:7b:23:90:8e:d6:3a: 2d:45:39:5e:bc:fd:6d:77:7b:1e:cf:43:8c:e4:05:4c:1b:91: e5:bb:da:3d:cd:9d:05:6b:be:21:b0:e8:43:b2:4b:4e:c4:4f: 6b:4e:23:9e:03:d2:03:86:1b:44:68:60:41:5d:64:ae:2d:52: e2:7d:9b:99:60:71:7f:4a:00:1e:5d:9d:14:59:4f:4b:d7:9a: ee:e0:01:3d:87:36:16:bf:24:b3:84:fd:62:d1:d6:21:ae:3b: f7:e1:e5:52:ec:ef:68:f4:73:4f:1b:62:a6:f4:47:0b:6c:1e: 28:23:6b:25:d3:a1:f7:37:f6:55:d6:82:7c:49:a9:1d:71:57: e6:bc:74:71:94:0d:df:fc:21:63:16:54:c9:0f:51:1c:7a:bf: 5c:ef:7d:28:23:73:64:84:eb:f2:b6:52:89:ca:48:78:31:e8: dd:b9:91:3f -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----MIIFBDCCA+ygAwIBAgIBfzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADBwMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVSzER MA8GA1UEChMIZVNjaWVuY2UxEjAQBgNVBAsTCUF1dGhvcml0eTELMAkGA1UEAxMC Q0ExLTArBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWHmNhLW9wZXJhdG9yQGdyaWQtc3VwcG9ydC5hYy51 azAeFw0wMjEwMzExNTUwNTlaFw0wMzEwMzExNTUwNTlaMFoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVL MREwDwYDVQQKEwhlU2NpZW5jZTETMBEGA1UECxMKTWFuY2hlc3RlcjELMAkGA1UE BxMCTUMxFjAUBgNVBAMTDW1pY2hhZWwgam9uZXMwgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAD gY0AMIGJAoGBAMaW/Xrg+vHmQ53By3I44U5Ehtqniu2K/PNk2J69r858VTnNYXSo HW1gbmWR3CzCZID2+Ro8/tTSHFL6xkfqpk6Stckdk91IYVRAtReEP1xHSCkrg4LH 1q3TYF1tXfcIJRfSFOKOrzc75Dtj9zEktGZ4jgaTxo22/lB5Okr4WVg9AgMBAAGj ggJBMIICPTAJBgNVHRMEAjAAMBEGCWCGSAGG+EIBAQQEAwIFoDALBgNVHQ8EBAMC A+gwLAYJYIZIAYb4QgENBB8WHVVLIGUtU2NpZW5jZSBVc2VyIENlcnRpZmljYXRl MB0GA1UdDgQWBBS/AAJLOkWmuOtm5PLuymCduNGyDTCBmgYDVR0jBIGSMIGPgBQC OKsRo5aAiw3TFSsIpY4w2rLaqKF0pHIwcDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVUsxETAPBgNVBAoT CGVTY2llbmNlMRIwEAYDVQQLEwlBdXRob3JpdHkxCzAJBgNVBAMTAkNBMS0wKwYJ KoZIhvcNAQkBFh5jYS1vcGVyYXRvckBncmlkLXN1cHBvcnQuYWMudWuCAQAwKQYD VR0SBCIwIIEeY2Etb3BlcmF0b3JAZ3JpZC1zdXBwb3J0LmFjLnVrMD0GCWCGSAGG +EIBBAQwFi5odHRwOi8vY2EuZ3JpZC1zdXBwb3J0LmFjLnVrL2NnaS1iaW4vaW1w b3J0Q1JMMD0GCWCGSAGG+EIBAwQwFi5odHRwOi8vY2EuZ3JpZC1zdXBwb3J0LmFj X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name: Netscape CA Revocation Url: Netscape Revocation Url: Netscape Renewal Url: X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: URI: x509 Certificates Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 127 (0x7f) Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=UK, O=eScience, OU=Authority, CN=CA/ Validity Not Before: Oct 31 15:50:59 2002 GMT Not After : Oct 31 15:50:59 2003 GMT Subject: C=UK, O=eScience, OU=Manchester, L=MC, CN=michael jones Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) Modulus (1024 bit): 00:c6:96:fd:7a:e0:fa:f1:e6:43:9d:c1:cb:72:38: e1:4e:44:86:da:a7:8a:ed:8a:fc:f3:64:d8:9e:bd: af:ce:7c:55:39:cd:61:74:a8:1d:6d:60:6e:65:91: dc:2c:c2:64:80:f6:f9:1a:3c:fe:d4:d2:1c:52:fa: c6:47:ea:a6:4e:92:b5:c9:1d:93:dd:48:61:54:40: b5:17:84:3f:5c:47:48:29:2b:83:82:c7:d6:ad:d3: 