Grid Service Specification Steve Tuecke Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory OGSA Early Adopters Workshop, Argonne, May 29, 2002 Transient Service Instances z “Web services” address discovery & invocation of persistent services – Interface to persistent state of entire enterprise z In Grids, must also support transient service instances, created/destroyed dynamically – Interfaces to the states of distributed activities – E.g. workflow, video conf., dist. data analysis z Significant implications for how services are managed, named, discovered, and used – In fact, much of our work is concerned with the management of service instances Grid Services Specification of Protocols z The “Grid Service Specification” is a protocol specification – Only concerned with issues of how clients interact with a service – Promotes interoperable implementations > E.g. J2EE, .NET, Python, C, etc. z Hosting environment issues are out of scope – Will be addressed in other specifications > E.g. How to write a Grid service as an EJB. Grid Services Open Grid Services Architecture: Fundamental Structure 1) WSDL conventions and extensions for describing and structuring services – Useful independent of “Grid” computing 2) Standard WSDL interfaces & behaviors for core service activities – portTypes and operations => protocols – Define common patterns that occur repeatedly in Grid settings Grid Services WSDL Conventions & Extensions z portType (standard WSDL) – Define an interface: a set of related operations z serviceType (extensibility element) – List of port types: enables aggregation z serviceImplementation (extensibility element) – Represents actual code z service (standard WSDL) – instanceOf extension: map descr.->instance z compatibilityAssertion (extensibility element) – portType, serviceType, serviceImplementation Grid Services Service Description z z Describes how a client interacts with a service, independent of any particular service instance Primary purposes: – Discovery: find services of interest – Tooling: generate client proxies & server code z Any number of service instances may bind to a particular service description Grid Services Discovery z Discovery drove many details of the GS Spec z Examples: Find me a service that… – supports a particular set of operations. – can create a service that supports operations. – will respond as I expect to an op request. – I can use. – is currently suspended waiting for input. – has 10MB bandwidth tomy machine. – has 5ms latency to any copy of my database. – has various combinations of these… Grid Services Tooling z Standard WSDL has most of what is needed for code generation – Client proxies in various languages – Server skeletons z One missing bit: serviceType – WSDL <service> element is ambiguous about the relationship of its ports > Do you generate one class that is a union of the operations from all portTypes, or separate classes for each port Grid Services Capturing Semantics z z Service description obviously captures interface syntax But capturing semantic meaning is critical for discovery – Not only does the service accept an operation request with a particular signature – But it should also respond as expected > “As expected” is usually defined offline in specifications z Approach: name everything – Use names as basis for reasoning about semantics Grid Services Compatibility Assertions z One type of semantic reasoning is about compatibility between services – Just because two services implement the same operations, does not necessarily imply that they can be used interchangeably by a client z z Current approach: define compatibility relations between named parts of the service description But who is making the assertion? – Probably will move this out of WSDL, and into service data of compatibility services Grid Services Structure of a Grid Service service … Service Instantiation instanceOf service service instanceOf Service Description serviceImplementation instanceOf cA serviceType =Standard WSDL PortType cA = compatibilityAssertion Grid Services … … service instanceOf serviceImplementation cA PortType serviceType cA … … PortType serviceType Definition <gsdl:serviceType name=“nmtoken”> <wsdl:documentation .... />? <gsdl:portTypeList> <gsdl:documentation .... />? <gsdl:portTypeRef="qname"/>* </gsdl:portTypeList> <gsdl:compatibility statementName="qname"/>* <-- extensibility element --> * </gsdl:serviceType> Grid Services serviceImplementation Definition <gsdl:serviceImplementation name=“nmtoken” serviceType=“qname”> <wsdl:documentation .... />? <gsdl:compatibility statementName="qname"/>* <-- extensibility element --> * </gsdl:serviceType> Grid Services Standard Interfaces & Behaviors: Four Interrelated Concepts z Naming and bindings – Every service instance has a unique name, from which can discover supported bindings z Information model – Service data associated with Grid service instances, operations for accessing this info z Notification – Interfaces for registering interest and delivering notifications z Lifecycle – Service instances created by factories – Destroyed explicitly or via soft state Grid Services OGSA Interfaces and Operations Defined to Date z GridService Required z Factory – FindServiceData – Destroy – CreateService z PrimaryKey – SetTerminationTime z – FindByPrimaryKey – DestroyByPrimaryKey NotificationSource – SubscribeToNotificationTopic z Registry – UnsubscribeToNotificationTopic z – RegisterService NotificationSink – DeliverNotification – UnregisterService z HandleMap Authentication, reliability are binding properties Manageability, concurrency, etc., to be defined Grid Services – FindByHandle Composition of portTypes z z We are trying to define basic patterns of interaction, which can be combined with each other with custom patterns in a myriad of ways GS Spec focuses on: – Atomic, composable patterns in the form of portTypes and service data element types – A model for how these are composed z Actual serviceType definitions are left to other