Theory Summary Patricia Ball IPPP, Durham 1st LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Jan 12 2007 Flavour in the era of the LHC 1st LHCb Upgrade Workshop Edinburgh, Jan 11-12 2007 Michelangelo L. Mangano Theoretical Physics Unit Physics Department CERN, Geneva Patricia Ball – p.1/28 What is Òßavour physicsÓ ? ¥ In the SM, ßavour is what deals with the fermion sector (family replicas, spectra and mixings): ¥ ¥ all ßavour phenomena are encoded in the fermion Yukawa matrices. Beyond the SM, ÒßavourÓ phenomena cover a wider landscape. E.g. ¥ ¥ ¥ Flavour changing processes, both with !Q=1 and !Q=0, can be mediated by ¥ gauge-sector particles, like charged higgses, gauginos, new gauge bosons, or by ¥ SUSY scalar partners New sources of CP violation (phases in gluino, Higgs, etc. couplings) New ßavours may exist in the form of new generations, exotic partners of standard quarks (e.g. Kaluza Klein excitations, mirror 3 Patricia Ball – p.2/28 EWSB and ßavour ¥ EWSB is intimately related to ßavour: ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ No EWSB fermions degenerate Why mtop = g/!2 mW ( no visible ßavour effect ytop = 1) ? In most EWSB models ßavour plays a key role. E.g.: ¥ ¥ ¥ Technicolor: killed by too large FCNC? ¥ Little Higgs theories Supersymmetry: large value of top mass drives radiative EWSB In several extra-dim models the structure of extra dimensions -driven by the need to explain the hierarchy problem of EWSB -determines the fermionic mass spectrum top quark partners, mirror fermions, ... The large top mass is responsible for the Òsmall hierarchyÓ problem ..... 4 Patricia Ball – p.3/28 Where does Flavour Violation come from? Origin in SM: Yukawa interactions: LSM = LG (ψ, W, φ) | {z } + kinetic energy + gauge IA Higgs potential → spontaneous symmetry breaking | {z | {z } gauge sector LH (φ) | {z } + LY (ψ, φ) | {z } Yukawa IA → fermion masses } scalar sector And flavour violation beyond the SM? Parametrize by effective operators in effective field theory! Patricia Ball – p.4/28 New Physics in Heavy Flavours LHCb Upgrade Workshop Edinburgh – January 11, 2007 Yossi Nir (Weizmann Institute of Science) Patricia Ball – p.5/28 Theory Motivation at the LHC Era The NP CP/Flavor Problem 1 2 • m2H ∼ (m2H )tree + 16π 2 ΛNP To avoid fine-tuning of the Higgs mass, ΛNP < ∼ 4πmW ∼ 1 T eV . ¯ d¯ • LNP ∼ Λ21 sds NP To avoid too large contributions to εK and to ∆mK,D,B , 3−4 ΛNP > 10 T eV . ∼ New Physics at the TeV scale must have a very non-generic flavor and CP structure Patricia Ball – p.6/28 Theory Motivation at the LHC Era The NP CP/Flavor Problem 1 2 • m2H ∼ (m2H )tree + 16π 2 ΛNP To avoid fine-tuning of the Higgs mass, ΛNP < ∼ 4πmW ∼ 1 T eV . ¯ d¯ • LNP ∼ Λ21 sds NP To avoid too large contributions to εK and to ∆mK,D,B , 3−4 ΛNP > 10 T eV . ∼ This also whatatMFV about – butmust with ahave restricted NewisPhysics the isTeV scale a set of operators and size of couplings. very non-generic flavor and CP structure Patricia Ball – p.7/28 Closed Questions Conclusions (I) Current Status of CKM Picture • The KM phase is different from zero (SM violates CP) • The KM mechanism is the dominant source of the CP violation observed in meson decays 0 • The size and the phase of NP contributions to B 0 − B mixing and to Bs − B s mixing are severely constrained • Complete alternatives to the KM mechanism are excluded (Superweak, Approximate CP) • No evidence for corrections to CKM Patricia Ball – p.8/28 Hints in present data Is there NP in b → s transitions? Theory motivation: SUSY as an example • U(1) models Naive estimate: δsR bR ∼ (ms /mb )/Vcb ∼ 1 The only FC coupling expected to be of order one • GUT models δsR bR related to Uµ3 = O(1) RGE effects enhance δsR bR Experimental motivation: ∆Sf ≡ −ηf Sf − SψKS • ∆Sf (b → s) = O(0.1) not excluded A hint for ∆Sf (b → s) = O(0.1)? Patricia Ball – p.9/28 Exclusive b → s Transitions at the LHC Patricia Ball IPPP, Durham 1st LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Jan 11 2007 Patricia Ball – p.10/28 Observables B → K ∗γ branching ratio isospin asymmetry CP asymmetry B → K ∗ `+ `− branching ratio forward-backward asymmetry helicity/transversity amplitudes (partially integrated over invariant lepton mass) Bs → ` + ` − branching ratio Patricia Ball – p.11/28 B → K ∗ `+ `− Patricia Ball – p.12/28 Spin Amplitudes B 0 → K ∗0 (→ K − π + )`+ `− : differential distribution: d4 Γ ∝ I(s, θl , θK ∗ , φ)dsd cos θl d cos θK ∗ dφ depends on 4 spin amplitudes: A⊥ , A k , A 0 , A t Patricia Ball O – p.13/28 Spin Amplitudes Can construct various observables: e.g. forward-backward asymmetry AF B and −2Re(Ak A∗⊥ ) (2) |A2⊥ | − |Ak |2 (1) transverse asymmetries: AT (s) = , AT (s) = 2 . 2 2 2 |Ak | + |A⊥ | |Ak | + |A⊥ | Patricia Ball O – p.13/28 Spin Amplitudes To what accuracy can these amplitudes be measured at LHCb/upgrade? Patricia Ball – p.13/28 Theory Framework (Beneke/Feldmann/Seidel 01/04) similar to B → K ∗ γ : QCD factorisation, include non-factorisable radiative corrections only valid to leading order in 1/mb and for small q 2 : otherwise, QCD factorisation breaks down charm resonances cause amplitude to diverge for q 2 → 4m2c ; restrict calculations to q 2 < 3m2c ≈ 6 GeV2 position of zero of AF B shifted upon LO → NLO Patricia Ball – p.14/28 ! " 5 FB Asymmetry in B → K ∗`` resonances 4 0.4 purely SD contrib. 3 MIA (C 7>0, C10>0) 0.2 MIA (C 7<0, C10>0) SUGRA SUGRA (C 7 <0) MIA (C 7<0) -0.2 1 SM+FF uncertainties 15 20 0 2 4 6 10 8 # & ' %$ 5 SUGRA, MIA (C 7>0) -0.4 0 0 SM *)( 2 0 MIA part of hadronic uncertainties cancels in FB asymmetry Patricia Ball – p.15/28 Specific NP Example Spin-Flipped Currents in SUSY (Lunghi/Matias 06) NP via new operator O70 ∝ s̄σµν PL bF µν (SM has O7 ∝ s̄σµν PR bF µν ) NP ↔ gluino-squark loops (1,2) integrated transverse asymmetries AT not very sensitive to hadronic form factors and NLO QCD factorisation corrections 4.5 1 4.25 Patricia Ball 4 0.5 3.75 0.25 AT 1,2 BR HB -> Xs ΓL ´ 104 0.75 AT 1 3.5 3.25 0 -0.25 3 -0.5 2.75 -0.75 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Ceff7' HΜb L AT 2 NLO -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 Ceff7' HΜb L 0.2 – p.16/28 Summary & Prospects exclusive b → sγ, µ+ µ− very versatile NP discovery/constraints channel for LHCb good (theory-robust) observables: isospin and CP asymmetry in B → K ∗ γ foward-backward asymmetry in B → K ∗ `+ `− transversity asymmetries homework for theorists: form factors (this appears to be a time-invariant statement. . . ) include effect of charm loops question to experimentalists: measurement of spin/helicity amplitudes in B → K ∗ `+ `− ? Patricia Ball – p.17/28 Introduction Target Simulation Cost of the Simulations B-Physics Conclusions Prospects for Lattice Phenomenology Chris Sachrajda School of Physics and Astronomy University of Southampton Southampton UK 1st LHCb Collaboration Upgrade Workshop Edinburgh, January 11 – 12 2007 Lattice Phenomenology Patricia Ball LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh, January 11th 2007 – p.18/28 Introduction Target Simulation Cost of the Simulations B-Physics Conclusions Outline of Talk In this talk I ask the question Will we be able calculate hadronic parameters with a 1% precision by 2015? 1. Introduction 2. Required Parameters for 1% Precision. 3. Scaling Laws and Costs of Simulations. 4. B-Physics. 5. Conclusions. I have made extensive use of 1. V.Lubicz – CKM Fit and Lattice QCD, presented at SuperB IV, Monte Porzio Catone, 2006. 2. S.Sharpe – Weak Decays of Light Hadrons, presented at Lattice QCD, Present and Future, Orsay, 2004. Lattice Phenomenology Patricia Ball LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh, January 11th 2007 – p.19/28 Introduction Target Simulation Cost of the Simulations B-Physics Conclusions 3. Cost of the Simulations At the 2001 Lattice Conference in Berlin, Ukawa presented an estimate of the CPU cost of generating 100 independent configurations for Nf = 2, O(a) improved Wilson quarks on a L3 × 2L lattice: 5 0.2 m̂/ms 3 L 3 fm 5 0.1 fm a 7 TFlops-Years . This has become known as the Berlin Wall. Cost @TFlops-YearD 2 L = 2.5 fm, 1.5 a = 0.08 fm, 1 V = 323 × 64 . 