60:5d:6d:5d:f7:08:25:17:d2:14:e2:8e:af:37:3b: e4:3b:63:f7:31:24:b4:66:78:8e:06:93:c6:8d:b6: fe:50:79:3a:4a:f8:59:58:3d Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE Netscape Cert Type: SSL Client, S/MIME X509v3 Key Usage: Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment, Key Agreement Netscape Comment: UK e-Science User Certificate X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: BF:00:02:4B:3A:45:A6:B8:EB:66:E4:F2:EE:CA:60:9D:B8:D1:B2:0D X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:02:38:AB:11:A3:96:80:8B:0D:D3:15:2B:08:A5:8E:30:DA:B2:DA:A8 DirName:/C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Authority/CN=CA/ serial:00 CRL Proxy Certificate Issuer (Me! pretending to be a CA) Short Lived Contains Unencrypted RSA Key Features: Special Subject GSI modifications Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 127 (0x7f) Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=UK, O=eScience, OU=Manchester, L=MC, CN=michael jones Validity Not Before: Jan 5 16:43:48 2003 GMT Not After : Jan 6 04:48:48 2003 GMT Subject: C=UK, O=eScience, OU=Manchester, L=MC, CN=michael jones, CN=proxy Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (512 bit) Modulus (512 bit): 00:99:16:b5:ff:4b:f4:90:48:7b:8e:95:8c:e0:8a: b8:ad:51:c3:74:9f:e2:e7:ba:61:ee:1c:d8:f7:bc: 96:66:57:3a:01:36:1a:e1:e1:55:7e:f8:64:2e:c7: f5:d4:23:b1:42:3e:0b:61:1c:fb:fd:5f:06:f6:2f: 57:b7:81:1c:ff Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption a9:9a:e0:33:70:29:0a:9c:57:02:1a:80:c1:f1:c2:6e:6c:34: 3d:f3:3e:32:49:83:c8:b1:c6:21:d9:3c:84:d3:5d:17:ca:d6: fa:96:b0:37:e2:4d:95:08:b7:3e:1f:6c:4a:79:7d:83:5e:21: 43:5d:42:60:2f:2c:5d:61:f9:e8:82:97:82:9b:89:cb:a4:ae: 97:0c:26:df:39:76:15:a6:38:53:8f:7a:f5:6f:ed:d6:76:ae: a9:28:db:52:69:1c:e8:25:cf:7b:31:10:a1:49:2d:bb:91:eb: af:d3:e7:d0:6d:28:21:3c:d8:16:3b:7c:4e:c9:94:d2:ff:23: 4e:2a -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----MIIB9DCCAV2gAwIBAgIBfzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADBaMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVSzER MA8GA1UEChMIZVNjaWVuY2UxEzARBgNVBAsTCk1hbmNoZXN0ZXIxCzAJBgNVBAcT Ak1DMRYwFAYDVQQDEw1taWNoYWVsIGpvbmVzMB4XDTAzMDEwNTE2NDM0OFoXDTAz MDEwNjA0NDg0OFowajELMAkGA1UEBhMCVUsxETAPBgNVBAoTCGVTY2llbmNlMRMw EQYDVQQLEwpNYW5jaGVzdGVyMQswCQYDVQQHEwJNQzEWMBQGA1UEAxMNbWljaGFl bCBqb25lczEOMAwGA1UEAxMFcHJveHkwXDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAANLADBIAkEA mRa1/0v0kEh7jpWM4Iq4rVHDdJ/i57ph7hzY97yWZlc6ATYa4eFVfvhkLsf11COx Qj4LYRz7/V8G9i9Xt4Ec/wIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBAKma4DNwKQqc VwIagMHxwm5sND3zPjJJg8ixxiHZPITTXRfK1vqWsDfiTZUItz4fbEp5fYNeIUNd QmAvLF1h+eiCl4KbicukrpcMJt85dhWmOFOPevVv7dZ2rqko21JpHOglz3sxEKFJ LbuR66/T59BtKCE82BY7fE7JlNL/I04q -----END CERTIFICATE---------BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----MIIBOQIBAAJBAJkWtf9L9JBIe46VjOCKuK1Rw3Sf4ue6Ye4c2Pe8lmZXOgE2GuHh