groups that are defining real services – More on this later… Grid Services Naming and Bindings z Every service instance has a unique and immutable name: Grid Service Handle (GSH) – Basically just a URL z Handle must be converted to a Grid Service Reference (GSR) to use service – Includes binding information; may expire – Separation of name from implementation facilitates service evolution z The HandleMap interface allows a client to map from a GSH to a GSR – Each service instance has home HandleMap Grid Services Observations on Handles z Names vs references vs handles – Handle is a special name that is known to the service z Perhaps not as special as we first thought – Maybe just another form of reference, which requires a particular type of resolver – Originally thought handle could be used for policy assertions about the service > But this only works if handle is an authenticated name z Should generalize the specification to allow for other handle/resolver techniques Grid Services Service Data z A Grid service instance maintains a set of service data elements – XML fragments encapsulated in standard <name, type, TTL-info> containers – Includes basic introspection information, interfacespecific data, and application data z FindServiceData operation (GridService interface) queries this information – Extensible query language support z See also notification interfaces – Allows notification of service existence and changes in service data Grid Services Why Service Data? z z Discovery often requires instance-specific, perhaps dynamic information Service data offers a general solution – Every service must support some common service data, and may support any additional service data desired – Not just meta-data, but also instance state z Part of the MDS-2 model contained in OGSA – Defines standard data model, and query op – Complements soft-state registration and notification Grid Services ServiceData Elements (new) <gsdl:serviceData name=“nmtoken”? globalName=”qname”? type=”qname” goodFrom="xsd:dateTime"? goodUntil="xsd:dateTime"? availableUntil=”xsd:dateTime”?> <-- extensibility element --> * </gsdl:serviceData> Grid Services ServiceData Attributes z z z z z z name: local name for this Grid service data element. globalName: A global name (i.e. QName) for this Grid service data element. type: The XML schema type of the element contained in the extensibility element goodFrom: Declares the time from which the value of the SDE carried in its extensibility element is said to be valid. This is typically the time at which the contained element was created or aggregated. goodUntil: Declares the time until which the value of the SDE carried in its extensibility elements is said to be valid. This value MUST be greater than the goodFrom time. availableUntil: Declares the time until which this named SDE is expected to be available. Prior to this time, a client SHOULD be able to query for an updated value of this SDE. This value MUST be greater than the goodFrom time. Grid Services ServiceData Example <gsdl:serviceData name=“foo” type=”n1:sometype” goodFrom="200204271020" goodUntil=”200204271120” availableUntil=”200204281020”> <n1:e1> <n1:e2> abc </n1:e2> <n1:e3 gsdl:goodUntil=”200204271030”> def </n1:e3> <n1:e4 gsdl:availableUntil=”200203272020”> ghi </n1:e4> </n1:e1> </gsdl:serviceData> Grid Services FindServiceData z Standard query operation against a service’s service data elements – Simple “by name” query language required – Can support Xpath, Xquery, etc. z Simple, extensible query operation – Not meant to be the end-all, be-all of query interfaces – Expect other groups to define query interfaces designed to handle other data types (e.g. relational), large responses (e.g. iterater-based interface), etc. Grid Services Static Service Data z In order to support rich discovery, we often want to annotate a WSDL serviceType with additional information – Meta-data and policies about service – What service data the service supports z Maybe support service data in WSDL – A serviceType can reference a set of service data elements – All static service data also available from instance via FindServiceData Grid Services Notification Interfaces z NotificationSource for client subscription – Persistent query against service data > Generates notification message, whose type is determined by the query > Filters, topics, etc. can be represented in query language > Supports messaging services, 3rd party filter services, … – Soft state subscription to a generator z z NotificationSink for asynchronous delivery of notification messages A wide variety of uses are possible – E.g. Dynamic discovery/registry services, monitoring, application error notification, … Grid Services Notification & FindServiceData z In current spec they are somewhat separate z They are being unified in new spec – Both are simply forms of query against the service data of an instance – FindServiceData is a simple query (pull) – Notification subscription is a persistent query, with asynchronous response (push) z Interesting open questions on what the subscription language should look like – How to define temporal aspects of query? Grid Services Notification Subscription Lifetime z Another planned change is to use normal service lifetime management approach to manage subscription lifetime – A subscription is just a factory operation, which creates a new services that represents the subscription state – SetTerminationTime & Destroy can be used to manage lifetime of that subscription – The service data of the subscription service contains information about the subscriptio Grid Services Lifetime Management z GS instances created by factory or manually; destroyed explicitly or via soft state – Negotiation of initial lifetime with a factory z GridService interface supports – Destroy operation for explicit destruction – SetTerminationTime operation for keepalive z Soft state lifetime management avoids – Explicit client teardown of complex state – Resource “leaks” in hosting environments