0.5 0.1 Lattice Phenomenology Patricia Ball 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mms LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh, January 11th 2007 – p.20/28 Introduction Target Simulation Cost of the Simulations B-Physics Conclusions Cost of the Simulation – Cont. The CERN Group using the DD-HMC algorithm find that the corresponding cost is 5 6 1 0.2 L 0.1 fm .05 TFlops-Years . m̂/ms 3 fm a L.Del Debbio et al., [hep-lat/0610059] This is a huge improvement on the Berlin Wall: 0.2 3 L 5 0.1 fm 7 5 TFlops-Years . m̂/ms 3 fm a Cost @TFlops-YearD 2 L = 2.5 fm, 1.5 a = 0.08 fm, 1 V = 323 × 64 . 0.5 0.1 Lattice Phenomenology Patricia Ball 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mms LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh, January 11th 2007 – p.21/28 Introduction Target Simulation Cost of the Simulations B-Physics Conclusions Estimates of Lattice Errors in 2015 V.Lubicz Measured Quantity CKM Matrix Element Hadronic Matrix Element Current Error Estimated Error in 2015 K → π `ν |Vus | fK+π (0) 0.9% <0.1% εK B → `ν 2 Im Vtd |Vub | 22% on 1 − fK+π (0) 2.4% on 1 − fK+π (0) 11% 14% 1% 1-2% 14% 1-2% ∆md /∆ms |Vtd /Vts | 5% 0.5-0.8% 25% on ξ − 1 3–4% on ξ − 1 4% 0.5% 40% on 1 − F 5% on 1 − F 11% 2–3% 13% 3–4% ∆md ξ B → D/D∗ `ν |Vcb | FB→D/D∗ `ν B → π /ρ `ν |Vub | fB+π , · · · B → K ∗ /ρ (γ , `+ `− ) Lattice Phenomenology Patricia Ball |Vtd | BK fB p fBd BBd |Vtd /Vts | T1 LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh, January 11th 2007 – p.22/28 Introduction Target Simulation Cost of the Simulations B-Physics Conclusions 5. Summary and Conclusions Access to PFlops CPU power + current knowledge and techniques ⇒ O(1%) precision on hadronic parameters. It is likely that further theoretical and technical improvements will improve the precision still further. For B-Decays into two-hadron states (or states with a higher numbers of hadrons) we need new ideas before we can formulate the problem of the numerical evaluation of the amplitudes. Lattice Phenomenology Patricia Ball LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh, January 11th 2007 – p.23/28 New Physics in Heavy Flavours LHCb Upgrade Workshop Edinburgh – January 11, 2007 Yossi Nir (Weizmann Institute of Science) Patricia Ball – p.24/28 Concluding Accurate dataQuestions base Is there new flavor physics? A worthy goal: better than 1% precision on flavor physics • Alternatives to CKM: O(1) effects - excluded by present data • Subdominant new sources of flavor/CP violation: O(10%) effects explored at present (hints for b → s?) • Minimal Flavor Violation: O(m2W /Λ2NP ) ∼ 1% effects Where is theory better than 1%? SψKS ... • Measure γ via B → DK modes • Measure/improve B, ACP , AFB for B → Xs γ and B → Xs `+ `− • Measure KL → πν ν̄ Patricia Ball – p.25/28 Open questions Conclusions • The O(1) questions have been answered The O(0.1) questions are being explored The O(0.01) questions pose a worthy goal • Corrections to CKM are possible • Charm (and top?) may provide NP surprises a K + K − , aπ + π − • b → s has always been a suspect improved accuracy can reveal NP • γ from B → DK can stregthen our tests • There is still much to be learned from flavor/CP physics Patricia Ball – p.26/28 For your info. . . Patricia Ball – p.27/28 UK HEP FORUM: Heavy Flavour Physics Cosener’s House, Abingdon on Thames June 21-22nd, 2007 Heavy flavour and new physics B decays in BSM scenarios Benchmarks and Tools Future experiments/facilities Organizing committee: Patricia Ball Francesca Di Lodovico Bill Murray Steve Playfer Stefania Ricciardi Chris Sachrajda Secreteriat: Registration: Patricia Ball – p.28/28