VX74ZC7H9dQjsUI+C2Ec+/1fBvYvV7eBHP8CAwEAAQJALQNWhDiLMpl9axFiGOvx HVU7SWFx0H0nKmJlEYLsHi73PAypPdQ1pdzHUC84YK2kMl2yZqkAnFig+FaZQcuC gQIhAMhBtmaTIjlZ2HkG7IQqogU2PzpprUjVrVc3uFI0agQfAiEAw7PPPLXfBvfK eya1JkImVwzLO+6LGlxdk1rH4PkuyyECICE6FgOrAhC2AZ8DMRc047EtsQwGIMRm /93q1uB85eJNAiBnXv3zKnnw20gXvr1mxQAtcPOU546QUQOYhxYXDmgaIQIgPmKJ 5LH+a0culVI0PnUvlEWawENIXZzHMuInQ0K0mMc= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY---------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----MIIFBDCCA+ygAwIBAgIBfzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADBwMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVSzER MA8GA1UEChMIZVNjaWVuY2UxEjAQBgNVBAsTCUF1dGhvcml0eTELMAkGA1UEAxMC Q0ExLTArBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWHmNhLW9wZXJhdG9yQGdyaWQtc3VwcG9ydC5hYy51 azAeFw0wMjEwMzExNTUwNTlaFw0wMzEwMzExNTUwNTlaMFoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVL MREwDwYDVQQKEwhlU2NpZW5jZTETMBEGA1UECxMKTWFuY2hlc3RlcjELMAkGA1UE BxMCTUMxFjAUBgNVBAMTDW1pY2hhZWwgam9uZXMwgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAD gY0AMIGJAoGBAMaW/Xrg+vHmQ53By3I44U5Ehtqniu2K/PNk2J69r858VTnNYXSo HW1gbmWR3CzCZID2+Ro8/tTSHFL6xkfqpk6Stckdk91IYVRAtReEP1xHSCkrg4LH 1q3TYF1tXfcIJRfSFOKOrzc75Dtj9zEktGZ4jgaTxo22/lB5Okr4WVg9AgMBAAGj ggJBMIICPTAJBgNVHRMEAjAAMBEGCWCGSAGG+EIBAQQEAwIFoDALBgNVHQ8EBAMC A+gwLAYJYIZIAYb4QgENBB8WHVVLIGUtU2NpZW5jZSBVc2VyIENlcnRpZmljYXRl MB0GA1UdDgQWBBS/AAJLOkWmuOtm5PLuymCduNGyDTCBmgYDVR0jBIGSMIGPgBQC OksRo5aAiw3TFSsIpY4w2rLaqKF0pHIwcDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVUsxETAPBgNVBAoT CGVTY2llbmNlMRIwEAYDVQQLEwlBdXRob3JpdHkxCzAJBgNVBAMTAkNBMS0wKwYJ KoZIhvcNAQkBFh5jYS1vcGVyYXRvckBncmlkLXN1cHBvcnQuYWMudWuCAQAwKQYD VR0SBCIwIIEeY2Etb3BlcmF0b3JAZ3JpZC1zdXBwb3J0LmFjLnVrMD0GCWCGSAGG +EIBBAQwFi5odHRwOi8vY2EuZ3JpZC1zdXBwb3J0LmFjLnVrL2NnaS1iaW4vaW1w b3J0Q1JMMD0GCWCGSAGG+EIBAwQwFi5odHRwOi8vY2EuZ3JpZC1zdXBwb3J0LmFj LnVrL2NnaS1iaW4vaW1wb3J0Q1JMMDwGCWCGSAGG+EIBBwQvFi1odHRwOi8vY2Eu Z3JpZC1zdXBwb3J0LmFjLnVrL2NnaS1iaW4vcmVuZXdVUkwwPwYDVR0fBDgwNjA0 oDKgMIYuaHR0cDovL2NhLmdyaWQtc3VwcG9ydC5hYy51ay9jZ2ktYmluL2ltcG9y dENSTDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFAAOCAQEAOh+BqBqD/ywPe7YeKocxE9nKnsGe5EK1 IlZ7AZgREymj2NI3gFisf0T3HroA9IvINAD/RCfCKlSLlemgAPg9YJLEmSty1Lfd eL3JSgHXFB082W9geyOQjtY6LUU5Xrz9bXd7Hs9DjOQFTBuR5bvaPc2dBWu+IbDo Q7JLTsRPa04jngPSA4YbRGhgQV1kri1S4n2bmWBxf0oAHl2dFFlPS9ea7uABPYc2 Fr8ks4T9YtHWIa479+HlUuzvaPRzTxtipvRHC2weKCNrJdOh9zf2VdaCfEmpHXFX 5rx0cZQN3/whYxZUyQ9RHHq/XO99KCNzZITr8rZSicpIeDHo3bmRPw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- Includes my certificate (the Issuer) Breaks x509 Standard Requires Subject-Issuer constraint grid-proxy-init [-cert cert.pem -key key.pem] Contains certificate chain from but excluding CA Contains unencrypted key $X509_USER_PROXY = /tmp/x509up_u`id -u` Has a short lifetime Proxy Certificates is read only to owner Limited Proxies on remote resources ~/.globus/.gass_cache grid-proxy-destroy Third Party data transfer Single Sign-on Authentication using GSI extension to GSS Delegation Authorisation using grid-mapfile Access to user level unix on remote machines you get: terminal, a home directory, a group, a quota, access to basic IP (firewall allowing), access to queues (depending on jobmanager and advertising), access to CPU-sets, etc. systems are notoriously heterogeneous (outside HEP they are very hetrogeneous) For stability could use Distributed Computing tools already available: http(s), afs? Acounting still at Research Group Level Currently records: Who, When and Which Job-manager Globus Security Need much more: for Cost and Legal (80-90% mallaous attacks come from within!) AA steps on a grid Host must identify itself to the grid (client or service) Users must recognise the host Users must identify themselves to the host The host must recognise the user's identity The host must allow the grid-user to become a local user /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem To Identify the host openssl pkcs12 -in hostcert.p12 -nokey -clcerts -out hostcert.pem /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem openssl pkcs12 -in hostcert.p12 -nodes -nocerts -out hostkey.pem Host Security Setup hostkey.pem must be readable to root only To identify the incoming grid-user /etc/grid-security/certificates/<hash>.0 /etc/grid-security/certificates/<hash>.r0 NB – We're actually not identifying the grid user. We're identifying that the incoming request has access to the grid-user's private-key/proxy-private-key /etc/grid-security/certificates/<hash>.signing_policy Host Setup Cont. /etc/grid-security/certificates/<hash>.crl_url (borrowed from EDG) Example of how to manage CRLS Download Unpack in /etc/grid-security/certificates read *.crl_url Download CRLs does this: Check type (convert to pem) and Verify CRL Makefile_crl does this: CRL Practical create symbolic link to <hash>.r0 Authorisation Globus uses grid-mapfile Akenti engine - Attribute certificate (+ ...) -> Capability Certificate CAS – Assersion in proxy from CAS Server + Community Authz VOM – Web portal for management + ..... VOMS – cf CAS, signed VOMS assersions added to proxy by client PERMIS – Role Based Access Control via X509 Attribute certificates Firewalls prevent attacks by blocking access: on specified ports/port-ranges Firewalls from/to certain servers $GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE On port 2222 or 22 GSIssh Security Can be configured with/without password authz on any port Host certificate (uses /etc/host[cert|key].pem) Server authenticates itself to client Client can (must in L2G) authenticate itself with