Exclusive b → s Transitions at the LHC Patricia Ball IPPP, Durham 1st LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Jan 11 2007 Why b → s? b → sγ & b → s`+ `− are FCNC processes: not allowed at tree level in the SM in the SM, FNCN processes governed by GIM mechanism, induces sensitivity to higher scales (mt , mW ) and CKM elements, in particular Vts , Vtb (and Vtd for b → d transitions) FCNC processes sensitive to physics beyond the SM, and BSM amplitudes (possibly) comparable to those of SM BSM models studied in literature: MSSM (of course!) (with and without R parity), (universal) extra dimensions, left-right symmetric model, model with 4 quark generations. . . inclusive ↔ exclusive processes: exclusive wins at the LHC. . . Patricia Ball – p.1/21 Observables B → K ∗γ branching ratio isospin asymmetry CP asymmetry B → K ∗ `+ `− branching ratio forward-backward asymmetry helicity/transversity amplitudes (partially integrated over invariant lepton mass) Bs → ` + ` − branching ratio Patricia Ball – p.2/21 B → K ∗γ Patricia Ball – p.3/21 Theory Framework naive factorisation: A(B → V γ) = hV γ|Heff |Bi ∝ T1B→V (0) QCD factorisation: A(B → V γ) = (Bosch/Buchalla 01) 8 X X λU Ci hV γ|QU i |Bi i=1 U =u,c hV γ|QU i |Bi = T1B→V (0) TiI + Z 1 0 dξ du TiII (ξ, u) φB (ξ) φ⊥ 2;V (u) · e λU : CKM factors Ci , TiI,II : perturbative QCD quantities T1 , φ B , φ ⊥ 2;V : non-perturbative QCD quantities QCD factorisation formula valid to leading order in 1/mb Patricia Ball – p.4/21 Theory Framework Contributions at O(1/mb ): b b D D B V q B V q (a) q (b) weak annihilation soft gluon emission can be treated in QCDF beyond QCDF, new method developed by Ball/Jones/Zwicky 06 relevant for B(B → ργ) and isospin asymmetries long-distance photon emission, beyond QCDF, relevant for B(B ± → ρ± γ) Patricia Ball relevant for B(B → V γ) and time-dependent CP asymmetry – p.5/21 Status of Branching Ratio inclusive: (Misiak et al. 06) Bexp (B → Xs γ)|Eγ >1.6 GeV = (3.55 ± 0.26) × 10−4 Bth (B → Xs γ)|Eγ >1.6 GeV = (3.15 ± 0.23) × 10−4 exclusive: (Ball et al. 06) Bexp (B − → K ∗− γ) = (40.3 ± 2.6) × 10−6 Bth (B − → K ∗− γ) = (54.2 ± 13.2 (form factor) ± 6.7) × 10−6 space for some, but not much new physics (in Wilson coefficient C7 or from new operators) spin-flipped amplitudes (γR instead of γL ) not strongly constrained as L/R amplitudes add incoherently Patricia Ball – p.6/21 Isospin Asymmetry 0 ∗0 ± ∗± Γ( B̄ → K γ) − Γ(B → K γ) ∗ AI (K ) = Γ(B̄ 0 → K ∗0 γ) + Γ(B ± → K ∗± γ) (Kagan/Neubert 2002) AI (K ∗ ) AI (K ∗ ) = (5.4 ± 1.0(µ) ± 0.6(NLO ↔ LO) ± 0.6(fB ) ± 0.6(other))% = (5.4 ± 1.4)% (Ball/Jones/Zwicky 06) 12. 10. r = a6 /aSM 6 8. 6. a6 = C5 + C6 /3 4. 2. Sensitive to penguin operators! 0. 