Grid Services Lifetime Management Questions z z Should Destroy and SetTerminationTime be required operations? What are semantics of SetTerminationTime? – Contract between client and service, related to accounting? > Client is willing to keep paying for service until time X > Service will not charge for service after time Y Grid Services Factory z Factory interface’s CreateService operation creates a new Grid service instance – Reliable creation (once-and-only-once) > Is reliability part of service interface, or at binding level? z z z “Reliable messaging” vs “reliable invocation” CreateService operation can be extended to accept service-specific creation parameters Returns a Grid Service Handle (GSH) – A globally unique URL – Uniquely identifies the instance for all time – Based on name of a home handleMap service Grid Services Factories as Templates z Factories are under-specified in current spec – There is an extensibility argument that hides all the interesting input/output parameters > Good because it allow for generic clients > Bad because it hinders discovery z Two options: – Move to differently-named, fully-typed factory creation operations > Factories are just a concept (e.g. consider subscription) – Use service data to describe what a particular factory supports in its extensibility arguments > Single Factory portType which is basically a template Grid Services Factories and Virtualization z Consider a factory to create a given service – CreateService expects particular input args z GS interfaces permit various implementations, translucent to the client – Simple factory might create service within its own hosting environment – Factory might discover an appropriate resource to host the service, and delegate request to another factory – Factory may decompose request into multiple service creations, & create aggregating service Grid Services Registry z The Registry interface may be used to register Grid service instances with a registry – A set of Grid services can periodically register their GSHs into a registry service, to allow for discovery of services in that set – Just registration of existence, not of information z Registrations maintained in the service data of the registry service – Standard discovery mechanisms can then be used to discover registered services Grid Services Observations on Registry z Perhaps “Registration” is a better name than “Registry” – Not concerned with registry query – Just notification of existence z z Debating if registration should just fold into a notification subscription More on this later… Grid Services Example: Building Registries z Options for building registries… – Need for radically different query capabilities – Topology of services used for discovery > E.g hierarchical, p2p z Can illuminate important aspects of OGSA… – Composition of interfaces – Service data – Multiple protocol bindings Grid Services Architecting Registries z There is no single registry that can serve all purposes – A Virtual Organization (community) must architect registries that are appropriate to their needs z But there are common primitives that can be used to architect many different registries – Service data – Notification – Soft-state registration Grid Services Need for Different Queries z Need registries that can answer radically different queries – “Find me all Redhat Linux 7.2 machines which are available for my use with a load < 0.3.” > Requires a registry that can deal with dynamic information – “Find me both an available cluster and a one my project database servers with good network connectivity between them.” > Requires a registry that can join information from multiple services Grid Services Use of Service Data z A registry’s service data should be architected to support query requirements – Customized service data XML types – More powerful (e.g. Xpath, Xquery) or custom query languages z A registry is defined largely by its service data and query language Grid Services WS-Inspection z z Standard format for a list of services May be appropriate service data format for some registries <?xml version="1.0"?> <inspection xmlns=""> <service> <description referencedNamespace="" location="" /> </service> </inspection> Grid Services Discovery Topologies z GS patterns can be applied in various ways to build discovery topologies – Hierarchical with caching – Hierarchical with forwarding – Peer-to-peer mesh – Multicast/broadcast Grid Services Hierarchical with Caching z Soft-state registration up the tree – Various services in a VO are configured to send softstate registrations to registries – Registry services may be configured to send soft-state registrations to higher-level registries z FindServiceData & Subscription down the tree – Registry gathers information that it cares about from each registered service – Registry caches that information as its service data, with some refresh policy Grid Services Hierarchical with Forwarding z z Soft-state registration up the tree Forwards query & subscription down the tree – When registry receives query from client, it: > Queries lower level registries & services > Collects results, formats them appropriately > Replies to client query Grid Services Peer-to-peer Mesh z Each service also acts as a “registry” – It supports queries against service data that is appropriate for discovery z z Each service soft-state registers with a set of peers, to establish the mesh When queries, the service forwards the query to any services that are registered with it – Perhaps caches any subsequent responses Grid Services Multicast Discovery z Use a custom protocol binding for WSDL – E.g. SOAP over IP multicast z Option 1 – Registries subscribe to IP multicast channel – Clients send queries to IP multicast channel – Soft-state registration not used z Option 2 – Services send information via IP multicast channel to any listening registries > Does not use registration of existence, but of information – Client queries a registry using normal approach Grid Services The End