UKLight Town Meeting 9th September 2004 National e-Science Centre 15 South College Street, Edinburgh Welcome , background and & programme for the day Peter Clarke University College London -> National e-Science Centre -> UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC The UK National Research & Education Network (NREN) today SuperJANET-4 10 Gbit/s backbone NNW T 1 - 2.5 Gbit/s access links UHI Network Clydenet FaTMAN T C&NL MAN C Glasgow Edinburgh Best efforts IP service Excellent service UKLight Town Meeting S NorMAN T YHMAN Warrington Connects all HE, FE institutes AbMAN EaStMAN T Leeds T MidMAN Reading London T EMMAN T EastNet Kentish MAN TVN Bristol Portsmouth South Wales S S MAN SWERN T LeNSE Northern Ireland T LMN S Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC International connectivity Via Geant 10 Gbit/s backbone 1 - 2.5 Gbit/s access links Best efforts IP Connects all European NRENS Provides connection to USA…. UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC …. Where will the next generation of networks go … # of users Picture from Cees DeLaat University of Amsterdam A C B Requirements A -> Lightweight users, browsing, mailing B -> Midrange users C -> Special scientific applications, computing, data grids UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC Total BW A B C Requirements A -> Need full Internet routing, many to many B -> Need some routing and some lower layer services. C -> Doesn’t need internet routing, Need very fat pipes, limited sites, few to few UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC Science drivers : Radio Astronomy Onsala Sweden Westerbork Netherlands Jodrell Bank UK JIVE Medicina Italy UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, Effelsberg Germany Torun Poland 09-Sept-2004 NeSC Science drivers : Condensed matter simulations Reality Grid performs massive simulations of complex molecular dynamics • Interconnection required of HPC machines in UK and USA • Requires “backplane like” network connections form few-tofew sites UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC Science drivers : Remote Instruments Japan USA Live streaming of HDTV from the world’s largest microscope in Osaka, Japan. The video data is streamed from Osaka to Chicago (EVL) while being controlled by project scientists in San Diego. UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC … a possible Network of the Future…. Router Routed IP Network Router “layer-2” split out of wavelength [e.g. Ethernet] Provides • Normal best effort IP network where appropriate • Extended “virtual LANs” where appropriate • Switched lightpaths where appropriate UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC GLIF: Global Lambda Integrated Facility GLIF is a collaborative initiative among worldwide NRENs and institutions to enable R&D for new ways of networking UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC GLIF: Global Lambda Integrated Facility GLIF is a collaborative initiative among worldwide NRENs and institutions to enable R&D for new ways of networking UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC UK is part of GLIF through UKLIGHT - a National Facility for Advanced Optical Networking - NorthernLi ght UKLight SunLight Czech Light CERN Pacific NW GigaPOP MANLAN UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC Access to UK institutes UKERNA have enabled a nationwide domestic R&D network in parallel with SupetJANET-4 NNW T UHI Network Clydenet FaTMAN T C&NL MAN C Glasgow Edinburgh S NorMAN T YHMAN Warrington Leeds T MidMAN Reading London T EMMAN T EastNet Kentish MAN TVN Bristol Portsmouth South Wales S S MAN SWERN T LeNSE Northern Ireland UKLight Town Meeting AbMAN EaStMAN T T LMN S Peter Clarke, London UKLight 09-Sept-2004 NeSC UKLight is - A pervasive R&D infrastructure - A new era in UK, giving the opportunity to think out of box Supported by key bodies: - HEFC, JISC, - EPSRC, PPARC, - Core e-Science programme - Managed by UKERNA UKLight is not - A production network - Extra capacity (not needed per se) - For anything which SJ4 can already do - Anything to do with 50% of “perceived network problems” UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC UKLight is for enablement of all research disciplines which can benefit – to allow them to pilot new ways of working The purpose of this meeting is to raise awareness to as wide a range of research disciplines as possible Programme for this meeting • Description of Infrastructure • Early adopted projects just (i) • Q&A • Examples of Projects from StarLight • Early adopter projects (ii) • Plans for a possible dark fibre infrastructure • Q&A - UKLight Town Meeting Peter Clarke, 09-Sept-2004 NeSC