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 r Patricia Ball – p.7/21 Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry (Atwood/Gronau/Soni 97, Grinstein/Pirjol 05, Ball/Zwicky 06) b → sγ is actually either bR → sL γL (with, in the SM, a helicity factor mb ) or bL → sR γR (with, in the SM, a helicity factor ms ): γ dominantly left-polarised, γR suppressed by ms /mb entails a small time-dependent CP asymmetry (interference of γL /γR amplitudes): Γ(B̄ 0 (t) → K̄ ∗0 γ) − Γ(B 0 (t) → K ∗0 γ) ACP = Γ(B̄ 0 (t) → K̄ ∗0 γ) + Γ(B 0 (t) → K ∗0 γ) = −(2.2 ± 1.5+1 −0 )% ms ≈ −2 sin(2β) sin(∆mB t) mb (K ∗ , K̄ ∗ observed as CP eigenstate KS π ) helicity suppression removed by NP if spin flip can occur on virtual line (e.g. left-right symmetric model, MSSM) Patricia Ball O – p.8/21 Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry (Atwood/Gronau/Soni 97, Grinstein/Pirjol 05, Ball/Zwicky 06) Not for LHCb!? Patricia Ball – p.8/21 Theory Prospects for 2010 small improvement of inclusive theory error (dominated at present by non-perturbative effects) improvement of exclusive theory error requires input from lattice calculations (unquenched) — planned improvement of prediction for isospin asymmetry requires including radiative corrections — can be done, given enough manpower Patricia Ball – p.9/21 B → K ∗ `+ `− Patricia Ball – p.10/21 Observables B(B → Xs`+` ) HFAG August 2006 π`+ `− π 0 `+ `− π + `+ `− CLE O Belle BABA R PDG2006 New A vg. + − Kl l Kµ +µ− NP extraction from B(B → K ∗ `+ `− ) hampered by hadronic (form factor) uncertainties better consider ratios: Γ(B → Kµ+ µ− ) R= = 1.0000 ± 0.0001 + − Γ(B → Ke e ) Ke+ e− K 0 e+ e− K + µ+ µ − K 0 µ+ µ− (Hiller/Krüger 04) K + e+ e− + − ∗ K (892)l l enhanced by large tan β K ∗ (892)µ+ µ− K ∗ (892)0 µ+ µ− or asymmetries: K ∗ (892)+ µ+ µ− K ∗ (892)e+ e− forward-backward asymmetry AF B K ∗ (892)0 e+ e− K ∗ (892)+ e+ e− has a zero in SM, position largely independent of form factors sl+ l− sµ+ µ− se+ e− transverse asymmetries 0.0 Patricia Ball 5.0 Branching Ratio x 106 10.0 – p.11/21 Spin Amplitudes B 0 → K ∗0 (→ K − π + )`+ `− : differential distribution: d4 Γ ∝ I(s, θl , θK ∗ , φ)dsd cos θl d cos θK ∗ dφ depends on 4 spin amplitudes: A⊥ , A k , A 0 , A t Patricia Ball O – p.12/21 Spin Amplitudes Can construct various observables: e.g. forward-backward asymmetry AF B and −2Re(Ak A∗⊥ ) (2) |A2⊥ | − |Ak |2 (1) transverse asymmetries: AT (s) = , AT (s) = 2 . 2 2 2 |Ak | + |A⊥ | |Ak | + |A⊥ | Patricia Ball O – p.12/21 Spin Amplitudes To what accuracy can these amplitudes be measured at LHCb/upgrade? Patricia Ball – p.12/21 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 -0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 0 1.4 b) a) 1.2 1 FL A FB Current Experimental Status of Asymmetries 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 4 6 0 0 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 q 2 (GeV /c 4 ) AFB (bkg-sub) FB Asymmetry, BaBar 06 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 q 2 (GeV /c 4 ) Longitudinal polarisation fraction 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 q 18 20 2 GeV /c 2 FB Asymmetry, Belle 06 Patricia Ball – p.13/21 Theory Framework (Beneke/Feldmann/Seidel 01/04) similar to B → K ∗ γ : QCD factorisation, include non-factorisable radiative corrections only valid to leading order in 1/mb and for small q 2 : otherwise, QCD factorisation breaks down charm resonances cause amplitude to diverge for q 2 → 4m2c ; restrict calculations to q 2 < 3m2c ≈ 6 GeV2 position of zero of AF B shifted upon LO → NLO Patricia Ball – p.14/21 Theory Homework most analyses leading order in 1/mb & use heavy-quark-symmetry relations between form factors (Beneke/Feldmann/Seidel 01/04, Ali/Kramer/Zhu 06) subleading form factor effects? 