IMAGE Final programme Tuesday Sep 16th 12:00 Registration and lunch 13:00 Welcome – Malcolm Atkinson 13:10 Talks - Sofie Norager, European Commission, “The Vision of a HealthGrid” - Philip Papadopoulos, SDSC, “Trends and Gaps in the Emerging Middleware and the Impact on Handling Large Data” - Amarnath Gupta, SDSC, “Neuroimaging Databases: A Data Engineering Perspective” - Steve Pieper, Isomics Inc., “Brain Science meets Big Science: Grid Computing for Clinical Neuroscience Research” 15:15 Tea 15:45 Introductions to the workshop topics - Interactive Data Exploration and Visualisation - Image Mapping, Registration and Atlases - Image Analysis, Measurement and Query - Data Management, Transfer, Metadata, Ontologies and Provenance 16:45 Decide group membership 17:00 Talks - Goutham Edula, AstraZeneca, “Design considerations for a medical imaging grid” - Frederica Darema, NSF, “Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems: A new paradigm for applications/simulations and measurement methodology” 18:00 Close 19:30 Workshop dinner Wednesday Sep 17th 9:00 Talk(s) - Jeff Grethe, “Translating Imaging Science to the Emerging Grid Infrastructure” - Jason Swedlow, “OME: An Open Image Informatics Solution for Biological Microscopy” 10:00 Parallel working groups 11:00 Coffee 11:30 Working groups 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Initial reports from working groups - Scope of topics - Ideas for further development 15:30 Tea 16:00 Working groups 17:30 Close Thursday Sep 18th 9:00 Reports from working groups 11:00 Coffee 11:30 Discussion 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Working groups: initial work on a report of the workshop 15:00 Plans for future activity 16:00 Finish