a Grid certificate Same configuration files as openssh except GSS is Globus not Kerberos Safer that ssh in that there is trust – proxy trade-off (x)inetd listens port 2811 Data transfered not encrypted Accepts Limited proxies Based on wuftpd GSI authentication to both servers Notes on Third Party Transfer One server told to listen on certain port for connection from other GridFTP Security Other server told to connect on that port Can be setup with chroot Globus Gatekeeper Security (x)inetd listens on port 2119 GSI authentication grid-map authorisation Allows access to command shell GASS GASS server via gatekeeper GSI Authentication using limited proxies uses https for authentication and encryption however, is not compatible with normal https clients. Is run on demand under non-privileged account on random port. MyProxy port 7512 Allows full proxies to be created on a trusted server Proxies can be created by authentication with limited proxies to MyProxy server. Security of other services GSIklog/GSSklog client and daemon GSI to AFS server; AFS grid-mapfile; token via SSL; Accepts Limited Proxies ! Kx509 Kerberos Security wrapper to CA service ! GridCVS Globus GSS gserver ! Gridsite x509 certificates in web browsers with GACL ! Slashgrid (/grid) DN based file system using coda Best Practices Use firewall but allow ports for traffic " Do not store them on network file systems (ACLs are often forgotten) " Do not send them over the net (sniffed traffic can be cracked) " Keep private keys private Do not leave user certs in No DES format (buys time if private key is stolen) Always keep on top of advisories Keep map-files, CRLS and accounts up-to-date Useful GSI and Openssl Commands grid-cert-info -file cert.pem grid-proxy-info ! openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout XXXX where XXXX = -text | -subject | -hash | -modulus | ... ! openssl pkcs12 -in certkey.p12 P12 contains cert key and chain to CA openssl crl -CApath /etc/grid-security/certificates -inform PEM -verify -in crl.pem openssl rsa -in key.pem -modulus # *% $% ()& ' + ~oO FIN Oo~ 3 < < P ª ¨ < « ¬ » ´¼ ³µ º ¹º ± ¯´ ° Ä À ¹Ã ¼ ´¼ » ® ³µ ° º ³ ¹´µ ¶ µ ³¹ à ² »´ ¹À Â3°¯ µ ¶ µ »¯ ¾ ½ ¹´µ ± ³® ´ ³¶º ¯ ±° ´ ® ° ¯ ± µ· ¹Ç º 3¹º¸ » ® Á¯ ° ¯ ¼ ¶ ± µ· ¹ PÆ· ¹± Å ´ ® µÀ ®¿ ´ ©ª ¦ 3¨§ ¤8£ ¢ ¥ o ¡ < ¢ | x | x~ x |} {z xy w b `a _ ¼ ³® °± ´ µ ¹´µ ® ° ¯ ± µ· ¹Ç ´¼ ® ¯ ³¶º ± ´ ¾½ ³µ »¯ » º 3¹º¸ ? .-, 3241 0/ QW R [UX ^ U SN Q \Q O TR [ Q] \S Z YWZ XQ ;@ : ? D7= 9)875 6 24 <;=: E8? 