2 form factors in QCDF, 7 in full QCD charm loop corrections ∼ ΛQCD mb /m2c — not included treat as in B → V γ ? Consistent treatment of all b → s using the same theory input? Patricia Ball – p.15/21 Spin-Flipped Currents in SUSY (Lunghi/Matias 06) NP via new operator O70 ∝ s̄σµν PL bF µν (SM has O7 ∝ s̄σµν PR bF µν ) NP ↔ gluino-squark loops (1,2) integrated transverse asymmetries AT not very sensitive to hadronic form factors and NLO QCD factorisation corrections Patricia Ball 1 4.25 0.75 4 0.5 3.75 0.25 AT 1,2 BR HB -> Xs ΓL ´ 104 4.5 3.5 0 3.25 -0.25 3 -0.5 2.75 -0.75 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Ceff7' HΜb L AT 1 AT 2 NLO -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 Ceff7' HΜb L 0.2 – p.16/21 ! " 5 FB Asymmetry in B → K ∗`` resonances 4 0.4 purely SD contrib. 3 MIA (C 7>0, C10>0) 0.2 MIA (C 7<0, C10>0) SUGRA SUGRA (C 7 <0) MIA (C 7<0) -0.2 1 SM+FF uncertainties 15 20 0 2 4 6 10 8 # & ' %$ 5 SUGRA, MIA (C 7>0) -0.4 0 0 SM *)( 2 0 MIA part of hadronic uncertainties cancels in FB asymmetry Patricia Ball – p.17/21 FB Asymmetry in B → K ∗`` Belle data (presented by J. Berryhill (BaBar), Moriond 06): Patricia Ball O – p.18/21 FB Asymmetry in B → K ∗`` Belle data (presented by J. Berryhill (BaBar), Moriond 06): The fitted values for A7,9,10 may actually be wrong: QCD factorisation does not work at large q 2 (1/mb exansion breaks down). Better to rely on data at small q 2 < 8 GeV2 only, where theory is under better control. Patricia Ball O – p.18/21 FB Asymmetry in B → K ∗`` Belle data (presented by J. Berryhill (BaBar), Moriond 06): In any case, a reanalysis using recent form factor updates and a clean separation of leading and sub-leading (in 1/mb ) terms would be timely & useful. (Ball/NN/Zwicky, planned) Patricia Ball – p.18/21 Bs → µ + µ − Patricia Ball – p.19/21 Bs → µ + µ − GIM and helicity suppressed in SM, predicted BR: 4 × 10−9 current experimental bound: 8 × 10−8 (CDF) SUSY Higgs penguins enhance BR with tan6 β (Dedes 03) Patricia Ball O – p.20/21 Bs → µ + µ − GIM and helicity suppressed in SM, predicted BR: 4 × 10−9 current experimental bound: 8 × 10−8 (CDF) SUSY Higgs penguins enhance BR with tan6 β 2006 bound Still a factor of 20 for NP to hide! (Dedes 03) Patricia Ball heavy Higgs O – p.20/21 Bs → µ + µ − GIM and helicity suppressed in SM, predicted BR: 4 × 10−9 current experimental bound: 8 × 10−8 (CDF) SUSY Higgs penguins enhance BR with tan6 β The ultimate Higgs penguin: Bs → eµ: Higgs induced FCNC + Higgs mediated lepton flavour violation! Current bound on BR: 6 × 10−6 (CDF). Patricia Ball – p.20/21 Summary & Prospects exclusive b → sγ, µ+ µ− very versatile NP discovery/constraints channel for LHCb good (theory-robust) observables: isospin and CP asymmetry in B → K ∗ γ foward-backward asymmetry in B → K ∗ `+ `− transversity asymmetries homework for theorists: form factors (this appears to be a time-invariant statement. . . ) include effect of charm loops question to experimentalists: measurement of spin/helicity amplitudes in B → K ∗ `+ `− ? Patricia Ball – p.21/21