Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre CCLRC DataPortal Glen Drinkwater and Rik Tyer 1 Background Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre • What is the DataPortal? • Making existing scientific data resources accessible through a single interface. • Acting as a broker between scientists, facilities and data. • Benefits • Repetition of experiments can be avoided. • Collaborations can be built by identifying that someone else is working in a similar area. • Data about a related material can be found and used to aid a new analysis. • Data can be reanalysed when better analysis tools becomes available 2 General Architecture Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre User Local metadata Local metadata Local metadata Local metadata Local metadata Local metadata Local metadata Local data Local Local data data Local data Local data Local data Local data Facility 1 FacilityFacility 1 1 Facility 1 Facility N Facility 2Facility 4 3 General Architecture Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre User XML wrapper Local metadata CCLRC DataPortal Server XML wrapper Local metadata Local data Local data Facility 2 Facility 1 4 The Architecture Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre • Previously, versions were written solely in Java 2 Enterprises Edition • Worked well. • Very stable and reliable. • But other services needed to use DataPortal's services. • I.e. the Shopping Cart, Data Transfer • A new architecture was needed • Modular Web Service based architecture. • Areas of functionalities was split into a web services. • E.g. Session Manager, Authentication. • Web Services. • Apache Axis was chosen as the SOAP Engine. • JSP/Servlets still provided presentation layer. 5 Core Modules Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre • Web Interface, Query and Reply, Lookup and Help. • Important function grouped into modules, each modules with a web service interface, interface description in WSDL and communicate via SOAP. 6 Additional Modules • • Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre Access Control, Authentication and Authorisation, Data Transfer and Shopping Cart Functions grouped into modules, each with web services interface, interface description in WSDL, communication via soap. These Modules could be shared or exchanged with their own implementation. 7 External Services Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre • XML-Wrapper, RasDaMan Insertion and Extraction, Specialised Search, HPCPortal, Visualisation Portal, SRB, other DataPortal Instances . • Other services that are linked with the DataPortal, but are not integral part of it. Registered with the Portal and accessible via web services interface. 8 Authentication Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre USER 5: getPermissions(SID) Session Manager Web Interface START: Login(name, passphrase, lifetime) MyProxy 4: return SID 1: get certificate(name, passphrase) START: Login(name, passphrase) OUTSIDE SERVICE Authentication 2: getUserPrivileges (certificate) Access & Control FACILITY A 3: startSession(certificate, permissions) Access & Control FACILITY B Set permissions in database for all facilities for duration of session Get permissions from database for facility A FACILITY A ACCESS & CONTROL DATABASE Session Manager FACILITY B ACCESS & CONTROL DATABASE SESSION MANAGER DATABASE 9 Basic Search Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre 10 Basic Search Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre User START: basic query (list of facilities, discipline) Web Interface FINISH: XML results in CLRC scientific metadata format 1: getPermissions(SID) Session Manager FINISH: XML results in CLRC scientific metadata format OUTSIDE SERVICE Query & Reply 2: getXML (discipline) XML Wrapper FACILITY A 2: getXML (discipline) XML Wrapper FACILITY B SQL selects FACILITY A metadata archive FACILITY B metadata archive 11 Basic results page Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre 12 More results Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre 13 Shopping Cart Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre USER START: Add item to Shopping Cart FINISH: success/fail Web Interface 1: addToCart(SID, item) 4: success/fail 2: getCert(SID) Session Manager Shopping Cart 3: add item to database (DN, item) SHOPPING CART database 14 Shopping Cart Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre 15 HPC Portal Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre • Another CCLRC e-Science Centre project to develop a Web portal to search for resources and submit HPC applications to a computational Grid in the UK. • Uses Globus toolkit v2.2 • Functionalities include: • Resource Management: GRAM. • Information Services: MDS. • Data Management: GridFTP and GASS. • All use GSI security protocol as the connection layer. 16 Signal Sign on Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre • How do you have signal sign on? • Both HPC and DataPortal have their own Session Managers which rely on Globus Proxy Certificates. • Integrated session managers communicate over SSL using mutual authentication between the web servers. • Allows certificates to be a transferred between portals allowing single sign on. • The certificate can then be used for GSI authentication. 17 Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 Single Sign on e-Science Centre FINISH: User is sent to HPC front page to use its services USER START: Log on to DataPortal then to HPC Portal 3: LoginHPC(SID) DataPortal 1: Login(username,password,lifetime) Via Authentication Module HPC Portal 2: Dataportal SID 7: YES! 4: isValid(SID) 6: Certificate Dataportal Session Manager HPC Session Manager 5: RequestCert(SID) 18 Scenario Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre • User logs on to DataPortal and searches for data. • The data found is added to the persistent shopping cart. • The user could then transfer the data to another machine using GSI FTP, either using the DataPortal or the HPC Portal. • Using single sign on, the user could then go directly to the HPC, and the use a remote job run on the data that they have just transferred and using GSIFTP, transfer the results back to their machine for analysis. 19 Portal Workshop 16th July 2003 e-Science Centre Any questions?? 20