8>6 2C5 4: B 2A= B 24 N QR U PWXV QU N <TS M OPN ³´ <¶µ ¯ ° ¯ °± <®¯­ · ² q kij LIK H JIKH GF fe 3hig m l 8vu nom ms q ip rm <ts im kp .dc CAS CAS-maintained community policy database Slide From globus Ticket Granting Ticket Ê É È Kerberos (1) [Session key, Time Stamp, Lifetime & ID] encrypted with password Work Station TGT Session key for comms. kinit I am m ike Key Cache TGT Session Key TGT Kerberos Server Password S AS essio n k Database ey Key Cache TGS Service Data Service Ticket Granting Ticket Work Station TGT Î Authenticator: encrypted [ID, IP, Time Stamp and (short) Time to Live] Service Ticket: [Service Key, ID, IP, Time Stamp & Lifetime] encrypted with service password kinit I am m ike Key Cache TGT Session Key Service Ticket + Service Key Service Request Authenticator TGT ID, IP & Service Au the Re nti que ca st tor [Session key, Time Stamp, Lifetime & ID] encrypted with password Service Request Ï Í Ì Ë Kerberos (2) Kerberos Server Password S AS essio n k Database ey Key Cache TGS ID, IP & Time Service Service Ticket Service Key Authenticator ID, IP & Time Service Ticket Data Service Ticket Authenticator Service Key Cache Kerberos steps 1 & 2 (AFS server is Kerberos Server) Directory Structures everything in /afs/realm/... Ó Based on AFS ACL Ô Groups or users can be given rlidwka Õ These apply to DIRECTORIES Ö New directories inherit parent directories' ACLs × Access Control File rights take unix owner's rights ie -rwxr-xr-x Ø Ò Ñ Ð AFS Watch out: $HOME/mail, $HOME/.globus, etc. PKI and Kerberos Ù Ú needs GSI Proxy certificate except no password is required lifetime dictated by minimum of proxy lifetime, server default and client request Ý (client may have to supply) User gets afs ticket æ å ä ã â Ü á gsiklog executable used in same way as klog dæmon on AFS server as afs system:administrator Server listens port 750 SSL connection using GSI afsgrid-mapfile Þ needs AFS client software Û à ß gsiklog and/or gssklog Client (user or user's grid job) Server (AFS eg If sucess service key and service ticket are sent through socket Reverse the process? kx509 Need kerberos TGT Work Station TGT Follow kinit route. Remember this? Service -> KCA kinit I am m ike Key Cache TGT Session Key Service Ticket + Service Key Service Request Authenticator TGT ID, IP & Service Au the Re nti que ca st tor ì ë ê é è ç Kerberos and PKI Kerberos Server Password S AS essio n k Database ey Key Cache TGS ID, IP & Time Service Service Ticket Service Key Authenticator ID, IP & Time Service Ticket Data Service Ticket Authenticator Service Key Cache Kerberos Server absorbes another service: KCA Client uses TGT Work Station gets server Ticket kinit get it signed like Proxy but not GSI I am m ike TGT Key Cache TGT Session Key Service Ticket + Service Key Cert Request Authenticator ID, IP & Service Au the Re nti que ca st tor ò send public key Recieve x509 Cert. ô ó TGT Use Server Ticket ñ ð ï î í Kerberos and PKI Kerberos Server Password S AS essio n k Database ey Key Cache TGS ID, IP & Time KCA Service Ticket Service Key Authenticator ID, IP & Time Service Ticket Service Ticket Authenticator x509 request x509 key Cert Store t r e c 9 0 5 x CA Key Cache